Bernie crushes the competition!
First and foremost, this is very very very bad news for Mini-Mike, Mayor Pete, and Amy "paint drying" Klobuchar. He actually runs into a bit of a dogfight with Indian Liz and Slow Joe, but if goes into Super Tuesday with the delegate lead, and enough people stick around, he is likely to come out of Super Tuesday with a lead, and then we may see it really winnow down.
Ironically he does the worst against those who are struggling the most, and the best among those who are doing the best? But bottom line, if YouGov is even somewhat close in this polling, it makes it very, very difficult to see how Bernie the Socialist doesn't head into the convention with the most delegates.
It also challenges the conventional wisdom that he would be better off running against a plurality of challengers. That being said, with the 15% thresholds, it could serve Bernie well if he pulls his consistent 20-25 in each state.
James is not available for comment since he's busy barfing up in the bathroom.
Democrats need Bloomberg for four reasons.
First, the former New York mayor has done real things. Building a multibillion-dollar business from scratch and ably managing New York City for 12 years are concrete accomplishments. Making speeches and sitting in committee hearings – the core tasks of being in Congress – are no match for what Bloomberg has done.
Second, Bloomberg is not a left-wing ideologue. The last thing Democrats need is a nominee that President Trump can paint as a socialist snowflake. While Bloomberg is surely liberal on a range of issues – gun control and climate change, for instance – his record is more pragmatic than ideological.
Third, competence. Bloomberg knows how to make things run. The Democratic Party – the party of government – needs a standard-bearer who aims to make government not just bigger, but more competent. Democrats have been missing that puzzle piece for a long time.
Fourth, Bloomberg guarantees a first-class campaign. He can fund the entire general election out of petty cash. Two billion? Three billion? Four billion? The money he puts up for the party – which is virtually unlimited – frees up funds for down-ballot Democrats to use in their campaigns. If you’re running for the House, Senate, governor or the state legislature, that matters.
The muddle that is the Democratic race is helping Bloomberg. Joe Biden had been the default candidate. He was available, acceptable and electable. But Biden’s base is cracking up – a recent Quinnipiac poll shows his once-powerful support among black and moderate Democrats nationally has taken a tumble since Iowa.
For Bloomberg, the dissipation of Biden’s candidacy makes room for him to maneuver, especially among moderates, party bosses and African Americans. Bloomberg’s surprising strength in recent polls among black Democrats give him an edge on Buttigieg and Klobuchar.
On November electability, which was Biden’s calling card, Bloomberg is now doing better than other Democrats. The most recent Quinnipiac poll places Bloomberg ahead of Trump by a sizable nine percentage points. The latest Fox News poll has Bloomberg beating the White House occupant by eight points. Even polls that show narrower Democratic margins place Bloomberg in a relatively strong position for November.
LOL How was that for a barf?
mini-mike didn't earn anything.
"Jan 21, 2020 · 'You sat on a couch while thousands of people were paid modern-day slave wages' ... Ocasio-Cortez said billionaires make their money "off the backs" of "undocumented people," "black and brown people being paid under a living wage" and "single mothers." ... Ocasio-Cortez
Jane puked another person's writings.
The Trick for the Democrats is how do they Screw Bernie out of yet another Nomination.
Democrats need Bloomberg for four reasons.
only one - he's not bernie.
that's evidenced by the cheap shots the author of the article takes at bernie.
here's to hoping that DNC 2020 in milwaukee is a fucking bloodbath - literally - of epic proportions.
There is something pathetic about James cheerleading for the one Democrat in the field who is most likeTrump.
James all of a sudden love unlimited money in politics.
Bloomberg is buying the Democrats Nomination , estimated he has already spent $200 million plus.
2016 Trump got Elected President spending $66 million.
"U.S. President-elect Donald Trump pumped a total of $66 million of his own money into his campaign – far from the $100 million he frequently boasted he was going to spend, according to campaign finance disclosures filed on Thursday night."
There is something pathetic about James cheerleading for the one Democrat in the field who is most like Trump.
Most like Trump? LOL Trump is without class, crude, immoral, despicable, laughable, insincere, self aggrandizing, vengeful, insecure, vain, disgusting, lying, deceitful, unprincipled, dishonest, insincere -- and that's just the tip of the negative mountain.
Bloomberg, by contrast, is the opposite of all that. He has been described as having "the right stuff — a moderate progressive with a heart of gold but the toughness of a rattlesnake" and thus the ability to take the fakir Trump on.
Bloomberg buying the Democrats' Nomination
No, no, that's not money. As you guys kept telling us, it's "freedom of speech."
Trump Is Key Factor for Voters In ‘Blue Wall’ States
A new report by the Kaiser Family Foundation and the Cook Political Report finds that
41% of voters in the “blue wall” states — Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin —
have not decided who they will support for president in 2020.
The report also found that President Trump is a key factor in motivating voters to turn out.
21%t of voters said that their primary motivation to vote in 2020 is to defeat Trump,
compared to the
8% of voters who said they were motivated by a desire to reelect Trump or to oppose a Democrat.
Key takeaway:
Trump’s disapproval in these states is 59%.
Bloomberg Overtakes Biden In Florida
and is WAY ahead of Bernie!
A new St. Pete Polls survey in Florida shows
Michael Bloomberg leading
the Democratic primary race with 27%,
followed by Joe Biden at 26%,
Pete Buttigieg at 11%,
Bernie Sanders at 10%,
Amy Klobuchar at 9% and
Elizabeth Warren at 5%.
OH MY! THAT'S A BIGGIE, Ch untruth!
Even WITH Florida, Trump is not home free,
Check it out at 270towin.
Question for Ch:
It's beginning to look like
Bernie might win
NEITHER a plurality of the delegates
NOR the nomination.
Right, Ch?
That was FLORIDA!
Ch's sudden silence is deafening.
Most like Trump? LOL Bloomberg is without class, crude, immoral, despicable, laughable, insincere, self aggrandizing, vengeful, insecure, vain, disgusting, lying, deceitful, unprincipled, dishonest, insincere -- and that's just the tip of the negative mountain.
Couldn't agree more!
It's beginning to look like
Bernie might win
NEITHER a plurality of the delegates
NOR the nomination.
Well Reverend Hypocrite...
I hate to break it to you... but anything is "possible". Bernie might win a majority. He might win a plurality. He might come in last. He might stub his toe, trip and fall, and wake up and think he's you.
Biden could still win the nomination. Bloomberg could. Buttigieg could. Klobuchar could. Steyer could. They could nominate Vladimir Putin!
What I do know for sure is that your obsession with the former Republican multi-billionaire who loves redlining, stop and frisk, hates gays, and minorities... and is about 5' 3" is hilariously....
What is most telling here for the Reverend Hypocrite...
Is that the poll in question is completely "denied" by the reverend as even existing. Not even an acknowledgement that it exists. Nothing what-so-ever other than what he repeated about 20 times regarding one local poll in Florida that shows Biden still winning (when Biden has crashed and burned in every other poll out there).
What is most telling here
in your meaningless palaver.
Thanks anyway. :-P
And BTW, if it were to come down to those moderate Democrats who favor Biden, Buttigieg, and Klobuchar having to choose between unelectable, radically socialist Sanders and electable, progressively moderate Bloomberg, they will surely choose Bloomberg.
Roger Stone Asks for New Trial
“Defense attorneys for Roger Stone demanded a new trial Friday, one day after President Trump suggested that the forewoman in his longtime political confidant’s case had ‘significant bias,'” the Washington Post reports.
“The legal motion could affect Stone’s Feb. 20 sentencing date on charges of witness tampering and lying to Congress.”
I must really wonder what the judge is thinking in lieu of so much attempted presidential interference in a trial the judge must decide.
Prosecutors Continue Probe Into Giuliani
February 14, 2020 at 7:03 pm EST
“As the Senate impeachment trial of President Trump drew to a close in Washington earlier this month, federal prosecutors in New York contacted witnesses and sought to collect additional documents in an investigation related to Trump’s personal attorney Rudolph W. Giuliani,” the Washington Post reports.
“The recent steps — including an interview with a witness last week — indicate that the probe involving Giuliani and two of his former associates is moving forward, even as the Justice Department has set up a process to evaluate claims Giuliani is making about alleged wrongdoing in Ukraine related to former vice president Joe Biden.”
Imagined conversation:
William Barr:
Please stop tweeting. It's making my job impossible.
Donald Trump:
Careful, or you won't have a job.
Reality is to painful for Prancing Pastor .
HE hears the same voice Adam Schitt does
What happened?
"unelectable, radically socialist Sanders " Jane
So The Iowa and New Hapshire real voters are wrong and Jane is right???
"unelectable, radically socialist Sanders " Jane
And BTW, if it were to come down to those moderate Democrats who favor Biden, Buttigieg, and Klobuchar having to choose between unelectable, radically socialist Sanders and electable, progressively moderate Bloomberg, they will surely choose Bloomberg.
They will choose a billionaire Republican/Independent who is a known sexist with many more "me too" moments waiting in the wings. A stop and frisk, redlining real estate supporter, who apparently doesn't hire minorities, and...
Oh yeah, needs to stand on a box to be as tall as everyone else!
If I were you (and I am glad I am not)... I would be looking at an Independent Republican too!
An actual Democrat certainly can't win!
If they must choose between billionaires,
I think they will NOT choose the now semi-Republican who once described himself as a "proud pro-choice Democrat" before he began to lie about that too, and who is well known to blacks and whites and Latinos and Asians as a radically racist white supremacist whose extra-marital fling with a porn queen is also well known, and who has a line of more than twenty "me too" women steadily accusing him, including one who alleged that when she was thirteen she was tied down to a bed belonging to Epstein and raped by Trump and only withdrew her charge under threats to her life -- a man who looks like a penguin when he waddles across the White House lawn in his overcoat with that scowling Big Brother Is Hatefully Watching You Look on his face.
Oh yeah, sure, they're going to prefer THAT billionaire.
U.S. Readied Sanctions Then Mysteriously Backed Off
February 14, 2020
Daily Beast:
“Late last year, the U.S. government signaled that it was about to level a new round of sanctions targeting people and entities linked to Deripaska… Back in April 2018, the U.S. sanctioned the oligarch, who once lent millions of dollars to convicted Trump campaign chief Paul Manafort as part of a decades-long relationship between the two men. Over the following months, Deripaska’s allies made a deal with Treasury to limit Deripaska’s control over the companies in exchange for sanctions relief. Then Treasury lifted the sanctions on the companies-—though the sanctions on the oligarch himself are still in place. In the year since then, it’s been all quiet on the Deripaska sanctions front.
“Until December, that is.
What’s strange is that despite the signal, Treasury didn’t follow through and the sanctions—which would have targeted the unnamed people and entities because of their proximity to Deripaska—didn’t materialize. It’s been two months since the U.S. indicated that the new sanctions were about to come out, and there’s been no movement from Treasury on the oligarch. The two months of inaction has stirred suspicions of political interference in the sanctions process.”
So what else is gangsta Trump interfering with now? -- the most corrupt, immoral President we have ever had.
Canary in the coal mine
Flabbergasted and disgusted DOJ
Canary in the coal mine
This is the Firing Line interview that convinced me that Michael Bloomberg should be the Democratic candidate for President.
See the video I linked above.
What we need now is to see Bloomberg up on the stage with other Democratic candidates, presenting a compelling case for his candidacy. We need to experience the man as he is, to get to know him better, to see him in action, defending or abandoning his past policies, explaining how and why he's changed his mind and showing why he's the man for this moment. That will result, I think, in a massive voter movement uniting behind him to defeat Donald Trump.
And when Americans see him on a stage with Trump, it will be EASY to decide who should be President and who definitely should NOT BE.
Mike will hold his own with that would be bully, as is made clear in this tweet exchange:
“Mini Mike is a 5’4” mass of dead energy who does not want to be on the debate stage with these professional politicians. No boxes please. He hates Crazy Bernie and will, with enough money, possibly stop him. Bernie’s people will go nuts!”
“Donald Trump — you and I know many of the same people in NY. Behind your back they laugh at you & call you a carnival barking clown. They know you inherited a fortune & squandered it with stupid deals & incompetence. I have the record & the resources to defeat you. And I will.”
And he will!
Stupid Jane Spam
"Behar said, “I like him (mini-mike , fine, I do. I like Biden too. I like all of them. I told you I’ll vote for any of them. I’ll vote for Peewee Herman.
She would vote for a convicted sex offender and is registered as a sex offender
Bernie leading in Nevada.
A real moderate could win general election. Like Gabbard. But the dem party is now so socialist that she can't get any footing in the party.
Bernie Leads in Texas and California
mini-mike is a leftist radical.
I must really wonder what the judge is thinking in lieu of so much attempted presidential interference in a trial the judge must decide.
It won't be the president's tweets that will be presented to the judge. It will be the juror's own tweets that will be shown.
And after that compelling evidence, I find hard to believe that she won't grant a new trial.
Most corrupt president in history is Obama. Weapons IRS, DOJ, FBI, Fisa court, illegal investigation of opposing party's campaign, fast and furious, encouraging black hatred of police.
Good grief. I could go on.
James believe mini mike is a Moderate.
What non-sense .
What we need now is to see Bloomberg up on the stage with other Democratic candidates, presenting a compelling case for his candidacy
And that's the night his campaign will crash and burn.
He won't ever be on a stage with Trump.
5:59 Trump's list is far, far longer.
Would someone please list here how much Mexico has paid thus far for Trump's wall?
Please give us the exact amounts of money and dates of payment and the agency that received it.
Thank you.
Admitting Obimbo was a lying POS is just what Stupid Jane did.
He won't ever be on a stage with Trump.
You hope. Trump had better hope.
DNC Cash poor whored itself out to Bloomnergs bucks allowing him to Buy his way into the Democrat Debate stage.
Jane are you all in for Bloomberg?
Pompeo Secretly Met Russian Foreign Minister
“U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo met Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference on Friday in an encounter the American side apparently wanted to keep under wraps,” Politico reports.
“The State Department made no announcement of the meeting, which took place in Lavrov’s own dedicated meeting room at the Hotel Bayerischer Hof, where the major annual conference of politicians, policymakers and security experts is held. Pompeo’s aides also did not provide any readout after the meeting ended.”
Why so much secrecy? Isn't Trump saying he's the most transparent president ever?
Actually, I'm thinking of switching over to Trump as soon as someone tells us how much money he got Mexico to pay for his wall.
Fetch .... Jane is a Trump voter.
James doesn't think foreign relations are ever discreet. Oh my.
Trump says, "Call him mini mike."
Jawohl, unser Fuerher! sagen alle Chtroothers.
(Jawohl, our dear leader! say all Chtroothers.)
Why so much secrecy? Isn't Trump saying he's the most transparent president ever?
It's called diplomacy shit for brains.
The Washington Post
Sally Yates: Trump thinks the Justice Department is his personal grudge squad
Editor’s note: The opinions in this article are the author’s, as published by our content partner, and do not necessarily represent the views of MSN or Microsoft.
Sally Yates served as deputy attorney general from January 2015 to January 2017.
The imperative of Justice Department independence from political influence has deep roots. After the Watergate scandal, Attorney General Griffin Bell sought to reestablish Justice’s independence and ensure that the department would be “recognized by all citizens as a neutral zone, in which neither favor nor pressure nor politics is permitted to influence the administration of the law.” The nation had lost faith in the Justice Department and the rule of law, so during the Carter administration Bell instituted strict limits on communications between the White House and Justice to prevent any “outside interference in reaching professional judgment on legal matters.”
Since Bell’s tenure, attorneys general in Democratic and Republican administrations alike have issued largely similar policies to adhere to the course Bell mapped for the department to live up to its promise of impartial justice. All have observed a “wall” between the White House and the Justice Department on criminal cases and investigations. While it is appropriate to communicate about administration policies and priorities, discussion with the White House about specific criminal cases has traditionally been off-limits. Presidents and department leaders from both parties have recognized that for case decisions to have legitimacy, they must be made without political influence — whether real or perceived. Implementation of these restrictions has not always been perfect, but the department’s independence has remained honored and unquestioned.
Until now.
While the policy is ostensibly still in effect, it is a hollow ode to bygone days. From virtually the moment he took office, President Trump has attempted to use the Justice Department as a cudgel against his enemies and as a shield for himself and his allies. He ran off Jeff Sessions after Sessions’s recusal in the Russia investigation rendered Sessions useless to protect him. The president has attempted to order up investigations of his perceived political enemies and enlist the department to protect his friends. With every blow, the wall of Justice independence has wobbled a bit more. This week, it teetered on the verge of collapse.
The facts are well known: After federal prosecutors in the Roger Stone case filed the department’s sentencing memorandum, the president publicly attacked Justice’s position as “horrible and very unfair.” He called for prosecution of the “real crimes … on the other side,” a mantra that has become so commonplace from him that it goes largely without comment. The prosecutors were ordered by Justice Department leadership to significantly cut their recommendation; they refused, and all four resigned from the case, with one quitting his job entirely.
This is not how the department is supposed to operate. Back-and-forth between prosecutors and department leadership about a high-profile matter is not itself unusual. But for Justice leadership to order the reversal of a publicly filed sentencing recommendation in a politically sensitive case is unprecedented. As a close friend of the president who was convicted of lying and obstructing justice in the investigation of the president’s campaign, Roger Stone couldn’t be more intertwined with the president. Politicization of the department doesn’t hinge on whether the president’s wishes are articulated, though with Trump they frequently are. Regardless of whether the decision to reverse the prosecutors was made before the president tweeted, action in anticipation of the president’s reaction is as dangerous as action in response to it.
Moreover, the sentencing reversal wasn’t an isolated incident. It followed a disturbing trend that includes: a four-page memorandum distorting the findings of the Mueller investigation and gratuitously absolving the president of obstruction of justice; a public rejection of the Justice Department inspector general’s findings regarding the propriety of opening the Russia investigation; repeated echoing of the president’s politically charged rhetoric undermining law enforcement and the intelligence community; and the president’s personal lawyer being set up with a special avenue to funnel dirt to the department about the president’s political rival.
After the four prosecutors resigned from the Stone case, Trump viciously attacked them, took a swing at the sentencing judge (perhaps laying the groundwork for a pardon), accused former special counsel Bob Mueller of committing perjury and then congratulated the attorney general for “taking charge of a case that was totally out of control.”.
In response to the ensuing public firestorm, department leadership complained that the president’s tweets were making things difficult for them, but it is the career prosecutors whom Trump continues to malign.
Tellingly, the president responded Friday, rejecting the long tradition of Justice Department independence. He insisted that he could direct criminal cases in the midst of protesting that he hasn’t, revealing yet again that he regards the department as his personal grudge squad.
The Justice Department is not a tool of any president to be used for retribution or camouflage. In all of government, the Justice Department uniquely functions in a trusted bond with Americans to dispense justice without fear or favor. Over the almost three decades that I served at the department, through Democratic and Republican administrations, I witnessed lawyers across the country embracing their responsibility to do their jobs in a manner that engendered the trust of the people they served. That is what it means to represent the people of the United States.
JAMES SAYS: History will be clear. This impeached president should have been convicted. The GOP failed the people of the United States and the Constitution.
Sally Yates is the Insubordinate little shit that Trump fired right?
What part of serving at the pleasure of the president do they not get?
Trump sure does fire a lot of people. Have you noticed?
JAMES SAYS: History will be clear.
It will show the Trump presidency was the start of the people retaking the government from the unelected mandarin class in Washington.
A president sending a personal lawyer to a foreign country to try to dig up dirt on a feared political rival is not called diplomacy. It's called subterfuge.
The funny thing is, it's sort of like Nixon's fear of McGovern. So his people sent in the Watergate burglars. As it turned out, McGovern was not to be feared.
Trump, fearing Biden, sent in Giuliani. It now looks as if Biden is not to be feared.
Trump sure does fire a lot of people. Have you noticed?
See above.
BTW Obama fired every US ambassador his first day in office. Trump has a long way to go to match Obama.
Obama did not fire them. Just replaced them, without accusing them of wrongdoing.
Trump did not have sense enough to do that.
A president sending a personal lawyer to a foreign country to try to dig up dirt on a feared political rival is not called diplomacy. It's called subterfuge.
1. Pompeo is not Trump's personal lawyer, he's the Secretary of State.
2. Trump is well within his rights to appoint anyone for a diplomatic and/or investigated mission anytime, anywhere.
3. And you're conveniently ignoring the fact that Biden is guilty of the very same charge the Democrats impeached Trump with. If Biden wasn't so well loved by the mandarin class, he would have a full blown RICHO investigation going on against him.
Obama did not fire them. Just replaced them,
Yes he did. He fired them before any replacement was appointed to replace them. The position were left vacant. Most of them for months at a time.
The personal lawyer I referred to is Giuliani, not Pompeio.
The rest of what you say is as specious as your first statement.
Sanders Tricked by Russian Pranksters
February 15, 2020
Russian pranksters claim they called Sen. Bernie Sanders pretending to be climate activist Greta Thunberg and offered Thunberg’s support to his campaign, the Daily Mail reports.
Sanders suggests that ‘Greta’ make a statement in his support and that they do an event together when she next comes to the U.S.
Now, now. The Russians don't do things like that. Putin said so, and Trump believed him.
Our State Department officials said they did, and Trump didn't believe them.
The irony of it all is that after the Democrats scream Russia, Russia, Russia at Trump for 4 years they are about to nominate a full blown Russian communist agent for President.
Trump Voter Jane.
Bernie is leading Nationally.
How do the Democrats steal the Nomination again from Bernie.
Trump to be first ever president to be grand Marshall of Daytona 500.
Meanwhile democrats turning socialist. Trump in a landslide.
I withdraw what I said. It was misinformed. Here is better clarification, from Quora:
Why did President Obama fire every US Ambassador appointed by President Bush the day he took office?
Mark Binfield: It’s completely normal and expected for newly-elected Presidents to replace all the politically-appointed Ambassadors with their own people. President Trump did it when he took office in 2017, just like President Obama did when he took office in 2009, and like every other President in the modern era.
It’s not unusual for an incoming administration to allow one or two politically-appointed ambassadors to stay in place for a few months of the new administration. Exceptions are typically granted as a courtesy for family reasons, for example to allow an Ambassador’s young children to finish the school year without having to change schools. But such exceptions are not a guarantee - political appointees get their appointments because they are political supporters of a particular President. They can have no expectation that a new administration with a different President will allow them to remain in their job. When President Trump fired all the political ambassadors from the Obama administration in 2017, he did not grant any such exceptions. This was noted as unusual at the time, but it was well within President Trump’s rights as a new President.
It is not reasonable to expect that any President would want their representative to a foreign government to be a political appointee of a different President, especially a President of the opposite party. Ambassadors who are career foreign service officers are a completely different story.* They get their positions through long years of service to the country under multiple Presidents, and they are normally retained when a new President enters office.
*like Yavanovitch
I doubt if Commensa will admit that what he said was also partly misinformed.
Like Trump, he's always "perfect."
the pederast is commenting with a heightened frequency.
a sign of panic.
I accept you surrender.
Jane always Surrender.
Boy, that was not surrender, arrogant Commensa. That was simply real honesty for a change, something missing here from you.
And why can't you two get the English language right?
I accept you (your) surrender.
Jane always surrender (surrenders).
Quibbling over grammmar again James. Thats the move of a loser.
Falsely saying someone "surrendered" is the sign of a someone incapable of simple honesty.
republican rat bastard says
"the pederast is commenting with a heightened frequency.
a sign of panic."
No, the highly regarded pastor is just having FUN.
Betting odds on the Democratic nominee:
Scroll down to the graph and see how
BLOOMBERG is ROCKETING upward while everyone else (even Sanders) is in decline.
Falsely saying someone "surrendered" is the sign of a someone incapable of simple honesty.
Heh, it's more honest than you are willing to admit.
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