Monday, December 16, 2019

Democrats demanding that GOP call the witnesses they let slide in the House hearings...

They want a "fair hearing" in the Senate after demanding they could do whatever they wanted as majority in the House.

The four specific witnesses that Schumer is demanding the Senate hear from are:

  • Mick Mulvaney – acting White House chief of staff
  • John Bolton – former national security adviser
  • Michael Duffey – associate director for national security, Office of Management and Budget
  • Robert Blair – senior adviser to Mulvaney

Two of the four (Bolton and Blair) were never even subpoenaed by the House. The other two were part of the lawsuit filed that asked the DC court for guidance. It's very unlikely that McConnell will agree to subpoena witnesses for the Democrats... unless of course there was an agreement to also subpoena the witnesses requested by the White House (such as Hunter Biden, Eric Ciaramella, and possibly even Adam Schiff and Joe Biden). 

I can see no necessary reason for the GOP to bend to the will of the Democrats, given the atrocious treatment their counterparts received from Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, and Jerry Nadler. You cannot argue over and over and over and over how Impeachment is a political process that allows the majority Party control to do whatever they want, then demand that there is a different set of rules in the Senate. 

Well... to clarify, you can demand such a thing if you are complete hypocrite with no intellectual honesty whatsoever. Which seems to fit our modern day Democratic Party and the idiot minion liberals that support them.


cowardly king obama said...

Undercover Huber

Dear Media

As it’s now obvious that Devin Nunes was 100% right about Russia Collusion & FISA abuse, and Adam Schiff was catastrophically wrong...

...maybe consider if the same lesson applies to impeachment?

Just a thought

Devious Donald said...

I never did anything wrong but I do not want you to hear from these four people who were there when I did nothing wrong.
--Donald Trump

Just a thought.


The dems already had their chance to call witnesses and have made their case. They passed it on to the Senate who acts as jury.

Since dems didn't allow Republicans to call witnesses I can see why they should be allowed to now. But not the dems. If they had issues they should have gone to the co-equal branch, the court, to decide.

I suggest the Senate calls Schiff and Eric C and then it will all be over, whether they appear or not.


of course assuming dems move forward...

Anonymous said...

Has Speaker in Name Only Polosi set a date and time for the Vote?

IF, this was a slam dunk she would have had it today at 9 am.