Newt Gingrich: Has many of the qualities that Trump has openly suggested he desires. Someone who is broadly known and understands the ins and outs of politics. I would view Gingrich as the Dick Cheney pick. Someone likely to be very heavily involved in the decision making process, almost to the point of people wondering if he is actually pulling the strings.
The downside is that it is probably not the most politically advantageous pick when it comes to a strategic pick for VP electoral wise. He's not a horribly popular figure nationally, and probably won't help him with swing voters. He could, however, help pull in some of your conservative Republican voters who are currently sitting on the edge.
Chris Christie: Another guy who fits the bill as having a tangible political track record. Still an outsider of Washington, but he can offer executive experience. I am less able to see exactly how this fits into the big picture, as a matter of actually being a Vice President. Sometime tells me, he wouldn't be as active as a Newt Gingrich. But I see his personality fitting in well in a potential Trump White House.
Similar to Gingrich, it's unclear if he brings anything to the table in terms of election strategy. Even if New Jersey was in play, not sure he is popular enough there to sway the state. The biggest thing he has going for him (other than his size) is his name recognition. He's probably the most well known of the bunch.
In The Mix:
Jeff Sessions: Sessions is probably my least favorite of the potential Vice President candidates. He's certainly been a surrogate for Trump, and he does have two decades in the Senate. But there appears to be something missing. Perhaps he lacks the sort of personality to be taken seriously as someone who could get a word in edgewise, much less influence a potential Trump Presidency.
He offers a "safe" pick. Not too controversial, and comes across as a reasonable and decent man. But I don't believe adding a Southern State Senator to the ticket has any strategic advantage.
Bob Corker: Corker and Sessions sort of play the same character, although Corker has not been so actively promoting Trump, and therefore comes across as less "wanting" the job. He's less experienced in National politics than Sessions, but has some other experience (such as Mayor of Chattanooga and running some real estate companies) that Trump may see as an asset. Better than Sessions imho.
Again, Corker represents a safe choice. Won't turn any heads either way. Problem is that he is another Southern State Senator, and I don't see how it helps Trump electorally.
Ivanka Trump: These rumors just won't go away. Ben Carson was just suggesting this week that Trump may add his daughter to the ticket. Obviously this would not meet much of the criteria for someone experienced in the ways of the Washington, and quite obviously her life experience would overlap with her fathers, but it would be an interesting pick none-the-less.
Certainly she would be the prettiest Vice Presidential candidate we've ever seen (no offense to Sarah Palin intended). I don't have a clue whether this sort of pick offers the sort of advantage that would offset the obvious problems with picking your daughter to be a heart beat away from the Presidency. Although for many, given the choice, they may prefer the daughter to the father.
The Donald himself will be contacting you to assure you there is nothing short about him or his campaign.
Somehow Newt Gingrich's political baggage doesn't seem so debilitating any more. Relatively speaking, on a Trump ticket that is. That's kind of an intriguing choice.
But as whipped as Christie seems to be, I could see Trump selecting him to continue the sidekick role.
Ivanka would be barely old enough to hold the job. She'd have to move out of New York though, and that's likely a deal breaker.
Hadn't thought Corker was still in the mix, but I haven't been paying that close attention to the Donald's veepstakes. We'll find out who gets to wear the crown soon enough, I suppose.
The most likely candidates that would enhance Trump's chance to win, have all said, thanks but no thanks.
It's just another sign that most knowledgeable and experienced Republicans, are looking past this election. They are preparing for the 2020 election to beat President Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Indy, I don't think it's a crown. It's more like heavy baggage.
Not like a crown, more like a clinker.
By the way, although things are not looking good for the Dems Senatorially speaking in Florida, Iowa is unexpectedly opening up in that respect. So their chances of taking the Senate no longer depend as much on Florida. Good news.
Planning now to vote for Trump, Wp?
WP: "Somehow Newt Gingrich's political baggage doesn't seem so debilitating any more."
Well, Trump played around on his wife, but not while she was lying sick with cancer in the hospital.
Thanks for the laughs, Ch, in your "Darkhorse" comments.
And on Christie, Ch said:
"not sure he is popular enough there to sway the state" (NJ)
Not sure? LOL They HATE him there. (23% approval rating).
Ivanka Trump is being talked about, James... it's not a joke. She would turn 35 a couple of weeks before the election, and would technically be qualified.
I don't think that's the direction he is going, but there are a ton of pundits who believe the option has been seriously considered.
There is one tiny problem with Ivanka. She's resides in the same state as her father.
She solves that problem by moving to Mar de Largo.
Sarah Palin type stuff all over again. :-)
By the way, Ch, a US judge just blocked a Missippi law allowing denial of services to LGBT people.
Blow a fuse over that.
Judge said the law favors certain religious affiliation over other religion affiliation who do not hold the same viewpoint. A valid legal argument for striking the law down. Not sure why Mississippi put together a law that specific to particular issues. It was destined to fail in court.
The more generic RFRA type laws have passed legal challenges in the past. If you provide a basic shield for all religious believes, then that doesn't bring up the same equal protection problems.
Judge Reeves appointed by Obama.
Go figure
Elections have consequences. So will this next one.
More liberal Supreme Court, here you come.
Somehow Newt Gingrich's political baggage doesn't seem so debilitating any more.
as if it ever was to a rational, thinking person.
newt's "scandals" were always over nickledick shit, with the state-run media blowing them out of proportion as is their wont to do.
Meanwhile The Donald comes up with a real doozy.
Trump finally has an opinion on the Supreme Court's abortion ruling, and it is satisfyingly stupid
DAILY KOS: It took three days to ferment, but Donald Trump finally has come to an opinion on the Supreme Court's ruling this week that nixed Texas' onerous restrictions on abortion clinics. And as is expected, when Donald Trump is forced to weigh in on a subject not directly related to which things are classy and which are not, it is a stupid response worded stupidly.
THE DONALD: “Now if we had — Scalia was living, or if Scalia was replaced by me, you wouldn’t have had that, OK? It would’ve been the opposite.”
JAMES: Oh really? If Scalia were living, it would have been 5-4 instead of 5-3, stupid.
Rat proves again he is incapable of obscenity-less comment.
JAMES: Oh really? If Scalia were living, it would have been 5-4 instead of 5-3, stupid.
You're assuming Kennedy would have still voted with the liberals. I'm not so sure that would have been the case.
Elections have consequences.
they sure do.
in 0linsky's america, the TSA can beat bloody a disabled girl. suffering from a brain tumor. partially deaf and blind in one eye:
and the left wonders why so many can hate the current regime which gave rise to trump.
Neither Clinton nor Trump are actually the nominees yet. There are no running mates. When I look at these head to head polls I have to wonder how much of that support is soft, that really could go either way depending on what's in the news at that particular point in time.
I suspect that the whole election will hinge on random events and fickle perception of who is the more dangerous fraud. No, I am not going to vote for Trump, James.
Rat, Newt's political baggage is his failure to achieve much after having squandered the political advantages. Flying high with the Contract with America, opposing a vulnerable President, and then failure.
I wasn't actually talking about his personal scandals, Rat (& James), although those were definitely a drag among some demographics.
She would turn 35 a couple of weeks before the election, and would technically be qualified.
That sure says a lot about the Donald. She's less qualified than you, CH.
Flying high with the Contract with America, opposing a vulnerable President, and then failure.
i'm not seeing where he failed. he achieved welfare reform, a cap gains tax cut and the first balanced budget in 25 years,among other things. had he had some support from the house GOP he might have been able to achieve much more.
boehner (it figures) stabbed him in the back. policy wise the guy is brilliant, and politically he knows how to help a nincompoop like trump find his way around.
i agree with CH - gingrich would be trumps cheney, and would be a wise choice. at the very least he would utterly destroy his opponent in a VP debate.
Not just Boehner. Majority leader Dick Armey, Whip Tom Delay, and dozens of House conservatives, because Gingrich combined his lack of achievement in the Conservative's agenda with chaotically unpredictable off the cuff policy pronouncements. Overplaying in his crusade against Clinton, and stunning defeats in House midterms.
Conservatives still have a bitter taste in their mouths over all of that. That, along with his ethics scandals, is Gingrich's political baggage.
There's an old joke about Gingrich, from before he became Speaker. A senior Republican shows a visitor a room with a line of file cabinets against one wall and a single manila folder on top of one cabinet. The Republican tells his visitor the file cabinets are stuffed full of all the great ideas Gingrich has proposed. The visitor points to the folder and asks what's in that. "That contains all the great ideas Gingrich actually followed through on."
I simply don't know who really remembers much specific about Gingrich back in the day. If we can decide that the Clinton scandals of that time period are irrelevant old news... I see no good reason why anyone would believe anything surrounding Gingrich would be any more relevant.
To some degree, he would be reintroducing himself to an entire new generation of Americans. I think he has the intellectual chops to make a positive impression if given the chance. Whatever short term hit Trump takes for choosing him (and there may well be one) - it may be a good long term investment.
Sorry to spoil your breakfast this morning Ch, but---
If the election was held today, the likeliest outcome would be 330 electoral votes for Clinton, 208 for Trump.
There's a lot of time before Election Day, but there's also little doubt that Donald Trump is starting out in a big hole.
--based on Sam Wang's -- he's one of the best -- Princeton Election Consortium findings.
But if any of you REALLY want to ruin your breakfasts, go to Roger's lead blog article from yesterday---
What Really Angers Conservatives:
Fulfilled Most of His Promises
---and then try to comment intelligently on it.
Fulfilled Most of His Promises" Jane
IF you ever wondered what the typical Socialist Thinks just read the delusional posts of Jane.
Jane, tell use the Promises kept on :
1, $2500 per family policy saving
2, Keep your doctor
Just tackle those two.
OR this one, The most transparent Administration EVER.
Ok, release the back door agreements with IRAN on their Keep their nukes deal that transfers 100's of Billion of dollars to our Enemy.
No good reason that a VP's background is relevant? Seriously?
But, given a decade of dysfunction in Congress, Gingrich's failures in legislative leaders no longer loom as large. It might be a pretty good choice for Trump.
Three men with gigantic character flaws:
Trump, Gingrich, Christie.
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