Thursday, February 27, 2020

Tale of two stories!

Democratic megadonor urges Pelosi and Schumer to pick a candidate in a bid to stop Bernie Sanders
Democratic megadonor Bernard Schwartz has started reaching out to party leaders, particularly House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, to encourage them to back a candidate for president in order to stop the surge of Sen. Bernie Sanders
“We should know who is the best person to beat Donald Trump, and with all due respect, Bernie Sanders cannot beat Trump,” he explained, describing the message he has relayed to the two Democratic leaders.
Pelosi says she'd be comfortable with Sanders at top of ticket
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Wednesday said she would be comfortable with Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) as the Democratic presidential nominee in November.
The congresswoman was asked the question as she was leaving a closed-door meeting in the House basement Wednesday morning. She replied with one word: "Yes."

This, of course is the dilemma for the Democrats. They do not want Bernie Sanders as their candidate (that much is obvious) but they also do not want to go full throttle "against" Bernie, in case he wins the nomination. This is very similar to what was taking place during the 2016 Republican primary season. It ended up tearing the Party apart into two (albeit one very small and one very large) segments of the Party. In fact, one could argue that the nomination of Trump turned certain Republicans into Democrats.

We'll see what happens if Bernie gets the nod. One thing is for certain, and that is that there will be some Democrats (and plenty of Independents) who will simply not want to vote for someone who is an open socialist and pushes the far left policies that Bernie stands for. Trump may have been a lot of things, but he is still pretty much GOP mainstream as it pertains to policy.


Myballs said...

Obama's legacy is a socialist democrat party. All the moderates are trumpocrats.

Anonymous said...

the only gripe i would have with your post is this -

In fact, one could argue that the nomination of Trump turned certain Republicans into Democrats.

these folks were never republicans in the truest sense. they're what WFB called "well fed republicans." basically RINO grifters who were quite content appearing on MSDNC and the like as the token conservative/republican (kristol, schmidt, goldberg, hayes, rubin, wilson, french, sykes, et. al.) and who loved cashing checks written by liberals who allowed them to maintain their charade.

trump exposes all these fucking assholes for the con men that they are.

i personally know of no republican who became a democrat because of trump, but i know of several democrats who will vote for trump in 2020.

Myballs said...

There's probably a few women who switched to dem because of Trump's personality.

Anonymous said...

yeah, single "julia" women.

married suburban women with families and household budgets to manage have got to love this guy in spite of his rude comments.

kitchen table issues tend to carry the day.

C.H. Truth said...

Just like there were more than a few Men who voted for Trump because of Hillary's personality!

Anonymous said...

"The New York Times reported Thursday that in interviews with 93 superdelegates, only nine said that Mr Sanders arriving at the convention with a plurality was reason enough to support him as nominee. "
The DNC will not allow the voters of their party decide.

Anonymous said...

2002 West Nile Virus
2004 SARS
2005 Bird Flu
2006 Swine Flu
2014 Ebola
2016 Vika
2020 Coriana

Yawn, get real.

anonymous said...

Yawn, get real.

God you are a dumb fuck.....why don't you tell us how well the stock market is reacting to your yawn???? Worst week since busch's crash in 2008.....that is news and confirms what I have said about the fragility of the irrational stock market.......BWAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!

anonymous said...

It's the D's fault hyping the problem with the virus.....not to be confused that MSNDC and CNN are all over playing the problem and scaring the investors into losing will all go away just like trump the fat ass said.....!!!!!!!!

anonymous said...

Big Yawn....only down 1200 on the dow today........for someone with no sure have a cavalier attitude about the impact to the worlds economy...seems the only thing trump is worried about is the election and his great dow numbers....!!!!!

anonymous said...

The whole sordid story how Mike Pence cost many lives in indiana's HIV epidemic......Eat shit and die goat useless pile of dog shit.!!!!!! But its' just a big yawn for the unemployed dolts.....BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Vice President Pence spoke about the federal efforts to contain the coronavirus during a speech Feb. 27 at the Conservative Political Action Conference. (The Washington Post)
When President Trump announced that Vice President Pence would lead federal efforts against the spread of the coronavirus, he said Pence was the right person for the task because of his experience.
“He’s got a certain talent for this,” Trump said at a White House briefing about the virus, which has infected nearly five dozen people in the United States so far.
The announcement has cast light on Pence’s record as a lawmaker and his handling of a major public health crisis during his time as governor of Indiana. The worst HIV outbreak in the state’s history happened on his watch in 2015, which critics blamed on Pence’s belated response and his opposition to authorizing a needle-exchange program.
In 2011, as a member of Congress, he voted to cut funding for Planned Parenthood. Two years later, a Planned Parenthood clinic that had been the only HIV-testing center in Scott County, Ind., closed after public health spending cuts, HuffPost reported.

Trump downplays fears of coronavirus spread in news conference
President Trump and leaders of the scientific community addressed increasing coronavirus fears in a news conference on Feb. 26. (Blair Guild/The Washington Post)
Two months passed from the start of the outbreak in 2015 before Pence declared a public state of emergency.
Trump appoints Pence to lead virus response as U.S. confirms its first case of unknown origin

The spread of the disease was attributed to people injecting Opana, an addictive painkiller, with shared needles. But Pence didn’t agree with federal health experts that distributing clean needles was a good idea.
“I don’t believe effective anti-drug policy involves handing out drug paraphernalia,” he told the Indianapolis Star at the time. Despite assurances from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that it is an effective way to halt the spread of infections and diseases such as HIV and hepatitis B and C, Pence said if state lawmakers tried to send him a bill for a needle-exchange program, he would veto it.
As cases spiked, Pence reportedly turned to prayer.
After 75 people were confirmed to be HIV-positive, Pence announced he would allow a 30-day needle exchange.

Commonsense said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Commonsense said...

Nothing but wild accusations and conspiracy theory tying of events to form a narrative.

Let's start with the central fact that there is absolutely no evidence that needle exchanges reduces the rate of HIV infection or any other infection for that matter and we have a good deal of data on that courtesy of Denmark where needle exchanges were legal for years.

Seems the key fact for HIV infection is engaging in risky behavior and the availability of needle exchanges doesn't reduce it. In fact, (the unintended consequences, no surprise there) it actually increases risky behavior because the needle exchange gives them a false sense of security.

Myballs said...

Even the AP fact checked dems lies about Trump and caronavirus and found ot all to be false. Voters are fed up with the democrats shit.

anonymous said...

Even the AP fact checked gems lies about Trump and caronavirus and found ot all to be false

Wow......I haven't seen that fact check from AP.....maybe you can provide the link......something different for a lying sack of shit like you.....BWAAAAAAAA!!!

Myballs said...

I can't put up the link on my phone. Google it.

anonymous said...

Let's start with the central fact that there is absolutely no evidence that needle exchanges reduces the rate o

BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! Why don't you google the question do needle exchanges work....there is multiple studies and evidence that they do prevent transmission!!!!! A single example your rant ignored..Sorry cramps, your opinion is overwhelmed by facts......asshole

Where Can I Find a Needle Exchange Program?
n 17, 2019 · Yes, needle exchange programs do work—both in terms of harm reduction and promoting abstinence. In fact, research shows that people who inject drugs are 5 times more likely to enter a treatment program after visiting a needle exchange.

Anonymous said...

I believe this is what MB is referring to.

Anonymous said...

Joe is said to be crushing Benie in SC.

I hope so, this needs to go on for a month or better.

anonymous said...

I can't put up the link on my phone. Google it.

BWAAAAAAAA!!!! IOW's I fucking lied again!!!!!! Asshole

anonymous said...

Blogger KansasDemocrat said...
I believe this is what MB is referring to.

And I believe you to be a goat fucking pile of dog shit.....!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Commonsense said...

Fox Nation is running a series called an unauthorized history of Socilisim.

It's a series that unflinchingly outlines the soul killing destruction of freedom as well as the economic depravity of this ideology.

Kudos to Fox for doing it. Unfortunately the people who need to see it are the fools who don't watch Fox.

anonymous said...

Blogger KansasDemocrat said...

Amazing how quiet the slurpers have become......3 new trump records to report...

1 Greatest single day Dow loss evah..
2 Shortest period of time from record high to correction
3 3225 1 week loss on the be continued

Yes goat fucker....a big yawn to trumps claiming the best market evah.....My comments on the fragility of the market proven in spades!!!!! BTW,,,,,Fox sucks.....

Anonymous said...

Always a gentle man.
"During an interview set to air on Thursday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” Vice President Mike Pence said that he had “good conversations” about combatting the coronavirus with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY).

Pence stated, “The president also directed me to reach out. I spoke to Speaker Pelosi. I spoke to Sen. Schumer. … They were good conversations.”

Anonymous said...

Dystopia Denny.

Good Morning .

anonymous said...

Once a goat fucker....always a fucking idiot......BWAAAAAAAA!!!! No economic good news today asshole???? Pence the gay conversion leader is the most incompetent POS in DC!!!! A dumb ass goat could do a better job!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Denny, I enjoy your posts.

anonymous said...

Sounds about right to me.... a useless as tits on a goat fucker being employed because he is a ZERO!!!! Sound familiar you unemployed piece of dog shit?????

Vice President Mike Pence was tapped to lead the government's response to coronavirus because President Donald Trump said he didn't "have anything else to do," the New York Times reported.

The Trump administration's approach to coronavirus so far has faced bipartisan criticism in Washington, and Democrats have slammed Trump's decision to put Pence in charge.

Pence continues to face criticism over a bungled response to an HIV outbreak in Indiana while he was the state's governor.

Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence are seen just before the conclusion of the news conference on the coronavirus outbreak at the White House in Washington, DC, on February 26, 2020.
President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence are seen just before the conclusion of the news conference on the coronavirus outbreak at the White House in Washington, DC, on February 26, 2020.
Carlos Barria/Reuters

President Donald Trump told people he put Vice President Mike Pence in charge of the government's response to coronavirus because he didn't "have anything else to do," the New York Times reported, per people familiar with the president's comments.

The Trump administration has faced bipartisan condemnation over its approach to the coronavirus so far, as public health experts excoriate the president for contradicting warnings from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Amid apparent concerns over the impact panic over coronavirus will have on the stock market, the White House is attempting to tighten control over information government health officials and scientists make public, the Times reported. They're reportedly being directed to coordinate all statements and public appearances through Pence.

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment from Insider.

Anonymous said...

There is a ways good and bad news in a 21 Trillion dollar economy.

Adults know that. Dystopian don't .

anonymous said...

Hey goat fucker....that is about the most impotent response you can make....god dayum you are a bigger pussy than rat hole!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

anonymous said...

BWAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Yep,,,,,,trump and his lies are catching up....wonder how long it will take to recover LOLOLOLOLOL

Anonymous said...


What catastrophe in your financial life are you venting here about now.

Roger and Jane are gone,

anonymous said...

Wish management by trump hoping for a miracle disappearance of this crisis is most amusing especially coming from the unreligious whoremongering trump....The goat fucker swallows another load in adoration of his big fat white stinky ass that blocks the sun!!!!!!

anonymous said...

None of your fucking business asshole......My holdings are fairing perfectly......asshole....!!!!! You on the other hand have no income so why do you act like a busy body asshole......

anonymous said...

3 trillion in market losses affect many people adversely.....only you are too stupid to see that.....BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Anonymous said...

paper loss,
I have taught you this lesson before
do I need to again.

Anonymous said...

My Question and Dopie's Answer.
Q. What catastrophe in your financial life are you venting here about now.

Dopie admitting he has had a Financial catastrophe .

"None of your fucking business asshole..."

Sorry for your realized losses.

anonymous said...

Yep.....tell that to trump and his bragging asshole.....His whole campaign is based on idiots like you sucking his dick and thinking the market is his life line.....well asshole....that life line just took it up the ass like you.....BWAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Sorry sport....trump is in full panic......wonder why??????

anonymous said...

Dopie admitting he has had a Financial catastrophe .

BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!!! Sure asshole......speaking out your shriveled old ass again......I am enjoying your BS immensely and your spinning for trump.....This is not helping you or your leader....His incompetence and your stupidity are in full display!!!!!!!!! The market losses are killing his chances of reelection not mine....LOLOLOLOLOL

Anonymous said...

Just quoting you Denney.

Anonymous said...

"My holdings are fairing perfectly"

NOC is your perfect Holding.


anonymous said...

Funny goat now remember 1 of my many holdings that you forgot about last week!!!!!........God you are a disingenuous pile of dog shit......And your singular HD is most vulnerable as the consumer spending dries up as people don't have confidence in the economy.....>BWAAAAAAAAAA!!! Keep digging it is your only hope......!!!

anonymous said...

Just quoting you Denney.

Which proves what asshole....that your conclusion is correct.....BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!! You stupid old white man!!!!!!

Myballs said...

My 401k has gone up all week. Moved it all into bond funds two months ago.

Its good to be smart. :)

anonymous said...

Yes balls that is a smart move....something I have done for years....diversify your holdings so no singular sector can put a hurt on you....Unlike the goat fucker, having a good job and income do not hurt either....Good Job!!!!

Anonymous said...

Pending home sales index Jan. 5.2%⬆️

Anonymous said...

Personal income Jan. 0.6%⬆️