Sunday, October 8, 2017

Here is an idea? Let all illegal aliens move to California!!

California becomes 'sanctuary state' in rebuke of Trump immigration policy
Under threat of possible retaliation by the Trump administration, Gov. Jerry Brown signed landmark "sanctuary state" legislation Thursday, vastly limiting who state and local law enforcement agencies can hold, question and transfer at the request of federal immigration authorities.
Senate Bill 54, which takes effect in January, has been blasted as "unconscionable" by U.S. Atty. Gen. Jeff Sessions, becoming the focus of a national debate over how far states and cities can go to prevent their officers from enforcing federal immigration laws. Supporters have hailed it as part of a broader effort by majority Democrats in the California Legislature to shield more than 2.3 million immigrants living illegally in the state.
Seriously... if California want's to deal with the illegal immigration population, then all the more power to them. They can invite all 11 million to come live with them.

The only thing I would caution, is that they shouldn't ask for a red cent of federal funding for anything that goes towards that cause, including federal subsidies for medical expenses, housing expenses, or any other expenses that can be tied back to "their" decision to allow the illegals to roam free.

If California truly wants to act independently of Federal law, then let them do it outside of the Federal dime. But, we know that won't fly.  Like most liberals, Californians probably feel entitled to act however that they want to (responsible or not), without having to deal with the consequences of those actions.


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Anonymous said...

Twits at Twitter block pro'life ad
Which is fully within thier rights to do. No 1st Amendment violaton.

Indy Voter said...

Nah, and unless you really do have a hollow space between your ears, you knew that before you posted.

Anonymous said...

Huffington post reports a i've shooter on campus Texas Tech

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I hadn't thought of Korker in 2020. Might be interesting.

But there is the real story, is that little or any of the Trump agenda is going to get passed. Unless he finds a way his popularity to near 50% and is shown to be helpful in getting establishment Republicans elected, he's going to face serious opposition in 2020,

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Dodgers v AZ.. I don't give a damn about the Monday Night Football. The worthless Bears, and Minnesota, eeeeh.. too average.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Talking about a Republican party problems,, Bannon just announced that he is going to oppose every single incumbent Republican Senate, except Ted Cruz.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Congratulations folks! It's Almost Open Enrollment time. Enrollment for 2018 Affordable Care Act (ACA / Obamacare) starts November 1 and ends December 15. The President reduced the advertising funds by 90% to announce when people can enroll. HHS is not allowing its employees to participate in meet-ups to help agencies and providers get the word out. So it's on us to Get the Word out, and help folks gain access to the healthcare provided by law.
Also if people write: Congratulations! in the comments, the FB algorithm thinks you are bragging about something and puts it at the top the feed.And now a public service announcement. Please read to the end and COPY / PASTE

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Now the fun begins.

Bannon told Hannity that he is declaring war against the “establishment, globalist clique” on Capitol Hill that opposes Trump’s agenda. He added that “nobody’s safe” in 2018.

Bannon’s first battle outside of the White House against the establishment was in the Alabama GOP Senate runoff. Voters in Alabama realized that the Republican establishment lawmakers in Washington, DC were not on their side, and that is why they voted for conservative grassroots candidate Roy Moore over establishment Senator Luther Strange even though Trump had endorsed Strange. Corker, as the Washington Post reported, in fact begged Trump “to visit Alabama and campaign alongside Strange in the closing days of the runoff campaign.” But Trump reportedly “now partly blames Corker for encouraging him to get involved in a contest that has hurt his political standing,” according to the Post.

Though Trump ultimately campaigned for Strange, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin’s message that a vote for Moore would be a vote for the agenda that got Trump elected resonated across the state.

“A vote for Judge Moore isn’t a vote against the president,” Palin said while campaigning for Moore. “It’s a vote for the people’s agenda that elected the president.”

Bannon, who had a whiteboard with all of Trump’s campaign promises scrawled on it, is now seeking to find more economic nationalist candidates who will support Trump’s agenda instead of the GOP establishment’s.

<Axios national political reporter Jonathan Swan reported that “Bannon and his allies are planning a hostile takeover of the Republican Party” and only Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) will get a free pass.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Loretta said...

Spam by the drunkard

Loretta said...

Spam by the drunkard

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

No it's not. It's important news.But as usual, you lack the intellectual ability to say anything more but a childish insult. Grow up or get help, but you are a mess. By the way, it's from Breitbart. Shit head.

Anonymous said...

Will the loses like the three liberal stooges of CHT , so called indy and fence sitter WP ever get over the fact Trump WON?

I mean really, all are adults , right?
Yet here we are alost a year later and the tears flow like rain still.

Anonymous said...

Will the loses like the three liberal stooges of CHT , so called indy and fence sitter WP ever get over the fact Trump WON?

I mean really, all are adults , right?
Yet here we are alost a year later and the tears flow like rain still.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I'm wondering why some of the post,.,just go away.

Anonymous said...

Did you find those "elderly people that don't know about obamacare".

Too stupid.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The President is a coward and avoided the Vietnam war. But the real issue o
Is the lead story is the deep end. The President gets into uncontrollable angry moods. His staff tries to contain him. Most of the time, they have not stopped his outbursts.

Anonymous said...

HB totally missed what the 2016 Trump Win.

Anonymous said...

Why are you attacking president Clinton?

Bye, bye to the war on US Coal, today is a huge Win. SO was the regulation that took the Obama era regulation off of my land, my pounds and my small streams.

Freedom's being restored.

Anonymous said...

Really, I unfortunately see all of yours a broken Janes.

HB recall when you threatened to sue me because of something I said to you?

I do, I called your bluff, coward.

Anonymous said...

How goes those two "kitchen fires" in CA?

Gov. Brown has no time to direct and manage this , too busy, with protecting illegals at the cost of Legal Americans.

Anonymous said...

This is long over due.

"Black lives matter" is ID'd by the FBI as a domestic terrorist group.

Commonsense said...

I hadn't thought of Korker in 2020. Might be interesting.

Keep thinking. Corker was in trouble with his GOP base in Tennessee which is one of the reasons he's retiring.

The other reason is that the DOJ is looking into charges of insider trading and real estate fraud with firms Corker invested in.

Anonymous said...

corker's a slimy little weasel and a coward. which means i'm not surprised that the alky chose to latch on to his irrelevant comments.

hey alky, next time hold up someone who matters. not a sniveling little shit whose "finest hour" was helping 0linsky get his iran deal done.

Anonymous said...

"Korker 2020" alky has him winning in a Kerry landslide.

Anonymous said...

What is the nature of Donald Trump's friendship with pedophile Jeff Epstein?

"I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it -- Jeffrey enjoys his social life."
Donald Trump in New York Magazine

When asked,"Have you ever socialized with Donald Trump in the presence of females under the age of 18," Epstein pleaded the Fifth Amendment. Source: National Review.

Anonymous said...

In a Financial Ranking of All 50 States.

Kansas ranks 32

Alky land ranks 43

Obama's ill-nois 49

Commonsense said...

What is the nature of Donald Trump's friendship with pedophile Jeff Epstein?

Well James we know Bill Clinton was close to Epstein and took rides on his plane to his private sex-paradise island. All filled with underage girls.

Right up your ally sort of.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
What is the nature of Donald Trump's friendship with pedophile Jeff Epstein?


i thought you guys had trump by the balls over "RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA!!!11!"

apparently not.

you know pederast, there is a rumor out there that donald trump, as a child, pilfered some penny candy from a corner store in his neighborhood.

you might want to look into that after you stop admiring jeffrey epstein for being a fellow pedophile, except with big $$$.

Anonymous said...

I broke James. I had to do. I called his bluff on suing me. Just like had t when HB said he was going to file a civil law suit against me.

Both those girls had to be put back in thier place at bottom of the social-economic ladder.

Unknown said...

I notice that none of you actually answered Anonymous. And yes, I agree with Senseless that the same question should be asked of philanderer Bill Clinton.

Commonsense said...

I notice that none of you actually answered Anonymous.

Because your question is a nonsense question. The only thing known for sure was that both Trump and Epstein were part of the same social scene in New York.

There is no evidence that it was anything more than that.

We know Trump never visited Epstein's Island. That would have been a front page expose' in the New York Times

wphamilton said...

KD cannot grasp the fact that I *wanted* Trump to win. I celebrated it here online. Maybe it doesn't fit whatever fantasy narrative is spinning around in that weird space of his ...

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