For over 200 years, the National Anthem has been a tribute to the courage, dedication, and sacrifice of our nation's military heroes, past and present.
But today's liberals believe the Star Spangled Banner is about Donald Trump
It's simple. The National Anthem was written about our military and our veterans. Not racism, football, or Donald Trump.
You know why Alegandro Villanueva had such a desire to go stand at attention?
Because of all the calls, messages, texts, and emails he got from his military friends practically begging him to do so. The military and the vets believe it is disrespectful.
So, you see Opie...
It's not up to "YOU" or the spoiled football player to decide who should or shouldn't be offended.
Trumpism or Trump-ism What does Trumpism mean? Trumpism refers to the nontraditional political philosophy and approach espoused by US President Donald Trump and his supporters. The term Trumpism can also be used to directly refer to an outrageous or idiosyncratic statement made by Donald Trump.
image of Trumpism
Where does Trumpism come from? Google Trends indicate that searches for Trumpism took off in July 2015, a month after real estate mogul Donald Trump announced his bid for the US presidency. By August 2015, both senses of Trumpism were in common use in the mainstream, making their way into major media sources.
In a July 2015 speech, then-presidential candidate Rick Perry defined Trumpism as “a toxic mix of demagoguery, mean-spiritedness, and nonsense that will lead the Republican Party to perdition if pursued.” When the presidential debates began in August 2015, lists of Trumpisms were compiled by publications such as The Washington Post and Politico.
Seth Millstein published a book titled Trumpisms in December 2015. The book is a collection of “the most mind-boggling, insane, crass, ignorant, and downright offensive statements” from speeches, tweets, and books by Donald Trump.
The term spiked on Google Trends twice: in November 2016 and January 2017, coinciding with the general election and the days following President Trump’s inauguration.
As a political philosophy, Trumpism is an anti-establishment blend of economic populism, reactionary nationalism, and strong militarism summed up in Trump’s campaign slogan, “Make America Great Again.” Due to bigoted statements Trump had made and the viewpoints of some of his base, Trumpism is sometimes associated with white supremacy. Despite the flexibility and reversals of Trump’s political positions, some political observers see Trumpism as a hard and fast ideology.
Trumpisms are characteristic of Trump’s distinctive style of communicating. Linguists explain that the president speaks in hyperbole and non-sequiturs, which make parsing his comments in writing more difficult than understanding them in speech or with visual cues. Trumpisms feature short, exaggerative catchwords like Sad!, huge, and superlatives like greatest, best, or most beautiful.
While very different in style and content, Trumpisms nod to Bushisms, former President George W. Bush’s malapropisms and mispronunciations, such as “nuculer” and “misunderestimated.” Like Bushisms, Trumpisms have provided ample fodder for comedians, notably including recurring President Trump impressions by Alec Baldwin on Saturday Night Live.
Facebook Twitter Youtube Instagram On Fox News, Trump uses racist dogwhistle to talk about NFL players who take a knee during anthem "I have so many friends that are owners, and they're in a box." AARON RUPAR SEP 28, 2017, 9:21 AM SHARE Facebook Twitter Email CREDIT: SCREENGRAB CREDIT: SCREENGRAB During an interview on Fox & Friends that aired Thursday morning, President Trump said he thinks NFL owners are reluctant to take action against players who don’t stand during the national anthem because they’re afraid of them.
Trump was responding to a question from Fox News’ Pete Hegseth about what prompted him to go on a tirade against players who don’t stand for the anthem during a speech last Friday in Alabama, saying, “Wouldn’t you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, ‘get that son of a bitch off the field right now. He is fired. He’s fired!,’”
The president told Hegseth that he has “so many friends that are owners, and they’re in a box. I mean, I’ve spoken to a couple of them. They say, ‘We are in a situation where we have to do something.’ I think they’re afraid of their players if you know the truth, and I think it’s disgraceful.”
Roughly 70 percent of NFL players are black. Last season, quarterback Colin Kaepernick started taking a knee during the anthem to protest police brutality against people of color. No white NFL players participated in protests during the national anthem until last month.
Trump’s comments on Friday led to the most protests yet during last Sunday’s NFL games. Not only did more than 200 players kneel during the anthem, but more than 10 NFL owners or executives made public comments criticizing Trump’s remarks. A number of owners actually participated in anthem demonstrations with players.
During the Fox & Friends interview, Trump falsely claimed that the protests have caused NFL ratings to fall — they were actually up last week — and urged owners to implement a rule prohibiting players from doing anything others than standing “with respect” during the anthem.
“They have rules for everything — you can’t dance in the end zone, you can’t wear the pink socks relative to breast cancer — why aren’t they honoring this country by enforcing a rule that’s been in existence for a long time?” Trump said. In fact, there is no rule requiring players to stand during the anthem.
“When it comes to the respect of our nation, when it comes to the respect of our anthem and our flag, they have no choice,” Trump said. “You have to have people stand with respect.”
Trump’s idea that NFL owners — almost all of whom are white — are afraid of black players speaks to the social injustices that led Colin Kaepernick to take a knee in the first place. Kaepernick first kneeled for the anthem in August 2016, the month after a black man named Philando Castile was shot and killed by a police officer in St. Anthony, Minnesota. The officer who opened fire on Castile told dispatchers that he pulled Castile over because his “wide set nose” led him to believe he was a robbery suspect, and once he pulled him over, he was afraid Castile, who was legally carrying a firearm, was going to shoot him.
“I thought he had a gun in his hand,” officer Jeronimo Yanez later told investigators. “I thought I was gonna die. And, I was scared because, I didn’t know if he was gonna, I didn’t know what he was gonna do.”
The last seven posts on your site are about Donald Trump or related to him directly. You have the obsession not me . Except you have to worship the guy . He can do no wrong in your mind you have never ever ever criticize him for lying ever it's demonstrable that if he does it all the time . And you know that, you aren't stupid, but you sure act like it now with your Trumpism you do.
The NFL "Solidarity" gestures were obviously a reaction to Trump, if not "about Trump". I give them all a pass on that, but I for one do NOT want to see another one, nor will any team that *I* continue to watch have any players demonstrating disrespect to our nation nor anything symbolic of it.
As far as the Anthem protests go, allowing them to continue is the most utterly stupid thing I've ever seen from NFL teams. Sporadic kneeling was indulged because it created controversy and controversy means publicity, but this week was out of control.
I venture a prediction: IF we have another week of NFL fans booing their own teams off the fields before the game even starts, watch how quickly the business interests reassert themselves. We'll be seeing Corporate HR style newspeak about appropriate venues and purity of product, and other buzzwords with the final line that disrespectful conduct by players is prohibited.
And incidentally I also expect Trump to milk it for all it's worth. Trump loves to badmouth unpopular figures or entities, and as long as most Americans are disgusted by the display, Trump will be attacking the perpetrators.
1. I think he was genuinely disgusted with the displays and
2. He knew it would resonate with the people of Alabama in particular and the rest of the heartland in general.
BTW Waiting for liberals to defend the right of terrorist to be terrorist the next time Trump says they should be shot with bullets dipped in pig's blood.
Oh - I forgot my post about how Goldie Gopher pummeled the little football player kid... No Doubt Roger figured it must be Trump in the outfit. Trump. Trump. Trump. Trump.
"No Doubt Roger figured it must be Trump in the outfit. "
We need more information.
I can't tell from the thumbnail, is the little football player kid an immigrant type? Or from a poor family? Does the audio catch the little kid saying something bad about Trump maybe?
Only one of the top 7 wasn't about Trump, his staff, the investigation into the Russian intervention into the election, or the NFL son of a bitch. The other was on television ratings.
Obsession with The defense of your hero is obvious.
Manafort. Trump Star Spangled Banner Trump NFL protests Trump More defeats Strange Trump failure Hannity tops Maddow Television ratings Obamacare repeal Another Trump failure. Video about the Star Spangled Banner. Trump "sos of bitches" "Your Fired:
Repeat of a Bad Idea from 2001, But Outlook Is Now Far Different
The emerging Senate budget resolution that would allow $1.5 trillion in unpaid-for tax cuts is reminiscent in some ways of President Bush’s 2001 tax cuts, which also were enacted through the fast-track budget reconciliation process. But a new deficit-financed tax cut today would be even less fiscally responsible than the 2001 tax cuts turned out to be, because the country’s fiscal context has reversed dramatically.
One main justification for the 2001 Bush tax cuts was a wave of projected budget surpluses and a much lower level of federal debt, which was projected to shrink and ultimately to disappear altogether. Federal Reserve Chair Alan Greenspan cited the potential disappearance of federal debt — and the specter of the federal government then investing its budget surpluses in the private sector — as a reason for enacting tax cuts at that time.a Similarly, then-Senate Finance Committee Chairman Charles Grassley argued that “we can pay down the national debt. We have a tax surplus. We can give tax relief to every taxpayer.”b
The situation could not be more different today, in part because of the impact on deficits and debt of the Bush tax cuts’ substantial revenue losses. The Congressional Budget Office expects federal deficits and debt to rise in the future — even before accounting for $1.5 trillion in new tax cuts — from today’s 77 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) to 91 percent in 2027.c The emerging Senate budget resolution repeats the same mistake as 2001’s unpaid-for tax cuts, but at a time when the nation faces the added challenge of rising debt and the need for more federal revenue, not less.
Roger Amick said... Bad news for the k'putz, Alzheier's and the blog republican racist bastard.
The doctor said that I am doing excellent! ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
why is that bad news for me, alky?
you act as if your survival, or demise, matters to me .
It's almost as if "anything" I post... will be about Trump in your mind. (because it pretty much is). ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
aaaaaaaannnnddd the alky replies with a copy/paste of trump polling numbers.
dr. ching chang chung might say the alky's doing ok but i'll bet a psychiatrist would beg to differ.
The situation could not be more different today, in part because of the impact on deficits and debt of the Bush tax cuts’ substantial revenue losses. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Simple fact on tax reductions, liberals might act like they don't like them " starve the government" you know, but those same liberal use the lower rates to keep more of their money.
Liberal illness; Tax cut hurts the goverment, so a tax increase hurts the tax payer.
So much for draining the swamp....can you imagine the right wing noise if this crap was discovered under obama???? CH would have 6 threads on it and the indignation from the resident idiots would be never ending...Question, how many trips did sibelius take when she had prices job????? Seems tommy thinks his shit don't stink.....
Rebuked by Trump, Price Says He’ll Pay for His Own Travel By KATIE ROGERS, GLENN THRUSH and MAGGIE HABERMAN 7:29 AM ET “The taxpayers won’t pay a dime for my seat on those planes,” said Tom Price, the health secretary, who said he would refund about an eighth of a $400,000 bill for travel on chartered jets.
Nice, gets away with BS and barely an apology....idiots....Seems there may be a few more who think they deserve special treatment....and you assholes say nothing......
Chris Wray has been working as the new FBI director since he was confirmed by the Senate in August. Wray was picked by President Trump to succeed James Comey, who Trump fired in May.
The decision to fire Comey led to the appointment of special counsel Robert Mueller to take over the bureau's investigation into Russian interference in last year's elections and possible collusion between top aides to the Trump campaign and Russia.
Thursday's swearing-in ceremony at the FBI headquarters was largely a formality, but Trump's absence was hard to ignore. Also not attending the ceremony were former FBI directors Comey and Mueller.
In the past, presidents normally make remarks at the ceremony and former directors would be in the front row of the audience. That's what happened in 2013, when Comey was sworn in.
Had Trump, Comey and Mueller shown up, it would have been incredibly awkward considering the Russia investigation.
The most senior administration official in attendance was Attorney General Jeff Sessions. While he has recused himself from the Russia probe, Sessions played a role in Comey's firing.
The Washington Post reports:
"Sessions called Wray a 'brilliant' attorney dedicated to the rule of law. Many of his comments praising Wray, though, could also be taken as an implicit critique of Comey, whose ouster Sessions helped engineer.
" 'Nothing is more important to me, you have to know, than ensuring that this nation has a director of the FBI of the highest quality,' Sessions said. 'You can know we have spent time — [Deputy Attorney General] Rod Rosenstein and I and others have worked on this evaluation — and I was so pleased, thrilled really, to recommend to President Trump that he be nominated to be your director.' "
When it was his turn to speak, Wray promised to "protect the American people and uphold the Constitution."
Blogger Roger Amick said... There are many Republicans have expressed concern about the the tax cut bill. It would lead to a massive increase in the deficit. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
well isn't that special.
you see alky, this is why it's important to elect a republican to the presidency every once in a while.
this is when debts and deficits matter.
i just wish you cared this much when 0linsky doubled the national debt.
Thursday's swearing-in ceremony at the FBI headquarters was largely a formality ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
which i suspect is exactly the reason trump didn't waste his fucking time.
geezus alky, you should ask dr. ching chang chung for a referral to a good psychiatrist.
CH is right. you are royally fucked up. do you check for trump hiding under your bed each night before you go to sleep?
Trump dodged the draft by claiming that bone spurs stopped him from serving his country in uniform. And yet this crippling condition didn’t stop the spoiled Ivy League student from playing football, tennis and golf. After four draft deferments, Trump graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 1968 on the same day 40 U.S. servicemen were killed in Vietnam.
Among people who have read Dr. Seuss to children were former president Barack Obama, former first lady Michelle Obama and former first mother-in-law Marian Robinson.
This "liberian" should apologize to the first lady and apologize publically to the first lady.
Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price said Thursday that he would reimburse the government for a fraction of the costs of his flights on charter planes in recent months, after coming under sharp criticism from members of both parties for the expensive practice.
Blogger Roger Amick said... The President is a coward.
Trump dodged the draft by claiming that bone spurs stopped him from serving his country in uniform. And yet this crippling condition didn’t stop the spoiled Ivy League student from playing football, tennis and golf. After four draft deferments, Trump graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 1968 on the same day 40 U.S. servicemen were killed in Vietnam.
Joe Scarborough {R} _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
well, at least we know now what the 'occupy democrats' are posting on facebook this morning.
Blogger Roger Amick said... A fraction? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
yup. his fraction.
8 passengers, $400,000 flight...
do the math.
price's fraction.
scandalous i know, because i figgered that out without using common core math.
Now they're trying to cover up their guilt and stupidity. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Donald Trump keeps talking about not passing Obamacare because a senator is in the hospital. There is no senator in the hospital.
It started Wednesday on—of course—Twitter. Trump later explained that he was talking about Thad Cochran, who is at home recuperating from surgery. But Cochran isn’t hospitalized. And he said he’d show up for a vote if needed.
Then Trump repeated the claim on Thursday. And then again.
To recap: Cochran isn’t in the hospital. He’s available to vote. And it wouldn’t matter anyway, since even with Cochran, Republicans don’t have 50 votes.
Then there was this, when asked why Sudan was removed from the latest version of the travel ban:
TRUMP: Well, the people – yeah, the people allowed – certain countries – but we can add countries very easily and we can take countries away.
REPORTER: What did Sudan do right?
TRUMP: And as far as the travel ban is concerned, whatever it is, I want the toughest travel ban you can have. So I’ll see you in Indiana.
Is Trump lying? Or is he showing signs of senility? It’s possible that we’re all missing the big story here by shrugging off all his peculiar lies as merely standard Trumpian bluster and misdirection.
As much as we would all miss that picture of CH with his head in the Trumpism urinal, it should remain on top. It represents what this blog has become since Trump won the election.
If Trump really wants to succeed, he's going to have to work with Chuck and Nancy. His derivative comments on McConnell especially, are going to make it impossible for him to pass anything like this tax reform bill. It's still very "Fuzzy". The President obviously doesn't know anything about his own proposal. Even W Bush knew the intimate details of his imo, irresponsible tax cuts.
But the details that are emerging, show that once again, the top 1% will benefit most from the tax reform bill. The lowest tax rate actually goes up from 10% to 12%. But for married couples with children, will get a small decrease in this bill.
Some Republicans are claiming that the tax cuts for the wealthy, will once again, result in a growth rate of 6% will happen. But let's go down memory lane. The W Bush tax cuts for the wealthy, lead to the deepest recession since the Great Depression of 1929. But they have forgotten that under President Bill Clinton, the tax increase lead to the creation of over 20 million jobs. And a reduction of deficit reduction close to a balanced budget.
So, if they can honestly accept the fact that taxes for the top 1% doesn't spur economic growth, because if they follow the same pattern, much of the money, will once again go overseas in big numbers. They may actually write a coherent bill that would be beneficial for you and me, not just the elite.
The W Bush tax cuts for the wealthy, lead to the deepest recession since the Great Depression of 1929. But they have forgotten that under President Bill Clinton, the tax increase lead to the creation of over 20 million jobs. And a reduction of deficit reduction close to a balanced budget. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
this is one of the more dishonest versions of history from these periods that i've seen.
Blogger Roger Amick said... No, because you blocked me. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Blogger Roger Amick said... The facts are not disputed rrb, except by ignorant ass holes like you for example.. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
actually they are, asshole. it was the housing bubble and not the bush tax cuts that gave us the great recession (which 0linsky exacerbated), and it was the dot com boom that fed the growth of the later years of the clinton presidency.
what you posted was a complete fabrication. i don't blame you though. you actually believe what you read on mommy jones and 'occupy democrats' facebook page.
On Wednesday evening, Sen. Richard "Stolen Valor" Blumenthal (D-Conn.) suggested that using Facebook to target the cities of Ferguson, Mo., and Baltimore, Md., for Black Lives Matter-themed ads would be too sophisticated for the Russians to figure out on their own. So how did they do it? "Collusion" with the Donald Trump campaign, of course!
The analysis by the Tax Policy Center, a leading group of nonpartisan tax analysts, challenges President Trump’s promise about the effects of the plan.
The top 1 percent would see their taxes drop by more than $200,000 on average, the analysis found.
But nearly 30 percent of taxpayers with incomes between $50,000 and $150,000 would see a tax increase within a decade — despite Republican promises that the plan is designed to provide relief to middle-class Americans, according to the study.
The majority of those making between $150,000 and $300,000 would also be hit with higher taxes. This is a developing story. It will be updated.
I just finished an hour a 24 hour fitness with my trainer . She kicked my butt . And my butt is not the one on the blog that is Jimmy the little racist bastard horror horror horror horror horror he is definitely a horror story . Anger and racism all wrapped in one really pretty pitiful bag.
The tax policy Center is nonpartisan you dumb shit . It is not look it up you stupid shit. Alzheimer's ruined your, brain it's gone.
The Center for policy that I use is partisan yes it is but they also have top-notch economics people then know what the shit is going on. They don't necessarily base it on their ideology they look at the fucking numbers .
Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price resigned Friday in the face of multiple investigations into his use of private charter and military jets to travel around the country at taxpayer expense.
A statement released by the White House Friday afternoon said that Price had "offered his resignation earlier today and the president accepted."
President Trump had said multiple times this week that he was "not happy" about the optics of Price's travel.
In his resignation letter, Price said, "I regret that the recent events have created a distraction" from his work at HHS.
The White House said that Trump intends to designate Don Wright, currently deputy assistant director for health and director of the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion at HHS, as acting secretary.
The work-related travel, which was first reported Sept. 19 by Politico, cost taxpayers nearly $1 million, or about $400,000 for private charters and $500,000 in military airplane costs. Most of the trips were between cities where inexpensive commercial flights were also available.
The revelations had sparked a flurry of criticism from government ethics watchdogs.
Sen. Patty Murray, the ranking Democrat on the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, which oversees some parts of Price's agency, wrote an angry letter to the secretary on Thursday about his travel habits.
"The decision is particularly shocking as you serve in an administration that routinely calls for draconian spending cuts and a reduction in government waste, and you yourself have repeatedly advocated for fiscal restraint," Murray wrote.
HHS Inspector General Daniel Levinson launched an investigation of Price's travel spending on Sept. 22, and the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform has requested information on the flights.
Price tried to contain the damage on Thursday by promising to pay back the costs for his own seats on those flights chartered on his behalf, or about $52,000. But that offer didn't approach the total costs of the trips, which included his staff and sometimes his wife.
"I regret the concerns this has raised regarding the use of taxpayer dollars," he said in a statement.
But that wasn't enough. On Friday, rumors mounted that Price's tenure was in peril, fueled by Trump's own afternoon statement that an announcement would be coming soon.
Price, a former Republican congressman from Georgia, was confirmed in February to lead HHS, the trilion-dollar agency that runs Medicaid, Medicare and the National Institutes of Health. It also administers the federal health care exchange created by the Affordable Care Act.
Yet he rants at a female mayor begging for food, water and shelter for US citizens. He is a pathetic bigoted misogynist morally bankrupt moron. And if you support him then I suspect you might be several of the above too.
But today's liberals believe the Star Spangled Banner is about Donald Trump
No they don' more than you who thinks kneeling disrespects vets.....sad how a great thinker and moralists have fallen.....
Well Opie...
It's simple. The National Anthem was written about our military and our veterans. Not racism, football, or Donald Trump.
You know why Alegandro Villanueva had such a desire to go stand at attention?
Because of all the calls, messages, texts, and emails he got from his military friends practically begging him to do so. The military and the vets believe it is disrespectful.
So, you see Opie...
It's not up to "YOU" or the spoiled football player to decide who should or shouldn't be offended.
Trumpism or Trump-ism
What does Trumpism mean?
Trumpism refers to the nontraditional political philosophy and approach espoused by US President Donald Trump and his supporters. The term Trumpism can also be used to directly refer to an outrageous or idiosyncratic statement made by Donald Trump.
image of Trumpism
Where does Trumpism come from?
Google Trends indicate that searches for Trumpism took off in July 2015, a month after real estate mogul Donald Trump announced his bid for the US presidency. By August 2015, both senses of Trumpism were in common use in the mainstream, making their way into major media sources.
In a July 2015 speech, then-presidential candidate Rick Perry defined Trumpism as “a toxic mix of demagoguery, mean-spiritedness, and nonsense that will lead the Republican Party to perdition if pursued.” When the presidential debates began in August 2015, lists of Trumpisms were compiled by publications such as The Washington Post and Politico.
Seth Millstein published a book titled Trumpisms in December 2015. The book is a collection of “the most mind-boggling, insane, crass, ignorant, and downright offensive statements” from speeches, tweets, and books by Donald Trump.
The term spiked on Google Trends twice: in November 2016 and January 2017, coinciding with the general election and the days following President Trump’s inauguration.
As a political philosophy, Trumpism is an anti-establishment blend of economic populism, reactionary nationalism, and strong militarism summed up in Trump’s campaign slogan, “Make America Great Again.” Due to bigoted statements Trump had made and the viewpoints of some of his base, Trumpism is sometimes associated with white supremacy. Despite the flexibility and reversals of Trump’s political positions, some political observers see Trumpism as a hard and fast ideology.
Trumpisms are characteristic of Trump’s distinctive style of communicating. Linguists explain that the president speaks in hyperbole and non-sequiturs, which make parsing his comments in writing more difficult than understanding them in speech or with visual cues. Trumpisms feature short, exaggerative catchwords like Sad!, huge, and superlatives like greatest, best, or most beautiful.
While very different in style and content, Trumpisms nod to Bushisms, former President George W. Bush’s malapropisms and mispronunciations, such as “nuculer” and “misunderestimated.” Like Bushisms, Trumpisms have provided ample fodder for comedians, notably including recurring President Trump impressions by Alec Baldwin on Saturday Night Live.
Hey Rog...
Give it a rest, will you...
The rest of us are "not" that interested in Donald Trump.
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On Fox News, Trump uses racist dogwhistle to talk about NFL players who take a knee during anthem
"I have so many friends that are owners, and they're in a box."
SEP 28, 2017, 9:21 AM
During an interview on Fox & Friends that aired Thursday morning, President Trump said he thinks NFL owners are reluctant to take action against players who don’t stand during the national anthem because they’re afraid of them.
Trump was responding to a question from Fox News’ Pete Hegseth about what prompted him to go on a tirade against players who don’t stand for the anthem during a speech last Friday in Alabama, saying, “Wouldn’t you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, ‘get that son of a bitch off the field right now. He is fired. He’s fired!,’”
The president told Hegseth that he has “so many friends that are owners, and they’re in a box. I mean, I’ve spoken to a couple of them. They say, ‘We are in a situation where we have to do something.’ I think they’re afraid of their players if you know the truth, and I think it’s disgraceful.”
Roughly 70 percent of NFL players are black. Last season, quarterback Colin Kaepernick started taking a knee during the anthem to protest police brutality against people of color. No white NFL players participated in protests during the national anthem until last month.
Trump’s comments on Friday led to the most protests yet during last Sunday’s NFL games. Not only did more than 200 players kneel during the anthem, but more than 10 NFL owners or executives made public comments criticizing Trump’s remarks. A number of owners actually participated in anthem demonstrations with players.
During the Fox & Friends interview, Trump falsely claimed that the protests have caused NFL ratings to fall — they were actually up last week — and urged owners to implement a rule prohibiting players from doing anything others than standing “with respect” during the anthem.
“They have rules for everything — you can’t dance in the end zone, you can’t wear the pink socks relative to breast cancer — why aren’t they honoring this country by enforcing a rule that’s been in existence for a long time?” Trump said. In fact, there is no rule requiring players to stand during the anthem.
“When it comes to the respect of our nation, when it comes to the respect of our anthem and our flag, they have no choice,” Trump said. “You have to have people stand with respect.”
Trump’s idea that NFL owners — almost all of whom are white — are afraid of black players speaks to the social injustices that led Colin Kaepernick to take a knee in the first place. Kaepernick first kneeled for the anthem in August 2016, the month after a black man named Philando Castile was shot and killed by a police officer in St. Anthony, Minnesota. The officer who opened fire on Castile told dispatchers that he pulled Castile over because his “wide set nose” led him to believe he was a robbery suspect, and once he pulled him over, he was afraid Castile, who was legally carrying a firearm, was going to shoot him.
“I thought he had a gun in his hand,” officer Jeronimo Yanez later told investigators. “I thought I was gonna die. And, I was scared because, I didn’t know if he was gonna, I didn’t know what he was gonna do.”
Exactly, it has consumed the left since 3 am Nov. 9th,2016.
I honestly believed by now thier hate for 45 would hAve gone away.
The last seven posts on your site are about Donald Trump or related to him directly. You have the obsession not me . Except you have to worship the guy . He can do no wrong in your mind you have never ever ever criticize him for lying ever it's demonstrable that if he does it all the time . And you know that, you aren't stupid, but you sure act like it now with your Trumpism you do.
So the officer fearing for his life or that of another defended himself and the jury agreed.
So the next login is to protest the US military, the flag and the Athem.
Ok, Madam HB.
Madam HB, I don't know much you read of what CHT writes, but, I have seen him be honest in his disagreement with the President.
" next logical step is to protest"
The NFL "Solidarity" gestures were obviously a reaction to Trump, if not "about Trump". I give them all a pass on that, but I for one do NOT want to see another one, nor will any team that *I* continue to watch have any players demonstrating disrespect to our nation nor anything symbolic of it.
As far as the Anthem protests go, allowing them to continue is the most utterly stupid thing I've ever seen from NFL teams. Sporadic kneeling was indulged because it created controversy and controversy means publicity, but this week was out of control.
I venture a prediction: IF we have another week of NFL fans booing their own teams off the fields before the game even starts, watch how quickly the business interests reassert themselves. We'll be seeing Corporate HR style newspeak about appropriate venues and purity of product, and other buzzwords with the final line that disrespectful conduct by players is prohibited.
And incidentally I also expect Trump to milk it for all it's worth. Trump loves to badmouth unpopular figures or entities, and as long as most Americans are disgusted by the display, Trump will be attacking the perpetrators.
I think it a bit of both.
1. I think he was genuinely disgusted with the displays and
2. He knew it would resonate with the people of Alabama in particular and the rest of the heartland in general.
BTW Waiting for liberals to defend the right of terrorist to be terrorist the next time Trump says they should be shot with bullets dipped in pig's blood.
The last seven posts on your site are about Donald Trump or related to him directly.
My last seven posts:
Star Spangled Banner
NFL protests
More defeats Strange
Hannity tops Maddow
Obamacare repeal
Video about the Star Spangled Banner.
Roger... the fact that you see all of these issues as "about Donald Trump" proves everything we are saying about you and being deranged.
I hear there is a nfl game tonight. I don't care anymore. I will not tune it in.
The NFL Comissioner , Owners and Players choose the side of the police haters, the blackliesmurders and the hate America first gang.
How will they apologize?
CHT, Nice list.
Broad and deep.
Roger's obsession is rather self-evident.
Our future leaders:
Protesters In Berkeley Aren’t Sure Why They Are Protesting
I could have been wrong about universal conscription.
Oh - I forgot my post about how Goldie Gopher pummeled the little football player kid... No Doubt Roger figured it must be Trump in the outfit. Trump. Trump. Trump. Trump.
"No Doubt Roger figured it must be Trump in the outfit. "
We need more information.
I can't tell from the thumbnail, is the little football player kid an immigrant type? Or from a poor family? Does the audio catch the little kid saying something bad about Trump maybe?
GDP update. 3.1 %.
Those new Trump trade deals are continuing to get results as the trade deficit dropped sharply in August.
Only one of the top 7 wasn't about Trump, his staff, the investigation into the Russian intervention into the election, or the NFL son of a bitch. The other was on television ratings.
Obsession with The defense of your hero is obvious.
Bad news for the k'putz, Alzheier's and the blog republican racist bastard.
The doctor said that I am doing excellent!😁😁😁💄💪💪💪💪💪🐙🐙🐙🐙
Manafort. Trump
Star Spangled Banner Trump
NFL protests Trump
More defeats Strange Trump failure
Hannity tops Maddow Television ratings
Obamacare repeal Another Trump failure.
Video about the Star Spangled Banner. Trump "sos of bitches" "Your Fired:
Six out of seven.
Repeat of a Bad Idea from 2001, But Outlook Is Now Far Different
The emerging Senate budget resolution that would allow $1.5 trillion in unpaid-for tax cuts is reminiscent in some ways of President Bush’s 2001 tax cuts, which also were enacted through the fast-track budget reconciliation process. But a new deficit-financed tax cut today would be even less fiscally responsible than the 2001 tax cuts turned out to be, because the country’s fiscal context has reversed dramatically.
One main justification for the 2001 Bush tax cuts was a wave of projected budget surpluses and a much lower level of federal debt, which was projected to shrink and ultimately to disappear altogether. Federal Reserve Chair Alan Greenspan cited the potential disappearance of federal debt — and the specter of the federal government then investing its budget surpluses in the private sector — as a reason for enacting tax cuts at that time.a Similarly, then-Senate Finance Committee Chairman Charles Grassley argued that “we can pay down the national debt. We have a tax surplus. We can give tax relief to every taxpayer.”b
The situation could not be more different today, in part because of the impact on deficits and debt of the Bush tax cuts’ substantial revenue losses. The Congressional Budget Office expects federal deficits and debt to rise in the future — even before accounting for $1.5 trillion in new tax cuts — from today’s 77 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) to 91 percent in 2027.c The emerging Senate budget resolution repeats the same mistake as 2001’s unpaid-for tax cuts, but at a time when the nation faces the added challenge of rising debt and the need for more federal revenue, not less.
Roger -
You are too funny...
You don't see that it's actually "you" and not anyone else... insisting all these posts are about Trump....
When they are not.
It's almost as if "anything" I post... will be about Trump in your mind. (because it pretty much is).
Think about it a while... maybe it will come to you.
Roger, say the tax cuts do become the law of the land.
Will you refuse them by sending the same amount you pay now to the government?
Sum up HB's cut n paste nonsensical post.
Jan 20th,2017 @ 11:59 EST $24 trillion in National Debt-- Good.
Jan. 20th, 2017 @12:02 EST $24 trillion in National Debt -- Bad.
"Bad news for the k'putz, Alzheier's and the blog republican racist bastard."
Add CH, you friggin freak. You're fucked up.
"Roger... the fact that you see all of these issues as "about Donald Trump" proves everything we are saying about you and being deranged." - CH
Average 9/11 - 9/27 40.2 54.0 -13.8
Gallup 9/25 - 9/27 36 59 -23
Rasmussen 9/25 - 9/27 43 56 -13
FOX News 9/24 - 9/26 42 53 -11
Economist 9/24 - 9/26 40 55 -15
Reuters 9/22 - 9/26 38 57 -19
Quinnipiac 9/21 - 9/26 36 57 -21
PPP (D) 9/22 - 9/25 42 53 -11
CBS News 9/21 - 9/24 35 55 -20
ABC/WP 9/18 - 9/21 42 54 -12
CNN 9/17 - 9/20 42 53 -11
Monmouth 9/15 - 9/19 42 48 -6
NBC/WSJ 9/14 - 9/18 43 52 -9
Marist 9/11 - 9/13 41 50 -9
Roger Amick said...
Bad news for the k'putz, Alzheier's and the blog republican racist bastard.
The doctor said that I am doing excellent!
why is that bad news for me, alky?
you act as if your survival, or demise, matters to me .
it does not.
It's almost as if "anything" I post... will be about Trump in your mind. (because it pretty much is).
aaaaaaaannnnddd the alky replies with a copy/paste of trump polling numbers.
dr. ching chang chung might say the alky's doing ok but i'll bet a psychiatrist would beg to differ.
The situation could not be more different today, in part because of the impact on deficits and debt of the Bush tax cuts’ substantial revenue losses.
LOL. the hackery of this article is breathtaking.
ah, and now i know why:
embarrassed to include that link, alky?
you should be.
Simple fact on tax reductions, liberals might act like they don't like them " starve the government" you know, but those same liberal use the lower rates to keep more of their money.
Liberal illness;
Tax cut hurts the goverment, so a tax increase hurts the tax payer.
huh. we used to have a naval base in puerto rico until democrats came along 14 years ago and fucked THAT all up:
There are many Republicans have expressed concern about the the tax cut bill. It would lead to a massive increase in the deficit.
So much for draining the swamp....can you imagine the right wing noise if this crap was discovered under obama???? CH would have 6 threads on it and the indignation from the resident idiots would be never ending...Question, how many trips did sibelius take when she had prices job????? Seems tommy thinks his shit don't stink.....
Rebuked by Trump, Price Says He’ll Pay for His Own Travel
“The taxpayers won’t pay a dime for my seat on those planes,” said Tom Price, the health secretary, who said he would refund about an eighth of a $400,000 bill for travel on chartered jets.
Nice, gets away with BS and barely an apology....idiots....Seems there may be a few more who think they deserve special treatment....and you assholes say nothing......
The President is a coward.
Chris Wray has been working as the new FBI director since he was confirmed by the Senate in August. Wray was picked by President Trump to succeed James Comey, who Trump fired in May.
The decision to fire Comey led to the appointment of special counsel Robert Mueller to take over the bureau's investigation into Russian interference in last year's elections and possible collusion between top aides to the Trump campaign and Russia.
Thursday's swearing-in ceremony at the FBI headquarters was largely a formality, but Trump's absence was hard to ignore. Also not attending the ceremony were former FBI directors Comey and Mueller.
In the past, presidents normally make remarks at the ceremony and former directors would be in the front row of the audience. That's what happened in 2013, when Comey was sworn in.
Had Trump, Comey and Mueller shown up, it would have been incredibly awkward considering the Russia investigation.
The most senior administration official in attendance was Attorney General Jeff Sessions. While he has recused himself from the Russia probe, Sessions played a role in Comey's firing.
The Washington Post reports:
"Sessions called Wray a 'brilliant' attorney dedicated to the rule of law. Many of his comments praising Wray, though, could also be taken as an implicit critique of Comey, whose ouster Sessions helped engineer.
" 'Nothing is more important to me, you have to know, than ensuring that this nation has a director of the FBI of the highest quality,' Sessions said. 'You can know we have spent time — [Deputy Attorney General] Rod Rosenstein and I and others have worked on this evaluation — and I was so pleased, thrilled really, to recommend to President Trump that he be nominated to be your director.' "
When it was his turn to speak, Wray promised to "protect the American people and uphold the Constitution."
He didn't express loyalty to the President!
Blogger Roger Amick said...
There are many Republicans have expressed concern about the the tax cut bill. It would lead to a massive increase in the deficit.
well isn't that special.
you see alky, this is why it's important to elect a republican to the presidency every once in a while.
this is when debts and deficits matter.
i just wish you cared this much when 0linsky doubled the national debt.
Thursday's swearing-in ceremony at the FBI headquarters was largely a formality
which i suspect is exactly the reason trump didn't waste his fucking time.
geezus alky, you should ask dr. ching chang chung for a referral to a good psychiatrist.
CH is right. you are royally fucked up. do you check for trump hiding under your bed each night before you go to sleep?
The President is a coward.
Trump dodged the draft by claiming that bone spurs stopped him from serving his country in uniform. And yet this crippling condition didn’t stop the spoiled Ivy League student from playing football, tennis and golf. After four draft deferments, Trump graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 1968 on the same day 40 U.S. servicemen were killed in Vietnam.
Joe Scarborough {R}
Another episode on why prople dispise liberals.
Librarian Rejects First Lady’s Gift Of Dr. Seuss Books Calling Them ‘Racist Propaganda’
Among people who have read Dr. Seuss to children were former president Barack Obama, former first lady Michelle Obama and former first mother-in-law Marian Robinson.
This "liberian" should apologize to the first lady and apologize publically to the first lady.
A fraction?
Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price said Thursday that he would reimburse the government for a fraction of the costs of his flights on charter planes in recent months, after coming under sharp criticism from members of both parties for the expensive practice.
Price is on thin ice.
Blogger Roger Amick said...
The President is a coward.
Trump dodged the draft by claiming that bone spurs stopped him from serving his country in uniform. And yet this crippling condition didn’t stop the spoiled Ivy League student from playing football, tennis and golf. After four draft deferments, Trump graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 1968 on the same day 40 U.S. servicemen were killed in Vietnam.
Joe Scarborough {R}
well, at least we know now what the 'occupy democrats' are posting on facebook this morning.
and scarborough? he's no "R".
LOL. good one alky.
hey alky,
can you please do us a favor? can you please put all your copy/paste headlines, stories and links into a single comment?
we're trying to conserve bandwidth around here.
plus, i've already read them long before you decided to spam us with them.
thanks alky.
Blogger Roger Amick said...
A fraction?
yup. his fraction.
8 passengers, $400,000 flight...
do the math.
price's fraction.
scandalous i know, because i figgered that out without using common core math.
If you promise to post all of your cut and paste crap on the legacy blog... I bet Rat would even promise you could have the top page post in return...
As much as we would all miss that picture of you with your head in the urinal, it might be worth it.
Scarborough is tiresome. It was obvious that he and MSNBC promoted Trump in the primary to get the "weakest" candidate to oppose Hillary Clinton.
They just didn't know how eerily incompetent a candidate Clinton was.
Now they're trying to cover up their guilt and stupidity.
Now they're trying to cover up their guilt and stupidity.
it's not working.
The Alzheimer's President?
Donald Trump keeps talking about not passing Obamacare because a senator is in the hospital. There is no senator in the hospital.
It started Wednesday on—of course—Twitter. Trump later explained that he was talking about Thad Cochran, who is at home recuperating from surgery. But Cochran isn’t hospitalized. And he said he’d show up for a vote if needed.
Then Trump repeated the claim on Thursday. And then again.
To recap: Cochran isn’t in the hospital. He’s available to vote. And it wouldn’t matter anyway, since even with Cochran, Republicans don’t have 50 votes.
Then there was this, when asked why Sudan was removed from the latest version of the travel ban:
TRUMP: Well, the people – yeah, the people allowed – certain countries – but we can add countries very easily and we can take countries away.
REPORTER: What did Sudan do right?
TRUMP: And as far as the travel ban is concerned, whatever it is, I want the toughest travel ban you can have. So I’ll see you in Indiana.
Is Trump lying? Or is he showing signs of senility? It’s possible that we’re all missing the big story here by shrugging off all his peculiar lies as merely standard Trumpian bluster and misdirection.
CS is correct.. Price is on the short list. Friday night is probably when the hammer will fall.
As much as we would all miss that picture of CH with his head in the Trumpism urinal, it should remain on top. It represents what this blog has become since Trump won the election.
If Trump really wants to succeed, he's going to have to work with Chuck and Nancy. His derivative comments on McConnell especially, are going to make it impossible for him to pass anything like this tax reform bill. It's still very "Fuzzy". The President obviously doesn't know anything about his own proposal. Even W Bush knew the intimate details of his imo, irresponsible tax cuts.
But the details that are emerging, show that once again, the top 1% will benefit most from the tax reform bill. The lowest tax rate actually goes up from 10% to 12%. But for married couples with children, will get a small decrease in this bill.
Some Republicans are claiming that the tax cuts for the wealthy, will once again, result in a growth rate of 6% will happen. But let's go down memory lane. The W Bush tax cuts for the wealthy, lead to the deepest recession since the Great Depression of 1929. But they have forgotten that under President Bill Clinton, the tax increase lead to the creation of over 20 million jobs. And a reduction of deficit reduction close to a balanced budget.
So, if they can honestly accept the fact that taxes for the top 1% doesn't spur economic growth, because if they follow the same pattern, much of the money, will once again go overseas in big numbers. They may actually write a coherent bill that would be beneficial for you and me, not just the elite.
Hey Roger - can I get your shipping address?
Roger's Xmas gift
No, because you blocked me.
Send me your address and I'll send you this.
I need to go back and use the DOS linking lol
I still use control/c,x,v,etc
My first computer had DOS 4.0
A Packard Bell.
BTW, I wrote that post.
And I used proper English.
Instead of the rrb first grade school English class he obviously failed.
And you still fail at using the technology.
The W Bush tax cuts for the wealthy, lead to the deepest recession since the Great Depression of 1929. But they have forgotten that under President Bill Clinton, the tax increase lead to the creation of over 20 million jobs. And a reduction of deficit reduction close to a balanced budget.
this is one of the more dishonest versions of history from these periods that i've seen.
Blogger Roger Amick said...
No, because you blocked me.
i can't imagine why.
The facts are not disputed rrb, except by ignorant ass holes like you for example..
Got rotting Beaners?
Kiss my hard white ass.
DOS 4.0 first released June 1988.
Holy shit
Huntsman Says There’s No Doubt Russia Meddled in Election
Statement by Trump’s pick for Russia ambassador contrasts with president’s equivocation about the findings of U.S. intelligence
Blogger Roger Amick said...
The facts are not disputed rrb, except by ignorant ass holes like you for example..
actually they are, asshole. it was the housing bubble and not the bush tax cuts that gave us the great recession (which 0linsky exacerbated), and it was the dot com boom that fed the growth of the later years of the clinton presidency.
what you posted was a complete fabrication. i don't blame you though. you actually believe what you read on mommy jones and 'occupy democrats' facebook page.
On Wednesday evening, Sen. Richard "Stolen Valor" Blumenthal (D-Conn.) suggested that using Facebook to target the cities of Ferguson, Mo., and Baltimore, Md., for Black Lives Matter-themed ads would be too sophisticated for the Russians to figure out on their own. So how did they do it? "Collusion" with the Donald Trump campaign, of course!
Alky, I have never been "blocked".
What did you do?
There's a shock.
The US Economy is making real wealth producing gains, despite the liberals.
So how did they do it? "Collusion" with the Donald Trump campaign, of course!
Because Trump and gang are the "brains" behind the Russian muscle?
NOT from the onion:
California lawmaker wants to ban gas car sales after 2040
The analysis by the Tax Policy Center, a leading group of nonpartisan tax analysts, challenges President Trump’s promise about the effects of the plan.
The top 1 percent would see their taxes drop by more than $200,000 on average, the analysis found.
But nearly 30 percent of taxpayers with incomes between $50,000 and $150,000 would see a tax increase within a decade — despite Republican promises that the plan is designed to provide relief to middle-class Americans, according to the study.
The majority of those making between $150,000 and $300,000 would also be hit with higher taxes.
This is a developing story. It will be updated.
The great Recession was not Clinton, it happened almost 8 years after his term ended. Obama got us out of it.
"Tax Policy Center"
It is always a pure joy to see Madam HB, attempt to understand taxes, wealth and inherence.
Hb, knows nothing of it.
Hb, jane , oDopie all posted that same discredited story.
Because Trump and gang are the "brains" behind the Russian muscle?
They could be the manipulated fools, and it would still be collusion. Far more likely IMO, especially given the record of recent history.
I just finished an hour a 24 hour fitness with my trainer . She kicked my butt . And my butt is not the one on the blog that is Jimmy the little racist bastard horror horror horror horror horror he is definitely a horror story . Anger and racism all wrapped in one really pretty pitiful bag.
The tax policy Center is nonpartisan you dumb shit . It is not look it up you stupid shit. Alzheimer's ruined your, brain it's gone.
The Center for policy that I use is partisan yes it is but they also have top-notch economics people then know what the shit is going on. They don't necessarily base it on their ideology they look at the fucking numbers .
TODAY ,was the end of the trading quarter.
In a few days those 3rd quarter financial statements will be hitting emails and for HB snail mail.
The news contained is going to be warming to investors.
My White Privilege is in full bloom.
Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price resigned Friday in the face of multiple investigations into his use of private charter and military jets to travel around the country at taxpayer expense.
A statement released by the White House Friday afternoon said that Price had "offered his resignation earlier today and the president accepted."
President Trump had said multiple times this week that he was "not happy" about the optics of Price's travel.
In his resignation letter, Price said, "I regret that the recent events have created a distraction" from his work at HHS.
The White House said that Trump intends to designate Don Wright, currently deputy assistant director for health and director of the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion at HHS, as acting secretary.
The work-related travel, which was first reported Sept. 19 by Politico, cost taxpayers nearly $1 million, or about $400,000 for private charters and $500,000 in military airplane costs. Most of the trips were between cities where inexpensive commercial flights were also available.
The revelations had sparked a flurry of criticism from government ethics watchdogs.
Sen. Patty Murray, the ranking Democrat on the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, which oversees some parts of Price's agency, wrote an angry letter to the secretary on Thursday about his travel habits.
"The decision is particularly shocking as you serve in an administration that routinely calls for draconian spending cuts and a reduction in government waste, and you yourself have repeatedly advocated for fiscal restraint," Murray wrote.
HHS Inspector General Daniel Levinson launched an investigation of Price's travel spending on Sept. 22, and the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform has requested information on the flights.
Price tried to contain the damage on Thursday by promising to pay back the costs for his own seats on those flights chartered on his behalf, or about $52,000. But that offer didn't approach the total costs of the trips, which included his staff and sometimes his wife.
"I regret the concerns this has raised regarding the use of taxpayer dollars," he said in a statement.
But that wasn't enough. On Friday, rumors mounted that Price's tenure was in peril, fueled by Trump's own afternoon statement that an announcement would be coming soon.
Price, a former Republican congressman from Georgia, was confirmed in February to lead HHS, the trilion-dollar agency that runs Medicaid, Medicare and the National Institutes of Health. It also administers the federal health care exchange created by the Affordable Care Act.
The difference is republicans step down, liberals never do.
Yet he rants at a female mayor begging for food, water and shelter for US citizens. He is a pathetic bigoted misogynist morally bankrupt moron. And if you support him then I suspect you might be several of the above too.
Oh dear, alky your mangina is bleeding.
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