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You are not paranoid if it turns out that they really were out to get you! |
The Party did decide to "uninvite" Committee Chair Debbie Wassermann Schultz from speaking at the convention. But remarkably, she still has her job, even after Sanders made very specific calls for her to resign.
It's amazing to me that the Party seems oblivious to the image of all of this, especially in the wake of the heavy public criticism of the Department of Justice and FBI Director James Comey. Right after it looked like Clinton received preferential treatment regarding the decision to "not" charge her, in spite of the FBI director admitting that evidence of criminal activity did in fact exist... it turns out that the fix was also in for her in terms of the Party being willing to clear a path for her nomination.
I don't believe that this is going to fly with Bernie Sander's followers or any of the other Democratic holdouts. They have believed this all along, but now they have solid evidence that such a coup did exist. Sanders never stood a chance, likely because he (like Barack Obama eight years ago) may have won a fair fight and kept Clinton from her coveted coronation.
So what does Bernie Sanders do now? The very Party who openly was willing to screw him over in any manner shape or form, to prevent him from winning, is now expecting his obedient support to Party and their nominee. Seems like a lot to ask of the Socialist Senator. Bernie certainly has a lot to lose with his dedicated supporters if he picks Party over pride.
Note: I watched two different focus groups over the RNC convention, and both had at least one Bernie Sanders supporter. One of those supporters from each focus group made a decision to switch from being a Bernie Supporter to a Trump supporter, both citing Trumps non-conventional political manner and his willingness to buck his Party and ultimately their belief he would buck the tired old political system. While I generally figure these people sway back and forth, I don't see them swaying back to the Democratic Party after this. This is exactly the "Dirty Politics as usual" that they are sick and tired of, and ultimately they will believe it cost their guy the nomination.
Really? And little Georgie didn't correct
That's either abject stupidity or bias
The timing of the release of these emails which no one has suggested are not real, is priceless.
Bernie was right, the "fix" was in.
Good not to belong the hat clan of asshats.
Wait, has any reporter asked Hillary about the emails or is she still working with the lamestream press as outlined in those same memo's.
If you had a sane and rational candidate, they might sit this out. But you support the least qualified candidate in the history of the Republican party. They will show up in mass numbers, to keep that man out of the Oval Office.
Anonymous caliphate4vr "
Either Little Stephie, a water carrier for Hillary just did not know the facts on Democrat Wallace or he let it slide hoping to continue yet another lie.
Coleman was a gentleman in correcting elision. You on the other hand act like the true partisan you are by pointing out the error and trying to cram it up someones ass. It's all you ever do pauline. Looking forward to your lorettaesque' response. LOL
HB, Does it at all bother you that Hillary's DNC acted like this?
Anybody who thinks a lot of Bernie's people will vote for Trump is really whistling in the wind, no matter how bad they feel about Bernie's treatment.
Anybody who thinks a lot of Bernie's people will vote for Trump is really whistling in the wind,"
Pew Polling finds that 9 percent of the Bernie People are going to trump and will vote, they are so sickened by her, and that is prior to this Email unforced Error.
Anybody who thinks a lot of Bernie's people will vote for Trump is really whistling in the wind
They don't have to vote for Trump, just not vote for Clinton.
If 1/3 of the Democrat party is made up of Bernie supporters and 60% of them don't vote for Clinton then she'll lose the election.
Jane, Does it at all bother you that Hillary's DNC acted like this?
You don't understand how most Democrats, Bernie fans included, know that Trump is dangerous and his views are contrary to American values.
And yet 9% will vote for Trump and Jill Stein could benefit from a Sanders defection.
Or they could just stay home.
Your argument that Trump is dangerous is an argument to not vote for Trump. However, it's not an argument to vote for Clinton and to Sanders supporters Clinton is every bit as dangerous as Trump.
Larry J. Sabato is director of the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics and author of “The Kennedy Half-Century.”
Vice-presidential candidates can be divided into two categories: political choices selected for what they can deliver on Election Day and governing picks who can do some heavy lifting in the White House.
By choosing Tim Kaine, Hillary Clinton will get both.
Clinton has been the favorite to win in Virginia since the Republicans chose Donald Trump, whose backing in heavily populated suburbs such as Northern Virginia should lag behind the previous three Republican presidential candidates. But with Kaine on the ticket, Virginia can probably retire its swing-state jersey for this year. A good-size Democratic victory in this once-reliable GOP state should be expected, likely larger than President Obama’s 3.9 point margin in 2012. Recent studies have suggested that a solid running mate can add two to three percentage points in his or her home state.
Hillary has demonstrated how dangerous she is to US State Secrets and to those Dead Americans in Lybia.
Lets look at the much repeated and base less parrot point that HB continues to bring to the A blog..
How many people under the direct control of Trump have been killed?
How many people under the direct control of Crooked have been killed?
Trump's negatives are far more bigger than you think.
She's an angel compared to Trump.
You're letting you personal bias and hatred cloud your judgement.
No surprise there.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz will resign after the convention and will take no part in any convention activity.
Talk about being thrown under the bus, team Clinton is desperate to keep Bernie from bolting.
By choosing Tim Kaine, Hillary Clinton will get both.
Tim Kaine will disappear, never to be heard of again regardless of whether Clinton wins or not.
American values, Roger - are laid out in the constitution.
- Freedom of speech (not freedom from speech).
- Freedom of religion (not freedom from religion).
- Freedom to bear arms.
- Federalism and states rights.
- Due process and equal protection.
I think what you "mean" to say, is that Donald Trump represents views that are contrary to liberal views and political correctness.
July 24 (Reuters) - Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg plans to endorse Hillary Clinton in a prime time address at the Democratic convention, the New York Times reported on Sunday.
Citing Bloomberg's adviser Howard Wolfson, the newspaper said that he plans to make the case for Clinton from the "perspective of a business leader and an independent."
Bloomberg, who was previously elected as a Republican and later became an independent, has been sharply critical of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.
Hillary Clinton has a 72.0% chance of winning the 2016 presidential election.
PHILADELPHIA—The chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee resigned Sunday after a trove of emails were disclosed showing DNC officials working to undermine the underdog presidential campaign of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz, a Florida congresswoman, said in a statement that she would resign from her post at the DNC at the end of this week’s convention. She said she would still open and close the gathering and would address the delegates.
“My first priority has always been serving the people of the 23rd district of Florida and I look forward to continuing to do that as their member of Congress for years to come,” she said in a statement. But she said the “best way” to fulfill her goals was to step down as chair of the committee.
Although it looks like that she came out on her own. But I would bet that she received a call from the Clinton Kaine campaign.
This will help the Democrats to unite behind Hillary Clinton. Bernie Sanders got his way too.
James is spamming again these are the exact same post as on Roger's blog.
Not true. I just put theser last two up here and nowhere else.
Also, I didn't even know Roger had a Bloomberg thread up.
No CH, Trump's racist, Beaner Federal judge, and his plan, that would never stand up in the courts, to ban all Muslims from entering the country, and statements that said even American Muslims who believe in Sharia law would be deported. Those are NOT American values. Your CDS has fogged your vision.
Actually it would stand up in Federal Court.
The Constitution and Federal law gives the president quite a bit of latitude to determine who should be and who shouldn't be let into the country.
Again you are reading into law what you think it ought to be instead of what it is.
I've been busy on this very busy day.
I have completed all the tests, met my liver doctor and surgeon. The decision process is complicated. But I will know by the day before Lydia's birthday on August 4. That's if I get on their list. The timing will be determined will soon after, or if I'm on the short list, right then. At least I think how this works.
I will be on the edge for almost two weeks. Posting here on events as they happen, keeps me occupied. Although we are in one of the greatest cities, New Orleans Louisiana, my decreasing mobility makes it hard to go out and about. It sucks.
Also, I didn't even know Roger had a Bloomberg thread up.
An out and out lie since you actually posted on the thread.
No CH, Trump's racist, Beaner Federal judge, and his plan, that would never stand up in the courts
You couldn't have said it any better Roger...
You believe non-Americans have the same constitutional rights as Americans. They do not. Our constitution is designed to protect "Americans" not anyone else.
They do not. Our constitution is designed to protect "Americans" not anyone else.
CH once again makes his own stuff up instead of posting the correct answer. No different than his claim a a gay conservative was banned by twitter when in reality, the guy was a jerk who failed to abide by the rules of service. Too funny'
In summary, the entire case of illegal aliens being covered by and protected by the Constitution has been settled law for 129 years and rests on one word: "person." It is the word "person" that connects the dots of "due process" and "equal protection" in the 14th Amendment to the U.S Constitution and it is those five words that make the Constitution of the United States and its 14th amendment the most important political document since the Magna Carta in all world history.
"Aliens," legal and illegal, have the full panoply of constitutional protections American citizens have with three exceptions: voting, some government jobs and gun ownership (and that is now in doubt) —
You really should learn how to read CH.
Cue the normal CH BS!!!!
In summary, the entire case of illegal aliens being covered by and protected by the Constitution has been settled law for 129 years and rests on one word: "person."
They are not illegal aliens, they are not even in the country yet.
And if they are part of a banned group that entered the country illegally they would be deported immediately without a hearing.
You believe non-Americans have the same constitutional rights as Americans."
They are not illegal aliens, they are not even in the country yet"
Try to keep up menstral child and learn to read. LOL!
Could not have been timed any better to do the most damage, WikiLeaks just might have saved this country from a third term of failure, economic failure and on the world stage.
Debbie was thrown under the bus by the hands of Hillary, any one see that any different is insane.
Poor Debbie , like so many before her had to be taught this lesson.
As I see the hole DNCMemoGate, it is yet one more in a laundry list of backdoor crooked tricks by the Queen of Crooked.
I notice Jane/HB have zero problem with the way Hillary's DNC is run.
Perhaps Opie you need to learn how read or a least follow a thread.
We were discussing Trump's ban on Muslims entering the country.
Bernie's Deligates are going to boo the bimbo off the freaking stage, she will not close the CONvention, not a chance on this little blue marble that happens.
When the wheels fall off of Crooked Hillary's wheelchair they really fall off.
"Solomon said he believes a "vast majority" of Sanders delegates support these kinds of protests to express their dismay. Sanders' supporters say they are concerned that Kaine is not progressive enough.
Dan O'Neal, 68, is a retired school teacher and delegate from Arizona, said Wasserman Schultz has to be censured.
"We knew they were stacking the deck against Bernie from the get-go, but this type of stuff coming out is outrageous," he said. "It proves our point that they've tried to marginalize him and make it as difficult as possible."
Trump's campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, agreed, saying Sanders' supporters "have a lot to complain about."
"The emails have proven the system was rigged from the start," Manafort told "Fox News Sunday."
Not making up a single line of this,,, Hillary Blames the Russians because they are helping Trump.
OMG, the best line eva.
"Clinton's campaign manager, Robby Mook, tried to shift blame away from DNC officials to "Russian state actors" who, he said, may have hacked into DNC computers "for the purpose of helping Donald Trump," the Republican presidential nominee." AP reports
Perhaps Opie you need to learn how read or a least follow a thread.
"You believe non-Americans have the same constitutional rights as Americans"
And i was responding to the specific BS CH posted about Roger right above!!!.....try taking your head out of your ass and learn to read the old fashion way, one word at a time. Idiot.
JAMES SAID: Also, I didn't even know Roger had a Bloomberg thread up.
COMMENSA SAID: An out and out lie since you actually posted on the thread.
July 24, 2016 at 3:57 PM
Sorry to disappoint you, Commensa, but unlike you I do not out and out lie.
When I posted above at 3:35PM I thought I was breaking news that no one else here had even seen. I was totally unaware that Roger had already put up a thread about it.
AFTER that, I went to Roger's thread, saw what he had put there and your response to it, and responded to your response at 3:46PM. (3:46 is later than 3:35)
No lie at all.
SO sorry to disappoint you. Well, not really. ;-)
Opie - Trump's plan revolves around banning refugees from certain countries. By nature, they neither are Americans or live in the country.
I find it is time to educate the Leftist on the Adult part of this blog.
When you are on the CHT A blog, act like you belong not like a Hillary.
"The Past Six Presidents Have All Used The Executive Power To Block Certain Classes Of Immigrants"
Settled Law :
"Section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 states: “Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.”
Trump is legally right to do what he will do when we get him Elected, or put another way , he will use his pen, no need to use his phone on this one.
By the way, Obama has used that provision many times as did Jimmy the Jew Hater Carter.
Wise up Liberals and learn.
Sanders to Address Democratic National Convention
BURLINGTON, Vt. – In an opening night address on Monday at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders will make it clear that Hillary Clinton is by far superior to Donald Trump on every major issue from economics and health care to education and the environment.
Sanders will stress that the most progressive platform in Democratic Party history includes agreements he reached with Clinton to dramatically expand health care access and to make public colleges tuition-free for students from families with annual incomes up to $125,000 a year.
In his remarks, Sanders also plans to rip into Trump for siding with the Koch brothers and echoing fossil fuel industry claims that climate change is a hoax despite the virtually-unanimous scientific consensus that the warming planet is causing devastating harm.
Sanders also will send a message to the convention and to the 13 million voters who supported him that they have begun a political revolution to transform America and that the revolution – Our Revolution – continues. “Together,” he will say, “we continue the fight to create a government which represents all of us, and not just the 1 percent – a government based on the principles of economic, social, racial and environmental justice.”
Moreover, no judge is going to prevent illegals from being deported.
No Judge is going to rule that we are obligated to take refugees.
So I am not sure which of Trump's plan, would be stopped by a judge.
But Opie believes he knows better?
They do not. Our constitution is designed to protect "Americans" not anyone else.
True, but there are inalienable rights belonging to every human being, which are recognized by our courts.
You are also correct that barring refugees from specific countries, or all countries, is not unprecedented and not illegal. Other parts of Trump's plan may be illegal. It's hard to tell with Trump which parts he's serious about and where he's just blowing smoke for the audience.
Bernie should tell them to go pound sand, decline to speak at the convention and either run on another ticket or get back to being an iconoclast Senator. But he won't do that, expecting to accomplish more by working with the Democratic Party, even with evidence of corruption among the leadership.
not just the 1 percent"
According to US Federal Data, you are in the TOP 1 percent IF, you have a net worth of 8.4 Million USD.
Wait, what, so Hillary is in the top 1 %.
" the top 1 percent in household income at $380,000" IRS Stats
But Jane it gets ever better:
"TOP 1%? TRY TOP 0.1% — CLINTONS’ INCOME TOPS 99.9% OF AMERICANS" Washington Times
Hillary's Net worth:
"Clinton's net worth, according to Celebrity Net Worth, is estimated to be $80 million.Jun 1, 2016"
Jane, next time vet your story and what Bernie is about to do.
BURLINGTON, Vt. – U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders on Sunday issued the following statement on the resignation of Debbie Wasserman Schultz as Democratic Party chairwoman:
“Debbie Wasserman Schultz has made the right decision for the future of the Democratic Party. While she deserves thanks for her years of service, the party now needs new leadership that will open the doors of the party and welcome in working people and young people. The party leadership must also always remain impartial in the presidential nominating process, something which did not occur in the 2016 race.”
Now the question is; What will Bernie do?
What a wonderful spot Hillary's DNC has brought to the first day of the CONvention.
What do people think, well, she is a cheat and liar and that the normal rules of fair play don't ever apply to her.
"question is; What will Bernie do?"
He'll fall in line with the rest of the sheep.
"While it is certainly true that the DNC did not want Sanders to win, it is even more true that the RNC REALLY, REALLY, REALLY didn't want Trump to win..."
--Andrew S. Tannenbaum
"Cybersecurity experts believe that the DNC email leaks come from Russia in an attempt to cause disunity within the Democratic Party in order to elect Donald Trump, who Vladimir Putin clearly prefers. Putin knows that he can't boss Clinton around but he undoubtedly suspects that Trump will be a pushover, especially if he allows Trump to build the biggest and fanciest resort hotel in Moscow. Then Putin will be alble to retake the Baltic republics and all of the Ukraine with Trump's blessing."
He'll fall in line with the rest of the sheep.
If he does, he'll be booed off the stage by his own supporters. (And unlike Cruz supporters in the RNC, there's a considerable number of Sanders supporters.)
I don't think Sanders is going to be a puppy dog to Clinton.
The spam continues unabated.
"Cybersecurity experts believe that the DNC email leaks come from Russia in an attempt to cause disunity within the Democratic Party
Russians wrote the emails did they? As I pointed out in Roger's blog post, blaming the Russians is like blaming the New York Times for publishing RNC emails.
"I don't think Sanders is going to be a puppy dog to Clinton."
He's already her puppy dog. He didn't hit her with intensity...
...he was always nipping around the edges.
Russians wrote the emails did they?
And I trust you never composed an E-mail that could be embarrassing in the future????? But then again, you are laborer and don't use E-Mails in your work. Again, all it proves is that E-Mails are forever and people are just too lazy to either phone someone or actually meet face to face. !!!
C.H. Truth said...
Okie - Trump's plan revolves around banning refugees from certain countries
I was not addressing the selective bans he was proposing, I was addressing what you said about "They do not. Our constitution is designed to protect "Americans" not anyone else.
Which is patently incorrect which I provide a cite saying so.
Cybersecurity experts"
Got Names ?
or Just Talking Parrot shit?
No, Russians didn't write the emails.
That was stupidity on the part of some DNC people.
But it IS intriguing to think that Putin is supporting Trump's candidacy.
I sure am glad Wasserman-Schultz will not be putting in an appearance at the Democrats' convention.
James -
The hacker was Russian.
The hacker was not Putin.
He's already her puppy dog. He didn't hit her with intensity...
Ette is right and Sanders is losing his people.
Bernie was good each and every time he said the word, Hillary, too freaking funny, they even had a little 60'ish chant.
Hell no RNC
We won't vote for Hillary"
and the other one was
"Lock her up"
A nice variation was:
"FUck that Bitch
"Cuff her up"
The streets of Philly look like an interloper CONvention .
James said...
I sure am glad Wasserman-Schultz will not be putting in an appearance at the Democrats' convention."
Really, why, she is such an asset to Hillary that she is now on Hillary's payroll.
Report Debbiedoeshillary will be paid, 6 figures.
James -
The hacker was Russian.
The hacker was not Putin.
Ah, but look at this:
FBI Suspects Russia of Trying to Help Trump
“The FBI suspects that Russian government hackers breached the networks of the Democratic National Committee and stole emails that were posted to the anti-secrecy site WikiLeaks on Friday. It’s an operation that several U.S. officials now suspect was a deliberate attempt to influence the presidential election in favor of Donald Trump,” the Daily Beast reports.
“The theory that Moscow orchestrated the leaks to help Trump, who has repeatedly praised Russian President Vladimir Putin and practically called for the end of NATO, is fast gaining currency within the Obama administration because of the timing of the leaks and Trump’s own connections to the Russian government, the sources said on condition of anonymity because the investigation is ongoing and developing quickly.”
"Russian government hackers." Of course Putin would have nothing to do with THAT.
Sounds like Ch may have a dispute with the FBI.
No one is going to care that the Russians exposed the emails. It's not like it was unexpected - Putin or his mouthpieces have been teasing it for a month.
You're barking up the wrong tree, and the real impact is to underscore the danger of Clinton's slip-shod handling on classified data. If the DNC emails were an open book to the Russians, then Hillary's State emails were also.
No one in Hillary's Dnc is saying that they are not real.
They are pissed that the world now knows they cheated Bernie.
"It's time to level the playing field " HillaryRotten
She says that a lot, does not mean a word of it.
WP WikiLeaks has said openly that this is just the first "release" of what they collected over the year (reported by ABC) they had control over the servers used.
It is not over , not by a long shot.
Another day , another Hillary scandal.
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