Thursday, December 15, 2016

What the "she won the popular vote" crowd isn't telling you.

In California, Hillary Clinton literally leads by an almost two to one margin (8.7 million to 4.5 million). That's a 4.2 million margin for Hillary coming specifically from the land of the fruits, nuts and flakes. Take away California, and Trump won the rest of the country by a fairly wide margin.

So, why is this relevant? Isn't California part of the United States?

Sure, and if this was a popular vote election it would matter. But if this was a popular vote election, Hillary Clinton would not have won California by over four million votes. I can say that with a fair amount of confidence.

What most people know (and will not tell you) is that California had a very unique situation this year. First, this was an off year for their Governorship. There was no statewide election for the Governor. Secondly, there was a state-wide Senate race, but there was actually no Republican in the race. The race, quite literally was one Democrat running against another Democrat.

What this means, ladies and gentlemen is that there was little (if no incentive) for Republicans to come out and vote in the 2016 California election. The Presidency was a lock, most of the congressional districts are locks, and there was literally no Republicans running in any important statewide race. On the flip side, there was definitely incentive for Democrats to come out and vote, if for not other reason than to determine which Democrat wins the Senate seat.

This is the equivalent to suggesting a late season game between a playoff team resting all their starters, and a team making a drive for the playoffs is an actual indicator of how a real contest would go between the teams. One team has no incentive to win, while the other has all the incentive.

Donald Trump garnered about four million "more" votes than Mitt Romney in the 49 states and District of Columbia. He garnered about a half million "less" votes than Mitt Romney in California. This certainly would not have happened had there been incentive for California Republicans to come out and vote.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

It's over. Move on.

Reality: U.S. intelligence officials believe Russian leader Vladimir Putin was personally involved in interfering with the U.S. presidential election, two sources told NBC News.

Two senior U.S. intelligence officials told NBC that Putin "personally directed" how hacked materials from Democrats were leaked and used.

CIA officials came to the conclusion last week that Russia interfered in the election in an attempt to elect Donald Trump president.

Officials told the Washington Post that individuals associated with the Russian government gave WikiLeaks emails hacked from the accounts of the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton aide John Podesta.

While Russian officials have categorically denied the government's involvement in the hacks, NBC reports that Putin himself was behind the scenes directing efforts to undermine the U.S. election. (CHT will agree with the Russian government)

His motivation began as a "vendetta" against Democrat Hillary Clinton, according to NBC, but turned into an effort to raise concerns about corruption in U.S. politics and to "split off key American allies by creating the image that [other countries] couldn't depend on the U.S. to be a credible global leader anymore," the official told NBC. (NBC isn't credible)

Intelligence officials now have a "high level of confidence" that Putin was personally involved, though they did not elaborate on it. (Incompetent officials)

"It is most certainly consistent with the Putin that I have watched and used to work with when I was an ambassador and in the government," former U.S. ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul told NBC. (NBC, enough said)

"He has had a vendetta against Hillary Clinton, that has been known for a long time because of what she said about his elections back in the parliamentary elections of 2011. He wants to discredit American democracy and make us weaker in terms of leading the liberal democratic order. And most certainly he likes President-elect Trump's views on Russia." (Not to support Trump, but to attack Clinton)

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry is about to lead a critical agency that he once planned to abolish — if only he had remembered the department's name.

Competent? Qualified?

An analysis of California politics by a person who lives in Minnesota.

rrbism is at stage four.

The new blog name.

opie said...

Take away the fools that voted for trump and are now wondering why, and you have a landslide.....>LOLOLOL!!!

opie said...

An analysis of California politics by a person who lives in Minnesota.

But, but.....he's an expert in law. climate, cake bakers, statistics, election polls and football. My guess it is not a stretch for him to be an expert on geopolitical CA politics. Remember, toss CA out, and trump wins by a mile. Such brilliant commentary should be posted on Breitbart.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Speaking to a room of scientists on Wednesday, California Gov. Jerry Brown (D) vowed to protect the state's progress in the fight against global warming and challenge any attempt by Donald Trump to interfere with climate science.

Commonsense said...

What we know is both the FBI and DNI have said on the record that there is no evidence the Russian government was behind the DNC and Clinton campaign leaks.

They have said that as late as November 17.

Nobody will go on the record to say the Russians were involved either to Congress or the public.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry is about to lead a critical agency...


the dept of energy might have been critical at one point when it's goal to to produce actual energy.

since 0linsky, it's become the agency for failed government cronyism (see Solyndra et. al), unicorn farts and fairy dust.

perry needs to put a bullet in it's head and go back to texas and take it easy.

Indy Voter said...

DOE does run our atomic weapons program.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Indy Voter said...
DOE does run our atomic weapons program.

the fact that a bunch of windy solar panel rubes run that program scares the shit out of me.

C.H. Truth said...

An analysis of California politics by a person who lives in Minnesota

Well the analysis of California by the person who lives in California failed to mention that the Senate race included two Democrats and that there were several proposals (legalizing pet and parole reform) that pushed liberal votes.

So I guess it was up to me to state the facts...

Anonymous said...

So I guess it was up to me to state the facts...

from what i can tell there was little incentive for a california republican to get out of bed on election day let alone go to the polls. and as a ny'er i can tell you that my electoral circumstances virtually mirror california's. we vote not in the hopes of ever winning, but simply out of civic duty, and secure in the knowledge that we're cancelling out one democrat vote. that's the sum total of my vote's impact.

opie said...

So I guess it was up to me to state the facts..

Or the R's in CA are too lazy to vote. just like lazy D's in those battleground states. Oh well, trump won with less votes than romney got. That sure says a lot about the country in total. Stay home, others will take care of it. LOL

Commonsense said...

Well in a state totally controlled by Democrats there not much point for Republicans to vote.

Or they already voted with their feet by getting the hell out of Dodge.