Thursday, February 21, 2019


Bill Barr in at DOJ
Rosenstein out 
Mueller decides to pack up shop

Now there could be two different theories on this.

The conspiracy theory from the left will be that Bill Barr is being brought in to put pressure on Mueller to end the investigation prematurely and then will not allow the final report to be released. In this scenario Mueller is folding under the pressure, or shall we say folding under potential upcoming pressure.

The second theory is that Mueller has been running out of control for the past two years with almost no actual oversight from Rosenstein and does not want to suffer through having to explain his past actions to someone new. By ending the probe and exiting stage left, he would likely avoid a whole bunch of scrutiny as to what he has been doing.

Or it could be all speculation and Mueller isn't really packing up?

h/t myballs


Anonymous said...

Or it could be all speculation and Mueller isn't really packing up?

this is the camp i reside in for now.

democrats require this story to remain alive to continue to harass trump.

adam schitt continues to insist that there is evidence of russian collusion (while providing none), so as a mechanism to fuck with trump going into the 2020 election, this nonsense goes on, and on, and on.

i predict that mueller's report will essentially come back with bullshit like -

"after an exhaustive 2 years of intense scrutiny and countless hours of professional investigation, we cannot conclude with absolute certainty that donald trump did not coordinate his election efforts with agents within putin's kremlin."

Commonsense said...

I think Mueller saw McCabe's intweview on 60 minutes and said to himself "Times Up".

Anonymous said...

I think Mueller saw McCabe's intweview on 60 minutes and said to himself "Times Up".

well that, plus i don't think there are any trump associates left to destroy. not without a ton of additional effort that mueller simply doesn't have the stamina for.

anonymous said...

The conspiracy theory from the left will be that Bill Barr is being brought in to put pressure on Mueller to end the investigation prematurely and then will not allow the final report to be released.

Sure lil thinks you have conspiracy water on the brain that needs an exorcism.....LOLOLOLOL