Monday, January 21, 2019

Fake news at it's worst...

Problem here is that Ruth Bader Ginsburg is still alive

This displayed during a segment of Fox and Friends - can you imagine the response?


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You're fucking crazy

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


President Donald Trump's personal attorney Rudy Giuliani is walking back comments he has made about the timeline of the Trump Organization's "Moscow Project."

In an interview with ABC News’ Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos in December, Giuliani said Trump was having conversations with his former personal attorney Michael Cohen about the project up until and around Nov. 2016. He has repeated those claims in recent interviews.

"According to the answers that he gave, it would have covered all the way up to -- covered up to November 2016. Said he had conversations with him but the president didn't hide this," Giuliani told Stephanopoulos, indicating that this was the timeline the president provided in his written responses to special counsel Robert Mueller's questions.

Giuliani also told the New York Times on Sunday that he was basing this information on conversations he had with the president and said the discussions were ongoing throughout the entire election. Giuliani told the Times that the president told him that conversations about the project were "going on from the day I announced to the day I won."

He said I don't have any business with the Russians at least 100 times.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Fox News accidentally aired a tribute image of Ruth Bader Ginsburg that made it look as if she'd died

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

It was published by Fox News.

The real Fake News network

Jack Posobiec said...

The media targeted innocent schoolchildren without evidence and the far-left started a hate mob that sent them death threats and without social media the truth would never had gotten out

Let that sink in

Paul Sperry said...

BREAKING: Demoted DOJ official Bruce Ohr back-channeled the Clinton-funded Steele dossier to the FBI, before and after the election, even though he testified last August that he knew "IT DEFINITELY IS HEARSAY" gleaned from second-and third-hand Russian and other anonymous sources

David Parks

Correction: The #4 Ranking @BarackObama DOJ official colluded with HRC and the Russians (Steele Dossier Sourcing) to influence the 2016 Elections and worked with Senior Executives of the @FBI @Comey to cover it up after the fact. Paging Bobbie Mueller Boy Scouts on Line 1

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Former White House chief of staff John Kelly reportedly once said that getting fired would be the "best day I’ve had since I walked into this place.”

“This is the worst fucking job I’ve ever had," Kelly said to former West Wing communications aide Cliff Sims, as reported by The Washington Post. "People apparently think that I care when they write that I might be fired. If that ever happened, it would be the best day I’ve had since I walked into this place.”

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Kelly departed his role as chief of staff at the beginning of the year after serving in the position for about 17 months. The New York Times reported in December, citing unnamed former officials, that Kelly repeatedly told aides that Trump was not up for the task of being president.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Columbia, S.C. – On the steps of the South Carolina State Capitol, Senators Cory Booker and Bernie Sanders on Monday joined local leaders of the state NAACP chapter and called for an end to racial injustice. Only one of them leveled a direct, personal attack on President Trump.

"We now have a president of the United States who is a racist," Sanders, an independent senator from Vermont, told the crowd, adding later, "What a president is supposed to do is to bring us together. And we have a president intentionally, purposefully trying to divide us up by the color of skin, by our gender, by the country we came from, by our religion."

Speaking just before Sanders at a Martin Luther King Jr. Day event, Booker, a Democrat representing New Jersey, didn't go as far, preferring instead to echo a popular refrain of former President Barack Obama, who liked to remind crowds that King "talked about the arc of the moral universe bending towards justice. But it does not bend with inevitability. We must be the arc-benders."

Anonymous said...

Very embarrassing week to be a Democrat or a news reporter.

Anonymous said...

Very embarrassing week to be a Democrat or a news reporter.

or the alky. refusing to give up on the fakiest fake news that's been faked in a while.


Commonsense said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
Columbia, S.C. – On the steps of the South Carolina State Capitol, Senators Cory Booker and Bernie Sanders on Monday joined local leaders of the state NAACP chapter and called for an end to racial injustice. Only one of them leveled a direct, personal attack on President Trump.

Democrats calling the sitting American president racist is low-class and tacky but hardly news.

Just the usual garbage from the usual race pimps.

Anonymous said...

Just the usual garbage from the usual race pimps.

and it's so ironic to boot.

harris comparing ICE to the KKK.

booker doing his finest "T-BONE" impression while doing nothing to help the shithole that is newark.

bernie, a failed porn writer from the WHITEST state in America calling ANYONE a racist.

this is shit that if written by a fiction writer would be laughed out of every studio in hollywood and every publisher in NY.

but their low-information crowd like the alky laps it up and asks for seconds.

anonymous said...

s calling the sitting American president racist

And that is true!!!! He is an old fat white man who has no tolerance for others not like him.....just like rat and his hatred of anything that does not look like different than that smirking punk in DC that trump is now defending.....sick fucking asshole!!!!

Anonymous said...

The Racist anti-Semitism Democrat supported woman's movement is a wonderful thing to watch publically.

Commonsense said...

And that is true!!!! He is an old fat white man who has no tolerance for others not like him..

As I said, the usua garbage from the usual race pimps.

Anonymous said...

Davos is hosting the global warming/cooling changiny thingy. What kind of pollution do 1,500 private jets puke out?

Anonymous said...

CNN)The White House has canceled the planned delegation's trip to Davos, Switzerland, for the World Economic Forum, press secretary Sarah Sanders announced Thursday, the 27th day of the government shutdown.

"Out of consideration for the 800,000 great American workers not receiving pay and to ensure his team can assist as needed, President Trump has canceled his Delegation's trip to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland," Sanders said in a statement.

President Donald Trump previously canceled his own trip to Davos. The Trump-less trip would have been led by Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, United States Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and deputy chief of staff for policy coordination Chris Liddell were also scheduled to travel to Switzerland for the annual economic confab"

The American tax payer is better off for it.

Anonymous said...

When does Vacation Barbie Polosi get the Government open?

Where is her written plan?

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
Fox News accidentally aired a tribute image of Ruth Bader Ginsburg that made it look as if she'd died

January 21, 2019 at 7:53 PM
Blogger Roger Amick said...
It was published by Fox News.

The real Fake News network

remind us again of your outrage when cBS did the exact same thing to barbara bush, alky.

The world of social media seems to holds its breath when icons like Betty White are trending, concerned for their wellbeing. On Sunday afternoon, a false alarm sounded for former first lady Barbara Bush, after an obituary for the 92-year-old was posted online by CBS.

The article was online for at least 17 minutes before being taken down, according to screenshots captured of the article by users on social media. The article had been a top story trending on Google News.

The headline read "DO NOT PUBLISH – former first lady Barbara Bush d*es at 92 DO NOT PUBLISH."


What happened?

The short answer is: It's common practice for news outlets to maintain running obituaries for public figures that are periodically updated. Major changes in a person's health signal a time to check the accuracy of the current draft.

If that person does die, having an already complete obituary helps to deliver the news as quickly as possible with as much information as is available.

As for what caused the error which led to the CBS story being published prematurely, it's anyone's guess. Obituaries published before the subject has actually died may be the result of anything from a hoax, to name confusion, to a brush with death which proved non-fatal. However, perhaps the most common are those published in error.

anonymous said...

When do the assholes like you goat fucker, who support trump come out of your coma's and realize how much the shutdown is affecting the economy and those working without pay????? Only then will he make a deal......not one second before....Hard to imagine so may who have the empathy of a gnat who trump is catering sad....

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

We need a wall in the United States.

A beautiful wall that keeps the White House afway from the Mueller investigation.

anonymous said...

What happened?

What happen is that our rectum breathe went to the Loretta Russo method of rational by defending Fuax news fuck up that others did it first....Typical of low intellect trump slurpers in maintaining their adoration of everything right and all left is sad...

anonymous said...

Here's what trump and his sycophants get their marching orders...

Judge Jeanine Pirro, Fox News: "Democrats — demon rats — are dug in to the theater of lies and hate, casting Donald Trump as evil

What is evil is all R's who slurp this shit up without question or care.....

Anonymous said...

no denny,

it wasn't a 'whatabout fox'...

it was a 'where was the outrage?' when cBS did it to mrs. bush. btw, i watched the fox clip where it aired. i don't think it was up two seconds.

you see, the alky is the biggest liar and hypocrite on this blog, but pointing out his lies and hypocrisy never seems to get old.

a twitterer posted the clip -

it ran a lot less time than the 17 minutes the cBS story about bush did. i don't think it ran 1.7 seconds.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Commonsense said...

When do the assholes like you goat fucker, who support trump come out of your coma's and realize how much the shutdown is affecting the economy and those working without pay??

Democrats don't seem too concerned about that. They could end it in 15 min by taking Trump's generious deal on the table. That they didn't just goes to show you they put beating Trump above the welfare of the American people.

Anonymous said...

mueller investigation, alky?

that old thing?

with each passing day the odds increase that you won't live to see its conclusion.

Anonymous said...

Newly Elected Democrat Kansas Governor shafting the retirees. Promises Made, promises broken.

KPERS Board Opposes Governor's Proposal to Cut Employee Retirement Funding

The Kansas Public Employees Retirement System's Board of Trustees voted unanimously to oppose funding cuts to public employee pensions. Governor Kelly proposed the cuts in her budget proposal which was released Thursday. 

The retirement system has been underfunded for years, but in 2012, when funding levels were below 60%, the state initiated a plan to fully fund public employee retirements by 2034. Under Governor Kelly's proposal, the state would reduce annual payments, pushing back the date the system is fully funded to 2049. Critics of the governor's plan say it would increase the state's cost of repayment by $7.4 billion. The governor's intention for doing so is to allow more budget flexibility in the short-term. 

Funding for the system affects the retirement savings of Kansas teachers, firefighters, law enforcement, and many other state and local government employees."

F the Left.

Anonymous said...

Good morning Dennis .

Trump will agree to the Vacation Barbie Polosi "deal"?

Give us her deal in detail as you know them. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

They could end it in 15 min by taking Trump's generious deal on the table.

they could at least counter-offer.

the fact is, trump made an offer in good faith. it was rejected out of hand before he even finished making the offer. so by definition, the democrats have made it clear they are opposed to negotiating in good faith. that's childish, that's petty, and that's obstructionist. in 2013 democrat support for a barrier was virtually unanimous. now, because 'orange man bad' it's not. the only thing that's changed is 'orange man.'

and so it also means that 800,000 democrats are no closer to a paycheck. and that's not trump's problem, that's the democrats problem.

Anonymous said...

democrat de facto speaker of the house tells ta-ha-ha-sneezy-coats "It’s ‘immoral’ that the American system allows billionaires to exist."

Anonymous said...


here we go again.

assholio fucktardio cortez says we're all gonna die in 12 years because the world ends because warmyl cooling.

Anonymous said...

Speaker assholio fucktardio cortez .

She is a special brand of Alky like stupid.

anonymous said...

You really need to broaden your horizons, rectum breath.....What is even more tragic is you ranting about Hogg the shooting survivor because of his stance on guns while not saying a word about the smirking asshole catholic from Kentucky who needs a good stump breaking......While Jowls does nothing to upset the asshole in chief...he could open DC without question, but prefers like you to suck trumps dick.....

Anonymous said...

Roger over this weekend assured us "laws" have been voted on and passed in both the US House under Polosi and us senate under Chuck the Schmuck that end the shutdown.

No Alky does not have the "law" house or Senate tracking numbers , nor does he ave the roll call votes, but he does have unrestrained hate and pre-teen unstable emotions.

Anonymous said...

Dennis .

Trump will agree to the Vacation Barbie Polosi "deal"?

Give us her deal in detail as you know them. Thank you.

Tick tock

anonymous said...

assholio fucktardio cortez says we're all gonna die in 12 years

And rectum breath repeats a headline from the BLAZE!!!!!! That bastion of idiots like rat hole....!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

- 8 wind chill this weekend.
No problem. Just add more environmentally clean wood in the outdoor wood burning furnace.

Anonymous said...

The quote from assholio fucktardio cortez says we're all gonna die in 12 years"

Is correct.

Anonymous said...

She is consistent

By Scott McDonald On Friday, November 23, 2018 

Anonymous said...

not the blaze, denny.
