Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Empirical vs Anecdotal Evidence

Let's start with the difference... Empirical evidence would be something that has been studied, observed, measured, quantified, and provides a some sort of scientific or statistical evidence that something is true. Anecdotal evidence is generally evidence that relies more on personal testimony, examples, or sometimes just stories.

On relevant example is the controversial use of Hydroxychloroquine to treat Covid-19. Many argue that it lacks lacks the more formal studies (empirical evidence) that would generally accompany a new medical treatment. On the flip side, there seems to be much anecdotal evidence that this is working (examples of doctors and patients claiming it has helped).

Now in the case of Hydroxychloroquine the lack of empirical evidence doesn't necessarily mean that the anecdotal evidence should be ignored. Somewhere down the line, when these studies eventually have enough data to make a conclusion one way or the other, we will know for sure. But at this point there is neither enough empirical evidence to either prove or disprove the anecdotal evidence.

But in most arguments, there seems to be one side that relies more on the empirical evidence that exists and one side that loves to come flying in with personal testimony, stories, and even rumors to prove their case. This has been especially true during the Covid-19 crisis, and in a manner that has most of our empirical evidence being swarmed under and completely reduced to ashes by huge amounts of anecdotal stories that attempt to prove something else.

If you go to any number of websites that are tracking Covid-19 you will find that there is statistical data on everything from the amount of people being tested, how many are positive vs negative, how many people are hospitalized, how many people are in ICU units, how many people are on Ventilators, how many people are recovering and how many people have died.

There is a slew of raw empirical data that we can use to make all sort of conclusion based on empirical evidence. But while these websites are tracking all of this information, most of the people reporting or providing opinions tend to treat it as if it simply doesn't exist. The reporting on Covid-19 has been almost entirely anecdotally driven, rather than empirically driven.

So when you hear a "story" about Covid-19 or somebody citing some "examples" about things associated with Covid-19, ask yourself why these reporters (or rumor-mongers as it would be) are spreading anecdotal evidence rather than providing you with the numbers? Why are these reporters not reporting on the empirical data and empirical conclusions? Why are they ignoring it like it doesn't exist?

Would it possibly be  because the empirical evidence doesn't match the anecdotal story they are telling you that supposedly proves what it is that they want to be true?


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

The reporting on Covid-19 has been almost entirely anecdotally driven, rather than empirically driven.

How many specific examples of that happening can you provide? -- how many examples of "anecdotally driven reporting" that ignores "the slew of raw empirical data" that is available?

C.H. Truth said...

Well Reverend...

Every time you link a story regarding about what someone "said" happened is an example of anecdotal reporting. Every time you link a report about what a person (or handful of people) "believe" might happen in the future, it's entirely anecdotal.

Every "opinion" you post is anecdotal by nature.

When you cut and paste criticism from a specific Governor.... are you relying on what they tell you (anecdotal) to make your argument about whether they got what they should have gotten?

Or do you research whether or not what they were actually sent met the actual need that they have reported having? (empirical).

Example: Your cut and paste about Pritzker relies on anecdotal complaints by the Governor and completely ignored the empirical evidence that his state has what it needs in terms of things like Ventilators and other supplies (as is being reported to a variety of sites).

So when he suggests that he isn't getting the correct amount of testing kits, well then the empirical history of what he says he needs has empirically been exaggerated by about 1000 percent.

So let's ask the question another way, Reverend...

How long could you go only cutting and pasting actual facts and figures from the websites that are tracking this?

How long before you would have a heart attack if you couldn't post opinions, complaints, and generally fake "stories" that turn out 99% of the time to not be true?

I challenge you to post only empirical information.

Anonymous said...

Only 35% of Americans are stay at home per orders.

Good, f 🖕 the Govenors.

"For instance, on March 23 — a week before the orders — 54% were staying at home in the District, 36% were staying at home in Maryland and 33% were staying at home in Virginia.

A week after the orders were issued — on April 6 — 55% were staying at home in the District, 39% were staying at home in Maryland and 35% were staying at home in Virginia.

“Our goal is to not only produce new and compelling data, but to truly inform and support decision-makers,” said Zhang."

Anonymous said...

"raw empirical data"🤣

Ok, too stupid.

Anonymous said...

raw empirical data , aka as Fungible data.

Anonymous said...

Michigan Democrat State Rep. Karen Whitsettcalled for an end to the partisan attacks on President Trump, saying she believes politicsneeds to be "put aside" in a pandemic.

"You know, we have a president that is in the White House -- not a Republican president. We have a president that is in the White House," she asserted Wednesday on  "Fox & Friends."

"And, at this time right now, everyone needs to get behind the president of the United States and the vice president of the United States and we need to simply unite together."

Caliphate4vr said...

Dementia Joe ventured out

I’ll put millions of citizens on a pathway to citizenship


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Well, as I thought you would, Ch, you dodged the question.

You claimed that we are being given anecdotal rather than empirical information about Covid-19,

so I asked you to provide specific examples of anecdotal rather than emperical information about COVID-19.

Specifically "about" Covid-19.

You made the claim, so it shouldn't be all that difficult to back it up.

C.H. Truth said...

I did provide you specific examples, Reverend.

Your story that you posted on the other thread that Illinois is not getting the supplies they need to fight Covid-19 is based entirely on an opinion of a Governor who believed he needed 4000 ventilators.

(this is specifically about Covid-19 as it pertains to needed supplies)

Rather than take the Governor at his word (and rely on his anecdotal remarks) you should have researched what his state actually has, what it has received, and what it is actually using.

Why would that be so hard?

Because had you done so, you would have realized that they are not using 4000-5000 ventilators, that they actually received more than enough ventilators, and that Pritzker is barking at the moon.

This is actually a PERFECT example.

It's literally one person saying something and you taking them at their word. Literally the worst type of anecdotal evidence.

The empirical evidence suggests that Illinois has been getting adequate assistance from the Federal Government in the areas that are being tracked.

You posted a story about the Governor suggesting something (anecdotal) which is contradicted by the empirical evidence available.

You posted it to push an untrue narrative that the Federal Government has been unresponsive.

If you "really" want to prove that the Federal Government has been non-responsive. Then you should to to the websites that are tracking what the State have, what they are actually using, and what the Federal Government has actually sent them.

Then if the numbers suggested that Illinois has 20,000 patients in ICU, that they have 4000 patients that require ventilators, but that they only have 1200 on hand. Then that would prove your assertion.

Telling me that the Governor says so doesn't prove it.

I am pretty sure you don't really understand this, Reverend.

Might be a bit over your head. Go ask Goddard if he can help you out?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Well, it seemed to me you were going to be specific about anecdotal claims about the disease Covid-19 as opposed to empirical claims about the disease Covid-19, not about a disputed need for ventilators.

But thank you for your answer.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Business Leaders Tell Trump to Increase Testing
April 15, 2020 at 2:31 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard

“In the first meeting of President Trump’s task force to reopen the economy, banking and financial services executives said the administration needed to dramatically increase the availability of coronavirus testing before the public would be confident enough to return to work, eat at restaurants or shop in retail establishments,” the Wall Street Journal reports.

I find that encouraging. The task force economy, banking and financial services experts are telling the President what health experts have also been saying.

We must have better testing capabilities before we can make the public feel safe enough to open up the country.

Anonymous said...

Well, it seemed to me you were going to be specific about anecdotal claims about the disease Covid-19 as opposed to empirical claims about the disease Covid-19, not about a disputed need for ventilators.

pederast, it is a matter of FACT that not a single person who needed a ventilator or a hospital bed as a result of the virus did not get one.

it is also a matter of fact that from coast to coast we have stood up temporary hospitals at the demand of governors that have gone unused. hospital ships sailed to each coast for what turns out to be no good reason at all.

the models that appear to have been designed to scare the nation shitless accomplished THAT goal, while wildly missing the mark of actual casualties.

when all is said and done, our reaction to this virus has been almost entirely based upon anecdotal vs. empirical evidence.

and now my governor has just signed an executive order requiring masks be worn in public starting friday.

if i didn't know better i'd swear that democrats have come to the realization that their only path to the presidency this fall is to keep the nation shut down, imposing the maximum amount of pain - economic and emotional - on the public between now and november.

anonymous said...

Anonymous Caliphate4vr said...
Dementia Joe ventured out

I’ll put millions of citizens on a pathway to citizenship

Another example of the type of reporting that Lil Schitty believes in......BWAAAAAAAA!!!!

BTW, Lil Schitty the lead into this POS thread is complete anecdotal and your ass hole opinion....a screaming waste of your time, but you feel big now BS ing your way to trumps fat white ass!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Mom and Pop Businesses are taking note.

C.H. Truth said...

Well, it seemed to me you were going to be specific about anecdotal claims about the disease Covid-19 as opposed to empirical claims about the disease Covid-19, not about a disputed need for ventilators.

There is solid empirical data on how many ventilators the state of Illinois has been using (iow: what they need).

It's not a matter of opinion or a dispute.

It's an anecdotal story designed to imply something that the empirical evidence proves otherwise.

But herein lies the trouble Reverend...

You don't care about facts. You and I both know that Illinois never needed 4000 ventilators anymore than New York needed 30,000. They purposely made crazy unreasonable demands of the Federal Government...

So they could come back and claim that they didn't get what they wanted so that the uninformed would believe that the Federal Government was failing them.

But you know what, Reverend...

At the end of the day, nobody in Illinois is going to die because they don't have enough ventilators, or because the Federal Government didn't build them 10,000 ICU units or whatever other sort of nonsense that is being claimed.

That appears to be a very, very, very, very hard pill for you to swallow.

Otherwise you wouldn't insist on regurgitating the lies over and over and over here.

I am really curious, Reverend.

Why do you do it?

What does it accomplish to post lies?

Why does it make you feel better?

Just curious?

anonymous said...

Why does it make you feel better?

The same question can be posed to you Lil your piles of biased bullshit roll down the hill that only you can agree to....Very sad as the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result....You really fall into that trap.....BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Mom and Pop Businesses are taking note.


Myballs said...

Rush makes a great,point. MAGA is now a rallying cry again.

anonymous said...

And you still listen to that fat fucking windbag????? BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


"New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) said on Wednesday at a press conference that he would start giving away ventilators to other states during the coronavirus crisis"

Thank You President Trump.

Anonymous said...

I see Denise the ugly fat girl waffles in to add nada.

Anonymous said...

😅What does it accomplish to post lies?😀

James does it because the truth is too painful.

anonymous said...

I see Denise the ugly fat girl waffles in to add nada.

Just emulating you again dumb fucking asshole!!!!! BWAAAAAAAA!!!!

I see Denise the ugly fat girl waffles in to add nada.

Emulating you is soooo much fun goat fucking loser!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Business Leaders Tell Trump to Increase Testing
April 15, 2020 at 2:31 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard

“In the first meeting of President Trump’s task force to reopen the economy, banking and financial services executives said the administration needed to dramatically increase the availability of coronavirus testing before the public would be confident enough to return to work, eat at restaurants or shop in retail establishments,” the Wall Street Journal reports.

I find that encouraging. The task force economy experts are telling the President what health experts have also been saying.

We must have better testing capabilities before we can make the public feel safe enough to open up the country.

April 15, 2020 at 2:55 PM

I'm surprised that Trump didn't get all indignant and tell them that under his messianic leadership the country already has more than enough testing capability available.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Here's an interesting find FROM APRIL 5
Pritzker: Illinois Needs Feds to Send 1000s More Ventilators

Illinois needs thousands more ventilators than the federal government plans to send and the state is desperately searching for more before its expected peak in coronavirus cases later this month, the governor said Sunday, hours before officials announced the number of people to test positive in the state more than doubled in a week.

Appearing on CNN's “State of the Union” Sunday morning, Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker said he requested 4,000 ventilators from the federal government last Tuesday and has received 450, far short of even the 1,400 ventilators that Vice President Mike Pence said the state needs.

Commonsense said...

There's the anecdotal evidence of what Pritzker wanted now here's the empirical evidence of actual ventilator usage.

As of April 6
Total ventilators 2,791
Total open (unused) ventilators 1,593
In use by COVID-19 patients 821
In use by other patients 377
Percent available 57%.

To say Pritzker overreacted and was playing politics would be an understatement.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

April 15, 2020
2:30 p.m.

The number of deaths resulting from COVID-19 is nearing 1,000 in Illinois, state health officials said Wednesday.

The Illinois Department of Public Health announced 1,346 new coronavirus cases and 80 additional deaths on Wednesday. The spike brings the state's case total to 24,593 and death toll to 948.

The virus has spread to 89 counties in Illinois, with Union County now reporting a case.

1:45 p.m.
New data released by the city of Chicago indicates the city is flattening the curve in the fight against COVID-19. Officials said the rate of new cases in Chicago is now doubling every twelve days, as opposed to every two to three days one month ago.

Data suggests compliance with the stay-at-home order has led to significantly fewer cases and deaths in Illinois. There are 9,666 cases and 347 deaths in Chicago, and officials say the city could have seen 62,000 cases and 2,000 deaths if the stay-at-home order were ignored.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Testing failure, claims Pritzker (video).

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker said Tuesday that he has "given up" on receiving federal assistance to help combat the novel coronavirus pandemic, saying instead that his state is "doing what we need to do despite" President Donald Trump.

"We have gotten very little help from the federal government. It's fine. I've given up on any promises that have been made," Pritzker, a Democrat, told CNN's Erin Burnett on "OutFront." "I hope something will get delivered from the federal government, but I don't expect it anymore."

His comments follow the President's statement earlier Tuesday at a White House news conference that governors "are supposed to do testing" for Covid-19, despite many state leaders saying they need federal assistance to do so. The lack of testing has been a point of contention between governors and the federal government, as the number of coronavirus cases increases.

The Trump administration has faced widespread criticism for the lack of a nationwide testing system to identify those infected with the coronavirus and track the spread of the outbreak. While testing has ramped up in recent weeks, the lack of an aggressive regimen early in the outbreak led to accusations that the government missed a chance to reduce the speed and scale of the pandemic in the United States.

For Illinois, Pritzker said Tuesday, "the President at this point is near irrelevant when it comes to this question of testing."

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

President Trump threatens to adjourn Congress over approval delays in administration nominations.

Anonymous said...

Facts drop kicking James , again
"As of April 6
Total ventilators 2,791
Total open (unused) ventilators 1,593
In use by COVID-19 patients 821
In use by other patients 377
Percent available 57%.

To say Pritzker overreacted and was playing politics would be an understatement."

Anonymous said...

Pelosi / Schumer demand money for Iran over support for Mom and Pop small businesses.

Anonymous said...

Triggered Denise the ugly fat girl .

too funny
1200 character vapid.

C.H. Truth said...

The Reverend is just being a toddler...

Throwing a little tantrum.

He knows he the actual tangible numbers prove him wrong...

But if he can quote someone (anyone) who says differently, then I guess 2=2 no longer equals 4. Some people's brain just works.... well differently.

There is a reason why I went into math, computer science, and why I am paid to solve complex and diverse problems with software and software code that do not allow me to decide right or wrong as an opinion or decide to incorrectly solve a problem and call it a dispute.

and why James studies, writes about, and practices things that requires you to justify your beliefs with "faith" rather than any logic. There are no quantifiable absolutes in his line of work. You can be wrong all day long and nobody will know any better.

Me... I have to get it right! Every single time. I cannot allow any bias or beliefs to get in the way.

Anonymous said...

.CA is a funevolace for illegals.

"California will distribute one-time cash payments of $500 to undocumented immigrants in the state in response to financial concerns arising amid the coronavirus pandemic, Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) announced Wednesday. "

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Business Leaders Tell Trump to Increase Testing
April 15, 2020 at 2:31 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard

“In the first meeting of President Trump’s task force to reopen the economy, banking and financial services executives said the administration needed to dramatically increase the availability of coronavirus testing before the public would be confident enough to return to work, eat at restaurants or shop in retail establishments,” the Wall Street Journal reports.

Trump’s Attempt to Enlist Business Off to Rocky Start
April 15, 2020 at 9:13 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard

“President Trump’s attempt to enlist corporate executives in a push to reopen parts of society amid the coronavirus pandemic got off to a rocky start Wednesday, with some business leaders complaining the effort was haphazard and warning that more testing needs to be in place before restrictions are lifted,” the Washington Post reports.

My, my.
Pushback from epidemiologists with their science and health interests,
and now pushback from executives with their business and economics interests,
both saying there are not enough of the promised testing capabilities in place,
along with pushback from governors complaining that not enough of the testing capabilities promises have been fulfilled.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Ch, isn't Governor Pritzker saying in the 6:40PM post
the same thing Trump's task force business advisers
are saying in the 9:15PM post?

And could you for once give a simple, short answer?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Sen. Warren tells Rachel Maddow she would accept a Biden offer to be running mate, following endorsement of the fmr. vice president.

Commonsense said...

Where in the US can Warren help Biden win?

Anonymous said...

It is not in Mass.

Anonymous said...

China Lab created the China Virus unleashed upon the World.

The Left must STOP excusing their and the WHO.

Anonymous said...

Pelosi and Schumer continue to brag about stopping further payouts to Mom and Pop Small Business.

Caliphate4vr said...

Is everyone from NJ mentally retarded

“By what authority did you nullify the Bill of Rights in issuing this order?” Carlson asked Murphy.

“That’s above my pay grade, Tucker,” the governor responded. “I wasn’t thinking of the Bill of Rights when we did this.”

“I can tell,” Carlson replied.

He’s probably an FDU grad, doesn’t take much to get in there, just fog a mirror

anonymous said...

Anonymous Caliphate4vr said...
Is everyone from NJ mentally retarded

So asks the retard UGA graduate whose classmate thought the symptomless corona virus sufferers where not capable of transmitting the disease!!!!!! BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!!! You win ace!!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Ch was asked a valid, simple question at 9:15 and 9:28PM above.

I will add that if Ch can excuse Trump for (as Ch claims) being influenced by the best "science" he was receiving to make the statements about having the virus under control and nothing to worry about and the cases and deaths would within a few days be down to near zero--if Ch can excuse all that with the claim that Trump was following the available science (which, however, I find questionable)-- why can't Pritzker be excused for thinking, on the basis of post 5:57PM above, that he would soon need more ventilators than he ultimately did need?

By the way, I just heard on NPR that a General Motors plant is rushing to have 50,000 ventilators available very soon. If there is not a desperate need for them among the states, why are they under a rush order to be produced?

Anonymous said...

Where in the US can Warren help Biden win?

it's not "where" but with whom. it's a move to attract bernie supporters who have already come out and told biden to get fucked.

Anonymous said...

“I wasn’t thinking of the Bill of Rights when we did this.”

a common theme among democrat politicians.

the only time when they think of the Bill of Rights is when they're trying to actively destroy it. any other time it's an afterthought or not considered at all.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Just read the entire article so nicely linked by Cali at 6:01AM. Just read the entire thing, not just the little part that Cali and rat want to emphasize, and it becomes quickly apparent that the governor is trying to do the best that he can for the people of his state under these difficult circumstances.

Anonymous said...

By the way, I just heard on NPR that a General Motors plant is rushing to have 50,000 ventilators available very soon. If there is not a desperate need for them among the states, why are they under a rush order to be produced?

two reasons, pederast. reasons that are inextricably linked.

reason one - democrat governors freaked the fuck out for no reason and assholes like cuomo demanded 30,000 of the fucking things. the feds agreed and conned GM into making them.

reason two - now that the big fucking stoopid hair on fire panic has subsided, GM needs to return the assembly line to its original purpose ASAP. each day they fail to do so costs $$$.

anonymous said...

a common theme among democrat politicians.

So says the dolt trump supporter who thinks trump can demand congress to adjourn so he can appoint more assholes to ruin the country.....BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!

anonymous said...

Shocking James that the UGA loser would cherry pick what he thinks will support his moronic bias....Rat is just plain stupid!!!!!

Anonymous said...

and it becomes quickly apparent that the governor is trying to do the best that he can for the people of his state under these difficult circumstances.

stripping citizens of their civil liberties and stepping right up to the line of martial law is not doing the best he can for the people.

it's fucking tyranny.

you know what's really ironic...

liberals tripped all over themselves and each other quoting the lazarus quote on the statue of liberty...

...when it came to illegal alien NON-citizens.

now that the liberties of our own citizens are being destroyed, we're being told it's for our own good.

drag the statue out to sea and sink the fucking thing. we have no use for it anymore.

Anonymous said...

So says the dolt trump supporter who thinks trump can demand congress to adjourn so he can appoint more assholes to ruin the country...

dumb fuck,

congress IS adjourned.

the shit they're pulling is on paper. they're called pro forma sessions, which are not real sessions. the congress is all at home, not working. therefore not in session.

some fucking idiot scribe is instructed to record a virtual "gavel in/gavel out" for the record.

they don't even turn the fucking lights on.

it's a fraud and a lie. like you.

and yes, the president has the power to declare an emergency in a time of actual emergency like right fucking now, and he may adjourn them.

Article II, Section 3 of the Constitution grants Trump the power to "on extraordinary occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in case of disagreement between them, with respect to the time of adjournment, he may adjourn them to such time as he shall think proper."

it's never been done before, but trump is just the guy to do it.

fuck it.

democrats want war, then WAR.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Just this minute I finished watching the VIDEO Cali so graciously provided in his 6:01 post. It is interesting how the governor was quite willing to admit that these are difficult decisions, but he did point out that he has been in touch with religious leaders, Catholic, Protestant, Jewish and Muslim, who agree with the necessity of social distancing.

The entire interview is quite well done. Tucker Carlson obviously has an agenda he wants to pursue, and does so with persistence, but with respect for the governor's sincerity, and the governor answers in like manner.

Any person of reasonable good will can see that.

Anonymous said...

for over three years i've had to listen to the left shriek that trump is hitler.

now we're seeing, in real time, democrat political leaders 'getting their hitler on' and the left could not be happier.

trump tries to restore liberty and he's castigated for it.

TDS is real, and we are seeing it play out at it's worst.

the founders would be shooting by now.

anonymous said...

dumb fuck,

congress IS adjourned.

BWAAAAAAA!!!! Can always count on you to say the dumbest and moronic things all the time.!!!!!!....Grow up asshole and learn how to live with your fellow man!!!! I can surely understand why you live alone and your family ran!!!!!!! Just because you support the fat obese white asshole does not mean you have to swallow!!!!!

Caliphate4vr said...

Rat we need better adversaries, these two are dumber than a bag of hammers

Anonymous said...

If you think this Murphy's words and Whitmer's actions were inartful or at worst clumsy, you're not paying attention. The Democrats are attempting to use this crisis not only to try and steal the November election - because they now know that Trump's approval in handling this crisis is massive - but as cover to cement in place a whole host of localized power grabs in their seemingly permanent blue state fiefdoms that will have long-lasting and corrosive effect on a national level. I didn't think anything could be worse than the attempt to sabotage Trump's 2016 and 2020 presidential campaigns and worse, to try and overthrow his presidency, which this entire nightmarish episode is the latest and last desperate gamble. But the now intentional strangulation of the economy, the in-your-face shredding of our rights to assemble, worship and indeed, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is a crossing of a very bright and broad red line.

Look no further than the ramblings of Andrew Cuomo to see the brave new world they have in store for us:


... "Let's say that where we're going it's not a reopening, in that we are going to reopen what was. We are going to a different place, and we should go to a different place, and we should go to a better place. If we don't learn the lessons from this situation, that all of this will have been in vain," Cuomo said.

"So we're going to a different place, which is a new normal. We talk about the new normal. We've been talking about the new normal for years. We are going to have a new normal in public health. By the way, the way we have a new normal in an environment, the new normal in economics, a new normal in civil rights, a new normal and social justice, right? This is the way of the world now," he said.

"We're moving to a new place, and we are moving to a challenging place, but also potentially better place," Cuomo said...

What the fuck kind of Fidel Castro/Pol Pot/Mao Tse-Dong/Bernie Sanders/Lord Garth bullshit is that? Excuse me but my uncle didn't get cut in half by a Japanese machine gun on Saipan nor my mother survive 13 months at the hands of your fellow travelers the National Socialists to bequeath this for me. If you think I'm going to willingly, cheerfully stick my head in that noose, you've got another thing coming, pal.

Go to Hell.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Rat's the one shrieking. The tone in so many of the posts above is reasonable, as both business people and health people join to work on the problem we all have, the problem facing our nation:

How to save lives without endangering the economy.
How to save the economy without endangering lives.

It is not an easy matter.
The President himself is admitting that.
He calls the decisions facing him now the most difficult of his life.

Anonymous said...

Rat we need better adversaries, these two are dumber than a bag of hammers

indeed. and that's been true all the way back to the old yahoo 'bush soars' board.

anonymous said...

BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!! The UGA asshole and you make a perfect pair of trump assholes......nothing but bluster and stupid comments....Yep You win that one dumb fuck!!!!! UGA, home school of the dumbest governor in the country and a classmate of the idiot salesmen!!!!!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Seems to me it's being made pretty clear who's dumb and unreasonable here.

anonymous said...

BWAAAAAAAA!!!!! The idiot in chief passes more gas than rat the idiot can process!!!!! Another crisis of his own making in an attempt to blame everyone but himself!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! How come mitch does not adjourne ????? Has mitch turned on his asshole anticipating the senate too can be lost?????

Trump threatens to adjourn Congress to get his nominees through
The president accused Senate Democrats of blocking his nominations during the crisis, but most vacancies are because his administration hasn’t selected anyone to fill them.

Anonymous said...

How to save lives without endangering the economy.
How to save the economy without endangering lives.

wrong answer.

no one individual should ever get to suspend the rights and liberties of the majority on a "if it saves just one life" bullshit basis.

once that's allowed to happen, the power used to do it becomes codified and our freedoms and liberties begin to erode. that erosion attains a certain level of velocity, and before you know it we've gone from being citizens to be governed to subjects to be ruled.

"We're moving to a new place, and we are moving to a challenging place, but also potentially better place," Cuomo said...

that is straight up fucking evil.

Caliphate4vr said...

Fatty your state’s contribution to the world are Snookie and The Situation


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

We moved to a new and better place when Roosevelt's New Deal gave us the "evil" of... of... of... Social Security.

anonymous said...

BWAAAAAAA!!!! Your state is home to your rattlesnake loving worshiper relatives........God you are a dumb fuck since I really am not from Jersey!!!!! Try to keep up since you are such a smart UGA grad!!!! At least we can agree on one thing....REM rocked!!!! The Ramones....not so much!!!

Anonymous said...

social security, the great society, 0linsky-care...

every time a democrat wants to take us to " a new and better place" it always means increased reliance upon government accompanied by the erosion of freedoms and liberties.

social security has us so deep in a financial hole we'll NEVER get out, and the great society - created to cure poverty - was nothing more than an LBJ vote-buying scheme purely intended to "keep those ni@@ers voting democrat for the next 200 years."

be careful what you wish for, pederast. if a hot civil war is your goal you're headed in the right direction.

Caliphate4vr said...

Pederast did your school system opt out of SSI?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

After three consecutive weeks of jobless claims in the millions, another 5.245 million Americans filed for unemployment benefits in the week ending April 11. Since June 2009, the U.S. economy added over 20 million jobs. But in just the last four weeks, the number of unemployment claims have reached 22 million.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Caliphate4vr said...

Oh I forgot Jersey also gave us the most superfund sites

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Rat wants civil war.
The last time we had one, the right side won.

Anonymous said...

🤣rrbApril 16, 2020 at 7:18 AM

Rat we need better adversaries, these two are dumber than a bag of hammers

indeed. and that's been true all the way back to the old yahoo 'bush soars' board.😅


Anonymous said...

Got an and Rog?

Caliphate4vr said...

So fatty you paid out of state tuition to go to shit school like FDU?

You get dumber by the day

anonymous said...

No you dumb fuck...the company I worked for reimbursed me for it!!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Unlike you.....I did my graduate studies which enhanced my career opportunities and expand my horizons....unlike a lazy fuck like yourself who aspired to be a zero commissioned salesman.....!!!!! Too funny!!! I got my lake got 2 mortgages just to live...>BWAAAAAAA!!!! I WIN!!!!!

anonymous said...

Another 5.2 americans file unemployment claims under trumps brilliant leadership!!!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Roughly 22 million have sought jobless benefits in the past month — easily the worst stretch of U.S. job losses on record.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

Roughly 22 million have sought jobless benefits in the past month — easily the worst stretch of U.S. job losses on record.

and i'll bet you ejaculated when you typed that, didn't you alky?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

10 Years Of Spectacular U.S. Job Growth Nearly Wiped Out In 4 Weeks.

7 of those years were under President Obama.

anonymous said...

And rat the fucking dope takes another big load of trumps finest and swallows!!!!!!! bWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Attorney David Helm is representing four Michigan residents in federal court who are suing Democrat Gov. Gretchen Whitmer over her executive order, arguing that it violates the First and Fifth Amendments of the Constitution.

These residents are arguing that her order to make businesses shut down and ban travel to private homes and freely associate with one another violates the Constitution.

“It’s taking a sledgehammer to an ant,” Helm told WJBK. “We believe it is over-broad and over-reaching. There is a way to do it appropriately without infringing on Constitutional rights like the governor has.”

“We are not arguing for political dissidence or any sort of protest. What we are saying, is that people have the right to associate with their friends and family. And that is being unjustly infringed,” he added.

The governor’s press secretary told WJBK that the office is not commenting on pending litigation. Whitmer doubled-down on her stay-at-home order, saying that it was the only way to contain the spread of the virus.

There is a lawsuit also being filed at the state level.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

C.H. Truth said...

-if Ch can excuse all that with the claim that Trump was following the available science (which, however, I find questionable)-- why can't Pritzker be excused for thinking, on the basis of post 5:57PM above, that he would soon need more ventilators than he ultimately did need?

Because there never was any available "science" that stated the state of Illinois needed 4000 ventilators. Nor is there any empirical evidence "today" that Illinois even needed the 450 ventilators they were given.

The issue isn't whether or not Pritzker guessed wrong.

The issue is why are people like YOU still acting as if the fact that Pritzker didn't get 4000 ventilators is some sort of failure on the part of the Federal Government...

which everything it does or doesn't do can be blamed specifically on Trump.

Again, Reverend...

You seem to be forget that no matter who Pritzker has been listening to, those people are less qualified than who the President is listening to when it comes to infectious diseases.

If the Governor thought he needed 4000, and the task force experts thought he needed no more than 450...

Why would you trust a Governor over the task force experts?

Can you provide a reasonable explanation as to why you took this stance that doesn't directly deal with your hatred of the President and your desire to listen to people criticize him... even when that criticism is entirely wrong?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Thousands of Americans would be alive today if President Trump had spent more time listening to the World Health Organization instead of trying to destroy it.

Trump’s announcement that he is halting American funding for the W.H.O. just as the world is facing a raging pandemic is a dangerous attempt to find a scapegoat for his own failings. It is like taking away a fire department’s trucks in the middle of a blaze.

Many Americans know nothing about the W.H.O., but its worldwide budget (of which the United States pays about one-fifth) is less than that of some American hospital centers. Yet it is charged with fighting Ebola and polio, saving children’s lives and keeping the world safe from pandemics like this one.

Trump says that he is cutting the funds while his administration reviews the agency’s handling of the coronavirus. His administration’s own pandemic preparedness plan, which he characteristically has failed to implement, calls for building support for the W.H.O. — because it’s a critical player to keep Americans safe.

Yes, some of the complaints about the W.H.O. are valid, and I’ve made them myself. It has been too cozy with China, it made some wrong calls on the coronavirus early on (such as doubting on Jan. 14 that there was human-to-human transmission), and it should stop blocking participation by Taiwan. But it has still managed the coronavirus crisis far better than the Trump administration has.

The W.H.O. tweeted its first warning about the coronavirus on Jan. 4 and then rang alarm bells, culminating at the end of that month when it declared a “public health emergency of international concern.” It developed an effective diagnostic test that is used in dozens of countries, while the United States still cannot manage adequate testing.

In late January and in February, the W.H.O. issued increasingly urgent warnings about the coronavirus. Trump ignored them, instead insisting that it was “totally under control,” predicted the number of infections would drop, declared that “it’s going to disappear” and consistently downplayed the virus while talking up the stock market.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump’s passivity — even as the W.H.O. and his own advisers warned him of the risks — squandered the chance to acquire more personal protective equipment for doctors and nurses. His likening of Covid-19 to the flu led people to join public gatherings like Mardi Gras and Florida spring break, and that is one reason the United States has had 80 deaths per million inhabitants from Covid-19, compared with four per million in South Korea and fewer than one per million in Taiwan.

I’ve known the W.H.O.’s director general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, for almost 20 years and have had disagreements with him, largely over his accommodation of dictators. But I have deeply admired his passion for battling malaria, malnutrition and maternal mortality, and I’ve seen his work save lives. Growing up in Ethiopia, he lost a younger brother, Yemaine, apparently to measles, and that left him with a deep commitment to improve health care access.

The W.H.O. is bureaucratic, frustrating, timid — and indispensable. No other organization can fill its international role overseeing the fight against disease. It has battled an outbreak of Ebola since last year in Congo, and that’s one reason we haven’t had Ebola cases in the United States.

Every day, the W.H.O. saves lives. It has promoted safe childbirth, and the number of women dying in childbirth has been cut almost in half over 25 years. It fights female genital mutilation and helps women with obstetric fistula. It is struggling to eliminate cervical cancer. It is part of the campaign against polio.

Normally, an American president is a leader in global health, and Democrats and Republicans have often cooperated on a humanitarian agenda. President George W. Bush started a program against H.I.V./AIDS called Pepfar that has saved 17 million lives. President Barack Obama helped lead the global effort to end the Ebola outbreak in West Africa in 2014-16.

In contrast, Trump has provided zero global leadership against the coronavirus, and he is now trying to crush the one organization providing such leadership.

(Readers have asked how they can contribute to help ease the suffering from Covid-19. Stay tuned: I’ll have a column at the end of next week with five suggestions.)

Trump’s main complaint about the W.H.O. is that it is too close to China, and there’s some truth to that — but Trump himself fawned over China’s response to the pandemic. “China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus,” Trump tweeted on Jan. 24. “I want to thank President Xi.”

If I seem angry, it’s because I’ve seen too many women dying in childbirth in poor countries, too many children dying of diarrhea, too much leprosy. Gutting the W.H.O. would mean more kids dying of malnutrition, more moms dying of cervical cancer, and the coronavirus infecting more people in more countries — impairing the pandemic response, which may well cost even more American lives. And all because an American president is seeking a scapegoat for his own ineptitude.

Yes, Americans have died unnecessarily from Covid-19, and I’ve been seared by my own reporting in “hot zones” of New York hospitals. But if Trump insists on holding people accountable, he needn’t denounce the W.H.O. He can gaze in the mirror.

Anonymous said...

Can you provide a reasonable explanation as to why you took this stance that doesn't directly deal with your hatred of the President and your desire to listen to people criticize him... even when that criticism is entirely wrong?

rapey joe biden said it best -

"We choose truth over facts!"

oh and btw... now we're learning that ol' joe REALLY DID "grab her by the pussy."

Anonymous said...


a stolen kristof op/ed.

LOL. good one alky.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Myballs said...

Stocks already anticipating Trump's economic restart.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

10 Years Of Spectacular U.S. Job Growth Nearly Wiped Out In 4 Weeks.

7 of those years were under President Obama


The waterboy ran from this question looks like Roger is now siding with the WHO and China so I ask him (or lo iq) to answer for him as he obviously needs help:

Why is the WHO still supporting China who has obviously lied, disappeared scientists and doctors, not let experts in to investigate situation and destroyed data?

And therefore why are democrats supporting China and the WHO ?

If this was WW2 the dems would be defending Japan.


and remember the WHO also never challenged China, attacked Trump for banning travel from China, said face masks don't help and said the virus is not transmitted person-to-person.

I'd call that misinformation at best and the sooner Trump stopped listening to them the better.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

re 8:24
CH SAID: ...there never was any available "science" that stated the state of Illinois needed 4000 ventilators. Nor is there any empirical evidence "today" that Illinois even needed the 450 ventilators they were given.....Why would you trust a Governor over the task force experts?

Well, Ch, according to post 5:57PM above, at that time (April 5) the situation seemed so threatening that even Pence was saying that the governor of Illinois would need 1,400 ventilators, more than he ultimately did need, so I guess the task force as well as Pritzker were thinking, based on their understanding of the "science" of it, that more were needed than ultimately were, due in part to the fact that Illinois ordered one of the very first and strictest state shut downs, which successfully decreased the need.

See how simply I can answer you?

Now, please try to answer as simply my question in the following post.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Business Leaders Tell Trump to Increase Testing
April 15, 2020 at 2:31 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard

“In the first meeting of President Trump’s task force to reopen the economy, banking and financial services executives said the administration needed to dramatically increase the availability of coronavirus testing before the public would be confident enough to return to work, eat at restaurants or shop in retail establishments,” the Wall Street Journal reports.

Trump’s Attempt to Enlist Business Off to Rocky Start
April 15, 2020 at 9:13 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard

“President Trump’s attempt to enlist corporate executives in a push to reopen parts of society amid the coronavirus pandemic got off to a rocky start Wednesday, with some business leaders complaining the effort was haphazard and warning that more testing needs to be in place before restrictions are lifted,” the Washington Post reports.

My, my.
Pushback from epidemiologists with their science and health interests,
and now pushback from executives with their business and economics interests,
both saying there are not enough of the promised testing capabilities in place,
along with pushback from governors complaining that not enough of the testing capabilities promises have been fulfilled.

Ch, isn't Governor Pritzker saying in the 6:40PM post
above the same thing Trump's task force business advisers
are saying in the above post, namely that there are simply NOT ENOUGH TESTING CAPABILITIES IN PLACE, despite what Trump claims?

And could you for once give a simple, short answer that doesn't dance all around the question?


The Associated Press

EXCLUSIVE: Top Chinese health officials ordered secret preparations for a pandemic nationwide. Documents show they didn't warn the public for six days.

And while they locked down domestic flights they allowed international flights from Wuhan to continue.

Criminal and indefensible.

Unless you are a TDS democrat.


Ann Thompson

@NYGovCuomo says he will issue an executive order requiring all New Yorkers in public must wear mask or mouth/nose covering in situations where they can’t maintain social distancing. This is will go into effect in 3 days. #coronavirus

John Hayward

That's so weird because the sainted World Health Organization - which we are required to fund in perpetuity, no questions asked, even as Beijing chooses its leaders - keeps saying masks are useless and only health care professionals should wear them

anonymous said...

Unless you are a TDS democrat.

The biggest loser since the great depression opines his own brand of stupidity!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

anonymous said...

Anonymous Myballs said...
Stocks already anticipating Trump's economic restart.

Another dumb fuck arrives to show he knows SHIT!!!! Market only off by 190 right now!!!!! Appears the futures the trump sucker alluded to was premature.....LOOLOLOL

anonymous said...

a stolen kristof op/ed.

An opinion duly cited you dumb fucking asshole.....maybe you can PJ media us your opinion.....BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Anonymous said...

keeps saying masks are useless and only health care professionals should wear them

au contraire.

maks are extremely useful... tyrannical dictators who seek to control the populace via fear, uncertainty and doubt.


to tyrannical dictators who seek to control the populace via fear, uncertainty and doubt.

That was the purpose of the "models"

C.H. Truth said...

See how simply I can answer you?

You didn't answer anything.

You supplied a statement by Pence as if that validates your assertion that Illinois needed 4000 ventilators and that the President personally failed the state.

But it doesn't change anything.

Illinois got more ventilators than they needed.

So I will ask you again.

Why do you still continue to push this issue as if it was a failure on the part of the Federal Government?

Why is it so hard for you to accept that Illinois never needed 4000 ventilators and that they got more than they needed?

And no Reverend...

Going back and trying to argue that you are right about this just shows cognitive dissonance and an inability to rationally look at the facts.

anonymous said...

Illinois got more ventilators than they needed.

Is that a problem for you simplistic mind?????

BWAAAAAAAAAQ!!!! I guess you and trump agree on something......!!!!! God you have become a trump dunce Lil Schitty whose opinion to date in his humble mind has been perfect....Unlike James......BWAQAAAAAAAA!!!!

Anonymous said...

🤣Roger AmickApril 16, 2020 at 8:12 AM

Roughly 22 million have sought jobless benefits in the past month — easily the worst stretch of U.S. job losses on record.


anonymous said...


Trump owns it but you are happy because you got a hand out for nothing thanking trump for allowing me another month of not working!!!!! BWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

As I said, Ch, everybody -- Pence, Pritzker, the task force -- thought it was going to be worse in Illinois than it was.

But I see you refuse to answer my 9:05AM because everybody now agrees that MUCH more testing is needed, and Trump's promises about providing it have not been adequately kept.

His own business task force makes that clear.
Governors across the nation make that clear.
Governor Pritzker is entirely correct in this:

Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker said Tuesday that he has "given up" on receiving federal assistance to help combat the novel coronavirus pandemic, saying instead that his state is "doing what we need to do despite" President Donald Trump.

"We have gotten very little help from the federal government. It's fine. I've given up on any promises that have been made," Pritzker, a Democrat, told CNN's Erin Burnett on "OutFront." "I hope something will get delivered from the federal government, but I don't expect it anymore."

His comments follow the President's statement earlier Tuesday at a White House news conference that governors "are supposed to do testing" for Covid-19, despite many state leaders saying they need federal assistance to do so. The lack of testing has been a point of contention between governors and the federal government, as the number of coronavirus cases increases.

The Trump administration has faced widespread criticism for the lack of a nationwide testing system to identify those infected with the coronavirus and track the spread of the outbreak. While testing has ramped up in recent weeks, the lack of an aggressive regimen early in the outbreak led to accusations that the government missed a chance to reduce the speed and scale of the pandemic in the United States.

For Illinois, Pritzker said Tuesday, "the President at this point is near irrelevant when it comes to this question of testing."


The White House

Congress must IMMEDIATELY increase funding for the Paycheck Protection Program.

A simple 1 page bill will get the job done—no liberal pet projects.

Hardworking Americans deserve their money NOW & the Trump Administration is doing its part to get it to them.

Why isn’t Congress?


Trump War Room - Text TRUMP to 88022

Democrats were warned a week ago that the Paycheck Protection Program was running out of money.

They blocked Republicans from increasing its funding.

Now the money has run out. American will lose their paychecks.

Democrats don't care – they think this helps them politically.


Steve Guest

Nancy Pelosi has to explain to America why she chose to show off her luxury refrigerators and $13-dollar a pint ice cream collection from her chateau in San Francisco instead of funding the #PaycheckProtectionProgram which has saved millions of jobs all across the country.

dems actively rooting against America (and for China)


The White House

On February 24, the Trump Administration requested $2.5 billion for Coronavirus response.

Nancy Pelosi was still inviting her constituents to gather downtown.

and stocking her $20,000 fridge

C.H. Truth said...

As I said, Ch, everybody -- Pence, Pritzker, the task force -- thought it was going to be worse in Illinois than it was.

Well Reverend...

Still arguing that you are correct.

It's like reasoning with a brick wall.

But I see you refuse to answer my 9:05AM because everybody now agrees that MUCH more testing is needed, and Trump's promises about providing it have not been adequately kept.

How about you provide me with some real tangible quotes from Donald Trump where he says that he wants to open the economy before there is adequate testing.

You seem to imply that over and over and over and over...

You seem to believe that he disagrees with everyone on this...

But yet, do you have him saying something to the effect that Fauci or Birx are incorrect that we need more testing?

Guess what Reverend...

Here in Minnesota we will be conducting as much as 20,000 tests a day thanks to the University of Minnesota and the Mayo Clinic (and no thanks to our State Government who doesn't have the resources to do it).

I know you believe in the ultimate nanny state... but it doesn't exist. It shouldn't exist... and you will not see it until you move somewhere else. You know like Italy or Spain or somewhere that will suit you.

Because when this is all said and done, it's private industry that it has been fueling this and will continue to fuel this as we move forward. Because private industry is the foundation of this country.

Anonymous said...

Roger had to run away.

🤣Roger AmickApril 16, 2020 at 8:12 AM

Roughly 22 million have sought jobless benefits in the past month — easily the worst stretch of U.S. job losses on record.


Denise a fat old broad posted some gibberish.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The eye-popping job losses in the past month have erased virtually all of the 22.8 million jobs gained from February 2010 to February 2020 during the rebound from the Great Recession.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Re: 12:48PM, 9:05AM, and 10:46AM above:


Graham Says More Testing Needed Before Restart

April 16, 2020 at 2:53 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) told The View that Americans “really can’t” return to work “until we have more tests.”

Said Graham:
“I can’t really blame the president, but we are struggling with testing at a large scale. You really can’t go back to work until we have more tests.”


Let me spell this out for you, Ch.

Why does Graham say, I really can't blame the president"?

Why does he say that? Blame him for what?

For wanting to start earlier, before there are adequate testing capabilities in place.

But, Graham says, "You really can't go back to work until we have more tests."

Got that? Was that simple enough for you?

And THERE'S the answer to your 12:48,
which by the way,
still fails to answer my 9:05AM and 10:46AM above.

But that's okay. No need to try.

You've proven that you can only blather, deflect, and obfuscate.

C.H. Truth said...

Why does Graham say, I really can't blame the president"?

Why does he say that? Blame him for what?

For wanting to start earlier, before there are adequate testing capabilities in place.

But, Graham says, "You really can't go back to work until we have more tests."

One question for you, Reverend...

When did Graham become President?

anonymous said...

And the goat fucker keeps sucking on the hind tit of life!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Fewer test conducted this week than last......and trump declared the worst is over and wants to open everything....Gee....that sure gives me confidence in his ability to kill people!!!!

anonymous said...

A little background information for the big mouthed asshole of georgie who blasted the captain of the Big Stick and how he could have possibly visit Viet Nam to get infected....Not that I expect the big mouth to acknowledge what a fuck up he is, just that I keep showing him to be a blovating pile of steaming stupidity....!!!

The Theodore Roosevelt’s stop in Vietnam in early March marked the 25th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the country and the United States. It was also meant to serve as a symbolic show of U.S. strength and influence in the region, in the face of a rising China. Planning had been in the works for months.

But senior military officials had not anticipated that a virus would be spreading around the world. They monitored the threat but concluded that it was minimal. Vietnam had fewer than two dozen confirmed cases of the virus by the time the ship was approaching the waters outside Da Nang.
Adm. Philip S. Davidson, the U.S. military’s top officer in the Pacific, ordered the ship to continue as planned. Gilday described it as a “risk-informed decision.”