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Jeff Flake will not run for reelection |
This is ultimately a good thing for the GOP. Jeff Flake was not going to win reelection. When you are a Republican who seems to find yourself constantly second guessing everything your Party leaders do, then it's a difficult thing to get past. You don't win elections catering to the opposition Party.
good riddance to a flaming asshole.
Appropriate last name.
He has "something" in his closet.....guarantee it.
Sad, rat hole has no idea what being true to the country rather than party......a class act, unlike him or the asshole in chief....
s "something" in his closet.....guarantee it.
Well good for you .....since you have nothing between your ears, flake wins......Maybe you should post your real name, my idiot...
roger could teach this class:
For some time, Stephen Hicks had felt like something was off. “My relationship ended, then a lot of things started collapsing in front of me,” Hicks says. He began attending therapy, which made him realize that he needed to make a bigger change: “I wasn’t doing really terrible things, but I also wasn’t being the most ideal Stephen I could be,” he says. “The bar is really lowered for cisgender guys.”
So earlier this year, Hicks signed up for the pilot Rethink Masculinity class, a partnership between the Washington, D.C., Rape Crisis Center, Collective Action for Safe Spaces, and ReThink, an organization that works to prevent sexual assault.
My bitch
Lol. Yep, alkyvission
GOP. Establishment better get use to being "Primaried".
kathy griffin just referred to anderson cooper as a "spineless heiress."
it's so cute when liberals go after each other.
“I am glad my legal counsel has been able to finally approve this contribution to you,” the letter said. “I hope this will make things a bit easier, but nothing will ever replace your son, Dillon. He was an American hero.”
roger could teach this class:
Turning men into eunuchs 101.
Loretta said...
My bitch
My idiot hag.....
kathy griffin just referred to anderson cooper as a "spineless heiress."
it's so cute when liberals go after each other.
I like the "heiress" part.
Not original commie
Science says liberals, not conservatives, are psychotic
Buh bye. Don't let the door hit ya...
Kelli ward is up big in the polls against flake.
That's why he's leaving. All this is just grandstanding.
Rat hole posted...
BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Yep....that's science.......according to rat hole
"Science says liberals, not conservatives, are psychotic"
Well, yeah.
And we have the cream of the crop right here on CHT, lol.
Alabama Republican Senate nominee Roy Moore said he believes a Supreme Court ruling allowing loving adults to marry is worse than the court’s 1857 decision that upheld slavery.
In a 2016 podcast interview surfaced by Talking Points Memo on Tuesday, Moore said the Supreme Court’s Dred Scott decision ― which held that black people were property and could not be citizens ― was a better ruling than the 2015 Supreme Court case allowing gay marriage nationwide. Scholars regard the Dred Scott decision as one of the Supreme Court’s worst.
Moore, who in 2015 was Alabama’s chief justice, ordered state judges to defy the Supreme Court ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges that allowed gay marriage, and he continued to enforce Alabama’s ban on same-sex marriage. The stance ultimately led to Moore’s removal from the Alabama Supreme Court
Fits right in menstrals wheel house.....
"Science says liberals, not conservatives, are psychotic"
That is about as much science as you having a working brain....
JEFF FLAKE, Senator from Arizona: At a moment when it seems that our democracy is more defined by our discord and our dysfunction than by our own values and principles, let me begin by noting the somewhat obvious point that these offices that we hold are not ours indefinitely. We are not here simply to mark time. Sustained incumbency is certainly not the point of seeking office and there are times when we must risk our careers in favor of our principles. Now is such a time.
It must also be said that I rise today with no small measure of regret. Regret because of the state of our disunion, regret because of the disrepair and destructiveness of our politics. Regret because of the indecency of our discourse. Regret because of the coarseness of our leadership.
Regret for the compromise of our moral authority, and by our, I mean all of our complicity in this alarming and dangerous state of affairs. It is time for our complicity and our accommodation of the unacceptable to end. In this century, a new phrase has entered the language to describe the accommodation of a new and undesirable order, that phrase being the new normal.
That we must never adjust to the present coarseness of our national dialogue with the tone set up at the top. We must never regard as normal the regular and casual undermining of our democratic norms and ideals, we must never meekly accept the daily sundering of our country. The personal attacks, the threats against principles, freedoms and institution, the flagrant disregard for truth and decency.
That we must never adjust to the present coarseness of our national dialogue with the tone set up at the top. We must never regard as normal the regular and casual undermining of our democratic norms and ideals, we must never meekly accept the daily sundering of our country. The personal attacks, the threats against principles, freedoms and institution, the flagrant disregard for truth and decency.
The reckless provocations, most often for the pettiest and most personal reasons, reasons having nothing whatsoever to do with the fortunes of the people that we have been elected to serve. None of these appalling features of our current politics should ever be regarded as normal. We must never allow ourselves to lapse into thinking that that is just the way things are now.
If we simply become inured to this condition, thinking that it is just politics as usual, then heaven help us. Without fear of the consequences and without consideration of the rules of what is politically safe or palatable, we must stop pretending that the degradation of our politics and the conduct of some in our executive branch are normal. They are not normal. Reckless, outrageous and undignified behavior has become excused and countenanced as telling it like it is when it is actually just reckless, outrageous and undignified.
And when such behavior emanates from the top of our government, it is something else. It is dangerous to a democracy. Such behavior does not project strength because our strength comes from our values. It instead projects a corruption of the spirit and weakness. It is often said that children are watching. Well, they are. And what are we going to do about that? When the next generation asks us, why didn’t you do something? Why didn’t you speak up? What are we going to say?
Mr. President, I rise today to say: enough. We must dedicate ourselves to making sure that the anomalous never becomes the normal. With respect and humility, I must say that we have fooled ourselves for long enough that a pivot to governing is right around the corner, a return to civility and stability right behind it.
We know better than that. By now, we all know better than that. Here today I stand to say that we would be better served — we would better serve the country — by better fulfilling our obligations under the Constitution by adhering to our Article 1 — “old normal,” Mr. Madison’s doctrine of separation of powers. This genius innovation which affirms Madison’s status as a true visionary — and for which Madison argued in Federalist 51 — held that the equal branches of our government would balance and counteract with each other, if necessary.
“Ambition counteracts ambition,” he wrote. But what happens if ambition fails to counteract ambition? What happens if stability fails to assert itself in the face of chaos and instability? If decency fails to call out indecency? Were the shoe on the other foot, we Republicans — would we Republicans meekly accept such behavior on display from dominant Democrats?
Of course, we wouldn’t, and we would be wrong if we did. When we remain silent and fail to act, when we know that silence and inaction is the wrong thing to do because of political considerations, because we might make enemies, because we might alienate the base, because we might provoke a primary challenge, because ad infinitum, ad nauseam, when we succumb to those considerations in spite of what should be greater considerations and imperatives in defense of our institutions and our liberty, we dishonor our principles and forsake our obligations. Those things are far more important than politics.
Big loss for the Democrats.
Now, I’m aware that more politically savvy people than I will caution against such talk. I’m aware that there’s a segment of my party that believes that anything short of complete and unquestioning loyalty to a president who belongs to my party is unacceptable and suspect. If I have been critical, it is not because I relish criticizing the behavior of the president of the United States.
If I have been critical, it is because I believe it is my obligation to do so. And as a matter and duty of conscience, the notion that one should stay silent — and as the norms and values that keep America strong are undermined and as the alliances and agreements that ensure the stability of the entire world are routinely threatened by the level of thought that goes into 140 characters — the notion that we should say or do nothing in the face of such mercurial behavior is ahistoric and, I believe, profoundly misguided.
A president, a Republican president named Roosevelt, had this to say about the president and a citizen’s relationship to the office: “The president is merely the most important among a large number of public servants. He should be supported or opposed exactly to the degree which is warranted by his good conduct or bad conduct, his efficiency or inefficiency in rendering loyal, able and disinterested service to the nation as a whole.”
He continued: “Therefore, it is absolutely necessary that there should be — that there should be a full liberty to tell the truth about his acts and this means that it is exactly as necessary to blame him when he does wrong as to praise him when he does right. Any other attitude in an American citizen is both base and servile.” President Roosevelt continued, “To announce that there must be no criticism of the president or that we are to stand by a president, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.”
Acting on conscience and principle in a manner — is the manner — in which we express our moral selves and as such, loyalty to conscience and principle should supersede loyalty to any man or party. We can all be forgiven for failing in that measure from time to time. I certainly put myself at the top of the list of those who fall short in this regard. I am holier than none.
But too often we rush to salvage principle — not to salvage principle, but to forgive and excuse our failures so that we might accommodate them and go right on failing until the accommodation itself becomes our principle. In that way and over time, we can justify almost any behavior and sacrifice any principle. I am afraid that this is where we now find ourselves.
When a leader correctly identifies real hurt and insecurity in our country, and instead of addressing it, goes to look for someone to blame, there is perhaps nothing more devastating to a pluralistic society. Leadership knows that most often a good place to start in assigning blame is to look somewhat closer to home. Leadership knows where the buck stops.
Humility helps, character counts. Leadership does not knowingly encourage or feed ugly or debased appetites in us. Leadership lives by the American creed, “E pluribus unum.” From many one. American leadership looks to the world and just as Lincoln did, sees the family of man. Humanity is not a zero sum game. When we have been at our most prosperous, we have been at our most principled, and when we do well, the rest of the world does well.
These articles of civic faith have been critical to the American identity for as long as we have been alive. They are our birthright and our obligation. We must guard them jealously and pass them on for as long as the calendar has days. To betray them or to be unserious in their defense is a betrayal of the fundamental obligations of American leadership and to behave as if they don’t matter is simply not who we are.
Now the efficacy of American leadership around the globe has come into question. When the United States emerged from World War II, we contributed about half of the world’s economic activity. It would have been easy to secure our dominance keeping those countries who had been defeated or greatly weakened during the war in their place. We didn’t do that. It would have been easy to focus inward.
We resisted those impulses. Instead, we financed reconstruction of shattered countries and created international organizations and institutions that have helped provide security and foster prosperity around the world for more than 70 years.
Now it seems that we, the architects of this visionary rules-based world order that has brought so much freedom and prosperity, are the ones most eager to abandon it. The implications of this abandonment are profound and the beneficiaries of this rather radical departure in the American approach to the world are the ideological enemies of our values. Despotism loves a vacuum and our allies are now looking elsewhere for leadership. Why are they doing this? None of this is normal.
And what do we, as United States senators, have to say about it? The principles that underlie our politics, the values of our founding, are too vital to our identity and to our survival to allow them to be compromised by the requirements of politics because politics can make us silent when we should speak and silence can equal complicity. I have children and grandchildren to answer to.
And so, Mr. President, I will not be complicit or silent. I’ve decided that I would be better able to represent the people of Arizona and to better serve my country and my conscience by freeing myself of the political consideration that consumed far too much bandwidth and would cause me to compromise far too many principles.
I will close by borrowing the words of President Lincoln, who knew more about healthy enmity and preserving our founding values than any other American who has ever lived. His words from his first inaugural were a prayer in his time and are now no less in ours.
“We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break the bonds of our affection. The mystic chords of memory will swell when again touched, as surely as they will be, by the better angels of our nature.
Thank you, Mr. President. I yield the floor.
This is one of the finest speeches in the history of the United States. Donald J. Trump is the most dangerous President to our republic in history, even like the civil war, because he will engage us in a nuclear war, and millions will die because he got mad at "The Rocket Man".
No one reads your spam, drunkard.
So I guess he is saying he should resign.
Let's see if he follows up on his rhetoric.
That would be Flake after his speech....
Selfie alert on the trash blog!
The trannie has his hands clasped together, LMAO.
"That would be Flake after his speech...."
That no one here cares about.
He's not even going to get the tax cut approved.
He's going down as the worst and dangerous President in history.
Bet on it, twit.No one give a shit for your comments. The Kansas disease is the low double digit IQ syndrome.
Blogger Loretta said...
No one reads your spam, drunkard.
My idiot hag!!!!!
Got bone spurs????
My bitch.
the rrb selfie is on the top because the host won't stop him from blocking views. I could bring in several hundred a week or more, not now. His fat white ass is not something gets his blog any respect.
Yeah, you've never been right about anything yet.
Three more years drunkard. May as well break open the Jack Daniels right now, you're not going to survive anyway.
Boo hoo
"Spineless heiress"
Well griffin is not wrong
I see the tranny alky, he did reference to his half as "him".
RRB caught that.
The 11 alky cut in past, *** scrolled** right over them.
Pauline Krugman predicted on nov 9th, 2016 the us dow down 700 futures, would never recover.
"Nailed It" HB
His sex change hormones are crushing him, he sounds like shrill hillary with his excuse making.
Just over the wires, Hillary Clinton's campaign and the DNC paid for the Trump Dossier in collusion with the Russians.
Big breaking news!!!
This is one of the worse days in the Trump administration, and it's only going to get worse. Flake is going to inspire others to speak up. I con't think that McConnell or Ryan will at least in public, to step up. But there are others, that will not be complicit with Trump.
Corkker, McCain and Flake are just the first three. Trump will not change and will divide the party into little pieces.
No one gives a flying fuck about Clinton.
No one with TDS cares about this but true patriots do.
"The fact that Harvey Weinstein was a sexual predator was reportedly the biggest open secret in Hollywood — and on Tuesday night, the Washington Post broke what is probably one of the biggest open secrets of the 2016 campaign: that the Hillary Clinton campaign was in part behind the infamous “pee tape” dossier that the Russians had supposedly compiled on Donald Trump"
WOW Clinton in collusion with the Russians.
Huge day for Trump
Looks like the democrats are pissing away any chance for 2018..
and the shit will hit the fan
couldn't help myself...
Catering to an undeniably insane President will not win you the control of the Congress in 2018. Both the Senate and the House.
First Pitch
"Catering to an undeniably insane President will not win you the control of the Congress in 2018"
and the more that comes out the more insane Hillary and Obama look.
Thanks President Trump
AZ voters were going to throw flake out in his ass in2018. He's unhappy about it and had a tantrum.
"Just over the wires, Hillary Clinton's campaign and the DNC paid for the Trump Dossier in collusion with the Russians."
AND Mueller is "using" Manafort in his investigation of.....
The Podesta Brothers, lol.
Democrats should have been careful what they wished for.
Donald Trump will never be compared to Theodore Roosevelt. IF we are not turned into nuclear dust.
Acting on conscience and principle in a manner — is the manner — in which we express our moral selves and as such, loyalty to conscience and principle should supersede loyalty to any man or party. We can all be forgiven for failing in that measure from time to time. I certainly put myself at the top of the list of those who fall short in this regard. I am holier than none.
I made that point last night, and the host said I had no right to say it. Well, an articulate and thoughtful Senator said the same thing.
Need to ask Hillary - WHAT HAPPENED
She must have wrote a chapter on this, right?
Just for the twit.
I don't look at your trash.
Send it to your wife.
You are not capable of understanding what I say. The man you worship has lied more times since he was sworn in for nine months, than any predecessor in history. Don't deny it or I will post a multiple page c/p and you will scream "Alky Spam" because that's all you can do.
"Alky Spam" "Alky Spam" "Alky Spam" "Alky Spam" "Alky Spam" "Alky Spam" "Alky Spam" "Alky Spam" "Alky Spam" "Alky Spam" "Alky Spam" "Alky Spam" "Alky Spam" "Alky Spam" "Alky Spam" "Alky Spam" "Alky Spam" "Alky Spam" "Alky Spam" "Alky Spam" "Alky Spam" "Alky Spam" "Alky Spam" "Alky Spam" "Alky Spam" "Alky Spam" "Alky Spam" "Alky Spam" I thought I would give you a hand. "Alky Spam" "Alky Spam" "Alky Spam" "Alky Spam" "Alky Spam" "Alky Spam" "Alky Spam" "Alky Spam" "Alky Spam" "Alky Spam" "Alky Spam" "Alky Spam" "Alky Spam"
No one gives a FUCK ABOUT HILLARY" tranny lynn.
Now that is rich.
Sick drunkard.
He referred to his half as "him".
That explains why he loves CA.
So to the networks, it was big news when trump jr took a meeting to get dirt on hillary. But let hillary actually pay for a false smear dossier and it crickets.
This is why trump supporters still stand by him.
"No one gives a FUCK ABOUT HILLARY" tranny lynn."
...as he spams the blog with his sick selfies.
Took eight months for Roger to throw Hillary under the bus.
So comey said the dossier was the bases for his wanting a special council, cue Mueller and the "Trump" Russian connection .
Will honest Mueller close the "Trump" investigation tomorrow?
She is a fat woman and lynn is a weak pussy.
Question. For this the Adult blog.
Do we believe jv Obama knew about this purchase of slime?
Do we believe IF hillary would have won that this would had remained a deep state secret?
Who do you think "client number one" is?
"Will honest Mueller close the "Trump" investigation tomorrow?"
No, unless he can get a pardon for his involvement in the Uranium bs.
Even if he resigns the investigation will continue.
"Who do you think "client number one" is?"
Several choices, dirty rotten scoundrels.
This is exactly why it is good Trump one.
Hillary needs every dime from the closed Clinton foundation and her book to pay a fleet of lawyers.
I noticed the three liberal stooges are silent, other then the Fuck hillary emotional babble of tranny lynn.
CH, he wasn't catering to the opposition party. He had genuine beliefs, based on the behavior of the President that he's dangerous. And as to the election? Given the popularity of Trump, he was not at all a guaranteed loser. You are giving Bannon and the al-right too much power. The party is splitting apart at the siems. And you seem to be missing that.
Jv obama corruption wasextensive. For that I give him credit.
Puts a whole new meaning to this...
"This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility."
Yes it does.
I went to the huffpo, not a hint of the hillary dossier story. I am shocked.
Roger is just so darned concerned, by golly.
The Clinton "story" isn't getting a bit of attention. Only here and with Faux News Fake News idiots.
Actually, your wrong, cnn and abc and Democratunderground have it top story.
Tranny lynn your slip is showing.
Your home is a dump.
New York Times, Washington Post, zip,the Wall Street Journal has it buried on the front page of the online edition.
The Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee helped fund the research that resulted in a now-famous dossier containing allegations about Donald Trump’s connections to Russia and possible coordination between his campaign and the Kremlin, people familiar with the matter said.
By Adam Entous, Devlin Barrett and Rosalind S. Helderman
Our home is a dump? LOLOL Try saying that to my wife.She would kick your pathetic ass.
The Clinton "story" isn't getting a bit of attention.
Yes, MSNBC is ignoring it. Big surprise.
Front Page on the Washington Post, the New York Post, and the Wall Street Journal.
The New York Times is ignoring it but I think it's more out of jealousy of the Post than anything else.
Blogger Roger Amick said...
New York Times, Washington Post, zip
The Washington Post actually broke the story shit for brains.
Fact is you posted the picture, what a shit hole. Classless
The Dump is worth about $600,000 or more, prices are going up here.
He lies, covering jv obama/clinton corruption.
Obama knew, and so did deb Wasaman Schultz.
The Washington Post actually broke the story shit for brains.
The Wall Street Journal calls it "exclusive" I looked on all three. I have subscriptions of all three, plus the LA Times as I get that home delivered.
So what , educate yourself on the " greater fool rule".
Washington Post. Not on the top, but on the front page.
Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier
The Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee helped fund the research that resulted in a now-famous dossier containing allegations about Donald Trump’s connections to Russia and possible coordination between his campaign and the Kremlin, people familiar with the matter said.
By Adam Entous, Devlin Barrett and Rosalind S. Helderman3 hours ago
Is the discredited debbie Wasaman Schultz still in the US house?
You know Schumer knew and so did nacy polosi. They knew and lied.
Fusion GPS was retained by Marc E. Elias, an attorney representing the DNC and the Clinton campaign, The Washington Post first reported Tuesday. Fusion GPS then reportedly hired former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele to write the now-infamous dossier.
"Fusion GPS was retained by Marc E. Elias, an attorney representing the DNC and the Clinton campaign"
Can't make it up.
John McCain is dirty in this too.
Seems I recall he had something to do with getting the docs to Comey.
Comey. Filthy scum.
They are inbreed
David A Krammere (sp?), gave the dossier to sen mccain who gave it to FBI Director Comey.
"I have children and grandchildren to answer to, and so, Mr President I will not be complicit."
These words will echo through the history of the Trump administration and the history of our Republic.
This is from the Fake News Paper!!!
Fusion GPS was retained by Marc E. Elias, an attorney representing the DNC and the Clinton campaign, The Washington Post first reported Tuesday. Fusion GPS then reportedly hired former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele to write the now-infamous dossier.
No one cares.
Jeff Flake, a Republican, is a U.S. senator from Arizona.
As I contemplate the Trump presidency, I cannot help but think of Joseph Welch.
On June 9, 1954, during the Army-McCarthy hearings, Welch, who was the chief counsel for the Army, famously asked the committee chairman if he might speak on a point of personal privilege. What he said that day was so profound that it has become enshrined as a pivotal moment in defense of American values against those who would lay waste to them. Welch was the son of a small prairie town in northwest Iowa, and the plaintive quality of his flat Midwestern accent is burned into American history. After asking Sen. Joseph McCarthy for his attention and telling him to listen with both ears, Welch spoke:
The rest is at the link to the op ed page of the "fake News" except when it's critical of Clinton, and it is another nail in the coffin of the Trump presidency.
Millions care, twit. You are incapable of seeing what a disaster we have in the child care West Wing.
But more is now required of us than to put down our thoughts in writing. As our political culture seems every day to plumb new depths of indecency, we must stand up and speak out. Especially those of us who hold elective office.
To that end, and to remove all considerations of what is normally considered to be safe politically, I have decided that my time in the Senate will end when my term ends in early January 2019. For the next 14 months, relieved of the strictures of politics, I will be guided only by the dictates of conscience.
Twit doesn't have a conscience.
As of today. I have been sober for five years and four months.
Too bad you don't act like it.
a taste of some of the shit jeff flake voted for and/or supported:
1) Tempting to comment on Flake’s floor speech. Instead, offering context on his view of “governing” by highlighting a few of his votes.
2) Jeff Flake was 1 of 10 Republican senators who voted to confirm Loretta Lynch for Attorney General
3) Flake voted to fund President Obama’s unconstitutional executive amnesty.
4) Flake voted against Sen. Mike Lee’s 1st Amendment Defense Act
5) Flake voted for Obama’s $1.1 trillion Cromnibus 2015 spending bill
6) Flake voteed to reauthorize the Export-Import Bank
7) Flake voted for S.2114 which increased Russia’s power at the International Monetary Fund
8) Flake voted for a CLEAN debt limit suspension (2014)
9) Flake was 1 of 11 Republican senators who voted to confirm Janet Yellen
10) Flake voted for the Ryan-Murray budget which lifted spending caps & raised fees (taxes) in exchange for promises of future spending cuts
11) Flake voted for the Gang of 8 amnesty bill
12) Flake voted for the post-Newtown gun grab
13) Flake voted AGAINST The Defund Obamacare Act of 2013 (S.1292)
14) Flake voted to increase debt by $900 billion in exchange for the promise of discretionary cuts in the future (2011)
15) Flake preferred John Kasich over Cruz or Trump in the 2016 GOP Primary.
h/t: AoS
conscience? the piece of shit has no conscience. and carrying water for chuck schemer is not an honorable task.
no wonder the alky is sadz to see flake go.
"Twit doesn't have a conscience."
I don't deal in "political" emotions like you, I prefer using logic.
Plus, there's no doubt in my mind that I'm more of a man than you could ever be.
"the piece of shit has no conscience"
Probably a closet drunk.
Every liberal is in deep state denial at the facts of Hillary/jv Obama/Schumer/ warren and polosi, not that they did it, that is clear, but that they are now caught.
The meltdown on the left is about to ramp up as we get closer to the Anniversary of the swift kick in the ass to liberals / socialism.
March 19th, 2018, us government direct by this President will hold the largest land lease for oil and natural gas.
The best part Trump has the Executive Power to do it.
For the next 14 months, relieved of the strictures of politics, I will be guided only by the dictates of conscience...
...and charles schumer's nutsack resting dutifully on your chin.
here's the deal, flake -
for all of your whining and rambling on about being a man of conscience which you are not, you are being shown the door for one very simple reason:
when you run for office as a republican, and you get yourself elected by republicans, those republicans who elected you would actually like to be represented. that was the deal in exchange for their vote.
what they DID NOT elect you to do was to support every fucking lamebrained initiative trotted out by skeets 0linsky, nancy pelosi, and chuck schumer.
that's known as BETRAYAL.
you see jeffy, you enjoy your plush seat in DC by the consent of the governed. and when you decide to blow that off, flip those who elected you the bird, and tell them to go fuck themselves, well, they find that upsetting. so much so that they then decide to throw you the fuck out of office.
i will give you credit for one thing - you were smart enough to realize in advance that you're fucked, and so you're slinking away quietly. that's so much better than getting stomped into a fucking puddle in the next election.
don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya, you insufferable piece of shit.
Probably a closet drunk.
could be.
he looks to me to be a guy whose finest hour is as a del webb condo salesman.
he has the perfect shit-eating grin for it.
Flake was running 20 points behind, his hate trump during 2016 tanked him, when Trump won.
AZ will be getting two new US senators.
That gives the jv dems a real chance to shift that state and the US Senate.
Love watching the Democrats rationalized how it's now OK to collude with the Russians.
The lame street media has asked
Jv obama
Debbie deepthroat Wasaman
What did they say.
Hillary gave her holy word that her and the DNC were clean.
I have been successfully blowing away your comments on the historical speech. He's one of the most conservative members of the Senate, and he was also a very conservative when he was in the house of representatives.
Your children and grandchildren will ask you, "why didn't you speak out?"
Probably a closet drunk.
A complete lie. I haven't even been tempted.
For someone of my age, the odds were against me.
You blow alright.
Tranny, now get to cleaning that dump you call a home. Is your hubby home?
Blogger Roger Amick said...
Probably a closet drunk.
she was referring to flake, you goddamned moron.
not everything is about you, alky.
Ette and RRB.
HB, thinks the "closet drunk" statement is about him.
Blogger Roger Amick said...
I have been successfully blowing away your comments on the historical speech.
copying and pasting snippets of the speech. heh. ok.
and historical?
don't make us laugh.
hysterical is more like it.
flake is a fucking DNC tool. and a fucking coward.
Never have ever met a so called man as emotionally fragile as Tranny Lynn.
Your children and grandchildren will ask you, "why didn't you speak out?"
those who elected you ARE speaking out, asshole. which is exactly why you're "retiring."
Success Rate for Alcohol Recovery—and Influencing Factors
An exact success rate for alcohol recovery is hard to pin down for various reasons. For example, survey results released just this year suggest that more than one third (35.9 percent) of those diagnosed with alcohol dependence go on to “fully recover” the following year. (And those in treatment and in 12-step groups may hear similar estimates for the success rate of alcohol recovery: roughly 30 percent, or one in three people.)
Such figures are at best rough estimates, for the reason that a host of individual variables compromise the accuracy of efforts to quantify success rates across a large population of drinkers. Consider the above survey, for example. The 35 percent figure included “low-risk drinkers,” who are less likely to seek treatment for an alcohol problem in the first place; and those surveyed were also largely college-educated—another factor that is linked to higher success rates. In fact, a separate study found that when it comes to success in recovery, treatment is a notable equalizer, giving those without a college education a leg-up next to their college-educated peers.
The reality is that so many individual variables factor into the success of alcohol recovery that it’s hard to speak in terms of one universal rate of success. A strong network of support, including close family and friends, increases one’s chances of successful recovery. So does marriage when both spouses are in recovery and/or when they have received behavioral counseling (i.e., treatment).
On the other hand, other individual social and medical factors can impede recovery and pose obstacles to success. One common impediment to successful recovery, for example, is the presence of an untreated co-occurring disorder, or “dual diagnosis.” In such cases, diagnosis and treatment can be even more critical to finding success in alcohol recovery.
If you would read something other than Breightbart, you would see that his speech was historically monumental and yes it's the first step into the destruction of the Republican party as we had known it.
Blogger Roger Amick said...
Success Rate for Alcohol Recovery—and Influencing Factors
and you litter the blog with this bullshit for exactly what reason, alky?
your personal failures are yours and no one else's. embrace the suck that is your shitpile of a life, alky.
Blogger Roger Amick said...
If you would read something other than Breightbart, you would see that his speech was historically monumental and yes it's the first step into the destruction of the Republican party as we had known it.
ok, captain landslide.
if future generations find even a shred of historical significance in that asswipe's speech, then we will know for certain that our public education system is the miserable failure we thought it to be.
and "destruction of the republican party?"
puh leeze. your dear leader, skeets hussein 0linsky, reigned over a period in history when democratic losses at every governmental level were epic and historic. you assclowns are so far out of power you need the hubble telescope to see it.
and considering your personal track record of political prognostications, you're the last person on earth who should be warning us of any potential destruction within our party.
it's time for the GOP to clean house of those who would prefer to act as valets for democrats, alky. we've had enough of their shit. and guys like flake and corker can leave with the taste of 0linsky's ass as their parting gift.
if future generations find even a shred of historical significance in that asswipe's speech, then we will know for certain that our public education system is the miserable failure we thought it to be.
Well certainly in Wisconsin where students actually believed Lincoln owned slaves.
Menstral the GED posted...
for certain that our public education system is the miserable failure we thought it to be.
And you scotty, exemplify that failure.....
Blogger KD the goat fornicator said...
Never have ever met a so called man as emotionally fragile as Tranny Lynn.
And this is all you do all day.....must suck to be a loser like you who acts more childish by the hour.....
And Dennis goes and inadvertently proves the point.
The Federal lease is going to open more lands and waters to oil / gas exploring then any other President.
You plastered his face on that placard.
Seems the RNC may have dirty hands also......BTW....what difference will it make, didn't donnie win??????
Last Updated Oct 24, 2017 10:01 PM EDT
Hillary Clinton's campaign and the Democratic National Committee contributed funding for research that culminated in the infamous dossier alleging Donald Trump's connections to Russia, according to a Washington Post report citing people familiar with the matter.
According to the report, lawyer Marc E. Elias, who represented both Clinton's campaign and the DNC, and his law firm Perkins Coie retained the firm Fusion GPS in April 2016 to investigate any connections, according to the Post. Before then, a still-unknown Republican client funded Fusion GPS' research during the Republican primaries. Fusion had hired former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele to conduct the research.
Commonsense said...
And Dennis goes and inadvertently proves the point.
And scotty again proves he is an uneducated idiot....LOL
Hillary big thumb print, classic corruption
Lawyers up with Marc Eliass on both uranium one a Russian deal that bill pocketed $500,000 I. Speaking fees and hillary's clinton foundation laundered $140,000,000.00 for the Russians.
So of course this Lawyer was good to broker the payments to the Russians for the golden shower dossier.
Since a Republican donor was involved take him/her to jail with the rest of the DNC.
Seems the RNC may have dirty hands also...
Before then, a still-unknown Republican client funded Fusion GPS'
An unknown R client equates to the RNC?
Goddamn yer dumb and fat
When and where is the next US house or senate special election so the Dems can start winning?
Before then, a still-unknown Republican client funded Fusion GPS'
This is problanly a myth.
Republicans skeptical about origin of Trump dossier
But there are a lot of well-connected Republicans who are quite skeptical of the story. Specifically, the GOP strategists most involved in the competing campaigns that were trying to stop Trump — Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, the campaigns that were closely linked to big Republican donors and were hungry for any negative information they could use against Trump — say they knew nothing about the effort at the time and do not believe it was in fact begun by a Republican donor.
"I don't believe the mad Republican donor theory," said Mike Murphy, the veteran strategist who ran Jeb Bush's $118 million super PAC, noting he never used Fusion GPS and had no inkling that it was conducting oppo for a big GOP donor. "We had the biggest share of Republican major donors," Murphy continued. "They all gossip. One guy is for Christie, his partner is for Bush. They all talk to each other, and I think I would have heard about it. And I didn't."
Terry Sullivan, who ran Marco Rubio's campaign, told me he had never heard of Fusion GPS before the dossier became public in January of this year. And he doesn't buy the it-started-with-Republicans idea. "The reason it is not at all believable that a Republican was behind it is, nobody used [any information] from it," Sullivan said. "Everybody was pretty damn desperate at the end. If someone had a kitchen sink, they would have thrown it."
Jeff Roe, who ran the Ted Cruz campaign, also noted that Trump's opponents were increasingly desperate to stop him as the primary season wore on. If Fusion GPS were peddling sensational information about Trump, why wouldn't one of those campaigns have used it? Beyond that, the non-Trump Republican campaigns talked to each other; there was no wall of silence between them. "Nobody ever brought this up," Roe told me, saying he finds the idea that a Republican found dirt on Trump and never used it or offered it to the campaigns is "total BS."
The bottom line is that the top campaign operatives with connections to all of the GOP's big donors had no idea the project existed.
Califathead posted.....
An unknown R client equates to the RNC?
Yep.....that's what I posted.....you got proof it was somebody else? No, then get to work and rip the public off..... But, thanx for playing!!!!!! Asshole....obama care will kill the economy.....LOLOLOLOL
Note that president Trump is/was right about "crooked hillary."
Menstral opined again.....
e bottom line is that the top campaign operatives with connections to all of the GOP's big donors had no idea the project
Plausible denial the best you got????......YEP, that is it....LOLOLOL Bottom line you and the rest are clueless, as usual....proving once again, you believe bad news fake.. No matter, the truth may set you free...LOL
Yep.....that's what I posted.....you got proof it was somebody else?
your allegation is up to you to :PROVE, dumb fuck. not for someone else to disprove.
Republicans skeptical about origin of Trump dossier
And they think science is a hoax, women should be seen not heard....gays have no rights.....Nothing new here....
Hillary, dnc, obama knew, funded and directed this.
Ok, move on, typical liberalism
you got proof it was somebody else?
Fatty, that's not how debate works, you have to prove you're statement is true. Show where the RNC paid for this, not some unknown R?
You aren't very bright!
your allegation is up to you to :PROVE, dumb fuck. not for someone else to disprove.
He's not bright enough to understand that.
Maybe that one republican is McCain?
Rat hole the asshole posted...
your allegation is up to you to :PROVE, dumb fuck. not for someone else to disprove.
Repeating what I said.....you got any proof otherwise.....dumbass????? As usual, you got even less than califathead....loser...you should look up the definition of allegation....idiot Thanx for playing!!!!
a claim or assertion that someone has done something illegal or wrong, typically one made without proof:
How many more disgraceful public feuds with Gold Star families can we witness in silence before we ourselves are disgraced? How many more times will we see moral ambiguity in the face of shocking bigotry and shrug it off? How many more childish insults do we need to see hurled at a hostile foreign power before we acknowledge the senseless danger of it? How much more damage to our democracy and to the institutions of American liberty do we need to witness in silence before we count ourselves as complicit in that damage?
--Jeff Flake
I guess if Senseless can quote at 7:32, I can quote here.
Yep. He did send a person to get a paper copy of it to get to Obama/hillary/comey.
Us durable goods sales/orders rocketed higher.
Really good news for Main Street.
a still-unknown Republican client funded Fusion GPS
This begs the question. If the person is unknown, then how do they know he/she is a Republican?
This begs the question. If the person is unknown, then how do they know he/she is a Republican?
Fatty says it's the entire RNC
I see James is avoiding the current topic of the day as best he can.
Guess he's not ready to throw his hero under the bus but can rationalize what happen.
Unknown Republican doesn't necessarily mean a candidate or someone in the campaign. PAC's are largely unrestrained. But my gut instinct is that one of the Primary candidates was involved, probably through some indirect channels and using money that couldn't be connected directly to the campaign.
Shoot, if I were a candidate and had the money, I might fund an opposition research on myself just to get a step ahead of opposition. If some of it was ridiculous enough, I might let it leak out and see who was foolish enough to use it. Pivot on all of the personal attacks, legitimate or not, into a hue and cry against the media reporting the ridiculous details, and against the opponent's tactics for utilizing such means.
Unknown Republican doesn't necessarily mean a candidate or someone in the campaign. PAC's are largely unrestrained. But my gut instinct is that one of the Primary candidates was involved
i agree, but unknown 'R' doesn't equate to the entire RNC, as was asserted
Jane and Opie are deflect and unwilling g to bus toss then
HB, did with his "Fuck Hillary" .
This begs the question. If the person is unknown, then how do they know he/she is a Republican?
Read the whole article....and califathead does not like me impugning the RNC..tough shit, asshole....I'm just following your lead of a single issue applies to the whole universe...LOLOL .Idiot
unknown 'R' doesn't equate to the entire RNC, as was asserted
Aw cali....sure sucks to be an R these days,.....LOL As you have proven numerous times with your assertions, they don't mean shit, but it is sure fun trolling you and watching your desperate posts....LOL
BTW...paying for opposition research proves what??? You paid for the research....Now how about donnie and the hillary dirt he was promised by the russians????....I guess not paying for it gives him a pass in your eyes...idiots...
But the real issue is not who started opposition research but the fact that Steele and the dossier was initiated after democrats took over, the FBI funding, it's apparently subsequent use for a FISA warrant and the initiation of the Mueller probe.
Too much stink to even imagine.
Fatty, I proved you to be an ignorant ass as always. You made an assertion you can't back up, so you attempt bluster, false bravado and complete stupidity.
… Same as it ever was
Same as it ever was
Same as it ever was
Same as it ever was…
David Byrne
Anonymous caliphate4vr said...
Fatty, I proved you to be an ignorant ass as always
The only thing you proved was your complete brainwashing by trump,,,,,,ike I said before, my guess at the RNC is as valid as any of your guesses about job killing by the ACA..Seems you lack the intellect to realize an assertion is just that. Look it up, you might learn something......Your toughness is noted again as your only point....see how loud you can be. Well, it don't mean shit, just like your quote from the talking heads....you can't even think of your own insults anymore....how sad for you and your family.....Another ass beating taken by our fatheaded idiot...
Since you always need to be schooled and are too lazy to do your own work....here you go fathead what you do all the time......Thanx for proving what I posted which I still stand by....LOLLOL
[uh-sur-shuh n]
Spell Syllables
Synonyms Examples Word Origin
See more synonyms on Thesaurus.com
a positive statement or declaration, often without support or reason:
a mere assertion; an unwarranted assertion.
ike I said before, my guess at the RNC is as valid as any of your guesses about job killing by the ACA
I didn't guess and the Fed Reserve backed me up
Fed Survey: Obamacare Causing Companies to Cut Jobs
See I can back up my assertions unlike you FATTY!!!
I've tired of pummeling you. Have a good rest of the week
Three aircraft carriers now in the western Pacific, the battle groups include guided missile destroyers (providing theater missile defense). The USS Reagan is probably scheduled to return for maintenance but even temporarily three carrier battle groups deployed to one region is a serious threat escalation.
House GOP tax leader threatens to break Trump’s promise not to change 401(k) rules
House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady suggested a tax bill he is preparing could lower the tax-free amount Americans can contribute to their retirement accounts, potentially bucking a pledge from President Trump that those accounts would be left alone
But my gut instinct is that one of the Primary candidates was involved
The problem with your theory is that none of the information in the dossier was ever used in the primary.
In fact it didn't become public knowledge until after the nomination.
Fed Survey: Obamacare Causing Companies to Cut Jobs
You called for economic calamity The paltry number your post proves nothing other than a couple of small companies blaming e ACA...probably republican owners...LOLOL!! BTW, asshole, you posted that same POS before and noted then it was a limited sample and was not actual cuts, but anticipated maybes....plus it's 2 years old....
One person familiar with the results said it is difficult to know whether the executives expect to cut jobs or hire fewer workers than planned.The percentage of companies predicting job cuts is similar to prior surveys on the Affordable Care Act conducted in 2015 and 2014, the person added.
Thanx for proving once again your opinion is as good as mine....LOLOL Cali's ass beating continues unabated...Please keep digging...Idiot
The problem with your theory is that none of the information in the dossier was ever used in the primary.
That doesn't make my speculation any less likely. Since as I wrote, only a fool would use the information if some of it was that ridiculous, I only need to posit that none of the Republicans in the primaries were complete fools.
[uh-sur-shuh n]
1.a positive statement or declaration, often without support or reason:
a mere assertion; an unwarranted assertion.
2.an act of asserting.
Spell Syllables
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See more synonyms on Thesaurus.com
verb (used with object)
1.to state with assurance, confidence, or force; state strongly or positively; affirm; aver:
He asserted his innocence of the crime.
2.to maintain or defend (claims, rights, etc.).
And of course you are too retarded to realize you can't back up your assertion that the RNC paid for the dossier.
Later loser.
I win again, but make sure you get the last word FATTY
Us home sales freaking surge up 18.9 percent. Surging past all those corrupt jv lost years.
Average Americans buying homes drives other purchase and stocks like my Home Depot stock.
cali the fat ass dummy posted...
And of course you are too retarded to realize you can't back up your assertion that the RNC paid for the dossier.
And you cannot prove it wasn't jack off... BTW.....The word in question and I used is assertion.....You changed it to assert to prove again how desperate you become when your ass is handed to you....idiot..... Nice try loser....seems you think trying hard equals performance.....Idiot....Another loss for the loser salesman......
Also your fed cite proved you to be a fool again....no numbers just maybes from ACA impact.. you should learn to read!!!!
Fewer manufacturing jobs this year than last.....should make those Ohio voters who counted on the trump BS of manufacturing rebound thinking they made a mistake.....Idiots....
Bls US Manufacturing jobs
2016 Sept. 12,330,000
2017 Sept. 12,447,000
Only IF those OHIO voters are as illeducated to all facts on all subjects as the tiresome leftist here.
BLS Manufacturing JOBS IN THE USA
Thanx for playing asshole...
Blue collar jobs, short-hand for jobs in manufacturing, mining and logging, and construction, have not yet recovered from the last recession. Even with the fracking “boom,” mining and logging is down 3.4 percent. Construction is down 1 percent and manufacturing is down 8.9 percent. During the 2016 election, President Donald Trump promised big improvements for these sectors. The states that voted for Obama in 2008 and 2012 and Trump in the 2016 are among those with the highest shares of blue collar jobs in the nation, according to the Center for Economic and Policy Research. This new quarterly report seeks, in part, to track trends in these sectors.
In the first quarter of 2017, manufacturing, mining and construction added 20,200 jobs, growing by 2.2 percent. However, those gains were offset by losses in other sectors. Overall, Ohio added 15,000 jobs, growing by just 0.3 percent. Chart 1 shows how each sector has fared since the start of the Trump administration.
You have BS cornered.
I use BLS.
Other the "Jan 2017" the end of the lost years.
Every month the Trump Economy in manufacturing has added jobs.
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