Thursday, August 11, 2016

Trump looks to overturn

Roe V Wade and gay marriage decisions.

Donald Trump states if given the chance that he would replace Ginsburg  or Breyer with conservative Justices because he would like the new court to overturn decisions that Trump describes as wrong. Among those Trump believes are wrong would be the court ordered legalization of abortion and same sex marriage. 

So what happened to staris decisis? There is a huge risk of special blatantly turning the court political by offering a litmus test on specific issues, just because you happen to be in a Presidential race. 

We inherently understand that the court is an important issue, but the idea is that it would be important in the context of future decisions. The suggestion that a new court might attempt to overturn settled supreme court issues is a whole new can of worms that should not be opened. 

We could quite literally turn the one branch of our government that is supposed to be nonpolitical and nonpartisan... into a hired gun to implement an agenda that would not muster enough political support to become law through normal channels.

This should scare everyone.

Note: Donald Trump really didn't say this. But he could. 


Commonsense said...

As far as making the court political, that ship has already saled with the appointments of Ginsberg, Sotomayor, Kagan, and Breyer.

opie' said...

Ans once again our esteemed host thinks those that live a different lifestyle deserve no rights. Sad, but so republicon.

C.H. Truth said...


Did you actually read the post?

C.H. Truth said...

I think I used too big of words for Opie

Commonsense said...

A distinct possibility.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Of course all who want Trump to win and all who want Clinton to win have absolutely no political views as to what kind of Justices a sitting President will or won't appoint.

Of course.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I think I used too big of words for Opie

Want to try that again in English?