So over the past weekend, we heard more Democrats make the argument that the Senate Impeachment Trial was not on the up and up, and therefore the President was never really acquitted. According to many Democrats, the Republicans in the Senate went into the trial with the mindset that the President was not guilty, and that short of some shocking smoking gun irrefutable evidence proving both quid pro quo and corrupt intent... that they were going to vote to acquit him.
Imagine the audacity! Since when is an accused person on trial considered innocent until actually proven guilty? Who are Senate Republicans to put such a high standard of burden for the Democrats in the House! Obviously the constitution provides that all the prosecution must bring is some hear say witnesses to speculate or presume guilt. In fact, according to Democrats, hearsay evidence can be better than direct evidence. After all, this is the bad orange man. We all know deep in our hearts that he is guilty. If not of this, then of something equally horrifying.
The truth is that once again Democrats are playing with American principles and Constitutional safeguards, and once again their willing media and lock step faithful are simply buying it up. They've convinced themselves that it's up to trial judges and juries to "investigate" on behalf of the prosecution. They've convinced themselves that anyone accused who puts up a defense should be considered guilty. Now, they have convinced themselves that the idea that members of a jury would assume someone as innocent and demand tangible evidence to convict someone is akin to a rigged trial.
You can't make this shit up!
If we want to get technical here the reality is quite different. If this had been a real trial, not a single Democrat would have been allowed on the jury for the simple reason that most of them had already predetermined guilt. Even those who claimed to be "open minded" were not providing for the constitutionally mandated assumption of innocence. Literally only those who were willing to go into the trial assuming that the President was not guilty and would require tangible smoking gun evidence of both a quid pro quo agreement and corrupt intent would have been allowed by a Judge to serve.
Legally, it was the Democrats (not Republicans) who went into the trial under false pretenses. They were the ones attempting to change the norms of our justice and trial system. While the idea of a jury coming in with an "open mind" sounds reasonable, at the end of the day it is at odds with our bill of rights and specifically the rights of the accused to be provided with an assumption of innocence. More to the point, they only really expected Republicans to keep an open mind, while they pretty much conceded that they has already convinced themselves of the predetermined guilt.
It's one thing to argue that you believe something happened. It's another to vote to convict someone of a criminal action based on anything other than tangible first hand evidence. Neither your belief or your opinion or your feelings about a defendant matter in a trial setting. Only the first hand tangible smoking gun evidence presented to you during the trial matters. If you believe that there is more evidence that was not presented, it doesn't matter. You cannot consider evidence that hasn't been vetted or a witness that neither provided testimony or was cross examined. Yet that is basically what Democrats did, and what they expected their Republican counterpoints to do as well.
Many want to know how "history" will judge this whole thing? I don't believe that it's the end result that will ultimately be judged, but rather it will be the manner in which the process was brought. No previous independent investigation made by any government or legal entity. Only a few weeks of Congressional investigating, which by their own accounts did not include any of the people who could have provided first hand accounts. A case built entirely on hearsay, speculation, presumption, and opinion. A process that allowed for almost no due process, limited cross examination, limited disclosure of witness testimony, and no allowance for the President to call any witnesses. All followed by a trial where most every Democrat went in with an assumption of guilt, and got upset that Republicans provided the constitutionally mandated assumption of innocence?
I don't see how history could possibly twist that into anything closely resembling a valid and fair impeachment process. Anyone who is fooled into thinking otherwise needs to take a good hard look in the mirror and ask yourself when you turned your back on the American principles asserted in the bill of rights. Do you "really" hate the bad orange man that much?
That it takes you so many words to say what you say shows how weak your argument is. The real facts can be summed up in far fewer words and are indisputable.
James prefers puctures to thorough analysis
Historically, in this matter Romney's honesty will be praised while Republican dishonesty will be disparaged.
And what is a "pucture"?
Do you "really" love the great orange man that much?
Cultist behavior leads to the belief that he can do anything he wants, because he believes that the President is above the law.
No first hand testimony was allowed.
I see why Indy, and WP and other people have left the blog, your unquestionable loyalty has blinded you to reality.
No first hand testimony was allowed.
Nixon didn't "allow" any first hand testimony and 10 months after the House impeachment hearings started, he started losing all of the cases in court and eventually resigned.
Obama didn't "allow" any first hand testimony or documents to be turned over in the Fast and Furious investigation. He wasn't impeached.
Obama didn't "allow" any first hand testimony or documents to be turned over in the IRS Targeting scandal. In fact, in that case the Administration told people that all of Lerner's emails had been deleted from the Email server due to a problem with her PC's hard drive? The media and liberals believed that story because they are morons. Nobody was impeached.
I see why Indy, and WP and other people have left the blog,
Still hear from Bill (Indy) every once in a while. There is no animosity there. WP is still waiting to come back and tell us that he was right about Trump being a Russian asset (he wanted his "I told you so" moment). He's simply too embarrassed by being wrong over and over to come back and show his face.
That it takes you so many words to say what you say shows how weak your argument is.
Sure Reverend Hypocrite... we all realize how "weak" the Bill of Rights is. Nobody should be required to follow such nonsense!
btw Roger...
Mr Trende asked me not too terribly long ago if "Halfbaked" was still around on my blog and still just as stupid as he always was...
Sent him a link to your twitter page with your picture!
Guess how that turned out!
Here is a preview of an article of mine that will be appearing in our local paper:
“Do not resist one who is evil.” That Jesus says in the Gospel of Matthew. I once served a congregation where I did not like to repeat those words. Here is why:
I had sat listening to a woman in the congregation who told me her story. All through her married life, her husband, a successful businessman, had abused her – not physically but mentally – by telling her that she was a nobody, a zero, a zilch, an untalented, worthless homebody. This he said despite the fact that she had devoted herself to being as good a mother and housekeeper as she could be. Finally, when their children had reached maturity, he left her for another woman and stopped providing all support.
On a friend’s advice, she consulted a female attorney who counseled her to find gainful employment. “And whatever else you do, don’t leave the house. He left you. You didn’t leave him.”
The woman, to her surprise, was able to find employment with a company where she was soon contributing to an enjoyable, harmonious work atmosphere. She was so well liked that her desk became a pleasant gathering place for all the younger workers who valued her as if she were a favored, much loved aunt. So after years of being told that she was worthless, this woman experienced what it felt like to be an appreciated, highly praised asset to a business.
One day her husband returned and ordered her to leave. She refused, and suggested that his lawyer might want to speak with hers. In the divorce that followed, she was awarded the house and considerably more.
She had resisted evil.
So what did Jesus mean? I think he primarily meant that in resisting evil we should not use violence. That is what Gandhi taught regarding India’s resistance to British imperialism. “Resist evil firmly, but do not do it violently.”
Resist we should, however. And that is true whether we are dealing with an abusive spouse or an American head of state usurping too much power.
Boswell is a retired pastor of the Disciples of Christ. He may be contacted through his website,
Thing is James, you only told one side of the story. You didn't tell the other side.
Do you think the judge in the divorce settlement heard both sides?
Lucky for her Trump is creating jobs so she could find one.
This all happened many years ago.
If ever
Speaks for itself. So do the following:
More Than 100 Were Hurt In Iran Missile Attack
February 10, 2020 at 12:21 pm EST
“Over 100 U.S. service members have been diagnosed with mild traumatic brain injuries in the wake of the January 8 Iranian missile attack on the al Asad military base in Iraq,” CNN reports.
“The Pentagon and President Trump had initially said no service members were injured or killed in the Iranian missile attack… Last month, Trump said he does not consider potential brain injuries to be as serious as physical combat wounds, downplaying the severity of the injuries suffered in Iraq.”
Amazon Seeks to Depose Trump
February 10, 2020 at 11:50 am EST
“Amazon is seeking to depose President Trump, Defense Secretary Mark Esper and former Defense Secretary James Mattis over a $10 billion Pentagon cloud contract awarded to Microsoft,” CNBC reports.
From an Amazon statement: “President Trump has repeatedly demonstrated his willingness to use his position as President and Commander in Chief to interfere with government functions – including federal procurements – to advance his personal agenda. The preservation of public confidence in the nation’s procurement process requires discovery and supplementation of the administrative record, particularly in light of President Trump’s order to ‘screw Amazon.’ The question is whether the President of the United States should be allowed to use the budget of the DoD to pursue his own personal and political ends.”
Sound impeachable?
the way biden's going it won't be long before he's sharing a room with the alky at the assisted living facility." RRB
ChoMo Joe is a criminal and so are his still alive kids.
Do you think the judge in the divorce settlement heard both sides?
In a divorce case, a judge decide was is a fair and equitable division of property. Not whose good or evil.
You don't know for example whether the wife was a screw who husband's life a living hell.
You do know he was a dutiful father since he stayed in a miserable marriage until the children were grown.
It usually takes two people to make a marriage miserable. You only listen to the one side.
Rather it is you who made snap judgements on who was good or evil and that in itself is evil.
More Than 100 Were Hurt In Iran Missile Attack
And they're all back on active duty.
Blogger James said...
This all happened many years ago.
i'll take "things that never happened for $500" alex.
Mrx. Buttigieg is thrilled with a Huge crowd of 1 K.
Trump just had that crowd outside his event. With the inside venue full.
Obunghole's carrier full circle. A stoner, a lazy and feckless lawyer, a Chauncey Gardiner president-from-nowhere surrounded by corruption and incompetence, and now a "producer" of shitty Marxist "documentaries.
Do you think the judge in the divorce settlement heard both sides?
Probably... just like the Senate heard both sides and came to the conclusion that the Democrats attempting to undo the 2016 election were full of shit!
And now the country wants to move on....
except, of course, people who are too emotional immature to move on.
Only time will tell if the Democrat insiders will be able to stop Sanders this time around. Perhaps they will, perhaps they won’t. But in either case, it is now clear that Obama succeeded in fundamentally transforming America’s two-party system. We now have an openly anti-American party and an openly pro-American party.
With Democrat dreams of a soft coup now a heap of smoldering wreckage, and no need to play Mr. Nice Guy to please prissy softcons on Capitol Hill, President Trump is finally free to channel his inner Michael Corleone. It’s about time to re-christen Don Jr., and use that opportunity to take out the heads of the five families.
Trump already tossed mealy-mouthed ambassador Gordon Sondland out on his Nadler. Then military Twitter started buzzing with delight – well, not Blue Falcon Twitter but the one with vets who aren’t half-stepping weasels – at the news of That’s Lieutenant Colonel to You Bratwurst and his brother Other That’s Lieutenant Colonel to You Bratwurst being marched out of the West Wing with their all stuff, probably mostly Doritos and Mounds bars, in bankers’ boxes. About time – these doofuses may fool the establishment civilians but not the vets. We all served with their likes, and the fact these guys get celebrated by our feckless elite is not unrelated to the fact that our military has not decisively won a war in 30 years.
This long overdue purge needs to be just the beginning.
For three years the Democrats and the Fredocons have tried everything to keep Donald Trump from fully exercising the powers of the office the American people elected him to. Things other presidents do as a matter of course – like demand the investigation of massive corruption involving stripper-impregnating crack aficionados – is suddenly an impeachable crime against the Constitution. As a practical matter, flushing these floaters during the endless fake investigations would have been a political problem, but the never-ending story has finally ended, with Trump standing atop a pile of his enemies’ skulls. He now needs to make that pile grow higher by adding the figurative severed noggins of the treacherous quislings still lurking within his administration.
Get firing.
We now have an openly anti-American party and an openly pro-American party.
and it's why i enjoy the SOTU every year.
all the America-haters openly self-identify, and they think they're impressing someone in the process.
Kurt has been on a roll the past few weeks
look what happens when you actually play to win -
The Republican National Committee (RNC) in recent weeks have reportedly funded thousands of automated phone calls to jam up the offices of dozens of House Democrats amid the fight surrounding the impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump.
Two unnamed sources briefed on the effort told The New York Times that the coordinated phone blast tactic aimed to shape public opinion of the investigation, as well as simply to tie up the phone lines of the elected officials. Approximately 11,000 calls were reportedly made as part of the scheme.
The calls were recently discussed at the so-called "Off the Record" dinner, an event attended by more than 12 Republican elected politicians, advisers and aides. Two unnamed sources who were briefed about the event told the Times that RNC officials discussed the phone jamming efforts during the dinner, suggested the calls were automated and admitted it was done to tie up the Democrats' phone lines.
Bigger than Vindman: Trump scrubs 70 Obama holdovers from NSC
Move on! Move on! Move on!
But Ch, if it is hurting us as much as you are claiming, why aren't you saying,
Keep it up! Keep it up! Keep it up!
Could we have for once a SIMPLE answer to that?
Your answer Jane. You missed it.
"except, of course, people who are too emotional immature to move on." CHT
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