“I think the beginning of the speech was a controversial way to start, honestly, talking about the girl, a girl, leading with this long story about him being attracted to an unnamed girl and thinking about whether he was starting something he couldn’t finish, building her whole political story, for the whole first half of the speech around her marriage to him. I think, unless there were worries that this is going to be too feminist a convention, that was not a feminist way to start. But the end of the speech was really good. I’ve got to say, the top of the speech I found shocking and rude.”
I watched parts of the speech (I toggled back and forth between the speech and reruns of American Ninja Warrior). It struck me as a bit forced. I am not sure I want to say "insincere" but at times it felt a little like he was describing the dentist he recommends you go see. Perhaps it was the "pace" that pulled me down. Either way, I didn't get the same feeling I got when I watched the Trump kids talk about their dad.
But hey... that's just me. What do I know?
i kept switching back and forth between yankees/astros and tosh.o.
I watched a little, I found him old, pale and had the look of a man that has lost his battle with what ever STD's he has.
Democrats Fear ‘Secret Trump Vote’ That Doesn’t Show Up in Polling
perhaps a topic for a post here CH.
Last night the Dems called $7.25 an hour "Starvation Wages".
When he had both the US House and the US Senate he did exactly what about wages during that time, other, then stealing them with higher taxes across the board to pay for his failed UN-aca?
Moria Lieagain of PBS said her fear is that Bernie Anti-Estblishment voters will go to Trump the only Anti-Estblishment Canidate left.
Hillary the Secretary of the Status Quo
Democrats Fear ‘Secret Trump Vote’ That Doesn’t Show Up in Polling
That effect accounts for Obama's artificially high approval ratings also.
Regarding the secret trump vote, I posted about that s month or more ago. It is real because I am one of the them. I will be voting for him but avoid saying do because I don't want the hassle from my Democrat friends and family. He's not my first choice, but I am never Hillary.
LA Times Tracking poll: Trump 47, Clinton 40.
Just one poll, but halfway thru the convention it doesn't look like the Democrats are impressing.
This puts pressure on Hillary to hit it out of the park.
What do I know?
Obviously, not very much since you watch ninja warrior!!!! LOL
That effect accounts for Obama's artificially high approval ratings also
Another opinion unsupported by fact since his approval rating has been creeping higher for weeks!
I saw it and disagreed.. That's all?
Roger - LOVE RUMP huh?
I think we can get "behind" that one!
This puts pressure on Hillary to hit it out of the park. "
She will be highly medicated because she has to use powerful drugs to suppress that nasty unexplained couch.
When did she last hold a true open press conference?
Blogger C.H. Truth said...
Roger - LOVE RUMP huh?
I think we can get "behind" that one!
perhaps that explains his collegiality with the pastor pederast.
Anonymous kd said...
When did she last hold a true open press conference?
As in taking all questions, from whatever credentialed press showed up? Something like White House Press conferences you mean?
Ah ... never. But it's been 8 or 9 months since she's even had a phony press conference.
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