Sunday, February 16, 2020

Perhaps we underestimated Michael Bloomberg!

Mike Bloomberg in 2010 called Obamacare legislation 'a disgrace' and 'another program that's going to cost a lot of money'
Former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg said the final Obamacare bill would do "absolutely nothing to fix the big health care problems" and also called the program "a disgrace" in comments made in 2010, just months after the law's passage.
Speaking at Dartmouth College in July of that year, Bloomberg added that law was just "another program that's going to cost a lot more money." It is just one of several comments from Bloomberg identified by CNN's KFile criticizing the landmark Affordable Care Act in the years following its passage, including saying the bill was "really dysfunctional" and did nothing to solve rising health care costs.
Well most certainly, Michael Bloomberg hit that nail on the head. Oh, and it's no wonder that the former President is supposedly not all that happy with Bloomberg using him and his statements in Bloomberg's most recent television ad.
"We passed a health care bill that does absolutely nothing to fix the big health care problems in this country. It is just a disgrace," said Bloomberg at the Dartmouth Presidential Lecture in 2010. "The President, in all fairness, started out by pointing out what the big problems were, but then turned it over to Congress, which didn't pay any attention to any of those big problems and just created another program that's going to cost a lot of money."
"It's really sad because they say they've insured or provided coverage for another 45 million people," Bloomberg added in the speech. "Except there's no doctors for 45 million more people and unless they fix immigration and let people who come here for medical education stay here, those people are just going to do the same thing. They're going to have to go to the emergency rooms where they've been except that now it's going to cost a lot more money."
Oh and Bloomberg argues that part of the problem is immigrants who come here for the free healthcare, and how we will not have doctors for everyone unless that issue is fixed! Now that actually makes sense! But it also sounds an awful lot like a Republican, now  doesn't it?
Julie Wood, a Bloomberg campaign spokeswoman, told CNN in a statement this week that Bloomberg had supported the bill, but was critical of the approach to pass it.
Certainly doesn't sound that way to me! Flip flop, flip flop, flip flop! 


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Sounds like Bloomberg's criticism was directed more to Congress, since it did poorly what Obama had wanted it to do well.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Even so, what exists now of Obama's healthcare legacy most Americans want to keep by restoring parts that Trump has torn down and improving it.

And where oh where is any Republican-Trump alternate health care plan that is good enough to replace it?

Not visible on the near or far horizon.

(Not to mention that Trump is out and out lying by saying in the SOTU that he's working to keep the pre-existing conditions part of it when actually he has been working, working, working to get rid of that very part.

Myballs said...

Media pissed off Trump was at Daytona. They sure didn't mind Obama attending march madness.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Bloomberg's recent event in Chattanooga, Tennessee had an atmosphere of outreach to African American voters.

"It's great to be here at the Bessie Smith Cultural Center," Bloomberg said referring to the famous singer who was born in Chattanooga in 1894. "Now, I know Bessie was from Chattanooga, but we have a claim on her from New York City because she was really an important part of the Harlem Renaissance."

Bloomberg was introduced by Elenora Woods, president of the local NAACP chapter, who is also a dentist and owner of one of the city's two black-owned radio stations.

"I rose above adversity, despite the climate of racial tension and terrorism in the South," Woods said. "I did it. I did it, and I know what racism looks like. I know what it looks like, and that's not Mike Bloomberg."

"I am sick and tired of being sick and tired of these racist attacks from Donald Trump," Woods continued, "and I'm ready for a champion in the White House. I know Bloomberg would be a tireless fighter for economic justice for black America. Just look at his record."

Woods added that she early-voted for Bloomberg that very day.

"We Like Mike! We Like Mike! We Like Mike!" the crowd chanted, along with "Mike can get it done."

And what is "it"?

Most of all, Bloomberg said, it means defeating Trump.

"Let's face it, Donald Trump is the world's biggest schoolyard bully with no respect for civility, decency, or facts. But I can tell you this: he's not going to bully me. And I won't let him bully you, either.

"Let me tell you why I'm the best candidate to take Donald Trump on and win.

"To start, I have workable and achievable plans to deal with the toughest challenges facing the country, and I will get it done.

"That's the message we need to win voters all over this country and to beat Trump in the swing states that will decide this election because we all know the Trump strategy:

"Attack Democrats; make their plans look unrealistic, unaffordable, and undoable.

"That won't work against me. I promise you, I offer a record of getting things done and commonsense plans that are workable.

"That's what voters want. We don't need a revolution. We want evolution, and we need a nominee who can deliver it."

Bloomberg says he will win in November

*by finally providing health insurance to Americans who don't have it and lowering healthcare costs for everyone.

*by enacting commonsense gun safety laws.

*by making America a global leader in the fight against climate change.

*by creating good jobs with higher wages.

*by addressing racial and gender discrimination and inequality.

*by fixing our broken immigration citizenship.

*by creating a path to citizenship for millions here who deserve it.

C.H. Truth said...

Sorry Reverend Hypocrite...

It sounds EXACTLY like what he said!

Too hard for you to understand?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Why Trump's lie about pre-existing conditions was so striking

Even among a blizzard of lies, Trump's State of the Union claim about protecting Americans with pre-existing conditions stood out as breathtaking.

There's no shortage of excellent fact-check reports on Donald Trump's latest State of the Union address, and the president certainly kept the fact-checkers busy with a blizzard of obvious falsehoods. But one had me smacking my forehead just a little harder than the others.

From the official transcript:
"I've also made an ironclad pledge to American families: We will always protect patients with pre-existing conditions."

I don't doubt that some people will fall for this. Indeed, congressional Republicans applauded the line last night, as if Trump were telling the truth. But he wasn't, and reality on this point is unambiguous.

To be sure, the president is clearly fond of this lie. Given the frequency and apparent sincerity with which he repeats the lie, part of him may actually believe it. It was several weeks ago, for example, when the Republican claimed on Twitter, "I was the person who saved Pre-Existing Conditions in your Healthcare." He added, "I will always protect your Pre-Existing Conditions, the Dems will not!"

When that faced immediate pushback, and the president's brazen deception was exposed, he doubled down, publishing another tweet repeating the lie: "I stand stronger than anyone in protecting your Healthcare with Pre-Existing Conditions."

As we discussed at the time, however, Trump's line was, and is, the opposite of the truth. He didn't "save" protections for Americans with pre-existing conditions -- protections created by Barack Obama's Affordable Care Act -- the Republican fought to take those protections away through a series of far-right repeal-and-replace proposals he couldn't get through a Congress led by his own party.

Those efforts are ongoing: Trump is also helping champion a federal lawsuit, which is currently pending in the courts, and which would strip protections from Americans with pre-existing conditions.>

That's not opinion; it's reality. Even for a president known for lying to the point that observers have questioned his mental stability, this is as offensive a lie as any Trump has told.

...Trump knows his health care agenda is wildly unpopular, just as he knows there's broad, bipartisan support for some of the core benefits in "Obamacare." The president doesn't want to give up his crusade against the popular reform law, and he doesn't want to lose.

The result is a dynamic in which Trump feels he has no choice but to play Americans for fools.


unlike Trump,

Anonymous said...

What a fucking idiot

Anonymous said...


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Why Trump should not be President and why Michael should be

Anonymous said...

James has cast his stone for only Mike.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Re 9:12 PM above
Full interview with Gayle King
GOOD interview!!!

And now this:


This speech in Texas went VERY well.

Bloomberg is using teleprompters,
but you can hardly tell it.
He talks so naturally and with simple conviction in his voice.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

By the way, Bloomberg shows up in the For Black America video above around minute 59.

Anonymous said...



Bloomberg on why farmers can’t work in information technology

MB: “I can teach anyone how to be a farmer 1 dig a hole 2 put a seed in 3 put dirt on top 4 add water 5 up comes the corn”

The skill 4information technology is completely different you need more grey matter


Anonymous said...

There was a lot of talk about how “troubling” and even “frightening” it was that Donald Trump “interfered” with the “prosecutorial discretion” of these first-line functionaries. There was little talk of how obviously it was a set-up designed to try to trick Trump into violating some newly created norm – that new norm being that a president must leave unaddressed manifest injustices inflicted upon his supporters.

Except Trump does not play that loser’s game. They still think that Trump can somehow be shamed into obedience to the elite by castigating him for violating its arbitrary and unequally enforced unwritten rules.

He can’t.

We hired Trump to break the establishment paradigm that pretends our so-called betters are about the rule of law when they really just use the law to rule. If there is a “norm” or “rule” that requires us to look away and ignore when liberals twist and pervert the power of their positions to pursue politically motivated vendettas, then such “norms” and “rules” should not just be broken.

They should be shattered.

Enter The Donald.

They thought they were cunning. They thought they were smart. They set up an ambush thinking, yet again, that This Time We Will Get Trump™.

Trump charged.

Here’s how this ends.

It ends with Roger Stone (and LTG Mike Flynn) pardoned, and the libs crying.

It ends with the American people who aren’t celebrating shrugging.

And it ends with the garbage caste we call our elite losing again.

Keep charging those ambushes, Mr. President, for another five years.

Anonymous said...

Even among a blizzard of lies, Trump's State of the Union claim about protecting Americans with pre-existing conditions stood out as breathtaking.

using steve benen from ralph maddow's show to "prove" trump a liar?


that's not just stupid, that's "alky stupid."

Anonymous said...

Bloomberg insulting Ranchers and Farmers and every UAW worker, every rank and file blue collar working in factories across the USA.

Nice vetting of this slug.

Commonsense said...

By the way, Bloomberg shows up in the For Black America video above around minute 59.

Shameless pandering 101.

Anonymous said...

Blogger James said...

By the way, Bloomberg shows up in the For Black America video above around minute 59.

"For" Black America or "FRISK" Black America?

Anonymous said...

tiny mike's contempt for the American farmer is palpable. and disgraceful.

some of the smartest folks i know are farmers. they need to be mechanics, welders, veterinarians, agronomists, herdsmen, plant scientists, economists, businessmen, and a host of other things too numerous to list here.

perhaps the miserable little prick could learn something from paul harvey -

anonymous said...

Maybe the little prick will kick the big pricks fat white ass!!!!!!! AS for cramps comments about farmers.....more bullshit than trump showing up at Daytona for a campaign event......sad he is as transparent as you rat, the hater of everything that your bigotry resonates with trump.... Paul Harvey another fucking loser like you which is the rest of your sorry story!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Donald Ayer—who has known Bill Barr for four decades and preceded him as deputy attorney general in President George W. Bush’s administration—writes in The Atlantic that Barr is destroying the integrity and independence of the Justice Department.

“The fundamental problem is that he does not believe in the central tenet of our system of government—that no person is above the law. In chilling terms, Barr’s own words make clear his long-held belief in the need for a virtually autocratic executive who is not constrained by countervailing powers within our government under the constitutional system of checks and balances.

“Indeed, given our national faith and trust in a rule of law no one can subvert, it is not too strong to say that Bill Barr is un-American.”

Anonymous said...

RRB , Mike Bloomingidiot.

"tiny mike's contempt for the American farmer is palpable. and disgraceful."

Just like the Three Socialist Stooges views on us Famers and Ranchers.
Minney Mick is a natural fit for thier ilk.

Anonymous said...

Dopie committed intellectual Suicide.
"Paul Harvey another fucking loser"