Of course, if the Democrats had allowed the generally politically accepted quick confirmation of Attorney Generals that all other Presidents have been given, a former Obama flunky would not have been in a position to create the "grandstanding" scene that led to the firing of the flunky in question.
Sooner or later the Republicans are going to be tired of indulging them and just go nuclear.
hopefully sooner.
this will not be trump's final ussc nominee. might as well set the table now for ruth buzzi ginsburg.
leave schumer to stomp out the flaming pile of dog shit harry reid left behind.
Sooner or later all the faux outrage and demonstrations will meld into a cohesive force and show the way to upsetting the R plans. Hopefully, before a shooting war starts under donnie.
So you are basing a movement on phoney outrage.
Sounds about right for a liberal.
Commonsense said...
So you are basing a movement on phoney outrage.
The numbers speak for themselves. Like you, he can only bury his head so long before something breaks. You said it would all be forgotten by Friday. Me thinks you are nutz.
They certainly do, and the numbers say that a majority of Americans support Trump's immigration policy.
The only one living in La La land is you.
So you are basing a movement on phoney outrage.
Sounds about right for a liberal. "
Where did OccupyWallStreet and BlackLiesMatter go to , we barely had time to get to know them.
"The Numbers speak for themselves" Dumbdogdump
President Trump R
Majority in US Senate R
Majority in US House R
Governorships R
I am getting my wish, I wished that the Liberal Losers would act like this, spoiled by being in power now out, they act like a child that was raised by snowflake parents that never said "NO", now that they are in the real world they wonder why the WORLD is telling them "NO".
Trump SCOTUS: "Evangelicals will love my pick."
If he nominates a justice who will support overturning Roe V Wade, this will be an epic battle.
I put up an open mic on the SCOTUS Selection on the Historical Blog
I only made one partisan point with one of the pictures. LOL
"Reflecting on the life and times of Scalia last year, Gorsuch told a law school audience how he viewed the role of judges and judging.
They are “men and women,” he said, “who do not thrust themselves into the limelight but who tend patiently and usually quite obscurely to the great promise of our legal system ― the promise that all litigants, rich or poor, mighty or meek, will receive equal protection under the law and due process for their grievances.” Huffington Post
Well, this is a very mainstream, middle of the road view, nothing to get in the way of his confirmation. I Think it was a Safe Pick and he was vetted and on President Elect Trumps List.
SO the President kept his word, again, picked from his list and now onto other issues, this one is "settled".
Roger Amick said...
I put up an open mic on the SCOTUS Selection on the Historical Blog
full of asshattery and misinformation too i'll bet. like when you "cited law" bitching about bannon on the nsc.
you're an idiot alky. alter cited the same law as you did and he got schooled by laurence tribe himself.
Jonathan Alter attempts legal analysis on Steve Bannon and the NSC, gets NUKED by Laurence Tribe
Should have fired her before she got the chance to grandstand. Trump is going to need to purge the Justice Department sooner or later.
As usual the racist rodent is wrong again. Read it and weep Jimmy boy.
Bannon's appointment to the NSC requires Senate approval.
mystic belmont 1 hour ago#1
(a) Establishment; presiding officer; functions; compositionThere is established a council to be known as the National Security Council (hereinafter in this section referred to as the “Council”).
The President of the United States shall preside over meetings of the Council: Provided, That in his absence he may designate a member of the Council to preside in his place.
The function of the Council shall be to advise the President with respect to the integration of domestic, foreign, and military policies relating to the national security so as to enable the military services and the other departments and agencies of the Government to cooperate more effectively in matters involving the national security.
The Council shall be composed of—
(1) the President;
(2) the Vice President;
(3) the Secretary of State;
(4) the Secretary of Defense;
(5) the Secretary of Energy; and
(6) the Secretaries and Under Secretaries of other executive departments and of the military departments, when appointed by the President by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to serve at his pleasure.
There goes Roger again doubling down on stupid.
Just to rub Roger's nose in his stupidity:
Laurence Tribe ✔ @tribelaw
1/The law isn't obscure but it dsn't require Senate confirmation to serve on the Principals Committee, which isn't part of NSC as such. The https://twitter.com/jonathanalter/status/826284614188662784 …
2/role Bannon has been given is crazy and dangerous but it doesn't seem to violate any law, though it probably should
Yes, it's the same legal professor who Roger cites as an expert on the constitution.
Should have fired her before she got the chance to grandstand. Trump is going to need to purge the Justice Department sooner or later.
Yep and quite a few other agencies
Embrace the SUCK
Senate Republicans pushed through a pair of President Trump’s Cabinet nominees Wednesday, upending standard committee rules to circumvent a Democratic boycott.
The Senate Finance Committee advanced a pair of Trump’s nominees with only Republican members present — Steven Mnuchin to head the Treasury Department, and Rep. Tom Price (R-Ga.) as secretary of Health and Human Services.
By unanimous consent, the Republicans gathered in the hearing room agreed to change the committee’s standing rules, which normally require at least one member of each party to be in attendance for committee work to proceed.
Commonsense said...
There goes Roger again doubling down on stupid. "
His party is in shambles, lost elections and no back bone.
I love that the Republicans with the support of the President have moved over the tiny crying speed bumps known as the Dems and did the work.
Dems, Man of for Christ Sake, you lost, but calling in Sick is sad>
H/T To Cali and your link
Sessions shouldn't be confirmed. He's a big government liberal who has already deceived the American people and the people of his state.
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