Sunday, January 29, 2017

Executive Orders...

Personally I have always felt that when it comes to policies where we have laws in place, that Presidents should be seen, heard, but they should stop sort of taking matters into their own hand. I took much issue with President Obama's statements regarding executive actions, and how he believed that it was his right to act "if Congress didn't". That was wrong headed then, and the same logic is wrong headed today.

That being said, of the two arguments... executive action to "loosen" restrictions on refugees and immigration seem to be almost 100% a policy issue, where as executive action to "tighten" restrictions on refugees and immigration can at least be argued to be an action stemming from national security concerns.

From a legal standpoint, opposition to the Trump executive action took it's best shot and barely put a dent into anything. They got possibly the best federal Judge they could have gotten (an Obama appointee with direct ties to Chuck Schumer) and the results were a temporary stay on the "deportation" of those with Green Cards being detained at Airports (other Judges provided similar rulings). It's not even certain whether or not that even effects the main tenets of the executive order. Nor would it likely supersede a deportation by Homeland Security if there were legitimate grounds to do so. Ultimately, it may not even warrant an appeal from the Administration.

Contrary to the arguments of politically motivated politicians and the politically under-informed liberal elitist media, there is nothing unconstitutional about banning refugees based on region or even religion. In fact our refugees laws clearly states that religious persecution is one of the main reasons we would accept a refugee, meaning that "by law" consideration of religion is part of the vetting process for asylum status. Not to mention that there is no constitutional rights for any foreigner to be provided with refugee or immigration status. It's no surprise that even the most liberal judge with the interests of the Democratic Party in mind, would not be so bold as to declare the order to be invalid.

Likewise, the seven countries on the list were not randomly determined by the President, they are countries were identified by Congress in 2015 as part of Terrorist Prevention Act. So at the very least, the list of countries was taken from existing law. In fact this whole executive order can be seen to some degree as an expansion of that existing law.

Bottom line, like most everything Trump does that seems impulsive, I think this is another opening gambit being played by the President.  While I am not a fan of executive actions, almost everything in this action is temporary. I believe that is by design. It should now become a priority for Congress to prevent future Presidential action, by creating a law (or amending existing law) that follows through on some of the promises made by Donald Trump and the Republican Party... who after all, did with both the Presidency and both of the chambers of Congress in 2016.


KD, UCLA BARBIE are you leaving the USA, or did you lie on Nov 9th, 2016 said...


Defend the People of the USA
Get this damaged economy going, grow jobs
Cut Taxes on personal and business income
Cut Taxes on money earned oversea's by US Companies.

We know for a scientific fact that cutting business tax rates grow the US Economy, money flows to the USA.

Mexico over ever single year under Obama took on average 55 Billion dollars out of the USA by making shitty trade deals, (US Census).

What IF we get a trade deal where the USA exports and Import an Even amount of goods, in for years we are not losing over 1/4 of a Trillion dollars a year.

Remember, the Liberals think that the Illegals come to the US are the freaking 2nd coming. If these illegals are the best and the brightest how come they don't stay in their own Country and make them Great.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I actually agree with the post.
But you want more proof of the totalitarianism instinct of the President, from the evil Huffington Post.

DULLES, Virginia ― The U.S. government must “permit lawyers access to all legal permanent residents being detained at Dulles International Airport,” a federal judge in Virginia ordered late Saturday.

But U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents at this airport outside Washington, D.C., are defying the judge’s order, blocking attorneys from talking to the lawful permanent residents CBP is detaining here.

Border agents have detained dozens of people who were trying to enter the U.S. from the seven majority-Muslim countries covered by President Donald Trump’s executive order on immigration. Trump’s measure, which also froze the U.S. refugee resettlement program and banned admission of Syrian refugees indefinitely, requires even legal permanent residents from the affected countries to seek approval for re-entry on a case-by-case basis.

CBP agents never actually complied with the judge’s order, because they never let the attorneys into the area where the agency was holding the detainees, eight of the attorneys told HuffPost. But by around 1 a.m. on Sunday, some four hours after the order came down, CBP officials had allowed all but two of the people they were holding to enter the United States, according to two lawyers with knowledge of the matter. Both were Syrian nationals: One was denied entry late on Saturday, and the second was released on Sunday to apply for asylum in the U.S.

However, on Sunday, several attorneys at Dulles confirmed CBP was still denying them access to new arrivals who were being detained.

“We aren’t getting any access at this point,” Sarah Dill, director of the American Bar Association’s standards project said Sunday.

Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.) said CBP officials were refusing to speak with him. He was at Dulles with fellow D.C.-area Reps. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) and Don Beyer (D-Va.).

“This remains a nation of laws, not of men,” Connolly said.

KD, Legal Immigration said...

UCLA Barbie maybe you should have won the last election to assure your open borders policies .

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Your comment that they don't have First Amendment rights. But consider that we didn't allow thousands of Jews fleeing Nazi Germany. Most perished in the death camps.

So we need to seriously review the impulsive behavior of Trump, the consequences may be tragic.

C.H. Truth said...

Roger - there are plenty of places in this world where people are being persecuted. America cannot save them all.

But if you are truly concerned with how the people in Syria, Iran, etc... are being treated, then we should (as a Country) agree to put a stop to the treatment, just like with did in WWII with Hitler.

We didn't allow Hitler to run rampant because we didn't want to "put boots on the ground" and then decide to take on thousands of refugees in areas where the Nazis were persecuting people.

We stopped Hitler and his forces from committing the persecution.

We can't sit around and demand that the actions of ISIS and other radical Islamic forces are not our responsibility, but then demand that taking in the refugees is our responsibility.

Either it's all our responsibility, or none of it is.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Boots on the ground in the middle east has been almost always a disaster.

The other point is that legal immigrants, with green cards have First Amendment rights and protection from this impulsive behavior.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The first week has been to put it different.

1: Crowd side
2: Vote fraud.
3: Putting Bannon on the National Security Council replacing a four star general He has zero experience in military or intelligence service. The joint chief of staff is not a member, by "need" to attend the meetings.
4: The wall. Mexico is not going to pay for it. And from my point of view, it is not something our country should do. Appearances mater.
5: This ban is questionable on constitutional grounds.
6: The tariff on goods coming from Mexico. The cost of the tariff will be paid by American consumers.

He entered the Presidency with the lowest polling numbers in history. Historically, the approval declines. The mid term elections are going to be largely decided by the popularity of the President, who is also the face of the Republican party. He won the electoral college, but lost the popular vote by almost three million votes. Although the gerrymandering is going to make it difficult, but not possible because the President probably will not be popular, so the house is only nine states can be swung the other way and lose the house. I know you don't think it will happen, but the spontaneous protests yesterday, means that could very well be voters. It could very well in reverse 2010. The tea party in reverse. Someone or some people will have to get their shit together, but if they do, look out.

On the talk shows, the comparison to the Jews and Nazi Germany are being discussed, and large numbers of Jews, are actually trying to stop the Trump impulsive action on immigration.

Your claim that the media is ignorant on first amendments rights is ridiculous, I watched hours of coverage last night, and most of they noted that a visa is not sufficient to get First Amendment rights, a point you did not cover.

I think he's making a big mistake by calling the media an opposition party. He looks like he's going to have the same problem Nixon did.

Bottom line, as it stands right now, only his base is sticking with him. A lot of Republicans are speaking out publicly in opposition to many of his stands. His big promise to repeal and replace ObamaCare. The Republican caucus is scared because if they do pass a bill, that isn't really effective, the mid terms will be on TrummpCare. Again CH, the President is going to motivate the opposition to a level you haven't seen on the left for decades.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Crowd size. I wish it would let you edit.

Loretta said...


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Washington, D.C. ­– U.S. Senators John McCain (R-AZ) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) released the following statement today on the President’s executive order on immigration:

“Our government has a responsibility to defend our borders, but we must do so in a way that makes us safer and upholds all that is decent and exceptional about our nation.

“It is clear from the confusion at our airports across the nation that President Trump’s executive order was not properly vetted. We are particularly concerned by reports that this order went into effect with little to no consultation with the Departments of State, Defense, Justice, and Homeland Security.

“Such a hasty process risks harmful results. We should not stop green-card holders from returning to the country they call home. We should not stop those who have served as interpreters for our military and diplomats from seeking refuge in the country they risked their lives to help. And we should not turn our backs on those refugees who have been shown through extensive vetting to pose no demonstrable threat to our nation, and who have suffered unspeakable horrors, most of them women and children.

“Ultimately, we fear this executive order will become a self-inflicted wound in the fight against terrorism. At this very moment, American troops are fighting side-by-side with our Iraqi partners to defeat ISIL. But this executive order bans Iraqi pilots from coming to military bases in Arizona to fight our common enemies. Our most important allies in the fight against ISIL are the vast majority of Muslims who reject its apocalyptic ideology of hatred. This executive order sends a signal, intended or not, that America does not want Muslims coming into our country. That is why we fear this executive order may do more to help terrorist recruitment than improve our security.”

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Loretta, your obsession is ridiculous. I wrote a thought out post, and all you can say, to debate my arguments, all you have is "spam". You are a child.

C.H. Truth said...

Roger - lot's of things happened in Trump's first week. Some good, some unusual. But what certain people want to focus on takes the eye off the ball (perhaps that was the plan and the media just took the bait - so far Trump has played them like a fiddle).

In the grand scheme of things, inauguration crowds, rhetoric about Mexico, and who the President chooses to sit on the NSC are really not a very important or relevant things long term... especially considering some of the other things may actually have long term tangible effects on our policy moving forward.

I would argue that the "Green Card" portion of the executive order is also sort of a moot issue (especially since it's already been reversed). The meat of that order is staying in place, but the focus is on what's going away (again, was this by design?).

The fact is we had executive orders freezing new hiring for the Federal Government, scaling back the ACA, restarting the pipelines, building the wall, as well as long term ban on Syrian refugees/immigration, as well as a 120 day ban on refugees/immigration from other countries (that could easily be extended by another executive action)... seems much more relevant to me.

Somehow you don't seem to get that you are currently "looking over there" at the irrelevant news while the real news is passing you by.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

He has played you.

Your posts was in opposition to executive orders, but those you agree with are just fine. Therein lies the contradiction between the post and the response to my comments. Nothing escapes me, there is relevance in the other executive orders.

He is accustomed to giving orders in a business situation. But the President has strict restrictions on his job as President. The congress writes that laws, he has the power to enforce the law, not interpreting them. Richard Nixon got into a big trouble doing that.

Trump has a dictatorships mentality. Rooted in the experience, as I mentioned earlier. I'm very uncomfortable with that as my President.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

My view on the first week, is with the exception of meeting with the construction trade unions. The infrastructure policy, if implemented properly, will create thousands of well paid jobs.

The construction trades are having a problem getting younger people to replace the baby boomers to retirement. The focus for a generation, was that the only way to get a well paying job was to go to college. I didn't pursue a higher education. Although I have the ability to excel, I made the decision to make construction my career. It has worked out very well. Thousands more people can do that if they understand that it can be rewarding. The skilled unions have extensive training, provided at no cost.

If we get back to work, in the manner of the Eisenhower era, that would be his real legacy. Distractions like crowd size, are not presidential. He must get past that. I don't think he can, he will be a disaster.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

For the first time in his presidency, Donald Trump is facing significant criticism from Republican officials and conservative groups who are rattled by his ban on immigrants and refugees from Muslim-majority nations, questioning his domestic policy agenda and worrying about what steps the New York billionaire might take next in the name of nationalism.

By Sunday evening, more than a dozen GOP members of Congress had spoken out against Trump’s executive order on immigration. Among them were an array of the party’s most influential figures. The top Republican in the Senate, Mitch McConnell, said the United States should not implement a religious test. Sen. Rob Portman of Ostahio said the plan to strengthen vetting of refugees was itself not vetted. And the political and policy groups led by Charles and David Koch offered their first public criticism of Trump, whose candidacy the billionaire brothers found so unpalatable they sat out the 2016 election.

The wave of criticism marks the end of a startlingly brief honeymoon period for a new President who has been in office for scarcely a week, and even set the White House on defense as it backtracked on the ban applying to green-card holders. And while much of the blowback was driven by Trump’s immigration orders, the controversial plans he has on the horizon suggest the rest of his term could be just as rocky.

The emerging rifts come amid mass protests in cities around the U.S. against an executive order that would block millions of people from entering the United States. Legal permanent U.S. residents were detained at airports, refugees were trapped en route to the United States and judges from coast to coast stepped in to stop the unprecedented White House action. The chaos knocked the White House back on its heels and prompted Trump on Sunday night to release a defense of the policy.

“This is not a Muslim ban, as the media is falsely reporting,” Trump said in a statement released by the White House. “This is not about religion—this is about terror and keeping our country safe.”

The sentiment did little to calm skittish conservatives, who have already grown tired of the theatrics and hysterics. From removing the Director of National Intelligence and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from the National Security Council, to trolling news organizations on Twitter, the precedent-breaking new President was testing the patience of Republicans who had hoped he might change tactics and tone once he was in the Oval Office.

NBC news.

Commonsense said...

The real shocker: Trump is a politician who delivers on his promises

Here we are, barely a week into the Trump administration, and half of the country that opposed him during the election is quivering with rage. He’s building the wall! He’s banning immigration from some Muslim countries! He’s wrecking ObamaCare! He’s sacking top officials at the State Department! He’s threatening sanctuary cities! What’s going on here?

It’s called: keeping his campaign promises.

The answer is simple: we’ve become so inured to politicians lying to us to get elected that we find it hard to believe that the new man in the White House actually meant what he said — and can’t wait to get on with it.

Not since the heyday of Ronald Reagan have the Democrats been in such shock and disarray. First, they — and their “never Trump” collaborators on the right — said he’d never get the nomination. When he did, they assured themselves there was no way he could beat the Hillary Clinton juggernaut so beloved of the media, the insulated superrich and the dependent class.


The bottom line is that he's delivering on his promises to the people who elected him.

And people like Roger just don't count.

KD, Most President's Restricted Illegal and legal Immigration said...

UCLA Barbie you never actually get into a debate, you bitch, moan , complain , point fingers, but actual debate, nope.

Are you for border control or for Obama borders which was, we are the dumping ground for the worlds worse pieces of human bs?

KD, said...

I see that the loser twins are out again helping the Left. Sen Mccane and nancy boy are telling us conservatives the same thing loser Hillary is saying, President Trump is wrong on his ban on some countries .

That is proof positive he is right on and is right on with me one of his voters.

UCLA Barbie U should have worked with the woman like you that marched, won the election and continued to destroy the US Constitution, the US Economy and the US Melting Pot.

KD , lowering wages on the poorest, nice job Barry said...

OK, want to know just how looney tunes the leftist are, they took to facebook, that alone is funny, like that is a call to work or real action and are slamming President Trumps daughter and her hubby for having a "Date Night".

So this is not abby-normal to go on a date with your spouse?

Anonymous said...

It’s called: keeping his campaign promises.


and as a result, impeachment is inevitable according to the braintrust on the left -

Anonymous said...

ah, the good old days...

BAGHDAD — Terrorism fears in the United States are all but halting visas for Iraqis, even those who risked their lives aiding the American war effort, making them especially vulnerable ahead of the planned American military withdrawal.

The Obama administration has required new background checks for visa applicants, reacting to a case in Kentucky in which two Iraqi immigrants were arrested on suspicion of ties to an insurgent group, according to American officials in Baghdad.

Advocates say that the administration is ignoring a directive from Congress to draft a contingency plan to expedite visas should those Iraqis who worked for the United States government, especially interpreters for the military, come under increased threat after American forces are drawn down at the end of the year.

“This is not a priority right now for anyone in the government,” said Becca Heller, who runs the Iraqi Refugee Assistance Project at the Urban Justice Center in New York. “Not enough people in the Obama administration care about this topic.”

“Not enough people in the Obama administration care about this topic.”


suddenly liberals give a shit.

i wonder why. were they not paying attention back in july 2011 when their dear leader did the exact same fucking thing?

KD said...

suddenly liberals give a shit."

They also a quickly as summer lightening have found a document called the US Constitution, 8 years they used it as a doormat and to wipe their liberal asses, now, well they believe in their little Aclu Barbie hearts it is violated.

I also saw the liberals in Hollywierd are all a twitter flitting around about these illegals and refugees not having a home.

What I did miss is them in masse signing up to sponsor them,

Better yet, why don't these same liberal millionaires sponsor some poor Americans, lift them up out of the ruined US Economy that Obama left with 94 million without proper jobs.

It would be refreshing to see those on the left that act like they care about America actually use their own money and help their fellow Americans, but that would be asking them to do as they say.

ACLU Barbie aka HB, did you see he is going to change for 2017 and only debate honestly with all of us.

See how long that lasts.

Anonymous said...

liberals are always big fans of giving government virtually unlimited power...

...but never consider that all that power might end up in the hands of someone they oppose.

in cases like this it's always tough to determine if the hypocrisy outweighs the irony, or if the irony outweighs the hypocrisy.

KD, Calling all Liberals open your own homes said...

Rat is correct , it is a tight call, however, since we know the liberal media choose a side in the last three Presidential Elections and in the last took off any veil of being anything but far right, I would say that Hypocrisy is the Bedrock of Liberalism so it wins, by a nasty lady nose.

Irony, let's ask James, ACLU Barbie (aka hb) and Opium, how many refugees are they or have they sponsored ?

They have such big homes, they tell us about them all the time, how wealthy they are, are they willing to share their homes with these people and choose them over the needs of Americans in their own cities?

Come on Liberals tell us how much you care and open those doors to your homes and let them in.

KD, Jobs and UNIONS MATTER said...

"Crowd Size" ACLU Barbie

you posted it 5 times on this thread, you are the only one talking about it, do you like the sound of your echo ?

Loretta said...

Spam by the drunkard.

KD, SUN in fact came up , Liberals the USA is not over, just the election said...

Ette, you may not have seen that ACLU Member HB - aka ACLU Barbie told us all that he is going to do nothing here but debate us in an honest and direct manner, he will be answering question put to him.

I await his return and his new honesty and will watch to see just how long it lasts.

Loretta said...

" wonder why. were they not paying attention back in july 2011 when their dear leader did the exact same fucking thing?"

John Forbes Kerry was all over tv explaining Obama's new requirements.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The level of discussion has deteriorated with the arrival of the usual suspects.


opie said...

i wonder why. were they not paying attention back in july 2011

Just because you are an idiot and think there is equivalency, just because he said so, suggest you fact check what really happened instead of taking trumps word for it. There was an actual threat at the time and Obama never announced a visa check in his actions or was it a ban of all emigres from Iraq, like the current EO does. It got plenty of press, just because you cannot remember doesn't mean it did not occur. LOL

opie said...

And how low can it go rat when only rats remain on his ship???

President Donald Trump became the first president in modern history to have more than half of Americans disapprove of his job performance after only eight days in office, according to a new poll.

The Gallup survey has tracked the approval rating of all presidents dating back to the administration of Harry Truman.

As of Saturday, Trump's approval rating was at 42 percent, while 51 percent of respondents said they disapproved of his performance as president so far.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Donald Trump has been in office for one week, but a new Quinnipiac University poll has found that former President Obama has vaulted into a tie with Ronald Reagan as the best president of the last 70 years.

Here are the presidential rankings as compiled by the Quinnipiac poll:

American voters select the best president in the last 70 years:

30 percent name Ronald Reagan;
29 percent name Barack Obama;
12 percent pick John Kennedy;
9 percent select Bill Clinton;
3 percent each for Dwight Eisenhower and George W. Bush;
2 percent each for Harry Truman, Lyndon Johnson, Jimmy Carter and George H.W. Bush;
Less than 1 percent for Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford.

A list of the worst presidents shows:

24 percent for Richard Nixon;
23 percent for Barack Obama;
22 percent for George W. Bush;
10 percent for Jimmy Carter;
5 percent for Ronald Reagan;
4 percent for Bill Clinton;
3 percent for Lyndon Johnson;
2 percent for George H.W. Bush;
1 percent for Gerald Ford;
Less than 1 percent for Harry Truman, Dwight Eisenhower and John Kennedy.

The partisan divide is clearly visible on Obama as the Republican demonization of the nation’s first African-American president continues to hold sway with their base as Obama was voted both tied for best and second worst president.

The reality is that it has taken Donald Trump less than a week in office to remind America that they should not have taken their intelligent, stable, knowledgeable, and competent former president for granted.

Politics USA.

KD, Ried Rule is Great, for Conservatives said...

Obama had 11 of his 15 Cabinet secretaries in place after his first week. Trump has two."

yet he is still working and getting a lot done.

Next up:

Announcing what really matters to me and my fellow LEO's, US Supreme Court Justice Nominee.

I want to again thank Former Senator Harry Ried, the Ried rule is going to work very well for us Conservatives, 51 and done.

Loretta said...

Head on back to the trash blog drunkard.

Loretta said...

Spam by the drunkard.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Opie, the USS Trump is already sinking. His polling numbers are at an all-time low for a new President. The Republicans are already approaching panic mode.

Yesterday a significant number of Republicans in the house and Senate have disagreed with the travel ban. McCain, McConnell, Graham and others have been quoted saying that the travel ban by religion is un-American, and contrary to American values.

The usual suspects here, would support Trump imposing creating internment camps for all Muslims in the United States.

CH spoke out against the President's executive orders. At least he's consistent, because he opposed the Obama executive orders also. This crowd of inarticulate, hateful folks have dragged the debate into the gutter.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Loretta Russo said...
Head on back to the trash blog drunkard.

January 30, 2017 at 8:15 AM
Blogger Loretta Russo said...
Spam by the drunkard.

January 30, 2017 at 8:16 AM

Right back into the gutter.

Ms. Alzheimer's is deteriorating at a tragically fast pace.

Loretta said...

Head on back to the trash blog drunkard.

You created it, live in your own sewage.

KD, President Trump Winning Biggly said...

Wait until he announces his new Supreme Court Justice, omg, better have the duck tape ready and pre-tape the head of your fav Liberal.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Here Are the Republicans Who Have Criticized President Trump’s Immigration Ban

Rep. Charlie Dent (R-Pa.)
Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.):
Rep. Justin Amash (R-Mich.)
Rep. Justin Amash (R-Mich.):
In a Twitter post, Amash wrote that "President Trump's executive order overreaches and undermines our constitutional system."
Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.)
Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME)
Rep. Barbara Comstock (R-VA):
John McCain (R-Ariz) and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC):
Washington, D.C. ­– U.S. Senators John McCain (R-AZ) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) released the following statement today on the President’s executive order on immigration:

“Our government has a responsibility to defend our borders, but we must do so in a way that makes us safer and upholds all that is decent and exceptional about our nation.

“It is clear from the confusion at our airports across the nation that President Trump’s executive order was not properly vetted. We are particularly concerned by reports that this order went into effect with little to no consultation with the Departments of State, Defense, Justice, and Homeland Security.

“Such a hasty process risks harmful results. We should not stop green-card holders from returning to the country they call home. We should not stop those who have served as interpreters for our military and diplomats from seeking refuge in the country they risked their lives to help. And we should not turn our backs on those refugees who have been shown through extensive vetting to pose no demonstrable threat to our nation, and who have suffered unspeakable horrors, most of them women and children.

“Ultimately, we fear this executive order will become a self-inflicted wound in the fight against terrorism. At this very moment, American troops are fighting side-by-side with our Iraqi partners to defeat ISIL. But this executive order bans Iraqi pilots from coming to military bases in Arizona to fight our common enemies. Our most important allies in the fight against ISIL are the vast majority of Muslims who reject its apocalyptic ideology of hatred. This executive order sends a signal, intended or not, that America does not want Muslims coming into our country. That is why we fear this executive order may do more to help terrorist recruitment than improve our security.”

KD, testing HB's new spirit of debating said...

HB do you have locks on the doors of your home and do you ever lock them?

caliphate4vr said...

Please pray tell what doesn't radicalize these goat fuckers?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Trump has been trying to govern by impulse, on whim, for personal retribution, for profit, by decree ― as if he had been elected dictator. It doesn’t work, and the wheels are coming off the bus. After a week!

Impeachment is gaining ground because it is the only way to get him out, and because Republicans are already deserting this president in droves, and because the man is psychiatrically incapable of checking whether something is legal before he does it.

Impeachment is gaining ground because it’s so horribly clear that Trump is unfit for office. The grownups around Trump, even the most slavishly loyal ones, spend half their time trying to rein him in, but it can’t be done.

They spend the other half fielding frantic calls from Republican chieftains, business elites and foreign leaders. Trump did what? Poor Reince Priebus has finally attained the pinnacle of power, and it can’t be fun.

It is one thing to live in your own reality when you are a candidate and it’s just words. You can fool enough of the people enough of the time maybe even to get elected. But when you try to govern that way, there is a reality to reality—and reality pushes back.

One by one, Trump has decreed impulsive orders, un-vetted by legal, policy, or political staff, much less by serious planning. Almost immediately he is forced to walk them back by a combination of political and legal pressure—and by reality.

Unlike in the various dictatorships Trump admires, the complex skein of constitutional legal and political checks on tyranny in the United States are holding—just barely at times, but they are holding. And the more reckless Trump’s behavior, the stronger become the checks.

Only with his lunatic effort to selectively ban refugees (but not from terrorist-sending countries like Saudi Arabia and Egypt where Trump has business interests) has Trump discovered that the American system has courts. It has courts. Imagine that.

The more unhinged he becomes, the less will conservative judges be the toadies to ordinary Republican policies that they too often have been. Anybody want to wager that the Supreme Court will be Trump’s whore?

In the past week, Republicans from Mitch McConnell on down have tripped over each other rejecting his view of Putin. They have ridiculed his screwball claim of massive voter fraud.

They are running for cover on how to kill ObamaCare without killing patients or Republican re-election hopes. This is actually complicated, and nuance is not Trump’s strong suit. Rep Tom McClintock of California spoke for many when he warned:

“We’d better be sure that we’re prepared to live with the market we’ve created” with repeal, said Rep. Tom McClintock. (R-Calif.)

“That’s going to be called Trumpcare. Republicans will own that lock, stock and barrel, and we’ll be judged in the election less than two years away.”

Sen. Lindsey Graham, mocking Trump’s own nutty tweeting habits, sent out a tweet calling a trade war with Mexico “mucho sad.”

Trump’s own senior staff has had to pull him back from his ludicrous crusade against Mexico and Mexicans, where Trump forces the Mexican president to cancel an official visit one day, and spends an hour on the phone kissing up the next day.

Trump proposed to reinstate torture, but key Republican leaders killed that idea. Sen. John Thune (S.D.), the Senate’s third ranking Republican said Wednesday that the ban on torture was settled law and the Republicans in Congress would oppose any reinstatement. Trump’s own defense secretary holds the same view. After blustering out his new torture policy, Trump meekly agreed to defer to his defense advisers.

Loretta said...

Spam by the drunkard.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

All this in just a week! Now capped by federal judges starting to rein him in.

Two weeks ago, in this space, just based on what we witnessed during the transition, I wrote a piece calling for a citizens impeachment panel, as a shadow House Judiciary Committee, to assemble a dossier for a Trump impeachment, and a citizens’ campaign to create a public impeachment movement.

In the two weeks since then, Free Speech for People has launched a citizens’ campaign to impeach Trump. About 400,000 people have already signed the impeachment petition.

The bipartisan group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, (CREW) has been conducting a detailed investigation. Senior legal scholars associated with CREW have filed a detailed legal brief in their lawsuit, documenting the several ways Trump is in violation of the Emoluments Clause, which prohibits a president from profiting from the actions of foreign governments.

There are already plenty of other grounds for impeachment, including Trump’s putting his own business interests ahead of the country’s and his weird and opportunistic alliance with Vladimir Putin bordering on treason. A lesser-known law that goes beyond the Emoluments Clause is the STOCK Act of 2012, which explicitly prohibits the president and other officials from profiting from non-public knowledge.

Impeachment, of course, is a political as well as a legal process. The Founders designed it that way deliberately. But after just a week in office, not only has Trump been deserting the Constitution; his partisan allies are deserting him.

Despite his creepy weirdness, Republicans at first thought they could use Trump for Republican ends. But from his embrace of Putin to his sponsorship of a general trade war, this is no Republican. One can only imagine the alarm and horror being expressed by Republicans privately.

In 1984, the psychiatrist Otto Kernberg described a sickness known as Malignant Narcissism. Unlike ordinary narcissism, malignant narcissism was a severe pathology.

It was characterized by an absence of conscience, a pathological grandiosity and quest for power, and a sadistic joy in cruelty.

Given the sheer danger to the Republic as well as to the Republicans, Trump’s impeachment will happen. The only question is how grave a catastrophe America faces first.

Robert Kuttner is co-editor of The American Prospect and professor at Brandeis University’s Heller School. His latest book is Debtors’ Prison: The Politics of Austerity Versus Possibility.

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Loretta said...

Spam by the drunkard.

Loretta said...

Take your sewage over to the trash blog drunkard.

opie said...

Please pray tell what doesn't radicalize these goat fuckers?

Loretta offered as one of the reward virgins would work......!!!!

Cue some juvenile comment.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Unwanted repetitive behaviors and thoughts afflict about 2 percent of the population, typically beginning in the teen years but often much earlier. The chronic condition, caused by a mix of neurobiologic and environmental factors, responds to both drug

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder in which people have unwanted and repeated thoughts, feelings, ideas, sensations (obsessions), or behaviors that make them feel driven to do something (compulsions).Often the person carries out the behaviors to get rid of the obsessive thoughts, but this only provides temporary relief. Not performing the obsessive rituals can cause great anxiety. A person's level of OCD can be anywhere from mild to severe, but if severe and left untreated, it can destroy a person's capacity to function at work, at school or even to lead a comfortable existence in the home.

OCD affects about 2.2 million American adults, and the problem can be accompanied by eating disorders, other anxiety disorders, or depression. It strikes men and women in roughly equal numbers and usually appears in childhood, adolescence, or early adulthood. One-third of adults with OCD develop symptoms as children, and research indicates that OCD might run in families.

Although OCD symptoms typically begin during the teen years or early adulthood, research shows that some children may even develop the illness during preschool. Studies indicate that at least one-third of cases of adult OCD began in childhood. Suffering from OCD during early stages of a child's development can cause severe problems for the child. It is important that the child receive evaluation and treatment as soon as possible to prevent the child from missing important opportunities because of this disorder.

Get some help Loretta.

KD, said...

Loretta offered as one of the reward virgins would work......!!!!

Cue some juvenile comment. "

No need , you self-cue'ed

KD, Testing HB and his promises said...

So HB, do you have locks on your doors and do you use them?

Testing your newly posted promise to debate.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

He did ban green card holders. Now that he is back tracking after multiple courts have shut down his order does not change the FACT that multiple people were bullied out of their green cards and sent out of the US. This is not taking care of America first. Stopping legal immigrants (who have been vetted already) is killing the soul of the US. It shows we are no longer a nation of laws but rather a nation that gives into false fear.

From a member of my family, born and raised in South Dakota.

Two of my favorite nieces took to the streets of Washington D.C. and Los Angeles.

One of them was at the a Houston Texas International airport yesterday. The other wonderful woman, who works for an animal rescue company. She appears on local television stations, with dogs needing a good home. She is also working as an organizer for the Trump resistance program in Los Angeles.

KD, said...

Ette, is right.

cowardly king obama said...

I thought CHT created a quiet space for Roger to post.

but he's trying to channel the pedophile pastor here


C.H. Truth said...

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Kettle, pot...

Loretta said...

Head on back to the trash blog drunkard.

Kansas Democrat said...

Bill Clinton who received a standing ovation for demanding stronger border defenses, and deporting criminal illegal immigrants.

opie said...

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Kettle, pot...

Plagiarized spam sound familiar CH?

caliphate4vr said...

Anonymous KD, said...
Loretta offered as one of the reward virgins would work......!!!!

Cue some juvenile comment. "

No need , you self-cue'ed

Sadly, fatty isn't bright enough to get that

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Take your sewage over to the trash blog drunkard

Repeat 40 ,times a day


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I like it here. I can shred the cheese filled skulls of the Truthers. Then put on a sandwich.

Yummy yummy.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Tengo una cita hoy con un consejero, que fue una ayuda maravillosa en mi recuperación del alcoholismo. Voy a preguntar si podría ser un orador en el programa del día que fue muy útil. Quiero ser capaz de ayudar a otros en su recuperación.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I love doing that to bug the Beaner hater.

opie said...

Sadly, fatty isn't bright enough to get that

As predicted frick and frack once again show their lack of intellect... Carry on children. LOL

opie said...

Repeat 40 ,times a day

Seems that is all they have. So much for any hope of a cogent post with loretta and our UGA party boy around.

Anonymous said...

it doesn't bother me a bit, alky.

if you want to pat yourself on the back in english, spanish, or farsi, i couldn't give a shit less.