Friday, April 17, 2020

Less than 24 hours later!

The new liberal rhetorical media spin is that by deferring to the Governors, Trump is passing the buck! 

So for days, Democrats and the media have chastised Trump for his suggestion that the President held the absolute power to make decisions regarding reopening of the economy. They all demanded that the call to stay closed or reopen were for the Governors to make, not the President. This an argument that I personally agree with.

But now that he has left it up to the Governors with Federal guidelines or guidance as he should; presto-chango and abracadabra these same critics of the President's power over states are now claiming that he is skirting his responsibility by not making the ultimate decision.

You can't make this shit up!


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

More strange Ch spin.

No, they are not asking Trump to make the ultimate decision, they are just saying that while we all want to open up the economy as soon as reasonably possible, BEFORE we can do that, there must be adequate TESTING in place to ensure that we can do that in ways that it will not unleash a disaster.

C.H. Truth said...

No, they are not asking Trump to make the ultimate decision, they are just saying that while we all want to open up the economy as soon as reasonably possible, BEFORE we can do that, there must be adequate TESTING in place to ensure that we can do that in ways that it will not unleash a disaster.

Why are they disagreeing with Dr Fauci and Dr Birx?

I thought that we were supposed to listen to the medical experts?

Please explain the change in heart Reverend?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Why are they disagreeing with Dr Fauci and Dr Birx?
I thought that we were supposed to listen to the medical experts?
Please explain the change in heart Reverend?

Once again, Ch, you demonstrate that you only hear what you "want" to hear.

"They" are NOT disagreeing with Fauci and Birx, and I have not said anything else but that they are AGREEing with them, as do I, and as I have often said,
--and so I have had no "change in heart."

I have repeatedly said that Fauci and Birx are AMONG the medical experts who are telling Trump that ADEQUATE TESTING CAPABILITIES must be in place BEFORE mitigation (staying at home, social distancing) can be stopped.

I made that clear a short while ago in the previous thread (at 2:42PM) when I wrote about how Trump's expressed desire to open up the country by Easter or by March 1
"push back from
both his medical-science task force*
AND his economic-business task force
including business CEOs!,
and all the governors,
and from anybody with any sense
that it would be a DISASTER to start trying to open up the country before adequate TESTING is in place."

I put an asterisk up there, Ch, in case you are incapable of knowing that "his medical-science task force"
would definitely INCLUDE Drs. Fauci and Birx who,
along with "governors and EVEN BUSINESS CEOs keep telling Trump,
'We can't stop social distancing and rescind stay at home orders until we enough TESTING capabilities in place to make it safe.'"

But I suppose you will again "hear" only what you want to hear and then distort it.

anonymous said...

Hey Lil Schitty our resident ignoramus.....

How can trump pass the buck when he won't accept responsibility for anything!!!!!! You are correct....the media really fucked up on that one you asshole!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

this is hilarious to watch.

trump is fucking with the democrat governors, he's fucking with the media, he's fucking with EVERYONE on the left and they're looking like fools.

i love it.

just look at the pederast...

he doesn't he doesn't know whether to shit or wind his watch.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Moments earlier, Mr. Trump said that governors, whom he did not name, were “chomping at the bit to get going.” But Dr. Birx warned that it was no time for Americans to become complacent about social distancing.

“I will remind the people again: This is a highly contagious virus. Social gatherings, coming together — there is a chance an asymptomatic person can spread it unknowingly,” she said. “Don’t have that dinner party for 20 yet.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Brilliant comment from Rat.
Totally sank my every argument -- NOT!

C.H. Truth said...

No Reverend...

I am accepting the guidelines provided by the President and the task force which was a group effort that included the approval of Dr Fauci, Dr Birx. In fact it was Dr Birx who led the explanation of the details of the three phase guidance.

For any Governor or media member at this point in time to attack the Task Force Guidance is literally an attack on Doctors Fauci and Birx, two of the leading epidemiologists in the entire world.



And they are exactly what the President is telling people to follow!

Governors are free to make their own choices. If they feel that "more" testing than is recommended is needed... then that is their own choice. But at that point, they can no longer claim that they are holding off the opening of their states due to Science...

Unless they are suggesting that they have better science than the Covid-19 task force.

Anonymous said...

Totally sank my every argument -- NOT!

plagiarism/pastes from the NY Times are not "arguments" pederast.

C.H. Truth said...

Moments earlier, Mr. Trump said that governors, whom he did not name, were “chomping at the bit to get going.” But Dr. Birx warned that it was no time for Americans to become complacent about social distancing.

Well Reverend...

Most of the country is chomping at the bit to get back to work. Not in the huge population belts of the west and especially the east coast... but a majority of red state America.

But what it seems like to me is that you don't understand the "phase" portion of the three phase rollout.

You see, Reverend...

It's possible (but hard for you to believe) that you can allow certain industries and people to go back to work...

WITHOUT demanding that people start going to concerts and eating at restaurants.

It's the very nature of a phased roll out vs a hard reopening of the economy.

but hey... I guess either you are not smart enough to understand the plan as explained by Dr Birx...

or you really don't "want" to understand the plan.

anonymous said...

Blogger C.H. Truth said...
No Reverend...

I am accepting the guidelines provided by the President and the task force

BWAAAAAAA!!!!!! The fucking president don't follow his own rules tweeting to Mi, Va, and Mn to liberate themselves and open up!!!!!! He's acting like the Va killing inciting people to riot....>WHATTA FUCKING ASSHOLE.....AND LIL SCOTTY WILL SLURP ANOTHER LOAD!!!!!!! Wake up Lil Schitty....!!!!!

anonymous said...

plagiarism/pastes from the NY Times are not "arguments" pederast.

Neither is your opinion you dumb fucking loser.!!!!!!

Commonsense said...

Denny, just shut up.

Commonsense said...

Moments earlier, Mr. Trump said that governors, whom he did not name, were “chomping at the bit to get going.”

I know DeSantis in Florida is chomping at the bit.

He's not power mad like most of the blue state Democrats.

Imagine to nerve of Cuomo demanding for more federal money to open up New York. He should be damn happy Trump saved his political ass.

Commonsense said...

Our friend Sean

If I never read another article about how we all need to live in tightly-packed cities and give up our cars for mass transit after this, it will be too soon.

Amen to that.

anonymous said...

He's not power mad like most of the blue state Democrats.

BWAAAAAAA!!!!!! You really mean like trump and his absolute authority claim......Too funny cramps.....Desantis has opened the beaches.....we shall see if that is smart in time......oh well...!!!

Commonsense said...

Noting Trump ever did trampled on the Constitution meanwhile the governors of New York, Michigan, Rhode Island, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Kentucky, Virginia, Illinois, and North Caroline have trample of the freedom of religion, speech, association, keep and bare arms, and to peacefully assemble to redress grievances.

Actions speak louder than words and blue state Democrats couldn't resist acting like petty tyrants when the opportunity arose.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I have answered Ch here in boldface.

Well Reverend...

Most of the country is chomping at the bit to get back to work. Not in the huge population belts of the west and especially the east coast... but a majority of red state America.

I'm chomping too. But see 4:03PM above.

But what it seems like to me is that you don't understand the "phase" portion of the three phase rollout.

You see, Reverend...

It's possible (but hard for you to believe) that you can allow certain industries and people to go back to work...

WITHOUT demanding that people start going to concerts and eating at restaurants.

It's the very nature of a phased roll out vs a hard reopening of the economy.

I understand that. So does Dr. Birx. Yet when Trump starts talking about certain unnamed governors who are "chomping at the bit to get going," she warns what she warns at 4:03PM above. She, like the governors, has stressed the need for MUCH more testing.

but hey... I guess either you are not smart enough to understand the plan as explained by Dr Birx...

or maybe YOU don't understand what she just explained?

or you really don't "want" to understand the plan.

Looks like it's YOU who don't really want to understand it, Ch. Thanks for helping me make that clear.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

You see, Ch, I have no problem with the plan,
if, as Birx emphasizes, it is carried out sensibly.
But "chomping at the bit to get going"
needs to be weighed against
"chomping at the bit to save lives."

We need to do as much of both as we can.

anonymous said...

North Caroline have trample of the freedom of religion, speech, association, keep and bare arms, and to peacefully assemble to redder

You really are a fucking dopey idiot cramps.....BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Please go to your leaders home and practice all the religion you want with 1000 of your closest friends one of which is sure to be infected!!!!!!!! Have fun!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Commensense said:
"blue state Democrats couldn't resist acting like petty tyrants when the opportunity arose."

Strange. When it became obvious that Trump's policy of "containment" was not working, the task force doctors Fauci and Birx began strongly defending and commending "mitigation."

Mitigation is accomplished through social distancing, which includes lockdowns of certain businesses and encouraging people to stay in their homes as much as possible.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

And to keep doing that until we see that mitigation has worked well enough to start easing up on it.
And to determine when that is, TESTING is needed.

TESTING for which at present we have an inadequate supply.

C.H. Truth said...

You see, Ch, I have no problem with the plan,
if, as Birx emphasizes, it is carried out sensibly.
But "chomping at the bit to get going"
needs to be weighed against
"chomping at the bit to save lives."

People are not collectively "chomping at the bit" to break the guidelines, Reverend...

They are "chomping at the bit" to get back to work in a safe manner within the guidelines.

Just because a State might allow construction, lawn work, and certain other types of businesses back up... doesn't mean that people can't wear masks or gloves, wash their hands, and practice whatever mitigation means that are available.

You jump right from "chomping at the bit" to get back to work so people don't lose their life's saving, houses, cars, etc... so people can pay their bills, by groceries, etc...

and you associate it automatically with people disregarding everything talked about by the task force.

How is it Reverend...

That you fail to see how this is designed to work?

How is it that you only see it black or white? Why is it that you only see total shutdown or total anarchy?

Perhaps because you fear not having something to complain about?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Did I say anything about total shut down or total anarchy?

I'm only for as much shutdown
as people like Fauci and Birx deem to be necessary,

and I'm for as much letting up on the shutdown
as TESTING shows to be prudent,
again, as people like Fauci and Birx deem to be prudent.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

But there are people advocating total anarchy.
And guess who their hero is?

Commonsense said...

Must not let the peasants rebel.

James is a good little Nazi.

Anonymous said...

KS Democrat Gov. Kelly just extended the Agriculture shutdown to May 3rd.

Great move, smart.

I love it.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

James are you getting enough church goers dying?
Recall you called it "Thinning the Herd".

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Commonsense says
"James is a good little Nazi",

GOP Rift Grows Over Social Distancing
April 17, 2020 at 8:19 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard

“A growing number of Republican lawmakers across the country are pushing for a more rapid reboot of the American economy amid the coronavirus pandemic, arguing that the risk of spreading more sickness — and even death — is outweighed by the broader economic damage that widespread stay-at-home orders have wrought,” the Washington Post reports.

“They are taking cues from and breathing energy into a grass-roots conservative movement of resistance against government-ordered quarantine measures — one that President Trump appeared to back in several tweets Friday — but are facing defiance within their own party from Republican congressional leaders, governors and fellow lawmakers who warn that a rash reopening could reinvigorate the virus’s spread.”

Well, Commonsense, since I find myself in strong agreement with the Republican congressional leaders, governors and fellow lawmakers above, I guess in your eyes that makes them "good little Nazis" too.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

And what those Republican congressional leaders, governors and fellow lawmakers are saying, is NO MORE AND NO LESS than exactly what I have been saying, Ch.

Anonymous said...

Democrats Presumptive Presidential Nominee Coumo American First Agenda.
"“You want to talk about lessons learned?” he said. “We need masks, they’re made in China; we need gowns, they’re made in China; we need face shields, they’re made in China; we need ventilators, they’re made in China.”

C.H. Truth said...

Did I say anything about total shut down or total anarchy?

Pretty much...

Anytime someone mentions that a state might be opening part of their economy back up...

You have a fit and start quoting Birx as if you just assume that they will not follow the guidelines..

You're a wasted old retired part time Reverend...

You are not qualified to question anyone.

Anonymous said...

Blame America First.
"According to democratic socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the Covid-19 pandemic is proving that the United States “is a brutal, barbarian society for the vast majority of working-class Americans.” As evidence of this, she claims that “40% of us couldn’t even afford a $400 emergency” before this crisis, and Covid-19 “is more than a $400 emergency.”

Commonsense said...

Republican congressional leaders, governors and fellow lawmakers who warn that a rash reopening could reinvigorate the virus’s spread.

The keyword James is that it could. We know keeping the quarantine in place is and will do heavy damage to economy. As it sits right now, a great deal of those jobs will never come back because the businesses who created them have already failed.

You seem to be under the impression that we must keep the quarantine in place forever or at least until that mythical vaccine is developed and when you do lift it everything will be the same as before.

That is not the case. If you wait too long, the economy will not be able to recover. You will see an economic landscape that will make the great depression look like a cake walk.

But maybe that's what you want.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Ch, I took your arguments apart. I showed you up for the liar and misrepresenter you are -- not only of me but also of many reasonable Republicans.

Now you are reduced to trying to say there was something wrong with my quoting Birx.

I quoted her to show that, contrary to the lies about me you keep spouting, I am on HER SIDE, her REASONABLE side, and also on the side of all those reasonable "Republican congressional leaders, governors and fellow lawmakers who warn that a rash reopening could reinvigorate the virus’s spread.”

You, however, defend anything Trump wants to do, ANYTHING, even if it leads to the kind of rash reopening that results in an unnecessary loss of lives. You make it clear that you, like Trump, are willing to sacrifice no one knows how many American lives in Trump's desperate attempt to get himself re-elected.

Thanks for helping me make that clear to anyone who reads all that is above with any degree of fidelity to the truth.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Commonsense said
But maybe that's what you want.

James SAYS:
No, but I also don't want this:

New Surge Threatens to Collapse Japan’s Hospitals

“Hospitals in Japan are increasingly turning away sick people as the country struggles with surging coronavirus infections and its emergency medical system collapses,”
the AP reports.

“Japan initially seemed to have controlled the outbreak by going after clusters of infections in specific places, usually enclosed spaces such as clubs, gyms and meeting venues. But the spread of virus outpaced this approach and most new cases are untraceable.”

Myballs said...

Japan has 126M people on land the size of NJ. Frankly, I'm amazed they're not leading the world in cases.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I also do not want this:

German New Virus Infections Increase by the Most in Seven Days
April 18, 2020, 1:08 AM CDT

The number of confirmed coronavirus cases in Germany increased at a quicker rate for a third day and by the most in seven days as the nation prepares for a relaxation of some restrictions on public life.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump Leads Pro-Plague States to a COVID Civil War
April 17, 2020 at 10:54 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard

Rick Wilson:
“Donald Trump fired the first shots in the COVID Civil War this week, a modern-day Jefferson Davis of the Pro-Plague States of America sending his opening salvo from Fort Twitter at Democratic governors who dared to question if it wasn’t just a wee bit early to end the stay-at-home orders in states still far to the left of the peak.

“He started the week with claims of ‘total authority’ and then cried about a supposed mutiny by mouthy state leaders. By Friday, he was up to calls to ‘liberate’ states.

“Who does he want people to rise up against, exactly:

People who don’t want to die?

People who don’t want protesters spreading a deadly disease that’s already killed 34,000 Americans?

Governors who swore an oath to serve their states and protect their citizens?



And I would add: Birce? Fauci?

anonymous said...

James....the depth of the stupidity of the right nut cases here is BOTTOMLESS!!! The only care about money, not lives!!!!! What was that story of the money changers?????? Sad that is all they got!!!!!

anonymous said...

rankly, I'm amazed they're not leading the world in cases.

Frankly I am amazed you can walk and breathe at the same time!!!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Testing Needs to TRIPLE Before U.S. Can Reopen
April 18, 2020 at 8:18 am EDT By Taegan Goddard

“As some governors consider easing social distancing restrictions, new estimates by researchers at Harvard University suggest that the United States cannot safely reopen unless it conducts more than three times the number of coronavirus tests it is currently administering over the next month,” the New York Times reports.

“That level of testing is necessary to identify the majority of people who are infected and isolate them from people who are healthy, according to the researchers.”

Washington Post:
“With the number of the covid-19 tests hovering at an average of 146,000 a day, businesses leaders and state officials are warning the Trump administration that they cannot safely reopen the economy without radically increasing the number of available tests — perhaps into the millions a day — and that won’t happen without a greater coordinating role by the federal government.”
I think Drs. Birx and Fauci would agree.