Wednesday, February 19, 2020

This made my day!


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

The Hill's Campaign Report: Bloomberg in the spotlight for Nevada debate

SIN CITY SHOWDOWN: Six of the Democratic presidential candidates will faceoff on stage at the Paris Las Vegas hotel tonight ahead of the Nevada Caucuses on Saturday. While there have already been eight presidential debates this cycle (yes, you read that correctly, eight!), this forum will be different from the rest. For one, former Democratic contender Andrew Yang will not be on stage, but rather commentating on CNN. However, the biggest change will be Michael Bloomberg's presence on stage. The former mayor of the Big Apple hasn't been on the debate stage since announcing his presidential run in November. He also hasn't given a ton of interviews to the press, so tonight will be the first time we will see Bloomberg grilled by the moderators and the candidates.

A number of Bloomberg's rivals have already signaled they will attack him in Las Vegas, despite him not being on the ballot in the state. Senior aides for former Vice President Joe Biden's campaign told reporters on Wednesday that he will hit Bloomberg on a number of controversies he's been tied to recently -- his past support of the stop-and-frisk policy used by New York City police; his 2008 comments linking the financial crisis to the end of a discriminatory housing practice known as "redlining"; and allegations of sexual harassment at his company.

You can also bet that the former mayor will take fire from progressive Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.). Warren referred to Bloomberg as "an egomaniac billionaire" in a tweet on Tuesday, and accused him of "buying his way into the debate." Meanwhile, Sanders was locked into a war of words with Bloomberg on Monday after he said Bloomberg did not have the energy needed to defeat Trump. Bloomberg later hit back with an ad calling Sanders out for the behavior and rhetoric of some of his supporters.

Will Bloomberg fold under pressure on stage? Will he lash out? Will he hit back? Will he stay cool? We'll be watching for how Bloomberg performs under pressure and how he is able to defend himself from the expected onslaught of attacks.

Commonsense said...


NEW: Campaign officials tell @NBCNews that Mike Bloomberg will *NOT* stand on a box during tonight's debate, despite Trump's repeated claims that he requested one to boost his height

Trump lives rent free in this guy's head.

Anonymous said...

The Dems have no sense of humour, which is odd , for a bunch of clowns.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

LOL We have a great sense of humor, with a clown for a president.
Or, as Mike said, a "barking carnival clown."

Anonymous said...

Let's see how far the Socialist Civil War has progressed.

Anonymous said...

James, your standard was to not call names, yet here you go again, standardless.

Anonymous said...

James, tell us what is your plan after Bloomberg fails?

Anonymous said...

The very well feed Bloomberg tone deaf.

"izemore Farms co-owner John Sizemore said he was "amazed at Bloomberg's ignorance" of the industry.

"I was absolutely outraged and disheartened that Bloomberg could be so out of touch with American farmers," fourth-generation farmer Mary Blackmon chimed in."