So what is going on in the Roger Stone case? How is it that a 67 year old man who originally was arrested during a late night raid that included SWAT team members, and then got a recommendation from prosecutors to go to jail for nearly 9 years....
Over process crimes?
Let's be clear. Roger Stone did not commit murder, he did not commit crimes associated with any election interference, he was not found to be conspiring with any Russians, he was not convicted of anything having to do with campaign violations, and he was not convicted of any tax violations, fraud, or anything else that had anything to do with anything alleged in the Mueller investigation or any of the numerous offshoots of his investigation.
He apparently lied to Congress. Which is perfectly acceptable if you are Hillary Clinton, or any number of people who lie to Congress every day. But for Roger Stone, that is a crime worthy of spending multiple years in prison.
None of this EVER made any sense.
Now it turns out that the prosecutors might have been dirty, and that the foreperson of the jury was a former Democratic Congressional candidate who was on social media "during" the trial promoting the Russian conspiracy hoax, attacking Trump and his staff as racists, and defending the Mueller probe as a "success" because of all of the Trump associates who were charged with process (or other unrelated charges).
How this person was on the jury (much less elected foreperson is anyone's guess).
Oddly, the judge did not provide any gag order on the jury during the trial and apparently he has protected the identities of the jurors (so nobody would have been able to identify anything anyone from the jury might have been stating).
But this juror foreman came out on her own to "defend" the prosecutors and now the shit is hitting the fan. Now everyone is wondering how this person made it on the jury? It's almost a foregone conclusion that either she would have had to have lied during jury selection or that normal issues that would have otherwise disqualified a juror were being ignored by the Judge in question. Moreover, what sort of jury make up do you have when they choose to elect a Democrat with anti-Trump and pro-Russian conspiracy views as their foreperson?
Stone and his attorneys are asking for a new trial. The Judge has stated no, ruling that the apparently bias exhibited by the jury foreperson did not get in the way of a fair trial. I suspect this ruling will be appealed, and I suspect another Judge might not agree.
Democrats are pushing back on this as "interference". Some are calling for Barr to resigned or to be impeached, because they still do not understand that Barr is the boss of the DOJ and it's not interference for him to step in if there are obvious problems with how his employees acted. People just don't resign and quit their jobs because they did everything by the books. There is likely more to come in terms of why Stone was treated like Al Capone over a lack of cooperation in a failed congressional investigation. I suspect it won't caste a very good impression on the prosecutors in question.
Ultimately, I am not sure this is a situation that Democrats are going to want to continue to defend once more information comes out. But for now, the usual suspects are clutching pearls and demanding more "investigations".
Catturd ™
I've got a question ...
Why in the hell were 4 high-level federal prosecutors assigned to Roger Stone's 'nothing' case, anyway?
That shows you how badly this BS stinks.
Thank GOD for AG Barr
The judge in the Roger Stone trial is looking every bit as dirty as the jury foreman, prosecutors, FBI agents, and special counsel involved in this vile miscarriage of justice.
Trump was right.
this thing just needs to be allowed to run its course and trump needs to issue stone a full pardon.
a nice touch would be for trump to hold a presser to explain in painful detail all of the egregious leftist corruption associated with this case.
fuck these leftist assholes. scorched earth needs to be the order of the day until the last day of trump's second term.
Robert Barnes
FYI: it appears the #RogerStone judge already denied a new trial despite evidence of the juror bias, demanded the motions be filed under seal to keep key details hidden from the public, and implicitly threatened Stone with prison if he talked about it. #PardonRogerStone
democrats are dirty, and a real threat to equal and fair justice
If Obama had done anything remotely resembling this, however.o
I'm glad to say there will probably be more resignations at the Justice Department because Attorney General William Barr and his lieutenants have increasingly exerted authority in politically sensitive investigations.
I'm delighted that this frays relationships with prosecutors at the powerful US attorney’s office in Washington, DC, and has already led to an unprecedented walkout of the career attorneys handling the Roger Stone case.
People familiar with the situation at the DC US attorney’s office are saying other prosecutors have discussed resigning in the coming days following the Justice Department leadership’s decision to disavow and claw back a sentencing recommendation that prosecutors had made in the case of Stone, a longtime friend of President Trump.
I'm so glad to see that happening. I wish they'd all resign. I wish everyone in government would resign except our beloved Fuehrer.
I'm also happy to see that our President has been able to clear the way for Russian propaganda to be heard on Kansas City radio stations.
When commuters spin the radio dial as they drive through Kansas City, Mo., these days, between the strains of classic rock and country hits they can tune in to Russian agitprop. And that will surely help get our Fuehrer re-elected (unless he just takes over without an election).
In January, Radio Sputnik, a propaganda arm of the Russian government started broadcasting on three Kansas City-area radio stations during prime drive times. I'm sure that was at our President's invitation. Only Fuehrer Trump could accomplish that. He can do anything!
Our Fueher is right. The Roger Stone jury was tainted by bias. Our Fuehrer says so.
Lock step behind him, minions!
Citing a report from Fox News, Fueher Trump said Thursday "the jury that convicted my friend Roger Stone had a biased member, and that is true although the judge dismissed that claim of the defense team.
"Now it looks like the fore person in the jury, in the Roger Stone case, had significant bias. Add that to everything else, and this is not looking good for the ‘Justice’ Department.'”
I agree, Fueher Trump! Lead on! They are all wrong except you! Just get rid of the whole damn Justice Department and we will follow you through hell and high water! Sieg Heil!
Palsi launches brand new Impeachment investigations. This time against AG Bar and President Trump.
So this is Jane, Dopie or Broke Alky.
I'm delighted that this frays relationships with prosecutors at the powerful US attorney’s office in Washington, DC, and has already led to an unprecedented walkout of the career attorneys handling the Roger Stone case.
Everyone of them should leave...
You recommend 9 years for a non-violent first offender of 69 years of age over a "process crime" where you "invent" the idea that it involved a threat and tied it to rules designed to increase penalties for people in organized crime!
Doing so even though the person who supposedly was "threatened" never felt "threatened" or believed he was being "threatened" and the person you are charging was not even allegedly part of organized crime as the rules are supossed to apply to??
Oh and in your recommendation papers... you attempt once again (dishonestly) to demand that he was involved in Russian election interference (which was never charged much less proven) and that it was the sort of horrifying mitigated circumstance that required more time?
These people should be fired, disbarred, and never allowed to prosecute another case.
Trump would like to fire everyone who ever disagrees with him. Bloomberg advised him that he cold be a successful president if only he found advisers who were smarter than he is, but Trump made it clear that no one is as smart as he is.
Knee slapping funny. That why he's in so much trouble.
...but Trump made it clear that no one is as smart as he is.
sounds like someone we know:
“I think that I’m a better speechwriter than my speechwriters. I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors. And I’ll tell you right now that I’m gonna think I’m a better political director than my political director.”
- skeets hussein 0linsky
Sorry Reverend Hypocrite
But the President is not in trouble and neither is Barr. The prosecutors are in trouble and that's why they resigned or left the case.
Democrats can FLAP THEIR GUMS like the losers they have become about more investigations and the President will just WIN AGAIN and he will just rise higher in his poll numbers and Democrats will just sink lower.
The sooner these lunatic conspiracy Russian collusion idiots are all gone, he better it will be for the Justice Department and the country. Get rid of every last one of them if they still want to insist on what they never could prove.
"James February 13, 2020 "
You forgot to change ID.
WASHINGTON — George Papadopoulos, a former Trump campaign adviser, was sentenced on Friday to 14 days in prison for lying to the F.B.I. about his contacts with Russian intermediaries during the 2016 presidential race, becoming the first Trump adviser to be sentenced in the special counsel investigation.
Though most first-time offenders convicted of lying to federal authorities escape with probation, Judge Randolph D. Moss said that Mr. Papadopoulos deserved a stiffer sentence because he had impeded an investigation of “grave national importance.”
yet stone deserves 9 years for basically the same offense.
trump and barr's intervention is not only warranted, they would have been horribly wrong had they NOT intervened.
and at least trump is consistent. he's already released a number of non-violent drug offenders. stone deserves no less.
Vetting mini sexist pig mike
"On what it would take for him to believe a rape allegation:
“I guess an unimpeachable third-party witness”
Creepy Screaming Chomo Joe.
Biden on phone call: ‘I'll be damned if we're gonna lose this nomination’
The former vice president tried to reassure supporters in a 13-minute call Wednesday😅 Politico
yet stone deserves 9 years for basically the same offense
Actually Stone lied to "congress"... which used to be something that was never even prosecuted.
e did not commit murder, he did not commit crimes associated with any election interference,
IOW's Lil Schitty......your opinion is that it is fine to lie when under oath.... witness tampering and obstruction.....all felonies!!!!!! Maybe the stable genius can rewrite all the statutes and eliminate such things as crimes and set the justice system back to the dark ages......again, your brilliance is only exceeded by your arrogance.....BWAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! God you need to get laid!!!!!!!
Lil Schitty lies again with...."which used to be something that was never even prosecuted."
Sure fuck face.....keep making shit up, it is your only defense.......BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!
You really should vet your opinion before looking dumber than the goat fuckerr.....ASSHOLE!!!!
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