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Did these two really win the New Hampshire primary? |
The only thing we know for sure is that Andrew Yang and Michael Bennett will not be the nominees and that neither Joe Biden or Liz Warren are considered frontrunners anymore.
So I would offer that Bernie Sanders should both be a little bit disappointed and breathing a sigh of relief. He won (which was good) but he didn't win by much (which was troublesome). But a loss could have been disastrous, so he bypassed that one. One has to wonder where Bernie is really going to "break out" with a big win if not in an Northeastern State. He also might be alarmed at the reality that this "progressive" lane (which was so dominate in early polling) has dwindled down to two and half candidates (Sanders, Warren, and Patr) after Yang dropped out... and together they didn't come very close to hitting 50% of the popular vote.
Moreover, it appears that Warren's demise wasn't necessarily Sander's to enjoy. Much of the Warren exodus went to Amy Klobuchar, which makes sense if you consider that there a great deal of voters in the Democratic Party who might just want a woman. Klobuchar certainly had her breakout moment, and possibly moved herself from running for Vice President to actually thinking she has a chance to be the nominee. Nobody could have expected that after her so-so showing in her neighbor state of Iowa. The question is whether her appeal is broad enough to overcome early fundraising and organizations disadvantages. And let's face it, she's kind of boring.
Pete Buttigieg is likely happy with his result. After all, he might not have won, but he still beat expectations and won an equal share of the delegates. Interestingly, Buttigieg lost the popular vote in the first two states to Sanders, but still holds a delegate lead over him. Sander's fans are none to pleased with that! But at this point, beating expectations is often better than winning a state you were supposed to win. His only disappointment would be that the Klobuchar result might mean that she is taking control of the "establishment" lane, now that Slow Joe Biden is crumbling before our eyes. The speculation is that Klobuchar's rise prevented Buttigieg from winning. I am not as convinced as others that they are really running in the same lane. She's establishment, and he's an upstart.
Lastly, the more convoluted and muddy this all is, the better it is for two billionaires waiting in the wings. Bloomberg's dream is for nobody to walk into Super Tuesday with a real "frontrunner" status. The longer this remains "up in the air" the better it is for him. I am still not convinced that a psuedo-liberal billionaire who holds a significantly higher disapproval rate than the others in the Demoratic Party can win by any reason other than default, but the longer nobody else takes control, the better chance he has of becoming that "default".
The other Billionaire, of course, is Trump. Trump would love nothing else than a long and drawn out fight, that in a perfect world ends up with a brokered convention with no candidate with a majority of the vote. Something where Bernie Sanders has the plurality lead, but finds himself pushed out of the nomination again by Super-delegates would be picture perfect!
HAMPTON, NH—Joe Biden fired back at a supporter criticizing his performance in the Iowa caucuses. She questioned why she should support him when he didn't even finish in the top three in Iowa.
Biden's response was baffling: "I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty-headed, animal food trough-wiper."
The supporter was confused: "I'm sorry, what?"
"I fart in your general direction," he continued. "Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries!"
"Are... are you just quoting Monty Python?" she asked, clearly baffled.
"You dirt-eating piece of slime! You scum-sucking pig! You son of a motherless goat!"
"That's not even the same franchise!" she shouted back.
Biden wasn't fazed, though, telling her to "go away or I will taunt you a second time." His poll numbers have gone up since the exchange as he's now quoting movies made within the last fifty years.
Poor Cali's intellectual contributions are reduced to the level of Babylon Bee.
Ch calls Bloomberg "a psuedo-liberal billionaire."
Remember when semi-billionaire Trump described himself as a "proud pro-choice Democrat"?
Meaning he's only a pseudo-Republican.
He's just pro-Trump.
Only and obviously he's pro-Trump.
And that's what's going to do him in.
BabBee is far deeper than Taegan Goddard, stupid old man
"the failures of American capitalism to deliver inclusive growth"
Jane , with the other two of your made up b.s. economic terms , what do you
Jane never did , in his own words define his "income inequality" b.s.
She will do no better with this:
tax capital income more equitably"
James, exactly how will mini mike do that
Knee slapping funny, stupid young whippersnapper.
Taegan Goddard's excellent site is much visited by those of both the right and the left who seek real information, not all of it left leaning.
Too much of the Trump tax cuts have gone to companies and the most wealthy, with virtually nothing invested in infrastructure — roads, ports, schools, bandwidth, scientific research — or affordable housing, which we must have for INCLUSIVE prosperity.
Jane refuses to use his own words , what a simp.
Answered your stupid question, though, didn't "he/she"?
She didn't even come close, never does, she does understand finances and economics.
Winning. New Hampshire .
"President Trump didn't have a serious challenger in the New Hampshire primary, but he still turned out enough voters to more than double former President Barack Obama's 2012 vote total in the state, indicating that the Republican base is all-in on Trump as he prepares to face the eventual Democratic nominee in a reelection battle this November.
With 87 percent of precincts reporting, Trump secured more than 120,000 votes in the Granite State. In 2012, Obama managed just 49,080 total votes in New Hampshire. The gap between the two presidents is likely to increase as more precincts report their totals Wednesday"
Ch calls Bloomberg "a psuedo-liberal billionaire."
Remember when semi-billionaire Trump described himself as a "proud pro-choice Democrat"?
I've called Bloomberg a "Trump with a different letter behind his name".
What's your point?
Because if it is to differentiate the Democratic Candidate from the current President, as a means to suggest that he must be replaced. Do you really believe that another Billionaire who switched Parties, has a history of salty behavior, and provides the same basic message...
Is going to prompt people to make that change... it seems a little unlikely.
You don't go car shopping and end up replacing your 2009 Honda Accord sporting 189,000 miles with a 2009 Toyota Camry that's logged 188,000 miles. You keep the devil you know.
Roger says mayor Pete is moderate. That moderate wants to legalize heroin.
Let that sink in.
Ch really ran into a buzzsaw on racism in the next thread down at February 12, 2020 at 11:52 AM.
"The hashtag #FireChuckTodd was trending on Twitter overnight as the MSNBC anchor faced a social media backlash for quoting a column that described Bernie Sanders supporters as a "digital brownshirt brigade."
During a Monday segment on the New Hampshire primary taking place today, Todd complained about being on the "receiving end of the Bernie online brigade" before quoting an article by Jonathan Last in The Bulwark that likened supporters of the Jewish candidate to Nazi paramilitaries."
Ch REALLY ran into a buzzsaw on racism in the next thread down at February 12, 2020 at 11:52 AM.
I’m going to be relatively brief here as I’m writing this at 2 a.m. in the morning. But let’s take the Sanders conclusion first. The model’s contention that he’s the closest thing to a frontrunner in this race seems inescapable to me. Sanders won the popular vote in each of the first two states (and he may eventually win the state delegate equivalent vote in Iowa). He leads in national polls (having recently overtaken Joe Biden). He’s raised a ton of money. He polls fairly well in Nevada (or at least he did back when people bothered to poll it). And he has a reasonably diverse coalition that should net him at least some delegates in almost every state and congressional district.
Still, Sanders’s 38 percent chance of a pledged delegate majority is far better than any other Democrat. He also has a 52 percent chance of a pledged delegate plurality. Even if this isn’t the strongest possible version of Sanders, he’s come far closer to actualizing his potential than anyone else in the field. Furthermore, the tactical considerations of the race are setting up well for Sanders: The moderate “lane” still very crowded and perhaps even getting more crowded (no longer just Biden and Buttigieg but also Amy Klobuchar and Michael Bloombeg!), and Sanders has pulled well ahead of Elizabeth Warren in the progressive lane.
Buttigieg: US aid should be used as ‘leverage’ to change Israeli policies
Dems ignoring the true moderate, gabbard. They don't want a moderate. The party is so far left.
Ch REALLY ran into a buzzsaw on racism in the next thread down at February 12, 2020 at 11:52 AM.
Yeah... apparently all of the people who call Bloomberg a racist are wrong because some Democrat Mayor (who is black) endorsed him!
Really got me on that one!
I suppose I could have come back with Hershel Walker, Kanye West, or Dennis Rodman as black celebrities who endorsed the President... or former Mayor Garner, Herman Cain, Ben Carson, or any number of Republicans who endorsed the President (who all happen to be Black).
But a handful of endorsements from black people doesn't really change anything...
Unless the Reverend Hypocrite cuts and pastes something... then it matters!
Oh... and I just talked to Mike Tyson. He loves the Donald and he wants to look up the Reverend!
Why is Fake Pastor call the blog host...
"James February 12, 2020 at 12:19 PM
A white supremacist racist, at that"
the failures of American capitalism to deliver inclusive growth"
Jane , with the other two of your made up b.s. economic terms , what do you mean by the above?
KansasDemocrat February 12, 2020 at 10:57 AM
Jane never did , in his own words define his "income inequality" b.s.
She will do no better with this:
tax capital income more equitably"
James, exactly how will mini mike do that?"
Jane like to cut n post that which his side makes up.
😂Former Vice President Joe Biden said Monday that as president he will ensure that every new infrastructure project is “a green infrastructure,” creating jobs that pay $50 an hour.😥
This from a guy that has never owned a business.
$50/HR isn't what it used to be. Steger wants a $22/HR min wage.
I would say that James is grasping for straws but that's just piling on.
I'm cautiously optimistic that Trump will win a second term and control Congress.
God forbid a communist should become president.
The Socialist Democrats are in a role.
Bernie is Winning.
Are the democrats mad at him because he is an honest Socialist?
Anonymous Myballs said...
Roger says mayor Pete is moderate. That moderate wants to legalize heroin.
Let that sink in.
it's all about perspective. when you live in a state slathered with human shit and used heroin needles, and where typhus is making a comeback, like the alky does, mayor buttplug's position on legalizing heroin IS moderate.
Buttigieg: US aid should be used as ‘leverage’ to change Israeli policies
of course.
israel just got over spending 8 long years getting treated like shit by 0linsky. they must be thrilled at the prospect of going back to that abuse.
israel just got over spending 8 long years getting treated like shit by 0linsky.
Dayum, you are a dumber fuck that the goat fucker.....>BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! The US has kept Israels's back forever.....Obama did his fair share more than once.. Go suck trumps dick....you do it sooooo well, asshole
Netanyahu thanks Obama for 'historic' military aid deal | The ...
Sep 14, 2016 · Netanyahu thanks Obama for ‘historic’ military aid deal PM says $38 billion package ‘will ensure an unprecedented level of defense aid for Israel in the next decade,’ will also help US ...
Blogger caliphate4vr said...
Bawbee is far deeper than Taegan Goddard, stupid old man
There's that UGA education shining through.....BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! I'm sure the loser being a veteran is proud of trump berating a soldier for doing his sworn job.......oh well can't fix such deep seated stupid....!!!!!
It sure is telling how the dumb fuck rat always disappears after having his ass handed to him again....cue his normal comment on guns.....BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!
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