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It's all the fault of white people. If you disagree with me, you're a racist... |
“I’m going to be talking to white people, we’re the ones who have to start listening to the legitimate cries coming from our African-American fellow citizens,” she said.
“We’ve got to figure out what is happening when routine traffic stops, when routine arrests, escalate into killings … Clearly, there seems to be a terrible disconnect between many police departments and officers and the people they have sworn to protect."Could this be anymore insensitive... coming after five cops were executed by snipers, while protecting those participating in the Dallas Black Lives Matter protest. Does she have any f-n clue what police officers go through, how dangerous their jobs are, and how much their loved ones worry about them on a day to day basis?
Decorum excludes me from saying what I really think about this.
cops, like the military, are not a democrat constituency. and what this woman (or any democrat) does best is pander. so this is a cynical play for the black vote. a vote that is not assured to turn out in numbers as high as the turnout 0linsky enjoyed.
as we've seen throughout her public life this woman cannot be shamed. she cares not a wit for the cops who were killed, or even for the blacks she's pandering to. this is about her quest for the white house and nothing is off limits in pursuit of that goal.
it's ironic that decorum keeps you from posting your true feelings. she knows no such restraints.
Welcome to the world of David Duke.
“I’m going to be talking to white people, we’re the ones who have to start listening to the legitimate cries coming from our African-American fellow citizens,” she said.
She's absolutely correct. Just look here. You are denying the coldheartedtruth. Your own governor made it absolutely true, that he would be alive today, if he were white.
In Baton Rouge, that there is no reasonable doubt, that they shot him SIX times while prostate on the ground because he was black.
If you were a citizen of a majority black country, you would absolutely agree with Hillary Clinton.
The denial of reality has a cause. You may not like the diagnosis, but the facts don't lie.
Most police men and women are not like that, BUT, far to many are racist, and in a vast majority of these cases, they are not prosecuted.
Your rational is illogical.
Cue the alky.
Fact is more white suspects are killed by police than black suspects.
To blame police departments and conflate rare isolated incidents to a major problem is a white liberal agenda with no basis in fact.
Welcome to the world of David Duke" HB
you just said that Hillary Duke is your gal.
Never a low to low for you kind.
CHT she is a dirty filthy Socialist liar, no , she has no idea how to act because everything is about Power, and look how her defenders act, in lock step.
but the facts don't lie." HB
You know it is a lie, when you have to say it is not a Lie.
But, This is a time that the socialist told us 8 years ago was a Post Racial America.
They voted for the current failure in the white house twice and yet, now we have more, not less Racial Tension, by design of Hillary/Obama/Holder and other race pimping Democrats.
The question to the Socialist Dems is this, what happened to the Post Racial America?
26 police killed so far in 2016, up 44% from 2015
The number of police officers shot and killed in the USA is 44% higher than at this time last year following the Dallas ambush Thursday night that left five officers dead, according to data from the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund.
The deaths of four Dallas police officers and one Dallas transit officer from sniper fire during a protest in the city Thursday raised the national total of firearm deaths among police to 26. This compares with 18 at this point in time in 2015, said Nick Breul, director of research for the fund in Washington, D.C.
The Ferguson effect. This is on you Roger, and James, Opie, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and every liberal who is pandering for black votes.
This is on you Roger, and James, Opie, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and every liberal who is pandering for black votes." CS
Being that I live on the MO/KS Border we get news from both states.
KU and Kansas State Enrolment is up over last year.
MU is down dramatically, after the protest on campus, seems that the parents paying the bills are not going to send their kids to schools run by the thugs.
This is on you Roger, and James, Opie,"
Sure menstral child. I guess cops with itchy trigger fingers, crappy training, and bad attitudes had nothing to do with it, right?????? Toss in another mass killing with an assault rifle is my fault also. Idiot.
“I’m going to be talking to white people, we’re the ones who have to start listening to the legitimate cries coming from our African-American fellow citizens,” she said.
I guess she should have said we're NOT going to be listening to the "legitimate" cries coming from black fellow citizens.
Some of the things that have happened lately have certainly brought forth some cries that were definitely "legitimate."
Were and are definitely "legitimate."
The Dallas shooter was a racist also.
"I mourn for the officers shot while doing their sacred duty to protect peaceful protesters, for their families and all who serve with them."
"It took me a long time, and a number of people talking to me through the years to get a sense of this. If you are a normal, white American, the truth is you don't understand being black in America and you instinctively under-estimate the level of discrimination and the level of additional risk."
Sounds a lot like Hillary's "legitimate" statement.
PAUL RYAN SAID (while struggling to get votes for new gun legislation):
"Every member of this body—every Republican and every Democrat—wants to see less gun violence. Every member of this body wants a world in which people feel safe regardless of the color of their skin. And that's not how people are feeling these days."
And yesterday the same Democrats who led a sit-in two weeks ago delivered tear-filled speeches pleading for action.
Obama now says that the country in not divided.
What a horse's ass'
One could hope that we are indeed now united
against violence committed by police
and violence committed against police.
Hope all you want. We aren't. Look at the news coverage.
Please give us the Obama quote where (according to you) he said the "the country is not divided."
I guess cops with itchy trigger fingers, crappy training, and bad attitudes had nothing to do with it, right??????
Really Opie? Just how far does a suspect get to level a gun at a cop before in your view the cop doesn't have an itchy trigger finger.
When the cop is dead?
Come on expert, give us your opinion.
Oh I found it. A slight misquote by you.
Obama says U.S. 'not as divided as some have suggested'
"As painful as this week has been, I firmly believe that America is not as divided as some have suggested," Obama said
"There is sorrow, there is anger, there is confusion about next steps," Obama said during a news conference in Poland. "But there's unity in recognizing that this is not how we want our communities to operate. This is not who we want to be as Americans."
Speaking for the third time in Poland about the gun violence that's seized communities in the United States, Obama said the situation didn't resemble the periods of mass social unrest in the 1960s.
"You're not seeing riots, you're not seeing police going after people who are protesting peacefully," he said.
But he acknowledged a ramped-up anxiety that's descended on Americans as they watch seemingly unfettered violence on urban streets.
"Americans of all races and all backgrounds are rightly outraged by the inexcusable attacks on police, whether it's in Dallas or anywhere else," Obama said. "That includes protesters, that includes family members who have grave concerns about police misconduct, and they've said this is unacceptable. There's no division there."
Obama didn't mention any critics by name, but on Friday, presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said racial divisions in the country have "gotten worse, not better."
The President pushed back on that notion, insisting that Americans of all races were disgusted by gun violence.
He said the motives of the killer in Dallas were "very hard to untangle" but called the shooter "demented" and downplayed the potential political motivations he may have carried. The shooter allegedly voiced a desire to "kill white people" ahead of the attack, authorities have said.
"I think the danger is that we somehow suggest that the act of a troubled individual speaks to some larger political statement across the country. It doesn't," Obama said.
Referencing last year's attack on churchgoers in Charleston, South Carolina, Obama noted, "When some white kid walks into a church and shoots a bunch of worshipers who invite him to worship with them, we don't assume that somehow he's making a political statement."
And he made another call for tighter restrictions on guns, saying if Americans are concerned about violence against police officers, "you can't set aside the gun issue and pretend that that's irrelevant."
He voiced frustration at the bitter political debate over guns, lamenting that "even mention of it somehow evokes this kind of polarization."
"When it comes to the issue of gun safety, there is polarization between a very intense minority, and a majority of Americans who actually think that we could be doing better when it comes to gun safety."
“I’m going to be talking to white people, we’re the ones who have to start listening to the legitimate cries coming from our African-American fellow citizens,” she said.
We went through this in Ferguson and Baltimore. There was nothing legitimate at all.
You're listening to black extremist who like nothing better than to get police out of their neighborhoods and cynical white politicians trolling for votes.
Because unless you do something about the epidemic of single-mother black families then you are pissing in the wind.
You want a definition of a cop with an itchy trigger finger?
Try this:
Minnesota cop who killed Castile says he reacted to ‘display’ gun.
The Minnesota cop who killed a black motorist whose death was livestreamed by his girlfriend fired only after seeing him “display” a gun — not because of his race, the officer’s attorney said Saturday.
St. Anthony Police Officer Jeronimo Yanez was reacting to “the presence of that gun and the display of that gun” when he opened fire on Philando Castile, attorney Thomas Kelly told The AP.
So Opie how far into this "display" of a gun was officer Yanez suppose to wait. The world is waiting for your expert opinion.
Try this:
I believe the officer in question was fired, tried and convicted for his crime.
So again what is your problem James? That we hold police officers to a high standard of conduct?
Or is it you just want to dispense with the justice system altogether and lynch cops from the highest tree?
Is that you problem James? You just want to lynch cops?
What typical Commensa BS Malarkey.
the cop in question was fired, tried and convicted
And he almost "lynched" that young man.
As for 3:10:
The girlfriend said her boyfriend was shot while raising his hands after he mentioned that he had a gun permit and the policeman told him, "Don't move."
The policeman says that the man in question displayed a firearm.
So where was the firearm after the shooting stopped?
If the "suspect" displayed it, you'd think it would be lying in the car seat or on the car's floor.
If the "suspect" didn't display it, you'd think it would be in the glove compartment or stowed somewhere out of sight.
I earlier had the impression the girlfriend had said that her boyfriend was shot while reaching for his wallet to get id.
The point is any cop with "an itchy trigger finger" is tried and convicted.
So justice is served yet you are not satisfied.
It seems that what you only want is the vigilante justice of a lynched mob.
Well congratulations, that's exactly what you got in Dallas Thursday night.
And may you burn in hell for it.
This Hate Group Called for Killing White Cops. Then Dallas Sniper Micah Xavier Johnson Started Shooting.
Shortly after 10 p.m. on Thursday night, when Micah Xavier Johnson shot and killed five Dallas police officers and wounded nine others, Mauricelm-Lei Millere, founder of the African American Defense League hate group, posted a picture on his Instagram account.
The caption led with this: “We have no alternative! We must kill white police officers across the country!”
The picture was of a meeting with former President Bill Clinton, which Millere alleged occurred in May.
At 10:52 a.m. the morning after the shooting, Millere posted the following message to the African American Defense League’s Facebook page:
Micah Johnson was one of just 170 members who follow that Facebook page.
James applauses.
How often does a cop with "an itchy trigger finger" get tried and convicted ... when there's no third party video?
Your own governor made it absolutely true, that he would be alive today, if he were white.
Roger... it's bigoted and quite frankly racist to assume without knowing the facts whether or not the man in Falcon Heights was killed over race.
But everyone knows, and nobody seems to see an issue with the fact that the police officers were killed because of their color and their profession. Why do they feel justified in killing a white cop?
Because people like our idiot Governor and your unsophisticated Presidential nominee give them cover by demanding that cops are racist people who kill because of color.
Btw... the only thing I understand about your David Duke statement is that you are once again calling me a racist... Something that you know is a non-starter as a matter of fact.
Indy, how often are they indicted, let alone convicted?
"As painful as this week has been, I firmly believe that America is not as divided as some have suggested," Obama said
I guess when a person snipes some white cops, and then states that it was his intent to kill white people and white cops... and you just call it "gun violence".
Then that is pretty much proof positive that the country is divided, because most of us see a brutal hate crime against white police officers, not "gun violence".
Apparently the left is living in a bubble, where all of this can be blamed on the tools of the trade, rather than the person or the motivation for the attacks. It would be simple to say we are all in agreement, when you won't acknowledge that most of the country disagrees that this was just about "gun violence'.
The shooter in Dallas, was a racist also.
The David Duke comment is a mistake. I was just so offended by your comment that I overreacted.
But the rest of my comment is 100% correct.
I hope there is a police video. So far, I haven't seen anything on that. If there is one.
If it validates the video by the girlfriend, the police will be reluctant to release it.
Why do you post an incomplete statement? Context matters.
"As painful as this week has been, I firmly believe that America is not as divided as some have suggested," Obama said
"There is sorrow, there is anger, there is confusion about next steps," Obama said during a news conference in Poland. "But there's unity in recognizing that this is not how we want our communities to operate. This is not who we want to be as Americans."
Why do you post an incomplete statement? Context matters.
I see you finally figured out his MO. Cherry pick what supports your bias!!!
"But there's unity in recognizing that this is not how we want our communities to operate. This is not who we want to be as Americans."
But there is not unity in how we want our communities to operate.
Some of you believe that this will all just go away if we create more gun laws, retrain our police officers, and make every black person who dies in an altercation with cops into a martyr. Some of you still want to give the benefit of the doubt to the suspects over law enforcement, even after those benefits have been proven wrong over and over and over. Some of you still want to accuse everyone who doesn't see things "your way" as being a racist.
There is absolutely "ZERO" unity in that, Roger. None whatsoever. In fact, that attitude is "EXACTLY" what is divisive. I don't expect for a second that you would ever understand.... largely because you are way too far gone to ever "disagree" with what your Party tells you to believe.
Some of you believe that this will all just go away if we create more gun laws, retrain our police officers, and make every black person who dies in an altercation with cops into a martyr. Some of you still want to give the benefit of the doubt to the suspects over law enforcement, even after those benefits have been proven wrong over and over and over. Some of you still want to accuse everyone who doesn't see things "your way" as being a racist.
I don't know anyone who believes that.
Well the David Duke statement makes it apparent that you accuse anyone who doesn't agree with you as racist.
You certainly are giving the benefit of the doubt to the girlfriend, making the hypothetical statement that if the cops found something that confirmed it... that they would "hide it". Again, not only is that giving the suspect the benefit of the doubt, it shows that your assumption is that the police are corrupt and are the ones most likely to lie.
You not only agree with Mark Dayton (who is making a negative assumption about the police)... but you made him out to be some sort of courageous hero for making such an assumption.
You apparently don't understand or don't care that these attacks on cops are coming because these killers feel it justified... and part of what makes them feel justified is the fact that prominent Democrats tell them that these cops are killing them because of their color.
I would hope that there is unity in believing we don't want our communities to operate by having people fear each encounter with the police will result in the police becoming violent, or that the police need to fear there is an ambush awaiting them wherever they go. That's what I read in Obama's statement, and the same sentiment is in Gingrich's and Trump's statements.
C.H., the underlying issue isn't whether the two men this week were shot because they were black, it's whether police are targeting them because they are black by pulling them over more frequently or conducting searches or drawing their weapons more frequently.
News reports indicate the Minnesota victim had been pulled over 52 times in 14 years, or once every 14 or 15 weeks. I've been driving 38 years and I doubt I have had half as many police encounters when driving. Was he being pulled over more because he was black, or was it purely his driving habits that got him such attention?
Groups like Black Lives Matter and the politicians that have been supporting them also need to strongly tell their members and supporters that taking up arms against the police, or other elements of the "white" power structure is wrong. BLM did condemn the Dallas shootings, but needs to make it more clear they oppose all shootings and violence. Killing white people isn't going to help black people in their struggle against residual racism.
Indy - I am pretty sure neither Gingrich or Trump talked about gun control or more federal oversight of the police departments (which is somewhere between a dog whistle and not so subtle manner of wanting to 'retrain' them specifically as it relates to race). There is plenty of evidence that this retraining is not working, at least in terms of curbing crime.
The reality (like it or not) is that blaming gun control when these attacks occur or assuming racism every time a black person is shot by the police is one of those things that makes certain people applaud and certain people cringe...
There are plenty of things that everyone agrees on. Obama certainly stated some of those. There are certain things that many people disagree on and quite frankly are partisan. Obama also brought those into the mix.
The difference isn't in the things he said that was similar to what others are saying... the difference is in the things he said that are "different".
Maybe our country is no longer at a place where our leaders can make statements about these things, without tossing in partisan divisive subjects (yes, like gun control). But that really "is" the issue and why the country is divided right now. Every f-n thing becomes partisan because our leaders make it so... and being a Presidential election year makes it even more so.
As for Castile... the only criminal record he had was in regards to his driving record. He'd been cited multiple times for everything from driving after revocation of his licence to driving cars without a muffler.
I think the question about whether or not it was his race or his driving, could be answered by whether or not the average black man has gotten pulled over 52 times in the same amount of time.
If it was race, then every black person would be pulled over at the same rate he was. Perhaps that is the average amount of times black people are pulled over (although none of the black people I know in Minnesota claim to be pulled over for no reason - then again, maybe they are and just don't share it).
But if the average black man is not pulled over that same amount of time, then wouldn't it be more logical to conclude it was his driving?
I didn't say anything about gun control either, C.H.
I didn't say anything about gun control either, C.H.
I didn't say you did... I said that the President did.
Not in the part of his speech you were going off on Roger about. All he said was "there is confusion about next steps".
Indy - My assertion is that leadership speeches on national issues like this becomes divisive, when political partisan issues such as gun control or police retraining are brought up... or any partisan issue.
Roger accused "me" of cherry picking the speech, and then offered a part that wasn't partisan.
As I stated to you, there were parts of these speeches where Obama and Trump are going to say the exact same things, and those will be the sorts of things that everyone will agree on. That was what Roger posted, but that was not the part of the speech that concerned me.
My point is that if these politicians were willing to "leave it at that" and choose to make points that nearly "everyone" agreed upon, then I would offer that that would show leadership in times of crisis (at least if the goal is unifying Americans after a tragedy).
But nobody can just "leave it at that". They have to extend these speeches into a chance to push partisan issues. In many cases, whatever good will they achieve during the bulk of the speech, goes away when they toss in the red meat (at least to those who disagree).
So I ask you a simple question, Indy...
Given my point. Do you not see the problem when Roger decides to provide a portion of the speech.. and that you and he demand that I simply judge him on that portion?
I agree that it's hard to see how tougher gun laws that have been proposed would have prevented any of the killings this week. I do suspect stronger federal oversight of PDs will be necessary to address racial profiling and related issues.
As to your hissy fit over Roger's comments, I was only responding to your mischaracterization of Obama's how we want our communities to operate remark. After Roger made his offensive David Duke comment I stopped reading anything he said in full. Your characterization of Clinton's position was also pretty offensive in my view, and not one to initiate meaningful discussion.
Fwiw, my view is that Clinton missed the mark badly in her comments by only addressing the police profiling of black people issue. Her husband would not have been so clueless, and would likely have called out BLM and its supporters for not stressing peaceful protests while speaking in a black church. Trump recognized this week's killings as two separate sets of horrors and broke with Republican orthodoxy in calling the two killings by police "senseless".
I regret making the David Duke comment. I thought CH comments were offensive as well. My immediate reaction was impulsive. I don't think that CH is a racist. One here in particular, is a blatant racist. But not our esteemed host.
But his statement, well he's better than that.
As to cherry picking, I believe that the entire comment must be included to put it in perspective. Tomorrow I'll be back.oo
Indy, how often are they indicted, let alone convicted?
Far more often than you think. Every Time there is a shoot there are experienced investigators going over witness statements and forensics.
While video helps it's not the end all. In the Philando Castile case the video didn't even start until after the shooting.
Yet all the liberals were ready to take it as a statement of fact because it fitted neatly into their agenda.
I left this blog after my last statement above, and now when I come back I find disgusting statements being made on both sides of the issue.
I have not read through it all, but typical is Commensa's responses to what I said at 3:24 and 3:38PM above.
I know feelings are high, but my statement at 3:38 above was genuinely meant to be open minded, admitting that I may have gotten a wrong impression from the video before, and asking questions that are pertinent for determining what really happened, whether that plays to the advantage of the killed man or to the advantage of the shooting officer.
That Commensa responded with the wish that I "burn in hell" is over the top, and is an example of how far beyond the bounds of all reasonableness we have come. His contention that justice was done in the case of the cop with the itchy trigger finger is unfeeling.
If the shooting, which should not have taken place at all, had resulted in the death of the young man, how could justice have been done?
Officers of the law should not be racists, and even if they have strong racial prejudices they should act with a professionalism that prevents them from doing what that officer did.
Justice can be done only when officers of the law no longer create situations which our black citizenry legitimately find extremely disturbing.
Nor is justice done by killing innocent policemen while they are doing their jobs.
Again James is blaming the cops. He still wants to see them lynched without trial.
Never have I seen such bigotry and prejudice toward a particular group of people as I've seen James' bigotry towards police officers.
It was not the cops or racism that was responsible for one of the bloodiest July 4th weekends in Chicago history.
It was gang warfare, victims all being young black men.
Until liberals address the root cause of black violence (or people vote for conservative politicians who will do something about it), then more young black men will die.
LOL Commensa, have you got a screw loose? Where have I called for the lynching of anybody, police or otherwise, without trial? Get real.
You like to make up things, not said or implied.
"Blogger Commonsense said...
Again James is blaming the cops. He still wants to see them lynched without trial."
I get accused of the same thing, although it's not written or implied.
Anyone tired of this back and forth that leads nowhere can go to Roger's portion of the blog where I just put up some very interesting stuff this morning.
What we have now us directly a result of the race baiting divisive rhetoric we've gotten over the last two years from Obama, Clinton and holder.
The racist is in the white house.
Obama returns to 51% job approval on the Gallup
You like to make up things, not said or implied.
Really? Both you and James jumped to the same conclusion and blamed the cop without waiting for the results of a full investigation.
You couldn't wait to spew your hateful and divisive rhetoric.
It was only when five cops died as a result of your hateful rhetoric you decided to "honor" them with some half-ass mea culpa.
Tell me, it the nut that killed those cops was a racist, what does that make you?
Sean hannity has a compilation of statements on video from Obama and Hillary bashing the police and supporting BLM.
This is what you get when you put a community agitator into the oval office.
I didn't mea culpa because I didn't have to. Unlike you, I remained reasonable.
Wasn't responding to you James. I'm done with you.
Beg your pardon. I thought 7:41's "you" included me.
Sean hannity has a compilation of statements on video"
I'm sure they weren't cherry picked or edited to make a point Ballz. LOL
As to your hissy fit over Roger's comments, I was only responding to your mischaracterization of Obama's how we want our communities to operate remark.
Obama has made this out to be about gun control and federal oversight of the police forces. I guess if you consider that to be a "mischaracterization" of his positions, then I would respectfully disagree.
I also (as I have repeated multiple times and just clarified in a new post today) have no issues with the things Obama stated that "everyone" or "nearly everyone" can agree on. Just because I happen to agree that "everyone" would like to see our communities operate differently, doesn't mean I have to agree with how they should behave differently.
Had the President left it at that. Things are bad. They need to change. We need to all sit down together and figure this out. Then we wouldn't be having this conversation.
But with Obama... it's things are bad. They need to be changed. And the manner in which we need to change them is by implementing all of my suggestions because I am right and they are wrong... is the reason this is an issue right now.
What happened to the Post Racial America?
I see his and Hillary's support of Black Lies Matter, putting them on the same level of importance in a peaceful Society as the fine men and woman of Law Enforcement is even a new low for them.
Just when you thought they had hit bottom.
I have to point out that after almost 8 years of Post Racial ObamaNation we are more divided then every . I lived thru the late 60's Racial Unrest and Riotings, this is worse because the Sitting President is the leading the Racial conflict and Hillary is doing the very same thing.
I am White and I sure as fuck don't need to listen to the bs of her or the BLM fucking thugs.
The Dallas Police and others around the nation is who I stand with, not Obama/Hillary/Lynch.
HB- A heart felt fu,,, you name Duke as if he is a somebody.
Why not name the other Racist in your party, like Hillary, Obama , Jesse Jew Hater Jackson, Rev Sharpton and his proven faults claims against the police, or at least ten others the lead you party that I can point out.
"Mr. Trump, the self-described champion of law and order, is also the political figure many people blame for sowing division and hatred with his attacks on illegal immigrants, Muslims, Mexicans and others. Rather than defuse tension, he electrifies crowds and vanquishes rivals through provocations that he delights in calling politically incorrect.”
--NYT op ed
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