Friday, September 9, 2016

Clinton "frustrated" with the media coverage.

Hillary Clinton sent a shot across the bow at her first "press conference" in about nine months, as she suggested, among other things, that reporters should not be asking her about health concerns or her coughing fits. She discussed the "unfair" treatment she got from Matt Lauer, and most importantly, did not take a single question about her emails, the Clinton Foundation, or any of the investigations she has been under.

Rather, she used the Press conference as an attempt to once again take the focus off her and back on Donald Trump. She read a prepared statement, took limited questions, and focused almost exclusively on Trump, unfair media treatment, and whether or not criticism of her is "sexist".

I guess, if there is a solid take away out of her first press conference, it's that even though they are her press conferences, and reporters are asking her question, apparently those questions should not actually be about her (unless it's about how unfair she is treated). Rather if you are a reporter and would like to participate in these once in a lifetime events, you better have some good questions to ask her about Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, or Reince Preibus.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

You said she did not "take" any questions about her emails.
I am under the impression that she was not "asked" any such questions.

Those are two very different things as any objective observer knows.

C.H. Truth said...

As if James actually believes that the questions being asked in this new conference were off the cuff and not screened and predetermined?

Good one, James! You got a Friday morning laugh out of me!

Commonsense said...

Like the the White House press corp, Hillary's traveling press corp is nothing more than her steno pool.

Otherwise they would be part of the traveling press corp for long.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I just watched the entire press conference.
It was quite good.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Hey, Ch, why is it that all three models of Nate Silver's 538 election forecasts -- updated ca. an hour ago --
(polls plus,
polls only,
and now cast)
have Hillery beating Donald
by more than two thirds percent?

Why in all three is Hillary now trending upward
and Trump is now trending downward?

Why is that?

C.H. Truth said...

Why is that?

I don't know James. I am not Nate Silver's keeper.

What I can tell you is that there are no new national polls (his national poll averages don't show any new polls, nor to RCP, or Huffington Post)

All of the recent state polls I have seen (over the past 2-3 days) have been favorable to Trump. (Currently there are five arrows on the states in RCP - all of them in favor or Trump)

I can also tell you that Silver now shows Florida at 1.0% and Ohio at 0.3% and he shows Trump winning North Carolina and Iowa. All of the individual changes appear to be moving in Trump's favor.

So it would be an interesting response, if you could get it from him.

Why don't you email him!?!

And you can share your findings!

Loretta said...

"So it would be an interesting response, if you could get it from him.

Why don't you email him!?!

And you can share your findings!"

THAT made me literally LOL.

Indy Voter said...

Clinton continues to make the mistake that this election is solely a referendum on Trump's fitness for the presidency. She has to provide voters with reasons to vote for her other than that she's not Trump. Because all Trump and his team need to do then is drive up her negatives too, and try to drive the anti-Trump voters to Johnson or Stein (or have them just not vote).