Sunday, February 9, 2020

Bizarre Iowa Results...

So let's review: 

- Sanders wins popular vote by over 6000 votes (43,671 to 37,557).
- Sanders wins the second alignment by over 2600 votes (45,826 votes to 43,195).
- Sanders receives two less state delegates 564 to 562 than second place Buttigieg.

Then Sanders gets only 12 actual Delegates to 14 for Buttigieg???


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

More important:

Bloomberg’s Theory of Trump
February 9, 2020 at 6:47 pm EST

“Others have tried this tactic without success — remember Hillary Clinton? — but Mike Bloomberg plans to attack President Trump on his business record,” Axios reports.

“One difference: Trump’s pre-White House career can now be linked with his decisions as president. Another difference: Bloomberg will be making this argument as a multibillionaire who built a multinational company.

“The crux of Bloomberg’s argument is that Trump has only ever had to think about crushing his next adversary in a deal rather than building a long-term customer relationship — and that this short-term, win-at-all-costs mindset defines how Trump operates as president, and with allies.”

Anonymous said...

What the fuck does this have to do with Bernie or Iowa

Myballs said...

All Trump has to do is put out a list of long term customers and Bloomberg's idiotic theory gets flushed.

C.H. Truth said...

“Others have tried this tactic without success — remember Hillary Clinton? — but Mike Bloomberg plans to attack President Trump on his business record,” Axios reports.

The bigger problem isn't that it has been tried before and failed... the bigger problem is that Trump has now been President for four years and his "business" record isn't all that important.

It's just another attempt by Democrats to "deflect" the argument away from the Trump accomplishments!

Also... let's face reality! When NBC came looking for a Business Icon to host the show "The Apprentice" there were not a bunch of College MBAs wanting to compete for a job under Mike Bloomberg.

They all wanted to work for Trump!

Anonymous said...

"So Rog... you "riding" the Buttigieg express now?

Just as James has become a fan of Little Mikey Bloomberg? 

I wonder who Denny has determined is the new savior?"

CHT Nailing the Three Socialist Stooges of CHT .

Anonymous said...

mini-mike sexist pig.

"Image › story
Web results
Bloomberg's sexist remarks fostered company culture that degraded women ...
Dec 15, 2019 · Mike Bloomberg has on repeated occasions faced and fought allegations that he directed crude and sexist ...

Anonymous said...

mini-mike fails the view.
🀣At the end of his first of three segments Wednesday morning on The View, former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg wrapped up his answer on the controversial “stop-and-frisk” policyby saying, “In some things, I did it wrong and I apologized and then tried to do something else.” 

“Well, we’re going to give you more time to apologize,” Whoopi Goldberg said before throwing the commercial. That’s exactly what they did after the break, but this time, a defiant Bloomberg refused to take responsibility. πŸ˜„

Anonymous said...

mini-mike hiding , blocking whistle blowers.
"😁also have friends that have worked at your company and have wonderful things to say, but you have been accused in the past of making lewd and sexist comments and fostering a frat-like culture at your company that was uncomfortable for some female employees,” Abby Huntsman, who will leave a different kind of “toxic” work environment at the end of this week, said. “ABC has actually has spoken to several women who want to share their stories, but you won't release them from their NDAs.” 

Huntsman then paraphrased Bloomberg’s 2020 Democratic primary rival Elizabeth Warren, who said, “If his company has an enviable record, then let people in his company or former people from his company speak about that enviable record. What is it that Michael Bloomberg has to hide?” 

Warren Shuts Down Meghan McCain’s Defense of Trump on Iran


Matt Wilstein

“We don't have anything to hide but we made legal agreements, which both sides wanted to keep certain things from coming out, they have a right to do that,” Bloomberg answered. “Remember, just because you signed a nondisclosure doesn't mean you can't talk about other things. You just can't talk about what was in that agreement where perhaps you don't disparage the other party or you don't want to retell a story, whatever it is.” 

“You don't take away anybody's rights to say what they want to say,” he added, a bit disingenuously. As Huntsman tried to bring up “this #MeToo era,” Bloomberg continued to talk over her, “I think if you talk to most women in the company they would say equal pay, equal promotion, equal opportunity. it's a great place to work.” 

“Did I ever tell a bawdy joke? Yeah, sure I did,” Bloomberg said. “Do I regret it? Yes, it's embarrassing, but, you know, that's the way I grew up.” 

Among the inappropriate comments that Bloomberg allegedly made include urging a pregnant woman to “kill it” and admitting that he’d like to “do” several female employees. 

Joy Behar attempted to laugh off the whole thing with Bloomberg, asking, “who hasn’t” told a “bawdy” joke at work? “You said that, not me,” he joked in response. 

But Huntsman pressed on, asking, “So you have no desire to lift the NDAs?”

“No, we have an agreement. You couldn't do it if you wanted to,” Bloomberg said, “And incidentally, I think an awful lot of the women would not want to do that. There may be a few, but I don't think so.” 

ABC News reported last week that it had “spoken with several women who expressed interest in telling their stories who were subject to confidentiality agreements, but said they feared the prospect of facing retribution from the company for speaking out.” 

“And we don't have that many of them,” he added. “We have 20,000 people. We've been in business since 1981, and in recruiting, you know, I think most people would say we're a great place to work, at least I hope so. I can tell you that's what I try to do.” πŸ˜…

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Is there a recording of Bloomberg saying that he would just "walk up and grab a woman by the P" as sexist pig Trump did, along with all the other disgusting things Trump said on that recording?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I guess Kansas Dim hates Bloomberg just because he's Jewish.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Mike Bloomberg copies Trump to beat Trump

The big picture: Bloomberg is no Trump (thank goodness!), but is trying to beat the president at his own game.

Social creature:
Trump's re-election campaign has deployed Facebook in a bigger way than any campaign in history, outspending all the Democrats combined. Bloomberg's team openly admires the digital prowess of Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale and has built a "content factory" of constantly updating and iterating videos and messages that are narrowly targeted at — and constantly fed to — promising prospects.

Trump forced himself into our lives with Twitter taunts and endless TV appearances. Bloomberg is buying his way into the minute-by-minute of our lives with TV ads. Bloomberg's team believes one of the key lessons of Trump campaign is that if voters see you on TV all the time, they'll take you seriously. At Bloomberg HQ, his TV ads play on a constant loop. It takes a while to realize it's not cable news, where his ads seem nearly as persistent.

Success sells:
Like Trump, Bloomberg promises ad nauseam to replicate his professional success in governance. Many of Bloomberg's ads follow the rough arc of:
1) Hit Trump ...
2) Why the problem matters ...
3) What Mike did as New York mayor ...
4) What Mike would do as president.

It's a key part of Bloomberg's effort to signal, both overtly and subliminally, that he's running against Trump — not the other Dems.

Slogan power:
Bloomberg's massive data operation found that Bloomberg's record as mayor was one of his big selling points. And Bloomberg's inner circle thought "Make America Great Again" was an effective slogan. VoilΓ , the Bloomberg slogan: "Mike Will Get It Done." The twist: "It" can mean beating Trump, enacting gun control as president, or whatever the voter imagines.

It's all about brand, baby:
Bloomberg, like Trump, has set up his campaign so his personal brand shines, win or lose. The former mayor is making plain he will spend up to $2 billion to win himself — or, if he loses, allocate some of that to the Democratic nominee and Bloomberg's pet causes. As a down payment, he's showering money on state and local parties to help them, up and down their tickets, regardless of who wins the primary.

The bottom line:
Bloomberg wants to replicate and build off what Trump's campaign did best, without mimicking his style.

Myballs said...

I'm not going to run for president. No way no how.
-Mike Bloomberg


Anonymous said...

Blogger James said...

Is there a recording of Bloomberg saying that he would just "walk up and grab a woman by the P" as sexist pig Trump did, along with all the other disgusting things Trump said on that recording?

so you're still fretting over a recording that was designed as a last minute attempt to derail trump, did nothing of the sort and he got elected anyway?

gee pederast, that's fucking brilliant.

most sane, law-abiding Americans worry more about tiny mike grabbing their guns. not their pussy.

oh, and tiny mike's stint as NYC mayor?

he managed to not fuck up the work that rudy had done, while banning big gulps because ordinary new yorkers can't be trusted to live their own lives.

that fact is, he's a tyrannical little shit. more tyrannical than trump ever dreamed of being.

Anonymous said...

When Jane losses he goes to lies.
Hate is the bedrock of your life.
I don't Hate Jewish mini Mike.
And saying he is like Trump really hurts your case.

Best you sit and repent .

Anonymous said...

mini Mike policies.
End the 2nd Amendment
End the Electorial College
Go full on Venezuela Socialist

No wonder Jane is now committed to dirty money mini-mike

Anonymous said...

"hopey n changy"
is now

"mini-mikey will make US China"

Anonymous said...



‘I’d Do Her’: Mike Bloomberg and the Underbelly of #MeToo

Disparaging comments. Demeaning jokes. As the mogul reportedly considers a 2020 presidential run, it remains an open question whether his long-alleged history of undermining women will affect his chances."

Power Slogan
"mini Mike will do her"

Anonymous said...

Joe Biden is done.
But mini Mike pulled a page from Joe's playbook.


Akela Lacy

February 6 2020, "

Myballs said...

James probably not even aware of bloomberg banning big gulps.

I will admit that he was a heluva lot better than deblasio has been.

Anonymous said...

Creepy Joe , oh No .
🀣At an event in Hampton, 21-year-old student Madison Moore asked Biden why he fared so poorly in the Iowa caucuses, where he came in fourth place.

“Iowa’s a Democratic caucus,” Biden said. “You ever been to a caucus?”

Moore nodded yes, but Biden wasn’t buying it.

“No, you haven’t,” he said. “You’re a lying dog-faced pony soldier.”πŸ™ƒ

Commonsense said...

Joe's whole campaign is imploding. The establishment Democrats great white hope has come up snake eyes.

Commonsense said...

Unless the Democrats cheat, Bernie is going to be the nominee.

Anonymous said...

Bernie is the Clear Choice for the True believer in all the beautiful Socialism of πŸ†“️πŸ†“️πŸ†“️πŸ†“️

anonymous said...

And the goat fucking trump slur[er is a True Believer of lies and steaming piles of goat shit while spending the country into mountains of debt his stupid kids will have to deal with.....BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Anonymous said...

No Fact Denny waffles in.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

How many porn stars has Bloomberg slept with?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Gosh, rrb, tell us how that grab her by the p. recording was "designed."
Sounded like Trump was speaking quite delightedly and freely, unconstrained in any way, just being himself.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

James probably not even aware of bloomberg banning big gulps.

I was and am aware. How terrible! Trying to encourage a more healthy diet for our kids and cut down on death by obesity. And now Trump is caving in to unscrupulous businessmen who want to profit by putting school kids back on pizzas and sodas again.

Profit above people is a perverse form of "capitalism."

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Kansas Dimwit lied by saying I was not for Bernie because I hate Jews. But when I say he must not be for Bloomberg because he hates Jews, he gets all self righteous and piously tells me I should
"sit and repent."

You first.

caliphate4vr said...

Blogger James said...
How many porn stars has Bloomberg slept with?

How many young girls did he schtup on pedo island?

C.H. Truth said...

How many porn stars has Bloomberg slept with?

Most women don't like to sleep with guys shorter than they are.

Commonsense said...

James seems to be obsessed with pussy today.

Guess he's run into a dry spell.