The majority of viewers who watched Donald Trump’s speech to the Republican National Convention on Thursday night said it made them more likely to vote for him in November, according to a CNN/ORC instant poll.
The poll found that 56% of speech viewers were more likely to vote for the New York businessman after seeing him formally accept the Republican nomination.
32% of viewers said his speech had little effect on them, and 10% said it made them less likely to cast their vote for Trump in November.
Overall, 57% of viewers said they had a “very positive” reaction to Trump’s speech. Meanwhile, 18% said they were “somewhat positive” and 24% said it had a “negative effect.”I have to say that this poll surprised me, considering every media outlet I watched (with the exception of Fox News) was talking down the speech. On CNN, out of the eight or so "panelist" only one seemed to be defending the speech. In a country this divided, where these two candidates are within a couple of percentage points of each other, how does a network (which claims to be neutral) not find at least three or four panelists who are not predisposed to not like anything Trump does. Moreover, two of the people were so anti-Trump that they were literally cursing and raising their voice in objection, one who dishonestly claimed he was coming in "open minded".
keep in mind that this was almost violent objection to a speech that 75% of the public actually found positive. That tells me that they are actually upset, because they believe it may have been effective.
Now, there is no question in my mind that the people who missed the speech, and only listened to the media reaction will think it was a different speech than what was given. Of course, that really is the point, right?