![]() |
Desperation! |
We seem to be watching the "walls close in" on Democrats!
This is a "tipping point" in the race from confidence to fear!
This just might be "the beginning of the end" for their hopes and dreams!
Let's see how many "bombshells" we run into over the next few days!
What happens when a Trump ad backfires?
What happens when an impeachment coup backfires?
Ned Ryun
From a senior official and witness to Vindmans being escorted out: “People were standing and applauding them getting removed. Not just politicals, but careers in resource, personnel, and intel.” So yeah, those two got what they deserved and everyone knows it.
Most Would Not Vote for a Socialist
February 11, 2020 at 8:00 am EST
“More than nine in 10 Americans say they would vote for a presidential candidate nominated by their party who happened to be black, Catholic, Hispanic, Jewish or a woman.
"Such willingness drops to eight in 10 for candidates who are evangelical Christians or are gays or lesbians.
"Between six and seven in 10 would vote for someone who is under 40 years of age, over 70, a Muslim or an atheist.
“Just one group tested — socialists — receives majority opposition. Less than half of Americans, 45%, say they would vote for a socialist for president, while 53% say they would not.”
oh and janes, that was NOT a Trumps ad.
Wrong again, or as you categorize that either a "lie" or "mistake" depending who's saying it.
I see the political_lire waterboy is still busily carrying buckets of whatever they post and dumping it here. SPAM.
And idiotic.
Might be time for the daddy to wake up.
Trump was stupid enough to excerpt the motocyclist part, thinking it made him look tough. Now he is having to face laughter as people point out the purpose of the entire skits.
Anonymous cowardly king obama said...
What happens when an impeachment coup backfires?
Ned Ryun
BWAAAAAAAA!!!!! Trump acts like a 2 year old and takes his ball home.....the nation is paying attention as latest head to head polls showing any so called D kicking the old fat white ass of trump to retirement and then arrest........!!!!!
Power Slogan
"mini mike will do her"
Which party was saying that Biden had been cleared and there was absolutely nothing wrong with what was going on in Ukraine?
Including with Romneys son...
Kind of a big thing to miss...
Top Republican Will Ignore Trump’s Budget
February 11, 2020 at 7:21 am EST Comments
Senate Budget Committee Chairman Mike Enzi (R-WY) said he will not hold a hearing on President Trump’s proposed fiscal 2021 budget because it would only spark “animosity” between Democrats and administration officials, The Hill reports.
Said Enzi:
“I want to encourage people … not to waste any time searching out the president’s budget cuts. Nobody has listened to the president in the 23 years that I’ve been here. Congress doesn’t pay attention to the president’s budget exercise. I don’t know why we put him through that.”
mini mike has so much garbage I'm sure those vetting him will say....
You're going to need a bigger garbage truck.
Which party was saying that Biden had been cleared and there was absolutely nothing wrong with what was going on in Ukraine?
A true statement that you trump and slurpers cannot prove is wrong......god gave you a brain, try using it assshole!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!! ROTF Laughing at you again.....
tax capital income more equitably"
James, exactly how will mini mike do that?
The idiot "pastor" with ANOTHER off-topic cut-and-paste from political_lire.
How desperate and stupid can you be?
Whatever they say the brown shirt will obediently bring here.
Enough of that shit. But I can easily outdo you.
BTW cramps the pentagon upped the count of soldiers that just had headaches from the Irani attack.....I am sure trump will not add anymore to minimize the traumatic brain injuries that he so does not give a shit about.....just like you!!!!
Hey goat fucker....how is trump paying for that southern wall???????????
I think I outdid YOU with my 7:37.
and btw "pastor" "Nobody has listened to the president in the 23 years that I’ve been here. Congress doesn’t pay attention to the president’s budget exercise"
For those keeping score that includes Obama.
Even when he had a Democrat House.
James said...
I think I outdid YOU with my 7:37.
and what you think obviously doesn't matter
Strangely, though, at least Obama didn't have Budget Committee Chair who disparaged and torpedoed his own President's budget.
LOL 7:37 speaks for itself.
Reread your own article. He didn't torpedo the budget. He torpedoed giving democrats the opportunity to bash the he'll out of it.
BWAAAAAAAA!!!!! Trump acts like a 2 year old and takes his ball home.....the nation is paying attention as latest head to head polls showing any so called D kicking the old fat white ass of trump to retirement and then arrest........!!!!!
That's why Democrats are in so much panic right now!
When you've lost James Carville and Chris Wallace... you've gone over the edge!
Any of the Three Socialist Stooges of CHT.
How do we factor in "saved Jobs"?
you know during the lost years we had those .
How do we factor in "saved Jobs"?
How can you be such a fucking idiot????? Why don't you tell us you trump slurper since you are such a brilliant mind who can't find a job in this great economy......BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!
Lil SChitty making shit up again to feel like a big orange man!!!!!!!! TOO FUNNY THERE SPORT!!!!
When you've lost James Carville and Chris Wallace.
Trump saved 25 million jobs last month!!!
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump's fiscal 2021 budget plan doesn't have many fans — among either his GOP allies or opposition Democrats — but it's a measure of the president's priorities as he seeks a second term.
News flash: It's short on politically painful cuts to Medicare and Social Security, sometimes called the third rails of politics — touch them and you die — while proposing cuts to domestic programs that Trump himself has never tried to put into place.
Trump's fiscal missive contains plenty of nuggets for budget geeks but little for Washington's deficit scolds, who see its prescriptions for balancing the budget within 15 years as politically unbalanced and unrealistic.
A look at what's noteworthy in the president's budget:
Trump is again taking aim at the $1.4 trillion “discretionary” portion of the $4.8 trillion federal budget, proposing $2.1 trillion in cuts over 10 years from domestic agencies, foreign aid, and overseas military operations.
But such cuts run entirely counter to Trump's actual performance as president, in which he's signed two budget and debt deals that reversed prior cuts to both defense and domestic programs, along with three rounds of appropriations bills.
Trump's budget plans an immediate 5% — $37 billion — cut to non-defense programs favored by Democrats and 2% cuts to such programs each subsequent year.
Trump's budget preserves big gains in the Pentagon budget over the past few years, essentially freezing next year's defense budget at current levels and allowing 2% growth each year through 2025 and freezing it after that. The $741 billion defense budget includes a 3% military pay raise, funds Trump's space force initiative, and maintains readiness accounts.
But the budget plan also cuts back funding for overseas military operations that have been used to pad Pentagon budgets and seeks $5 billion in savings — including politically challenging cuts to about 50 Pentagon medical facilities across — to fund other defense priorities.
Yes, there are cuts to Medicare. And no, they wouldn't throw Grandma off the program or raise her premiums, despite what Democrats say.
And yes, there are cuts to Medicaid. And yes, they will affect beneficiaries.
First, on Medicare, which serves seniors, Trump's budget cuts are aimed chiefly at health care providers like hospitals. They are howling at longstanding proposals to deny hospitals higher reimbursement rates for outpatient services than other medical facilities. The budget would also cut payments for “post-acute” care provided for people discharged from hospitals.
Critics say the cuts — $465 billion over the coming decade — are so large that health care providers will be hurt and care will suffer, but the core Medicare program would remain intact.
Medicaid, the state-federal health care program for the poor and disabled, is a different story.
Trump's latest Medicaid proposal would allow states that want more flexibility in Medicaid to accept their federal share as a lump sum; for states staying in traditional Medicaid, a 3% cap on cost growth would apply.
The budget would transfer the Secret Service back to Treasury from the Department of Homeland Security, a bureaucratic victory for Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin. The proposal is aimed at improving the government's response to high-tech financial crimes and terror financing. The Secret Service was transferred to Homeland Security after the 9/11 attacks.
The budget proposes spinning off the Food and Drug Administration’s tobacco center into a separate agency. The FDA’s Center for Tobacco Products regulates traditional tobacco products and newer nicotine-based devices like electronic cigarettes.
For more than a year the FDA has struggled to reverse a surge in underage vaping driven by fruity, candy-like flavors in e-cigarettes. Last week the agency put in place new restrictions banning most flavors from small, reusable e-cigarettes like Juul, the leading brand among teenagers. But anti-tobacco advocates complain teens are already shifting to vapes not covered by the policy.
In November, senior White House official Joe Grogan complained that FDA’s oversight of tobacco and vaping was “a huge waste of time” that distracted the agency from focusing on treatments for cancer and other deadly diseases.
The budget states that spinning off the FDA’s tobacco operations would allow the agency “to focus on its traditional mission” of regulating food and drugs.
Blogger C.H. Truth said...
Trump saved 25 million jobs last month!!!
BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! Sure Lil SCHITT!!!!!! You need to share what your smoking.......!!!!!
The president's budget was declared DOA by Congress. Well that's never happened before. Right Rog?
The ball less wonder ponders like the old injun cunt used to do......the old they did it first stupidity....and his dumb fuck from NY claims to have an advanced college degree.....BWAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!
Lol, Roger is actually more broke then at the beginning of the year.
This was the year he gain wealth, a new large dream home, a big bank roll and a car of his dreams.
President Trump is now tweeting references to Eric Ciaramella, the CIA asset "whistleblower" who conspired w Adam Schiff to remove him from office. Trump is now on full blown offense. If anyone thought he was just going to let this go--they're sorely mistaken.
munch, munch, munch
😁Trump saved 25 million jobs last month!!! "
Since the Lost Years defenders can't explain How do we factor in "saved Jobs"?
First PMSNBC called Jewish Bernie Sanders has "Brown Shirt" supports.
Now this:
"‘I Don’t Want To Be in a Cult!’ James Carville Warns Against Dems Nominating Bernie Sanders"
First PMSNBC called Jewish Bernie Sanders has "Brown Shirt" supports.
and the alky thinks chuck clodd is the most respected name in news.
Since the Lost Years defenders can't explain How do we factor in "saved Jobs"?
technically it's "saved or created."
the best way to "factor" those in is to use The 0linsky method:
1) drop your trousers.
2) rubber glove is optional
3) roll up your sleeve to above the elbow.
4) reach DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP inside your own asshole.
5) fish around in there for several minutes for effect and to make it look like you're serious and you really mean it.
6) remove your hand from your asshole and exclaim "TA DA!!!"
7) pick a number. any number. it doesn't matter because it's not real. you just pulled it out of your own ass, remember?
RRB, correct and funny.
The Job of the Democrats is to stop this.
"Americans' satisfaction with personal life highest in four-decade trendTwo in three Americans say they are very satisfied, also a new highHigh-income households, Republicans, married adults the most satisfied
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Nine in 10 Americans are satisfied with the way things are going in their personal life, a new high in Gallup's four-decade trend. The latest figure bests the previous high of 88% recorded in 2003."
ChoMo Joe quits New Hampshire knowing he is doing poorly.
"The former vice president abruptly announced on Tuesday morning that he won’t spend primary night in New Hampshire as planned and instead is flying to South Carolina to headline a newly scheduled kick-off rally in the state he’s long considered his campaign firewall.
“We’re going to head to South Carolina tonight,” Biden told reporters as he visited a polling station with voting underway in the state that holds the first primary in the race for the White House. “And I’m going to Nevada… we’ve got to look at them all.”
How will the Socialist Democrats get this stopped?
"NFIB small-business index Dec.104.3⬆️
Mini-Mike is having a bad day,
Mini-Mike is having a bad day,
he's a racist little shit, isn't he?
"Ninety-five percent of your murders -- murderers and murder victims -- fit one M.O.” Bloomberg said in audio released by podcaster Benjamin Dixon. “You can just take the description, Xerox it and pass it out to all the cops. They are male, minorities, 16 to 25."
- tiny mikey bloomberg
now how in the hell are you supposed to "keep those ni@@ers votin" democrat for the next 200 years*" with an attitude like that?
*h/t: LBJ
ruh roh:
Former CNBC anchor Michelle Caruso-Cabrera will challenge Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in House Democratic primary
he's a racist little shit, isn't he?
He certainly is but the Democrats in the media are already saying "But Trump!!!".
Speaking of racism, house committee holding hearing on white supremacy in the military. Good grief, dems see racism under every rock. They're very worried that Trump is gaining support among minorities.
Trump Expected to Pull Pentagon Nomination
February 11, 2020 at 2:15 pm EST
“The White House is expected to pull the nomination of Elaine McCusker to be the Pentagon’s comptroller and chief financial officer in the latest staffing fallout from President Trump’s impeachment,” the New York Post reports.
“McCusker resisted the president’s directive to stall about $250 million in military aid to Ukraine and her emails protesting the delay were leaked in January to the blog Just Security ahead of Trump’s Senate trial.”
She only did the right thing.
Trump keeps digging himself deeper and deeper into the s***hole in history he is creating for himself.
Good grief, dems see racism under every rock.
i don't think they really do. what they DO see is endless value in the lie. and as long as it continues to prove effective they'll keep telling it.
VA is going to change from purple back to red
RICHMOND, Va. (WSET) -- A bill regulating assault weapons has passed the House of Delegates with a vote of 51-58.
HB 961 bans the sale of certain semi-automatic firearms, including popular AR-15 style rifles.
"And just like that, Virginia House Democrats vote to make millions of Virginians surrender their property or become criminals," said Del. Dave Larock. "If the Senate goes along with this nonsense, the Governor will sign it, and then AG Herring will spend YOUR [money] to defend this unconstitutional overreach."
“The White House is expected to pull the nomination of Elaine McCusker to be the Pentagon’s comptroller and chief financial officer in the latest staffing fallout from President Trump’s impeachment,” the New York Post reports.
Where are The Three Socialist Stopped?
mini mike is thier great white good.
Spot Freaking on
"he's a racist little shit, isn't he?"
Answer : Yes , mini mike is .
Anonymous Caliphate4vr said...
VA is going to change from purple back to red
Care to wager that you dumb fuck??????? BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! No one is going to surrender anything!!!!!!
Fatty you’re out of the stroke convalescent unit?
New York Senator Hillary Clinton called black young men ""superpredators."
Mighty Mike has made some mistakes and the difference between him and Trump is, he is and will be willing to admit them, and will not engage in the Trumpian palaver that he is perfect and never wrong and perfect and a genius. And he can run circles around Trump discussing serious policy matters.
All Trump knows is to bloviate.
At one point, Bloomberg in a telephone conversation with Trump advised him that he or anyone else who wanted to have success as a president, should be sure to surround himself/herself with "people who are smarter than you are." Trump objected that "no one is smarter than I am."
At that, Bloomberg foresaw great trouble coming.
And he can run circles around Trump discussing serious policy matters.
big gulps - a serious policy matter.
all minorities look alike - a serious policy matter.
trump on the other hand has dealt with NATO, NK, the shitty iran deal, the new MCUSA treaty, the failed paris accord, syria, ISIS, and afghanistan... just to name a few, and all while being investigated over phony russian bullshit and being impeached over an even bigger pile of bullshit.
bloomberg's a gun-grabbing clown.
Jane, your slip is showing.
Bloomberg is getting vetted.
the #BloombergIsRacist hashtag is a real fucking laugh riot:
enjoy, pederast.
Fucking loser of all of Georgia again proves he is nothing more than a big mouthed asshole who drinks too much!!!!!! Keep showing me what a big man you are.....N|BWAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! BTW...just got back from a 5 day mini vacation in the bahamas last weekend.....Hope you win another vacation so you can chill......BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! What did you do? Drink?????
New Hampshire early returns.
BTW...just got back from a 5 day mini vacation in the bahamas last weekend.....
is that what they're calling a stint in a type 2 diabetes unit these days?
you're supposed to put the golden corral gravy ON the entree' denny.
not eat it AS the entree'.
During a 2013 radio interview Mike Bloomberg suggested police “stop whites too much and minorities too little.”
BTW...just got back from a 5 day mini vacation in the bahamas last weekend.....
is that what they're calling a stint in a type 2 diabetes unit these days?
Medical tourism is on the rise for seniors that can’t afford care here with real docs
Grenada or Haiti have some med schools that can replace fattys next hip.
denny's a lyin' dog face fatty soldier.
Awesome post there salesman......
again proving you ain't got shit or brains.....>BWAAAAAAAA!!!!! Jag off......Paradise is a great 1 hour trip.....fine hotels, gambling and you are not!!!!!!1 Must suck to depend on winning a contest to afford to go on vacation......You are such a tough guy, loser....must make you feel like a big frat man....which is all you are....LOLOLOLOL And rat is just another dumb fucking trump slurper.....
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