" ROCK STAR: Talk radio host Laura Ingraham blasted reporters as much as she clobbered Hillary Clinton in her Republican convention speech Wednesday, drawing deafening applause
Later Ingraham brought the convention to its feet – and earned the week's loudest and longest sustained applause – by chastising the hundreds of reporters gathered in Cleveland to hear a night of speeches."
She is a Rock Star , a strong woman that is very bright, a lawyer by education , she is lovely to boot.
What fake story will the Liberal Press be passing around today about Ms. Ingraham?
I simply don't believe that the government can bring a federal crime without first proving malicious intent. I heard that somewhere recently. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
granny the angry, drunken liar has set the precedent that all others will enjoy in the future.
Blogger Commonsense said... Even if there was malicious intent there are serious constitutional issues. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
I just think that when it comes to "legal" issues... that the Democrats would be better off leaving sleeping dogs lie.
You don't want invite the comparison between possible SEC filing issues regarding a speechwriter with mishandling classified National security documents. Anyone who would disqualify someone for the former and not the latter is obviously suffering from brain damage.
James - to be clear, I could simply wipe out "all" of your comments without too much effort and time.
If you haven't figured out by now which comments I will delete and which ones I won't (and I delete more comments than just yours)... then you are truly dense.
There is a simple manner to bring something up... and that's to use "your" words and make "your" argument. If you have nothing else to contribute, nobody wants your cut & paste. That has been a universal complaint by everyone, including Roger.
Ah, but Ch, when you extend that to not even allowing a one line link to an article that people can either look at or not look at as they choose, introduced by my own words, you show you are a freedom of speech coward.
People can go to Roger's section of the blog and see the two articles* you didn't want them to see.
Unless you delete them too.
*One the entire article, the other the simple kind of one line link I described above.
One of the reasons I created this new blog was for it to be "different" from the group blog. The complaints I got (both online and off) from numerous people was primarily two things
1) Roger posting inflammatory knee jerk response posts "over" the top of my posts. 2) James spamming of electoralvote.com and politicalwire
The new blog is intended to remove both aspects. PERIOD!
So Roger can post his inflammatory responses over on the group blog, complete with Hitler references and whatever other tasteless garbage he wants to post.
You are free to continue to spam the threads over there with the same crap that nobody is interested in.
But what "everyone else besides you" wants is for this blog to be about debating the subjects at hand, not about cutting and pasting stuff that is irrelevant to the subject matter, and not about personal attacks.
So when you decide to "change the subject" or decide to post links on "multiple threads" to try to get attention to something, they will be deleted.
The group blog is your "freedom of stupid cut and paste" blog.
This one is a freedom to express your opinion blog. Express "your" opinion on the subjects at hand, make your arguments like an adult, don't continuously spam the same crap on multiple blogs... and your speech will be respected.
I just think that when it comes to "legal" issues... that the Democrats would be better off leaving sleeping dogs lie. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
rational people WOULD do that, but we're talking about democrats here. folks who have decided to throw in with a domestic terror/hate group who are specifically targeting law enforcement to be murdered.
iow's, democrats have gone from being insane to being criminally insane.
12:19 Only the future will determine whether Cruz calculated/gambled shrewdly or foolishly. See the article with three asterisks in Roger's portion of the blog.
James - I have deleted all sorts of cut and pastes from all sorts of people... even conservatives. But I pay special attention to certain spam... especially if it is being posted in multiple locations.
Well, the moment somebody puts up a more than five line quotation from an article or even a comment with an article link, on your portion of the blog, I intend to yell "spam."
The Hill reports on a poll of 3,&00 active duty personnel in which Gary Johnson tops both Trump and Clinton. The poll is not from a random sample, however.
KD, No Cops Killed today, Jane Weeps Openly
what happened to the hoped for riots at the RNC get together?
Was the black eye it was giving Hillary because of her open support of BLM cause her to order them to stand down, in turn they get a prime time speaking place in day two of the HateAmericaFirst DNC CONvention?
Pence bringing it.....
Cruz booed off stage? I didn't see it?
I loved Lauri Ingram, she looked right at the camera and called out Hillary for being a person that repeatedly is involved in Illegal Activities.
No one person has done as much illegal shit as her and skated because of her use of political power.
Yet, she is the best thing in the world for the Democrats.
ROCK STAR: Talk radio host Laura Ingraham blasted reporters as much as she clobbered Hillary Clinton in her Republican convention speech Wednesday, drawing deafening applause
Later Ingraham brought the convention to its feet – and earned the week's loudest and longest sustained applause – by chastising the hundreds of reporters gathered in Cleveland to hear a night of speeches."
She is a Rock Star , a strong woman that is very bright, a lawyer by education , she is lovely to boot.
What fake story will the Liberal Press be passing around today about Ms. Ingraham?
Toward the end of Cruz' speech, I couldn't remember who the GOP had nominated.
I guess Ch didn't hear the NY delegation shouting as the speech went on,
Count Dracula simply smiled and made a dismissive comment.
Personally I think Cruz committed political suicide on the floor of the convention.
Will the plagiarism fiasco turn out to be A FEDERAL CRIME?
This is why nobody takes you seriously James. This is why they think most of your crap is spam.
And by the way, Pence did a very credible speech last night. Far better than I had expected.
But, as the last article above points out, Trump has already overshadowed him with a ill thought out statement about NATO.
You can't make this stuff up, and you don't have to. :-)
Didn't have to. Plagiarism is not a crime in any of the 50 states, DC and the territories.
I don't even think it's a crime anywhere in the world.
The worst thing that can happen is that you get kicked out of college for academic dishonesty.
Any article that starts with the premise that it would turn out to be a federal crime is just too silly to waste your time reading.
Better read and pay attention to the CONCLUSION of the article. A federal law may have been broken, plain and simple.
Whether that will play out as a big deal of not, I do not know, but it could keep the issue, which Trump's people wish would go away, alive.
“Hillary Clinton can lose Florida, Ohio and Virginia — and I think she’ll win all 3 — and still be president.”
— David Plouffe, quoted by Bloomberg.
If Trump wins Florida, Ohio, and Virginia, he'll likely win Pennsylvania, Colorado, and New Mexico too.
Nothing happens in a vacuum.
Big if.
Better read and pay attention to the CONCLUSION of the article. A federal law may have been broken, plain and simple.
This is what you get for reading idiots who have even less of an understanding of law and politics than you do.
Toward the end of Cruz' speech, I couldn't remember who the GOP had nominated.
Well too many hits to the head as a small child does that to your cognitive abilities.
Apparently it's not such a big if if plouffe is talking about it.
Well James -
I simply don't believe that the government can bring a federal crime without first proving malicious intent. I heard that somewhere recently.
I simply don't believe that the government can bring a federal crime without first proving malicious intent. I heard that somewhere recently.
granny the angry, drunken liar has set the precedent that all others will enjoy in the future.
Even if there was malicious intent there are serious constitutional issues.
Especially with political speech.
Blogger Commonsense said...
Even if there was malicious intent there are serious constitutional issues.
if there were, joe biden would on death row.
I just think that when it comes to "legal" issues... that the Democrats would be better off leaving sleeping dogs lie.
You don't want invite the comparison between possible SEC filing issues regarding a speechwriter with mishandling classified National security documents. Anyone who would disqualify someone for the former and not the latter is obviously suffering from brain damage.
Oops now I get it. I'm a little slow today.
Watching grass grow is more exciting than pence and his 3 values. LOL
James - to be clear, I could simply wipe out "all" of your comments without too much effort and time.
If you haven't figured out by now which comments I will delete and which ones I won't (and I delete more comments than just yours)... then you are truly dense.
There is a simple manner to bring something up... and that's to use "your" words and make "your" argument. If you have nothing else to contribute, nobody wants your cut & paste. That has been a universal complaint by everyone, including Roger.
Ah, but Ch, when you extend that to not even allowing a one line link to an article that people can either look at or not look at as they choose, introduced by my own words, you show you are a freedom of speech coward.
People can go to Roger's section of the blog and see the two articles* you didn't want them to see.
Unless you delete them too.
*One the entire article, the other the simple kind of one line link I described above.
James -
One of the reasons I created this new blog was for it to be "different" from the group blog. The complaints I got (both online and off) from numerous people was primarily two things
1) Roger posting inflammatory knee jerk response posts "over" the top of my posts.
2) James spamming of electoralvote.com and politicalwire
The new blog is intended to remove both aspects. PERIOD!
So Roger can post his inflammatory responses over on the group blog, complete with Hitler references and whatever other tasteless garbage he wants to post.
You are free to continue to spam the threads over there with the same crap that nobody is interested in.
But what "everyone else besides you" wants is for this blog to be about debating the subjects at hand, not about cutting and pasting stuff that is irrelevant to the subject matter, and not about personal attacks.
So when you decide to "change the subject" or decide to post links on "multiple threads" to try to get attention to something, they will be deleted.
The group blog is your "freedom of stupid cut and paste" blog.
This one is a freedom to express your opinion blog. Express "your" opinion on the subjects at hand, make your arguments like an adult, don't continuously spam the same crap on multiple blogs... and your speech will be respected.
Point taken. :-)
But does this mean that no other "spam" (published articles linked or quoted by others) will be allowed here?
I just think that when it comes to "legal" issues... that the Democrats would be better off leaving sleeping dogs lie.
rational people WOULD do that, but we're talking about democrats here. folks who have decided to throw in with a domestic terror/hate group who are specifically targeting law enforcement to be murdered.
iow's, democrats have gone from being insane to being criminally insane.
CH, you *did* label this thread an Open Mic when you first put it up.
Fwiw, I admired Cruz's defense of his speech this morning, tying his refusal to endorse to Trump's personal attacks on his family.
One thing can be said for Cruz, he is absolutely fearless.
All it was was damage control after last night's self-immolation.
There's a diffrence between courage and stupidity. What Cruz did was stupidity and Trump just let him fall in.
11:12AM That "Open Mike" got censored, didn't it?
12:19 Only the future will determine whether Cruz calculated/gambled shrewdly or foolishly.
See the article with three asterisks in Roger's portion of the blog.
James - I have deleted all sorts of cut and pastes from all sorts of people... even conservatives. But I pay special attention to certain spam... especially if it is being posted in multiple locations.
Well, the moment somebody puts up a more than five line quotation from an article or even a comment with an article link, on your portion of the blog, I intend to yell "spam."
That's appropriate, is it not?
The Hill reports on a poll of 3,&00 active duty personnel in which Gary Johnson tops both Trump and Clinton. The poll is not from a random sample, however.
The priggish pastor pederast is peeved that his prolific pasting is prevented by the blog's proprietor.
Trump's statement this morning that he would not necessarily defend a NATO ally that is attacked is very disturbing.
The priggish pastor who is not a pederast has just priggishly posted a VERY VERY VERY pertinent post at 2:00pm on Roger's portion of the blog.
Speaking of disturbing...
'laziness is a trait in blacks ... I believe that'
--said the GOP's official presidential nominee.
Indy - In terms of open mics... we all know how well plagiarism goes over these days. Probably should stick to our own words, huh?
I confess, I plagiarized 2:09 from Donald Trump.
what happened to the hoped for riots at the RNC get together?
Was the black eye it was giving Hillary because of her open support of BLM cause her to order them to stand down, in turn they get a prime time speaking place in day two of the HateAmericaFirst DNC CONvention?
Actually, I'm very GLAD the protests have been anti-climactic. I was afraid violence or disruptions would work to the advantage to the convention.
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