Most legal experts have expected the first charges to be something that is not "directly" related to Russian interference... mainly because there are not a lot of laws that make it illegal to talk to Russians, or work with Russians, or do business with Russians. Most are expecting something such as money laundering, criminal omission of information on security forms, or even perjury. Manafort has been previously accused of, but never charged for, a variety of money laundering schemes having to do with foreign officials. Mike Flynn (and others) have been accuse of non-disclosure of international ties on his security forms.
Obviously the timing seems odd (for a variety of reasons).
- First are the reports that Mueller has been settling in for the "long haul" and some people have expected for him to keep up the probe well into 2018 and possibly longer. Generally bringing charges happens closer to the end (rather than closer to the beginning) of an investigation. That being said, if the charges are something "unrelated" as speculated, then they could simply be a leverage thing.
- Secondly, the timing also coincides with the reports that Mueller and gang have been most recently interviewing some new players (including lobbyist Tony Podesta) suggesting that their focus has been on situations and events that took place long before the 2016 election rather than specifically on Trump and his team. Is it just a coincidence that the focus has been altered just prior to choosing to charge someone with something?
- Lastly, the timing might appear to be a "reaction" to heavy criticism of the Mueller investigation, and the calls by many that he should step aside due to his own possible involvement in FBI cover ups surrounding allegations of criminal actions (bribery and kickbacks) as it relates to member of the Obama Administration and Russian players. If the charges don't appear to be founded on "recent discovery" - then that argument can probably be made without much challenge.
At this point, assuming Mueller is the professional many claim him to be, then Occam's razor suggests that the charges will likely not be the start of any "end game" as some are speculating and that they may be reliant on information gathered from their most recent contacts (most likely something like money laundering). Of course, if you believe Mueller is a thin skinned egotistical partisan with an ax to grind, then Occam's razor suggests that he is making a politically timed power play in reaction to recent criticism (then the charges could be any number of things).
"They don't want us to know" little Lilly white Lady lynn.
So the fair minded muller ((lol)), is only going to charge those with a R behind thier name.
I am not so sure. Charging players on both sides would give him credibility.
On your issue of timing, hillary/obimbo/ DNC is in deep shit and like summer lightening he leaks charges, fish rots from the head.
Five possible outcomes of the first Mueller indictments
I See. So your ok with no Dems being charged. Your are nothing if not a political deep throater.
My link was in answer to Ch, not KD.
Since I did not ask you a question your posts are as always vapid.
1.2 Billion spent by hillary and still even with the now known cheating her ROI was Zero.
However the Russians funneling $145 mIllinois to the clinton crime family
Slush fund with a kicker of $500,000 to Bill the Rapist, was a masterful deal.
The question is how did the vast right wing and Trump force this money on the Virgin clean Clinton's?
"My link was in answer to Ch, not KD."
Because you're incapable of your own thoughts.
Yep. The number of original post in a day from the Three liberal stooges equals the number of Presidency's Hillary will ever win.
Top Google search of the day
"Hillary Clinton Russia"
125lb leg press × 25 ×3
Roger Lynn Amick would kick your sorry ass.
No Democrats. Trumpism victims cannot comprehend the President.
Gym Lynn Rat
125lb leg press × 25 ×3
We will see what is revealed on Monday.
My suspicion is that this will be the first of a number of indictments, and that these first indictments will be the "low hanging fruit" of Russian interference in the 2016 election. Flynn or Manafort may well be part of this round, but don't be surprised if it's lower level types (including Russians) who are the only ones indicted.
If the indictments are only for obstruction of justice and similar attempts to impede the investigation, then that would be a strong indication that Mueller hasn't found real evidence of an underlying crime.
And, which democrats do you see getting tagged?
Problem Indy...
There are no real laws regarding "election interference"... and our ability to indict Russian citizens would have serious jurisdiction issues, as well as the reality that Russia specifically honors no forms of extradition.
Which is why people are suspecting something along the lines of money laundering or something not directly related to the 2016 election.
Damn they look great. Good luck.
Paul Singer is allegedly the liberal barely a Republican that funded the "Cinton's Dossier".
" Of course, if you believe Mueller is a thin skinned egotistical partisan with an ax to grind, then Occam's razor suggests that he is making a politically timed power play in reaction to recent criticism (then the charges could be any number of things)."
I'm assuming that you believe that he's a thin skinned partisan hack. You have nothing but you opinion to support your opinion. There is nothing in his behavior over a lifetime of government services that support your "assumption" as I see it. But that doesn't seem to matter. You have been critical of any kind of criticism or investigations of the President. You have been ignoring his behavior, which if it was done by any Democrat, would have you up in arms. And correctly so.
I'm making that assumption based on years of observation of around twenty years, of your comments. Since the election of Donald Trump as the President, you automatically assume that anyone who is investigating anything he's done, has a partisan issue with the President or the Republican party. Even when fellow members of the Republican party are critical of Trump, well, they are wrong.
It's looking like Flyyn and Manafort, but we will find out on "Magnificent Monday".
I'm going to say one more thing. I don't (hate) Trump. I have a deep fear of where and how he is acting. The list of damage he's done to the credibility of the United States would fill the 4,200 character limit and more.
Waste of band width.
Look you idiot. You have exhibited a total lack of intellectual discussions since"soars". I blocked you there because your comments are childish insults and a totally incoherent.
Exhibit one, the use of my middle name, in memory of my Uncle, who died in combat in World War Two as a claim that I must be gay.
You have insulted my wife, as a refugee wife.
The list goes on forever.
Your deep fear is irrational fear based on false accusations.
If the dnc hadn't rigged the nomination for hillary you likely wouldn't have to worry about trump.
"The list of damage he's done to the credibility of the United States would fill the 4,200 character limit and more."
If we could survive the two-bit community organizer, we can survive anything.
small man
Big mouth
"You have insulted my wife, as a refugee wife."
Oh please. CH had to tell you to stop calling CS' wife a whore.
Get off of your sanctimonious soapbox.
The Repair President Trump has done is what has the leftist rushing to the fainting couch.
Economically this President has us on the right footing. 3% gdp, overcoming the little grenade thrower Madam Yelled Fed Rate hike after hike after hike, she will hurt the economy as a Obama Loyalist until her last day.
Behind this number.
Those on Welfare has dropped shapely, one direct cause far less illegals on food stamps or living in sec 8 housing.
Obama’s Campaign Paid $972,000 To Law Firm That Secretly Paid Fusion GPS In 2016
Former president Barack Obama’s official campaign organization has directed nearly a million dollars to the same law firm that funneled money to Fusion GPS, the firm behind the infamous Steele dossier. Since April of 2016, Obama For America (OFA) has paid over $972,000 to Perkins Coie, records filed with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) show.
The Washington Post reported last week that Perkins Coie, an international law firm, was directed by both the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and Hillary Clinton’s campaign to retain Fusion GPS in April of 2016 to dig up dirt on then-candidate Donald Trump. Fusion GPS then hired Christopher Steele, a former British spy, to compile a dossier of allegations that Trump and his campaign actively colluded with the Russian government during the 2016 election. Though many of the claims in the dossier have been directly refuted, none of the dossier’s allegations of collusion have been independently verified. Lawyers for Steele admitted in court filings last April that his work was not verified and was never meant to be made public.
DRAIN THE SWAMP. Obama most corrupt president ever, not even close
LOCK THEM UP, no wonder Mueller is scrambling to divert attention
Holy shit, CKO... thanks for the jv obama facts.
Trump’s Approval Rating Falls to Lowest Level Since Taking Office
Poll finds 38% approve of the job the president has done, a five-point drop from September
Wall street journal and NBC
DNC,Hillary and now Obama.
DNC,Hillary and now Obama.
Really, so what.
What do think about the payments Hillary and obama made, what did they buy?
"Trump’s Approval Rating Falls to Lowest Level Since Taking Office"
No one cares.
"Obama’s Campaign Paid $972,000 To Law Firm That Secretly Paid Fusion GPS In 2016"
Imagine the media’s reaction if Trump paid $12M to Russia to make a fake dossier on political opponents after selling them our uranium...
Little Lilly white Lynn is fighting like it is Nov 6th, 2016.
The reason hillary/jv obama lost is the lack of respect and plight of us, the working man.
What is President Hillary Clinton's poll number , let me help, it is zerO.
Pres. Trump should follow Obama, send in the IRS criminal investigation unit to look at the Obama/Hillary/DNC money flows.
Dear Leftist, I want to thank you for being a collection of butt hurt babies.
IF, only you would have taken the loss by hillary/obama with a speak of class no one would have dug out the truth on your boys hillary/obama.
So again Thank You.
Hell, I wish Trump had, they would be even more crazed.
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