Tuesday, September 26, 2017

A video to watch...

Americans first?
Political Parties second?

Or is is the other way around?


Anonymous said...


caliphate4vr said...


Commonsense said...

Just one small historic point.

They weren't "colonist" at the time Francis Scott Key wrote the star spangle banner.

And the war wasn't the revolutionary war but the war of 1812.

Which went about as well as you would expect when a small new-born country goes up against the greatest world empire in history.

hating to pour cold water, but --- James said...

Fact check that entire video and you may feel differently about it.

Commonsense said...

Why would that be?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You won't see this on CHT.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

As CS noted that this is historically incorrect.

He wrote the song in regards to a battle of the War of 1812.

You shouldn't have posted this because it is incorrect.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The irony is that almost every day, it looks like the White House has been invaded by an enemy of everything this nation stands for.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You don't like being criticized. Like the President, you are never wrong.

Anonymous said...

Alky, you lie on your lie does not make it true, old fool.

You say we will not see your posts or links on CHT, YET THERE THEY ARE.

Anonymous said...

Hb your never right, million dollar profit how fucking stupid are you?

No need we know.

Anonymous said...

The failing NY giants oj Beckham hiked his leg on camera in an act he said was "golden shower" for the President.

I want the left to continue, do ever more. Please. Pretty please.

C.H. Truth said...

You know what Roger...

If all of us had grown up taught to kneel and use the national anthem as a forum for politics... and that is how we behaved our whole lifes...

and then Donald Trump came along, said that was wrong... and some of us decided to start standing and putting our hands over our hearts.

Then you could argue that Donald Trump has some sort of evil influence.

But that's not reality, is it?

We grew up respecting the flag and the anthem. We lived our whole lives never dreaming of using that forum for a political statement.

Until Donald Trump simply reinforced what we had been taught and how we lived our entire lives...

and because YOU ARE under his influence... you have now determined that your beliefs all along were wrong... and you now applaud demonstrations that disrespect our military, our fallen soldiers, the sacrifice and everything represented by the anthem and the flag.

But as many mentally ill people do... you transfer your own issues onto other people and somehow believe it's them and not you.

Now...that doesn't "make you" mentally ill. Just means you are behaving as such.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Anonymous said...

I know of no one, other then Roger the self proclaimed high IQ wizard of personal finance that has failed to execute to secure a " million dollar profit".

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The original reason for Kappernick to kneel was police officer brutally on African Americans. I personally know more than one man who has been stopped for being black. It was perhaps a bad idea, but more importantly is that almost every day black men and women are stopped for being black. We all know it.

Second time, it is not, IMO, that kneeling is not disrespectful of the United States, first responders, or those who fought and died for the country. It was in response to the ridiculous comments by the President, He didn't want to unite the country, He wanted to distract you and the rest of his base supporters, from the deal with Nancy and Chuck. It worked perfectly in your case. And again triggered insults by the host, who said that they are not appropriate. Hypocrisy? Think about it my friend.

commie said...

Amazing the stump broken kansan opined exactly what trump did with respect to the travails of PR.....both are abject idiots

Twitter users are accusing President Donald Trump of blaming Puerto Rico for the humanitarian crisis unfolding there in the wake of Hurricane Maria.

Instead of urging his followers to donate to Puerto Ricans in need, Trump decided to use the microblogging service on Monday night to comment on the island’s debt and infrastructure problems.

Fuck them and feed them fish....is all they deserve......

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


The cartoon is spot on.

Anonymous said...


He now knows personally beaten black people, every issue, HB in his mind has done it or knows someone.

C.H. Truth said...

Thanks for those broken links Roger.

Anonymous said...

I thought it was just because I am using my mobile device.


Anonymous said...

The pitt. Steelers forced to defend the actions of the lone player that stood for the American Flag.

Anonymous said...

Madam opie, stating facts on how the liberals ran Poor-duh-rico into massive defaulting debt and broken infrastructure are not wishing I'll on those fellow Americans.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Sorry for the Facebook links.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

...It's old electrical grid, which was in terrible shape, was devastated. Much of the Island was destroyed, with billions of dollars....

He attacked Puerto Rico in a tweet

Disgusted, James said...

Some experts are now saying that we are closer to a nuclear exchange with another country since the Cuban missile crisis and our white supremacist "president" wants to use this to gain points with the hate crowd.

James said...

A Win for Roy Moore Could Spell Trouble for Trump and the GOP

And more civil war for the

caliphate4vr said...

The original reason for Kappernick to kneel was police officer brutally on African Americans.

Nah, it was what his Moose-limb girlfriend told him to do

Myballs seeing America become great again said...

Don't look now but the Steelers are now desperately trying to get out of the box they put themselves into.

Much of the country is red America and they agree with President Trump.

Anonymous said...

He wanted to distract you and the rest of his base supporters, from the deal with Nancy and Chuck.

really? well that's odd because it was neither trumps base nor his supporters who had a problem with his little deal with nancy and the schemer...

the left, otoh, went absolutely batshit crazy because nancy and the schemer played nice and made a deal with "literally hitler."

alky, i'm with CH. you're mentally ill. and not just a little bit. you see virtually everything as the opposite of reality and you project your anger and hatred either onto things that don't even exist, or on things that don't matter.

case in point: because the majority of those taking a knee are black, YOU SAY that signals that trump's a white supremacist and a racist. you have no fucking clue what is in the man's heart or mind, but you have made up YOUR mind, and that's all that matters. no matter how detached from reality it might be.

with anyone else, friend or foe, i would tell you to get help, but in your case i don't want to see a therapist waste their time. even at $100+/hour.

the election of trump has driven you fucking cray cray. that much is certain.

commie said...

Stump broke KD said...
Madam opie

was correct again while I the hateful bigot of kansas was backed to the stump again.......LOLOLOL a bigger asshole than the POTUS!!!!!

Anonymous said...

"Yesterday, some idiot on Twitter said he hoped kneeling would become the 'symbol of resistance' to PDT. Hmmm... So everywhere he goes, PDT would be confronted with people genuflecting before him, right? Apparently, the genius didn't think it through."


ummm, that idiot was david corn from mommy jones and MSDNC.

Anonymous said...

for all of it's flaws, slavery taught african-americans to dream big:


Anonymous said...

Democratic Rep. Al Green of Texas said Tuesday he plans to force a vote in the House next week to impeach President Trump following the president's comments on NFL players who kneel during the national anthem.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Another legitimate post is been blocked by the racist rrb again. Our host won't stop him, and no longer gives a shit because his hatred for yours truly has overruled his mind. He could call his lovely wife a slant or a chink, and he still wouldn't have a problem with it.

Anonymous said...

Madam jane, tell how you plan on defeating either Strange or Moore?

Your own words in your own opinion.

Anonymous said...

My Parents both white, inherented about $40,000 from thier parents in the late 1950'. 40 years later my parents passed on to each of their 6 children $160,000.

As it stands each of my two children during my life will have $120,000 given to them for college. No need to work. My oldest has in the summer. I got him a job in Topeka, KS with the State thru a guy I know.

After our passing each child will inherent an other $700,000.

White Privilege, you freaking better believe it. Proudly

Anonymous said...

Roger Amick said...
Another legitimate post is been blocked by the racist rrb again.

i gave it a comment. quit your bitching.

"Our host won't stop him, and no longer gives a shit because his hatred for yours truly has overruled his mind."

there you go with your psychological projecting again, alky. no one here hates you. i certainly don't. i do think you rank among the biggest fucking assholes within the human race that i have ever encountered, but i wouldn't call that hate.

"He could call his lovely wife a slant or a chink, and he still wouldn't have a problem with it."

aaaaaaannndd you make my point exactly. i've never met CH's wife. i've seen exactly one photo. she appears to be a lovely woman, and if and until i ever DO meet her, i'll leave it at that.

my question to you would be - why are you projecting your hatred for us upon us? i'm serious alky. you are whacko fucking cuckoo. a case study in mental illness in general and TDS in particular. i just hope you don't hurt anyone other than yourself. you're like the guy who shot steve scalise. if there's a shooting at a so cal AA meeting i would not be surprised.

Anonymous said...

HB, don't matter.

CHT is kind to you because he feels sorry for you as I do.

"Million dollar profit" HB on the art of the drunkard

Commonsense said...

Another legitimate post is been blocked by the racist rrb again.

Nobody reads you anyway Roger.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Republicans are once again waving the white flag on health care.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell will announce shortly that he is pulling the Republican health care bill, multiple GOP senators tell NPR's Susan Davis.

Despite a years-long galvanizing conservative push to "repeal and replace Obamacare," Senate Republicans could not get on the same page and conceded Tuesday that it once again did not have the votes to pass a plan.

The next push for Congress will be attempting to overhaul the tax code, a perhaps equally difficult task. It's something that hasn't been done in 30 years in Congress, but President Trump and congressional leaders are poised to release a "framework" for a tax overhaul Wednesday.

Earlier in the day, McConnell hinted there might not be a vote, saying from the Senate floor that debate on a last-ditch effort to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act would continue, but he did not commit to a vote.

"It's an important debate for our country," McConnell said, opening the Senate's day. "It's one that will certainly continue."

The GOP bill would have fundamentally overhauled Medicaid from an open-ended federal guarantee to a system that caps funds to the states but would have given them more flexibility on how they spent those dollars.

The legislation appeared to suffer a fatal blow Monday night when Sen. Susan Collins of Maine declared her opposition. Collins was the third GOP senator to come out against the bill, in addition to Sens. Rand Paul of Kentucky and John McCain of Arizona.

Republicans could only lose two senators for the bill to pass through the budget process of reconciliation, which allows for a majority vote instead of the 60-vote threshold ordinarily needed to end a filibuster.

McConnell tried to paint the debate over health care as one of this Graham-Cassidy bill versus a single-payer system. Sen. Lindsey Graham, one of the bill's principal authors, had called it "federalism versus socialism." Independent Sen. Bernie Sanders, as well as some Democrats, have touted a "Medicare for all" plan.

But Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York took to the Senate floor Tuesday to knock that framing as a "straw man" and a "false choice."

"Democrats have a lot of ideas about how to improve health care," Schumer said. "Each of them endeavors to increase coverage, improve the quality of care, and lower the cost of care. None — none of the Republican plans manage to achieve those goals. That's the difference. The difference is one side wants to cut health care to average Americans, increase premiums, give the insurance companies far more freedom and one side wants to increase care, the number of people covered, lower premiums, better coverage. That's the divide."

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

Republicans are once again waving the white flag on health care.

tell me something i don't know, alky.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Mr Beamer should be left to rot. Mrs. Johnson is a lovely woman. I have seen several pictures of the them. Like me, we are married to lovely ladies. And both of them are immigrants. You have used "chink" in comments on a Democratic house member. Your racism is obvious. But your records provide indisputable evidence. Yet he allows you to the repeat and repeat. The hatred is for me. Because I have been successfully able to completely devastate his arguments.

Anonymous said...

Madam HB , can't he is a follower.

James said...

KD said...
JAMES, tell how you plan on defeating either Strange or Moore?
Your own words in your own opinion.


Anonymous said...

GOP Rep. Louie Gohmert on Monday urged Arizona to "recall" Sen. John McCain amid his recent brain cancer diagnosis, while criticizing his Republican colleague for going back on his 2016 campaign vow to repeal ObamaCare.


Anonymous said...

Omg, last time you guys "lowered cost by $2,500 per policy holder" my rates have doubled and my co-pay went from $3,000 to $6,500.

So no thanks.

laughing, James said...

tell me something i don't know, alky.

Oh, but we love rubbing your nose and face in it, Ratty.

Anonymous said...

Jane is voting Republican and for Moore.

Noted and bookmarked.

Anonymous said...

James predicts Republican Moore wins, in a landslide ?

But you failed to answer the question I asked.

Amused, James said...

both dems and repubs will "own" the next passed version of the ACA

and by cooperating together rather than fighting purely for political reasons,
Americans should be able to benefit immensely

Trump promised us that it would be GREAT

Anonymous said...

You have used "chink" in comments on a Democratic house member.

no, actually i haven't, and unless you can produce the post you should stay silent on the topic. your claim is a lie unless proven otherwise which it cannot be.

the hatred is for you, alky? get over yourself. hatred, because it requires effort, is an emotion i reserve for a special few individuals. you're not on the list. i can loathe you, which i do, and that's effortless. but it's not hatred.

you're just a mentally ill asshole who obsesses over things that would fascinate the average psychiatrist. perhaps you should see one.

look at yourself. you are completely bent out of shape because you can't place a copy/paste post on top of a blog no one reads. what person in the right mind, that is not in the grip of a mental illness, obsesses over that???

call me every name in the book alky. knock yourself out. it means nothing because YOU mean nothing. to me your significance as a human rises to the level of a pimple on a gnat's ass. a waste of a perfectly good donor liver.

Anonymous said...

Because I have been successfully able to completely devastate his arguments.

whose arguments, alky?

not mine, and most certainly not CH's. he's embarrassed you so many times on here i wince every time he does.

slapping his knee, James said...

Boy, Roger sure does get to el Ratto.
Amusing to see.

Anonymous said...

Now admitting obamacare has done so much damage is your first good step.

Anonymous said...

You saw that?

Not on this thread.

Commonsense said...

James has to live vicariously through somebody else because his character is not strong enough to stand on his own.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous slapping his knee, James said...
Boy, Roger sure does get to el Ratto.

LOL. geezus pederast. you suffer from the same psychological projection as the alky. he's getting to me?

I'M the one who's driving him batty on the hospice blog.

ol' rog is having a hell of a time placing one of his legendary copy/pastes on top over there.


Anonymous said...


Chortling, James said...

"Republicans decided Tuesday against bringing the Graham-Cassidy healthcare bill to a vote...effectively killing the GOP's Obamacare repeal push for the foreseeable future."

He ain't gonna be happy. :-)

Anonymous said...

CS, you are so right.

My two questions to him on his faith caused an unpleasant to watch meltdown.
So much so he openly Begged CHT to answer for him.

I had no intention of confusing Madam Jane.

Amused, James said...

Poor Commonsense is still smarting because I straightened him out on the stupidest grammar argument he ever made.

Anonymous said...

Signature issues of campaign:

Beat Hillary
Rebuild the US Military
Rebuild US Manufacturing
Tax cuts

Anonymous said...


Or as Presididn't Biden put it three letter word.


Guffawing, James said...

And KD always thinks he has been victorious when he has won nothing at all. They are both amusing to watch.

Anonymous said...

Jane, please stop.

Victory, naw.

Just go ahead answer the two questions on your own, after all I was asking your opinion based on your faith.

Commonsense said...

Oh please James, the stupidity was always with you.

JAMES said...

"It's going to be — what my plan is is that I want to take care of everybody," Trump said. "I'm not going to leave the lower 20% that can't afford insurance." (Only about 10% of the US population currently does not have coverage.)

"So I want to make sure that nobody's dying on the streets when I'm president," Trump said. "Nobody's going to be dying on the streets. We will unleash something that's going to be terrific."


C.H. Truth said...

most certainly not CH's

The way Roger is routinely beaten on this blog, he could probably qualify for battered status and be given access to a shelter for protection.

Laughing, James said...

Click on the JAMES said HERE IT IS that I just posted.
See for yourself Senseless' grmammatical brilliance.
Then scroll way up and see LIAR-etta again at work.

Commonsense said...

grmammatical ?

Yeah, sure.

Commonsense said...

I think we just have conclusive evidence that James has lost it completely.

Liberalism is a mental disease.

Commonsense said...

The way Roger is routinely beaten on this blog, he could probably qualify for battered status and be given access to a shelter for protection.

Except all of his wounds are self-inflicted.

Anonymous said...

The way Roger is routinely beaten on this blog, he could probably qualify for battered status and be given access to a shelter for protection.


at this point i think he's out scouring the blog archives looking for my "chink" post that never was.

Anonymous said...

The Remington Research Group has just conducted a public poll, which shows two things very clearly. First, the American people agree with Donald Trump when it comes to NFL anthem protests. Second, if the NFL doesn’t cease allowing their league to become a fashion show for narcissistic SJW-wannabe’s, college football will be the most popular sport in America within five years.


Anonymous said...

this is awesome. these dumb fucks are actually doubling down on their idiocy.

Four NFL players submitted a 10-page memo to the league’s top officials asking for “overt league support” and a month of anti-police activism.

The 10-page memo was obtained by Yahoo Sports and was endorsed by Seattle Seahawks’ Michael Bennett, Philadelphia Eagles’ Malcolm Jenkins, Eagles’ Torrey Smith and former NFL player Anquan Boldin. The memo was sent to NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell and executive vice president of football operations Troy Vincent.

Bennett has sat during the national anthem during games and raises a fist on the field after making plays in protest of the police.

The memo asks for the league to make the month of November as “activism awareness month” such as the league does with breast cancer.


month of november? nah, take the rest of the season to have your temper tantrum. no one will care because no one will notice.

fucking numbskulls.

Anonymous said...


Commonsense said...

The stupidity is breathless.

Anonymous said...

I agree, the more we can get of the nfl players doing this kind of anti-Cop, pro- antifa/blackliesmurders , the better the true message gets out.

My Lilly white ass will not be in a NFL seat again.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Blumenthal: ‘99 percent sure’ of Russia indictments
Manafort and Flynn are among the Trump aides likely to face criminal charges, says the Connecticut senator and former state attorney general.
By DARREN SAMUELSOHN 09/26/2017 01:47 PM EDT
Criminal charges against two former top advisers to President Donald Trump are virtually certain, Democratic Sen. Richard Blumenthal said Tuesday.

Michael Flynn and Paul Manafort are almost sure to be indicted as a result of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into Russian interference in the 2016 election, the Connecticut senator told POLITICO.

Anonymous said...

hey alky!

got chink post?

if it exists you ought to be able to copy and paste it, no?

Anonymous said...

here's your link to that reprehensible scumbag 'stolen valor' blumenthal, alky:


oh, and you left out the best part -

Stolen Valor Blumenthal said he is less certain Trump himself would end up facing charges, including for possible obstruction of justice for his firing of FBI Director James Comey.

Anonymous said...

It is deep in the three liberal stooges.

It is exposed everytime one of them bring thier topic/ cut n paste and then are ask their own opinion.


HB, just think IF you would had been sober enough to have cashed in on that "million dollar profit" you told us .

Anonymous said...

Good News: Bob Corker Will Not Seek Another Term as Regional #FailureTheater Director

Bob Corker, Obama's co-pilot in inflicting the Iran "Deal" on the US and helping their nuclear program to fission fruition, says he's not going to seek re-election as a Democrat Senator running on the Republican line. He says he has thought the matter over, and will instead spend more time with his donors and corporate stooges.

Now if only he can convince McCain and Collins to resign in solidarity with him.


C.H. Truth said...

Well if a Democratic Senator is 99% sure of indictments...

well then you can take it to the bank, huh?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I am not boycotting the NFL, they are boycotting my US Army and Leo service.

So I am voting with my dollars. Not casting any thier way.

Anonymous said...

President Trump move Saudi Arabia Leadership to allow women to drive.

caliphate4vr said...

hey alky!

got chink post?

if it exists you ought to be able to copy and paste it, no?

I think roger is confusing you and I. I've called my sister's Cambodian husband and the BEST brother-in-law one could ever hope for, a gook in jest. When he and his sister start clucking in Khmer

And he craps up when I've said to his face

caliphate4vr said...

Cracks up not crap up

Anonymous said...

When did HB, Madam Jane and Madam opie
Become social warrior snowflacks.

caliphate4vr said...

Funniest thing is my mother still describes Hong as Oriental and argues with me that Asian is a more offensive term.

They've been married 15 years

Anonymous said...

How have you used your white privileged status?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I'm not shooting anyone !

Indy Voter said...

Is that an Onion video?

Anonymous said...

Moore wins in Alabama.

Madam Jane, who are dems running in the Special election?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Steve Bannon 1, Donald J. Trump 0

MONTGOMERY, Ala. — Roy S. Moore, a firebrand former chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, overcame efforts by top Republicans to rescue his rival, Senator Luther Strange, defeating him on Tuesday in a special primary runoff, according to The Associated Press.

A birther and a person who believes that the United States is a "Christian" nation. He has been overruled by the high courts. It's going to be fun. Hw will probably win the election, but the Democrats might have a chance but its not likely.

I suspect that is that next year, if the President isn't able to get support over his base, most Republican candidates will not be asking for his endorsement. One term Trump!!! Unless the Democrats get an impeachment majority next year. Unlikely but we are n the strangest political situation in history.

Anonymous said...

Lol, Madam HB the undisputed cut n paste drama queen.

Do the obamaized Dems Win this seat in Dec?

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
Steve Bannon 1, Donald J. Trump 0

they're on the same side, genius.

bannon has publicly said so repeatedly.

Commonsense said...

Moore will probably be the most conservative member of the US Senate.

He'll be to the right of Ted Cruz.

Commonsense said...

Given his quick congratulations of Roy Moore and his pledge to support him in the general election, I suspect Trump's support of Strange was more a courtesy to McConnell.

Ideology, Moore is closer to Trump than Strange is.

The interesting factoid here is that most GOP voters liked both candidates. They just like Moore a little better than Strange.

Anonymous said...

I suspect Trump's support of Strange was more a courtesy to McConnell.

courtesies to mcconnell AND ryan need to stop right now.

Anonymous said...

NEW YORK (AP) — Through three weeks, viewership for national telecasts of NFL games is down 11 percent this season compared to 2016, the Nielsen company said on Tuesday.


good job, assholes. by mid season watching grass grow and paint dry will have more viewers.

Anonymous said...

I think roger is confusing you and I.

i'm sure, cali.

the alky has been so fucked up since trump's victory i'm surprised he knows what day it is.

C.H. Truth said...

Hw will probably win the election, but the Democrats might have a chance but its not likely.

Hey James...

can you provide a little grammar critique for your good buddy Roger?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

A house divided?

The anti-establishment branch of the Republican party scored a victory last night in Alabama. Steve Bannon declared that this is just step one. The story for years that Republicans are unstoppable, since the 2010 elections. And that their agenda is unstoppable. The events of just the last 72 hours show that they really don't have the ability to actually govern.

The Graham Cassidy bill will not come to a vote. This was the last chance to fulfill their dreams of becoming increasingly popular. And to fulfill the President's primary campaign promise.

Contrast that to the fact that the Democrats stood up in complete unity. Even the Senators who are from states that voted for Donald Trump. Chuck Schumer, allegedly incapable of keeping the Democrats together, achieved a total victory.

The President and the vice-president Pence are going to start working on a tax reform bill today.

All at the same time, 3.5 million Americans are without any food, water and shelter in Puerto Rico. In the last three days, the President has tweaked on his dispute with the NFL players 17 times. While he tweeted a grand total of three times. He claimed that the people of Puerto Rico were victims of a faulty infrastructure and that we have been making a determined effort to get the vital resources to the struggling people of the island. We have deployed a small number of Marines, to clear the roads and bridges and distribute vital supplies. The first real support is three to five days out.

The voters in the country, didn't really pay attention to the differences between the competent and experienced Hillary Clinton and the reality television star. We're going to be paying the price for the next three and a half years. Let's hope that in the mid term elections and return the competent Democrats to control the legislative branch of government.

And in the meantime, we better hope and pray that our incompetent President Trump, doesn't start what would be a devastating war on the Korean peninsula.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Grammatical correction.

In the last three days, the President has tweeted on his dispute with the NFL players 17 times.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
Grammatical correction.

In the last three days, the President has tweeted on his dispute with the NFL players 17 times.


about the same number of times you've bitched about my owning your ass on the hospice blog for the last three days.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Anonymous said...

RRB, your post on the hospice blog is priceless , under hb skin deeply.

Anonymous said...

Oh hell HB, learn something, anything.

James said...

CALI SAID: I think roger is confusing you and I.

Speaking of grammar, Cali there makes the mistake that so
many make when they think they are being grammatically clever.

"...confusing you and ME," genius. The verb requires a direct object.

You would not say, "He confused I."