Democratic Convention Opens to Rainbows and Unicorns!!
Hell No!!! DNC!!! We won't vote for Hillary!!!
KD, ABC in tears
Just watched ABC World News, lead story, Hillary hell storm.
They had ever clip of DebbieWasaManSchultz, being booed , I just got this, she was being booed by her own Delegation from Florida, how taste is that?
She was then under heavy security removed from the stage and ran like a scared school girl. Corry Booker (on tape) was asked about the newest hillary scandal and her role in the email meltdown, he too tucked tail and ran, many guarding him. Odd look, so many armed bullet proof vest wearing plain clothed cops guarding them, but why, they are INSIDE the CONvention Hall?
ABC showed the protestors in the CONvention hall, each time and their were many, the name of crooked hilllary was used, booes filled the floor of the Hall. Odd look, again, why, why are minions so upset?
Maybe Jane or Opuim or even low IQ Alky can tell us why the Dem on Dem War is being so publically waged.
“The FBI suspects that Russian government hackers breached the networks of the Democratic National Committee and stole emails that were posted to the anti-secrecy site WikiLeaks on Friday. It’s an operation that several U.S. officials now suspect was a deliberate attempt to influence the presidential election in favor of Donald Trump,” the Daily Beast reports.
“The theory that Moscow orchestrated the leaks to help Trump, who has repeatedly praised Russian President Vladimir Putin and practically called for the end of NATO, is fast gaining currency within the Obama administration because of the timing of the leaks and Trump’s own connections to the Russian government, the sources said on condition of anonymity because the investigation is ongoing and developing quickly.” ____________
This is day one. The big event tonight is the speech by Bernie Sanders. He has already told his supporters to cease booing mentions of Hillary Clinton. I strongly suspect that he will finally come out with a foll throated speech calling for ALL of his supporters to vote for Hillary Clinton, to keep the dangerous Trump from the White House
Apologies for "remarks" in emails doesn't cut it. Wholesale reform is the only thing that will satisfy the Sanders movement, which is no longer under his control. The best chance this movement has is chaos in the convention, and I hope that they have the integrity and fortitude to pursue just that.
He wants to send 11,000,000 on buses, trains and automobiles to the border, and fuck their families
The report tallies approximately 3 million arrest offenses attached to the incarcerated criminal alien population. Of these offenses, half a million were drug related, 70,000 were sexual offenses, 213,000 were for assault, 125,000 were for larceny/theft, and 25,000 were for homicides. Based on the GAO’s sample of criminal aliens, they estimated that their study population of 249,000 criminal aliens was arrested about 1.7 million times, averaging about 7 arrests per criminal alien.
By definition, not one one of these crimes would have occurred absent the immigrant who committed it – in other words, without admitting these individuals, there would have been at least 70,000 fewer sexual assaults, 25,000 fewer slayings, 125,000 fewer robberies, and so forth.
Anonymous Myballs said... No. But I see that they're confiscating Bernie signs on the convention floor.
Of course. We can't have delegates actually displaying what they really believe, can we? Not when the establishment has another agenda ... which shows why their "apology" for the "email remarks" is just spitting in the wind.
We are in for the first interesting Democratic convention in decades. And that's not a good thing for the Democrats. I think the best the Democrats can hope for at this point is a 1980-type convention where the runner-up supports the nominee over the objections of his supporters. A 1972-type convention (nobody in charge) or a 1968-type convention (party split down the middle) appear equally likely outcomes. And the Democrats failed to come together after all three of those conventions and wound up losing in November.
"What was missing at the beginning of the day was certainly there at the ending, and that was UNITY."
"The Democrats sure know how to choreograph a convention. This one had humor and uplift, and all the things we have come to expect from them, in contrast to the chaos and gloomy mood of the Republicans' week."
Michelle"s speech emphasized the future of children and gave a strong sense of PERSONAL appreciation for Hillary Clinton. She, more than anyone else, managed to humanize and personalize the former First Lady.
Elizabeth Warren talked of how well off the rich are and how wonderfully profitable they have it and how drastically trickle down is not trickling down to the middle class. "Does anyone here have a problem with that?"
Bernie was eloquent and did all he could to pass the torch.
Over the course of the evening, and especially with the speech of Michelle, the mood changed. And she reached out to the great general public: "Our children are watching, and what is the message that Donald Trump is giving them?"
The best chance this movement has is chaos in the convention, and I hope that they have the integrity and fortitude to pursue just that. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
my hope for this convention is that several thousand hillary supporters and bernie supporters beat the living shit out of each other while the police stand OUTSIDE the 4 MILE LONG PERIMETER fence and laugh their asses off.
which shows why their "apology" for the "email remarks" is just spitting in the wind. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
i heard no such apology for the remarks. all i heard was half-assed apologies for getting hacked.
that's been a common theme for the democrats over the course of my entire life. they never apologize for doing wrong. they only apologize for getting caught doing wrong.
Well, I find it interesting that Christopher Bates lives in the same universe I live in -- he and a lot of other commentators including some REPUBLICAN ones -- AND a lot of newspapers and foreign correspondents.
See for yourselves in the last posts I've just put in Roger's thread.
James - they had Sanders Supporters protesting outside the building chanting Hell No DNC - We wont vote for Hillary. The Powers to be confiscated Sanders Signs within the building at one point.
It's not a different Universe James. It's just what you are willing to see and what you are willing to pretend isn't happening.
Seems there's some confusion over the "confiscating of signs" matter. Could we have clarity on that, or is it just something someone wants to pretend was happening?
“That is what Barack and I think about every day as we try to guide and protect our girls through the challenges of this unusual life in the spotlight, how we urge them to ignore those who question their father’s citizenship or faith. How we insist that the hateful language they hear from public figures on TV does not represent the true spirit of this country. How we explain that when someone is cruel or acts like a bully, you don’t stoop to their level. No, our motto is, when they go low, we go high.” — Michelle Obama, in her speech at the Democratic National Convention
Seems there's some confusion over the "confiscating of signs" matter. Could we have clarity on that, or is it just something someone wants to pretend was happening?
How could there even be a question? It's no different than what they've been doing throughout the primary.
What people need to realize, and I mean the party faithful as well as others, is that there is support for principles and an agenda, and there is support for a person or group, and those can be entirely different things. From those of the former, when you have lost all pretense of integrity, you have no more support.
I hope that the Democrats pick up some wins in Congress ... and that Hillary loses. Better a President Trump than corruption triumphant.
The Democrats have done a good job of managing their convention on nights two and three. No ongoing chaos like in 1968 or 1972, and the Bernie supporters seem to have gotten the message too.
They've set the stage for Hillary tomorrow to lay out her vision for America and for the delegates in the hall. I don't think she needs anything as game changing as Bush's "thousand points of light" speech in 1988, but she does need to present herself in a way that gets people to think they wouldn't be upset seeing and hearing her pretty much constantly for the next four years.
Just watched ABC World News, lead story, Hillary hell storm.
They had ever clip of DebbieWasaManSchultz, being booed , I just got this, she was being booed by her own Delegation from Florida, how taste is that?
She was then under heavy security removed from the stage and ran like a scared school girl. Corry Booker (on tape) was asked about the newest hillary scandal and her role in the email meltdown, he too tucked tail and ran, many guarding him. Odd look, so many armed bullet proof vest wearing plain clothed cops guarding them, but why, they are INSIDE the CONvention Hall?
ABC showed the protestors in the CONvention hall, each time and their were many, the name of crooked hilllary was used, booes filled the floor of the Hall. Odd look, again, why, why are minions so upset?
Maybe Jane or Opuim or even low IQ Alky can tell us why the Dem on Dem War is being so publically waged.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz did not get promoted and she's not running Hillary's campaign
FBI Suspects Russia of Trying to Help Trump
“The FBI suspects that Russian government hackers breached the networks of the Democratic National Committee and stole emails that were posted to the anti-secrecy site WikiLeaks on Friday. It’s an operation that several U.S. officials now suspect was a deliberate attempt to influence the presidential election in favor of Donald Trump,” the Daily Beast reports.
“The theory that Moscow orchestrated the leaks to help Trump, who has repeatedly praised Russian President Vladimir Putin and practically called for the end of NATO, is fast gaining currency within the Obama administration because of the timing of the leaks and Trump’s own connections to the Russian government, the sources said on condition of anonymity because the investigation is ongoing and developing quickly.”
Do we dare call it treason?
This is day one. The big event tonight is the speech by Bernie Sanders. He has already told his supporters to cease booing mentions of Hillary Clinton. I strongly suspect that he will finally come out with a foll throated speech calling for ALL of his supporters to vote for Hillary Clinton, to keep the dangerous Trump from the White House
James I posted on it. Putin is a puppet master and Trump is the puppet.
Thanks for drawing my attention to it, Roger. I just read it and it is chilling.
Bulls don't belong in china shops and this blundering idiot doesn't belong in the Oval Office.
Putin pulling g trump strings????
You are really desperate now! Lol.
Dem convention is a complete disaster.
Oh no it's not. It's coming together. Together. Together.
I guess Balls thinks the FBI is carrying water for the Dem convention. See 6PM.
"Minutes later, when Sanders encouraged Democrats to elect Clinton and her running mate, Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine, the crowd started booing loudly."
This is the kind of "coming together" that I can get behind.
"Top DNC officials released a new statement offering a “sincere apology” to Sanders for the “inexcusable remarks” expressed in the leaked emails."
Apologies for "remarks" in emails doesn't cut it. Wholesale reform is the only thing that will satisfy the Sanders movement, which is no longer under his control. The best chance this movement has is chaos in the convention, and I hope that they have the integrity and fortitude to pursue just that.
He wants to send 11,000,000 on buses, trains and automobiles to the border, and fuck their families. They are only Beaners.
Send had to build a wall around their building, and even around the podium!
That's coming together.
FBI Suspects Russia of Trying to Help Trump
Actually it looks more like the Daily Beast suspects it.
The "coming together" thingy is Really, really making the Trump/RNC Convention look so good, Nationally.
As for the "Apology" did that come before or after the WikiLeaks memo release/
Did the firing of Debwasamanschultz come before of after the WikiLeaks memo release?
And why are we dealing with yet another hillary scandal?
Balls did you see the armed bullet proof wearing security team that was protecting oh Deb?
He wants to send 11,000,000 on buses, trains and automobiles to the border, and fuck their families
The report tallies approximately 3 million arrest offenses attached to the incarcerated criminal alien population. Of these offenses, half a million were drug related, 70,000 were sexual offenses, 213,000 were for assault, 125,000 were for larceny/theft, and 25,000 were for homicides. Based on the GAO’s sample of criminal aliens, they estimated that their study population of 249,000 criminal aliens was arrested about 1.7 million times, averaging about 7 arrests per criminal alien.
By definition, not one one of these crimes would have occurred absent the immigrant who committed it – in other words, without admitting these individuals, there would have been at least 70,000 fewer sexual assaults, 25,000 fewer slayings, 125,000 fewer robberies, and so forth.
California, with one-quarter of the nation’s immigrants and its greatest concentration of Mexicans and Central Americans, is the bellwether state for all things relating to unbridled Hispanic immigration, including crime. The Children of Immigrants Longitudinal Study, conducted by sociologists Alejandro Portes of Princeton and RubĂ©n G. Rumbaut of the University of California, Irvine, followed the children of immigrants in San Diego and Miami from 1992 to 2003. A whopping 28 percent of Mexican-American males between the ages of 18 and 24 reported having been arrested since 1995, and 20 percent reported having been incarcerated—a rate twice that of other immigrant groups. Anyone who speaks to Hispanic students in immigrant-saturated schools in Southern California will invariably hear the estimate that 50 percent of a student’s peers have ended up in gangs or other criminal activities.
No. But I see that they're confiscating Bernie signs on the convention floor.
Anonymous Myballs said...
No. But I see that they're confiscating Bernie signs on the convention floor.
Of course. We can't have delegates actually displaying what they really believe, can we? Not when the establishment has another agenda ... which shows why their "apology" for the "email remarks" is just spitting in the wind.
We are in for the first interesting Democratic convention in decades. And that's not a good thing for the Democrats. I think the best the Democrats can hope for at this point is a 1980-type convention where the runner-up supports the nominee over the objections of his supporters. A 1972-type convention (nobody in charge) or a 1968-type convention (party split down the middle) appear equally likely outcomes. And the Democrats failed to come together after all three of those conventions and wound up losing in November.
Myballs said...
No. But I see that they're confiscating Bernie signs on the convention floor. "
Free Speech has no place in Hillary's DNC
Bernie just said, HE looks forward to their vote Tommorrow during the roll call vote.
Maybe I saw a different convention.
Comments on Public Radio at the end:
"What was missing at the beginning of the day was certainly there at the ending, and that was UNITY."
"The Democrats sure know how to choreograph a convention. This one had humor and uplift, and all the things we have come to expect from them, in contrast to the chaos and gloomy mood of the Republicans' week."
Michelle"s speech emphasized the future of children and gave a strong sense of PERSONAL appreciation for Hillary Clinton. She, more than anyone else, managed to humanize and personalize the former First Lady.
Elizabeth Warren talked of how well off the rich are and how wonderfully profitable they have it and how drastically trickle down is not trickling down to the middle class. "Does anyone here have a problem with that?"
Bernie was eloquent and did all he could to pass the torch.
Over the course of the evening, and especially with the speech of Michelle, the mood changed. And she reached out to the great general public: "Our children are watching, and what is the message that Donald Trump is giving them?"
Gloomy, dark, and pessimistic it was not.
Yeah James, you saw the convention in your alternate la la universe.
But just keep denying reality. It's fun to watch.
The best chance this movement has is chaos in the convention, and I hope that they have the integrity and fortitude to pursue just that.
my hope for this convention is that several thousand hillary supporters and bernie supporters beat the living shit out of each other while the police stand OUTSIDE the 4 MILE LONG PERIMETER fence and laugh their asses off.
which shows why their "apology" for the "email remarks" is just spitting in the wind.
i heard no such apology for the remarks. all i heard was half-assed apologies for getting hacked.
that's been a common theme for the democrats over the course of my entire life. they never apologize for doing wrong. they only apologize for getting caught doing wrong.
All I saw was the party of the rich and famous 1%, patting themselves on the back for supporting criminals....
Well, I find it interesting that Christopher Bates lives in the same universe I live in -- he and a lot of other commentators including some REPUBLICAN ones -- AND a lot of newspapers and foreign correspondents.
See for yourselves in the last posts I've just put in Roger's thread.
When will Ch step forward here and in manly if shame-faced fashion admit that the Dems pulled it off last night?
James - they had Sanders Supporters protesting outside the building chanting Hell No DNC - We wont vote for Hillary. The Powers to be confiscated Sanders Signs within the building at one point.
It's not a different Universe James. It's just what you are willing to see and what you are willing to pretend isn't happening.
Seems there's some confusion over the "confiscating of signs" matter. Could we have clarity on that, or is it just something someone wants to pretend was happening?
“That is what Barack and I think about every day as we try to guide and protect our girls through the challenges of this unusual life in the spotlight, how we urge them to ignore those who question their father’s citizenship or faith. How we insist that the hateful language they hear from public figures on TV does not represent the true spirit of this country. How we explain that when someone is cruel or acts like a bully, you don’t stoop to their level. No, our motto is, when they go low, we go high.”
— Michelle Obama, in her speech at the Democratic National Convention
Seems there's some confusion over the "confiscating of signs" matter. Could we have clarity on that, or is it just something someone wants to pretend was happening?
Let's go to the video!!
That is known as proof. Something you are somewhat unfamiliar with in your arguments.
That is known as proof
How could there even be a question? It's no different than what they've been doing throughout the primary.
What people need to realize, and I mean the party faithful as well as others, is that there is support for principles and an agenda, and there is support for a person or group, and those can be entirely different things. From those of the former, when you have lost all pretense of integrity, you have no more support.
I hope that the Democrats pick up some wins in Congress ... and that Hillary loses. Better a President Trump than corruption triumphant.
The Democrats have done a good job of managing their convention on nights two and three. No ongoing chaos like in 1968 or 1972, and the Bernie supporters seem to have gotten the message too.
They've set the stage for Hillary tomorrow to lay out her vision for America and for the delegates in the hall. I don't think she needs anything as game changing as Bush's "thousand points of light" speech in 1988, but she does need to present herself in a way that gets people to think they wouldn't be upset seeing and hearing her pretty much constantly for the next four years.
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