Thursday, February 20, 2020

Post debate analysis?

Bernie rises to over 50% in betting odds. Bloomberg drops 10 points overnight! 

What does it say when the so called woke hip Party of the millennial and younger voters have their two 78 year old white front runners arguing about what sort of stent was put in their hearts following their heart attacks.

The biggest take away from this is that Bloomberg was not impressive for a variety of reasons. He didn't respond well to attacks. He provided absolutely zero personality. You wonder if he ever told a joke that wasn't actually just a sexist comment. He seems smug. He lacked self awareness (does he actually believe that he has 60 billion dollars because he worked that much harder than everyone else). But most importantly there was almost a presence about him that seemed like he didn't actually want to be there. As if either it was a waste of his time or that it was beneath him?

Campaigns are way more than advertising. You have to connect with people in these sort of environments. In fact, I would offer that anyone who saw Bloomberg's performance will be extra skeptical of his ads and the rhetoric he is tossing around on his own terms. I simply cannot imagine that this is the guy I want to put up against Trump in any sort of debate setting. The fact that Bloomberg comes off as timid, slow on his feet, and disinterested would be inflated as he stood next to someone who is a good 6-8 inches taller and 100 lbs bigger. I know that is only optics, but optics are what this is about sometimes.

This turned out to be a pretty good debate for Bernie and Biden, simply because they were not under fire as they would otherwise had been if not for Bloomberg. Bernie got out without much harm, and Biden (although still appearing confused and such at times) did not endure much for attacks. Warren played the pit bull, and I am sure that helped consolidate her with her own crowd, but I wonder if she helps gain any new appeal. Buttigieg and Klobuchar appeared to have their own little thing going on down at the end of the line. Almost felt like two people on the Island, and knowing that one of them is about to be voted off, so they leveled their attacks against each other. They certainly appeared to be also rans (in spite of finishing 2-3 in New Hampshire). 


Anonymous said...

pastor hypocrite the pederast is noticeably absent this morning. hmmm...

gee, i hope he's ok after the stomping his new favorite savior, err, candidate suffered last night.

caliphate4vr said...


Elizabeth Warren Saying "Fat Broads And Horse Faced Lesbians" For 10 Minutes Straight

caliphate4vr said...

Thanks Obama

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – A sinkhole reportedly containing almost 1,000 bodies, including around 30 Yezidis, killed by the Islamic State (ISIS) from mid-2014 to late 2017 has been uncovered in northern Iraq’s Tal Afar region of Nineveh, a local official confirmed on Wednesday.

“The pit contains at least 1,000 bodies. They [ISIS] had even dumped victims into the mass grave while they were still alive,” Tal Afar Mayor Qasim Mohammed told Rudaw.

The majority of the victims in the pit, thought to be 150 meters deep, are Shiites from Tal Afar, he added.

ISIS militants attacked the Yezidi homeland of Shingal in August 2014, slaughtering thousands of men and burying them in mass graves. Women and children were abducted and sold into slavery – many facing years of repeated sexual violence.

An official from the Tal Afar Mass Graves Affairs Office told Rudaw the sinkhole contains the bodies of at least 30 Yezidis from Shingal.

Sulaiman Hadi, a Yezidi survivor who witnessed the genocide, accompanied Rudaw’s Tahsin Qasim to the site of the mass grave. He explained how the slain Yezidi victims ended up in the pit.

“We were captured in Shingal while trying to flee [on August 3, 2014]. We were taken to Mosul and then to Tal Afar. In Mosul, around 20 to 30 Yezidi men found carrying mobile phones were separated from the rest of us. They were also later brought to Tal Afar,” Hadi said.

“In Tal Afar, we heard that they were dumped into this pit,” he added, standing on the lip of the sinkhole.

Hadi was later told the militants had “dumped the Yezidis into the sinkhole alive and tossed hand-grenades in after them.”

Sharing his story of survival, Hadi said he decided to renounce his faith and convert to Islam.

After a year and a half living under ISIS in Tal Afar, Hadi says he managed to escape under the cover of darkness and return to Shingal.

“In Tal Afar, they separated the girls and women from us. We witnessed death. We witnessed how were they wounding and killing the men,” Hadi said.

There are so many bodies piled up in the pit that its original depth of 150 meters is now just 20 meters, according to Rudaw's reporter.

To date, more than 70 mass graves have been identified in the Yezidi homeland of Shingal following its liberation in November 2015. Some of the remains have been washed away by heavy rains, while others have been exhumed by locals.

Myballs said...

Stone gets 40 months. Even obama judge thought the 7 to 9 years was absurd.

Anonymous said...

"Stopping Bernie Sanders just got a lot harder

Analysis by Chris Cillizza, CNN Editor-at-large

Updated 10:36 AM ET, Thu February 20, 2020"

Unbeatable Bernie

Caliphate4vr said...

Getting ugly Former South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg's presidential campaign called on former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg to drop out of the Democratic presidential primary race in a memo released on Thursday, warning that Bloomberg's presence in the race would propel Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) to the Democratic nomination.

"If Bloomberg remains in the race despite showing he can not offer a viable alternative to Bernie Sanders, he will propel Sanders to a seemingly insurmountable delegate lead siphoning votes away from Pete, the current leader in delegates," Buttigieg's campaign wrote.

The campaign projected that if the dynamics of the primary do not change, Sanders would emerge from Super Tuesday as almost unbeatable, adding that Buttigieg was the strongest alternative to the progressive senator.

Buttigieg's campaign pointed specifically to what critics called a shaky debate performance from Bloomberg.

anonymous said...

And the heat goes on.....interesting Wx we are having......But don't worry folks.....this has nothing to do with the GW hoax!!!!

What happened to winter? And where's the polar vortex?
Doyle Rice, USA TODAY
USA TODAYFebruary 20, 2020, 4:45 AM EST

If you're wondering what happened to winter, you're not alone.

The first two months of winter – December and January – were the warmest on record across the U.S., the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration says.

In fact, dozens of cities east of the Mississippi River were reporting one of their warmest winters to date from Dec. 1 through Feb. 17, according to the Southeast Regional Climate Center.

And all of the big cities of the Northeast and mid-Atlantic, from Boston to Washington, D.C., have seen less snow than usual.

We can thank an unusually strong polar vortex for our mild winter: It kept the arctic air locked in across the polar regions rather than plunging southward into the U.S., the Weather Channel said.

The polar vortex – everyone's favorite wintertime whipping boy – is a large area of cold air high up in the atmosphere that normally spins over the North Pole (as its name suggests). The stronger the polar vortex, the milder our winter is.

"The polar vortex is near record strong and little change is predicted for the foreseeable future," tweeted meteorologist Judah Cohen of Atmospheric and Environmental Research this week.

Sometimes, however, thanks to a meandering jet stream, a part of the vortex can slosh down into North America, helping to funnel unspeakably cold air down here where we all live. That hasn't happened yet this winter.

Anonymous said...
