Sunday, August 21, 2022

Sunday Funnies


Sunday Funnier said...

What is the difference between Washington, Nixon and Trump?

George Washington couldn’t tell a lie.

Richard Nixon couldn’t tell the truth.

Donald Trump can’t tell the difference!

Sunday Funnier said...

How is Donald Trump going to shut down the Department of Education? By renaming it Trump University.

What did Donald Trump say to the birthday boy? "Let me see your birth certificate".

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Gee, I thought the 87,000 new IRS agents are meant to audit only those who make over $400,000 a year.

That fits in well with Trump's unkept campaign promise to make the wealthy pay more taxes "because they should."

Now that's a REAL Sunday funny!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Not only in the jury box but also in the court of public opinion, it needs to be clear, crystal clear, what separates any crimes he might be charged with from — for example — the perjury and obstruction of justice that didn’t send Bill Clinton to prison or the breach of intelligence protocols that Hillary Clinton wasn’t charged with. You don’t just need a plausible legal case that tests interesting questions about presidential declassification powers; you need an easy-to-explain slam-dunk.

So if you have Trump taking design documents for nuclear weapons and shopping them to his pals in Saudi Arabia, congratulations — you got him; lock him up. If you have him taking boxes of notes from foreign leaders because he’s a childish egomaniac who thinks that he’s earned his White House souvenirs, well, then take the documents back, declare victory for the public interest and stop there. And if he took documents about the Russia investigation itself, of the sort that he wanted declassified during his presidency, well, tread carefully, lest you trap us all in an awful time loop where it’s forever 2017.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

James Comey elected President Donald Trump.

In a July 5, 2016, news conference, Comey announced he was recommending that charges not be brought against Clinton. He also criticized Clinton’s handling of classified information as “extremely careless.” And he disclosed he had not informed the Justice Department leadership beforehand of what he planned to say.

Then, in a surprising move 11 days before the November election, he notified Congress that discovery of new emails had led him to reopen the Clinton investigation. Two days before the election, he announced the probe was closed. Trump narrowly defeated Clinton in one of the most contentious elections in modern history.


Merrick Garland will probably put him in prison.

Have a great vacation day censoring everyone πŸ˜€

Donald Trump said...

Donald J. Trump



All polls STRONGLY indicate that I am the candidate that Democrats LEAST want to run against, by far, hence the politically motivated Raid on Mar-a- Lago - Which has backfired, big time! I beat them twice, did much better the second time (many millions more votes than the first!), and may just have to do it again. Our Country is going to Hell!



Aug 21, 2022, 05:12

Commander-in-Thief Biden said...

Spot on.

There's so much material you could easily do daily funnies

but that is sad

anonymous said...

Did Obama take 30 million documents to Chicago?
CLAIM: Former President Barack Obama took 30 million documents, many of them classified, to Chicago upon leaving the White House. AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. Obama administration records are exclusively held and maintained by the National Archives and Records Administration, the federal agency confirmed on Friday.

Try as you might Scotty, you know jack shit when It comes to records!!!!!!

Myballsinthewoodsagain said...

We have a fierce competition underway for which Biden cabinet member deserves to be impeached first.

There's majorkas who allows the border chaos to flourish

There's defense sec Austin who is firing military for not vexing or for opposing the crt implementation

There's AG Garland who has weaponized the doj and fbi to ignore criminal activity by the left while targeting school parents as domestic terrorists and approving unconstitutional raids of an ex b president

There's mayor Pete, who has both shipping ports and airports in chaos and is clueless to fix it

We have fbi director Wray, who has kept the fbi as a Trump hating cabal of thugs

We have the treasury sec yellin clueless that inflation is even a problem much less know how to fix it

We have the energy sec granholm still pushing the anti oil and gas policies driving up costs for us all

Of course, we have the president and vice president, both of whom are idiots

Good grief.

C.H. Truth said...

How do you get Joe Biden to change a lightbulb!

Tell him Donald Trump installed it!

Wow... isn't that funny?

C.H. Truth said...

Denny - it has been almost six years since Obama left office. It took him most of that time to turn stuff over...

The fact that they have most of them "TODAY" does not dispute that there were 33 million documents shipped to a warehouse in Chicago when he left office.

EVERY PRESIDENT takes documents with them when they the case of the Clintons they took furniture to boot!

C.H. Truth said...

Roger is so stupid that he believes that the story about how James Comey did not charge Clinton for having classified documents in an unsecured private server...

is reason for Garland to charge Trump for what Comey said he couldn't charge Clinton with?

Yeah... Take your meds Roger!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Keeping talking about Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama is a ridiculous thing.

This election matters much more.

If the turnout in the off year election favors the Democrats across the nation because the Republicans have nominated crazy election desires and anti-FBI loonies.

They will keep the Senate majority and have a slight change in the house.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Ch, you don't seem to get the difference. Obama took nothing to his private home. Trump did.

Obama never claimed to declassify documents by thinking about it. Trump did.

C.H. Truth said...

Keeping talking about Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama is a ridiculous thing.

You brought up Hillary and Denny brought up Obama...

So you believe that the two of you are acting in a ridiculous fashion?

For once... you and I agree.

You are ridiculous!

Perhaps we should focus on the President today (Joe Biden) and the politicians who are actually in power?

Whadda say Champ?

Ridiculous to talk about former political figures?

anonymous said...

Denny - it has been almost six years since Obama left office. It took him most of that time to turn stuff over...

Unless you have proof this did not occur.....go fuck yourself!!!! Since you will never admit you are wrong, I''l do it for you!!!!!!!! LOLOLOLOLOL

Scotty.....talking out your old white ass again....all documents were shipped to the NARA as required by law immediately following his departure from the White House!!!!!!! Funny how you ignore the fact that Trump sent his stuff to his basement which is not in consonance with law.....but that's okay!!!!!

The National Archives “assumed exclusive legal and physical custody of Obama presidential records when President Barack Obama left office in 2017, in accordance with the Presidential Records Act,” the statement said. “NARA moved approximately 30 million pages of unclassified records to a NARA facility in the Chicago area, where they are maintained exclusively by NARA. Additionally, NARA maintains the classified Obama presidential records in a NARA facility in the Washington, D.C., area.”
“As required by the P.R.A.,” the statement added, referring to the Presidential Records Act, “former President Obama has no control over where and how NARA stores the presidential records of his administration.”

anonymous said...

But the statements are false.

In an August 12 statement, the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) said it took “exclusive legal and physical custody” of Obama presidential records when he left office: “NARA moved approximately 30 million pages of unclassified records to a NARA facility in the Chicago area where they are maintained exclusively by NARA. Additionally, NARA maintains the classified Obama Presidential records in a NARA facility in the Washington, DC, area. As required by the [Presidential Records Act], former President Obama has no control over where and how NARA stores the Presidential records of his Administration.”

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The grip he has is not going away but even some people are talking the same things like dismantling the Department of Justice etc. And of course DeSantis and his culture wars still dominate the Republican Party.

The next two years are going to be very difficult if the Republicans take back the house.

But if people like Jim Jordan πŸ‡―πŸ‡΄ become the face of the Republican Party, and the economy recovers from a real small recession, the Democrats will dominate for a few years πŸ€”. Depending upon which Democrat will run for President in 2024.

C.H. Truth said...

National Archives does not have any offices in Chicago. But Obama lives in Chicago.

I am curious Denny... if you "truly" believe the Archives took control of all of his documents when he left office. Why would THEY make the decision to move them from Washington DC (where their offices are) all the way to Chicago?? What would be the point of that?

And I suppose you believe it is just a coincidence that Obama happens to live in Chicago?

This is (once again) a silly semantical dispute. They have not "physically" taken control of the documents or they would be at the National Archives in DC (as they claim they did with the classified documents). In fact, almost none of those documents have even been digitalize available at the archives as they are supposed to be... How can they tell us what documents are in that warehouse if they have not gotten around to digitalizing them?

But eventually they will be put in Obama's Presidential library, Right?

I guess it is possible that the National Archives are just bungling idiots who accidently sent everything to a warehouse in Chicago (when they are supposed to keep them in their physical custody) and just have not gotten around to making everything available to the public (which is the point).

Or perhaps...

They never actually take "physical custody" of any Presidential records... and they are playing a game of semantics (as in they say that the records are in their physical custody when they actually do not physically have them in DC). By that same reasoning.... they could also claim custody of 15 boxes of records that had been in Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate too?

At this point... is certainly seems that they have no problem leaving 30 million pages of documents in Chicago almost 6 years later, but don't like 15 boxes still in Trump's possession and demanded that all the documents be physically taken back to Washington D.C.

Lastely... there is no law here. Any archive disputes are civil.

This doesn't appear to be an adult dispute at this point.

But either way, Denny!

I appreciate your blind trust in government agencies and complete lack of critical reasoning. It certainly reinforces my views of you!

C.H. Truth said...

Denny replies...

But, but, but.. a Government agency said so!

I believe EVERYTHING I am told by government agencies. Especially when a WaPo "fact checker" is involved

Oh, except for when a Republican is in charge.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

In my own words--
Trump is being investigated for having documents in his home he should never have had there.

He's being investigaged for his attempted overturning of the 2020 presidential election.

He's being sued civilly for the violence that took place on Jan. 6, 2021.

He's being probed for criminally trying to claim election fraud in Georgia.

He's being investigated concerning fraudulent tax and accounting practices of his firm in New York.

Caliphate4vr said...

If the turnout in the off year election favors the Democrats across the nation because the Republicans have nominated crazy election desires and anti-FBI loonies.

Yeah the electorate is chomping at the bit to continue $6.00/gallon gas, pork shoulder I paid $.99 an lb 2 years ago, is $2.59 now. Fucking cabbage has more than doubled

Fuck you Alky, you really should, if as you claim can, leave your fucking room and go outside.

But your ability to freely move about is just another of your multitude of lies

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Business Insider
A former chief of staff to President Donald Trump said it's hard to understand how some the classified documents that were said to have been seized from Mar-a-Lago ended up there.

Mick Mulvaney, who served as Trump's acting chief of staff from January 2019 to March 2020, appeared on CNN Friday to discuss the materials that were seized during the August 8 raid on Trump's Florida residence. According to court records, the FBI recovered 11 sets of classified documents.

When asked if he was concerned about the documents, Mulvaney said one thing that caught his attention was that among the list of recovered materials were items labeled Top Secret Sensitive Compartmented Information, or TS/SCI, which requires the highest levels of security clearance.

"That's the serious stuff," he said, adding "that's not supposed to be there."
But he did say that the warrant was not justified. I didn't want to post it all over again

Myballsinthewoodsagain said...

James is correct that Trump is being investigated and sued. He has been sued and investigated ever since he became a presidential candidate. One would think that in all of these, something would've come to light.

Accusations, innuendo, charges, and political hyperbole connotes to guilt in a congressional hearing. But not in a court of law.

Trump is pretty certain to win the 4th amendment lawsuit his attorneys are going to file.

C.H. Truth said...


You forgot to mention campaign finance laws, Russian collusion, illegal non-disclosure agreements, obstruction of justice, illegal phone calls to foreign leaders, and about 10 other investigations over the past six years that have gone nowhere.

Now you have a murky DOJ investigation that nobody clearly knows what is the underlying issue. It cannot be an archives dispute, charging classified record violations is a non-starter, and Garland is not stupid enough to charge an ex-President for obstruction over a document dispute that everyone admits the President had been cooperating with.

Garland did not engage his Office of Legal Counsel or appropriately assign a Master to view the Trump documents to make sure they were in the context of the underlying investigation... both of which suggests that he is on extremely dubious legal ground and he wants no oversight of this. They are fishing for something.

The Georgia investigation is a local county DA who cannot garner her own indictment and any attempts for her to pursue charges (without an indictment) will not just be challenged in court, but likely met with jurisdiction issues with the State AG (who has investigated and decided not to press any charges).

New York is a civil suit... as is everything at this point associated with his taxes. He likely settles that by paying a fine at some point if it even gets to that.

Mulvaney said...

Concerning a certain highly classified document that was said to have been seized by the FBI from Mar-a-Lago, Mick Mulvaney said,
“It’s really hard to understand how it gets there in the first place. These things are not accidentally moved anywhere. These documents are marked. They are clearly known to folks to be TS/SCI and there’s supposed to be folks tracking where they are.”

rrb said...

But your ability to freely move about is just another of your multitude of lies

Leave his facility?

LOL. He can't even leave this blog. The dumb fuck felt compelled to post some idiocy over on the hospice blog today.

He's mentally ill. Deeply and profoundly mentally fucking ill, and the only way he leaves his psychiatric hospital is in a fucking body bag.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The New York investigation could cost him millions.

Some analyst's said he could be bankrupt

Anonymous said...

GOD'S Waiting room.
"Bentley Suites by Serenity Care Health

Assisted living facility in Santa Monica, CaliforniaC

Anonymous said...

Scott your post on Liberals attempting to talk on the subject of economics is proven here daily.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

This could be a game changer.

But if she runs as an independent she might cause the same problem in 2000.

The former top Republican Liz Cheney, who lost her Wyoming seat in Congress last week when she was beaten in a primary by a Donald Trump-endorsed challenger, is threatening to turn her political muscle against other prominent politicians in her party who have embraced the former president’s attack on democracy.

In an interview with ABC News aired on Sunday, she said that some of the best known Republican figures are now within her sights. She name-checked Kevin McCarthy, Ron DeSantis, Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley – all of whom have openly supported Trump’s lie that electoral fraudsters stole the 2020 presidential race from him and handed it to his Democratic rival, Joe Biden.

In the wake of her Wyoming defeat, Cheney has announced plans to set up a new political organization and has indicated that she is considering a 2024 presidential run designed to stop Trump from re-entering the White House.

Her comments on Sunday suggest that her plans to confront election deniers go much wider than Trump himself..


Big money people might support her instead of Trump.

Caliphate4vr said...

If the top issue facing Wyoming Republicans was punishing Trump for Jan. 6, Cheney would have been a shoo-in. Instead, her base was more concerned with the 372 things Biden’s messed up since then.

Wyomingites (Wyomingians? Wyomese?) are upset about the administration’s war on fossil fuels, broken supply chains and inflation – kitchen-table issues that have made their lives worse on a daily basis. Imagine that.

But they should focus on Jan. 6,” you say. Well, they don’t. Now what?

Perhaps a shrewder politician could have threaded the needle between policy and personality; reprimanding Trump while countering Biden’s agenda. But Liz Cheney didn’t gain office by shrewdness, rather by having a famous last name.

She only lived in Wyoming a few years as a kid before buying a house there 10 years ago to begin a political career. The rest of her life was spent in her real home, Washington, D.C.

Unsurprisingly, her behavior in office reflected this. She was so focused on winning over Washington and Manhattan, she forgot about Casper and Cheyenne. Her voters noticed and acted accordingly.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Here you have not only a DOJ investigation, but one that included an FBI raid on the residence of a previous president, a first in history.

Seems to me that elevates it onto a new level.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

CH said
"..Garland is not stupid enough to charge an ex-President for obstruction over a document dispute that everyone admits the President had been cooperating with."

Months ago Trump's lawyer signed a statement saying that all classified documents had been turned over.

Not true.

Caliphate4vr said...

So much for pedo’s question

The argument is over what Trump did after he stood “over a set of documents and sa[id] these are now declassified,” as former Defense Department Chief of Staff Patel told Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo last Sunday. Patel said 60% of the documents had been released already, but Trump and Patel wanted all of the documents in the public in order to display the deep state treachery. He thinks the FBI staged the raid to keep them under wraps forever.

“That’s why President Trump made it his mission to declassify and be transparent,” Patel told Bartiromo. “In October 2020, he issued a sweeping declassification order for every single Russiagate document and every single Hillary Clinton document. Then, on the way out of the White House, he issued further declassification orders declassifying whole sets of documents.”

The former national security federal prosecutor told Bartiromo, “And that is done with definitive action immediately, but the fact that the bureaucrats at NARA who referred — remember the National Archives (NARA) are the ones who referred this to the Department of Justice, but they, the same principle, failed to refer the Hillary Clinton to the Department of Justice when they got their hands on the classified emails from those servers.”

But Patel said on a podcast before the raid that “White House counsel and company disobeyed a presidential order and implemented federal governmental bureaucracy on the way out to basically send the stash to the National Archives, and now that’s where it’s at,” according to ABC News. We don’t know why at this point.

Mike Davis, President of the Article III Project, says that if presidents were prosecuted for espionage, President Obama would have been busted for secretly telling the Russian president in 2012 that he’d have more time to negotiate with Vlad after the 2012 election. He wasn’t “because he’s the president! Period.”

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Guardian is a British news source of both sides of America πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

But this is very dangerous Scott.

The FBI’s search of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence earlier this month for classified documents removed from the White House unleashed the latest barrage of threats of violence, this time directed at an institution widely regarded as a bastion of establishment conservatism.

The Florida senator Rick Scott likened the FBI to the Gestapo. In Ohio, the police killed an armed US navy veteran who attacked an FBI office. In Pennsylvania, a man with a history of vaccine denial was charged with threatening to “slaughter” federal agents he described as “police state scum”, and compared to the Nazi SS and the Soviet secret police.

In the days after the search of Mar-a-Lago, the FBI and Department of Homeland Security warned of a surge in threats of violence against federal agents, their families and the judge who issued the search warrant. The FBI said these included calls for “civil war” and “armed rebellion”.


Sensible Republicans have to get rid of the Orange Monster

Caliphate4vr said...

But if people like Jim Jordan πŸ‡―πŸ‡΄ become the face of the Republican Party,

Pssssst Alky that’s Palestine not Ohio you fucking idiot

C.H. Truth said...


Roger took no issue when there was a death threat as well as illegal parading in front of USSC justices that even included them harassing their neighbors.

Those crazies are okay in Roger's mind. Or at least that is what the voices in his head are telling him.

C.H. Truth said...

Months ago Trump's lawyer signed a statement saying that all classified documents had been turned over.


You expecting Garland will charge one of Trump's attorneys?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

If the attorney testifies he was speaking at Trump's direction, I think not.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Thanks for two big laughs, Cali.

The first:
...the FBI staged the raid to keep them under wraps forever.

The second:
...Trump made it his mission to declassify and be transparent...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Those were just a few people. The threats from the reactions subpoena are happening across the country 😳

Newsmax said...

Dick Morris, a political activist and adviser to former presidents Bill Clinton and Donald Trump, told Newsmax on Saturday that Democrats are giving up on replacing Trump in a 2024 GOP primary, and instead are focusing on using the legal system to preclude him from seeking another term in office.

"I think we have to understand the point I make in my book, 'The Return: Trump's Big 2024 Comeback,' Democrats had given up on the political process to keep Trump out of office," Morris said during "Saturday Report." "They've seen after primary, after primary, after primary, week after week, that Trump is winning everything; and they realized that they can't beat him in the Republican primary.”

Note: Get Dick Morris' new book "The Return" on Trump's secret plan for 2024. See It Here!

Morris said that with the political option gone, the Democrats now only can try to use the legal system to bar Trump from running in the first place and are using the power of the Department of Justice and FBI to carry that out.

"They had tried to get [Florida Gov. Ron] DeSantis and others into the race, but they see that they're not going to get in because Trump has a lock on the nomination," he said. "So what they're trying to do is to knock him off the ballot through the courts. And the vehicle they've chosen is to indict him for sedition, which is the crime that he allegedly committed when they claim that he incited a revolution against the United States on Jan. 6, [2021]."

Morris said that, historically, the idea comes from the post-Civil War era, when a number of former Confederate generals and other officials were elected to Congress, spurring legislation that would bar them from serving because they were part of "the rebellion."

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The voices in your head are the problem, not mine

Caliphate4vr said...

Pedo you’ve been requesting proof Trump declassified these documents, there it is , dumbass

Even though we’ve proven beyond a shadow of a doubt he had the authority whether he made the declaration or not

C.H. Truth said...

So just so are clear, Reverend....

You believe that the DOJ would push the most partisan indictment in the history of the country on an "process crime" of obstruction that is based on something Trump didn't actually do?

Did Trump testify under oath? Did Trump sign something under penalty of perjury?

Or are we making up another new crime?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
C.H. Truth said...

Trump is storing an indictment that was found top secret?

Got that door code, Rog?

Anonymous said...

Where did the Gorebal Warming Hurricane πŸŒ€ Season go?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Most of the people here need an escort to go outside. But I am not crazy. I can come and go 24/7. Basically I rent a room and get three meals per day

It is not what I wanted but I'm not locked up

And ✔️ I don't have IED like.....

anonymous said...

I see scotty that you are nothing but. a ball less big fucking mouth piece for trump and that once again, are not fucking man enough to post my thoughts....GOTCHA!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

anonymous said...

Where did the Gorebal Warming Hurricane πŸŒ€ Season go?

83% of the season still in front of the US.....ask your stupid question at the end of September or visit Dallas who went from drought to floods overnight.....6" rain in 1 hour at DFW airport...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

For Trump supporters, the stolen-election theory enables them to avoid confronting the reality that a large majority of the country dislikes the guy they like and to avoid asking whether there might not be some empirically well-founded reasons to dislike him, such as his narcissism, petty vindictiveness and America-first parochialism. The stolen-election theory enables Trump supporters to avoid admitting they’ve backed a loser. It allows them to believe that the problem isn’t Mr. Trump’s unpopularity, for which they and Mr. Trump are largely responsible.

If Trump supporters’ problem was his unfitness for public office rather than compromised voting machines, then they’d have to consider that they might be complicit in what ails the country. They’d have to do a lot of hard work to figure out why they were so loyal to such an obnoxious person. Much easier to blame a Democratic conspiracy.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Whatever you do, Chtruths sycophants who are now under the dictatorial control of Ch, DO NOT go to and find out what's really happening.

Republican politicians are desperately trying to put all the emphasis on the FBI raid, attempting to deflect from the advcances in approval that Democrats are now enjoying.

All this Trump adulation may yet prove to be little more than a flash in the pan.

And Ch, you really do slather in the pits when you say things like "got that doorcode?"

Try to develop a little self respect by desisting from that and also by allowing real dissent,
not a Putin-like control of what we say.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

He is actually a brilliant man but.

The Naked Emperors’ Furious Search for Fig Leaves

The war between blue and red and mass versus elite is really grounded in the reality that those who feel they were the deserved winners of globalization and who are the sole enlightened on matters of social, economic, political, and military policy have no record of recent success, but a long litany of utter failure. 

They have become furious that the rest of the country sees through these naked emperors. Note Merrick Garland’s sanctimonious defense of the supposed professionalism of the Justice Department and FBI hierarchies—while even as he pontificated, they were in the very process of leaking and planting sensational “nuclear secrets” narratives to an obsequious media to justify the indefensible political fishing expedition at a former president’s home and current electoral rival to Merrick Garland’s boss. 

The masses increasingly view the elites’ money, their ZIP codes, their degrees and certificates, and their titles not just with indifference, but with the disdain they now have earned on their own merits. 

And that pushback has made millions of our worst and stupidest quite mad.

Caliphate4vr said...


CNN anchor Jim Acosta clashed with former acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf on Sunday over his claims of election fraud.
The exchange quickly became heated as Acosta pushed Wolf, who served under former President Trump, to say whether President Biden justly won the last election.

“Who won the 2020 election?” Acosta asked after Wolf expressed concern over voter fraud and irregularities.

“Obviously Joe Biden is president,” Wolf responded.

“No, no, no,” Acosta retorted. “Do you believe that he won that election fair and square?”

Wolf again answered the question indirectly.

“Joe Biden is president,” Wolf said, adding that he didn’t have all of the evidence needed to conclude that Biden’s victory was legitimate.

Wolf cited Wisconsin’s use of ballot drop boxes to back up his claims of fraud, noting that polling consistently shows a lack of confidence in election security among Americans.

“There are a number of irregularities, illegalities and fraud,” Wolf said before Acosta interrupted.

“Not enough to alter the outcome of the election,” Acosta said.

So much for most secure election in history

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

the Deep State is going to vaccinate your salad dressing

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

also 9:55

Why did Cali leave off the last part of the Hill article he cited?

It continues like this:

“Not enough to alter the outcome of the election,” Acosta said.

Acosta slammed Wolf, accusing him of undermining democracy and leading Americans down a “path of lies.”

“It sounds like you’ve watched one too many conspiracy theories on the 2020 election,” Acosta said as the segment came to a close.

Trump and his political allies have repeatedly pushed baseless claims that the 2020 presidential election was stolen through widespread fraud.

Many Republicans have embraced the narrative as part of their midterm election campaigns, including GOP nominees for secretary of state in states including Wyoming and Arizona.

Caliphate4vr said...

Was it linked, stupid old man

And way to avoid the point asswipe