Saturday, February 15, 2020

I asked a co-worker about Michael Bloomberg...

She didn't hardly know who he was?

How can this be, I asked? He is peppering both television and radio here in Minnesota with constant advertising. You cannot hardly turn on the television or the radio without hearing a Bloomberg ad (or I should say one of two Bloomberg ads). After the 30th or 40th time you hear them, it just sort of gets drowned out. But you cannot get away from them. Or so I thought!

What was her explanation? Does she live under a rock?

Actually her family doesn't watch much television in her home, and when they do it's generally Netflix or Hulu. She listens to XM radio, or connects her phone and listens to Spotify or podcasts in her car when she drives. She quite frankly literally would not have heard  a single political ad (from anyone) based on her media habits? She does pay attention to the news online, but because Bloomberg is not part of the debates or early primary states, nobody has been talking about him.

One has to wonder how common this is and whether or not this will weaken the advertising that candidates rely on. I thought about it and my wife (who is a half a generation younger than I) is also someone who generally watches Netflix, Hulu, or recorded network shows that can be fast forwarded through the commercials. She also listens to satellite radio, or connects her phone for her own playlists or podcasts when driving. She likely has not heard any political ads either. Neither of my sons watches any television and both listen to their phones through Bluetooth in their cars. If this is the habits of people in their early forties and also those in their late teens and early twenties, it's probably how a lion's share of post-boomer Americans live their lives. I have to confess that I am the same when it comes to television, but still listen to the radio on my way to work (although I have been wanting XM radio, so I could join the crowd all together in the near future).

In 2016, Trump got by spending less than a third of what Hillary spent from primary to general election. What he did was collect a lot of free media attention with his antics, large campaign rallies, and everything else associated with him. Some determined that he had received in the vicinity of a billion dollars worth of publicity (albeit most of it negative). He understood instinctively that you have to generate "news" rather than just spend some money advertising. One has to wonder how this will really affect a race when we might be measuring spending in the hundreds of millions or even in the billions.

What still matters is the average every day volunteer who is willing to go knock doors, register people to vote, and basically go to bat for their candidate of choice. This requires that the Candidates in question have not only a large, but also a very loyal and excited level of support. Why do you believe that Bernie has overtaken Biden as the early favorite? Because he has rabid support willing to go to great lengths to see him win. Biden has tepid support of those who have viewed him as just the candidate most likely to beat Trump. That doesn't necessarily turn into tangible results.

Trump was going to win a Republican primary against whoever came out from the GOP to challenge him. He was going to do so because his support is rabid, loyal, and motivated. His opponent will likely end up being someone with support that is just as rabid, loyal, and motivated. Right now, that candidate is Bernie Sanders. Whether that holds up is anyone's guess. But I am not sure I would bet against it.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Bloomberg is looking at Hillary for his VP.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Smart to express interest in her.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump and his people have lately begun hoping, hoping, hoping that Bernie will be the candidate, so Trump could label him and the entire Democratic party as SOCIALISTS!!!!!!SOCIALISTS!!! SOCIALISTS!!!!!!!

If/when Bloomberg becomes the Dem candidate, the wind will go out of that particular sail!

A LOT of interest will be generated as it becomes clear that when it comes to Devious Donald, Bloomberg can give it right back to him. It will be interesting to see how Trump's ignorant bluster will fare against Bloomberg's informed take downs.

Indeed, future pundits may chuckle at how Trump's very attention-grabbing bombast was turned to work against him!


Anonymous said...

Jane, you are simply a stupid hack.

Anonymous said...

"Billionaire Mike Bloomberg’s presidential campaign on Saturday downplayed a report that he is considering 2016 Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton as his pick for vice president."

the slightest of push back and mini mike folds

Myballs said...

She's like the relative who just won't leave.

Caliphate4vr said...

Anonymous Myballs said...
She's like the relative who just won't leave.

The pederast or Hillary?

Anonymous said...

Trump and his people have lately begun hoping, hoping, hoping that Bernie will be the candidate, so Trump could label him and the entire Democratic party as SOCIALISTS!!!!!!SOCIALISTS!!! SOCIALISTS!!!!!!!


more bullshit from the pederast. geezus, pastor hypocrite, you psychologically project almost as well as the alky.

i doubt trump gives a shit who he faces. he trounces them all.

one thing is certain - the left has lately begun hoping, hoping, hoping that Bernie will NOT be the candidate

bernie's candidacy destroys the democrat party. period.

Anonymous said...

Stupid James.
Bernice Sanders self branded himself a Socialist.

Commonsense said...

The difference between Bernie Sanders and Michael Bloomberg is one is a rich socialist and the other is a billionaire socialist.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

K Dimwit is stupid if he can't figure out that I along with everyone else knew Bernie "self branded" himself a socialist way back when he first ran. And everyone with any sense knows that Trump was planning to use that against him if he were the nominee. Indeed, Trump will try to use it against anyone the Dems pick, regardless.

But in spite of what Commensa says, Bloomberg is no socialist, unless supporting Social Security makes him one, ha ha ha, and that would make Eisenhower one, ho ho.

Anonymous said...

Stupid James posted

"so Trump could label him and the entire Democratic party as SOCIALISTS!!!!!!SOCIALISTS!!! SOCIALISTS!!!!"

James , is failing , don't blame me.

anonymous said...

How can this be, I asked? He is peppering both television and radio here in Minnesota with constant advertising.

Gee Lil work in company with morons....sure says a lot about the shit hole you work at.....BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Anonymous said...

Stupid James said
"Commensa says, Bloomberg is no socialis"

yet what was actually said By CS:
"The difference between Bernie Sanders and Michael Bloomberg is one is a rich socialist and the other is a billionaire socialist."

anonymous said...

And the goat fucking idiot continues his string of stupid posts that he thinks is both clever and meaningful.....BWAAAAAAAAA!@!!!!!! How's your nuts growing asshole......

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Stupid Kansas Dimwit is worse than stupid. He is a big a liar as Trump is. Maybe bigger.

Want proof? (As if any were needed.)

He said,
James said
"Commensa says, Bloomberg is no socialis"

No, I did not say that.
I said.
"In spite of what Commensa says, Bloomberg is no socialist."

anonymous said...

Fake news our denialists can ignore.... 70 f in antartica......!!!!

Sao Paulo (AFP) - Scientists in Antarctica have recorded a new record temperature of 20.75 degrees Celsius (69.35 Fahrenheit), breaking the barrier of 20 degrees for the first time on the continent, a researcher said Thursday.

"We'd never seen a temperature this high in Antarctica," Brazilian scientist Carlos Schaefer told AFP.

He cautioned that the reading, taken at a monitoring station on an island off the continent's northern tip on February 9, "has no meaning in terms of a climate-change trend," because it is a one-off temperature and not part of a long-term data set.

But news that the icy continent is now recording temperatures in the relatively balmy 20s is likely to further fuel fears about the warming of the planet.

The reading was taken at Seymour Island, part of a chain off the peninsula that curves out from the northern tip of Antarctica.

The island is home to Argentina's Marambio research base.

Schaefer, a soil scientist, said the reading was taken as part of a 20-year-old research project on the impact of climate change on the region's permafrost.

The previous high was in the 19s, he said.

Commonsense said...

Donald, Bloomberg can give it right back to him.

You believed much the same about Michael Avenatti. He's now going to jail.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I don't remember ever commenting on Avenatti. Quote me where I did (direct quote) or is that just another lie?

anonymous said...

He's now going to jail.

As he and the troll Stone should also!!!!!!! I wonder what the polls will do if the asshole in the WH pardons these asshole?????

anonymous said...

Hey James....

Cramps like Lil Schitty have so little credibility remaining in their posts, they can only rely on making shit up to back their views....sad how the mighty and weak have resorted to trumpian methods.....BWAAAAAAAA!!!!

C.H. Truth said...

I wonder what the polls will do if the asshole in the WH pardons these asshole?????

The President will not pardon Avenatti.

But will likely pardon Roger Stone... on Nov 4th!

anonymous said...

Thanx Captain Obvious.......Your abilty to see through my humor is beyond reproach......BWAAAAAAAA!!!! ignored my question because you know the answer is not good for your side.......LOLOLOLOL Why is that????

Anonymous said...

James you are right.
I am wrong .

anonymous said...

The goat fucker is ALWAYS wrong.....!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Dennis

anonymous said...

ESAD you fucking asshole....!!!!

Anonymous said...

Denny that is no way to be.

anonymous said...

Blogger KansasDemocrat said...
Denny that is no way to be.

It is all you deserve you fucking lying unemployed dumb fuck....!!!!!!! How's your nuts growing?????? BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!