Saturday, February 29, 2020

South Carolina Results

Biden projected the winner by 29%  (projected results)
Amazing how much faster the results are coming in tonight!


*Projected Delegates

Steyer drops out! I'd change my picture on the side, but he was never in it!
(Will Gabbard follow suit?)

Looks like Biden and Bernie will be pretty close going into Super Tuesday for the delegate lead. Of course it didn't help Buttigieg that he was tied as well after two states. What appears to matter in 2020 is the dynamics and the demographics. We should still look for Bernie to have a delegate lead after Super Tuesday, possibly a large one.

Well there are already conspiracies about how Bernie won Nevada by over double his main rival, but there as no calling of the race till it much of the country probably went to bed... versus the fact that the polls barely closed and the South Carolina race is called for Biden (providing some early headlines). It's also amazing that many outlets are already assigning delegates to Biden (14 within 10 minutes of the race being closed).  There seems to be little question that they are pushing hard for a feel good Biden story.

I doubt that any of this will change the momentum of what will happen in three days (especially since many people are not watching the news on a Saturday night). This is why it's well known to try to drop a piece of bad news late on a Friday night when many people will not hear about it till the next Monday. Likewise, Saturday primaries don't gather much momentum either.

I would deem that the person suffering the most from this Biden resurgence will be Michael Bloomberg, who just a week or so ago was calling on Biden and others to drop out and clear the lane for him. Now it seems very unlikely that Biden will drop out of anything.

Here is an interesting stat:
An exit poll question that asked whether a respondent planned to vote for the Democratic nominee in November, regardless of who it is. Overall, four-fifths of voters said they would, but there were some differences among the supporters of the three candidates who had enough support to dig into. Among Biden voters, 86 percent said yes, as did 84 percent of Steyer supporters. But among Sanders supporters, 72 percent said yes and 26 percent said no.
That suggests that attempting to take this away from Bernie at the convention will be a problem (just as it was in 2016). I suspect it will be a bigger problem if he has a delegate lead.


Commonsense said...

It's really down to Bernie and Biden now.

The rest of them are now just excess noise.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Anonymous said...

Bernie is going to pull 7 delegates adding to his commanding position.

But, Biden winning today adds to the civil war and chaos.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Tonight’s result is the first real test of whether candidates can appeal to black voters, a core part of the Democratic electorate. African Americans make up about 50 percent of the South Carolina primary voters.

If Biden can get the strong African Americans voters who supported Obama plus the white suburban women vote who didn't like Trump's behavior, it could be a great way to defeat Trump in November.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Donald J. Trump

Sleepy Joe Biden’s victory in the South Carolina Democrat Primary should be the end of Mini Mike Bloomberg’s Joke of a campaign. After the worst debate performance in the history of presidential debates, Mini Mike now has Biden split up his very few voters, taking many away!

4:16 PM - Feb 29, 2020

C.H. Truth said...

Well Roger....

Looks like Trump is most afraid of Bloomberg and not at all afraid of sleepy Joe!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Between the lines: Axios' Alexi McCammond reported Saturday on how South Carolina voters feel a personal connection with Biden...

"Biden has vacationed there for years, and his friendship with Rep. Jim Clyburn gives him credibility with older African-American voters."
That Clyburn endorsement mattered: Roughly 60% told the Edison exit poll that his support factored in their decision.
"In South Carolina, where a majority of Democratic voters are African-American, you can't talk to a Biden supporter without Barack Obama's name also coming up. 'He trusted Biden,' said Sue Gibbs, 68."
By the numbers: South Carolina has 54 pledged delegates to apportion to candidates who garnered at least 15 percent of Saturday's vote. Going into South Carolina, the delegate count was...

Sanders ,47
Pete Buttigieg 25
Biden 15
Warren 8
Klobuchar 7

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I dom't agree with you as usual.

C.H. Truth said...

Roger... I could say 2+2=4 and you would argue it was 3 or 5. Because that is just who you have become!

cowardly king obama said...

repost as roger reposted as well and he was one of the continuous posters on the Charleston HOAX

Cliff Sims

The same people who lied about @realDonaldTrump saying there are good white supremacists are now lying about him saying coronavirus is a hoax. The media is completely broken.

as is the democrat party

Anonymous said...

Mayor Peter , lol.

Zero Deligates
Warren , loser

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C. — President Donald Trump accused Democrats of “politicizing” the deadly coronavirus during a campaign rally here on Friday, claiming that the outbreak is “their new hoax” as he continued to downplay the risk in the U.S.

“Now the Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus,” Trump said. “They have no clue, they can't even count their votes in Iowa.”

“This is their new hoax,” Trump continued, sdding that attacking the White House’s response to the coronavirus had become the Democratic Party’s “single talking point.”

Trump has weaponized the word “hoax” throughout his presidency, using it to belittle and discredit former special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into Russian election interference as well as his impeachment trial. He also has a long history of distrusting experts, most notably his own intelligence community and government scientists.

Quit lying

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The moderate democrats maybe sticking with Joe Biden

Myballs said...

I agree with Roger. Biden is 4he moderate by default.

Anonymous said...

Roger is right, Biden is less left then the other front runners.

cowardly king obama said...

Biden definitely has less left.

But the Dems don't have much left.

Munch, munch, munch.

Commonsense said...

I'm actually cheering for Biden because I don't want a communist within spitting distance of the presidency.

anonymous said...

KansasDemocrat said...
Mayor Peter , lol.

Goat fucking asshole.....unemployed loser trying to be relevant!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Dennis still thinking of my dick?

Queer Behavior for a 79 year old widower

anonymous said...

C.H. Truth said...
Roger... I could say 2+2=4 and you would argue it was 3 or 5

BWAAAAAAAAA!!! Your stupidity is growing exponentially Lil Schitty......IOW's you got less than nothing!!!!!!!

Commonsense said...

Trump has weaponized the word “hoax” throughout his presidency

You may want to consider their reason "weaponized the word "hoax"" works is that actual hoaxes were perpetrated by Democrats with the assist of their allies in the media.

If there was any truth to them the charge of "hoax" then Trump's statements would have been hollow and ineffective.

As for the current crono-virus outbreak, the Democrats are indeed generating panic in playing politics with it.

anonymous said...

Hey goat fucker.....seems you are triggered by your own stupidity.....BWAAAAAAA!!!!! Yeah, I also think about your trump damaged brain and how you can be such a lazy fucking asshole with no skills......

anonymous said...

Trump uses the word Hoax to deflect all attacks on his credibility.....sad you fall for it every day!!!! The D's are spreading nothing ....your interpretation of the truth is the problem....Typical science denying cultist sticking your head in the ground.....Trumps honesty is as good as your knowledge of science......NONE!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Dennis still thinking of my dick?
Dopies answer "Yeah"

Ugly Queer

Anonymous said...

Steyer drops out.

Zero.Deligates tied with Bloomberg.

anonymous said...

BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Yeah I'm thinking of your mini dick and fucked mind constatantly...Funny you think me calling you goat fucker and you responding to the same is a term of endearment and respect!!!!!! The only thing I respect of your menial life is your right to be an asshole....which you exceed with stupidity like the above!!!!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!

Commonsense said...

Trump uses the word Hoax to deflect all attacks on his credibility.....sad you fall for it every day!!!!

As they say, denial is not a river in Egypt.

Commonsense said...


Direct Example: This is Politico trying to attack the President w/ #FakeNews

Exactly as @realDonaldTrump warned — They’re politicizing the Coronavirus to create a new hoax #TDS

Politico published a very nasty, very unfair attack, falsely claiming President Trump called coronavirus a hoax. In fact, he listed the many things he is doing to stop the virus from spreading.

Fact checkers looked at it and now everyone on Facebook knows Politico is fake news!