- The BLS website shows that according to the Employer Survey, approximately ten million jobs were created from 2009 to 2016. The Population Survey shows that approximately three and half million more Americans are working today than when Obama took office. If you believe that Obama "created twenty million jobs" - you may be a victim of gaslighting.
- Average Gallup Polling shows that President Obama fell below George W Bush and even Richard Nixon in terms of average approval over the course of his Presidency. In fact, only three Presidents since WWII had lower average approvals than Barack Obama. If you believe that Obama is a "historically popular President" - you may be a victim of gaslighting.
- House Republicans received nearly 1.4 million more votes than House Democrats in 2016. If you believe that the Democrats hold some sort of mandate for winning the popular vote - you may be a victim of gaslighting.
- According to "OpenSecrets.com" the National Rifle Association gave just over one million dollars to politicians and political Parties and ranked 422 out of 18,544 organizations (that donated) for contributions in 2016. Their 2.5 million spent on lobbying in 2016 ranked them 143 out of 3,651 lobbying organizations. If you believe that the NRA controls the Republican Party - you may be a victim of gaslighting.
- The liberal elitist main stream media declared over and over and over during the campaign that comparing the size of Trump and Clinton crowds didn't matter in terms of popularity or support. If you now believe the same media when they make a big deal out of comparisons between the size of the Trump and Obama inauguration crowds - you may be a victim of gaslighting.
- In fact, if you believe anything the liberal elitist main stream media states about much of anything these days - you are almost certainly the victim of gaslighting.
- If you recently discovered the phrase of "gaslighting" and have been misusing it to attack everyone who disagrees with you - you just may be the victim of your own stupidity.
If you're more offended that Donald Trump once said the word 'pussy' than BIll Clinton getting blow jobs in the Oval Office by a 21-year old intern...
If you can listen to Madonna, Miley Cyrus, and Lady Gaga complain about how Trump degrades women and not burst out laughing...
If you think a person's gender is fluid but sexual preference is permanently fixed...
If you're against the death penalty but are OK with abortion...
If you think the NY Times is biased in favor of conservatives...
If you believe Russians hacked the election, but there's no need to investigate the possibility of voter fraud...
If you believe Russians hacked the election, but have no problem with the Clintons making deals to sell American uranium to Russian oligarchs...
If you believe shouting down conservative speakers is 'free speech'...
If you believe throwing rocks at police officers and breaking windows is 'free speech'...
If you believe that the Palestinians are entitled to a homeland, but the Israelis aren't...
If you punch someone in the face while you're wearing a "Love Trumps Hate" T-shirt...
If you want the government out of your bedroom while demanding free birth control...
If you can voice your presidential assassination fantasies in public without fear of consequences...
If you demand to be taken seriously while dressed up in a twat costume...
...you might be a Democrat!
If you recently discovered the phrase of "gaslighting" and have been misusing it to attack everyone who disagrees with you - you just may be the victim of your own stupidity.
i suggest we coin a new term to describe roger's idiotic bloviations:
If you believe that the BLS, that is using the same methodology it has used for over thirty years, is lying about the number of jobs created during the Obama administration, you are a victim of Trumpism.
If you need believe your own links provided data that puts Barack Hussein Obama as a middle level popularity but claim he is below even George W Bush who left office with a 26% approval, you are a victim of Trumpism.
If you don't believe that the gerrymandering, and vote"fraud" legislation in the states with Republican majorities efficiently guaranteed Republican control for ten years, you are a victim of Trumpism.
If you don't believe that the NRA use of support for specific legislators to get control of the gun laws, you are a victim of Trumpism.
If you don't believe that Trump is the one and only reason that the media coverage of the crowd size, you are a victim of Trumpism.
If you believe that a free press is illegitimate because it reports on the documented truth, not the "Alternate" truth, you are a victim of Trumpism.
Lastly: If you believe that a mentally unstable narcissist is qualified to be President of the United States of America, you are a victim of Trumpism.
IF you believe a 1.9 percent gdp is the best this Nation Can Do under a low work eithic prez
If Less blacks owning their homes is a sign of Progressivism and Suckcess.
IF, low saving rates are a way to grow the economy.
IF you believe 94 able aged Americans out of work that they want to do is you idea of winning.
IF you believe having 10 million more on food stamps then just 8 years ago helps people win
IF you believe that ISIS murdering Americans IN the USA is progress on the war on man-made-disaters.
Or IF you believe Hillary won if not for, we, the US Constitution.
If you believe that whack job right wingers who would believe that the sun rotates around the earth if Trump said so, you are a victim of Trumpism.
New York Magazine
January 25, 2017 12:14 p.m.
Reported Trump Science Adviser Rejects Climate Science
By Jonathan Chait
David Gelernter, reported candidate to be Donald Trump’s science adviser. Photo: Andreas Rentz/Getty Images
The president of the United States is a conspiracy theorist who gets his intelligence from “the shows,” frequently assures people he is “like, a smart person” because his uncle taught at MIT, and has dismissed the scientific consensus about such subjects as vaccines and anthropogenic global warming. The good news is that he will have an adviser on science issues. The bad news is that the adviser may also hold lunatic beliefs about science. aka Trumpism.
David Gelernter, who is reportedly a leading contender to be Trump’s science adviser, has an interview with the Yale Daily News, in which he expounds upon his long-standing skepticism of the scientific consensus on climate change. “For human beings to change the climate of the planet is a monstrously enormous undertaking,” Gelernter said. “I haven’t seen convincing evidence of it … We’re in Connecticut, so we know about the ice age. The Earth’s climate oscillates, there’s no way to stop it,” he said. “My first supposition is that if it’s getting warmer, then it’s a natural oscillation.”
In fact, scientists who study this issue are well aware of the ice age and other changes in atmospheric temperature over time. They have considered and rejected the possibility that the link between increased concentrations of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere and rising temperatures is coincidental.
Gelernter writes occasional columns expressing his seething rage at liberals in general and academic liberals in particular. (Here is a recent example, in which Gelernter rambles between such observations as “Hillary the Queen”’s alleged hatred for members of the Secret Service or police officers who try to speak with her; Clinton and Barack Obama’s “profound contempt for America and Americans”; the folly of Obamacare; the Iran nuclear deal; affirmative action; women in combat. “Why do we insist on women in combat but not in the NFL?” is Gelernter’s idea of a knock-down argument. When your world view is ordered by indiscriminate hatred of liberals, anything liberals believe will seem suspect, including science. But it kind of undermines the point of having a science adviser.
I want to point out to Mr. Gas Bag that under Obama/Ried/Polosi/Clinton/Chudkie Shoeshinner and other left wing nut cases the US Home has FAR More guns in them then when he took office.
Obama did more with the help of Eric Place-Holder and White Lych-em, then anything the NRA could have ever gotten done.
41 murdered in Chicago so far in 2017, a city with some of the most strict gun control laws in the USA.
A psychological asked if Mr. Trump were their patient, they would “work on” with him, several of the therapists laughed. “I’d be shocked if he walked in my door,” said Behary. “Most narcissists don’t seek treatment unless there’s someone threatening to take something away from them. There’d have to be some kind of meaningful consequence for him to come in.” Simon concurred but added, “There is help available, but it doesn’t look like the help people are used to. It’s not insight-oriented psychotherapy, because narcissists already have insight. They’re aware; the problem is, they don’t care. They know how you’d like them to act; the problem is, they’ve got a different set of rules. The kind of approach that can have some impact is confrontational. It confronts distorted thinking and behavior patterns in the here-and-now moment when the narcissists are doing their thing in the session. It’s confronted on the spot; you invite them to do something different, then you reinforce them for doing so.”
But for at least one mental-health professional, the Trump enigma, or should we say non-enigma, is larger than the bluster of the man whose own Web site calls him “the very definition of the American success story, continually setting the standards of excellence”—to this mind-set, Trump may be a kind of bellwether. Mr. Gardner said, “For me, the compelling question is the psychological state of his supporters. They are unable or unwilling to make a connection between the challenges faced by any president and the knowledge and behavior of Donald Trump. In a democracy.
If you believe that Donald J Trump isn't mentally ill, you are a victim of Trumpism.
Vanity Fair
The slowing shitty economy continues to clock in horrid numbers.
US Housing is in the Shitter.
4th Qrt GDP 1.9 %, those that Believe this is a good economy have their heads collectively so far up Former Prez Obama's air they are oxygen deprived.
The 2nd largest out standing Debt in the USA is underwritten by the US tax payer, student Debt soared under Obimbo saddling the young worker for decades, look, in the last few years the Obimbo's just paid off their Student Loans.
They are like a lot of financial illiterates paying on two mortgages.
WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — The U.S. economy slowed in the fourth quarter and annual growth failed to reach 3% for the 11th straight year"
No wait, Mr. Gasbag believes this is the best Economy because of Obama.
LOL poor financially depended on two SS checks idiot.
If you believe that Donald Trump is popular, you are a victim of Trumpism.
Americans Think Trump Will Be Worst President Since Nixon
PPP's newest national poll finds Donald Trump continuing to fare poorly with the public in his first week in office. Voters split evenly in their appraisals of his job performance with 44% approving and 44% disapproving of him. These are historically awful numbers for a newly elected President. When it comes to Trump's favorability rating, only 44% of voters see him positively to 50% with a negative opinion. By contrast the women who participated in marches across the country last weekend against Trump are seen positively by 50% of voters, to just 41% who see them poorly.
There are a number of reasons for Trump's continuing unpopularity. One piece of it is that voters don't like the policies he wants to enact:
-We find that only 34% of voters want to build a wall with Mexico if American taxpayers have to pay up front for it, compared to 53% who are opposed to doing that.
-We find that with Trump in office now, the Affordable Care Act is reaching record levels of popularity with 45% of voters supporting it to 41% who are opposed. Only 30% of voters think the best plan is to repeal the act and start over, while 61% would prefer Congress to keep the Affordable Care Act and fix parts that aren't working.
Another set of reasons that Trump's struggling right now are concerns about his transparency and conflicts of interest:
-59% of voters think Trump needs to release his tax returns, to just 32% who don't think it's necessary for him to. In fact, 54% of voters would support a law requiring candidates for President to release 5 years of tax returns in order to appear on the ballot, to just 34% who would be opposed to putting that requirement in place.
-61% of voters think Trump needs to fully divest from his business interests, to only 28% who don't think it's necessary for him to do that.
-Trump's ties to Russia continue to be a problem for him. Only 13% of voters have a favorable opinion of Russia, to 60% with a negative view of it. For Vladimir Putin himself, the numbers are even worse. Just 10% of voters see him positively, with 67% having an unfavorable opinion of him. Continued close ties to Russia could be a problem for Trump even with his own base- among his voters Russia has a 20/47 favorability rating and Putin's is 15/55.
Voters are so dim on Trump that they think, in the first week of his administration, that he will prove to be a worse President than everyone who's held the office since Richard Nixon.
This might be a good time to build a fallout shelter like we did after the Cuban missile crisis.
2017: For the last two years, the minute hand of the Doomsday Clock stayed set at three minutes before the hour, the closest it had been to midnight since the early 1980s. In its two most recent annual announcements on the Clock, the Science and Security Board warned: “The probability of global catastrophe is very high, and the actions needed to reduce the risks of disaster must be taken very soon.” In 2017, we find the danger to be even greater, the need for action more urgent. It is two and a half minutes to midnight, the Clock is ticking, global danger looms. Wise public officials should act immediately, guiding humanity away from the brink. If they do not, wise citizens must step forward and lead the way. See the full statement from the Science and Security Board on the 2017 time of the Doomsday Clock.
2016: "Last year, the Science and Security Board moved the Doomsday Clock forward to three minutes to midnight, noting: 'The probability of global catastrophe is very high, and the actions needed to reduce the risks of disaster must be taken very soon.' That probability has not been reduced. The Clock ticks. Global danger looms. Wise leaders should act—immediately." See the full statement from the Science and Security Board on the 2016 time of the Doomsday Clock.
If you believe that the BLS, that is using the same methodology it has used for over thirty years, is lying about the number of jobs created during the Obama administration
Roger - I looked up the numbers FROM THE BLS
- It shows that between 2009 and 2016 there was a net increase of ten million jobs.
- It shows that between 2009 and 2016 that only three and a half million more Americans say they are working.
Let me repeat this Roger: THOSE ARE THE NUMBERS FROM THE BLS.
So they didn't change anything...
Those who tell you that he created 20 million jobs did. They are either using different numbers or cherry picking the BLS numbers... but ultimately they gaslighted you.
This might be a good time to build a fallout shelter like we did after the Cuban missile crisis.
Better get on that Roger... I know some preppers you can get in touch with.
If you believe that a free press is illegitimate because it reports on the documented truth
That was funny Rog! Thanks. I almost spit out my coffee!
Please tell me you are not serious, though? Are you? You couldn't be?
Oh wait... are you really one of those 8% who still trusts the media to tell you the truth? Maybe I actually "do" know one of those? I thought everyone I knew was too smart to still fall for that!
In June 2015, Trump kicked off his campaign with a tirade against undocumented immigrants,and 2011 claimed that President Obama was born in Kenya.
He claimed that the Mexican government sent rapists and drug mules and vowed to build a “great wall on our Southern border.” Later, Trump proposed a “deportation force.” That message earned him a fan base on the right. They are victims of Trumpism.
For five years, Donald J Trump claimed that he was born in Kenya, is a Muslim, and was picked to become the President of the United States, and was a jihadist.
Those folks who believe that these don't disqualify him to be President, you are a victims of Trumpism.
If you don't believe that the Republican President isn't going to cook the books, you are a victim of Trumpism.
Revision of Establishment Survey Data |
| |
|Effective with the release of The Employment Situation for January 2017 on February 3,|
|2017, the Current Employment Statistics (CES) survey will introduce revisions to non- |
|farm payroll employment, hours, and earnings data to reflect the annual benchmark |
|adjustment for March 2016 and updated seasonal adjustment factors. Not seasonally |
|adjusted data beginning with April 2015 and seasonally adjusted data beginning with |
|January 2012 are subject to revision. Consistent with standard practice, some |
|historical data may be subject to minor revisions resulting from issues identified |
|during the benchmark process. |
______________________________________________________________________________________ |
Upcoming Changes to the Household Survey
|Effective with the release of The Employment Situation for January 2017 on February 3,|
|2017, new population controls will be used in the Current Population Survey (CPS) |
|estimation process. These new controls reflect the annual updating of intercensal |
|population estimates by the U.S. Census Bureau. In accordance with usual practice, |
|historical data will not be revised to incorporate the new controls; consequently, |
|household survey data for January 2017 will not be directly comparable with data for
|December 2016 or earlier periods. A table showing the effects of the new controls on the major labor force series will be included in the January 2017 release.
Roger - according to US Customs and Border Protection
in 2015 1.5 million pounds of drugs were seized at the border.
That is down from 2.4 million seized in 2011.
According to most accounts, this is not due to any drop in the amount of drugs being smuggled, but due to a reduction in the efforts to catch and seize smugglers.
I guess if you believe that smuggling a couple million pounds of narcotics (like Heroin, Cocain, and Meth) is all fine and dandy, and that it's "racist" to try and prevent it...
I just happen to disagree with you on your priorities and your manner in which you see drug traffic enforcement as a "racist act".
Plagiarized spam by the drunkard.
Plagiarized spam by the drunkard.
Anyone know can read, can see the statement by our esteemed host, is a victim of Trumpism.
Household Survey Data
The unemployment rate, at 4.7 percent, and the number of unemployed persons, at 7.5
million, changed little in December. However, both measures edged down in the fourth
quarter, after showing little net change earlier in the year. (See table A-1.)
Among the major worker groups, the unemployment rates for adult men (4.4 percent), adult
women (4.3 percent), teenagers (14.7 percent), Whites (4.3 percent), Blacks (7.8 percent),
Asians (2.6 percent), and Hispanics (5.9 percent) showed little change in December. (See
tables A-1, A-2, and A-3.)
The number of long-term unemployed (those jobless for 27 weeks or more) was essentially
unchanged at 1.8 million in December and accounted for 24.2 percent of the unemployed. In
2016, the number of long-term unemployed declined by 263,000. (See table A-12.)
The labor force participation rate, at 62.7 percent, changed little in December and was
unchanged over the year. In December, the employment-population ratio was 59.7 percent
for the third consecutive month; this measure showed little change, on net, in 2016.
(See table A-1.)
The number of persons employed part time for economic reasons (also referred to as
involuntary part-time workers), at 5.6 million, was essentially unchanged in December
but was down by 459,000 over the year. These individuals, who would have preferred
full-time employment, were working part time because their hours had been cut back or
because they were unable to find a full-time job. (See table A-8.)
In December, 1.7 million persons were marginally attached to the labor force, little
changed from a year earlier. (The data are not seasonally adjusted.) These individuals
were not in the labor force, wanted and were available for work, and had looked for a
job sometime in the prior 12 months. They were not counted as unemployed because they
had not searched for work in the 4 weeks preceding the survey. (See table A-16.)
Among the marginally attached, there were 426,000 discouraged workers in December, down
by 237,000 from a year earlier. (The data are not seasonally adjusted.) Discouraged
workers are persons not currently looking for work because they believe no jobs are
available to them. The remaining 1.3 million persons marginally attached to the labor
force in December had not searched for work for reasons such as school attendance or
family responsibilities. (See table A-16.)
Establishment Survey Data
Total nonfarm payroll employment rose by 156,000 in December, with an increase in health
care and social assistance. Job growth totaled 2.2 million in 2016, less than the increase
of 2.7 million in 2015. (See table B-1.)
Employment in health care rose by 43,000 in December, with most of the increase occurring
in ambulatory health care services (+30,000) and hospitals (+11,000). Health care added
an average of 35,000 jobs per month in 2016, roughly in line with the average monthly
gain of 39,000 in 2015.
Social assistance added 20,000 jobs in December, reflecting job growth in individual and
family services (+21,000). In 2016, social assistance added 92,000 jobs, down from an
increase of 162,000 in 2015.
Employment in food services and drinking places continued to trend up in December (+30,000).
This industry added 247,000 jobs in 2016, fewer than the 359,000 jobs gained in 2015.
Employment also continued to trend up in transportation and warehousing in December
(+15,000). Within the industry, employment expanded by 12,000 in couriers and messengers.
In 2016, transportation and warehousing added 62,000 jobs, down from a gain of 110,000
jobs in 2015.
Roger learned a new word.
But he's not impulsive, LMAO.
Employment in financial activities continued on an upward trend in December (+13,000).
This is in line with the average monthly gains for the industry over the past 2 years.
In December, employment edged up in manufacturing (+17,000), with a gain of 15,000 in the
durable goods component. However, since reaching a recent peak in January, manufacturing
employment has declined by 63,000.
Employment in professional and business services was little changed in December (+15,000),
following an increase of 65,000 in November. The industry added 522,000 jobs in 2016.
Employment in other major industries, including mining, construction, wholesale trade,
retail trade, information, and government, changed little in December.
The average workweek for all employees on private nonfarm payrolls was unchanged at 34.3
hours in December. In manufacturing, the workweek edged up by 0.1 hour to 40.7 hours,
and overtime edged up by 0.1 hour to 3.3 hours. The average workweek for production and
nonsupervisory employees on private nonfarm payrolls remained at 33.6 hours. (See
tables B-2 and B-7.)
In December, average hourly earnings for all employees on private nonfarm payrolls
increased by 10 cents to $26.00, after edging down by 2 cents in November. Over the
year, average hourly earnings have risen by 2.9 percent. In December, average hourly
earnings of private-sector production and nonsupervisory employees increased by 7 cents
to $21.80. (See tables B-3 and B-8.)
The change in total nonfarm payroll employment for October was revised down from +142,000
to +135,000, and the change for November was revised up from +178,000 to +204,000. With
these revisions, employment gains in October and November were 19,000 higher than
previously reported. Over the past 3 months, job gains have averaged 165,000 per month.
Just applying the 165,000 x the 90 months from six months after Obama took office, 14,850,000 jobs were created. But the monthly average is higher than 165,000, so the 20,000,000 claim is accurate.
The only disturbing number is lackluster performance at 1.9% growth. Trump has to improve that number.
Plagiarized spam by the drunkard.
To believe the claim that the Mexican government sent the drug dealers and rapists, you are a victim of Trumpism.
BTW I coined the term Trumpism.
Roger - you need to look at the historical charts. They show how many jobs were created month by month during his term.
I'll give you one hint, after losing jobs for the first year of his Presidency, he didn't break even till his first term was almost over.
But even if you ignore his first year entirely (which would be dishonest cherry picking)... it still falls several million short of twenty million.
No you didn't.
It was coined by the Rolling Stone rag back in 2015.
To believe the claim
So to believe the Custom and Border Protection agency "under President Obama" is to be a victim of Trumpism?
An odd statement, since the CBP was keeping these numbers long before Trump made his claim?
Roger... seriously. You are losing it.
You now find Government organizations under Barack Obama to be part of the Trump conspiracy!?!?! Wow!!!
The drunkard line is getting old./
CH has congratulated me for successfully, one day at a time, sobriety. Beating an addiction is difficult, but as of today, I have it under control. I remain humble, because of the words spoken by a counselor, a recovering alcoholic himself. Pride will lead to relapse. I have been blessed.
Your constant spamming is getting old.
You're the furthest thing from humble.
Breaking even? You are not giving him credit for recovering the numbers that had been lost under the Bush administration in your count?
If you ignore the recovery, you are cherry picking. Trumpism.
I had no knowledge that the term had been used by others. I saw this pathetic post and thought of what to call it.
Roger - let me ask it this way...
Go to the BLS - with all your infinite intelligence and supreme knowledge. Back up your claim (with your own research from the BLS) that Obama created 20 million jobs...
I'll even provide you the link:
BTW I coined the term Trumpism.
suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure you did, alky...
A gospel politicians preach to instill fear in locals: illegals are bringing crime and robbing their jobs, and radicals among Muslim refugees are terrorizing the "infidels."
Although Trumpism arguably promotes extreme nationalism, anti-globalization, xenophobia, and Islamophobia, however, many politicians in the developed world secretly endorse this divisive doctrine to guard against crime and terrorism.
#trumper #politics #nationalism #narcissist #globalization #terrorism #islamization
by MathPlus June 22, 2016
CH has congratulated me for successfully, one day at a time, sobriety.
and then he blocked you on facebook.
C.H. Truth said...
Roger - let me ask it this way...
Go to the BLS -
good luck with that. you're talking to a nimrod who splits his time between occupy democrats and mother jones. those are the clowns that have peddling the lie that 0linsky created a quadrillion jobs.
using BLS numbers CNBC is giving roger's dear leader credit for creating a net of nearly 6 million as a NET GAIN:
Of all his campaign promises, most of his supporters will judge President-elect Donald Trump based on his success in creating more jobs and boosting wages for American workers.
That's also how the outgoing Obama administration will be judged by history.
Today, some eight years after the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression as Obama took office, the nation's job market has put nearly six million Americans back to work, as a net gain. That includes 156,000 jobs created in December, according Friday's Bureau of Labor Statistics report, the last with Obama in the White House.
Well Rat...
I suspect that he will not look at the link, as he would be pretty sure that I wouldn't provide it, if it didn't prove what I said it does.
That being said, it is the exact source he has stated in the past, backs up his claim. So shouldn't he be confident that he is right (or more to the point that his sources who claim this are right).
Bottom line: The BLS website prove "me" right. It won't prove his sources correct. The problem for Roger is that this is a consistent long term problem for Roger. I continue to be "right" and his sources continue to be wrong.
Someday he will learn that I don't pull shit out of my ass and make a claim. I research it and validate it, or I don't make it.
well, notice too that when you told him to go to the BLS, all he did was copy and paste a section from the site without even reading the fucker.
and then he conveniently dropped off the first 6 months of 0linsky's first term, then averaged a number he pulled from his ass - 165k x 90 months, not 96 to come to his wildly flawed conclusion.
and then he digs his heels in on the whole topic insisting he's right!
invincible ignorance on fucking steroids.
good grief.
THIS is cnn:
The Obama economy has now created 15 million jobs
October 7, 2016: 9:42 AM ET
Final tally: Obama created 11.3 million jobs
January 6, 2017: 10:10 AM ET
so skeets actually lost 3.7M jobs in the 4th quarter of 2016?
no wonder alky is having trouble with this. so are his sources.
and then he conveniently dropped off the first 6 months of 0linsky's first term, then averaged a number he pulled from his ass - 165k x 90 months, not 96 to come to his wildly flawed conclusion
165K * 90 = 14.850 million.
So even if you use his inaccurate cherry picking. It still doesn't back up the claim of 20 million.
The 15 million jobs is what people will claim, but pretty much ignoring the first full year of his Presidency, which of course they blame on everyone else but the President. Not sure, but I believe he had a tremendous amount of personal control over that 2 trillion dollar stimulus package that was supposed to create all those jobs.
The more accurate total is somewhere around 10-11 million.
Twenty million is simply a made up number, that got repeated so many times that it became "gasbagged" into the tiny brains of the gullible.
The AP’s Martin Crutsinger takes a more straightforward approach — and a more realistic one:
The U.S. economy lost momentum in the final three months of 2016, closing out a year in which growth turned in the weakest performance in five years.
The gross domestic product grew at an annual rate of just 1.9 percent in the October-December period, a slowdown from 3.5 percent growth in the third quarter, the Commerce Department reported Friday. GDP, the broadest measure of economic health, was held back by a jump in the trade deficit.
For 2016, the economy grew 1.6 percent. It was the worst showing since 2011 and down from 2.6 percent growth in 2015.
That’s the actual news. Clearly the nation has not taken the correct direction when it comes to economic growth over the last eight years, no matter how much self-promotion Obama did over the last few months. That gives the incoming administration a wide opening for its economic policies.
the denial and self-delusion required to see the 0linsky economy as anything other than a steaming pile of shit is epic.
Hot Air
You hate being shown as a hack.
And again, I had not seen Trumpism before. I'm not surprised that it's not original, he provides a lot of good reasons to find out that he's full of shit.
Just like the racist rodent.
Got Beaners to shoot and leave the bodies to rot?
that's right alky.
hot air.
they can link to the AP too:
The U.S. economy lost momentum in the final three months of 2016, closing out a year in which growth turned in the weakest performance in five years.
The gross domestic product grew at an annual rate of just 1.9 percent in the October-December period, a slowdown from 3.5 percent growth in the third quarter, the Commerce Department reported Friday. GDP, the broadest measure of economic health, was held back by a jump in the trade deficit.
For 2016, the economy grew 1.6 percent. It was the worst showing since 2011 and down from 2.6 percent growth in 2015.
now how you coming with your BLS ANAL-ysis?
I'm not surprised that it's not original
but you said that it was you that coined the phrase:
"BTW I coined the term Trumpism."
so you lied.
why don't you go play on the gaslight blog? you know, the blog you fucking destroyed.
You insist on including the first six months of the Obama administration in your count. We were losing almost 800,000 jobs per month.
Then of course your dishonest numbers are correct. Trumpism
Roger - still waiting for your proof of twenty million jobs.
The attempts of your previous posts (even if taken literally) do not show 20 million jobs. I provided you the actual link to the historical tables, to which you have not responded.
Can I just assume that you are offering that you were wrong?
Roger Amick said...
You insist on including the first six months of the Obama administration in your count.
for one very simple reason that even a piss-drunk alcoholic passed out in the gutter could grasp -
HE WAS THE PRESIDENT FOR THOSE SIX MONTHS. and the 90 that followed.
you don't get to cherry pick your stats. you take the good with the bad.
it's commonly referred to as "intellectual honesty."
look it up.
Got Beaners to shoot and leave the bodies to rot?
not yet, but we will soon.
btw, alky...
i assume you're willing to give President Trump the same six month honeymoon you insist upon for your dear leader?
you must, if you are being consistent and honest.
You insist on including the first six months of the Obama administration in your count.
That's not the issue. You can not "count" the entire first year of his Presidency... and it still does not equal 20 million. Not even close.
Here are the numbers from the BLS website. The unedited official numbers:
2009 <5.07> million (that's a negative)
2010 1.06 million
2011 2.09 million
2012 2.15 million
2013 2.31 million
2014 3.02 million
2015 2.74 million
2016 2.16 million
Total 10.459 million- approx half of what was claimed
If you want to cherry pick and skip the first year:
2010-2016 15.529 million - approx 75% of what was claimed.
No matter how you cherry pick it, there is not 20 million jobs. No where no how.
Blogger Roger Amick said...
You insist on including the first six months of the Obama administration in your count. We were losing almost 800,000 jobs per month.
look genius,
even if we gift those first six months to you and dear leader by not holding him responsible for those 4.2M jobs lost during his administration, that only leaves 15.8M, not the 20M you claim.
and that's while everyone who can be taken seriously is only giving him credit for 6M NET.
so you're STILL off by 9.8M.
are you even beginning to comprehend this yet?
Just applying the 165,000 x the 90 months from six months after Obama took office, 14,850,000 jobs were created. But the monthly average is higher than 165,000, so the 20,000,000 claim is accurate.
In order to reach 20,000,000 the monthly average would have to be a little over 208K per month. If you look at those averages by the year, only two years were above that average (2014, 2015).
His eight year overall average was 108K per month.
His seven year average (for those who like to cherry pick) was 184K - still well short.
BTW I coined the term Trumpism." Mr.Gasbagged
No you didn't, but you knew you were lying as you typed it.
C.H. Truth said...
Roger - still waiting for your proof of twenty million jobs"
We know better then to ask HB anything past his cut-n-paste, he can not think on his own being so limited so, it is nice to see him bring an issue again to the Adult Blog and then have to run from it.
you know, even if you google "obama created 20 million jobs" you can't even find a website that makes that claim:
So it is official, we get to close the books on the worst economy as scored by BLS .
The Economy the leftist had been waiting for is over , the gdp was the worst of any modern day president.
The bar is so low for President Trump he will clear it without even trying.
SO in review of the facts, HB lied and then Lied and then Ran .
Less blacks have wealth, less own their homes or business then when Obama took office, good thing the voted in masse twice for failure.
HB, I know you had to run, being boxed in with your lies , so just to make fun of you one more time.
"you know, even if you google "obama created 20 million jobs" you can't even find a website that makes that claim"
That is why we have Roger the dumb fuck, to give us non-facts.
Oh and I know where HB discovered the term "Trumpism",,, Paul Krugman wrote it two days ago in a shit piece that only Krugman can write.
...and the gasbagger has scurried away.
Here is a thought. Is Trump focusing on so called illegal voters, , is a way of getting federal law to fight the so called Vote Fraud. The state laws have all been tossed out by the courts as outright discrimination. So he will try to keep the African American and Hispanics from voting?
I have a life off the blog. Get a life.
We know now that the black books of the last 8 years are closed that the Best Economy Eva' under the ONE, simply is not.
I think Hillary Clinton would want a recount of all votes, find the illegal ones and get that Jilly Stien to pay for it, or did Jilly Stien just do it as a get rich quickie scam?
I see that the NAACP is fighting any attempt by President Trump to investigate in any inner city the vote count and voting rolls, why would they do that?
Trump did more for the UNIONS in one Week then Obama did in 8 years.
Anyone here able to name exactly what was build with Obama's 1.6 Trillion dollar stimuless money? any one?
Here is a new term for the Adult Blog (no , unlike HB, I never claim the work of others as my own) "BrierPatching",,, that is when President Trump says something and it sends the little scared stupid DeMedia into the brier patch for cover and gets their little hearts pumping to the point of near collapse.
...and the gasbagger has scurried away." Rat
When she returns , he will be on yet another issue , having been badly beaten on his last one, the wonderful world of low GDP.
President Trump called the ISIS , Rats, dirty ones.
DeMedia Reporter Miur was admitted to the Hospital to undergo quite time and in the crayon room.
HB's Question: So he will try to keep the African American and Hispanics from voting?
Answer : No
See the ease in which a question is handled.
Next time we as one of you give it a shot.
The state laws have all been tossed out by the courts as outright discrimination.
What State laws, Roger?
Roger is going to be busy gathering signatures on his CALEXIT petition.
Compared to last week the participants of the women's march for life were more tastefully dressed and far less vulgar.
The Ladies of the Republican Party know that it is far more classy to just state the facts and make the point that life is the greatest gift GOD gives.
But, far more black babies are aborted by percent then white or Asian.
The founder of the baby killers planned it that way, called them something like "weeds".
GDP by President.
The DeMedia, told the masses to Elect President Hillary R. Clinton IF you want more of what Obama has been cook'n.
We as a nation said, fuck no.
Obama (2009-16), 1.5%
A few economic and financial illiterates believed that doing what these other Presidents did would be easy for Obama, after all he had the trump card, he was after all Black.
G. W. Bush (2001-08), 2.1%
Reagan (1981-88), 3.5%
Ford (1975-76), 2.6%
Clinton (1993-2000), 3.9%
G. H. W. Bush (1989-92), 2.3%
These Presidents were President during most of my adult life and they all ran lapse around Obimbo.
Hell, IF President Trump for the first four years can get this Nation to run at 2.1 percent he will be re-elected.
I just forced myself to watch lester the liar Holt and his nightly news report, I wanted to see how much time they gave reporting on the Pro-Life March.
They gave a total of 1:47 minutes.
Roger Amick said...
Here is a thought.
and that thought would be - you must change subject away from your idiotic claim that 0linsky created 20 MILLION jobs.
20 Million Jobs, not really, but that is what he believes, he is a financial and economic retard.
He submitted for SS and will forever receive $25 less dollars for every hundred he receives.
What a stupid fucktard.
and that thought would be - you must change subject away from your idiotic claim that 0linsky created 20 MILLION jobs.
The donk way, throw scurrilous claims around then run.
CH challenged him on the courts overthrowing ALL states voter ID laws, liver made like Casper
All liberals are by definition, gutless
Liberalism is a Mental disorder.
Gutless is just one of the core principals.
HB does it so easily, he come on the Adult Blog, throws up what ever he believes and then runs off , hides and comes back with some other non-sense.
My fav is his belief that the US Housing market under Obama did very well, the facts do not support that, with less blacks owning their homes, with home ownership at historic lows and with this jewel just coming out.
Reported yesterday, US Rent Rates are climbing. So not only are those blacks not in their own home growing equity , but they are paying more for rent, let me help HB, rent is something paid to a land owner , it is not a wealth creator for the renter, it is for the land owner, the risk taker and the one that in fact DID BUILD IT.
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