Friday, October 27, 2017


Trump wanted gag order on FBI informant lifted!

CNN is reporting that President Trump believed that the FBI informant who had been under a "gag order" to not talk about the Uranium One deal should be able to speak to Congress about it. Oh my... the horror of it all!

According to CNN, the Justice Department has "strict rules" limiting the White House's involvement in law enforcement matters. However, considering the Justice Department technically works under the umbrella of the White House, and that the job of the Justice department is "law enforcement" it seems sort of like a strange rule to have. In fact, if the Justice Department had some sort of constitutional or legal shield from White House involvement, they wouldn't need a "rule". 

Where else would you find an entire department who's entire purpose would be shielded from any oversight from the people they work for. Moreover, imagine if an entire department declared as much because of a "strict rule" they put in place themselves? Try that sometime. Tell your boss that you have created a "strict rule" that limits their oversight on the basic principal of what your job actually is. She how far that gets you.

Bottom line:  this is CNN at it's finest. Ignoring the fact that there is an FBI informant that potentially has information that could expose a scandal of epic proportions, all the while  their eye is on whether or not the President followed some odd "protocol" that nobody can even confirm exists (or should exist).


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Kremlin Is Tied to Memo in ’16 Trump Tower Meeting
The information that a Russian lawyer brought to a June 2016 meeting with Trump campaign aides had been discussed with a top Russian government official.
The coordination undercuts the lawyer’s account that she was a purely independent actor when she met with Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law, and Paul J. Manafort, then the Trump campaign chairman.

Loretta said...

So, you spam every thread with the same damn spam.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The coordination between the Trump Tower visitor and the Russian prosecutor general undercuts Ms. Veselnitskaya’s account that she was a purely independent actor when she sat down with Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law, and Paul J. Manafort, then the Trump campaign chairman. It also suggests that emails from an intermediary to the younger Mr. Trump promising that Ms. Veselnitskaya would arrive with information from Russian prosecutors were rooted at least partly in fact — not mere “puffery,” as the president’s son later said.

In the past week, Ms. Veselnitskaya’s allegations — that major Democratic donors were guilty of financial fraud and tax evasion — have been embraced at the highest levels of the Russian government. President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia repeated her charges at length last week at an annual conference of Western academics. A state-run television network recently made them the subject of two special reports, featuring interviews with Ms. Veselnitskaya and Mr. Chaika.


The matching messages point to a synchronized information campaign. Like some other Russian experts, Stephen Blank, a senior fellow with the nonprofit American Foreign Policy Council in Washington, said they indicate that Ms. Veselnitskaya’s actions “were coordinated from the very top.”

The Trump Tower meeting is of keen interest to the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, as he investigates Russian efforts to help Mr. Trump’s campaign. At least one participant at the meeting has already testified before a federal grand jury.

Ms. Veselnitskaya declined to be interviewed, saying in an email that The New York Times had published “lies and false claims.”

The New York Times. Not spam, it undercuts CH truthlessnness

Loretta said...

Spam by the drunkard

Loretta said...

It's too bad CH can't block the drunkard here, like he did on Facebook.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Loretta said...
It's too bad CH can't block the drunkard here, like he did on Facebook.

no kidding.

and notice that the alky can NEVER refute a point made in his own words.

it always has to be a copy/paste from some liberal bird cage liner.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


The White House Officially Says That All The Women Who Accused Trump Of Sexual Harassment Are Lying

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I wrote a thought post in reply just an hour ago dipshit

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

We are a nation of immigrants. We have to get together again and find a way to assure that those who want to either work here, legally, or become citizens are not a clear and dangerous threat to the United States.

But the candidate Trump framed the Hispanic population that is yes, illegally are mostly rapists, drug dealers or worse. That's not true, and was specifically designed to get the votes of people like your buddy Jimmy aka rrb.

Their is a legitimate concern about the numbers of immigrants. And yes I understand that we must vest those who are from areas that have terrorist organizations. But again it's framed by this President who again triggered racism to keep people like you happy. The blanket comments on all Muslims aka moose limbs are inappropriate for the President of The United States.

Loretta said...

"it always has to be a copy/paste from some liberal bird cage liner."

There's something wrong with him.

Seriously wrong.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

No c/p

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Bitch, I wrote those comments.

Loretta said...

As CH pointed out, you stupid drunkard, the protests have nothing to do with Trump.

Jesus Christ what in the hell IS wrong with you.

Loretta said...

No kidding drunkard.

You copy and pasted the first comment, drunkard.

Anonymous said...

here's the link for your NY Times COPY/PASTE, alky.

Loretta said...

It's too bad CH can't block the drunkard here, like he did on Facebook.

Loretta said...

"here's the link for your NY Times COPY/PASTE, alky."

What an obnoxious drunk.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
We are a nation of immigrants.

we're a nation of LEGAL immigrants, alky.

emphasis on LEGAL.

what's happening in europe is a very predictable reaction to asinine liberal refugee policy. hard right candidates are being elected for a reason i mentioned on the other thread:

"iow, it's simple - we got tired of the left's bullshit. it finally came to a head and we said "fuck this, enough is enough."

the left has destroyed respected institutions, destroyed the culture, destroyed the economy, destroyed healthcare, destroyed many small businesses, destroyed immigration... for chrissakes, a young girl can't even visit a public restroom without being assaulted thanks to you guys and your endorsement of mental illness.

everything the left has touched has turned to shit. and you and queenie act all surprised when it finally comes to a head and pops like a giant zit."

newton's third law, applied to politics:

to every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

you assholes want to flood the zone with rapists and murderers, do not be suprised when someone says ENOUGH.

btw, the trial for kate steinle's murderer just began. let's hope that justice is done, much to your chagrin.

KD said...

Alky had to steal , he has no original thoughts, when CHT asked him a question on the other thread, he failed, insulting the host again, sad.

Must keep defending Hillary/Obama, no matter the facts.

Anonymous said...


The White House Officially Says That All The Women Who Accused Trump Of Sexual Harassment Are Lying

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Legal immigrants??


KD, Broke Alky said...

are you going to continue to be off topic

KD, Alky Krugman said...

$144 Million dollars , funneled thru Hillary, and she did not know.

For one thing, I think that is going to require "a willing suspension of disbelief.".

Notice something about Hillary, when she wants a government job she is so smart, but, when she is trying to stay out of Federal Prison she is dumb as HB, Jane and Opie.

Anonymous said...

nice try, alky. without papers was a phenomena that while relatively common was dealt with before the immigrant was released into the populace in a LEGAL manner.

my paternal grandfather was without papers. i'm well informed on the topic. he then sent for his wife, my grandmother. LEGALLY. please shut up about that which you know absolutely nothing about.

james said...


Loretta said...

"please shut up about that which you know absolutely nothing about."

Nope, that's never going to happen.

He and James will never stay on topic either.

They can't think for themselves, so they spam.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

European Immigration
During the 19th century a large wave of Europeans immigrated to the United States. Conditions in other countries (push factors) caused many immigrants to leave their home country and specific conditions in the United States made those immigrants choose to immigrate here (pull factors). Several of the first European immigrants were Irish and German. The potato famine in Ireland and the loss of land from the British pushed the Irish to immigrate to other countries. Likewise, Germany was under severe economic depression and religious intolerance that forced many Catholics to leave.

The flow of European immigrants was beneficial to the quickly changing economy in the United States. Immigrants chose the United States for several reasons but two pull factors played a major role. First, rapid industrialization increased the need for cheap labor. Second, the United States was beginning to claim land from the Spanish and native people in the western half of North America. However, the large influx of immigrants frightened certain groups of people. In a report from the Congressional Select Committee in July 1838 congressional members thought the increased immigration rates was a threat to the “peace and tranquility of our citizens” and classified immigrants as “paupers, vagrants, and malefactors…sent hither at the expense of foreign governments to relieve them from the burden of their maintenance”.

The anti-immigrant fears led to organized groups against European immigrants such as Order of the Star Spangled Banner and the Know Nothing Party. In particular they wanted to ban Catholic immigration. In order to ease the tension between the requests of anti-immigrant groups and the government, in 1875 Congress passed an exclusion law banning prostitutes and convicts from entering the United States ending a more open immigration policy.

Between 1860 and 1915 another wave of European immigrants entered the United States. Many came from Russia, Austria and Italy and a large portion of this new group were Jewish. Although immigrant labor continued to be needed, there were strong anti-immigrant feelings toward this new growing population. Congress decided that immigrants should be required to pass a medical exam and have no criminal record in order to immigrate to the United States. The 1891 Act barred people having any contagious diseases or history of crime. In 1903, people in the United States were also fearful of European radicals entering the country and so the government added anarchists and subversives to the 1891 Act.

Fear was so widespread that Congress and President Theodore Roosevelt decided to establish the Dillingham Commission to report the effects of immigration on the country. The results concluded that the United States was not benefiting from immigration because the immigrants were inferior to United States citizens. The Commission recommended that the United States no longer accept immigrants from Eastern and Southern Europe and furthermore all immigrants were to pass a literacy test. In 1917, under the Wilson administration, Congress passed the first comprehensive immigration act which included a literacy test requirement. In 1924 the National Origins Act was passed putting a quota system on the number of immigrants who entered the United States. The law effectively stopped anymore large flows of European immigration.

Anonymous said...

Former CIA Director Leon Panetta calls for the US Congress to investigate the fake dossier, hillary and the DNC.

Future he said the DNC and Hillary knew of the dossier and the pyments.

james said...


Loretta said...


Anonymous said...

Oh look a loud sissy skirt wearing boy

Anonymous said...

Ok Jane I read it. Now what?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Indictments Start.

Manafort and Flynn To Be Indicted

Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut said on Monday that Michael Flynn and Paul Manafort, President Donald Trump’s former top advisers, are “almost sure” to face criminal charges due to special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russia's interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

Blumenthal, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, told Politico that Flynn and Manafort are likely to be indicted. “I’m about 99 percent sure there will be some criminal charges from this investigation,” he said.

Blumenthal added that he’s unsure that Trump would face any charges, including possible obstruction of justice after the dismissal of FBI Director James Comey. However, other Trump associates could be indicted, he said.

The spine this week from the White House has been, this is about over. Well, it's not. They may eve indiced the President for obstruction of justice. We shall see, but this is two of the top players in the campaign.

And threw is an update. CNN reports charges have been filed.
A federal grand jury in Washington on Friday approved the first charges in the investigation led by special counsel Robert Mueller, according to sources briefed on the matter.
The charges are still sealed under orders from a federal judge. Plans were prepared Friday for anyone charged to be taken into custody as soon as Monday, the sources said. It is unclear what the charges are.

A spokesman for the special counsel's office declined to comment.
Mueller was appointed in May to lead the investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election.

Under the regulations governing special counsel investigations, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who has oversight over the Russia investigation, would have been made aware of any charges before they were taken before the grand jury for approval, according to people familiar with the matter.

This isn't alky spam, twit. this is a big fucking deal.

PNC said...

More than enough evidence to indict Manafort and Flynn.

Reasonable case for indicting Trump after impeachment and removal.

Questionable but not outlandish case for indicting Junior and Kushner.

Credible suspicion of Ivanka as primary leaker yet to be investigated.

Anonymous said...

Far short of getting the President.

Anonymous said...

Doing stand up comedy, ok.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

If they go for the President it probably would be obstructing justice.

Loretta said...

"This isn't alky spam, twit. this is a big fucking deal."

Low hanging fruit isn't a big deal.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Really really really?

His national director of national security

The chairman of his campaign.

Both are being indicated for criminal offences

Low hanging fruit .
I give you a lot of grief. But there's obviously something really is wrong, because this is ground-breaking. And you don't or cannot comprehend that this is a very big deal.

Myballs seeing America become great again said...

Don't be so flailingly obvious. Flynn was only there three weeks. Manafort was out months before the election.

Compared to the exploding clinton-dnc-russia collusion and illegal payment scandal breaking, it is small potatoes.

Even Panetta wants the dems investigated.

KD, Hillary #DumbestWomanEva said...

Hillary just did not know what was going on. I believe she is that dumb.

Commonsense said...

Little desperate to divert attention away from Clinton, Podesta, and DWS.

There may be indictments but just not the ones you are hoping for.

KD, # said...

So what will these criminal charges be?

j walking process crime?????

KD, said...

What we know this morning is Hillary will never be the President of the USA.

We know that Hillary/Obama/DNC did pay thru a twisted path to cover their track for a script, pure fantasy, and that the much trumpeted "Intelligence Agencies" got it dead ass wrong, Trump was right.

He was right to question them, their information and what he was being feed, see in business one learns to spot the pretenders, blow hard and liars, like those heading the Obama corrupt agencies.

KD, Drama Queen Lady Lynn fainting said...

Roger Amick said...
If they go for the President it probably would be obstructing justice."

Do tell, make your case and not in a cut n paste.

commie said...

ommonsense said...
Little desperate to divert attention away from Clinton, Podesta, and DWS.

yep, those indictments will have a tendency to dominate the news......again blame hillary for your own crimes, it is what trump does best....Too funny...

commie said...

Anonymous KD, said...
What we know this morning is Hillary will never be the President of the USA.

That is the only thing that will make you feel good as indictments will be adding up against the trump campaign ... gonna be fun to watch how idiots like you rationalize that there is nothing to see....LOLOLOL Do tell us KD how trump will deny all the charges.....BWAAAAAAA!!!!!

commie said...

Seems all you piling on about hillary and fusion was all initiated by R's.....I'm sure KD the dolt will be the first to admit his errors like the women he is....LOL

WASHINGTON — The Washington Free Beacon, a conservative website funded by a major Republican donor, first hired the research firm that months later produced for Democrats the salacious dossier describing ties between Donald J. Trump and the Russian government, the website said on Friday.

The Free Beacon, funded in large part by the New York hedge fund billionaire Paul Singer, hired the firm, Fusion GPS, in 2015 to unearth damaging information about several Republican presidential candidates, including Mr. Trump. But The Free Beacon told the firm to stop doing research on Mr. Trump in May 2016, as Mr. Trump was clinching the Republican nomination.

Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee had begun paying Fusion GPS in April for research that eventually became the basis for the dossier.

The Free Beacon informed the House Intelligence Committee on Friday that it had retained the firm. That committee is one of a number of congressional committees investigating Russian attempts to disrupt the 2016 election and whether there was any collusion with Mr. Trump’s associates.

commie said...

Talk about running scarred...trump is acting like a petty crook.....LOL Nest comes the disparaging remarks Muller is too partisan.....

Trump, Republicans steer Russia probes in new directions

The president and GOP lawmakers are demanding new scrutiny of Hillary Clinton’s actions as secretary of state, potentially jeopardizing investigations of Russian meddling in the 2016 election as the probes close in on Trump’s inner circle.

KD , Case Study said...

the timming of the sudden announcement of charges smell to high heaven.

KD, GDP almost to where President Trump Promised, and far past Obama's, that was easy said...

As I drink my coffee , it is so good, knowing Hillary committed crimes again and will never ever be the President.

1.2 Billion dollars inherited from people to get her elected and what did they get, zero ROI.

Trump inherited 200 million and turned it into Billions.

Hope that does not hurt liberals too deeply.

KD, said...

That is the only thing that will make you feel good as indictments will be adding up against the trump campaign "



Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The president and GOP lawmakers are demanding new scrutiny of Hillary Clinton’s actions as secretary of state, potentially jeopardizing investigations of Russian meddling in the 2016 election as the probes close in on Trump’s inner circle.

The Trump campaign was involved in the creation of the dossier. If the President was involved in the cover up of their cooperation in creating the dossier, you may see obstruction of justice involved the President in covering up their involvement.

KD, Dumb Hillary , she did not know said...

"potentially jeopardizing investigations of Russian meddling in the 2016 "


Hillary actually buys Russian data thru a web of backdoors and pay offs and it is time to excuse her, ok, after all she told us she did not know about it.

KD, The bestest FACTS come from Lady Lynn and Opium said...

The Trump campaign was involved in the creation of the dossier." HB

Really, wow, lets impeach him now.

President Pence and VP Ryann ,,,, yep that will show him.

KD, omg funny said...

The president and GOP lawmakers are demanding new scrutiny of Hillary Clinton’s actions as secretary of state, potentially jeopardizing investigations of Russian meddling in the 2016 election as the probes close in on Trump’s inner circle. Opium said the above with no cite

Then we get this from HB, again no cite nor quotation marks:

The president and GOP lawmakers are demanding new scrutiny of Hillary Clinton’s actions as secretary of state, potentially jeopardizing investigations of Russian meddling in the 2016 election as the probes close in on Trump’s inner circle.

so where did it come from, who actually wrote it?

Anonymous said...

Obama knew of the DNC Hillary payments. Criminal.

Anonymous said...

Obama knew of the DNC Hillary payments. Criminal.

Loretta said...

"The Trump campaign was involved in the creation of the dossier."


commie said...

"The Trump campaign was involved in the creation of the dossier."

We will see won't we genius???? Indictments will be telling and how trump can call this all fake news now,.... Gonna be fun for us partisan anti-R's!!!!

commie said...

Trump inherited 200 million and turned it into Billions.

Wow, he is almost as smart as you.....getting his father to give him his start....sure hope they don't change the death tax since all those billions have never been taxed...especially the property and capital gains....fuck his kids......Maybe you can explain how the death tax will benefit us peons other than increasing the deficit for all....idiot

Myballs said...

Is headbaked actually trying to pin the clinton dnc russia anti-trump collusion on trump??

He can't possibly be that stupid can he?

Anonymous said...



Lady Lynn is not alone.

Anonymous said...

The illinformed left on the TV and ROI is not shocking, but so sad.

Take 1.2 Billion and turn it into a zero ROI, leftist success.

Anonymous said...

NY is a property tax free state?

The things the left belives.

Myballs said...

Newt is out blasting the arrogance of democrats for spending a year accusing trump of russian collusion when they're the ones now exposed of it.

He's right. Next we'll start seeing just where the hundreds of millions of dollars that flowed into the clinton foundation came from.

commie said...

Is headbaked actually trying to pin the clinton dnc russia anti-trump collusion on trump??

Sure...just like donnie and his massive diversions that there is nothing to see about him and russia as the indictments start to fly but HC did per consensus according to donnie the dolt....all without evidence Let the nunes times roll and waste more money for nothing....LOL ....

commie said...

Balls the genius opined...

He's right. Next we'll start seeing just where the hundreds

And I know of a little bridge for sale in your state....really cheap.....LOL

Anonymous said...

Opie, the fact that you call yourself a "pee'd on" says much about you.

I have taken countless hours educating your ilk on economics. Capitalism and personal finance.

Let me educate you further.

I own my home with my wife, both of us are on this deed and others. No mortgages.

When I purchase land, unincumbered, my tax accountant puts it on a depreciation schudule in strict compliance with IRS rules. Giving us a tax break.

commie said...

KD said...
NY is a property tax free state?

Link to where you found that stumpy....another example of your ability to be the dumbest fuck on this planet....

james said...

The first charges in the Mueller investigation into collusion have been approved by a grand jury and anyone charged may be taken into custody as soon as Monday.

Roll Call suggests the most likely indictments are Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn and Carter Page and also, though less likely, Donald Trump Jr. and Jared Kushner.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

A conservative web site first funded the anti Trump research firm that eventually produced the infamous dossier.

That's the link. Read it and weep.

james said...

Meanwhile GOP party leaders are keeping the tax bill shrouded in secrecy just days ahead of the legislation’s release.

What do they not want us to see?

commie said...

Stumpy the idiot posted again without proof....

Opie, the fact that you call yourself a "pee'd on" says much about you.

Let me clarify for you again, you are the dumbest fuck on the planet.....and I DON'T RESPECT ANYTHING ABOUT YOU OR YOUR FINANCES SINCE YOU DID NOT WORK FOR THEM... as to you educating anyone.....sure, in your delusional mind...LOLOLOLOL! Since you think you are smart, don't let the fact I don't give a shit about you or your menial life get in your way.....Idiot..

commie said...

commie said...
KD said...
NY is a property tax free state?

Link to where you found that stumpy..

Still waiting douche bag....chirp chirp chirp... another lie by the idiot of kansas....

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

They don't want us to know that the Republican tax reform will eliminate most of the local tax deductions, mainly to penalize the high property tax states that voted for Hillary Clinton.

Myballs said...

Roger who else paid for the dossier?

We'll wait.

commie said...

Roger who else paid for the dossier?

What difference does it make....Is buying any type of research illegal????? The fun part of this whole affair is how trump et al immediately accused Hillary and the dem's for doing something that is not illegal while ignoring the little problem that the Free Beacon started the hunt for dirt......which the DNC appears to have finished....And now the indictments start and I am enjoying the show.....

Myballs said...

They hid the millions of dollars in funding. That is illegal.

They spent a year denying it all. Now they're busted. That is political death.

It makes a big difference to voters with more intellect than you.

We don't call you dopie for nothing

commie said...

Anonymous Myballs said...
They hid the millions of dollars in funding. That is illegal.

I am sure you have definitive proof for that statement....Speculation does not equate as proof, even a genius like you knows that...LOL Idiot

Myballs said...

It's confirmed that they paid the money.

It's confirmed that they didn't disclose it.

There's the proof shoved into your stupid face.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I hoped that Flake and Corker would move the party of Lincoln, Eisenhower and yes Reagan away from the Trumpism phenomenon. But it didn't work. For political reasons, they lined up with the old man who will never change.

If the investigation into the Russian intervention had collusion with the Trump campaign, the dam will fall. But without that I'm very worried about the President. He is likely to start a war that could destroy the entire Korean peninsula and Iran? He would do it in a Tweet Decoration of war.



"Roger Amick said...
They don't want us to know that the Republican tax reform will eliminate most of the local tax deductions, mainly to penalize the high property tax states ..."

Shhh be veweee vewweee quite

KD, Yep, like Reagan -- Trump is going to use nukes, been here, seen it, bs flag said...

He is likely to start a war that could destroy the entire Korean peninsula and Iran?" Lady Lynn in bunker in CA.

Anonymous said...

james said...

October 27, 2017 at 5:51 PM

Sure , I read it, that Sullivan fellow, ok, now what?

commie said...

Anonymous Myballs said...
It's confirmed that they paid the money.

Confirmed by ballsless does not prove other than your brain is a shot as KD and trumps....sad you have no link..... That's why we call you idiot.....

cowardly king obama said...

"Chris Wallace: Now More Evidence Of Russia Collusion With Democrats Than Trump "

wasn't someone on the left using him to support their position a short while back?

commie said...

"Chris Wallace: Now More Evidence Of Russia Collusion With Democrats

His opinion, we shall see when the indictments are unsealed...king asshole....

Anonymous said...

The Muller investigation is going to indict Hillary et al,,, great.

Anonymous said...

wasn't someone on the left using him to support their position a short while back?"

Yes, but the wind changed, now with all things liberal they changed their minds.

"Fuck Hillary" Little Lady Lynn

cowardly king obama said...

We agree:

"king asshole"


commie said...

KD said...
The Muller investigation is going to indict Hillary et a

In your dreams goat fornicator.......Your desperation is palpable....idiot

Anonymous said...


One thing is for sure, Manufacturing is up , a lot, under this President.

Anonymous said...

Are those on the left assuming Muller is only going to indict Republicans?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Wall Street Journal

Mr . Mueller is a former FBI director, and for years he worked closely with Mr. Comey. It is no slur against Mr. Mueller’s integrity to say that he lacks the critical distance to conduct a credible probe of the bureau he ran for a dozen years. He could best serve the country by resigning to prevent further political turmoil over that conflict of interest.

The American public deserves a full accounting of the scope and nature of Russian meddling in American democracy, and that means following the trail of the Steele dossier as much as it does the meetings of Trump campaign officials.

Myballs said...

The attorney confirmed it. What the hell do you think the big story was??

Anonymous said...

"They don't want us to know" little Lilly white Lady Lynn.

That is a keeper.

commie said...

The attorney confirmed it. What the hell do you think the big story was??

That you are a flaming idiot who can't back up his own posts. Nothing new there!!!


Anonymous said...

You will trigger the Left, in 3,, 2 , 1

Anonymous said...

CNN force to disclose GPS connections.

What a bunch of self-supporting inbreeds

Anonymous said...

Self made billion and Shark tank star Marc Cuban, a harsh Trump detractor went after Hillary.

Called her "arrogant" in not seeing this Historic loss coming.

Well, she knows so little.

He said she was holding g victory parades,( which he was asked to attend) before winning the Championship.

Myballs said...

I just backed up my post with public fact. Its on the news. The damn attorney admitted it you stupidass.

Caliphate4vr said...

'Anonymous Myballs said...
I just backed up my post with public fact. Its on the news. The damn attorney admitted it you stupidass

It's why he's not worthy to respond too. He's only here to troll, it's the exstint of existence

Anonymous said...

Yep, he even sucks at trolling.