Tuesday, January 24, 2017

What does the progressive cause actually stand for?

Based on the recent events surrounding the inauguration of Donald Trump, it's clear that liberals are against anything and everything that Donald Trump stands for. Many thousands of trees were killed to produce the mass amount of paper required for liberals to pen their objections to his speech, his actions, and his general existence.

So as near as I can tell, you can clarify the new progressive platform based primarily on their objections to Trump, his ideals, and his dark, hateful, horrible, Nazi-like speech. So let's go through some of the prominent points made during his speech and the obvious progressive disagreement:

Today's ceremony, however, has very special meaning because today, we are not merely transferring power from one administration to another or from one party to another, but we are transferring power from Washington, D.C. and giving it back to you, the people.
So, first and foremost, the progressive cause believes in the central power of Washington D.C. and pretty much rejects the notion that the "people" of the country should have control. After all, people are stupid. People voted for Donald Trump. Therefor people need to be guided and told what to believe and how to act. Therefore a strong "liberal" central government is necessary, because quite obviously, the American public is too stupid to know what's best for them and otherwise follow along.

Government failing:
At the center of this movement is a crucial conviction, that a nation exists to serve its citizens. Americans want great schools for their children, safe neighborhoods for their families, and good jobs for themselves. These are just and reasonable demands of righteous people and a righteous public.
Secondly, the progressive cause believes in the status quo as it pertains to inner cites, the rust belt, the education system, and crime and gangs.  To suggest that there are inner city crime issues (that cannot be solved by retraining the police), is to be a racist. To suggest that we can stop the flow of American jobs being shipped overseas, is to be a Nazi-like Nationalist. To suggest that parents be given say in how their children are taught, is an attack on public schools. The progressive cause believes that these situations are not problems, but rather just a negative spin on an otherwise happy reality. To suggest that eight years of Barack Obama's leadership did not resolve these issues is to be dark and negative. Did I mention it also makes you a racist?

America first:
For many decades, we've enriched foreign industry at the expense of American industry; subsidized the armies of other countries, while allowing for the very sad depletion of our military. We've defended other nations' borders while refusing to defend our own.  Every decision on trade, on taxes, on immigration, on foreign affairs will be made to benefit American workers and American families. We must protect our borders from the ravages of other countries making our products, stealing our companies and destroying our jobs.
The progressive cause certainly rejects the notion that we need to put America first. The progressive cause is all about globalism, and the need to have a cohesive global society. In order to achieve such a goal, means that American leadership must include American sacrifice. We need to collectively "check" our white American privilege and tend to the needs of the world. If this means agreeing to trade agreements that do no benefit America and American workers, so be it. After all, our reputation with the more liberal nations of the world is much more important than the fate of our spoiled uneducated low information American working population.

Uniting against terrorism:
We will reinforce old alliances and form new ones and unite the civilized world against radical Islamic terrorism, which we will eradicate from the face of the Earth.
Obviously, the progressive cause is against the eradication of anyone. To be suggest that there even is such a thing as radical Islamic terrorism is Islamophobic. Secondly, we obviously must come to the obvious realization that Israel is not our friend, and that most of the antisemitism in this world is well grounded.

Coming together as Americans:
It's time to remember that old wisdom our soldiers will never forget, that whether we are black or brown or white, we all bleed the same red blood of patriots. And whether a child is born in the urban sprawl of Detroit or the wind-swept plains of Nebraska, they look up at the same night sky, they will their heart with the same dreams, and they are infused with the breath of life by the same almighty creator.
The progressive cause obviously calls bullshit on this one. The general concept of everyone bleeding the same blood, or people of different races seeing the same sky is to not see the obvious racism, bigotry, and hatred that can only be combated by quotas, special treatment, and the overall concept that things will never be equal until White American lets go of their privilege. Liberals can call on people to come together. Conservatives have not earned such a privilege.

Maybe I am missing some things here. but as far as I can tell from the reaction to the Donald Trump inauguration speech, we can pretty much determine the following as the pillars of American progressivism :
  • People of America should answer to Washington - not the other way around. 
  • Federalism is good. Globalism is even better. The more you can consolidate more people under one central control, the better. As long as the control is liberal. 
  • There is no such thing as bad Muslims, only bad Christians who think there are bad Muslims. 
  • Conservatives pretending to point out problems are just being dark. There is no real problems in America that cannot be solved by Whites checking their privilege. Those who do not agree should be called names.
  • Calling on people to come together is fine if you are liberal. But if you are conservative, doing so is only an attempt minimize your racism. 
Does that about sum it up?


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Gaslight anthem® CHT

Loretta said...

You're up early drunkard.

No doubt you'll need a nap after the one you tied on last night.

C.H. Truth said...

Now class... let's bring Roger up in front. He's got a new word he would like to talk about, and talk about, and talk about, and talk about, and talk about...

And remember class... let's not make fun of Roger, just because he has an overwhelming compulsive tendency to drone on about his new word. We don't make fun of people with special needs.

Loretta said...

I do, LOL.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Millions of illegal immigrants voted for Clinton.

The CIA headquarters audience was stacked with Trump supporters.

"we disagree with the facts"
White House press secretary, Sean Spicer.

Gaslight anthem® CHT

Loretta said...

Poor old broken down drunkard.

Anonymous said...

Obviously, the progressive cause is against the eradication of anyone.

anyone except conservatives.

many prominent liberals are on record for wanting to imprison warmyl cooling "deniers."

and that's just for starters.

college professors across america have called for death to conservatives. examples of this are legion.

liberals are totalitarian in this regard. remember, it was a liberal, not a conservative who herded a large swath of american citizens into cages during WW II.

one either swears allegiance to the groupthink of liberalism or there will be consequences.

no one is off limits. remember the time honored tradition of not fucking with the children of the president? yeah, that expired on inauguration day.

liberals are the scum of the earth and trump needs to treat them as such. for the next four years (and hopefully eight) trump and his team needs to refer to "rules for radicals" on a daily basis and and incessantly and mercilessly fuck with liberals. crush them with a scorched earth strategery.

give them no quarter and show them no mercy.

C.H. Truth said...

Now Class... let's not make fun of Roger because he is too impulsive to take the time to read today's assignment. He's got a new word, and his compulsive tendencies will cause him to change the subject in order to use his new word.

He's very proud of his new word.

Anonymous said...


Loretta said...


Anonymous said...

The Word of the Day is a recurring Sesame Street feature that debuted in season 38 and lasted through season 45. The segment highlights a particular word introduced before the show with What's the Word on the Street? The standard format for every segment was established by season 39, in that Muppet characters (usually Elmo) would accompany celebrities in explaining or demonstrating the word.


roger is our elmo.

KD said...

WASHINGTON — Officials say the Obama administration in its waning hours defied Republican opposition and quietly released $221 million to the Palestinian Authority that GOP members of Congress had been blocking."

The best of Obama/Kerry out the door.

HB, how is it that your RN Friend has the same dollars coming from SSI that she did when she Was an RN Full Time?

At age 62, hint.

KD said...

He's very proud of his new word." CHT

We find HB a joke, to make fun of and laugh at.

He does it to himself with Wild statements that are provably wrong.

Financially he the poster boy of failure and lying.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The parallels are disturbing. This is going to get me at least a dozen claims that I'm drinking again. The indispensable fact, is that I have not. But since Republicans have their own facts, it won't stop them.

The idea that Hitler wasn’t elected democratically is probably an allusion to the fact that he[2] never got more than 50% of the votes (th e best result was some 44%). Americans, with their “the winner takes it all”-system tend to forget that you can win a german election without winning a majority.
The problem with this is that, without a majority, you have to form either a coalition with other parties, or form a minority goverment, or both, and in fact that was the problem that had plagued the Republic from the beginning. To put the results into perspective, the 43,9% for the NSDAP in the 1933 election was the best result any party had ever had in the Republic of Weimar from 1919 to 1933[3] (second best was 37,8% for the Social Democrats immediately after WWI)[4]. Governments were habitually formed without any democratic basis at all, so the result of the 1933 election might have looked like a step forward.
It turned out that there is yet another way to govern without a majority – in March 1933 the german parliament passed what is known as „Ermächtigungsgesetz“ (Gesetz zur Behebung der Not von Volk und Reich), a law that allowed the Nazi/Deutschnationale Coalition to govern without the consent of the parliament. That this was in fact an unconstitutional law is a mere technicality – it was passed with a vast majority that would have allowed to change the constitution in any case, so the parliament skipped a step[5].
So,since Hitler and the NSDAP had more votes than any other party during the Republic of Weimar and governed on the basis of a law that had been passed by the absolute majority of the parliament is seems reasonable to conclude that he was indeed democratically elected.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Auto fill error.

Anonymous said...

hey elmo, here's your link:


the swastika superimposed on trump is a little childish, so i'm not surprised you latched onto it.

Loretta said...

"hey elmo, here's your link:"


Loretta said...

Godwin's Law. You lose drunkard.

Anonymous said...

With little warning or explanation, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently canceled a major climate change conference that had been scheduled for next month in Atlanta.

The Climate and Health Summit, which had been in the works for months, was intended as a chance for public health officials around the country to learn more about the mounting evidence of the risks to human health posed by the changing climate. But CDC officials abruptly canceled the conference before President Trump’s inauguration, sending a terse email on Jan. 9 to those who had been scheduled to speak at the event. The message did not explain the reason behind the decision.

“Unfortunately, we are unable to hold the Summit in February 2017,” CDC officials wrote, adding that the agency is “currently exploring” whether it could reschedule the event later in the year.


someone needs to help me understand why the center for DISEASE control is spending a penny on this nonsense.

warmyl cooling has been classified as a disease now?

these people have lost what's left of their feeble minds.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Two Republican candidates in 16 years, have won the election, despite being the minority in the popular vote.

The last one is seen as a disaster.

We only have four days in the Trump presidency.

Millions of illegal immigrants voted for Clinton.

The CIA headquarters audience was stacked with Trump supporters.

"we disagree with the facts"
White House press secretary, Sean Spicer.

It's off to a balanced and grown up in charge start, according to the regular contributors.

Fascinating. It really is. Bizarre is more accurate.

The daily tantrum is going to be successful, according to our esteemed host.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Was my source.

English translation.

Anonymous said...

One of the most striking things about Donald Trump’s accession to the presidency has been the over-the-top reaction of his opponents. One would need a heart of stone not to laugh at some of the expressions of dismay exhibited by Democrats, such as the now-famous protester who simply screamed “Noooo!” as the oath was taken, or Madonna saying she “thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House.”

But in fact, this reaction to an election loss — by anyone, to any candidate — is not entirely irrational. Elections matter, after all. In fact, these days they matter too much. In the wake of the 2008 election, writer Jerry Pournelle observed: “We have always known that eternal vigilance is the price of freedom. It’s worse now, because capture of government is so much more important than it once was. There was a time when there was enough freedom that it hardly mattered which brand of crooks ran government. That has not been true for a long time — not during most of your lifetimes, and for much of mine — and it will probably never be true again.”

In other words, if Americans increasingly find it intolerable that their political opponents control the government, that’s because government controls too much.


absolutely true. it's no wonder that those most addicted to government - democrats or republicans - would go into full-on batshit freak out over a change in administrations, and the fact that a change in administrative oversight elicits this kind of reaction is fucking absurd.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Republicans have their own facts, it won't stop them from lying.

Anonymous said...

The daily tantrum is going to be successful, according to our esteemed host.

the only one throwing a tantrum around here since the election is you, elmo gaslight.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
Republicans have their own facts, it won't stop them from lying.

we 'enjoyed' eight years of being lied to on almost a daily basis by 0linsky and his minions. suddenly you're desperate for a harbinger of truth?

i'm starting to think that in addition to suffering from alcoholism you've been suffering from stockholm syndrome for the past eight years.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Wrong again.

With the exception of Cruz or Dr Carson, if any of the Republican candidates had won, I would have been disappointed, but such things happen.

Donald J Trump should never have been elected. He will be an unmatched disaster.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Was my source.

English translation.

Anonymous said...

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows that 57% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President-elect Trump’s job performance. Forty-three percent (43%) disapprove.


Anonymous said...

Donald J Trump should never have been elected. He will be an unmatched disaster.

the guy's held office for less than a week and you have declared him a disaster.

this is why we regard you as an unmitigated partisan hack, captain gaslight.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Trump 45%


C.H. Truth said...

The problem for the "really gullible" liberals like Roger... is that they are still part of the whopping eight percent who believe that the media is a credible source for the truth.

They believed the 27 cent foreclosure story.
They believed the MLK bust story.
They believed the fake inauguration crowd photo.

They will believe just about anything negative about Trump that is told to them... The "parallels are disturbing story" is a case in point. Clinton won his first term with 43% of the vote, which is 4% less than Trump got, and nobody compared Clinton to "Hitler".

But these weak minded liberals cannot help themselves. They are simply are impulsive and compulsive when it comes to Donald Trump. Nothing they can probably control, because they don't have the independent drive to do so.

In fact, Donald Trump sends Roger $0.27 a month for rent in his head, since he has a permanent spot there. Maybe Roger can foreclose if he gets behind.

Loretta said...

"elmo gaslight"


Loretta said...

"Trump 45%"

With 66% positive about the direction.

Try again drunkard.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I seriously thought that I should back off and see what happens.

In the last three days, we have witnessed three temper tantrums, some flat out manipulation of the facts, and yesterday a blatant lie about illegal immigrants voted for Clinton, and depriving him of a popular vote victory.

Their are many Republicans who hold deep reservations for the President. There were at least two stories, using of course, anonymous sources, that the Republican congressional leaders are deeply concerned.

Of course this could be temporary and he will back down. But he's a 70 year old man, who has a fifty year reputation as an impulsive, narcissistic personality. As Indy said yesterday, we are going to deal with daily temper tantrums for the next four long years. Men his age don't change their colors.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The crowd pictures were not manipulated.

Illegal immigrants didn't vote for Hillary Clinton.

The CIA audience was manipulated.

Disagreement with the facts.

And you say that I'm delusional.

It's obvious.

You are delusional, not Roger.

C.H. Truth said...

Of course this could be temporary and he will back down.

Or this could be temporary and the press will back down?

I think either scenario is unlikely and at this point, pining for the days when the press fawned over the every move of the President is over for the foreseeable future. The press will continue to spin and misrepresent. The administration will continue to spin and misrepresent (just like every previous White House) and they will continue to wage war. To the degree it will matter with Trump supporters, it will make him a bigger hero and it will make the media into bigger villians.

Trump won the election on his own terms. He didn't make a bunch of promises to special interest groups. He didn't take a bunch of money from special interest groups. He didn't pivot during the general election and he will not pivot now.

He has no obligation to change his behavior, Roger. The idea that there is some obligation now that he is elected to behave like liberals or the press would like him to is not based in any thing other than liberal self importance. As it was stated. He is now the President. How he acts, is by the very definition of the word, Presidential.

Commonsense said...

Off James' favorate poll.

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows that 57% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-three percent (43%) disapprove.

The latest figures include 42% who Strongly Approve of the way Trump is performing and 33% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of +9 (see trends).

Roger will say that you are being gaslighted.

(BTW it was a great movie)

C.H. Truth said...

The crowd pictures were not manipulated.

Not pictures, Roger... the one picture that was widely circulated, that when blown up, showed that Trump was not on stage when it was taken.

Other pictures taken during his speech show the crowds out almost to the memorial... with the only sections empty being those that had been "roped off" for security reasons. When I watched the speech live, they panned the crowds and I saw the same thing... people out almost to the memorial.

The picture in question shows like three blocks of empty space with sparse crowds all the way up to the main area. It was obviously taken sometime "prior" to the speech when people were still filling in... but was widely circulated with a comparison shot of the 2009 speech that was taken "during" the speech.

Anonymous said...

In fact, Donald Trump sends Roger $0.27 a month for rent in his head, since he has a permanent spot there. Maybe Roger can foreclose if he gets behind.


trump's a piker. i've been living RENT FREE in roger's squash since the yahoo soars board days.

Anonymous said...

With 66% positive about the direction.


and consumer confidence is sharply on the rise:

The Conference Board Consumer Confidence Index®, which had increased considerably in November, posted another gain in December. The Index now stands at 113.7 (1985=100), up from 109.4 in November. The Expectations Index increased sharply from 94.4 to 105.5, but the Present Situation Index decreased from 132.0 last month to 126.1.

The monthly Consumer Confidence Survey®, based on a probability-design random sample, is conducted for The Conference Board by Nielsen, a leading global provider of information and analytics around what consumers buy and watch. The cutoff date for the preliminary results was December 15.

“Consumer Confidence improved further in December, due solely to increasing Expectations which hit a 13-year high (Dec. 2003, 107.4),” said Lynn Franco, Director of Economic Indicators at The Conference Board. “The post-election surge in optimism for the economy, jobs and income prospects, as well as for stock prices which reached a 13-year high, was most pronounced among older consumers. Consumers’ assessment of current conditions, which declined, still suggests that economic growth continued through the final months of 2016. Looking ahead to 2017, consumers’ continued optimism will depend on whether or not their expectations are realized.”


Anonymous said...

But he's a 70 year old man, who has a fifty year reputation as an impulsive, narcissistic personality.

who followed a "man" who you adored - a 55 year old douchenozzle with a 40 year case of narcissistic personality disorder.

Anonymous said...

the one picture that was widely circulated, that when blown up, showed that Trump was not on stage when it was taken.

and i would like to know why only WHITE tarps were used to cover the mall. why not BLACK tarps? BLACK TARPS MATTER!

Anonymous said...

President Donald Trump intends to take action today to advance construction of the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines, according to a person familiar with the matter.


jobs, baby.


C.H. Truth said...


It would have been racist to have people walking on black tarps. Hasn't the black tarp community suffered enough over the years, to not get symbolically and literally trampled by Trump supporters?

Anonymous said...

BOOM! the sound of liberal heads exploding everywhere -

President Trump has decided to keep James Comey on as director of the FBI, the New York Times reported Tuesday morning.


trump trolling level: grandmaster


Anonymous said...

well, at the very least black tarps should've been equally represented. a zebra stripe motif perhaps.

or at least 3/5ths of the tarps could've been black.*

*(roger loses his shit in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...)

opie said...

the one picture that was widely circulated, that when blown up, showed that Trump was not on stage when it was taken.

Before or after the swearing in or is this your alternative proof Roger is wrong? Facts are based on evidence, you only have provide a picture that means nothing without context of time....Oh my I made a mistake, you now have quoted an unsourced poll about trust in the msm. Again, the only thing you prove is the a poll is only as good as if you agree with it. Good boy CH, you keep proving what I have thought for a while, a flip flopper and you lie when you have to, make it up when needed....millions of illegal ballots were cast makes your little fibs ok and are the base of your continued exaggeration and BS LOL

opie said...

rrb said...

well, at the very least black tarps should've been equally represented.

That's a good one, they choose white tarps to easily embarrass the new POTUS when crowd size was estimated. I thought hillary made shit up....this is a new maxim of the right....make it up.

opie said...

While it is clear Americans' trust in the media has been eroding over time, the election campaign may be the reason that it has fallen so sharply this year. With many Republican leaders and conservative pundits saying Hillary Clinton has received overly positive media attention, while Donald Trump has been receiving unfair or negative attention, this may be the prime reason their relatively low trust in the media has evaporated even more. It is also possible that Republicans think less of the media as a result of Trump's sharp criticisms of the press. Republicans who say they have trust in the media has plummeted to 14% from 32% a year ago. This is easily the lowest confidence among Republicans in 20 years.

My guess is that most R's get their news from the unfiltered internet like breitbart, the king of fake news.

Anonymous said...

"My job is to shut other white people down when they want to interrupt."

—DNC chairwoman candidate Sally Boynton Brown

Loretta said...

""My job is to shut other white people down when they want to interrupt."

I hope they keep this up.

For years I've been saying that white people would get fed up one of these days.....

Anonymous said...

SAGINAW (WWJ/AP) – A man whose drug-related prison sentence was commuted in November by President Barack Obama has been fatally shot at a federal halfway house in Michigan after two men with assault-style rifles sought him out, police said.


Anonymous said...

For years I've been saying that white people would get fed up one of these days.....

you have, and it's long overdue.

and after 8 years of being told "shut up because RACIST!!!" we have the whitest of white guys in the white house and he doesn't give a shit who he pisses off.

Commonsense said...

Do the Democrats really believe they can win an election with just minorities?

Did they learn nothing from the last election?

caliphate4vr said...

Thirteen Signs You Might Be a Hypocrite

Anonymous said...

Did they learn nothing from the last election?

nope. they're never prepared to learn anything in cases where the conclusion in their collective mind was foregone. it was supposed to be a coronation. granny was supposed to collect her consolation prize for staying married to a rapist.

everything went wrong and they're still in denial as to the reasons.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The morning assault on the first amendment.

President Trump has banned employees of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from giving social media updates and speaking with reporters, according to The Associated Press.

The social media ban is part of a series of new restrictions at the EPA under the Trump administration. The Huffington Post reported Monday that EPA grants had been frozen, with agency employees barred from speaking of the matter.

Myron Ebell, who leads the Trump EPA transition, confirmed the freeze to ProPublica.
“They’re trying to freeze things to make sure nothing happens they don’t want to have happen, so any regulations going forward, contracts, grants, hires, they want to make sure to look at them first,” Ebell told ProPublica.

Trump's pick for EPA director, Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt, has frequently challenged agency policy in court.

The Trump administration reportedly told the Department of the Interior to stop tweeting from its accounts over the weekend after the National Park Service's Twitter account retweeted a post about the crowd sizes at Trump's inauguration Friday. The agency brought back its accounts on Saturday.

caliphate4vr said...

a message to the angry leftists from an american infantryman

I know you don’t know me. I know you don’t even think about me and when you do, it’s probably not anything nice. I’m the evil hegemonically masculine patriarchal oppressor to you feminists. I’m the jackbooted statist thug to you dope smokin’ long-haired hippies. I’m “The Man” to you racial activists. I’m the idiot who joined the military because I “wasn’t smart enough” to go get a liberal arts degree like you know-it-all 20-year-old college dipshits; and for some reason you hate me for that. I’m that guy with the rifle who signed on the dotted line for $24K a year so that you budding Marxist fucksticks could have the freedom to complain about me and the manner in which I provide it. I have a little message for you.

I see you there, in Portland… In Chicago… In San Francisco… In Bumfuck Directional School Liberal Arts College… You’re having your temper tantrums because ever since mommy dropped you off at Daycare 20 years ago you’ve been throwing them to get your way. Now you’re super pissed about the results of a presidential election where the other guy (and the only guy in the race for that matter) won.

I’m not here to talk politics, or explain the Electoral College, or to tell you what hypocritical douchebags you are for doing the things you’re doing. No. I have a much simpler conversation to have with you. See, I read what you post on Twitter, Facebook, and your various internet blogs. I see you on the news breaking things, setting fires, and assaulting people of the opposite political belief. I see you there with your fat ugly unshaven feminist women and black power slogan screaming race baiters, throwing rocks and bottles at the lines of police officers trying to keep order in your own cities. I know your rhetoric. I know all your identity politics stems from the Marxist activists and 'intellectuals' who have pushed the American left farther left than ever before. I know you believe your “progressive” views are the supreme moral authority on every single issue and somehow this perception allows you to justify your totalitarian social views and hypocritical violent outbursts. You profess to hate half this country for their alleged bigotry while carrying signs that say "Love Wins!"

I also know you’re a coward.

caliphate4vr said...

I know this because you keep screaming, and blogging, and protesting, and even rioting… but you won’t start this “uprising” you keep going on and on about. If you really believe that your cause is just, that the majority supports you, and that the United States needs to be overthrown to make way for your Progressive social utopia of sunshine and free shit… pick up a gun and start your revolution like every other communist group in history. See, I come from an organization that spent the better part of the last century training to fight a bunch of little commie heathens, and I have a pretty healthy respect for any Ivan who was willing to pick up an AK47 and parachute onto the continent ready to overthrow the USA. That takes some guts. You’re not like him though. You’re quite different actually. Ivan was in shape. You’re a bunch of ‘fat acceptance’ advocates who complain airline seats are too small for your 9,000 calories per day diet. Ivan was a proud masculine man. You have drag queens and fat feminist women with green hair. Ivan grew up mining coal and hunting wolves in the Urals. You want socialism because you’re upset that you can’t get a 6-figure job at age 24 with the bullshit arts degree you spent all that loan money on and haven’t done a day of physical labor in your life. Ivan was a veteran of Stalingrad, Afghanistan, and a dozen bush wars. You think “Call of Duty” is too violent and sexist. Ivan packed an AK47 and knew how to use it. Those among you leftists now who even have weapons ditch them after you rob the liquor store or 7/11 and go hide out at your aunt’s Section 8 housing. You don’t have the discipline Ivan did, at least he used the sights. Ivan killed jihadists by the thousands. You make excuses for them and want to invite them into our country.

You all have your reasons for hating America and whether or not I agree isn’t even relevant. I took an oath as did all of my brothers and sisters in uniform to defend this country against all enemies foreign AND domestic. I will always protect your rights to free speech and expression through lawful and civil protest whether or not your cause is something I believe in. However, you seem to believe revolution and violence are the answer now, and that makes you a domestic enemy of the United States I protect and serve. Do it and I’ll teach you how we make the fuckin’ green grass grow. You keep saying you want a revolution, secession, a new Civil War and the election of “Racist/sexist/homophobic/Republican/Nazi/xenophobic/dictator/Islamophobic/rich guy asshole” Donald Trump is the catalyst for you to take action and destroy every evil you perceive this country to stand for…

Well… We’re waiting. Shit or get off the pot.

Iron Mike

Loretta said...

Plagiarized spam by the drunkard.

KD, Why lie about your Wife HB? said...

HB, how is it that your RN Friend has the same dollars coming from SSI that she did when she Was an RN Full Time?

At age 62, hint. Social Security website clearly states HB is lying.

Loretta said...

They're hypocrites and cowards, Iron Mike.

Silence when it comes to actual abuse of beatings, stonings for being raped, female genital mutilation, actual abuse of millions of Muslim women worldwide at the hands of their governments and men.

A bunch of pathetic pussies.

Anonymous said...

The morning assault on the first amendment.

hardly. if you knew how these things actually worked you wouldn't post such asshattery.

i am not authorized to tweet, facebook, or speak with the media on behalf of my employer and if i were ever stupid enough to do so they could shitcan me with cause.

you had better work on getting a grip alky, or it's going to be a very long four years.

KD said...

""My job is to shut other white people down when they want to interrupt."

That part was good, but when she called DEMOCRATS Racist, well , that was pure gold.

Anonymous said...

WASHINGTON, D.C.—In a survey conducted in the nation’s capital Saturday, a full 100% of the people marching on the nation’s capital for abortion rights as part of the “Women’s March on Washington” were found to have not been aborted by their mothers when they were yet to be born.

The controversial study indicates that there may be a connection between participating in any kind of protest, and having a mother willing to carry you to term beforehand.

“There seems to be a very strong correlation between your biological mother choosing not to end your life in the womb, and your chances of showing up to a protest about something,” a reporter present at the march said. “I’ve interviewed hundreds of people out here today, and it’s astounding—not a single one of them was terminated when they were still in their mother’s womb.”

At publishing time, reports had discovered similar statistics at all other Women’s March events from around the globe.


HB, Lied about his wife said...

Trump is just a common guy with a gift of reaching out to the other side, all of these guys backed Hillary, but, they now back Trump.
Trump was joined by North America’s Building Trades Unions President Sean McGarvey;, Laborers’ International Union of North America President Terry O’Sullivan;, SMART sheet metal workers’ union President Joseph Sellers; United Brotherhood of Carpenters President Doug McCarron and United Association President Mark McManus, among others.

The shift is wonderful as more come in and join President Trump and his re-making of America, get to work ,,, enjoy more wealth as tax rates drop.

Problem for the DeMedia,,, you can not do a thing to stop President Trump from meeting with and supporting Businesses in the USA, so what can you do but "embrace the Suck".

Anonymous said...

Well… We’re waiting. Shit or get off the pot.

Iron Mike

i read this yesterday.

Iron Mike is a hero. and not just because he managed to insult every asshole liberal in america in five paragraphs.

KD said...

Cali, this Adult blog is better because you post on issues and you peg the Unaffordable Obama power grab act from the start and identified the disaster it is.

"Backlash Over Philadelphia Teachers’ Plan for ‘Black Lives Matter’ Week in Classrooms"

This is what is wrong with inner city education at the hands of the National Teachers ASS., they are making darn sure these kids fail.

Anonymous said...

The Huffington Post reported Monday that EPA grants had been frozen, with agency employees barred from speaking of the matter.


if you want to witness true, unbridled, liberal asshattery and pearl clutching, fainting couch madness, go read the comments in the huff post story.

caliphate4vr said...

thanks i thought that was hilarious

KD, said...

“My job is to listen and be a voice and shut other white people down when they want to interrupt,” she exclaimed. “My job is to shut other white people down when they want to say, ‘Oh, no, I’m not prejudiced. I’m a Democrat. I’m accepting.'” a white slave to liberalism

She called Democrats that say they are not racist liars.

I hope she get to run the dnc.

Anonymous said...

"Backlash Over Philadelphia Teachers’ Plan for ‘Black Lives Matter’ Week in Classrooms"

this is why liberals fear school choice vouchers. they have a monopoly on not education but indoctrination, and giving parents and students the ability to escape this bullshit ruins everything for them.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Uhmmm, well he believes his own facts, even though the facts are different.

White House press secretary Sean Spicer on Tuesday confirmed that President Donald Trump believes millions of people voted illegally in November’s election, despite a total absence of evidence to support this view.

“The president does believe that, I think he’s stated that before, and stated his concern of voter fraud and people voting illegally during the campaign and continues to maintain that belief based on studies and evidence people have brought to him,” Spicer told reporters at the daily press briefing.

Pressed for evidence to support the claim, Spicer said only, “I think the president has believed that for a while, based on studies and information he has.” He did not say what those studies or information were.

Spicer also struggled to explain why Trump had not prioritized an investigation into the issue, which NPR’s Mara Liasson said would be “a scandal of astronomical proportions,” if it were actually true.

“Maybe we will. We’ll see where we go from here,” Spicer said.

Trump surprised congressional leaders Monday night at the White House when he claimed that he would have won the popular vote, were it not for “3 to 5 million illegals” who voted for Clinton, according to sources who spoke to The Huffington Post.

Trump won the presidency with a majority of the Electoral College, but Clinton won nearly 3 million more popular votes than Trump did.

Ever since winning in November, Trump has been obsessed with the topic of whether he was legitimately elected. These concerns were amplified by intelligence community reports of Russian efforts to influence the U.S. presidential election.

Huffington Post

KD said...

More Great News, President Trump has greenlighted jobs, this time millions of them by building the two Major Pipe lines that Obama grab his ankles and got scholonged ,,,,, time to get the pipe fitters and truckers and lumber mills and gas/diesel fuel jobbers and cooks and the list of new or saved jobs is endless.

"The Get to WORK President"

The union bosses love him , why, because he is going to grow the ranks of UNIONS by building it.

Yes, WE DID BUILD IT, and we will continue to build it.

So , With the UNIONS joining trump, what crumbs are left for the Dems?

Anonymous said...

Ever since winning in November, Trump has been obsessed with the topic of whether he was legitimately elected. These concerns were amplified by intelligence community reports of Russian efforts to influence the U.S. presidential election.


Ever since winning in November, THE LEFT has been obsessed with the topic of whether he was legitimately elected. These concerns were amplified by intelligence community reports of Russian efforts to influence the U.S. presidential election.

fixed it for ya alky.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Where I spent an hour and a half.

15911 Main Street
La Puente, CA 91744

Anonymous said...

AA meeting, eh?

good for you.

C.H. Truth said...

Roger - this is an example of fake news media bias...

The reality is that there "are" studies that show illegal voters vote. This includes a 2014 study from professors from Old Dominion and George Mason that made a claim that upwards of 2.8 million illegals voted in 2008 and 2010. You can look up Richman, Chattha, and Earnest if you would like.

Those studies would debunk the claim that there is "no evidence" of illegal voting. By definition, these studies would constitute "evidence".

The fact that there are "other" studies that claim differently, does not "debunk" the claim... anymore than the 2014 study would "debunk" the studies that claim differently.

There are simply competing opinions as to how rampant illegal voting is.

It's dishonest for the media to "take sides" in which studies they deem are accurate and which ones are deemed to be "debunked". To make the claim that there is no evidence is a flat out lie.

btw... I heard somewhere that when the media decides to hide certain facts, highlight others, and throw their personal opinions into the mix (rather than report the facts as they are) is considered something called "gas lighting". Not sure if you have heard this term, but this would be a classic example of it. Of course anyone who "falls for" this sort of media bias in the reporting would be a victim of "gas lighting".

You should do some research on the term!

KD said...

15911 Main Street
La Puente, CA 91744

Well not we know where the losers hang out.

KD, HB lied about his wife, now hides from it said...

Symone Sanders, former spokeswoman for the Bernie Sanders presidential campaign, appeared on CNN Wednesday afternoon to weigh in on the future of the DNC and the Democratic party. Sanders dismissed the idea of Howard Dean returning as DNC chairman commenting, "we don't need white people leading the Democratic party right now."

Well, that is one way to win back the white working income earners to the DNC.

RRB posted the other, make sure that when a white person attempts to have a voice with in the party, hire someone at the TOP to shut them up.

Let Freedom ring, Lordie, Let Freedom Ring.

KD, Pipeline Building YES WE WILL said...

Another issue that HB ran from was his statement that IF more Americans work in the USA that it is a bad thing because thousands of items will cost more.

I asked him to list ten items that will cost so much more that they will be so over priced that purchase of the items will stop ?

As always, he brought the issue to this Adult Blog, and then sprinted off .

It is so sad to see him lie about his wife, really, why bring her into this blog and lie about her?

Anonymous said...

"we don't need white people leading the Democratic party right now."

this is the type of rhetoric that i absolutely love.

it speaks of tolerance, and diversity...

...and of trump's reelection.

so please, keep it up.

Commonsense said...

Let's hear it for the diverse (everyone except white) Democrats!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The National Park Service Tweeted in defiance of President Trump's Anti-firstamendment orders.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

A correction.

There are simply competing Truths as to how rampant illegal voting is. One is true, there were not millions of aliens voted for Hillary Rodham Clinton.

The other is your foolish addiction to President Donald Tweeter Trump© Roger Amick.

KD said...

With so many people on the left to quote to show how much they hate the white person it is hard to pick just one, so I will not and I will continue to post more of them.

President Trump in 4 days has done more pro - worker, pro - Union and pro American then Obama did in 8 years.


KD, Social Security Warns against Stupid said...

Social Security, warns that any retiree that applies for and begins payments at age 62 will see a 25 % reduction in payouts.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

United Brotherhood of Carpenters President Doug McCarron.

We know each other. He did not endorse Trump. One of the few things I agree with the Russians.. Oops, American President. His infrastructure policy is long overdue.

I understand that he will not let the idiots in the congress to pass national right to work for less regulations, or overturn the prevailing wage law.

Even an idiot can be right once a day.

Yes I was at my AA meeting. As usual, I am asked to share. I'm a good public speaker, and have a very powerful voice. I shared the sad story about my older sister, who was married to an alcoholic. I saved her life forty years ago. I found out that he was abusive, mentally and physical. He was 5'8", 160lbs or less. My younger brother I took him out for a beer. I looked him straight in the eye and said, "Gordon, if you touch my sister again, I will kill you." They divorced six months later. He murdered his third wife and died in prison. There was no funeral.

This week, I was informed that my sister Delores, has mental dementia. She is in a rehab facility. All prayers for Dee will be gratefully accepted.

KD, Why USA has so many problems , Obama did nothing said...

25.% reduction if you take it at age 62 , If you were born in the years of 1943 - 1954

KD, President Trump Pro - Union said...

United Brotherhood of Carpenters President Doug McCarron"

We know why HB has to attack this man.

Loretta said...

Plagiarized spam.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I'm proud of my home state.

A Rogue National Park Is Tweeting Out Climate Change Facts in Defiance of Donald Trump
Katie Reilly
Updated: 10:40 PM Pacific

Badlands National Park posted several facts about climate change on its official Twitter account Tuesday afternoon, sharing statistics that might contradict the beliefs of President Donald Trump's new administration.

"Today, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is higher than at any time in the last 650,000 years. #climate," the park tweeted on Tuesday.

Trump has falsely called climate change a "hoax" and said he will roll back measures aimed at stopping global warming, sparking concern among climate scientists.

The tweets didn't last long, and had been deleted by early Tuesday evening.


The link shows the Tweets that tell the truth, despite the anti first Amendment President Donald Tweet Trump.® Roger Amick

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I wrote it myself you stupid bitch.

C.H. Truth said...

Roger -

To be clear, I don't believe that Donald Trump's claim that illegal voting cost him the popular vote. But that is not what I take issue with.

I take issue with the assertion (by the media) that there is no evidence of illegal voting.

Since I know you are incapable of doing the research, the study in question was basically a survey of illegal aliens living in the country. It's been a while since I read it, but I believe it was a rather substantial sample (as in the thousands). Some of the questions were in regards to whether or not these illegals were registered to vote, and whether or not they admitted to voting. I seem to recall that it was 14% of them that were registered or voted (I forget which). If anything I would argue that the number would be higher than they found, due too the fact that these people would have to be basically admitting to a crime to say yes.

Based on the answers to those surveys and the amount of estimated illegals who are in the country, they were able to make an estimate that approximately 2.8 million illegals voted in the previous two elections.

Now I believe (and I could be wrong) that the 2.8 million was actually a combined total of the two elections (not 2.8 in each). So I don't believe that the 2016 election would have had enough votes to make up the difference (even based on the survey results).

That being said, to argue (as the media does) that there is no evidence that illegals vote (or to use a rebuttal from a Harvard professor who assured us that the real amount of illegals who voted is "zero") is simply wrong on fact. This survey would not be much different than an exit poll (did you vote and how did you vote). While exit polls are inherently skewed in predicting end results, they probably get the main question (did you vote or not) correct. That's all this survey did (did you vote). If it is inaccurate, it would probably be lowballing the number, not the other way around.

KD, "Crushing Cost" of ObimboCare said...

The Meeting Between President Trump and the Leaders of the Unions that build IT was a Yuge success.

Trump is reaching to those that did not vote for him, those that openly Campaigned and Supported and voted for Hillary.

Yet, both the leaders of Unions and President Trump came together , found many many common issues and came out from that single meeting with glowing reports on both sides.

I found it interesting that one of them stated that "I was never asked to the White House, before now "

KD, President Trump Working for the USA said...

Here comes more of what Trump said he would do for Americans.

US Border and illegals, easy message , IF your here illegally, leave, if you are attempting to come here illegally, don't.

Thursday the US Border Officers and ICE will be getting new Orders, under Obimbo the assclown we got open borders. Their is a new Sheriff and Under Sheriff in town, so let's get to deporting or IF you wish, self deport and leave CA and AZ without a labor pool.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The headlines today should be about his meeting with Ford, GM and fiat Chrysler. But no, he's buried beneath he InfoWars Birther web site that has the ONLY claim there were millions of illegals who voted in the election. Sorry CH, but Trump can't stand the FACT that he lost the popular vote to Clinton

I told you he was impulsive and narcissistic. You laughed at me. The proof is out there if you can open your fucking eyes.

KD, UAW and Big Three Meet with the President - Multi WINS said...

Business News | Tue Jan 24, 2017 | 4:22pm EST

U.S. home sales drop as supply tumbles to 17-year low"

HB you know nothing of the US Housing Market.

But the good thing is the real men and woman of United Brotherhood of Carpenters and President Doug McCarron do.

"Build baby, Build"

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

there is no evidence of illegal voting. is absolutely true But you like Trump have your own opinion on Facts The Fact is there is NOT ONE OUNCE of credible information as you say there is. You get your data from the World Nut Daily ad Info Wars. Birthers R Us web sites.

You continue to call the media prejudiced against your hero, they are not, they report the FACTS and you have your own version of the Facts, just like Trump.

KD, Work to do, so go get the money said...

More Great News, President Trump has greenlighted jobs, this time millions of them by building the two Major Pipe lines that Obama grab his ankles and got scholonged ,,,,, time to get the pipe fitters and truckers and lumber mills and gas/diesel fuel jobbers and cooks and the list of new or saved jobs is endless.

"The Get to WORK President"

The union bosses love him , why, because he is going to grow the ranks of UNIONS by building it.

Yes, WE DID BUILD IT, and we will continue to build it.

So , With the UNIONS joining trump, what crumbs are left for the Dems?

Yes the UAW and Big Three had a chat with the President, about what, oh jobs, wealth, growing dividends for risk takers and increased membership in the UNIONS that just want to grow , and they will, there is going to be plenty of work, profits and wage increases once we get back to work.

Where does this leave the crumb suckers of the Discredited Liberal Democrap party?

KD, Dow 20,000 yeah baby said...

In a move that is Pure President Trump.

FBI Director will remain as the Top Cop at the FBI.

Man this is fun.

Ok, so President Trump has got the UAW, the FORD and French Owned Chrysler, the UNION Bosses of all major labor unions and many others on board in four days ,,,,,, darn that was easy.

Begs the Question, why couldn't Obama do this?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Using Alex Jones is not credible. That is literally, the ONLY source to support your accusations on illegal voting. You quote one HARVARD, Ivy League, something you didn't get into like President Obama and his wife did You are spinning like a cheap top.

KD Hb loser for life said...

The news is so good, President Trump is exploding jobs and the American People are getting back to work.

The trouble will be getting those millions that faked their way onto Social Security Disability back to work for pay.

Those 44 million Americans on the public electronic soup line and get them to apply for , oh GOD, I know over the last 8 years this has become a dirty word.

But apply for a JOB, there I said it.

KD, Trump Effect US Markets ROAR said...

Trump Effect, wow, now that is some kind of get'r-done numbers.

Stock Sectors Jan 24-2017

Communications +13.05%
Consumer Durables +5.95%
Consumer Non-Durables +0.70%
Commercial Services +1.51%
Electronic Technology +9.53%
Energy Minerals +6.34%
Finance +14.03%
Health Services +7.66%
Retail Trade +0.26%
Technology Services +3.65%
Transportation +18.52%
Utilities +2.24%

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

CH, I see your governor has cancer, and that caused his collapse the other day. I hope he gets through it. Cancer sucks. My wife's prognosis is excellent but it's still cancer. Shit

KD, SSI going broke faster said...

When Obama took office there were 7,442,377 people claiming to be disabled and bilking the SSI ,,,,, 8 long years latter that number ballooned to 8,808,736, this is what happens when the rules are erased and every lazy person that does not want to work gets SSI.

This too will be looked at find the interlopers and make them work or just cut them off the teat.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

This is a google search, limited to the last week, "did millions of illegals vote in 2016"

Outside of a couple right wing nut job web sites, in 18 pages, not one credible source supports Trump's claim. Unless you are crazy enough to believe that in a massive phone call to every single media outlet, funded by George Soros to get Trump, you are very very foolish

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


KD, Hillary Comey is still in Power said...

We know that the Union Leadership has said some very nice things about President Trump.

So where do the Dems go, lost the white male and female vote, with DNC leadership agreeing on one thing, the WHITE person is so unwelcomed in the party.

President Trump has a long relationship with Unions and getting good work for a fair price from them, hell he has hired millions of them over his building years. So it is easy for them to embrace him .

This is going so well, we are winning bigly.

KD said...

This is so good, I can not wait to see who Trump talks with next.

Jim Brown loves him some Trump that is for darn sure.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

CH, Paul Ryan and Lindsey Graham both said that there is no evidence to support the allegation by the President. Others have too. Why are you clinging to the possibility that it happened, when there simply, is no credible evidence to support Trump's lie? Where is the coldhearedtruth?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

k,putz, there is a reason that no one pays any attention to your inane spam that you pollute this blog with every damn day. Go fuck Daisy, she's mooing for you.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Independent experts say there is no evidence to support president’s assertion

Updated Jan. 24, 2017 10:36 p.m. ET

President Donald Trump has quickly advanced a number of top policy initiatives in the opening days of his administration, placing an emphasis on creating the jobs he promised on the campaign trail.

But the president’s insistence that his November vote total and inaugural-crowd size were bigger than all evidence suggests have proved a distraction, overshadowing early moves to fulfill his campaign pledges and unnerving some of the Republicans he needs to turn his promises into policy.

On a day when Mr. Trump took action to ease regulatory burdens and persuade car makers to keep jobs in the U.S., the White House faced Tuesday a barrage of questions about the president’s assertion the day before that millions of people voted illegally on Nov. 8th.

Press secretary Sean Spicer defended Mr. Trump, telling reporters that Mr. Trump’s “belief” that large-scale voter fraud infected the election results is unshaken.

“I think he’s stated his concerns of voter fraud, and people voting illegally during the campaign, and he continues to maintain that belief based on studies and evidence that people have presented to him,” Mr. Spicer said.

Independent experts say there is no evidence backing up Mr. Trump’s assertions about voter fraud. Mr. Trump’s fellow Republicans also weren’t rushing to defend the new president. House Speaker Paul Ryan (R., Wis.) said he has “seen no evidence” buttressing Mr. Trump’s claims.

The controversy erupted on the same day Mr. Trump signed executive memorandums meant to minimize regulatory hurdles for a $1 trillion infrastructure package that he said will modernize the nation’s roads and ports and lay the groundwork to approving the Keystone pipeline.

He has been meeting with CEOs and car companies, using the presidential bully pulpit to stanch the flow of jobs overseas. On Monday, Mr. Trump pulled out of a 12-nation Pacific trade deal that he said would have been harmful to U.S. workers, and the White House said Tuesday that he will submit a nomination to fill a vacancy on the U.S. Supreme Court next week.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

t the same time, the president is using precious political capital on issues dealing with his popularity and public image.

This weekend, Messrs. Trump and Spicer both criticized media outlets for reports on the crowd size at the inaugural address. Side-by-side aerial photographs show Mr. Trump’s crowd was smaller than that of then-President Barack Obama’s 2009 inaugural.

“I would urge the president to knock this off,” Sen. Lindsey Graham (R., S.C.) said Tuesday. “This is going to erode his ability to govern the country if he does not stop it.”

Mr. Trump won the presidency on the strength of his Electoral College victory—the only measure that counts. He lost the popular vote to Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton by about 2.8 million ballots.

Meeting privately with congressional leaders at the White House Monday, Mr. Trump spent the first 10 minutes telling them how he would have beaten Mrs. Clinton in the popular-vote tally if not for the ballots cast by up to five million illegal immigrants, people familiar with the conversation said.

On Tuesday, Mr. Spicer brushed off the president’s remarks as something he mentioned “in passing.”

Asked if Mr.Trump wants an investigation into whether the election was marred by voter fraud, Mr. Spicer said that “we’ll see where we go from here.”

Researchers at Dartmouth College looked into Mr. Trump’s allegations of widespread voter fraud in the 2016 election and found no evidence that it happened. One of the authors of the report, Michael Heron, said research “implies that it is very, very rare.”

“Many of these allegations of voter fraud were based on concerns that massive numbers of noncitizens would cast ballots in the election; however, my co-authors and I found no evidence that there was rampant voter fraud in the 2016 presidential election,” Mr. Herron said in a statement.

On a separate front, the bipartisan National Association of Secretaries of State put out a statement Tuesday saying: “We are not aware of any evidence that supports the voter fraud claims made by President Trump, but we are open to learning more about the administration’s concerns.”

Saul Anuzis, a former Michigan GOP chairman, said Mr. Trump’s freewheeling style “worked well for him politically but now he has to lead, so people are going to be holding him more accountable with numbers, facts and figures. He probably needs to be a little more cautious.”

Write to Peter Nicholas at peter.nicholas@wsj.com, Carol E. Lee at carol.lee@wsj.com and Kristina Peterson at kristina.peterson@wsj.com

Is the wall Street Journal part of the liberal media?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Trump administration has instituted what it described as a “temporary media blackout” at the Environmental Protection Agency. Included in the blackout are EPA press releases, blog updates, and posts to the agency’s social media accounts. Staffers in EPA’s public affairs office are instructed to forward all inquiries from reporters to the White House Office of Administration and Resources Management.

Similar orders barring external communications have been issued to other federal agencies in recent days, including the Agriculture and Interior departments.

The Trump administration does not want Americans to have the truth. They would rather promote lies. This, my friends, is another step toward tyranny.

What do you think?

Robert Reich

Loretta said...

You're drunk again.

Loretta said...

Plagiarized spam by the drunkard.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

In the draft of a separate executive order now being circulated inside the administration, Mr. Trump would examine the question of whether the Central Intelligence Agency should reopen its so-called black sites, secret interrogation and detention centers that it operated overseas. Former President Barack Obama ordered the closings of all in the first week of his presidency in 2009.

Torture is back.

Loretta, go fuck yourself, stupid bitch.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

In the draft of a separate executive order now being circulated inside the administration, Mr. Trump would examine the question of whether the Central Intelligence Agency should reopen its so-called black sites, secret interrogation and detention centers that it operated overseas. Former President Barack Obama ordered the closings of all in the first week of his presidency in 2009.

Torture is back.

Loretta, go fuck yourself, stupid bitch.

Anonymous said...

Roger Amick said...
k,putz, there is a reason that no one pays any attention to your inane spam that you pollute this blog with every damn day.

it is ironic that you of all people would have the gall to say that considering the inane asshattery you post over on the alky blog.

hey, why don't you invite your AA losers to join you over there?


"As usual, I am asked to share. I'm a good public speaker, and have a very powerful voice."

they should marvel at the genius level content you post over there.

you could use the "page views" and just think, you might even pick up a comment or two.

Commonsense said...

Seems the so called "grass roots" women's movement still needed their sugar daddy.

The main man behind the Women’s March on Washington may have been hedge fund billionaire George Soros, who reportedly has ties to 56 of the 403 groups that sponsored the demonstration in DC.

Although pink-hatted protesters called the march nonpartisan and a “grass-roots effort,” former Wall Street Journal reporter Asra Q. Nomani wrote in an opinion piece on Women in the World, it “really isn’t a ‘women’s march.’ It’s a march for women who are anti-Trump.”

Nomani found links between Soros, who called President Trump “a would-be dictator,” and the 56 march “partners” including Planned Parenthood, Natural Resources Defense Council, MoveOn.org, National Action Network, Amnesty International and the American Civil Liberties Union.

Anonymous said...

Similar orders barring external communications have been issued to other federal agencies in recent days, including the Agriculture and Interior departments.

The Trump administration does not want Americans to have the truth. They would rather promote lies. This, my friends, is another step toward tyranny.

What do you think?

Robert Reich

i think you're a hack, lil robbie.

you "teach" at cal bezerkely. is every professor on your campus authorized to speak on behalf of the university? or do you have public information officers at both the cal level and at the state university chancellor level who are charged with the dissemination of official information to the public?

engage your midget brain before you go on facebook next time.

you might give a hack like roger a thrill up his leg, but to the rest of the world you come off looking like an assclown.

Anonymous said...

Nomani found links between Soros, who called President Trump “a would-be dictator,” and the 56 march “partners” including Planned Parenthood, Natural Resources Defense Council, MoveOn.org, National Action Network, Amnesty International and the American Civil Liberties Union.

the nazi sympathizer lost a BILLION $$$ when hillary lost. it looks like he's trying to make back some of what he lost.

here's an insightful article into the story behind the little prick:


at 86 i'm hoping he's dead soon.

Loretta said...

"As usual, I am asked to share. I'm a good public speaker, and have a very powerful voice."


Anonymous said...

i suspect that roger has such a high opinion of himself to compensate for the rest of the planet who thinks he's a fucking imbecile.

Loretta said...

I suspect it's to compensate for something else.....

KD said...

Global stock markets are rallying right now and U.S. stock futures are pushing up. Investors are still feeling positive about Trump's pro-business agenda.

European markets are rising in early trading, with many indexes up by about 1%. Most Asian markets ended the day with gains.

The S&P 500 and Nasdaq both hit record highs on Wednesday. The Dow Jones industrial average climbed 0.6%. It's now less than 100 points away from the much-hyped 20,000 level.

The financial and materials sectors performed particularly well on Tuesday.

"This is significant, as both materials and financial stocks have been sensitive to market expectations around the Trump administration's ability to deliver growth," said Kathleen Brooks, research director at City Index. "

Trump's World Wide Effect, build baby , build

KD 25 % less money for life said...

The Issue of Social Security and stupidity.

You have to actively apply for SS Disablity and for Social Security pay outs. Why would some one that is so needy of the money do something so stupid that reduces those payout for life by 25%.

That is what HB did, his wife is not making the same on SSI as she did working full time as an RN.

KD, 25 % less money for life said...

Robert Riech and HB have this in common, the morning of Nov. 9th, 2016 as the stock market future dropped , they took it as a buying Opportunity and bought "put" futures, I am sure they lost most if not all of that money, unless they were all talk and no action.

What do you all think, was Riech and HB just all talk again?

KD, Felony Rioting is still a crime said...

This is outstanding news: Cite HuffPO

"Four more journalists get felony charges after covering inauguration unrest (not unrest- Felony Rioting)

A documentary producer, a photojournalist, a live-streamer and a freelance reporter facing up to 10 years in prison and a $25,000 fine if convicted.."

Commonsense said...

Sounds like they were doing something more than just covering the riots.

KD, Rioting Press said...

Yes, they were and they are now going to have to defend their actions in a Federal Criminal Court.

It would be best to do a plea agreement, exchange money for less time in prison. Unless the point of rioting was to get arrested and waste a major part of your life in a Federal Prison.