Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Highest single day death toll to date?

We'll have to wait to see how the CDC numbers came out but the Wordometer number showed just over 2400 reported deaths yesterday (a number that was nearly 400 higher than any other number to date). This, of course, makes no real statistical sense, but does make some sense based on the larger than expected drop of reported cases coming from other the Easter weekend.

I strongly figure that Easter Sunday and other weekend issues simply delayed some of the deaths from being reported till yesterday. I suspect that we really didn't drop from 1800-2000 down to 1500 for two days and then back up to 2400. That really doesn't make a lot of sense.

But if you add up the three days and average them out, we get a number right around 1825. This is consistent with the suggestion I made last week that I felt like this whole deal would continue to float around between 1800-2000 for a while before making it's way back down.

On the flip side the CDC literally only reported approximately 300 new deaths for Monday (although they only really keep a running total). This also appears to be more of an adjustment to some reporting more than any real possibility that we only had 300 deaths after averaging over 1900 for several days. They had something similar last week where they added over 3000 in one day, only to add considerably less the next day. We will have to see how their numbers look today.


anonymous said...

Didn't trump promise April would be the end rather than the greatest fatality day so far????? And Lil Schitty takes another load in his ass!!! How can this be?????

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I distance myself from that kind of comment. I'm sick and tired of sexual innuendo comments.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

anonymous said...

BTW James, I am sick and tired of the stupidity exhibited by the right to innuendo....that was not a is fact on how far Lil Scitty's mind has been taken over....I find that no matter what logic or facts are presented.....his fealty to trump will never least I get him to read my tripe in a language he understands!!!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Commentary on this blog would be far more effective if everyone stayed out of the gutter. Ch's thread article was not in the gutter. It can be disagreed with without that kind of innuendo.

anonymous said...

uld be far more effective if everyone stayed out of the gutter.

A noble wish on your part.....suggest you preach to your own choir as the participants here, including me have the same amount of class as trump and his pussy grabbing comments!!!!!! Sorry James, I respond in kind the the likes of Paula, cramps and rat hole,,,,,,and i really doubt they give a shit about your virgin ears!!!!!!! Sorry James......I cannot be circumspect with the amount of death and suffering going on.....especially Lil Schitty and his BS harangue on you wishing for people to die~~~~~~!!!!!!!

Caliphate4vr said...

1 – 6 of 6
Blogger anonymous said...
Didn't trump promise April would be the end rather than the greatest fatality day so far????? And Lil Schitty takes another load in his ass!!! How can this be?????

Fatty that’s the first post on this thread, that is not responding in kind

You are a liar and morbidly obese


Anonymous said...

Commentary on this blog would be far more effective if everyone stayed out of the gutter.

you're being forced here at gunpoint, pederast?

if you don't like it, leave.

for chrissakes, you're the same kind of nitwit who required a "fox blocker" on their TV back in the day because parental controls was a bridge too far.

anonymous said...

Fatty that’s the first post on this thread, that is not responding in kind

BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!1 Alcohol this early in the day is a sign of big trouble, loser!!!!!!!!! God you really are a dumb that is responding in kind loser!!!!!!

cowardly king obama said...

Paul Sperry

MarketWatch portraying Wall St dancing on graves of laid-off workers is totally misleading agitprop. Based on CNBC screenshot of "DOW best week since 1938" juxtaposed w ticker: "America has lost more than 16 million jobs in 3 weeks." Reality check: Stock market looks 6 months out

Of course if you properly adjust the Obama numbers by the established fact of the stock market being a leading indicator it destroys the entire Obama narrative of him being good for the stock market.

Of course that is economic science.

cowardly king obama said...

Paul Sperry

DISINGENUOUS DRUDGE: Headline "NO PEAK YET: U.S. deaths set single-day record" is sensationalistic & misleading. Deaths are a LAGGING indicator, by weeks. Daily new US cases of COVID-19 peaked April 4. New cases have been rolling over ever since. Deaths will follow the downtrend

cowardly king obama said...

Citizen Free Press has more, including details on Daniel Halper, who Drudge hired for the site and who was previously involved with… The Weekly Standard.
If #NeverTrump is now in control of the Drudge Report, that would go a long way towards explaining the left-leaning editorial slant in recent months. I wonder if they planned to keep the sale secret in the hopes of using Drudge Report to influence the 2020 election and turn Republicans against Trump.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump's announced decision to defund WHO is just another attempt to deflect blame for his poor response to the Covid-19 crisis away from himself to others.

Trump’s Self-Quarantine
April 15, 2020 at 8:55 am EDT By Taegan Goddard

“One of the defining characteristics of the political persona that Donald Trump created was that he had a knack for relationships — building them and maintaining them. When relationships weren’t going his way, he had the unique gumption to step up to institutions or people, forcing them to cower to him and bend to his will.

“But whether it’s with reporters, international institutions, multilateral alliances or governors, we now see that Trump can hardly seem to keep any relationship intact. His personal and professional alliances are in tatters. He tears down much more frequently than builds up…

“The WHO is only the most recent example of Trump’s self-isolation. The president’s allies in the media are limited to OANN and a dwindling number of Fox News personalities. Even his natural allies — like the Wall Street Journal editorial page — are drawing his fire of late.”

“And on and on. Trump has torn up the Paris climate accord and the Iran nuclear deal without replacing them. The Trans-Pacific Partnership is no longer. He lashes out at governors when they speak their mind, and tacitly threatens their federal funding if they don’t play by his rules. He has no relationship with Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who holds the purse strings for the federal government he runs.

CDC Director Calls WHO a ‘Great Partner’
April 15, 2020 at 10:23 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 8 Comments

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) director Robert Redfield told CBS News that his agency will continue to work with the World Health Organization to combat the global spread of the coronavirus — even after President Trump announced he was halting U.S. funding for the organization amid the pandemic.

Said Redfield: “You know, I’m just going to say the WHO has been a longstanding partner for CDC. We’ve worked together to fight health crises all around the world. We continue to do that.”

He added: “WHO has been a long-term and still is a great partner for us. We’re going to continue to do all we can together to try to limit this.”

Gates Says Halt In Funding to WHO Is ‘Dangerous’
April 15, 2020 at 10:27 am EDT By Taegan Goddard

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates criticized President Trump’s decision to suspend funding to the World Health Organization as “dangerous.”

Said Gates: “Halting funding for the World Health Organization during a world health crisis is as dangerous as it sounds. Their work is slowing the spread of COVID-19 and if that work is stopped no other organization can replace them. The world needs WHO now more than ever.”


Ryan Fournier

The same people who say President Trump doesn’t know anything about medicine...

Think Greta Thunberg is a climate expert.

Let that sink in.


Timeline Proves WHO Helped China Make COVID-19 Pandemic Worse

Taiwan—which China has blocked from cooperating with the WHO—flagged the reality of human-to-human transmission occurring, meaning the virus had the potential to infect huge numbers of people. China had already reached the same conclusion, yet destroyed the evidence instead of reporting it.

The WHO completely ignored the Taiwanese warning, choosing to trust Beijing instead. On Jan. 14, the agency repeated the Chinese assertion that there was no “clear evidence of human-to-human transmission.” It maintained this position until after Jan. 20, when Chinese authorities finally acknowledged that the coronavirus was spreading between humans. Had the WHO acted earlier, the coronavirus could potentially have been contained in China.
This clear mistake failed to shake the WHO from uncritically accepting China’s positions. Through at least late January, the agency urged other nations to maintain full trade and travel relations with China, heeding Beijing’s desire not to isolate the country.

The WHO also downplayed the seriousness of the crisis. On Jan. 23, the agency’s director-general stated the coronavirus was “not yet a global health emergency.” When the agency finally issued such a declaration on Jan. 30, it was after an official WHO visit to Beijing, which led the director-general to laud “China’s commitment to transparency and to protecting the world’s people.”

He also said the WHO “continues to have confidence in China’s capacity to control the outbreak,” and that China has “set a new standard.” Such flattery ignored the facts and lulled the world into a false sense of security.

But the WHO didn’t simply accept China’s claims as gospel truth. Starting in February, the agency went a step further, defending China from deserved criticism.

As Western officials and media outlets began pointing to China’s domestic crackdown on information and deceptive health claims, the director-general remarked on Feb. 8 that the WHO wasn’t “just battling the virus; we’re also battling the trolls and conspiracy theorists that push misinformation and undermine the outbreak response.” A steady stream of similar comments has continued.

Yet the agency has yet to say a word about China’s misinformation. By blindly believing Beijing’s claims, the WHO wasted precious days, in which a pandemic went from possible to inevitable. Even its declaration of a pandemic on March 11 came far too late, when the virus had already spread to 114 countries.

A month later, the WHO still shows no signs of admitting its errors, much less questioning China. There is no word about the mounting evidence that Beijing continues to falsify its illness and death counts, no suspicion at China’s unlikely claims of no new coronavirus cases for days in a row, no criticism of the recent revelations that Chinese officials and state-owned companies plundered global medical supplies in January, even as Beijing covered up the situation at home. The WHO’s silence is perhaps more telling than its continued applause of China’s oppressive actions and supposed success.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump alienates more and more people. Governors, many on Fox News, many at National Review, Drudge, many at The Wall Street Journal, many of America's leading conservative journalists, supporters of WHO.


Gerry Shih

Bombshell from @AP: internal Chinese documents show central govt held teleconference on Jan 14 with instructions from Xi on epidemic & acknowledged likely H2H transmission.

China CDC and WHO publicly said that day "no clear evidence" of transmission.

Time to hold the WHO and it's enablers accountable.

Good job President Trump

Caliphate4vr said...

Tell Bill and Melinda to cover the WHO funding

They lied and covered for China, to hell with them

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Compare the WHO timeline with the timeline of Donald Trump.
Both started out wrong.
Which of the two continued to be wrong the longest?


James said...
Compare the WHO timeline with the timeline of Donald Trump.
Both started out wrong.
Which of the two continued to be wrong the longest?

Trump is no scientist and he relied on the WHO. He formed a scientific task force to advise him on the science after the WHO failed.

He is right.

The WHO was wrong.

Caliphate4vr said...

Put an MD in charge of the WHO not a social justice PhD


Why is the WHO still supporting China who has obviously lied, disappeared scientists and doctors, not let experts in to investigate situation and destroyed data?

And therefore why are democrats supporting China and the WHO ?

anonymous said...

The WHO was wrong.

BWAAAAAAA!!!!!! Sure you fucking idiot.....Taking another trump cum shot in the mouth!!!!!!! asshole

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump was right about having the virus under control because it was just one person coming from China and everything would be "fine" because it would soon disappear in the Spring like magic and be down close to zero within a very few days of--what was the date he said that?

We see.

anonymous said...

They lied and covered for China, to hell with them

Sure hope you have enough $ to cover your 2 house payments.....!!!!


anonymous said...

The WHO was wrong.

BWAAAAAAA!!!!!! Sure you fucking idiot.....Taking another trump cum shot in the mouth!!!!!!! asshole

What a great responder you are lo iq !!!

Who said you couldn't become somebody ?

Damn impressive you are.

ROFLMFAO at lo iq !!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

On Feb 26 Trump said,
"Because of all we've done, the risk to the American people remains very low. When you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero. That's a pretty good job we've done."

A month later, there were at least 68,534 cases.

Let's see. Who was wrong the longest?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

One thing Trump hates about the WHO is the fact that they declared the crises an epidemic before he did, although later he claimed he had known it was an epidemic all along.

So he was lying on Feb 26?
Or lying when he said he had known it all along?

anonymous said...

ROFLMFAO at lo iq !!!

BWAAAAAAA!!!! You inability to think is reflected in your weak response to everything.....most amusing you are stuck in your own low brow intellectual desert of despair.....>!!!!!!!!!! Sad but indicative of severe brain damage by sucking trumps ass too long!!!!!

C.H. Truth said...

Trump was right about having the virus under control because it was just one person coming from China and everything would be "fine"

When the World Health Organization was parroting the idea that the virus was not human to human contagious... because that is what China claimed.

That would have been a fairly reasonable prediction.



Back in January, President Trump put together a Coronavirus task force—

CNN headline: “Coronavirus task force another example of Trump admin’s lack of diversity.”

The first thing CNN noticed was race & skin color...not the fact Trump chose a qualified team to solve the problem

If you want to count "lies" I can list hundreds of them from democrats and the media about the coronavirus. Trump's little video montage sure exploded the media's head when he did a sampling.



OK, I answered your "question" james, still waiting on your response after you posted a string of political_lire posts supporting the WHO.

Why is the WHO still supporting China who has obviously lied, disappeared scientists and doctors, not let experts in to investigate situation and destroyed data?

And therefore why are democrats supporting China and the WHO ?

C.H. Truth said...

One thing Trump hates about the WHO is the fact that they declared the crises an epidemic before he did, although later he claimed he had known it was an epidemic all along.

- The US announced a Coronavirus Task force on January 29th
- The WHO declared it an international public health emergency on January 30th.
- The U.S. declared it a US health emergency on Jan 31 and imposed the travel ban.

Yeah Reverend... quite certain Trump feels really upset about running 24 hours behind.

If only he had declared it a national health emergency on Jan 29th, millions of lives would have been saved, huh?


Maybe it's because of Biden's close ties to China ?

Maybe it's because of the dems love of globalization ?

Maybe it's because orange man bad, though skin color is a racist comment ?

All of the above ?

something more ?


CHT said:
- The US announced a Coronavirus Task force on January 29th
- The WHO declared it an international public health emergency on January 30th.
- The U.S. declared it a US health emergency on Jan 31 and imposed the travel ban.

you left out
-WHO says US China travel ban unnecessary and will do more harm than good on Feb 3

they also said facemasks unnecessary and no person-to-person transmission although they already knew better. And we paid for this "advice"

Both in dollars and many, many lives, here and abroad.

Caliphate4vr said...

Oh look fatty lies again, the post wasn’t directed toward him, so how could he be “responding in kind”?

Blogger anonymous said...

The WHO was wrong.

BWAAAAAAA!!!!!! Sure you fucking idiot.....Taking another trump cum shot in the mouth!!!!!!! asshole

April 15, 2020 at 10:10 AM


Oh and all the while China was stockpiling masks and medical supplies, shortchanging world supply. But Trump should have realized they were lying.

And being supported by the WHO.

He should have acted earlier against their recommendations. Right ?

Anonymous said...

"The head of WHO is a communist — a member of a violent 'liberation' party in Ethiopia. As minister of foreign affairs, he covered up cholera outbreaks. The CCP poured millions into his campaign for director general, which is why WHO repeats Chinese talking points. WHO = no good."

—Allie Beth Stuckey

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump continually downplayed the seriousness of the virus, comparing it to flu for which you might stay home a few days or even go to work, and then later turned around and said he knew it was an pandemic all along.

Trump twitter March 9,
"The Fake News Media and their partner, the Democrat Party, is doing everything within its semi-considerable power (it used to be greater!) to inflame the CoronaVirus situation, far beyond what the facts would warrant. Surgeon General, “The risk is low to the average American.”

Trump March 15 at the task force briefing,
"I've always known this is -- this is a real -- this is a pandemic. I felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic... I've always viewed it as very serious."

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

error That was March 17th.

Anonymous said...

The most notorious example came in the form of a single tweet from the WHO account on January 14: “Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus.” That same day, the Wuhan Health Commission’s public bulletin declared, “We have not found proof for human-to-human transmission.” But by that point even the Chinese government was offering caveats not included in the WHO tweet. “The possibility of limited human-to-human transmission cannot be excluded,” the bulletin said, “but the risk of sustained transmission is low.”

This, we now know, was catastrophically untrue, and in the months since, the global pandemic has put much of the world under an unprecedented lockdown and killed more than 100,000 people.


The WHO, meanwhile, was getting its information from the same Chinese authorities who were misinforming their own public, and then offering it to the world with its own imprimatur. On January 20, a Chinese official confirmed publicly for the first time that the virus could indeed spread among humans, and within days locked down Wuhan. But by then it was too late.

It took another week for the WHO to declare the spread of the virus a global health emergency—during which time Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the WHO’s director-general, visited China and praised the country’s leadership for “setting a new standard for outbreak response.” Another month and a half went by before the WHO called COVID-19 a pandemic, at which point the virus had killed more than 4,000 people, and had infected 118,000 people across nearly every continent.

Anonymous said...

Surgeon General, “The risk is low to the average American.”

precisely, since the average American is NOT over 70, morbidly obese, with an assload of other health issues.

your own bullshit rhetoric is failing you, pederast.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Illinois governor says he's 'given up' on coronavirus help from the Trump administration
CNN Wed April 15, 2020
Governor: I've given up on any promises the federal government has made

(CNN)Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker said Tuesday that he has "given up" on receiving federal assistance to help combat the novel coronavirus pandemic, saying instead that his state is "doing what we need to do despite" President Donald Trump.

"We have gotten very little help from the federal government. It's fine. I've given up on any promises that have been made," Pritzker, a Democrat, told CNN's Erin Burnett on "OutFront." "I hope something will get delivered from the federal government, but I don't expect it anymore."

His comments follow the President's statement earlier Tuesday at a White House news conference that governors "are supposed to do testing" for Covid-19, despite many state leaders saying they need federal assistance to do so. The lack of testing has been a point of contention between governors and the federal government, as the number of coronavirus cases increases.

The Trump administration has faced widespread criticism for the lack of a nationwide testing system to identify those infected with the coronavirus and track the spread of the outbreak. While testing has ramped up in recent weeks, the lack of an aggressive regimen early in the outbreak led to accusations that the government missed a chance to reduce the speed and scale of the pandemic in the United States.

For Illinois, Pritzker said Tuesday, "the President at this point is near irrelevant when it comes to this question of testing."

Pritzker, an outspoken state leader during the pandemic, has expressed frustration before over how Trump has handled the federal response to the outbreak. He previously said he had told the Trump administration his state needed 4,000 ventilators, and he told CNN's Jake Tapper that the President's inaction on states' requests had created a "a Wild West" environment for procuring much-needed medical supplies.

The US now leads the world in the number of reported coronavirus cases, as more than 97% of the US population is under stay-at-home or shelter-in-place orders. Many state and local officials have warned that far more diagnostic and antibody testing -- on the order of millions per day -- is needed so that states can safely relax those distancing precautions and isolate those who are infected.

Acknowledging the desire to "move past" the virus, Pritzker cautioned that "the preconditions just aren't there yet" to relax the social-distancing measures aimed at mitigating the pandemic.

"I know we all want this to end soon. We really do. But I'm not going to risk having another spike come and having more people hospitalized, having our hospital and health systems overwhelmed and more people dying," he said.
"So we're going to do this very gradually. Very carefully. I want people to get back to work just as much as the President does. But we've got to be not expeditious about it, but very careful and rely most importantly on the science."

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

see the video

Anonymous said...

interesting. newsom and cuomo have had nothing but praise for the assistance delivered by the trump administration. there was a method to follow to receive aid and if you followed it you received what was requested.

pritzker's bitching leaves him looking like a fucking moron.

like you, pederast.


Guess you can't answer for what your political_lire posts "pastor". Doesn't surprise me.

OK, I answered your "question" james, still waiting on your response after you posted a string of political_lire posts supporting the WHO.

Why is the WHO still supporting China who has obviously lied, disappeared scientists and doctors, not let experts in to investigate situation and destroyed data?

And therefore why are democrats supporting China and the WHO ?

guess it's indefensible.

Commonsense said...

So Newson and Cuomo can work with Trump but not Pritzker?

Maybe Illinois should give up on Pritzker.

Anonymous said...

"So we're going to do this very gradually. Very carefully. I want people to get back to work just as much as the President does. But we've got to be not expeditious about it, but very careful and rely most importantly on the science."


like 57 genders instead of only 2.

like the WHO saying the virus was not spread by human to human contact to protect china.

THAT science.


rrb said...

Surgeon General, “The risk is low to the average American.”

precisely, since the average American is NOT over 70, morbidly obese, with an assload of other health issues.

your own bullshit rhetoric is failing you, pederast.

The "pastor" has no idea what he is posting about. But lo iq loves him. Basically a lovers quarrel to start this thread. Maybe they are "butt-buddies"

Myballs said...

I got my Trump money today. Anyone else?


Kayleigh McEnany

While CNN accuses the coronavirus briefings of being “propaganda,” they are now actively defending China’s coronavirus response and reprinting literal Chinese propaganda.


enemy of the people - wrong side of this war

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Myballs said...

I got my Trump money today. Anyone else?


yesterday. direct deposit.

dropped it into my money market. probably spend it on my boat and new fishing tackle.

i love it when my government bribes me with my own money.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


A Leaked Plan to Reopen Warns of Resurgence of Virus
April 15, 2020 at 10:35 am EDT By Taegan Goddard

A draft national strategy to reopen the country in phases, obtained by the Washington Post, emphasizes that even a cautious and phased approach “will entail a significant risk of resurgence of the virus.”

The internal document warns of a “large rebound curve” of novel coronavirus cases if mitigation efforts are relaxed too quickly before vaccines are developed and distributed or broad community immunity is achieved.

That is the immensely difficult problem we now face:

How to save the economy without endangering lives.
How to save lives without destroying the economy.

We need a President who has the discernment, the credibility, and the skills to get people working together on this.

Anonymous said...

here's the link to the pederast's fake story from the WaPo:

chock full of anonymous sources.

i suppose that the msm will keep pulling this shit for as long as the useful idiot's like the pederast keep parroting it.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

President Trump’s approval rating dropped to a six-month low of 43 percent in the daily tracking poll conducted by the Republican-friendly Rasmussen Reports.

Caliphate4vr said...

The United States has approximately a thousand newly unemployed people for every fatality from the coronavirus. The average age of the deceased is in the upper 70s. All lives are of equal moral value, but the demise at a fairly full age of a retired person is not economically or strategically equivalent to the ruination of the careers and lives of a thousand people in their prime, and everyone knows it. This is the case the president is going to have to make.

The waters are muddied because there will never be the time necessary to develop testing to a point of precision about how many people died from the coronavirus as opposed to dying with it, and with clarity about the principal cause of death. Nor will it be possible to discover on any practical basis how many people have had the coronavirus but survived it without it being identified as having afflicted them.

Anonymous said...

2,100 cities" Ugly Broad Denise

How many are Sanctuary cities?


rrb said:
i suppose that the msm will keep pulling this shit for as long as the useful idiot's like the pederast keep parroting it.

yep, and the waterboy can't defend what he constantly spams over here, mostly from political_lire.

But being a waterboy is his fulltime hobby.

And condescendingly preaching his ignorance.

Anonymous said...

here's the link to your stolen content alky:

old habits die hard, eh?

how's the stroke rehab coming along? you ambulatory yet? good thing you held onto that old walker, eh?

Anonymous said...

Trump's announced decision to defund WHO "

Gutter Dweller Jane

Anonymous said...

Dumbfuck Chuck and Pelosi again block funding for Small mom and pop businesses.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Oh, THANK you, Rat.
We will all now be able to read that article for ourselves and see how "fake" it is. I have boldfaced a few portions to illustrate that:

CDC, FEMA have created a plan to reopen America. Here’s what it says.

Document is part of White House plan being drafted to allow Trump to reopen parts of the country within weeks

April 14, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. CDT

A team of government officials — led by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — has created a public health strategy to combat the novel coronavirus and reopen parts of the country.

Their strategy, obtained by The Washington Post, is part of a larger White House effort to draft a national plan to get Americans out of their homes and back to work. It gives guidance to state and local governments on how they can ease mitigation efforts, moving from drastic restrictions such as stay-at-home orders in a phased way to support a safe reopening.

CDC and FEMA officials have worked on the public health response for at least the past week, and the resulting document has been discussed at the White House, including by members of the coronavirus task force, according to two administration officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberations.

President Trump wants a final plan on reopening the country ready within days so he can issue suggestions for some states to reopen May 1, officials said.

Other agencies and White House officials have drafted similar planning documents, a White House aide said. The version obtained by The Post appears to be an early draft by FEMA and contains granular instructions for a phased reopening of institutions such as schools, child-care facilities, summer camps, parks, faith-based organizations and restaurants.

Within the White House, one senior administration official said, Trump has been so insistent on the reopening that some officials worry only a narrow window exists to provide information to change his mind or to ensure that the effort to reopen does not significantly add to the country’s rising number of infections and deaths. The president has not committed to following the guidelines delineated in the draft.

“Beneath the bluster of the president saying May 1, and he’s in charge, and all the other things, there are real efforts to figure out how we could safely and actually do this,” that official said.

A federal official who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss evolving plans said the overall planning document has eight parts; the public health response obtained by The Post represents only two of those.

The public health response portion of “A Framework for Re-Opening America” is dated April 10. It runs 36 pages. An 11-page executive summary called “Focus on the Future — Going to Work for America” was the subject of discussions last week by FEMA and CDC officials, among others.

“It’s a road map for if they want to do it gradually,” said one participant in the planning who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the plan has not been made official.

The plan lays out three phases: Preparing the nation to reopen with a national communication campaign and community readiness assessment until May 1. Then, the effort through May 15 would involve ramping up manufacturing of testing kits and personal protective equipment and increasing emergency funding. Then staged reopenings would begin, depending on local conditions. The plan does not give dates for reopenings but specified “not before May 1.”
--the article continues, in just as informative, straight forward, and interesting way as that

Doesn't seem all that "fake" at all.

Anonymous said...

Dumbfuck Chuck and Pelosi again block funding for Small mom and pop businesses. 

Anonymous said...

Nancy Pelosi vows to challenge 'dangerous, illegal' cuts to WHO funding

By Gabriella Muñoz - The Washington Times - Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

If Rat's Washington Post link does not let you in, you might get in using this one.


Sean Davis

Timeline Proves WHO Helped China Make COVID-19 Pandemic Worse

John Hayward

This is my theory of the pandemic: WHO wasn't just dangerously incompetent or unreasonably obsequious to the Chinese Communist Party. They actively helped the CCP spread the virus so China wouldn't be the lone "sick man of Asia."

Hard to believe such an organization could be so completely incompetent. And the democrats are now actively supporting WHO's defense of the Chinese Communist Party as is political_lire and the "pastor" with his spam.

Honk Kong and Taiwan be damned.

And hundreds of thousands of deaths and 100's of millions of lives negatively impacted worldwide.

Blood is on whose hands ?


Commonsense said...

Nancy Pelosi vows to challenge 'dangerous, illegal' cuts to WHO funding
By Gabriella Muñoz - The Washington Times - Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Anybody who sides with the WHO is not only a traitor to the US but is also a traitor to humanity.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Oh dear, I left out one of the best sections of the article:

President Trump wants a final plan on reopening the country ready within days so he can issue suggestions for some states to reopen May 1, officials said.

“The plans to reopen the country are close to being finalized,” Trump said at a White House briefing Tuesday.

He said he planned to speak with all 50 governors “very shortly” and would then begin authorizing individual governors to implement “a very powerful reopening plan” at a specific time and date for each state.

He said roughly 20 states have avoided the crippling outbreaks that have affected others, and he hinted that some could begin restarting their economies even before May 1.

“We think we’re going to be able to get them open very quickly,” Trump said.

He added: “We will hold the governors accountable. But again, we’re going to be working with them to make sure it works very well.”

With so much sweetness and light, how could there be anything "fake" about the article?

BTW, the article as provided by Rat even offers you a link where you can read the document plan itself.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump Decision Called ‘Crime Against Humanity’
April 15, 2020 at 1:04 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard

President Trump’s decision to freeze U.S. funding to the World Health Organization was condemned as a “crime against humanity” by Richard Horton, the editor in chief of The Lancet medical journal, The Guardian reports.

Wrote Horton: “Every scientist, every health worker, every citizen must resist and rebel against this appalling betrayal of global solidarity.”

Anonymous said...

Nancy Pelosi made it clear.
She is against US Tax Payer.
$400,000,000.00 US Funding being halted.

"This decision is dangerous, illegal and will be swiftly challenged,” Stupid Slut


oh dear, more comments while the lying POS "pastor" keeps trying to deflect.

Worst waterboy ever. Doesn't know what he carries.



Why did the media suddenly stop talking about ventilators?

Because Trump delivered.


I'm sure Nancy Pelosi understands your pain as she enjoys her paid vacation in her mansion paid for with a $100 million fortune she earned via three decades in "public service."

Trust her--extending the shutdown as long as possible has nothing to do with politics!


Barack Obama has 98% of the media in his pocket and still whines about it.

President Trump has 98% of the media against him and never stops fighting.

Best upgrade ever.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Fox News Viewers Believe Death Toll Is Inflated
April 15, 2020 at 1:11 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 134 Comments

A new Civiqs poll finds 45% of people who frequently watch Fox News believe that fewer Americans have been killed by the coronavirus than the official count indicates, 23% say the count is accurate, and only 12% say that more have died than officially reported.
That death toll stuff is really just a "hoax" of the Democrats, you see.



Guess you can't answer for what your political_lire posts "pastor". Doesn't surprise me.

OK, I answered your "question" james, still waiting on your response after you posted a string of political_lire posts supporting the WHO.

Why is the WHO still supporting China who has obviously lied, disappeared scientists and doctors, not let experts in to investigate situation and destroyed data?

And therefore why are democrats supporting China and the WHO ?

guess it's indefensible.

but waterboy has got to keep carrying water, mindlessly.



Better go wash your hands there "pastor"

And it's not because of the stop-the-spread guidelines.

Something else is on them

C.H. Truth said...

Pritzker, an outspoken state leader during the pandemic, has expressed frustration before over how Trump has handled the federal response to the outbreak. He previously said he had told the Trump administration his state needed 4,000 ventilators

They requested 4000 and received 450 to supplement the several hundred that they already had. They have required under 800 total...

So the fact that the idiot requested 10 times what they needed (and then complained when he didn't get them) is a testimonial to how this particular politician works.

I guess Trump and the task force had a better understanding of what Illinois needed than the Governor did.

So do you suppose that is because the Governor is "stupid" - I mean ten times over stupid? Or do you suppose he is grandstanding?

Anonymous said...

With so much sweetness and light, how could there be anything "fake" about the article?

it lacks a single named source. therefore it could easily be a complete fabrication that only an asshat or partisan clod would believe.

Anonymous said...

NY Govenor needlessly over demanded beds.
What a massive waste of money.

Caliphate4vr said...

China Impressed By Michigan Governor's Totalitarian Policies

BEIJING—In a candid speech Tuesday, President Xi Jinping stated he was "pretty impressed" by Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer's handling of the coronavirus outbreak, specifically praising her totalitarian policies.

China's dictator said he was actually a little jealous he hadn't thought of some of her ideas himself.

"She has some pretty great ideas -- stopping people from gathering together even with their families, ordering people not to buy seeds -- they can't even plant their own food now! We hadn't even thought of some of these innovative approaches," the Communist president said. "We're always looking for more ways to oppress people, and we were really inspired by Whitmer's approach."

"Not bad, Gretchen."

Other dictators across the world also chimed in with words of support and affirmation for Whitmer's policies, from North Korean ruler Kim Jong Un to Supreme Leader of Iran Ali Khamenei.

The Chinese government quickly offered Governor Whitmer a consulting position with the Communist Party of China, which she readily accepted.

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for Alky.
he is confined to his 500 square foot State Provided room in the lockdown old folks home.
His financial collapse gives him no other options.

Anonymous said...

Denise your beloved GE Stock was
today it is $6.44.

You are a real stock picking gal.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Re 1:22PM:
With so much sweetness and light, how could there be anything "fake" about the article?

it lacks a single named source. therefore it could easily be a complete fabrication that only an asshat or partisan clod would believe.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have created a document which anyone can read and which the White House and the coronavirus task force are discussing, and yet FEMA and CDC are not named sources?

Only in Rat's universe.

Anonymous said...

and yet FEMA and CDC are not named sources?

geezus pederast, you're as bad as the alky. you don't even read the shit you streal and paste -

A federal official who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss evolving plans said the overall planning document has eight parts; the public health response obtained by The Post represents only two of those.

so the WaPo was able to plagiarize and fabricate only a portion of the overall planning doc.

you're SUCH an asshole.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

So this is all just plagiarized and fabricated? We see.

'The public health response portion of “A Framework for Re-Opening America” is dated April 10. It runs 36 pages. An 11-page executive summary called “Focus on the Future — Going to Work for America” was the subject of discussions last week by FEMA and CDC officials, among others.'


Andrew Surabian

Well that didn't take long...CNN's Jim Acosta quite literally defending/running interference for the Chinese Communist Party. I'm sure Xi sincerely appreciates his tweets. You can't make this stuff up!

Steven Cheung

As someone of Chinese heritage, I am sickened to watch @CNN become the propaganda arm of the Chinese Communist Party.

A reminder:

Tiananmen Square

One-child policy = murdering of children

Shut down of Hong Kong protesters

Religious persecution

Lied about Coronavirus

Wonder who's on the right side here...the POS "pastor" can't seem to figure it out. Very tough for him, or actually it looks like for him it's real easy, on the side of China and the WHO.

anonymous said...

Anonymous JAMES'S FUCKING DADDY said...
Andrew Surabian

A bigger ass wipe than you fucking idiot....Keep swallowing trumps fat white obese and him are a perfect pair of assholes!!!!

anonymous said...

today it is $6.44.

And today HD bought 700 million of cheap tools from china....a country you and trump suck on....>BWAAAAAAAA!!!!!

anonymous said...

Which one of you trump assholes called this a fake story earlier....that provisions in the virus stimulus packager would benefit the trump criminal enterprise????? Who was it?????


lo iq anonymous said:
A bigger ass wipe than you fucking idiot....Keep swallowing trumps fat white obese and him are a perfect pair of assholes!!!!

look like the "pastor's" butt buddy still hasn't got over his little lovers spat with him from this morning.

Love hurts.


Caliphate4vr said...

And I note fatty’s response was “not in kind”

Damn he lied again

anonymous said...

Love hurts.


Especially with trumps dick stuck up your fucking idiot ass!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

anonymous said...

RINO Tim Ryan drills trump a new asshole to speak from......BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Yahoo Finance
Apr 15th 2020 2:37PM
Rep. Tim Ryan (D-OH) slammed President Trump for halting funding for the World Health Organization — calling the decision the “height of irresponsibility” in an interview with Yahoo Finance.

“This is one of the most irresponsible decisions in the history of the presidency — in the middle of a global pandemic to defund the World Health Organization,” Ryan said in an interview with Yahoo Finance.

On Tuesday, Trump announced he was cutting off U.S. funding for the WHO pending a review of the organization’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) called the move “dangerous and illegal” — while noting it would be “swiftly challenged.”

In a statement on Wednesday, the White House said the WHO’s response “has been filled with one misstep and cover-up after another” and the organization has “longstanding structural issues that must be addressed before the organization can be trusted again.”

‘Negligent to the nth degree’


lo iq said:

Love hurts.


Especially with trumps dick stuck up your fucking idiot ass!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

no lo iq, love hurts is just between butt buddies like you and your pastor.

But just keep biting your lip.

And man up.