— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) July 28, 2020
This is one of those arguments that if you had asked someone four years ago whether it would ever be acceptable for mobs of rioters to attack Federal buildings and attempt to destroy Federal property, you would have literally found no takers what-so-ever. Nobody in their right mind would have suggested that destruction of public property was an acceptable manner to protest or that it would be akin to fascism for Federal Marshals and other Federal law enforcement to protect these buildings.
But of course... that was four years ago, and collectively the left has lost their marbles over the fact that the "bad orange man" is President. Now pretty much everything that would have been considered normal (such as protecting Federal courthouses from rioters) is now fascism or worse.
Previously, the left called Tea Party rallies (which were 100% peaceful) to be the fascism. They demanded that some of those people who brought guns should be arrested (even though it was not illegal). They demanded someone do something to stop these fascist rallies.
Funny how fascism was at one time the angry citizens protesting their cause... but now the fascism is any attempt to break up angrier citizens engaged in out and out rioting.
Well one thing never changes....
Hypocrisy is the bedrock of liberalism.
Elizabeth Harrington
"Did they do that before or after the fire was put out?"
VIDEO: https://twitter.com/LizRNC/status/1288177797987471366
"Every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”- '1984,' George Orwell
That concerns Ch, but this sort of thing does not:
Trump Blocked Access to Brennan’s Notes
July 29, 2020 at 7:28 am EDT By Taegan Goddard
“In the fall of 2018, when former CIA director John Brennan decided to write his memoir, he asked the agency for his official records, including his notes and any documents that he had reviewed and signed that were classified. The CIA, where Brennan had worked for nearly 30 years, said no,” the Washington Post reports.
“It was a break with decades of tradition. The CIA routinely lets former directors review classified files when writing books about their careers. Their manuscripts are scrutinized to ensure they don’t expose any national secrets.”
Undaunted: My Fight Against America’s Enemies, At Home and Abroad
Brennan, John O. (Author)
The CIA routinely lets former directors review classified files when writing books about their careers.
That, and many other things just like it do not concern Ch.
They concern me.
i'm starting to think that it's not so much hypocrisy anymore but full on insanity. i can tolerate their hypocrisy. at best it's amusing and even at it's worst it's tolerable but largely innocuous.
what we're seeing now is much more dangerous. we're witnessing the actions of the criminally insane with the tacit approval of those so deeply in the grip of TDS they will tolerate any level of death and destruction to rid themselves of the bad orange man.
my biggest fear at this point is that the re-election of Donald Trump results in a 'hot' civil war.
believe these people when they tell you who they are and how much they hate you.
Is Trump hated any more than so many of you hated Obama?
Did we have civil war after Obama's reelection?
Will we have civil war after Trump's reelection or defeat?
Federal Agents Leave Portland
July 29, 2020 at 9:29 am EDT By Taegan Goddard
Portland Mayor Jenny Durkan announced that federal agents that had been deployed to Seattle last week to protect federal buildings from anticipated protests have left the city.
“It was a break with decades of tradition. The CIA routinely lets former directors review classified files when writing books about their careers. Their manuscripts are scrutinized to ensure they don’t expose any national secrets.”
Oh wah wah wah wah!!!
We are talking about rioters burning down Federal buildings and assaulting Federal agents...
And the Reverend takes issue with the fact that Brennan cannot publish his memoirs... poor Brennan.
Get a grip on what is actually important here, Reverend.
Every time you find something that you cannot defend (and nobody can logically defend these riots)...
You choose to change the subject.
A cowards way out!
But of course... on the subject at hand. The only thing your argument will get you is a humiliating defeat!
By Taegan Goddard
James said...
They concern me.
of course they do.
Who could have guessed???
Portland Mayor Jenny Durkan announced that federal agents that had been deployed to Seattle last week to protect federal buildings from anticipated protests have left the city.
Crack journalist Taegan Goddard on the scene!
How long till he realizes that Jenny Durkan is not the Mayor of Portland?
Why Trump’s Protest Crackdown Has Failed
July 29, 2020 at 9:30 am EDT By Taegan Goddard
Jonathan Chait:
“The reason Trump’s tactic fails is that, by deploying troops to fight the anarchists, he broadens the issue into a fight about Trump himself. This inevitably draws more, largely nonviolent protesters, into the streets.
‘The numbers of protesters had dwindled substantially in recent weeks,’ one reporter in Portland observed last week, ‘but reports of heavily armed, unidentified, camouflaged federal officers abducting people off the street into unmarked vehicles and meting out violence on the people of Portland have thoroughly re-energized the populace.'”
“The same thing happened further north. ‘Nightly protests since the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis had dwindled in recent weeks in Seattle but were reinvigorated in the wake of federal action in the Portland protests and after Washington Gov. Jay Inslee (D) tweeted that President Trump had sent federal law enforcement agents to the city,’ reported the Post.”
“And so the scenes that Trump craves, pitting soldiers against black-clad radicals, have transformed quickly into
troops against veterans,
and other antagonists
who cut a more sympathetic profile.
The protesters report that they have joined the protests because of Trump’s response to the protests.
Tessa and Leshan Terry formed the ‘Wall of Vets’ in Portland, and came to their first demonstration
after seeing video of agents beating a fellow Navy veteran.”
Many of our military leaders are appalled at what Trump is trying to do.
Let that sink in. And in. And in. And in.
Taegan Goddard
You mean the crack blogger who thinks Jenny Durkan is the Mayor of Portland?
Sorry ace...
Once again I will pass and read serious journalists.
...reports of heavily armed, unidentified, camouflaged federal officers abducting people off the street into unmarked vehicles and meting out violence on the people of Portland have thoroughly re-energized the populace.
Most of our military leaders are supportive at what Trump is trying to do.
Let that sink in. And in. And in. And in.
Why is the left against law and order ?
Many of our military leaders are appalled at what Trump is trying to do.b
I personally know many military people. Most of my own immediate and extneded family served. Not a one of them believes that Federal Buildings should not be protected.
Any "military leader" who believes that Federal buildings should not be protected from rioters, arsonists, and criminals... should all resign tomorrow and apologize for being idiots!
Let that sink in...and in... and in... and in...
Meanwhile... let's hope those "peaceful protesters" don't come into your neighborhood for a "peaceful protest".
reports of heavily armed, unidentified, camouflaged federal officers abducting people off the street into unmarked vehicles and meting out violence on the people of Portland have thoroughly re-energized the populace.
Because people are stupid enough to fall for fake reports?
Is that your argument Reverend?
FALSE reports of heavily armed, unidentified, camouflaged federal officers abducting people off the street into unmarked vehicles and meting out violence on the people of Portland have thoroughly re-energized the populace.
The only thing "unidentified" is they are not wearing name tags to protect their families.
Why is the left fine with mobs threatening innocent families at home?
what a shocker.
brennan has publically called Trump every name in the fucking book and now he's surprised that Trump has told him to get fucked.
so i guess that in addition to brennan being a closet communist he's an out of the closet imbecile.
...reports of heavily armed, unidentified, camouflaged federal officers abducting people off the street into unmarked vehicles and meting out violence on the people of Portland have thoroughly re-energized the populace.
Trump Calls GOP Relief Bill ‘Semi-Irrelevant’
July 29, 2020 at 9:42 am EDT By Taegan Goddard
“President Trump brushed off the new $1 trillion Senate GOP coronavirus legislation as ‘sort of semi-irrelevant’ Tuesday, dismissing its significance just a day after Senate Republican leaders overcame contentious internal divisions to roll it out,” the Washington Post reports.
...reports of heavily armed, unidentified, camouflaged federal officers abducting people off the street into unmarked vehicles and meting out violence on the people of Portland...
...are FALSE.
every photo showing the federal agents clearly displays the word "POLICE" emblazoned across their chest and the DHS patch on their sleeve.
one wonders why the pederast who claims to be a pastor feels so compelled to LIE with such frequency.
real pastors don't lie like this. nor do they take the word of known liars like goddard at face value.
this 'dead sea gospel' fuckstick is no pastor, even if he has managed to convince the local rag that publishes his letters that he is.
"Let me get this straight:
Alien sperm - TRUE
Russian bounties - FALSE
Maybe Trump should have gone to Portland and held up a Bible.
How did our military leaders like THAT little display of Trump's total insensitivity as to how, constitutionally, our troops are intended to be used?
rrb said:
every photo showing the federal agents clearly displays the word "POLICE" emblazoned across their chest and the DHS patch on their sleeve.
one wonders why the pederast who claims to be a pastor feels so compelled to LIE with such frequency.
real pastors don't lie like this. nor do they take the word of known liars like goddard at face value.
I'm guessing the "pastor" must have been kicked out of the Pederast's of America Club for constantly lying.
Fellow Veterans: Trump never raised Russia's Taliban bounties with Putin!!!!
Roger Amick said...
Fellow Veterans:
Now Roger is claiming to be a veteran !!!
And attacking a woman of color.
Roger Amick said...
Fellow Veterans:
"fellow" veterans, alky?
veterans of what exactly?
alcoholics anonymous?
you can't be referring to the military since by YOUR definition in your criticism of Trump, you're a draft dodging piece of shit.
This article has been submitted to appear in The Pantagraph, a newspaper serving eight counties and more than 60 communities in central Illinois.
From the Pulpit
James Boswell
The Politician thought it would be a grand idea to go out onto a public street and hold up a Bible, for that, he felt, would surely appeal to his constituents. So that is what he did.
Standing on a busy corner, the Politician held up a Bible and began shouting, “I stand here with this holy book proclaiming law and order! I stand in opposition to all the murderers, drug dealers, criminals, rapists, and low types who are amassing on our borders, threatening to invade our country.”
Suddenly the Bible snapped open and a voice spoke from inside it, saying: “You are not to mistreat the foreigners who come among you, for some of you were once foreigners and you know how it feels to be an immigrant. No, you must treat them as you treat your own citizens, and love them as you love yourselves, for I am the Lord your God.”
Frantic, the Politician closed the Bible and shouted, “Defend the Church!” but again the Bible snapped open to another place and the voice said, “I hate, I despise your religious ceremonies! I take no pleasure in your solemn gatherings! Rather, let justice roll down like the waters, and righteousness like a constant stream.”
“Yes, justice! The strictest justice!” the Politician shouted, trying to muffle the Bible, but again it opened elsewhere, saying, “As you have treated even the least of my sisters and my brothers, so you have treated me. You should be compassionate as I am compassionate. You should love even your enemies, for I am kind to the ungrateful and the wicked.”
“But we are the greatest nation!” the Politician shouted, threatening the Bible with a bottle of bleach, but again it opened saying, “If you wish truly to be great, you should make yourselves last of all and servant of all, for I myself came among you not as one to be served, but to serve, and to give of myself for all.”
The Politician returned to his home and put the Bible away, determined never again to use it as a prop.
Boswell is a retired pastor of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). He may be contacted at his website, www.TheDeadSeaGospel.com.
You are trying to divert attention from the President and his failure to help Anyone
By Sharon Bernstein and Lisa Shumaker
(Reuters) - A half-dozen U.S. states in the South and West reported one-day records for coronavirus deaths on Tuesday and cases in Texas passed the 400,000 mark as California health officials said Latinos made up more than half its cases.
Arkansas, California, Florida, Montana, Oregon and Texas each reported record spikes in fatalities.
In the United States more than 1,300 lives were lost nation wide on Tuesday, the biggest one-day increase since May, according to a Reuters tally.
California health officials said Latinos, who make up just over a third of the most populous U.S. state, account for 56% of COVID-19 infections and 46% of deaths. Cases are soaring in the Central Valley agricultural region, with its heavily Latino population, overwhelming hospitals. The state on Tuesday reported 171 deaths.
Leonard Wofford - from today,
"Trump on whether he now thinks Russia did not put bounties on the heads of U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan:
“As I told you, I have certainly read about it and since then I’ve talked about it.
Colin Powell says it’s not true and Colin Powel’s not exactly someone that I’m a big fan of, Colin Powell says it’s not true, other people say it’s not true, if it were true I’d be very angry about it.”
Says Russia lost “a fortune” and many men in Afghanistan and he doesn’t know why Russia would want to do this now, “but if you tell me they are doing it I will certainly take that under consideration.”"
Scott Adams
Name one thing protestors and their Democratic puppets complained about Trump that they have not become in 2020:
- Bullies
- Anti-science and anti-data
- Racists
- Chaos
- Uninterested in solutions
- Money motives
- Aligned with foreign adversaries
Dems are now ALL OF THE ABOVE
For your information. You know who you are!
Dr. Stella is the new "medical" darling of the "Right". Since nobody on the right seems to want to do any research, here are some things you should probably know about Dr. Stella.
1. She runs a (now removed) website about fighting witchcraft
2. She has a 1 year temporary medical license in the state of Texas
3. Her "hospital" is a clinic in a strip mall next to her church
4. She is a minister who offers sermons on YouTube. Subjects include:
• Combating witchcraft
• Use of alien DNA in the medical industry
• Negative health effects resulting from sex dreams about demons
• Gays practicing "homosexual terrorism"
• Children should be whipped (but not abused)
5. She requires masks in her clinic
6. Believes the "magic 8 ball" is a scheme to involve children in witchcraft
7. States that Disney Channel and Harry Potter are gateways to witchcraft, run by the illuminati
8. States that there is a "gene in people's minds" that makes them religious, and the government wants to vaccinate that gene.
9. Ancestral curses are transmitted through the placenta.
10. Her group "America's Frontline Doctors" held a press conference a few days ago, already got more traction than 'Plandemic,' and has now been removed by FB, YouTube, and Twitter.
11. Breitbart, right wing networks, and Trump are still pushing it.
Her website was taken down yesterday by Facebook.
I see RACIST Roger continues to have trouble with women from Africa.
So what about the other ~20 doctors speaking there Roger ?
Louie Gohmert Tests Positive
July 29, 2020 at 10:15 am EDT By Taegan Goddard
“Rep. Louie Gohmert — a Texas Republican who has been walking around the Capitol without a mask — has tested positive for the coronavirus,” Politico reports.
“Gohmert was scheduled to fly to Texas on Wednesday morning with President Trump and tested positive in a pre-screen at the White House.”
Manu Raju:
“I’ve spent a lot of time in House gallery watching Gohmert frequently interact with colleagues and not wearing a mask. He doesn’t maintain social distance and talks at length with members."
Roger said:
Her group "America's Frontline Doctors"
So is it really "her group" or a group she is a member of ?
kind of misleading.
She requires masks in her clinic so?
And that groups regular website got taken down by their service provider. They will be back.
Scared of black women roger ?
Why single her out with such a vehement attack ???
james said:
10:15 am EDT By Taegan Goddard
I'm sure it will fit in.
Stuart Stevens says:
We Lost the Battle for the GOP’s Soul Long Ago
July 29, 2020 at 10:10 am EDT By Taegan Goddard
“After Mitt Romney lost the 2012 presidential race, the Republican National Committee chairman, Reince Priebus, commissioned an internal party study to examine why the party had won the popular vote only once since 1998. The results of that so-called autopsy were fairly obvious:
The party needed to appeal to more people of color,
reach out to younger voters,
become more welcoming to women.
Those conclusions were presented as not only a political necessity but also a moral mandate if the Republican Party were to be a governing party in a rapidly changing America.
“Then Donald Trump emerged and the party threw all those conclusions out the window with an almost audible sigh of relief:
'Thank God we can win without pretending we really care about this stuff.'
"That reaction was sadly predictable.
"I spent decades working to elect Republicans, including Mr. Romney and four other presidential candidates,
and I am here to bear reluctant witness that
"Mr. Trump didn’t hijack the Republican Party.
He is the logical conclusion of what the party became over the past 50 or so years,
a natural product of the seeds of race,
and anger that now dominate it.
"Hold Donald Trump up to a mirror and that bulging, scowling orange face
is today’s Republican Party.”
A must-read:
It Was All a Lie:
How the Republican Party Became Donald Trump
by Stuart Stevens
She created the website America's Frontline Doctors"
She's a nut job asshole
james said:
10:10 am EDT By Taegan Goddard
I'm sure it will fit in.
Amazing, you can't make this shit up.
Someone must have put a voodoo curse on him
Rep. Louis Gohmert (R-Texas) tested positive for COVID-19 during a pre-screening at the White House on Wednesday, Politico reports.
Why it matters: Gohmert, a fierce defender of President Trump and member of the House Freedom Caucus, has been walking around the Capitol without a mask and attended Tuesday's hearing with Attorney General Bill Barr. The 66-year-old congressman was supposed to travel with Trump to Texas on Wednesday.
Roger Amick said...
She created the website America's Frontline Doctors"
She's a nut job asshole
Wrong on both counts.
So why are you picking on her and not the white doctors ?
Cowardly King Obama
A crushing defeat of the Democrats in that single moment.
"Did they do that before or after the fire was put out?"
Donald Trump saw a doctor online who's made claims about alien DNA and the effects of having sex with demons while dreaming.
The president thinks she's offered "an important voice."
Scott A**hole keeps diverting attention from his pathological supporters
Alien sperm has infected your mind
How long till he realizes that Jenny Durkan is not the Mayor of Portland?"
CHT bitch slapping the stupid out of James.
Arsen Ostrovsky
I kid you not! At Knesset hearing on Antisemitism, @Twitter rep tells me they flag @realDonaldTrump because it serves ‘public conversation’, but not Iran's @khamenei_ir call for GENOCIDE, which passes for acceptable 'commentary on political issues of the day'.
VIDEO: https://twitter.com/Ostrov_A/status/1288453247775256576
Richard Grenell
This should be something the US media reports. Wow.
Too busy censoring and covering for radical rioting dems to report this.
And did you hear there's a black woman from Africa amongst a group of many other doctors who spoke in favor of hydroxychloroquine?
James can you spot your error.
šunidentified, camouflaged federal officersš¤”
Joe is that you?
"diverting attention from his pathological supporters" š@AudiA8Alky
the website America's Frontline Doctors
Which has literally been shut down...
No allowance of Doctors who don't follow the indoctrated conformity of those favored by political class.
But liberals won't call this censorship or heavy handed fascism.
fascism is now apparently preventing angry mobs from blowing things up.
"Why it matters" Basement kiddy repoters
Trump is also an isolationist candidate for Vladimir Putin.
WASHINGTON (AP) — US to withdraw troops from Germany, sending 6,400 home and 5,400 to other countries, under shakeup sought by Trump.
If the isolationist party had prevailed in America, the Germans would have won World War Two.
Your President put a link to the website and then Facebook and Twitter removed them because the information was false and very dangerous to the American people
Blogger Roger Amick said...
Donald Trump saw a doctor online who's made claims about alien DNA and the effects of having sex with demons while dreaming.
The president thinks she's offered "an important voice."
can you guys please just hurry up and CANCEL her ass so you can move on to your next unhealthy obsession of the day?
Blogger Roger Amick said...
Your President put a link to the website and then Facebook and Twitter removed them because the information was false and very dangerous to the American people
dangerous, eh?
not quite as dangerous as 0linsky's "you can keep your doctor and you can keep your plan" 2013 LIE OF THE YEAR.
now THAT was dangerous, and boy did it fuck over MILLIONS.
The vast majority of Americans who are demonstrating for racial justice are not Antifa fighters.
This is exactly what George Wallace did in 67. Nixon got elected by about 1% popular vote margin.
If you were old enough to vote in 67 you would support George Wallace.
No allowance of Doctors who don't follow the indoctrated conformity of those favored by political class.
But liberals won't call this censorship or heavy handed fascism.
True, labeling doctors who are kooks as kooks is not regarded by our side as fascism.
Doctor Stella Immanuel has a history of making particularly outlandish statements — including that the uterine disorder endometriosis is caused by sex with demons that takes place in dreams.
The President has dementia squared off and you kiss his ass
We don’t need to be in Germany you idiot, put them in Poland. They care about their defense
Calling out the information provided by a nut case Doctor is not censorship. It is to protect vulnerable people who need medical care for information they need
Read the history of isolationism
Read the side affects of lithium
Roger Amick said...
Calling out the information provided by a nut case Doctor is not censorship.
i said cancel not censor, you fucking nutcase.
this woman has obviously driven your team full-on batshit fucking crazy, so just cancel her ass and move on to the next person you can instantly hate because 'orange man bad.'
Black lives matter is not hate groups like the Nazis and the KKK. Black Lives Matter works to protect people’s rights and to protect citizens from violence.
If she wants to practice in the US then they need to pass the exams and board certifications that are required of foreign educated doctors. But claiming women's gyno problems are caused by sex dreams with demons indicates the woman isn't playing with a full deck and her medical license should be up for review and pulled.
the entire fucking freak out over dr. immanuel is driven by a single daily beast story written by that flaming liberal asshole will sommer.
so it looks like the alky and his fellow liberal moonbats have gone totally apeshit over, well, nothing.
carry on.
I take Prograf. An anti rejection medication that is it
Trump's stooge has to go back home.
...indicates the woman isn't playing with a full deck and her medical license should be up for review and pulled.
when it comes to standing in judgement of anyone regarding having a 'full deck' you have NO standing.
Bill Barr reminds me of the big piece of Lard Oprah rolled out on stage after her first weight loss.
The Trump Standard
There is little doubt that Donald Trump is the most corrupt President in American history. And he proves it nearly daily! Today it was that campaign contributions were being diverted into his pockets. A few days ago it was taxpayer’s money going into his businesses and to his family. His is the most blatantly corrupt presidency, by far even eclipsing Richard Nixon by a mile. But we must realize that what he is and what he is doing reflects on the Cons and Supremacists and what they have been working to do for decades. “The art of the lie” is what Donald Trump has brought to the table for the Cons. He is that consummate con man, which is the cherry on top of their shit sundae of corruption. From a reinforcing propaganda machine, to a vested media that gives the same weight to Trumpian lies as the truth, to control of the Senate by ideologues that will protect Trump beyond all facts and truth. This is the shit sundae of the Cons and Supremacists.
All societies are geographic. And all societies go through much the same in their lifespan. One group or another, either through violence or as with the Cons stealth and deception rise to power and become cannibals on their own society. Each time they diminish the whole as would a parasite, each time making their own nation vulnerable to others. America has never been perfect but the standard of keeping the nation safe has never been in question. Until now! Behind all of the super patriot faƧade, the Cons do what is in their interest, even supporting the President, enabling his treason and protecting his and their interests ahead of the nation’s.
For all of the faults, the folly and the ignorance our nation has produced, never has there been any question of whose side the President is on, until Donald Trump. He is our Nero, our Hitler and Stalin all rolled into a con man of mythic proportions. Pick an awful leader, choosing himself over country and Donald Trump would be their hero. As societies age, they become more and more difficult to keep together. Kind of a societal second law of thermodynamics. All societies go through periods such as this when “Factions” united to gain power and promote their interests. Trump and the Cons are the ones we have now. We have a choice, to try to repair what we have or to take what the Founders gave us to the next level. Trying to simply fix the mess will again result in an aggressive and cohesive minority and faction gutting the purpose and spirit of the Constitution, for their purposes and theirs alone. Donald Trump and the Cons want no part of government for and by the people and clearly don’t feel that we are all created equal.
Is it not time, to take the great gift that the Founders gave us and take that gift to the next step? That we as human beings have value, even if we are not billionaires or cronies. That our society doesn’t need parasites or exulted con men or women. We need a solid foundation to hold fast to and to end the rule of the lie! Truth, logic, ethics and honesty of intent are our swords and shields. The Foundations!
RC Romine
MADISON, Wis. -- Two mostly peaceful women have been arrested for mostly peacefully attacking a Wisconsin state senator during a mostly peaceful chaotic night of mostly peaceful violence near the state Capitol last month.
The women, ages 26 and 33, turned themselves in Monday and were taken to the Dane County Jail, Madison police said.
I have actually been tested for mental stability and I passed 100% fine
After the liver transplant
BS liver you are on some heavy ass psychotropes
Americans Dying of COVID-19 at Rate Over 17 Times Higher Than Europeans, Canadians
You will be putting your children at risk if you send them back to school
Check it out asshole
True, labeling doctors who are kooks as kooks is not regarded by our side as fascism.
What "specifically" have these doctors (who all are qualified enough to be actual doctors at actual clinics and hospitals actually treating actual patients) done to make them "kooks".
Funny how they went through 8 plus years of post secondary schooling, treated hundred if not thousands of patients...
Only to be called a bunch of "kooks" by a washed up Reverend who never actually had his own church?
My second question for the Reverend is simple...
Did you actually listen to the video of the doctors speaking?
Or are you just judging it by what you read about it from others?
Just curious if you actually had enough interest to make your own judgement?
Trump's final gift to Putin before the November election
Alien Sperm has infected your brain cells
Ch, let me ask you for your "own" judgment on this:
Is Dr. Stella Immanuel a kook?
We should have followed the "kooks" in Sweden the media hated
Ch, did you just walk away?
Did you just walk away the way your idol Trump did when the reporter asked him about Dr. Immanuel's theses that DNA from space aliens could be helpful in combatting the coronavirus, and that there may be a vaccine against being religious...
Do not walk away as he did.
21 states are on a red alert for the COVID-45 and Minnesota and Ohio are the next in line.
I actually watched the video and I was appalled by the insanity of the Doctor who said Alien Sperm infections appeared after have sex
Scott A**hole always runs away when you call him out.
PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — Federal agents who have clashed with protesters in Portland, Oregon, will begin a “phased withdrawal” from Oregon's largest city, Gov. Kate Brown said Wednesday.
Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf said in a statement the plan negotiated with Brown over the last 24 hours includes a “robust presence” of Oregon State Police in downtown Portland.
“State and local law enforcement will begin securing properties and streets, especially those surrounding federal properties, that have been under nightly attack for the past two months,” Wolf said.
The agents will begin leaving the city’s downtown area on Thursday, Brown said.
Before departing Wednesday for a trip to Texas, President Donald Trump insisted federal troops would not leave Portland until local authorities “secured their city.”
Despite the President said that he would protect the city.
Sweden hoped herd immunity would curb COVID-19.
"Don't do what we did. It's not working."
25 Swedish doctors and scientists, Opinion contributors
USA TODAY Opinion•July 27, 2020
Sweden has often been considered a leader when it comes to global humanitarian issues, regarded as a beacon of light in areas such as accepting refugees and working against global warming. In the COVID-19 pandemic, Sweden has also created interest around the world by following its own path of using a “soft” approach — not locking down, introducing mostly voluntary restrictions and spurning the use of masks.
This approach has been perceived as more liberal and has shown up in “Be Like Sweden” signs and chants at U.S. protests. Wherever measures have been lenient, though, death rates have peaked. In the United States, areas that are coming out of lockdown early are suffering, and we are seeing the same in other countries as well.
The motives for the Swedish Public Health Agency's light-touch approach are somewhat of a mystery. Some other countries that initially used this strategy swiftly abandoned it as the death toll began to increase, opting instead for delayed lockdowns. But Sweden has been faithful to its approach.
Why? Gaining herd immunity, where large numbers of the population (preferably younger) are infected and thereby develop immunity, has not been an official goal of the Swedish Public Health Agency. But it has said that immunity in the population could help suppress the spread of the disease, and some agency statements suggest it is the secret goal.
An unnerving death rate
---the article continues. You need to read it all to get the true gist of it.
The President is making an assault on the First amendment rights. Just now
If Congress doesn’t bring fairness to Big Tech, which they should have done years ago, I will do it myself with Executive Orders. In Washington, it has been ALL TALK and NO ACTION for years, and the people of our Country are sick and tired of it!
A day later, Trump is still impressed with alien DNA, demon sperm doctor.
So is Scott A**hole
Look out Dallas Texas,, ,, Trump is sending people to collect Alien DNA to make a corona Vaccine,, hes on board with his new fav. Doc
Ch, did you just walk away?
Some of us actually work for a living... when you have meetings, webexes, teams meetings, etc...
Answering questions from a washed up Reverend who refuses to ever answer your questions are not at the top of my list.
So you answer my questions and we can go from there!
from the link
While the Covid-19 epidemic continues to drag on in the United States, it’s largely over in Sweden where fatalities have dropped to no more than 2 deaths per day for the last week.
Sweden is also criticized for its fatality rate which is higher than some but lower than others. As of today, the number Coronavirus deaths in Sweden is 5,667 which is considerably higher than its neighbors in Norway and Denmark but lower than Belgium, Italy, France, the UK and Spain. In other words, Sweden is somewhere in the middle of the pack. Interestingly, Sweden compares quite well to poorly-governed states in the US with similar-sized populations. Take a look:
Sweden: No Lockdown
Population of 10.2 million
Coronavirus deaths –5,667
Lockdown State#1: New York City (Democrat Governor, Andrew Cuomo)
Population– 8.3 million
Coronavirus deaths– 32,133 (5 and a half time more than Sweden with 2 million less people)
Lockdown State#2: New Jersey (another Democrat governor, Phil Murphy)
Population– 9.2 million (1 million less than Sweden)
Coronavirus deaths– 15,684 (nearly 3 times as many as Sweden with a smaller population.)
Lockdown State#3: Massachusetts (another Democrat Governor, Charlie Baker)
Population– 6.9 million #.3 million less than Sweden)
Coronavirus deaths– 8,380 (1 and a half times Sweden’s total with 3 million less people.)
These are the real Coronavirus losers, the three states that are run by liberal governors who imposed counterproductive lockdowns that collapsed their economies, killed tens of thousands of people, and did nothing to staunch the spread of the infection. In contrast, Sweden has weathered the storm nicely, built up the public’s innate immunity and put the economy back on the road to recovery. Take a look:
“Unlike most European countries, Sweden didn’t impose strict lockdown measures. Now it’s reaping the rewards — economically speaking, at least. A report from Capital Economics published on Tuesday found that the Swedish economy was the least harmed in Europe, describing it as the “best of a bad bunch.”
Though Sweden was not immune to the pandemic’s economic impact, it was the only major economy to grow in the first quarter of the year, the report noted….
“The Swedish economy has weathered Covid well, thanks in part to the government’s light-touch lockdown, and our forecast of a 1.5% drop in GDP this year is well above consensus,” the economists Andrew Kenningham, David Oxley, and Melanie Debono wrote.” (“Sweden weathers 2020’s economic storm better than anywhere else”, Business Insider)
Readers might want to compare the facts about Sweden’s economy with the spurious claims made by New York Times. Here’s an excerpt from a piece titled “Sweden Has Become the World’s Cautionary Tale”:
“Not only have thousands more people died (in Sweden) than in neighboring countries that imposed lockdowns, but Sweden’s economy has fared little better.
“They literally gained nothing,” said Jacob F. Kirkegaard, a senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics in Washington. “It’s a self-inflicted wound, and they have no economic gains.”…
The elevated death toll resulting from Sweden’s approach has been clear for many weeks. What is only now emerging is how Sweden, despite letting its economy run unimpeded, has still suffered business-destroying, prosperity-diminishing damage, and at nearly the same magnitude of its neighbors.”…In short, Sweden suffered a vastly higher death rate while failing to collect on the expected economic gains.” (“Sweden Has Become the World’s Cautionary Tale”, New York Times)
Huh? So, Sweden “gained nothing”, says the Times? Really??
What DATA FACT here do you dispute "pastor" ?
"then there is Alky Stupid"®, RRB
"Black lives matter is not hate group" Roger actual believes
One of Trump’s new experts...
(W) Dr. Stella Immanuel blasted Facebook after it removed her controversial video touting hydroxychloroquine as a “cure” for COVID-19. The Houston physician declared on Twitter that Jesus Christ would destroy Facebook’s servers if her videos weren’t restored.
Put the Confederate flag on your house.
then there is Alky Stupid"®, RRB
"Black lives matter is not hate group" Roger actual believes
The Houston physician declared on Twitter that Jesus Christ would destroy Facebook’s servers if her videos weren’t restored.
No wonder Trump and Ch walked away.
Roger why did you remove all pictures of your "loving wife" from your FakeBook page?
From Governor Kate Brown
After my discussions with VP Pence and others, the federal government has agreed to withdraw federal officers from Portland. They have acted as an occupying force & brought violence. Starting tomorrow, all Customs and Border Protection & ICE officers will leave downtown Portland.
Ignore KD.
Personal attack reveals his weakness.
Denise called this a "shitty stock"
"The Home Depot (NYSE:HD) has rewarded patient long-term investors with a total return of over 1,000% in the last ten years, cementing its status as a best-in-class retailer.""
Portland will now begin their "Summer of Love"?
Roger, in fact there are no pictures of a normal life found on Facebook.
Like your home, car, vacations, gardens or anything resembling normal health life.
It is filled with HATE speech.
Minneapolis police say 'Umbrella Man' was a white supremacist trying to incite George Floyd rioting.
People you support are acting like Antifa to make it look like Antifa was destroying people's property.
Ignore the "pastor"
His refusal to answer legitimate questions reveals his weakness.
Of course he is just a waterboy.
Kput'z is a stupid old man who inherited a ranch
Sweden has often been considered a leader when it comes to global humanitarian issues, regarded as a beacon of light in areas such as accepting refugees and working against global warming. In the COVID-19 pandemic, Sweden has also created interest around the world by following its own path of using a “soft” approach — not locking down, introducing mostly voluntary restrictions and spurning the use of masks.
While the Covid-19 epidemic continues to drag on in the United States, it’s largely over in Sweden where fatalities have dropped to no more than 2 deaths per day for the last week.
But Fauci didn't get to throw out the first pitch in Sweden so there's that.
Blogger Roger Amick said...
Kput'z is a stupid old man who inherited a ranch
says a drug-addled alcoholic who drank himself to a liver transplant and is now confined to a nursing home.
i'll take the kansas rancher any day.
Challenged by Cowardly,
I here post the rest of the article I began at 11:34AM above:
An unnerving death rate
Further evidence of this is that the agency insists on mandatory schooling for young children, the importance of testing has been played down for a long time, the agency refused to acknowledge the importance of asymptomatic spread of the virus (concerningly, it has encouraged those in households with COVID-infected individuals to go to work and school) and still refuses to recommend masks in public, despite the overwhelming evidence of their effectiveness.
In addition, the stated goal of the Swedish authorities was always not to minimize the epidemic but rather slow it down, so that the health care system wouldn’t be overwhelmed.
Several authorities, including the World Health Organization, have condemned herd immunity as a strategy. "It can lead to a very brutal arithmetic that does not put people and life and suffering at the center of that equation,” Dr. Mike Ryan, executive director of WHO's Health Emergencies Program, said in May.
Regardless of whether herd immunity is a goal or a side effect of the Swedish strategy, how has it worked out? Not so well, according to the agency’s own test results. The proportion of Swedes carrying antibodies is estimated to be less than 10%, thus nowhere near herd immunity. Yet, the Swedish death rate is unnerving. Sweden has a death toll greater than the United States: 564 deaths per million inhabitants compared with 444, as of July 27.
Sweden also has a death toll nearly five times greater than that of the other four Nordic countries combined — more than twice per million inhabitants. For a number of weeks, Sweden has been among the top in the world when it comes to reported deaths per capita. And despite this, the strategy in essence remains the same.
Learn from Sweden's mistakes
It is possible that the health agency actually believed that the Swedish approach was the most appropriate and sustainable one, and that the other countries, many of which went into lockdown, would do worse. Perhaps this, and not herd immunity, is the main reason the authorities are desperately clinging to their strategy. Or perhaps an unwillingness to admit early mistakes and take responsibility for thousands of unnecessary deaths plays into this resistance to change. Nevertheless, the result at this stage is unequivocal.
We do believe that Sweden can be used as a model, but not in the way it was thought of initially. It can instead serve as a control group and answer the question of how efficient the voluntary distancing and loose measures in Sweden are compared with lockdowns, aggressive testing, tracing and the use of masks.
In Sweden, the strategy has led to death, grief and suffering. On top of that, there are no indications that the Swedish economy has fared better than in many other countries. At the moment, we have set an example for the rest of the world on HOW NOT TO DEAL with a deadly infectious disease.
In the end, this too shall pass and life will eventually return to normal. New medical treatments will come and improve the prognosis. Hopefully, there will be a vaccine. Stick it out until then. And don’t do it the Swedish way.
The article is then signed by 25 Swedish doctors, Phd's, professors, and experts.
Roger, I schooled you on this before repeatedly.
I never " inherited a ranch "
The difference between Rogers Post about me and mine about him is clear.
I post about Roger Amuck, with facts.
He post about me with lies.
Thank you RRB. Right back at you.
The hospitalization rate of younger people is going up.
You said years ago that you inherited the ranch in Kansas
In Florida
Roger, I told you before my Parents owned lands and their home place in Michigan.
I live now and have lived in Kansas since (age 18) my time in the US Army.
Explain how I "inherited " my Ranch (home place and satellite land holdings) in Kansas?
Don't walk away from this, since it is your topic.
Dr. Stella Immanuel blasted Facebook after it removed her controversial video touting hydroxychloroquine as a “cure” for COVID-19.
Like all physicians (And despite her unconventional views she is a physician) she is required to document the condition of her patients, the treatments she prescribes and the effect of those treatment.
That is where her vocal support for HCQ therapy comes from. And she's not the only physician who has touted HCQ. And now a peer review of a retrogress study from the Ford Hospital group confirms those findings. HCQ with Zinc mitigates the symptoms to the point that the patient may not even need hospitalization much less an ICU bed and/or ventilator.
In fact the recommendation from the study is to begin a regimen of oral HCQ with Zinc oral therapy at the onset of symptoms. This gives the patient the best chance to avoid hospitalization altogether.
It's a mystery why liberals are so dead set against this therapy when the fact say it's potentially life saving. I will note the lame attempt to discredit HCQ therapy by mocking Dr Immanuel's beliefs.
However, missing in this mocking is any questioning of her competence as a physician or her ethics.
Thus James and Roger come up snake eyes again.
Every time Roger attempts to take me on he Runs away.
He is a coward, his 2 exwives know that .
Remember one thing about the first amendment rights.
You can't shout Fire in a movie theater.
Putting out information that is demonstrably false and dangerous to people who have the COVID-19 infection is not protected by the first amendment rights of free speech.
Racist Roger done attacking sole female African doctor in video yet ?
I guess his liver privilege gives him that entitlement in his mind.
Black and Woman, he owns her.
Blogger Roger Amick said...
Protesters are not the rioters, and the white racist now are trying to get that Faux news out there. Otherwise they would protect our constitution as they say. Now racist use the word licberal to describe people of color. Yes they are alive and well.
You aren’t well, more utter gibberish
So if a woman is convinced that she has been impregnated by demons, and the "very impressive" (per Trump) Dr. Stella Immanuel supports her claim, will Republicans allow her to have an abortion?
Protesters are not the rioters, and the white racist now are trying to get that Faux news out there. Otherwise they would protect our constitution as they say. Now racist use the word liberals to describe people of color. Yes they are alive and well.
The video shows both white and black doctors
i'll take the kansas rancher any day.
As well as swallowing trumps manhood!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!
Go back to mommy's basement and count your HD POS!!!!!
I see the Pastor" can't deny any of the ACTUAL DATA FACTS
instead he posts the rest of his "article"
maybe I should just post mine in its entirety in response.
But I won't.
james said Yet, the Swedish death rate is unnerving. less than 2 per day for the past week. Per capita much lower than New York, mid-pack for Europe... BUT NO RESTRICTIONS
james said there are no indications that the Swedish economy has fared better than in many other countries
it was the only major economy to grow in the first quarter of the year
A report from Capital Economics published on Tuesday found that the Swedish economy was the least harmed in Europe, describing it as the “best of a bad bunch.”
(“Sweden weathers 2020’s economic storm better than anywhere else”, Business Insider)
I think it's pretty obvious-
LOSER - the "pastor" james
I think that she would be a great Vice President
In In an interview with the hosts of ABC’s "The View" on Wednesday, Susan Rice, former national security adviser to Barack Obama and potential vice presidential pick for Joe Biden, slammed President Donald Trump’s response to reports that the Russian government was paying bounties to Taliban affiliates to kill American servicemen and women in Afghanistan.
"He is absolutely a failure as our commander in chief," Rice said. "And all the while he’s protecting Putin, justifying Russian behavior. In the same interview he said, 'Well you know China does much worse,'and then says 'And America has done the same thing as the Russians during the Afghan War' -- and it's just outrageous. Where is our president, our commander in chief standing up for our servicemen and women? He could care less and he's got some very bizarre very inexplicable reason for always giving Putin the benefit of the doubt and taking steps that benefit Russia at America’s expense."
Rice also blamed Trump for the surging number of deaths due to COVID-19, citing the fact that Trump disbanded the National Security Council unit, established during the Obama Administration, to plan for pandemic response.
"We prepared the incoming administration with a 'Pandemic for Dummies' playbook, and a tabletop exercise, and so many other briefings," Rice said. "So the fault here -- the fault here, the tragic loss of 150,000 Americans and counting, is on Donald Trump and his gross mishandling of this pandemic."
trumps troops are just like the Gestapo
I think that Rice would be a great pick
Maybe she can explain who "the right people" were
Maybe she can explain why she lied about a "video" an all the major news outlets right before an election.
Maybe she can explain the "do it by the book memo" weeks after the 1/5 meeting and minutes after she was technically out of office.
Maybe she can explain the Flynn surveillance,
Maybe she can explain spying on the Trump campaign.
Maybe she can explain the Biden involvement.
Umbrella man?
While in the middle of calling a bunch of doctors "kooks" while not actually coming up with anything from the video that they demanded is wrong. Do you not believe that they treated patients with hydroxychloroquine and that they believe that they got better. Is it not 100% factual that the CDC approved hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for Covid the last time we had a Coronavirus outbreak? Was this treatment not used by multiple countries across the globe? Was there not studies that suggested it worked?
While we can all disagree with one side or the other...
It's totally un-American to simply censor the opinion you no longer like.
But... then you start talking about Umbrella man... without actually reading the story. Which tells us that they don't know who Umbrella man is. Nobody has been arrested and they cannot verify that they have the right man.
What they got was a warrant based on an Email tip...
The previous "tip" suggested that Umbrella man was actually a St Paul Police officer... which turned out to be untrue.
At the current time, the Police do not have any evidence that "umbrella man" is actually a "Hells angle" biker.
All they have is an unconfirmed tip.
But hey... this is how it works these days.
The liberal media knows that they can print whatever they want and suckers will just gobble it up (as long as it tells them what they want to hear).
Anyone who believes an anonymous tip without any verification what-so-ever!
Our local leadership has been going full bore attempting to blame the violence on "white supremacists" and have yet to arrest or actually positively identify one of them so far.
Umbrella man is no different.
Putting out information that is demonstrably false and dangerous to people who have the COVID-19 infection
Would that include the lie you and your friends put out that HCQ was not effective in treating COVID-19 patients Roger? Because that lie cost thousands of lives.
Would that include the lie you and your friends put out that HCQ was not effective in treating COVID-19 patients Roger? Because that lie cost thousands of lives.
That was the main gist of the video in fact... it was mostly about HCQ and the fact that it has been used in the past and used in the present to what plenty of doctors believe was to good affect.
Now obviously there is disagreement as to whether or not it worked or didn't. But isn't it telling that a drug that is approved for treatments for other things (even with the known side affects) was unapproved by the FDA because of "side affects".
Makes you wonder if people who currently rely on the drug for their current treatments will eventually see the drug pulled from them, just because certain members of the medical political community have become anti-hydroxychloroquine in the wake of the President touting the drug?
I wonder if Louie Gohmert will be downing Hydroxychloroquine with Clorox.
The FDA says that it is dangerous and has negative side effects
Look it up again shut the fuck up
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FDA cautions against use of hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine for COVID-19 outside of the hospital setting or a clinical trial due to risk of heart rhythm problems
Does not affect FDA-approved uses for malaria, lupus, and rheumatoid arthritis
July 1, 2020 Update: A summary of the FDA review of safety issues with the use of hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine to treat hospitalized patients with COVID-19 is now available. This includes reports of serious heart rhythm problems and other safety issues, including blood and lymph system disorders, kidney injuries, and liver problems and failure.
June 15, 2020 Update: Based on ongoing analysis and emerging scientific data, FDA has revoked the emergency use authorization (EUA) to use hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine to treat COVID-19 in certain hospitalized patients when a clinical trial is unavailable or participation is not feasible. We made this determination based on recent results from a large, randomized clinical trial in hospitalized patients that found these medicines showed no benefit for decreasing the likelihood of death or speeding recovery. This outcome was consistent with other new data, including those showing the suggested dosing for these medicines are unlikely to kill or inhibit the virus that causes COVID-19. As a result, we determined that the legal criteria for the EUA are no longer met. Please refer to the Revocation of the EUA Letter and FAQs on the Revocation of the EUA for Hydroxychloroquine Sulfate and Chloroquine Phosphate for more information.
[4-24-2020] FDA Drug Safety Communication
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Plenty of doctors disagree with you
Alien Sperm!
Every time Roger attempts to take me on he Runs away.
He is a coward, his 2 exwives know that .
She's not sane Alien Sperm has infected your brain cells
"Roger AmickJuly 29, 2020 at 1:44 PM
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Roger Amick said...
The video shows both white and black doctors
well actually only one female black doctor.
But who's accounting.
There is a black male from UCLA (physician and clinical researcher). Well spoken and articulate.
Why are you ignoring him ?
That recommendation from the FDA was based on a Lancet study that has since been retracted as was the recommendation.
Lupus patients have used it long term for years without adverse effects.
Malaria patients have used it for years without any adverse effects.
It is so safe that it's prescribed as a prophylactic for people traveling to malaria prone areas,
Considering the alternative for high risk COVID-19 patients, the potential benefits far outweigh any minimal risk there is in taking the drug.
Gohmert Spoke to Barr Without a Mask
July 29, 2020 at 11:48 am EDT By Taegan Goddard
Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX), who tested positive for the coronavirus earlier today, spoke to Attorney General William Barr yesterday without a mask and for “a comment or two,” according to Olivia Beavers.
“Would say from memory, they were within arms length.”
Reuters reports Barr will now be tested.
Gohmert Required Full Staff In Office WITHOUT MASKS
July 29, 2020 at 1:37 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard
Just after reports that Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) had tested positive for coronavirus, Politico got an email from one of his aides:
“Thank you for letting our office know Louie tested positive for the Coronavirus. When you write your story, can you include the fact that Louie requires full staff to be in the office, including three interns, so that ‘we could be an example to America on how to open up safely.’ When probing the office, you might want to ask how often were people berated for wearing masks.”
Gohmert Suggests His Mask Caused Him to Catch Virus
July 29, 2020 at 1:58 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard
Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) told the American Independent that he probably contracted coronavirus because he wore a mask more frequently in recent days.
Said Gohmert:
“I can’t help but think that if I hadn’t been wearing a mask so much in the last 10 days or so, I really wonder if I would have gotten it.”
Roger Amick said...
The FDA says that it is dangerous and has negative side effects
I'm curious if you listened to what the black UCLA doctor said about this in the video or do you ignore black men too ?
I thought his answer was compelling.
The FDA says that it is dangerous and has negative side effects
Look it up again shut the fuck up
Maybe you should look for a later link instead of one based on a retracted study based on data provided by a porn star and a science fiction writer.
š·Brown added Oregon state troopers would “provide protection ...security of the exterior of the courthouse with the Federal Protective Service. A limited contingent of federal officials, who act as building security year-round, will remain and will stay focused on the interior of the U.S. Courthouse.”
Will the Rioters treat these Fine State Troopers well?
Roger said peace will now fill the streets.
How does it feel, Ch,
to have to face up to the fact that you
have turned your back on both the medical
and the geological sciences?
How does it make your wife feel?
Every time Roger attempts to take me on he Runs away.
He is a coward, his 2 exwives know that .
Roger, I schooled you on this before repeatedly.
I never " inherited a ranch "
The difference between Rogers Post about me and mine about him is clear.
I post about Roger Amuck, with facts.
He post about me with lies.
Roger, I told you before my Parents owned lands and their home place in Michigan.
I live now and have lived in Kansas since (age 18) my time in the US Army.
Explain how I "inherited " my Ranch (home place and satellite land holdings) in Kansas?
Don't walk away from this, since it is your topic.
Does anyone know what James is talking about or is he in his own little universe again.
Just to flame Roger's ass. I have more doctors than you do.
More Evidence Presented for Why Hydroxychloroquine Should be Made Available, in a New Court Filing by the Association of American Physicians & Surgeons (AAPS)
TUCSON, Ariz., July 22, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- This week the Association of American Physicians & Surgeons submitted additional evidence to a federal court for why interference with hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) should end by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) and the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS), in AAPS v. FDA, No. 1:20-cv-00493-RJJ-SJB (W.D. Mich.).
"As confirmed by another recent study of thousands of patients at the Henry Ford Health System in Michigan, HCQ is both very safe and highly effective in treating COVID-19, reducing mortality by 50%," AAPS informed the court in its filing. "Countries with underdeveloped health care systems are using HCQ early and attaining far lower mortality than in the United States, where [HHS and the FDA] impede access to HCQ."
Yet most Americans are still unable to obtain HCQ for early treatment of COVID-19, and virtually no Americans are able to access it as preventive medicine. HCQ has been used safely for decades by travelers to protect against malaria, but Americans are dying from COVID-19 while HCQ is withheld from them.
"Citizens of the Philippines, Poland, Israel, and Turkey all have greater access to HCQ than American citizens do," observes AAPS General Counsel Andrew Schlafly. "In Venezuela, HCQ is available over the counter without a prescription, while in the United States pharmacists are prevented from filling prescriptions for HCQ."
AAPS rebuts arguments presented by the FDA, which implied that medications are approved as safe only for certain conditions. In fact, HCQ and most medications have been approved without limitation, such that physicians can prescribe them for any off-label use.
"The mortality rate from COVID-19 in countries that allow access to HCQ is only one-tenth the mortality rate in countries where there is interference with this medication, such as the United States," explains Andrew Schlafly.
Polish chemists have even showed the world how to synthesize HCQ from cheaply, widely available ingredients. The cost of this medication is less than a dollar a dose, in contrast with the very expensive alternatives being pushed by FDA officials.
Commonsense said...
Does anyone know what James is talking about or is he in his own little universe again.
It's tuff on him to be a waterboy without any respect.
Or water.
"There is a black male from UCLA (physician and clinical researcher). Well spoken and articulate.
Why are you ignoring him ?"
Cowardly King Obama
Roger is a low life shallow human.
He is excessively self centered and self abusing, at times Suicidal.
James is :"It's tuff on him to be a waterboy without any respect.
Or water."
so the alky is allergic to alien sperm after shotgunning 0linsky's sperm 24/7/365 for 8 straight years.
that's ray-ciss.
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