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Terrorism is the new normal |
Let's declare war on ISIS |
Now granted, Hillary Clinton is not going to get up in front of Americans and tell them that they must live with terrorism. But there are plenty of people on the left who believe as much and there are plenty of arguments being made that radical Islamic terrorism cannot be eliminated, rather only contained. Moreover, by arguing (as liberals have for so long) that terrorism is a police (not a military) matter, you are by nature being somewhat reactive vs proactive. When you accept it as a criminal act, like any other murder or disruption, it emboldens it into our society.
Now I am not arguing that the concept is wrong. It may be long past the time where we can still hope to stamp out Islamic Terrorism at the root, and watch the entire movement crumble. But that doesn't mean that the American people (or Western society as a whole) is willing to concede as much. They still want leaders who are willing to try to defeat (not just contain) radical Jihadism.
At the very least, they want leaders who are willing to face ISIS and radical Islamic Jihadism head on, and turn it into a good old fashioned fist fight. I think many people are tired of sitting back, while the world's leaders allow western society to be little more than a punching bag for Islamic terror... with their only reaction being a call for calm and a show of pity for the victims every time the enemy is allowed another free shot.
Instinctively, at the core, Americans want more than a moment of silence or a call for unity. They want to see us fight back. They want to see justice for those who are killed in these acts of terror. They want our leaders to be proactive in protecting our citizens. They want to see leaders putting safety ahead of politics. What they don't want, is more lectures and excuses.
Hillary's BFF AG Lynch told the World "ISIS" can be defeated if we just learn to LOVE THEM.
That is the kind of low rent idiots are in charge in this Administration.
Remarks by the President on the Military Campaign to Destroy ISIL
The Pentagon
12:47 P.M. EST
THE PRESIDENT: Good morning, everybody. Today, the United States and our Armed Forces continue to lead the global coalition in our mission to destroy the terrorist group ISIL.
Even as we continue to destroy ISIL militarily, we're addressing the larger forces that have allowed these terrorists to gain ...
President Obama Discusses The Global Campaign To Degrade And Destroy ISIL
Posted by DipNote Bloggers
February 25, 2016
The President continued, “Every day, our air campaign -- more than 10,000 strikes so far -- continues to destroy ISIL forces, infrastructure and heavy weapons. ISIL fighters are learning that they’ve got no safe haven.”
Despite gains we’ve made in the fight against ISIL, President Obama reiterated, “the only way to deal with ISIL in a way that defeats them in a lasting way is to end the chaos and the civil war that has engulfed Syria. That’s how ISIL was able to thrive in the first place."
Transcript: President Obama's address to the nation on the San ... [http://www.cnn.com/2015/12/06/politics/transcript-obama-san-bernardino-isis-address/_green]
Dec 6, 2015 - President Obama: 'This was an act of terrorism' 01:15. Our nation has ... We will destroy ISIL and any other organization that tries to harm us.
Obama: 'This was an act of terrorism' - CNNPolitics.com - CNN.com [http://www.cnn.com/2015/12/06/politics/obama-oval-office-address-isis-terror/_green]
Dec 7, 2015 - president obama san bernardino shooting statement oval office ..... We will destroy ISIL and any other organization that tries to harm us.".
Islamic state crisis: Key quotes from Obama - BBC News - BBC.com [http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-29152590_hackersafe]
Key quotes from US President Barack Obama's speech to the American people on the campaign to destroy Islamic State. ... Isil poses a threat to the people of Iraq and Syria, and the broader Middle East - including American citizens, personnel ...
This is more lectures and excuses.
Why is this President and this Sec of State failing?
Weren't these the same guys who said communism couldn't be defeated only contained?
Obama simply saying it's terrorism is like a doctor saying you're sick.
It's weak. Trump is right.
Ch says that liberals believe: terrorism is a police (not a military) matter,
Do police make drone strikes?
Ch says that people "want to see us fight back."
As in, foolishly invade another Iraq?
While hyou're looking at underlying differences between Hillary and Donald, Ch, you might like to examine some underlying differences between Trump and Pence:
*Trump opposes trade agreements; Pence strongly supports them
*Trump wants to ban Muslims from entering the U.S.; Pence thinks that is offensive and unconstitutional
*Trump doesn't actually care much about abortion; Pence wants to ban it, even in cases of rape and incest
*Trump has no problem with same-sex marriage; Pence is strongly against it
*Trump wants a wall built along the Mexican border; Pence does not
*Trump has made millions on casinos; Pence finds gambling immoral and would prefer it be outlawed
By picking pens e, Trump just solidified the Conservatives who were unsure.
And even Chris Matthews admitted please ended speech today was terrific, calling it a barn burner.
According to a new CNN/ORC poll, the alleged Muslim, Kenyan-born socialist/fascist who is ruining America now has a 52% approval rating. What’s more, this is up from January, when the POTUS was enjoying a 50% approval rating, his highest since he took office. It also marks the third consecutive poll where he’s got a majority approval from the American people, and the fourth where he’s shown a gain in popularity. According to The Hill, this is the best that America has felt about him since 2012.
Contrasting that with other modern presidents, you have Reagan with 48% approval, George W. Bush with 30%, and Bill Clinton narrowly edging out Barack with 55%.
And yet almost 70% say the country is on the wrong track.
Bill had higher ratings but at this point, w is thought of in higher regard.
remember a couple days ago when the alky had his panties in a wad regarding newt's "assault" on the first amendment?
good times...
ST. LOUIS – Hillary Clinton committed Saturday to introducing a constitutional amendment to overturn the Citizens United decision within her first 30 days in office, if she’s elected president.
Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/07/hillary-clinton-citizens-united-225658#ixzz4EfweGB4O
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the first amendment is sacred. right up until it's not.
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