"The illogic of the Government's contentions is palpable. The notion that one can demonstrate animus toward any group of people only by targeting all of them at once is fundamentally flawed,"Of course the concept of targeting one group of people from one part of the world is precisely what the travel ban laws provide the President.
(f) Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by President: Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.Furthermore, these exact travel bans have been used by every President in most of our life times (including President Obama). According to this Judge, even travel bans set up to prevent people from countries we are at war with would be "illogical and fundamentally flawed".

So are we (as a country) no longer to determine who can and who cannot enter our country? Are we really wanting to take away national security decisions from the executive branch (which has the FBI, CIA, NSA, DHS, and every branch of the military under it's charge) and hand it off to the courts?
Furthermore, the constitution clearly isn't designed to protect the feelings of people who are not even citizens of our country. There is a reason why the plaintiffs in this case end up being actual "States" or American citizens (rather than the foreign individuals effected). Wouldn't the criteria be whether or not the travel ban effects the constitutional rights of the plaintiffs?
I defer to one of the adult conservative voices. John Hinderacker (He is a graduate of Dartmouth College and Harvard Law School. During his career as a lawyer, he was named one of the top commercial litigators and one of the 100 best lawyers in Minnesota, and was voted by his peers one of the most respected lawyers in that state. He was repeatedly listed in The Best Lawyers in America and was recognized as Minnesota’s Super Lawyer of the Year for 2005.) He writes:
Derrick Watson, a Democratic Party activist who was appointed to the federal bench in Hawaii by President Obama in 2012, has issued a purported injunction barring implementation of President Trump’s travel order. I have not yet read Watson’s opinion, and will comment on it in detail when I have done so. But I have read Trump’s order, and the idea that it somehow can be blocked by a federal judge is ridiculous. The order is absolutely within the president’s constitutional discretion.Herein lies the rub. I don't believe that these Justices are ruling on this travel ban as it would pertain to a generic President. They are choosing to treat this particular President differently than they would a different President. The travel ban as written as a generic matter is perfectly constitutional, perfectly lawful within statutory, and specifically addresses the main legal concerns of the Justices that blocked the first order. The problem for this Justice is simple.
The signature on the bottom.
Poweline strikes against.
I've read it and more.
I'm no lawyer either.
I agree with the order. I understand that first amendment rights don't necessarily apply to non citizens. I agree with the judge, because this executive order is specifically designed for keep Muslims out, that the United States, should not block entry of people who hold a specific religious belief.
In the late eighteenth and early twentieth centuries, and this is a rhetorical question, would you have supported banning Catholics, mostly Italians, from entering the United States, because the dominant religion, were Protestants? They were considered disruptive and dangerous.
Supreme Court rulings on this ruling is not a slam dunk contest. Conservative vs Liberal.
The judge admitted that if Barack Obama signed the EO he wouldn't have stayed it.
It's political hackery at it's best and bigoted behaviour at it's worst.
We now have selective rulings based on who you are and not what was written.
That should be disturbing to any thoughtful individual.
But not you.
To a slam dunk Mensa candidate, this is not thoughtful.
I agree with the order. I understand that first amendment rights don't necessarily apply to non citizens. I agree with the judge, because this executive order is specifically designed for keep Muslims out, that the United States, should not block entry of people who hold a specific religious belief.
In the late eighteenth and early twentieth centuries, and this is a rhetorical question, would you have supported banning Catholics, mostly Italians, from entering the United States, because the dominant religion, were Protestants? They were considered disruptive and dangerous.
Compared to, well, everything he says, doesn't do very well.
In the late eighteenth and early twentieth centuries, and this is a rhetorical question, would you have supported banning Catholics, mostly Italians, from entering the United States
During WWII I would have banned Italians from coming to the United States.
Germans too.
And your hero FDR not only banned Japanese immigrants. He put American citizens of Japanese decent into concentration camps.
USSC Chief Justice Roberts has written on this topic.
He supports the power that was given the President by the US Congress years ago .
When it gets to the NEW COURT with President Trumps NEW Justice , this is going to sail right thru giving the Democrat Party yet another loss at the hands of President Trump.
I ain't no way tir'd of Winning.
The judge admitted that if Barack Obama signed the EO he wouldn't have stayed it.
I looked for it.
Provide it exactly or shut up.
Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch, has received the highest rating from his peers and will be confirmed easily.
I know the Democrat Party is so freaking out of touch left but really, this guy is a slam dunk. "resist you much".
Steve Bannon at CPAC was spot on, the Democrat Party is now the party of pussy hats and riots, How cute is it that VP Caine's son was arrested for rioting .
NBCPAC, ABCPAC, CNNPAC, CBSPAC are all a filter over the 2005 Solid earnings and tax payments of President Trump.
Wait, let me quote Roger Krugman when asked for a link.
"google it" Roger Krugman the Queen of double standards
FDR was wrong, pure and simple.
I knew several Japanese Americans here. One specifically stated that property owned by his family. It was used to build the most economical successfully mall, in the United States, in Orange county California.
He was still upset, fifty years later.
Provide it exactly or shut up
Here it is. He imposed the stay because it was Trump who sign it.
It had nothing to do with the EO itself.
U.S. District Judge Derrick K. Watson pointed to Trump’s own comments
No link Mensa.
FDR was wrong, pure and simple.
Not according to the Supreme Court. They ruled he had to power to do just that.
No judge said you can't do that.
Now we have Trump who signed an EO that was nowhere near as far reaching and intrusive as FDR's EO and a backwater judge stays his order just because he's offended by him.
That is gross judicial tyranny and if SCOTUS doesn't reign in these judges Congress will have to.
No link Mensa.
Go to the Washington Post, you'll find it.
The Courts have always (and I mean always) given space to the executive branch on national security issues. These rulings are a complete aberration.
Roger agrees with the Justice in this case because he (too) is convinced that the order means something that it doesn't actually state.
The order contains no specific religious test.
The order doesn't even mention religion.
The order provides summarized security information that justifies these countries being chosen.
It's really quite simple:
- The executive branch has "all" of the national security information.
- The legislative branch has a small subset of that information. Either what they are provided or what they otherwise subpoena.
- The judicial branch has literally "none" of that information.
This is why reasonable courts in the past have always provided wide latitude to the branch with "all of the information" to make determinations about national security.
Why anyone would want the people completely without any relevant information overruling those with all of the relevant information is beyond me. Perhaps someone can explain that to me in simple terms.
The Senate intelligence committee rules NO WIRETAPPNG
Republican chair man.
Trump lied and the Senate agrees.
I told you so
Roger Amick said...
Supreme Court rulings on this ruling is not a slam dunk contest. Conservative vs Liberal.
only a hack sees this thru the prism of conservative vs. liberal.
the statute is quite clear:
"Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may … suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate." --8 U.S. Code § 1182
and your catholic vs. protestant nonsense is meaningless since there is no mention of religion in trump's order.
so why don't you square that circle for us alky.
Washington (CNN)The speaker of the House, the Senate Intelligence Committee chairman and the ranking Democrat on the committee said Thursday that they've seen no evidence of President Donald Trump's accusation that he was wiretapped last year by his predecessor.
Senate Intelligence Committee chair Richard Burr and ranking member Mark Warner issued a statement Thursday, saying "based on the information available to us, we see no indications that Trump Tower was the subject of surveillance by any element of the United States government either before or after Election Day 2016."
Their statement came hours after House Speaker Paul Ryan said that "no such wiretap existed," citing intelligence reports to House leaders.
"The intelligence committees, in their continuing, widening, ongoing investigations of all things Russia, got to the bottom -- at least so far with respect to our intelligence community -- that no such wiretap existed," Ryan said in response to a question from CNN at a news conference.
Ryan's comment follows Trump and the White House retreating from the President's stunning accusation in a tweet two weeks ago.
"When I say wiretapping, those words were in quotes. That really covers -- because wiretapping is pretty old-fashioned stuff -- but that really covers surveillance and many other things. And nobody ever talks about the fact that it was in quotes, but that's a very important thing," Trump told Fox News Wednesday.
there's your link alky.
the newest ruling draws repeatedly from trump and trump's administration comments and is a complete departure from the statute in question.
so commonsense was right and you're just a fucking liar.
The worst news for the administration is that the ruling suggests future revisions of the ban won’t help its chances of survival. Watson declared that the travel ban is, for all intents and purposes, a Muslim ban — that its reason for being fundamentally violates the First Amendment:
"A reasonable, objective observer—enlightened by the specific historical context, contemporaneous public statements, and specific sequence of events leading to its issuance—would conclude that the Executive Order was issued with a purpose to disfavor a particular religion, in spite of its stated, religiously-neutral purpose."
"contemporaneous public statements"
hmmm. now what contemporaneous public statements could the hack 0linsky appointee judge be referring to?
Washington (CNN)The speaker of the House, the Senate Intelligence Committee chairman and the ranking Democrat on the committee said Thursday that they've seen no evidence of President Donald Trump's accusation that he was wiretapped last year by his predecessor.
Senate Intelligence Committee chair Richard Burr and ranking member Mark Warner issued a statement Thursday, saying "based on the information available to us, we see no indications that Trump Tower was the subject of surveillance by any element of the United States government either before or after Election Day 2016."
Their statement came hours after House Speaker Paul Ryan said that "no such wiretap existed," citing intelligence reports to House leaders.
"The intelligence committees, in their continuing, widening, ongoing investigations of all things Russia, got to the bottom -- at least so far with respect to our intelligence community -- that no such wiretap existed," Ryan said in response to a question from CNN at a news conference.
Ryan's comment follows Trump and the White House retreating from the President's stunning accusation in a tweet two weeks ago.
"When I say wiretapping, those words were in quotes. That really covers -- because wiretapping is pretty old-fashioned stuff -- but that really covers surveillance and many other things. And nobody ever talks about the fact that it was in quotes, but that's a very important thing," Trump told Fox News Wednesday.
I will bet that none of you will agree that the President lied about the wire tapping.
He said he would be vindicated.
I can't wait to see how our esteemed host will deny the President lied.
he statute is quite clear:
That you and trump are islamophobes. No evidence that obama tapped trump...Another whopper like millions of illegal votes, millions at my inauguration, obama born in kenya, but the idiots like rat, CH et al still love him. The only thing he delivers is horseshit by the truck load. Time will not be his friend as you guys bury your heads up his ass. Wanna be he says nothing about this and just hope people forget.
so commonsense was right and you're just a fucking liar." RRB
Giving him a link does him no good.
Roger Krugman, you lazy fucktard, to stupid to look it, too stupid to read it when linked, so just another day for the CALoser.
Roger's yelling SQUIRREL!!
And Opie's chiming in.
How cute.
Good Afternoon Opie hope all is well with you and yours.
Looks like no one is going to reduce your medicare benefits.
How many people are actually covered by The fantastic ObamaCare?
Go to the Washington Post, you'll find it.
Gee menstral, that is what you said about the chart you claimed showed .2% growth. Huge chuckle at your and d's expense. How'd that work out??????
Roger Krugman was proven wrong, so he tagged out and signed in as the dumber Opium.
Looks like no one is going to reduce your medicare benefits.
Really????? Thank goodness i have very good supplemental insurance paid by my old employer. What do you have other than shit??????
#1 Issue to voters
Jobs and the Economy.
President Trump building dreams, the American Dream, Home ownership.
300,000 more homes are being built then was project to have been under construction, Expectly Beating estimates.
Opie just confirmed he is on Medicare.
Nuff said.
I will bet that none of you will agree that the President lied about the wire tapping.
a prerequisite for me agreeing would be that i would first have to care.
and i don't.
here's the thing, liver -
0linsky has always been and always will be a corrupt, no good piece of shit. so there's our starting point.
and then there's the fact that 0lisnky weaponized some significant parts of our federal government apparatus for the distinct purpose of fucking with and attempting to destroy his and the left's political enemies.
so it stands to reason and is completely plausible that 0linsky would attempt to spy on trump during the campaign. via his surrogates of course, so he could always maintain a high level of plausible deniability.
so, going all the way back to where we started...
do i think that a scumbag like 0linsky was capable of fucking with trump at that level. sure. that's a no brainer.
but do i actually care about how this whole thing has played out?
no. not even a little bit.
i'm more concerned about 0linsky appointed judges aiding radical islamists to gain entry into our country. that matters to me because that could get innocent americans killed.
Opie just confirmed he is on Medicare.
His medicare plus plan is a little light on the mental health benefits.
Suggest kd look shit up before looking like pauline.
Opie just confirmed he is on Medicare.
His medicare plus plan is a little light on the mental health benefits.
And obviously no morbid obesity benefits
Commonsense said...
Okie just confirmed he is on Medicare.
And this is important to you, why?????? Idiots.. I'm 65, should I be on some other plan since I paid for into it my whole working career. Or are you too fucking stupid to know that???? Seems to me menstral needs an intervention to remove stupid cultist brainwashing from his menial life.
Trump said the temporary travel restriction was needed for national security. In issuing his temporary restraining order, Watson said Trump’s order was a result of nothing more than religious animus against Muslims. The judge’s order is predicated on what he thinks Trump wants to do, not the order itself.
Throughout the ruling, Judge Watson concedes there’s nothing about the executive order that would be problematic if not for his interpretation of Trump’s statements made in the months and years prior to issuing it. He repeatedly states his feeling that Trump had a bad motive in issuing the order.
Judges using campaign rhetoric to infer intent instead of plainly evaluating the law as written is a dangerous development. Also because the public can witness the selective use of this trick, it undermines confidence in the judiciary at a time when the judiciary can’t afford too much erosion of trust.
caliphate4vr said...
Opie just confirmed he is on Medicare.
His medicare plus plan is a little light on the mental health benefits.
And obviously no morbid obesity benefits
Wow pauline, coming down your pants leg early today. Your riotous obsession with weight can only mean one thing....you like plumpers in your life.....sure says a lot about your taste in women. LOL
His medicare plus plan is a little light on the mental health benefits.
and very light on stroke recovery bennies as well.
he obviously survived his stroke in a technical sense but came out of it with the IQ of a potted plant.
I'm 65, should I be on some other plan since I paid for into it my whole working career.
i think you should go with the "self-disposal pistol in the mouth" plan.
plus, roger's in desperate need of your liver, assuming you haven't destroyed that to the same degree as your brain.
and very light on stroke recovery bennies as well.
Go suck on loretta......asswipe.
The level of discourse here as evidenced by ALL the trump lovers demonstrate how easily they are amused with taunts and juvenile comments. Simple minds doing simple things. You deserve the fucking you all will get. Idiots.
Rush Limbaugh, a prominent conservative talk radio show host, has instructed Trump to ignore the courts. His quote is shown below.
In a Facebook post, Limbaugh references constitutional decisions made by President Obama in which the president prioritized enforcement of immigration policy in the United States, which was completely in Obama’s authority as president. The radio host went on to encourage Trump to defy a court’s ruling against his Muslim ban.
Blogger Roger Amick said...
Rush Limbaugh, a prominent conservative talk radio show host, has instructed Trump to ignore the courts. His quote is shown below.
a flat out lie.
rush addressed this today and i was listening. a caller suggested that trump ignore the order and rush disagreed, saying basically that while it would be tempting to do so, the rule of law must be followed, even as the left has abandoned the concept.
nice try alky.
CALLER: No. Would I be really out of line to say I think that Trump should defy this order?
RUSH: Yeah, I know, but you see the problem with that is there is this important thing called the rule of law, and even though they are abandoning the rule of law and flouting it, I don’t know that the remedy is for lawlessness. In fact, I know that that’s not the remedy. That’s a barrier you don’t want to cross. If you win by violating the rule of law, why ever pay attention to the rule of law again? So it’s a slippery slope to go down, but I understand the temptation.
oh, and alky...
you forgot to link the hack site you pulled that from:
Trump Impeachment Petition: Click Here to Sign the Petition
Donald Trump is not fit to be president of the United States. He is bigoted, sexist, racist, and homophobic. He’s corrupt, dishonest, and fraudulent.
Make it clear that you do NOT support Donald Trump. Silence is consent – you have a duty to social justice to take a stand against his bigotry and corruption.
Donald Trump has been inaugurated and can now be impeached. It is time to do just that.
By signing this petition, you are letting the world know that you are NOT like those who voted for him. You are letting the world know that you support IMPEACHING Donald Trump immediately. Sign now:
List of Demands
A progressive America is a country where all people are treated with respect, have economic dignity, and are empowered regardless of race, gender, orientation, or economic class.
To achieve these ends, we release our following demands.
1. Abolish the Electoral College.
The Electoral College was created to give more power to slave states by lowering the value of each individual vote in the right circumstances. Defending and protecting racist political figures like Donald Trump was the goal.
Abolish the Electoral College, institute a direct vote for the presidency, and achieve actual democracy
2. Free College Education for All.
The powerful use ignorance to control the masses. This is why Donald Trump did well with uneducated voters. To set the people free, they must be educated.
Provide a free college education for all individuals in America, regardless of age or legal status.
3. Universal Healthcare for All.
4. Ban All Semi-Automatic Death Machines.
5. Ban Racial Profiling by Police.
6. Double Taxes on Billionaires.
7. Ban All Inheritance Over $1 Billion.
8. Immediate Citizenship for All Non-Felon Undocumented Workers.
9. Tax Religious Organizations.
wading in the kiddie pool these day, eh alky?
Trump Says He Found Out He Was Being ‘Wiretapped’ After Reading New York Times Article…
and the ny times story in question:
Intercepted Russian Communications Part of Inquiry Into Trump Associates
A version of this article appears in print on January 20, 2017, on Page A1 of the New York edition with the headline:
Wiretapped Data Used in Inquiry of Trump Aides.
Our "favorite" racist rodent bastard doesn't care if the Republican President lies.
Hypocrisy squared
I knew about the New York Times story. A year and a half old. Not relevant to his lie. (R) excuses everything. Hypocrisy squared again
Trump should have heeded my advice, written here, and challenged the 9th Circuit ruling rather than "fixing" and reissuing his travel ban order. This latest ruling from a Federal Judge in Hawaii was predictable, and predicted, because they will continue to press their limits until stopped.
Perhaps Trump doesn't read this blog after all ;)
Science denial continues.
The White House budget director says they're eliminating funding for climate change research. "We're not spending money on that anymore. We consider that to be a waste of your money." http://cnn.it/2mxyw3S
Roger Amick said...
I knew about the New York Times story. A year and a half old. Not relevant to his lie. (R) excuses everything. Hypocrisy squared again
A version of this article appears in print on January 20, 2017, on Page A1 of the New York edition with the headline:
Wiretapped Data Used in Inquiry of Trump Aides.
January 20, 2017 was a year and a half ago???
my, how time flies when you're on the liver transplant list.
Roger Amick said...
Our "favorite" racist rodent bastard doesn't care if the Republican President lies.
well, if trump lied, then so did the 0linsky house organ - the ny times, because they're the ones who REPORTED the trump wiretap, and is, according to trump, where he first learned of it.
having fun tying yourself into knots over this, alky?
keep going. i'm having a blast.
The White House budget director says they're eliminating funding for climate change research. "We're not spending money on that anymore. We consider that to be a waste of your money.
well, seeing as how 0linsky has put us $20 TRILLION in the fucking hole, i think we can hold off on that charade for the time being. just think of all the CO2 those who receive all that delicious government grant money can save us and the planet by shutting the fuck up for a while.
they can go back to studying monkeys on cocaine binges again or something.
So Trump wants to cut or end 63 programs, to that I say YES , for this year and do it again next year and the next and .......
well, seeing as how 0linsky has put us $20 TRILLION in the fucking "
Correction, 24 trillion don't forget his Federal Reserve thru QE infinity took out 4 trillion.
IT is a MESS< just like Trump said it was.
His medicare plus plan is a little light on the mental health benefits."
Yep, the left is going to drive up those cost as they seek help.
Anonymous KD said...
His medicare plus plan is a little light on the mental health benefits."
Yep, the left is going to drive up those cost as they seek help.
A day late and a goat short. You are about as funny as colorectal cancer. Idiot
well, seeing as how 0linsky has put us $20 TRILLION in the fucking hole
THANX to busch, his unfunded wars, his tax breaks and republican' congress spending money like a drunken indian.
.. I'm 65, should I be on some other plan since I paid for into it my whole working career. " opium
Well, you tell us how rich you are as does HB, yet you draw from the US Government, odd.
Well, you tell us how rich you are as does HB, yet you draw from the US Government, odd.
Well, I have pension income which you can only dream of. Other than that go fuck yourself and the goats that are licking your ballz.....
oh oh, Odopie must not have read his link.
I said the number one issue during the US Election was Jobs and the Economy.
Odopie put up a link that told us:
1, Economy in general
2, Unemployment/Jobs
Really, so my defined benefit for life of myself and that of my wife, and she has the same for her and for me. See we work in jobs that gave us both defined benefits, that did not force us to pay into SS or medicare/caid,,,, so we took the money that did not go into those two sink holes and privately invested in IRA, SIMPLE and 529 plans for our children. When the Roth's came out we paid the taxes and transferred to ROTH ONLY, leaving the 529 plans in place.
I find it odd that you and HB are so rich, yet you bilk the two programs that are in the most financial trouble.
I would think you would self fund your retirement and stop taking transfers from today's youth that pay your benefits.
For those of you that are not 65, you have to apply and the government has to grant you your request for funding from both Social Security and Medicare.
It is something you have to pro-actively beg for, it is not automatic.
The White House budget director says they're eliminating funding for climate change research. "We're not spending money on that anymore. We consider that to be a waste of your money."
He's absolutely right. Don't need us paying for the socialist political agenda.
He's absolutely right. Don't need us paying for the socialist political agenda.
Yep.....those pesky scientist spreading fake research to preserve their grant money.. Nothing like idiots like you who think with their heads firmly stuck up their asses. Brilliant!!! Lets spend money on cults, they help people be stupid.
It is something you have to pro-actively beg for, it is not automatic.
Probably your only source of income...
He is exactly right.
President Trump knows the value of a hard earned dollar and he is going to treat our tax dollars well, he understands the toil we do to earn it .
This is such a breath of fresh air.
Mitch, if you don't take Medicare when it's time, but then decide later to get it there's a penalty.
"You may have to pay the late-enrollment penalty for as long as you have Medicare Part B. The penalty amount could go up 10% for every 12-month period when you were eligible for Part B but didn't enroll. For example, if you waited for three years to sign up, your penalty could be 30% of the premium."
Odopie put up a link that told us:
Which showed your statement to be bullshit. Thanx for playing.
Opie, I know you are a stupid lonely dumb ass, but for the love of what ever GOD you believe in, do try harder to keep up.
Answer this simple question, did you apply for Social Security transfer payment?
, that did not force us to pay into SS or medicare/caid
You worked for free???????? IDIOT. No one who is paid a salary can get away with that.
I know your feeling blue, post Hillary loss Sydrome, but damn.
I said the past election Number one issue was jobs and the economy, then you link to a poll showing that very thing.
Not sure what "game" you believe this is?
No one who is paid a salary can get away with that. " Opium
You are so stupid, I swear you and Roger Krugman are twins.
How is it you know so little about the USA, the labor laws, the laws of Social Security and so very many others?
I will let you attempt to figure it out, here are two Yuge Hints.
Cities can opt out of Social Security for two types of public workers.
Now find out what those two are.
My dad didn't pay into it as an educator.
Fatty is dumber than dirt
WASHINGTON — American law enforcement and intelligence agencies are examining intercepted communications and financial transactions as part of a broad investigation into possible links between Russian officials and associates of President-elect Donald J. Trump, including his former campaign chairman Paul Manafort, current and former senior American officials said.
The continuing counterintelligence investigation means that Mr. Trump will take the oath of office on Friday with his associates under investigation and after the intelligence agencies concluded that the Russian government had worked to help elect him. As president, Mr. Trump will oversee those agencies and have the authority to redirect or stop at least some of these efforts.
It is not clear whether the intercepted communications had anything to do with Mr. Trump’s campaign, or Mr. Trump himself. It is also unclear whether the inquiry has anything to do with an investigation into the hacking of the Democratic National Committee’s computers and other attempts to disrupt the elections in November. The American government has concluded that the Russian government was responsible for a broad computer hacking campaign, including the operation against the D.N.C.
there is not one word about the wire tapping of the Trump Campaign or Trump tower NOT ONE. rrb like his dear leader, lies without shame
Donald Trump alleged that Barack Obama wiretapped him after he read an article published by The New York Times in January.
That’s what the president said when Tucker Carlson asked him during an interview on Fox News Wednesday night what his reasons were for believing the Obama administration surveilled him during the presidential election.
“I’ve been reading about things,” Trump said. “I read in January a New York Times article. I think they used the exact term ‘wiretapping.’ I read other things. I watched your friend Bret Baier where he was talking about certain, very complex sets of things happening. I said, ‘Wait a minute, there is a lot of wiretapping happening.'”
Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2017/03/15/trump-says-he-found-out-he-was-being-wiretapped-after-reading-new-york-times-article/#ixzz4bYUoaDT0
Once Donald Trump has come to a conclusion on any issue, he will not change his mind on anything, despite evidence is provided that, without a doubt, contradicts his belief. That is a very dangerous characteristic for the Commander in Chief of the most powerful military in history of man kind.
My words, and they are true. Cut the brainless insults, because like your dear leader, nothing will change your "minds" as if you really had functioning brain cells.
I am four years, two months and eight days since I drank my last alcoholic beverage One day at a time.
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Amen.
Donald j. Trump should apply this in his life, rather than endanger the lives of millions around the world.
American law enforcement and intelligence agencies are examining intercepted communications
So if there was not "wiretap" at Trump tower, how was their communications "intercepted"?
And how does the New York Times know the names of American citizens inadvertently caught in a surveillance of foreign persons when these names are suppose to be shielded in the transcripts?
see those air quotes, you do know what those mean don't you HB or are you as intellectually stupid as you are financial retarded?
I see that Opium has yet to tell us at least Two Major US Occupations that DONT pay into Social Security.
I can wait, although one of the Conservatives did post another job that is except IF they want to be from paying into Social Security.
there is not one word about the wire tapping of the Trump Campaign or Trump tower NOT ONE. rrb like his dear leader, lies without shame
i never lied about it alky. but the ny times sure did:
A version of this article appears in print on January 20, 2017, on Page A1 of the New York edition with the headline:
Wiretapped Data Used in Inquiry of Trump Aides.
january 20, 2017. you know. about a year and a half ago in liver transplant list years.
now why would the ny times LIE about trump tower wiretaps alky?
why alky, why?
the New York Times know the names of American citizens inadvertently caught in a surveillance of foreign persons when these names are suppose to be shielded in the transcripts?"
The New York Times PAC , knows because those so called protected Americans while Obama/Lynching were in office "UN-Masked".
See easy pease and the PAC-Press knows what they need to illegally to attack any one.
Dr. Savage was attacked by a Democrat , charges are being filed.
RRB, the Alt-PAC Media now is asking Trump , why do you believe what you read or see in print or on the TV.
Great News, the Union that Represents the Federal Employee is out raged that President Trump is going to eliminate jobs and review benefit, pay and retirement packages for all "Non-Essential" Federal Workers.
That that I say well done Mr. President.
HB and Opie, great news for you two clowns, this President is just getting started with the house cleaning and throwing out the trash from the MESS Obama/Clinton left.
from the "there's no such thing as voter fraud" files:
An Ohio woman was sentenced Monday to 180 days in jail for fraudulently registering more than three dozen people to vote.
Authorities said Rebecca Hammonds, 34, created fake voter registration documents while working to register unregistered voters in Columbiana County between September and October of 2015.
"The investigation found that (Hammonds) falsely registered a number of Columbiana County residents, including some who were deceased, which is inexcusable," Ohio Attorney General DeWine said. “Allegations of voter fraud referred to my office will always be thoroughly investigated."
Hammonds, of East Liverpool, Ohio, pleaded guilty last month to 13 felony counts of making a false registration and one felony count of election falsification.
She was indicted in May after an investigation by the Ohio Attorney General's Bureau of Criminal Investigation.
"Non-Essential" Federal Workers.
LOL. i always get a kick out of the ol' 'non-essential' worker line.
this past tuesday my governor gave all 'non-essential' workers a snow day because of the snow-maggedon, storm of the century, we're all gonna fucking die in a blizzard, snowstorm.
and we all survived.
that is, until wednesday when all of these 'non-essential' nitwits went back to work. then the roads were clogged with all of these fucksticks slamming into each other on the roads while driving and updating their fakebook pages at the same time.
'non-essential' government employees. well, i suppose if we didn't give these clowns a paycheck and a cubicle to camp out in every day we'd be paying them welfare.
These cuts in staffing are long the fuck over due.
Notice how President Trump won the election with 1/3 the staff and 1/4 the money as Democrat loser Hillary/Obama.
The goat farmer has lots of time to spam this site with abject BS.....no wonder why he never paid anything into SS or medicare.....no one was stupid enough to hire him. Idiot.
Anonymous caliphate4vr said...
My dad didn't pay into it as an educator.
He had a state sponsored plan that superseded SS and was exempted.....not an equivalent example, asshole. At least he was smart enough to work in a job with defined plan, unlike you, salesman.. The apple did roll down the hill. LOL
OMG this is just too funny, Democrats do not read this, your heads will explode and your lies have been exposed.
State's with High Illegal Populations are noticing a "disturbing" trend.
The illegals are stopping food stamp payments , why, well, they don't want that data of who they are and where they live to get into the Hands of the Evil ICE Agents .
That is too funny, run you cockroaches.
No one who is paid a salary can get away with that. " opie
The topic was me educating opie that many workers never pay into Social Security.
He is wrong, we proved it, now will he admit he was wrong?
that many workers never pay into Social Security.
In some states. And define many......and what state. You really are dumber than the goat licking your nuts. The only thing you win is an exploding goat. LOL BTW, the don't get away without contributing to a defined plan, especially teachers. Yer an idiot.
BTW....that's the last post I make on the subject....if you want to play, jerk yourself off.....
Opie is always Right, no matter the facts.
Ok, be stupid all you like.
You do know that you have Zero property rights to a single penny you gave to Social Security?
Opie's Education continues
so you learned , good, you went from:
"No one who is paid a salary can get away with that. " opie
to seeing many do not pay in .
then you asked this :
"define many"
Railroad workers
Fire Fighters
Anonymous KD, said...
Okie is always Right, no matter the facts.
i'm emulating trump and CH....what better teachers can I have. As I said, all those you describe have very substantial pension plans that they contribute to in lieu of SS. Asshole.
That is not what you originally stated, from you.
"No one who is paid a salary can get away with that. " opie
All of the groups of workers that have been stated by me and Cali do not pay into Social Security, their is nothing to "get away with" it is the law. Oh and they all get paid a salary.
You are wrong, but too small a human to admit it.
Go ahead, rant.
Anonymous KD said...
That is not what you originally stated, from you
A distinction without difference They all have substantial plans provided by their unions which allow them to have a better retirement than SS. . As soon as you apologize for being an idiot. How many times have I caught you making shit up???? Too many times to count. Oh well, I'll wait for your retraction, which never comes or ever changes. FU asshole.
He had a state sponsored plan that superseded SS and was exempted.....not an equivalent example, asshole.
fatty this is what you said
No one who is paid a salary can get away with that.
You were fucking wrong, squirm...parse...lie
it's what you do
and eat
You were fucking wrong, squirm...parse...lie
Keep trying pauline....wrong is something you always do well. Squirm is all you got. LOL. Maybe you can squirm out of Mr .2% growth from long ago.....
Another of fatty's many failures
opie said...
In spite of CH's lament, american excetptionalism is alive and well and innovating
The development and wide distribution of this innovative technology will ensure
American leadership in low cost energy production for years to come.
aliphate4vr said...
Another of fatty's many failures
What's that, the fifth time you have posted that. Are you really so stupid that repeating it over and over is going to convince anyone that you have a fucking brain???? I think not, but you feel like a real, big tough man who can't think for himself. Keep playing with yourself, it's all you got. Idiot.
fatty BTW you misspelled exceptionalism
What fatty doesn't get (neither does Roger) is that American exceptionalism was kept in shackles for the eight years of the Obama presidency.
It was set free on January 20, 2017.
What fatty doesn't get (neither does Roger) is that American exceptionalism was kept in shackles for the eight years of the Obama presidency.
Yep, that's it, menstral.....interesting word shackles....very cultist, which you are. CHUCKLE
Anonymous califat head said...
fatty BTW you misspelled exceptionalism
How many more times are you going to post that, asshole. If you only had a brain. Idiot
No one who is paid a salary can get away with that." Opie
Good Morning, still unable to admit you are/were so very wrong again.
It is no longer amazing to me how little the left Knows about all things Financial it is like they are by design retarded on the subject.
You showed you know very little about your beloved SS , you do know that money is not yours, their is not an account with money park their for you and you have not rights as far as receiving any pay out?
How many times are you going to post that,,,, now that is rich given you bitterly cling to .02 something or other
US Economic Leading Indicators SOAR under President Trump , racing past the Lost Years.
Those 8 long Lost Years are going to be soon forgotten IF all this Winning keeps up.
I aint' no way tir'd of all this winning
interesting word shackles....very cultist, which you are."
Joe Biden speaking in front of a mostly Black Skin mob, pulled out his inner Hillary and got down for the Struggle.
" Mitt Romney would "put you all back in chains" by unshackling Wall Street." Joe Plugs
" Mitt Romney would "put you all back in chains" by unshackling Wall Street.
Typical Kansas Dunce retort.....Joe did it first, which makes it okay....seldom police join unions. Idiot.
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