Another story the denialists can ignore as spring erupts way too early setting up another disaster for farmers.....the goat fucker will grow more nuts......BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!
By Jason Samenow February 13 Thanks to an abnormally warm winter, green leaves are sprouting and flower buds are bursting weeks early across the Southeast this year. Spring has sprung prematurely, and depending on the weather during the next two months, this could have detrimental effects on this vegetation.
In several other recent abnormally mild winters, vegetation has emerged early only to be heavily damaged by brutal invasions of cold in early spring, which has come at a large cost to agriculture.
A similar scenario is setting up for another devastating frost, on the heels of what is known as a “false spring.” The warmth across much of the Lower 48 states has been exceptional, with most locations in the southern and eastern third of the United States seeing one of their top 10 warmest winters on record to date, as if skipping ahead a season.
Ranking of how warm this winter has been so far. (Southeast Regional Climate Center) The USA National Phenology Network, which tracks the timing of seasonal events in plants and animals, has documented an unusually fast spring arrival based on indexes it uses to gauge the status of tree leaves and flowers.
“Spring leaf out has arrived in the Southeast, over three weeks earlier than a long-term average (1981-2010) in some locations. Charlottesville, VA, is 24 days early, Knoxville, TN is 20 days early, and Nashville, TN is 18 days early,” the network wrote on its website. “In parts of the Southeast, this year’s spring is the earliest in the 39-year record."
The network’s map that tracks the emergence of spring leaves shows they have arrived as far north as the Virginia Tidewater and southern Delmarva.
Theresa Crimmins, director of the network and a research scientist at the University of Arizona, said spring has arrived up to four weeks early in some locations based on several indexes.
Ex-Prosecutors Press for Barr to Step Down February 16, 2020 at 8:39 am EST
“More than 1,100 former federal prosecutors and Justice Department officials called on Attorney General William Barr on Sunday to step down after he intervened last week to lower the Justice Department’s sentencing recommendation for President Trump’s longtime friend Roger Stone,” the New York Times reports.
“They also urged current government employees to report any signs of unethical behavior at the Justice Department to the agency’s inspector general and to Congress.”
Instead of only reading James NY Times article not identifying who those 1100 are I looked at the list of signatories. I picked a couple of unique names for ease of identification.
Thomas Abt...obama appointee who wrote a book on gun control
Dennis Aftergut...a San Francisco attorney.
No doubt most of the list is similar. And it's online do anyone can sign on. Just like those 1100 economists who did the same thing last year.
Let me tell you why I'm the best candidate to take Donald Trump on and win. To start, I have workable and achievable plans to deal with the toughest challenges facing the country, and I will get it done. That's the message we need to win voters all over this country and to beat Trump in the swing states that will decide this election because we all know the Trump strategy: Attack Democrats; make their plans look unrealistic, unaffordable, and undoable. That won't work against me. I promise you, I offer a record of getting things done and commonsense plans that are workable. That's what voters want. We don't need a revolution. We want evolution, and we need a nominee who can deliver it.
Hey ball less wonder......You really prove your inability of cogent thought if you actually think that prosecutors have agenda's because of who appointed them!!!! IOW's you got SHIT again!!!!!! The only thing easy is your ability to be manipulated by stupidity!!!!!!
Let me tell you why I'm the best candidate to take Donald Trump on and win. To start, I have workable and achievable plans to deal with the toughest challenges facing the country,
The question is what challenges are those? Record unemployment? The deficit?
Trying to say "I can beat Trump" won't work outside the Brooklyn hipster demographic.
Thanks to an abnormally warm winter, green leaves are sprouting and flower buds are bursting weeks early across the Southeast this year.
someone needs to do something about this NOW.
i know.
we need to hold a conference is an exclusive part of the world and several thousand famous people need to fly there in private jets and hold a conference on virtue signaling.
Bloomberg says he will win in November by finally providing health insurance to Americans who don't have it and lowering healthcare costs for everyone. And by enacting commonsense gun safety laws. And by making America a global leader in the fight against climate change. And by creating good jobs with higher wages. And by addressing racial and gender discrimination and inequality. And by fixing our broken immigration citizenship. And by creating a path to citizenship for millions here who deserve it. And by protecting a woman's right to choose and appointing judges who will defend that right.
I don't suppose you have noticed that there are Republicans who are extremely upset with what Trump is doing lately. "We thought he had finally learned his lesson. Now we see that he hasn't, and that he'll never change."
“More than 1,100 former federal prosecutors and Justice Department officials called on Attorney General William Barr on Sunday to step down
The correct people in this case stepped down...
Those who insisted that a 67 year old man, with no criminal record, charged with a crime that only 6 people have been convicted of over 75 years... go to jail for 9 years.
While Hillary, her aids, Clapper, Comey, and others got away with the very same lying to congress, without so much as an indictment.
Oh... and it's fcking good thing that these 1100 idiots are NO LONGER prosecutors. Because they are as much of a bunch of partisan worthless pieces of shit as the Mueller probe hangovers who thought 9 years was a fair sentence.
Boy... it makes you wonder why they are all "FORMER" prosecutors? Are they all dirty and/or incompetent to have all gotten fired?
They were NOT current "employees." They were “more than 1,100 former federal prosecutors and Justice Department officials."
So now the Republicans should be able to come up with an equal or larger number of “more than 1,100 former federal prosecutors and Justice Department officials" to sign a statement defending Trump's attempted interferences in the Justice Department's processes.
So now the Republicans should be able to come up with an equal or larger number of “more than 1,100 former federal prosecutors and Justice Department officials" to sign a statement defending Trump's attempted interferences in the Justice Department's processes.
for what?
are we having a "worthless & meaningless virtue signalling" contest?
anyone recommending 9 years in federal prison for a penny ante process crime that's rarely prosecuted is too stupid and too evil to participate in our justice system at ANY level.
mini Mike goes further left spend more without a new income stream to pay for it. Magic Mike non plan. "Social Security proposals
Bloomberg's plan calls for setting a new, higher minimum benefit to prevent low-income seniors from falling below the federal poverty line.
It also calls for improving benefits for those who rely on them. Exactly how much benefits would be increased under Bloomberg's plan was not disclosed."
You know less than jack shit you know how many idiots there are in the republican party/?????? And Lil Schitty how many work at the DOJ??????? BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!
Hey goat's your nuts coming......and your chickens and potatoes.....and wood for heat.......BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Maybe if you had a job you could afford to feed yourself and dysfunctional family,,,,,,and no, goat fucker, I worked Indy car pits 30 years ago....what did you ever do other than lie??????....not asshole nascar sedans with there dated technology.......asshole
Looks like we have a new class of leeches the right can complain about........BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!
mes) WASHINGTON — The U.S. Government Accountability Office is opening a review of President Donald Trump’s $28 billion bailout for farmers harmed by his trade war amid allegations that the money was mismanaged and allocated unfairly.
The investigation came at the request of Sen. Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich., who has been vocal in her concern that the aid program was biased, providing more funds to southern states that voted for Trump and favoring large and foreign agriculture companies over small farms.
The Trump administration, which signed an initial trade deal with China last month, said the farm subsidies would end this year. The program began in 2018 as a $12 billion effort to mitigate losses for farmers who lost sales or faced retaliatory tariffs from China, the European Union, Canada and Mexico as a result of the trade war. The program grew to $28 billion last year as Trump’s conflict with China festered.
Critics have faulted the program for the formulas it used to determine payments for certain crops and for providing funds to big corporate farms. The program, which used a Depression-era fund, allowed farmers earning less than $900,000 a year to receive money if they produced one of the agricultural products that faced retaliation. The government also purchased certain products, such as apples, oranges and pork.
“It’s clear that the Trump administration’s trade assistance payments pick winners and losers rather than help the farmers who have been hit the hardest by this president’s trade policies,” Stabenow said in a statement Friday.
Donald Ayer—who has known Bill Barr for four decades and preceded him as deputy attorney general in President George W. Bush’s administration—writes in The Atlantic that Barr is destroying the integrity and independence of the Justice Department.
“The fundamental problem is that he does not believe in the central tenet of our system of government—that no person is above the law. In chilling terms, Barr’s own words make clear his long-held belief in the need for a virtually autocratic executive who is not constrained by countervailing powers within our government under the constitutional system of checks and balances.
“Indeed, given our national faith and trust in a rule of law no one can subvert, it is not too strong to say that Bill Barr is un-American.”
Another story the denialists can ignore as spring erupts way too early setting up another disaster for farmers.....the goat fucker will grow more nuts......BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!
By Jason Samenow February 13
Thanks to an abnormally warm winter, green leaves are sprouting and flower buds are bursting weeks early across the Southeast this year. Spring has sprung prematurely, and depending on the weather during the next two months, this could have detrimental effects on this vegetation.
In several other recent abnormally mild winters, vegetation has emerged early only to be heavily damaged by brutal invasions of cold in early spring, which has come at a large cost to agriculture.
A similar scenario is setting up for another devastating frost, on the heels of what is known as a “false spring.” The warmth across much of the Lower 48 states has been exceptional, with most locations in the southern and eastern third of the United States seeing one of their top 10 warmest winters on record to date, as if skipping ahead a season.
Ranking of how warm this winter has been so far. (Southeast Regional Climate Center)
The USA National Phenology Network, which tracks the timing of seasonal events in plants and animals, has documented an unusually fast spring arrival based on indexes it uses to gauge the status of tree leaves and flowers.
“Spring leaf out has arrived in the Southeast, over three weeks earlier than a long-term average (1981-2010) in some locations. Charlottesville, VA, is 24 days early, Knoxville, TN is 20 days early, and Nashville, TN is 18 days early,” the network wrote on its website. “In parts of the Southeast, this year’s spring is the earliest in the 39-year record."
The network’s map that tracks the emergence of spring leaves shows they have arrived as far north as the Virginia Tidewater and southern Delmarva.
Theresa Crimmins, director of the network and a research scientist at the University of Arizona, said spring has arrived up to four weeks early in some locations based on several indexes.
Yeah they can get in three crops this year instead of the usual two.
Funny stuff this week.
Blogger Commonsense said...
Yeah they can get in three crops this year instead of the usual two.
BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! Sure asshole.....keep making shit up!!!!!!! Again your denials of science is most amusing!!!!!
Mini Mike just killed his Indy support with his hillary VP talk. Big unforced error.
Anonymous Myballs said...
Mini Mike just killed his Indy
Speak for yourself you dumb fucking loser!!!!!!! The only error is your opinion......BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!
Hey dipshit, no one wants Hillary back. Dems, repubs or Indies. No one.
Hey dips hit, no one wants Hillary back
Again you dumb fuck speak your your dumbass self!!!!!!! God you are stupid!!!!!!
You want Hillary back Denny? You're stupider than I though. (and that's saying a lot)
No dumbass. I read. Try it sometime.
Try reading this:
Ex-Prosecutors Press for Barr to Step Down
February 16, 2020 at 8:39 am EST
“More than 1,100 former federal prosecutors and Justice Department officials called on Attorney General William Barr on Sunday to step down after he intervened last week to lower the Justice Department’s sentencing recommendation for President Trump’s longtime friend Roger Stone,” the New York Times reports.
“They also urged current government employees to report any signs of unethical behavior at the Justice Department to the agency’s inspector general and to Congress.”
Instead of only reading James NY Times article not identifying who those 1100 are I looked at the list of signatories. I picked a couple of unique names for ease of identification.
Thomas Abt...obama appointee who wrote a book on gun control
Dennis Aftergut...a San Francisco attorney.
No doubt most of the list is similar. And it's online do anyone can sign on. Just like those 1100 economists who did the same thing last year.
Cynthia Alksne...worked for Robert Mueller and Eric Holder. Says was proud to sign.
Go figure.
One thousand one hundred sure are a lot.
David Apfel...Boston, MA prosecutor of Iran Contra
Let me tell you why I'm the best candidate to take Donald Trump on and win. To start, I have workable and achievable plans to deal with the toughest challenges facing the country, and I will get it done. That's the message we need to win voters all over this country and to beat Trump in the swing states that will decide this election because we all know the Trump strategy: Attack Democrats; make their plans look unrealistic, unaffordable, and undoable. That won't work against me. I promise you, I offer a record of getting things done and commonsense plans that are workable. That's what voters want. We don't need a revolution. We want evolution, and we need a nominee who can deliver it.
Davis comment needed
Hey ball less wonder......You really prove your inability of cogent thought if you actually think that prosecutors have agenda's because of who appointed them!!!! IOW's you got SHIT again!!!!!! The only thing easy is your ability to be manipulated by stupidity!!!!!!
Anonymous Myballs said...
Davis Axelrod
BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Stupid beyond belief!!!!!!
Let me tell you why I'm the best candidate to take Donald Trump on and win. To start, I have workable and achievable plans to deal with the toughest challenges facing the country,
The question is what challenges are those? Record unemployment? The deficit?
Trying to say "I can beat Trump" won't work outside the Brooklyn hipster demographic.
One thousand one hundred sure are a lot.
You know how many lawyers are in the country? And almost without exception they are all registered Democrats.
I have illustrated who is signing this. Completely predictable.
And dopey can kiss my ass.
Thanks to an abnormally warm winter, green leaves are sprouting and flower buds are bursting weeks early across the Southeast this year.
someone needs to do something about this NOW.
i know.
we need to hold a conference is an exclusive part of the world and several thousand famous people need to fly there in private jets and hold a conference on virtue signaling.
that'll fix it.
you really prove your inability of cogent thought if you actually think that prosecutors have agenda's because of who appointed them!!!!
and you act like the 1100 and their opinion actually matters.
it's the same story every time dumb ass. some liberal asshat writes a meaningless opinion on something, and a pack or liberal asshats sign on.
no one cares.
Bloomberg says he will win in November
by finally providing health insurance to Americans who don't have it and lowering healthcare costs for everyone.
And by enacting commonsense gun safety laws.
And by making America a global leader in the fight against climate change.
And by creating good jobs with higher wages.
And by addressing racial and gender discrimination and inequality.
And by fixing our broken immigration citizenship.
And by creating a path to citizenship for millions here who deserve it.
And by protecting a woman's right to choose and appointing judges who will defend that right.
Working class wages rose nearly 5% last year. There's nothing mini Mike will do to improve on that.
I don't suppose you have noticed that there are Republicans who are extremely upset with what Trump is doing lately. "We thought he had finally learned his lesson. Now we see that he hasn't, and that he'll never change."
“More than 1,100 former federal prosecutors and Justice Department officials called on Attorney General William Barr on Sunday to step down
The correct people in this case stepped down...
Those who insisted that a 67 year old man, with no criminal record, charged with a crime that only 6 people have been convicted of over 75 years... go to jail for 9 years.
While Hillary, her aids, Clapper, Comey, and others got away with the very same lying to congress, without so much as an indictment.
Oh... and it's fcking good thing that these 1100 idiots are NO LONGER prosecutors. Because they are as much of a bunch of partisan worthless pieces of shit as the Mueller probe hangovers who thought 9 years was a fair sentence.
Boy... it makes you wonder why they are all "FORMER" prosecutors? Are they all dirty and/or incompetent to have all gotten fired?
Even Barr is complaining.
Libs attacking Barr because they know a serious reckoning is coming.
Btw, the DOJ has over 113,000 employees. That they could only find 1100 to sign this thing is the real story.
Plus balls... they are all former prosecutors.
Probably all got fired because they were morons!
They were NOT current "employees." They were “more than 1,100 former federal prosecutors and Justice Department officials."
So now the Republicans should be able to come up with an equal or larger number of “more than 1,100 former federal prosecutors and Justice Department officials" to sign a statement defending Trump's attempted interferences in the Justice Department's processes.
I, for one, am not going to be holding my breath.
So now the Republicans should be able to come up with an equal or larger number of “more than 1,100 former federal prosecutors and Justice Department officials" to sign a statement defending Trump's attempted interferences in the Justice Department's processes.
for what?
are we having a "worthless & meaningless virtue signalling" contest?
you win pederast.
there. feel better about yourself.
fucking simpleton.
Trump could use some Republicans signaling virtue just now.
Justice dept officials...aka employees of various jobs, ranks, levels.
Probably all got fired because they were morons!
anyone recommending 9 years in federal prison for a penny ante process crime that's rarely prosecuted is too stupid and too evil to participate in our justice system at ANY level.
Should be easy to come up with 1,100 defenders of Trump signees.
CHT very nice and accurate collection. Very Funny.
James said...
Should be easy to come up with 1,100 defenders of Trump signees.
watch the daytona 500 today, pederast.
there will be a quarter million of them there.
"You want Hillary back Denny? "
RRB, Denny is working in a pit crew at the Daytona 500?
RRB, Denny is working in a pit crew at the Daytona 500?
he belongs on the alky's pit crew - swapping out fresh tennis balls on the walker.
that's more his speed.
mini Mike goes further left spend more without a new income stream to pay for it.
Magic Mike non plan.
"Social Security proposals
Bloomberg's plan calls for setting a new, higher minimum benefit to prevent low-income seniors from falling below the federal poverty line.
It also calls for improving benefits for those who rely on them. Exactly how much benefits would be increased under Bloomberg's plan was not disclosed."
someone needs to do something about this NOW.
i know.
You know less than jack shit you know how many idiots there are in the republican party/?????? And Lil Schitty how many work at the DOJ??????? BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!
Hey goat's your nuts coming......and your chickens and potatoes.....and wood for heat.......BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Maybe if you had a job you could afford to feed yourself and dysfunctional family,,,,,,and no, goat fucker, I worked Indy car pits 30 years ago....what did you ever do other than lie??????....not asshole nascar sedans with there dated technology.......asshole
Looks like we have a new class of leeches the right can complain about........BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!
WASHINGTON — The U.S. Government Accountability Office is opening a review of President Donald Trump’s $28 billion bailout for farmers harmed by his trade war amid allegations that the money was mismanaged and allocated unfairly.
The investigation came at the request of Sen. Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich., who has been vocal in her concern that the aid program was biased, providing more funds to southern states that voted for Trump and favoring large and foreign agriculture companies over small farms.
The Trump administration, which signed an initial trade deal with China last month, said the farm subsidies would end this year. The program began in 2018 as a $12 billion effort to mitigate losses for farmers who lost sales or faced retaliatory tariffs from China, the European Union, Canada and Mexico as a result of the trade war. The program grew to $28 billion last year as Trump’s conflict with China festered.
Critics have faulted the program for the formulas it used to determine payments for certain crops and for providing funds to big corporate farms. The program, which used a Depression-era fund, allowed farmers earning less than $900,000 a year to receive money if they produced one of the agricultural products that faced retaliation. The government also purchased certain products, such as apples, oranges and pork.
“It’s clear that the Trump administration’s trade assistance payments pick winners and losers rather than help the farmers who have been hit the hardest by this president’s trade policies,” Stabenow said in a statement Friday.
Donald Ayer—who has known Bill Barr for four decades and preceded him as deputy attorney general in President George W. Bush’s administration—writes in The Atlantic that Barr is destroying the integrity and independence of the Justice Department.
“The fundamental problem is that he does not believe in the central tenet of our system of government—that no person is above the law. In chilling terms, Barr’s own words make clear his long-held belief in the need for a virtually autocratic executive who is not constrained by countervailing powers within our government under the constitutional system of checks and balances.
“Indeed, given our national faith and trust in a rule of law no one can subvert, it is not too strong to say that Bill Barr is un-American.”
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