Monday, October 2, 2017

Machine Gun sniper guns down 50 in Las Vegas

200 more injured. Sniper fired into a group of people watching a country music concert. 64 year old former auditor, with no criminal record was named the shooter.

The shooter...

 Killed himself before police got to him.


Trump, tweeting, said...

"Warmest condolences," Trump tweets to the surviving relatives.

Strange word choice.
Deepest or heartfelt would have been better.

Rick Klein fittingly said...

“This weekend would suggest that there is little or nothing exempt from the politics of division, as practiced by President Trump. Now comes a fresh test – the worst mass shooting in U.S. history, not to mention the Trump presidency, at a country-music festival in Las Vegas overnight. The ensuing days will test the president’s tone, and – depending on what’s learned about the shooter and his motivations – is very likely to involve the president’s name in some way. Can he resist the urge to punch – or counter-punch – in a time of national tragedy, compounded by an unfolding crisis in Puerto Rico?

“These types of stories always wind up being political, whether it’s about gun control or the sources of the dark forces in a gunman’s life. There’s a numbing familiarity to it all. What’s new to the equation is Trump, whose instincts have rarely taken him in the direction of unity. The president spent the weekend being defiantly Trump, even down to his golf-course routine. This week will challenge him to recognize what this moment calls for.”

Sen. Christ Murphy angrily said...

“This must stop. It is positively infuriating that my colleagues in Congress are so afraid of the gun industry that they pretend there aren’t public policy responses to this epidemic. There are, and the thoughts and prayers of politicians are cruelly hollow if they are paired with legislative indifference. It’s time for Congress to get off its ass and do something.”
— Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT), on Twitter, in response to the mass shooting in Las Vegas.

A True American Patriot said...

Only the lowest scum would immediately politicize this.

May they rightly burn in hell.

Anonymous said...

Donald J. Trump ✔@realDonaldTrump

My warmest condolences and sympathies to the victims and families of the terrible Las Vegas shooting. God bless you!

7:11 AM - Oct 2, 2017

Anonymous said...


trump offers condolences, sympathies and blessings, while democrats draw a bead on the 2nd amendment.

no amount of human suffering is too horrible to be politicized by the democrats.

Commonsense said...

Hillary Clinton‏Verified account
The crowd fled at the sound of gunshots.

Imagine the deaths if the shooter had a silencer, which the NRA wants to make easier to get.
10:03 AM

As my wife said, "Thank God she lost."

Commonsense said...

I'm not surprised James made this political right off the bat.

Disgusted, but not surprised.

Loretta said...

"Only the lowest scum would immediately politicize this.

May they rightly burn in hell."

That's exactly where James Boswell will end up for eternity.

James said...

Loretta doesn't believe in God but believes in hell. Strange.

You guys politicized everything Obama ever did. And more.

Anonymous said...

As my wife said, "Thank God she lost."

and i cannot imagine how many times that silencer nonsense will be re-tweeted.

James said...


Most Americans Say Trump Is Wrong on NFL Protests
October 2

A new USA Today/Suffolk University Poll finds that 68% of Americans believe President Trump’s call for NFL owners to fire the players and fans to boycott their games is inappropriate. That includes a third of Republicans as well as nine of 10 Democrats.

By 51% to 42%, those surveyed say the players’ protests are appropriate.
Trump has messed up a lot lately. He had better try to handle this latest better than he did the NFL or Puerto Rico.

Anonymous said...

has brian ross from abc news tied this guy to the tea party yet?

Commonsense said...

Go away James.

Commonsense said...

and i cannot imagine how many times that silencer nonsense will be re-tweeted.

I did with the comment "I don't even know where to begin to tell you how asinine this tweet is."

James said...

Don't like confrontations with the truth, Senseless?

Commonsense said...

It's off topic and particularly obnoxious given today's events.

James said...

If the shooter had had legal access to a tripod mounted M-134 he could have accomplished even greater mayhem.

I guess the IRA is already working toward that.

Commonsense said...

So you saying he's a member of the Irish Republican Army?

Commonsense said...

M-134's are illegal so there is no such thing as "legal access".

As such the only people who would have access are NATO soldiers, terrorist, and criminals.


james, you are acting even lower than anyone here could have imagined.

You are a stench that defies description.


Loretta said...

"It's off topic and particularly obnoxious given today's events."

Hell is too good for James Boswell.

James said...

I said IF he had legal access, genius.
And the NRA would like that.

commie said...

Rathole the asshole posted

s, while democrats draw a bead on the 2nd amendment.

Again, you defend killing as a right.... a fool like you should be shot.....

James, making a correction, said...

If the shooter had had legal access to a tripod mounted M-134 he could have accomplished even greater mayhem.

I guess the NRA is already working toward that goal.

Commonsense said...

Then all you have is useless and pointless speculation.

Go away.

Anonymous said...

Again, you defend killing as a right...

no, i simply defend the 2nd amendment as a right. and it is. an enumerated right.

look d0pie, i don't expect you to understand. it's a relatively simply premise but it still requires a basic level of intellect and the ability to reason. both of which are out of your reach.

James said...

The shooter should have had a right to an M-134. Then he could kill LOTS of people. That's basic NRA philosophy.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous James, making a correction, said...
If the shooter had had legal access to a tripod mounted M-134 he could have accomplished even greater mayhem.

and if he had access to military aircraft (he had a pilot's license) and a MOAB, the mayhem would've been greater still. and this is even less relevant than your M-134 comment.

the NRA is not lobbying for US citizens to have access to fully automatic military weapons. to state as much is an egregious lie. typical of a leftist, but a lie nonetheless.

this is why i know you have no affiliation with any recognized church. no one who lies as much as you do could possibly have any legitimate religious affiliation.

Commonsense said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Why did James bring in the Irish Republican Army?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous James said...
The shooter should have had a right to an M-134

i can appreciate the fact that you would hold this view. the concert goers WERE at a country music concert, and it stands to reason that a significant number of them voted for trump.

so i can see why you would want them dead.

Commonsense said...

The shooter should have had a right to an M-134. Then he could kill LOTS of people. That's basic NRA philosophy.

A shooter doesn't have a right to a machine gun.

Nor is the NRA advocating for machine guns.

Go away.

Anonymous said...

"Thank God she was not Elected President"

My wife said that same thing this morning, only salter.

Anonymous said...

Blogger KD said...
Why did James bring in the Irish Republican Army?

for the same reason the alky had to remind us of his used liver installation.

he's an imbecile.

Anonymous said...

First three posts on this subject by alky , he made them about him, hearless.

Just got back in from lowering the US Flag.

Anonymous said...

... "Yesterday: 'don't politicize the week-old Puerto Rico tragedy!' Today: 'let's repeal the 2nd amendment before Las Vegas buries its dead.'"

—Twitter satirist @hale_razor

James, patiently explaining, said...

Rat can write my Regional Office about my standing regarding my church. I have given Rat their address. BTW, I am on my way in a few minutes to a cluster meeting with fellow pastors, many of whom would like to see stricter gun control laws in this country.

You see, I am being facetious. If the IRA is so committed to legal ownership of semi-automatics (which are deadly enough), why not to fully automatics (which are even more deadly)?

commie said...

A shooter doesn't have a right to a machine gun.

But this guy got them....see how any semi auto can be fired like an auto.....see bump fire on you tube...a simple mod to the stock can achieve amazing rates of fire. Any semi auto can be fired like that....Another reason to ban assault style guns

James, a bit embarrassed, said...

James, laughing. Once again I wrote IRA when I meant NRA.

Anonymous said...

BTW, I am on my way in a few minutes to a cluster meeting with fellow pastors

uh huh. sure you are. you're on your way to a cluster all right. a cluster FUCK.

you have no affiliation with any legitimate church. i'm sure you're a member of some sick and twisted club like nambla, but a church it is not.

so go. go to your cluster fuck. you've offered enough disrespect for the dead for one day, you fucking fraud.

Anonymous said...

James, your racism is showing, you accused him of being a terrorist with the IRA, is it because he is pictured with a drink?

Anonymous said...

(((That photo looks like our own Alky))

Commonsense said...

But this guy got them....see how any semi auto can be fired like an auto.....see bump fire on you tube

The bump fire theory has been pretty much discounted. The fire was too rapid and prolonged.

The theory is he modified semi-automatic rifles to fully automatic.

This is now a difficult procedure and it makes the gun unreliable.

Which is why he had 10 of them.

Myballs said...

Why don't we wait until we learn who he was, why he did it, and how he got the weapon.

Pastor in good standing James said...

Poor, misguided, hate-filled Rat. If I were
NOT a pastor in good standing with the Christian
Church (Disciples of Christ), he could prove that
just by writing to our Illinois-Wisconsin Regional
Office. He does not do that because he knows that
1) I AM a pastor in good standing and
2) I was NOT born in Kenya. LOL.

And now I am off to that meeting. :-)

James said...

The poor fellow. His gun was unreliable.

Loretta said...

"so go. go to your cluster fuck. you've offered enough disrespect for the dead for one day, you fucking fraud."

A false prophet.

Loretta said...

"Why don't we wait until we learn who he was, why he did it,"

He's either a Sanders supporter or Hillary supporter.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Myballs said...
Why don't we wait until we learn who he was, why he did it, and how he got the weapon.

where's the fun in that?

we need to tie this guy to the tea party/NRA/trump/white supremacists/nazis/kkk and fast!

Anonymous said...

He has been tied to the Irish Rupublican Army. Jane did that.

Myballs said...

The amusing thing about hillary inserting herself into the issue is that it's the dems who wish she would just go away

Anonymous said...

OT. , I agree with you that the tax plan is a Yuge "no go".

I don't recall Sir Hillary major campaign speech on "silencers".

cowardly king obama said...

Hmmm, shooters father sounds a lot like someone who regularly posts here... interesting article besides this portion..


In 1987, the gig finally ended when the Oregon Attorney General’s Office filed seven racketeering charges against Paddock related to his bingo operation. On top of that, he was charged with rolling back car odometers.

Paddock settled the racketeering charges for $623,000 and pleaded no contest to the odometer case, while simultaneously claiming he had cancer.

Among his other life claims: being an auto crew racing chief, Chicago Bears football player and survivor of a World War II mine sweeper sinking, according to the Eugene Register-Guard.


Commonsense said...

I don't recall Sir Hillary major campaign speech on "silencers".

She's a creep unfit to be president.

Fair minded James said...

Although the shooter apparently had a father with criminal connections, there seems to be surprisingly little of an ideological or criminal nature connected to the shooter himself so far, at least according to members of his family who seem genuinely dumbfounded.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The FBI and the Department of Homeland Security are working closely with local authorities to assist with the investigation, and they will provide updates as to the investigation and how it develops.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I want to thank the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department and all of the first responders for their courageous efforts, and for helping to save the lives of so manhy. The speed with which they acted is miraculous, and prevented further loss of life. To have found the shooter so quickly after the first shots were fired is something for which we will always be thankful and grateful. It shows what true professionalism is all about.

Hundreds of our fellow citizens are now mourning the sudden loss of a loved one -- a parent, a child, a brother or sister. We cannot fathom their pain. We cannot imagine their loss. To the families of the victims: We are praying for you and we are here for you, and we ask God to help see you through this very dark event.

Scripture teaches us, “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” We seek comfort in those words, for we know that God lives in the hearts of those who grieve. To the wounded who are now recovering in hospitals, we are praying for your full and speedy recovery, and pledge to you our support from this day forward.

In memory of the fallen, I have directed that our great flag be flown at half-staff.

I will be visiting Las Vegas on Wednesday to meet with law enforcement, first responders, and the families of the victims.

In moments of tragedy and horror, America comes together as one -- and it always has. We call upon the bonds that unite us -- our faith, our family, and our shared values. We call upon the bonds of citizenship, the ties of community, and the comfort of our common humanity.

Our unity cannot be shattered by evil. Our bonds cannot be broken by violence. And though we feel such great anger at the senseless murder of our fellow citizens, it is our love that defines us today -- and always will, forever.

In times such as these, I know we are searching for some kind of meaning in the chaos, some kind of light in the darkness. The answers do not come easy. But we can take solace knowing that even the darkest space can be brightened by a single light, and even the most terrible despair can be illuminated by a single ray of hope.

Melania and I are praying for every American who has been hurt, wounded, or lost the ones they love so dearly in this terrible, terrible attack. We pray for the entire nation to find unity and peace. And we pray for the day when evil is banished, and the innocent are safe from hatred and from fear.

May God bless the souls of the lives that are lost. May God give us the grace of healing. And may God provide the grieving families with strength to carry on.

Thank you. God bless America. Thank you.

Loretta said...

Peter writing to the churches:

"But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction."

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

No one should return this into a political post at all your classes bastards won't stop.

James said...

That was a truly wonderful, sensitive statement of our President. Every word rang true.

commie said...

Menstral child once again speaking out his ass posted....

The bump fire theory has been pretty much discounted.

You obviously never seen it done, have you? Why do you make things up? Why are you so stupid????/

Commonsense said...

The gunman who authorities said killed at least 58 people at a Las Vegas music festival appears to have used at least one fully automatic rifle and had more than a dozen other firearms in his hotel room, a law-enforcement official said.

Investigators found 18 to 20 firearms, some fully automatic, in a room on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino, the law-enforcement official said.

commie said...

Discounted bump fire my ass......

The police in Las Vegas have not yet offered details of the weapon or weapons used by the gunman in the Mandalay Bay Resort, but audio recordings of the mass shooting suggest that at least one automatic weapon might have been involved.

In some videos of the shooting, the rate of fire sounds inconsistent, at times sputtering. This suggests another possibility: that a weapon could have been modified to fire faster, a change to a semiautomatic firearms known as bump or slide fire. Such modifications harness the recoil to allow for rapid fire.

Still no definitive answer asshole....I'll refrain from further speculation,,,,,,

Commonsense said...

Investigators found 18 to 20 firearms, some fully automatic, in a room on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Resort

Sounds pretty definitive to me. You may want to look at the timestamp of that Time's story.

Looks pretty stale to me.

But then again you would always push a bad position past the point of absurdity rather than admit you are wrong.

Listen to the video. Bump firing my ass.

Anonymous said...

It was a fully automatic rifle, zero doubt about that.

commie said...

Investigators found 18 to 20 firearms, some fully automatic, in a room on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Resort

Per the WSJ whose reporting has yet to be confirmed by others! As the NYT's reports their might have been automatic weapons involved. Again, I will refrain from posting single unconfirmed information that you have a penchant for doing, menstral!! You just try too hard to be correct and wishing something to be true is all you got......Relax menstrual,,,we will all get the answer in due time......

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

The single reason this mass killing happened is because this Alky look a like did a very evil act.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
James, laughing, said...

COMMONSENSE: But then again you would always push a bad position past the point of absurdity rather than admit you are wrong.

JAMES: You mean the way you did recently when you kept arguing and arguing that it is correct English to write that "the pharmaceutical AND medical industries ... doesn't want to see it repealed."

Anonymous said...

Off Duty Police Officers, human shields, laying over people to keep them safe.

The Thin Blue Line, held.

Anonymous said...


Really, today, you sicko. Laughing.
How my heart breaks for you.

James said...

Your heart doesn't break for anything, KD, you who called our previous President a black monkey and his wife a cheap Chicago W.

James said...

And I repeat, regarding 2:01 PM above:

That was a truly wonderful, sensitive statement of our President. Every word rang true.

Anonymous said...

You could have taken this day off, but the fact you didn't speaks volumes about you.

Anonymous said...

Authorities have not said where the weapons used in the massacre were obtained. One possible reason for the delay: the gun-tracing system in the U.S. relies on paper records and even microfilm.

Even though buyers must fill out forms with gun dealers, those records are not fully searchable by computer. Often, investigators tracking a serial number have to start with the manufacturer and manually trace the gun's history before they arrive at the most current purchase.

James said...

And I repeat, regarding 2:01 PM above:

That was a truly wonderful, sensitive statement of our President. Every word rang true.

James said...

The man who checked into a Las Vegas hotel and massacred dozens of concertgoers with a vicious deluge of bullets late Sunday lived in a quiet retirement community in Mesquite, Nev., about 80 miles northeast of Las Vegas, the police say. Relatives and neighbors said he and his companion drew little attention to themselves.

The gunman, identified as Stephen Craig Paddock, 64, was described as a retiree who loved to gamble and who lived with his girlfriend, Marilou Danley, 62.

Relatives said Mr. Paddock had not displayed strong political or ideological beliefs in their interactions with him.


Very strange indeed.

Anonymous said...

What has Sir Hillary said of late on this tragedy, other then the "silencer" would have resulted in more murders?

I hope she has more to say on this heart breaking mass murder by a evil piece of shit.

Hell has one more asshole as a resident today.

Anonymous said...

What has Sir Hillary said of late on this tragedy, other then the "silencer" would have resulted in more murders?

I hope she has more to say on this heart breaking mass murder by a evil piece of shit.

Hell has one more asshole as a resident today.

Loretta said...

"uh huh. sure you are. you're on your way to a cluster all right. a cluster FUCK."

There was no meeting.

He was here spamming all afternoon.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

CBS fired a Sr. Executive, her sin, well she sounded like our own James.

" not at all sympothic " because "countryusic fans are often REPUBLICANS".

Anonymous said...

Correction " country music fans are often REPUBLICANS"

James said...

There was a meeting nearby between 12 and 1:45 pm, LIAR-etta.
I love the way I am so much in her head she tries to watch my every move. :-) LOL

James said...

LIAR-etta: He's either a Sanders supporter or Hillary supporter.

JAMES: So far that has not proved true. LIAR-etta is a false prophet.

James said...

THE COWARDLY NRA Goes Dark After Las Vegas Massacre
October 3
Politico: “Democrats lashed out at the National Rifle Association after the worst mass shooting in American history Monday, but instead of fighting back the gun rights group retreated to a familiar posture: silence. The NRA’s website, Twitter feed and Facebook page—all of which are typically updated frequently throughout the day—went dark on Monday, posting no new content, and the group did not respond to several calls and emails seeking comment.

“But that doesn’t mean the powerful Washington lobbying organization isn’t extremely busy behind the scenes. After a mass casualty shooting like the one that killed 58 in Las Vegas Sunday night, the NRA invariably turns to a playbook it has perfected over several decades… The approach calls for aggressive fact-finding and long strategy sessions before any public statements. The Fairfax, Va.-based organization has waited weeks before responding to past deadly incidents that NRA critics call the indirect result of its resistance to tighter gun control.”

Genuinely patriotic James, seeing genuinely patriotic Kimmel, said...



James said...


10 Million Saw Russian Ads on Facebook
October 2
“Facebook said it estimates 10 million people saw ads it has discovered on its platform paid for by Russian entities, but warned that it may not have uncovered all malicious activity that attempted to interfere in the American political process,” the Wall Street Journal reports.

“The revelation from Facebook quantifies for the first time the spread of the known Russian activity since the social network said last month it had identified 470 ‘inauthentic’ Russian-backed accounts responsible for $100,000 in advertising spending. Facebook presented congressional investigators with data on 3,000 ads bought by the Russian actors before and after the U.S. presidential election.”

commie said...

Wonder how that silencer bill will go today???? My guess, if the asshole had a silencer on his weapon, the toll would have been a whole lot worse....stupid ass republicon's think out their rears....stupid......!!!!! Statistic, there have been 3 crimes since 1932 carried out with auto weapons....says something about a law working....

commie said...

Jared and Ivanka had a third e mail account that received hundreds of white house correspondence....LOCK THEM UP!!!!!!

James said...


How Russian Operatives Targeted U.S. Voters
October 3
Washington Post: “Russian operatives set up an array of misleading Web sites and social media pages to identify American voters susceptible to propaganda, then used a powerful Facebook tool to repeatedly send them messages designed to influence their political behavior, say people familiar with the investigation into foreign meddling in the U.S. election. The tactic resembles what American businesses and political campaigns have been doing in recent years to deliver messages to potentially interested persons online."

commie said...

The idiocy of the right continues.....too bad this guy wasn't in Vegas....

Pat Robertson has attributed the mass shooting in Las Vegas Sunday night to “disrespect for authority” including President Trump.

On the Monday broadcast of his Christian show ‘The 700 Club,’ the televangelist discussed the tragic event and then asked, “Violence in the streets, ladies and gentlemen. Why is it happening?”

“The fact that we have disrespect for authority—there is profound disrespect of our president, all across this nation. They say terrible things about him—it’s in the news, it’s in other places," Robertson said. "There is disrespect now for our national anthem, disrespect for our veterans, disrespect for the institutions of our government, disrespect for the court system. All the way up and down the line, disrespect.”

Commonsense said...

“The revelation from Facebook quantifies for the first time the spread of the known Russian activity since the social network said last month it had identified 470 ‘inauthentic’ Russian-backed accounts responsible for $100,000 in advertising spending.

Which is not illegal under the first amendment.

James said...

Facebook presented congressional investigators with data on 3,000 ads bought by the Russian actors before and after the U.S. presidential election.


That doesn't bother Senseless at all. It led to the election of Putin-loving Trump.

Commonsense said...

THE COWARDLY NRA Goes Dark After Las Vegas Massacre

Unlike to Democrats, the NRA appropriately pull them during a time of mourning.

That the Democrats immediately use this tragedy to push their gun confiscation agenda just shows they are the scum of the earth.

It no surprise you're out in front scumbag.

Commonsense said...

That doesn't bother Senseless at all. It led to the election of Putin-loving Trump.

Unlike you, I support the 1st amendment.

commie said...

, the NRA appropriately pull them during a time of mourning.

They are burying their heads up your ass like the cowards they are.......Yes, the dem's are just stupid trying to preserve life, unlike you who only is concerned about the unborn while ignoring the living....Idiot...

Commonsense said...

I am always amaze at the stupidity of liberals when they assume mass murders will follow gun control laws.

Or that the ban of gun sales wouldn't automatically create a black market.

commie said...

Supreme Court will consider whether a state’s legislative maps are so politically skewed to favor one party that they are unconstitutional
The justices have never thrown out a state’s maps because of partisan gerrymandering, but they will consider whether Wisconsin’s legislative districts were drawn to favor Republicans. In the wings are complaints from North Carolina and Maryland.

commie said...

I am always amaze at the stupidity of liberals when they assume mass murders will follow gun control laws.

I am amazed at the stupidity of one menstral child who thinks gun control means confiscation.......He followed the laws and it appears he had bump fire weapons in his possession....another problem that needs to be addressed, hundred bucks and you have an auto,.....with high capacity mags, also legal, ..... the result is 60 dead over 500 wounded,,,,and this was not a combat zone. Yer really not very bright, menstral....

Commonsense said...

Actually it does. Google Cuomo, New York governor, gun control.

commie said...

477 Days. 521 Mass Shootings. Zero Action From Congress.

James said...

If Russian interference had led to the election of Obama, Senseless would be singing a different tune.

James said...

I will stand with Jimmy Kimmel on this. A lot of people will

commie said...

Actually it does. Google Cuomo, New York governor, gun control.

Really asshoe,,,,get back to me when something actually happens......again, yer too lazy to post what he's done, google something is a symbol of your lack of intellect.....

commie said...

The sheriff said some rifles found in the hotel room may have been modified to make them fully automatic. Automatic rifles, which fire multiple rounds with a squeeze of a trigger, are highly regulated, and on videos posted online by witnesses, the rapid-fire sound indicated that at least one weapon was fully automatic.

From today's times......still no definitive answer for what he had.....thank goodness he didn't have a silencer...

Commonsense said...

For the stupid and lazy.

In the interview, Mr. Cuomo did not offer specifics about the measures he might propose, but, while discussing assault weapons, he said: “Confiscation could be an option. Mandatory sale to the state could be an option.

Commonsense said...

.thank goodness he didn't have a silencer...

Myth 5: Silencers Turn Gunfire Into a Gentle Whisper

The Myth:

Cautious spies and assassins know that if you're going to take out a bad guy in an office or a library, be sure to use a silencer. It turns the concussive "bang" into a neutered "ptew."

Itty-bitty handguns aren't the only things you can silence. Giant freaking shotguns can even be fitted with a special silencer that renders them inaudible in quiet suburban neighborhoods.

The Problem:

Exploding gunpowder is loud. Really loud. As loud as a jet engine. A little metal tube won't do a whole lot to stop that. This is what a suppressed handgun actually sounds like:

If you can't watch the video, let us sum it up: It still sounds like a freaking handgun. It does not make a soft phut that you could mistake for a kitten landing on a pillow.

An unsilenced gunshot is around 140 to 160 decibels--that's in the range where hearing it once can permanently damage your ears. If you've never had a gun go off next to you, trust us when we say it's loud enough that your whole body will flinch at the sound of it. A silencer can get that all the way down to 120 or 130 decibles, aka the sound of a jackhammer. Still loud enough to cause physical pain if it's close enough to you.

So a silencer really just makes a large gun sound like a smaller gun. If you're James Bond and are sneaking into the enemy's compound with a silenced pistol, you're basically hoping the guards will decide your gun is too small and wimpy to be a serious threat, and leave you be.


Spending @100,000 on facebook "ads" swings election, imagine if they spent $200,000...

More Kimmel


fucking ridiculous and stupid.

Commonsense said...

The worst mass shooting ever didn't happen in the US:

The second attack occurred less than two hours later at a summer camp on the island of Utøya in Tyrifjorden, Buskerud. The camp was organized by the AUF, the youth division of the ruling Norwegian Labour Party (AP). Breivik, dressed in a homemade police uniform and showing false identification,[19][20] took a ferry to the island and opened fire at the participants, killing 68 of them outright,[7][8] and injuring at least 110 people, 55 of them seriously;[11][12] the 69th victim died in a hospital two days after the massacre.[9] Among the dead were personal friends of Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg, and the stepbrother of Norway's crown princess Mette-Marit.[21]

It was the deadliest attack in Norway since World War II,[22][23] and a survey found that one in four Norwegians knew "someone affected by the attacks".[24] The European Union, NATO and several countries around the world expressed their support for Norway and condemned the attacks. On 13 August 2012, Norway's prime minister received the Gjørv Report which concluded that Norway's police could have prevented the bombing of central Oslo and caught the gunman faster at Utøya, and that more security and emergency measures to prevent further attacks and "mitigate adverse effects" should have been implemented on 22 July.[25]

Norway has one of the most restrictive gun control laws in the world.

Evil finds a way.

Anonymous said...

a gun free america in 5 easy steps:

this clip has jimmy kimmel written all over it.

commie said...

Norway has one of the most restrictive gun control laws in the world.

Which proves we should just give up???? Too stupid even for you menstral.....

commie said...

So a silencer really just makes a large gun sound like a smaller gun. If you're James Bond and are sneaking into the enemy's compound with a silenced pistol, you're basically hoping the guards will decide your gun is too small and wimpy to be a serious threat, and leave you be.

Cracked .com? Anyone who knows anything about silencers knows they don't completely silence a gun What your simplistic mind missed again is the fact there was a concert going on at the time and the silencer would have muted the sound of rapid fire to the point it would have taken more time to realize what was going in resulting in more deaths. In your zeal to try and cram something up my ass, you once again prove what little you know about weapons and everything science. Seems bump fire is what they have found in spite of what you think, which is nothing......LOLOLOL Dayum you are an asshole of massive proportions!!!!!

Commonsense said...

Which proves we should just give up????

Nope you don't pass useless gun control laws just to make yourself feel.

You want background checks?

Paddock passed all background checks.

You want to ban guns?

The French terrorist got their's from the black market.

Evil finds a way and the only thing Gun Control laws affect is access to guns by law abiding citizens who never commits a crime.

It is a basic truism that if you ban guns then only criminals have them.

commie said...

Nope you don't pass useless gun control laws just to make yourself feel.

Your opinion is duly noted as being simplistic and stupid once again....your mantra......Yes he passed all checks to own 40 plus weapons, thousand of rounds of ammo, bump stocks, high capacity magazines legally.....seems there is a simple solution....ban the sale of assault weapons, high capacity magazines and bump fire stocks. Even an idiot like you can see the logic in that but you won't open your eyes because the govmt is after you and your guns.....which you probably don't even own....idiot.

The French terrorist got their's from the black market.

Yep, can't stop them all, just like hoping to make you smart....nevah happen.....LOOLOLOLOL Hell, stop selling fertilizer also since he had the making of amfo explosive...hell, I've made amfo, nitrogen tri-iodide, incendiary devices....not that hard..... and extremely dangerous....

Anonymous said...

Madam Opie, what is the exact wording of your new law?

Anonymous said...

The hotel was a "gun freezone".

commie said...

The idiot of floriduh postulated......

It is a basic truism that if you ban guns then only criminals have them

It ia basic truism that you have trouble reading....I'm not aware of me saying guns should be banned.....I am a gun owner...have pistol grip 20 gauge ithaca, custom 30-06 with a mauser action and walnut mannlicher stock, 6mm remington with 3x8 bushnell scope....22 single shot remimgton target rifle. 9 mm TEC .....I bet the only thing you have is a hard on.....LOL BTW....I don't believe congress or anyone will ban guns....only paranoid idiots like you think that......

commie said...

Stump broke KD said...
Madam Opie, what is the exact wording of your new law?

What the fuck is wrong with you, asshole.....Like you, since you are asking, am not a lawyer, just a concerned citizen trying to stop carnage. You apparently don't give a shit either......

commie said...

To kd the idiot...

My warmest condolences for your stupidity......

Anonymous said...

KC Chief DB Marcus Peters choose to sit during the National Anthem. He should have remained seated, he got torched all game.

How is Oden Beckham, hear he protested too, then got injuried.

commie said...

BTW....melodorous looked stunning again today dressed in all white designer clothes while inspecting the PR disaster....What a gal. Her ass was perfectly presented for perverts like looked delicious.;......LOLOLOL

Anonymous said...

Madam Opie. How are you doing that?

It looked like you want ever more laws, on top of laws that were said to stop shootings. Yet those laws did nothing but kill trees, I love trees.

commie said...

Hey stump broke.....just sold 1000 shares of HIG that I bought at 5.25 a share.....That's locking in profits unlike you and you paltry home depot....LOLOLOL Put the proceeds into a fixed income bond account......

Anonymous said...

At least you lust after a adult woman, unlike never has been a pastor pervert Jane.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic move, always good to hear you doing well on your investments.

commie said...

It looked like you want ever more laws,

And you just remain stupid and ignorant.....nothing new there for a moron from kansas....It is actually pretty simple, even a dolt like you can understand what a ban is.....

Anonymous said...

HIG. As in the Hartford Financial Serives Group ?

commie said...

Fantastic move, always good to hear you doing well on your investments.

You are a disingenuous asshole stump.....I'd rather have a colonoscopy than get a compliment from you....thanx but fuck you....

Anonymous said...

This magical ban , is it retroactive? Or only for new weapon sales?

Anonymous said...

Really, the white privilege you are exercising is really very heartening.
Getting your Capitalist Pig on!!

commie said...

HIG. As in the Hartford Financial Serives Group ?

LOL Gave you the symbol. Figure it out yourself jagpff

commie said...

This magical ban

That works for idiots like you.......

Anonymous said...

My god, you are as defensive as HB, when it comes to topics you bring here.

I stated the company, you have a problem, I looked.

Anonymous said...

Looks like you want to ban weapons.

But unsure of the details.

Commonsense said...

Opie says he wants to stop the carnage but doesn't propose any solution to stop it.

Anonymous said...

You noticed that also.

Madam opie is unsure if his "ban" is retroactive or is for only new sales.

Does the left have a ribbon color picked out for this?

commie said...

Commonsense said...
Opie says he wants to stop the carnage but doesn't propose any solution to stop it.
Tweedle dee and tweedle dumb dumb can't read. Go back and read my posts, I clearly stated that certain legal items should not be so. I know I can't fix stupid since all I do is fail with you 2 idiots....

Looks like you want to ban weapons.

All guns are weapons or do you think they are magical like you posted?????.....try again since I gave you a run down of what I own.....asshole...dumber than menstral is difficult to do, stumpy....

commie said...

Madam opie is unsure if his "ban" is retroactive or is for only new sales.

DIdn't comment dumb fuck stumpy.....that is your comment not mine...go fuck menstral...he's your kinda asshole....You just want to continue the killing and do nothing....Smart....LOLOLOL

commie said...

Bump fire weapon confirmed by FBI. Gee, lets keep them legal since it enables greater killing from a semi-auto weapon... Full machine gun now being discounted by commie......

commie said...

Bump fire stock very helpful hunting deer, coyotes and humans......everyone should have one for their AR!!!

Commonsense said...

A ban of all rifles is not going to end the carnage.

wphamilton said...

So a silencer really just makes a large gun sound like a smaller gun. If you're James Bond and are sneaking into the enemy's compound with a silenced pistol, you're basically hoping the guards will decide your gun is too small and wimpy to be a serious threat, and leave you be.

Well, for anything but small caliber anyway. On a suppressed 22 you might have 30 decibels which is pretty quiet, and all that Bond might need for sneaking around. On something like the shooter used in this tragedy, it's a moronic idea.

Anonymous said...

I hope someday you get better, I pity you.

commie said...

A ban of all rifles is not going to end the carnage.

hope someday you get better, I pity you.

Perfect the idiots answer themselves. Please point out where I advocated banning all rifles asshole... Your are stupid beyond your years....LOL

Anonymous said...

Which calibers of guns?

The .22 and .25 are very deadly, so are those included in Opie Banned Weapons?

And if it is retroactive, how far back and who in forces it, it will require forced seizures. Will these searches and seizures be carried out without a warrent.

Commonsense said...

You said:

".ban the sale of assault weapons"

That pretty much means every semi-automatic rifle sold today.

Anonymous said...

Tell us which rifles, be clear this is your issue.

Anonymous said...

Now damn it CS, verbatim qoutes of opium is going to "trigger" him

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I dare rrb to post a real picture of himself to compare to mine. The gutless racist bastard is a coward. His pollution would get a lot of laughter !

Anonymous said...

RRB owns you.

Commonsense said...

When the party of science is confounded by science.

Statistician: After Researching Gun Violence, I No Longer Believe In Gun Control

Her name is Leah Libresco, formerly of Nate Silver’s FiveThirtyEight site, where she crunched the numbers in a study of all 33,000 gun homicides in the United States annually. She went in thinking that the usual liberal menu of anti-gun policies would reduce that number dramatically. She came out concluding that “the only selling point [of those policies] is that gun owners hate them.”

commie said...

Statistician: After Researching Gun Violence, I No Longer Believe In Gun Control

That is as much science as anthony watts presents about is opinion and dogma....typical for your staggering stupidity for nonthinking morons like you!!!!

commie said...

That pretty much means every semi-automatic rifle sold today.

No it does not, those are your words not mine and stumpy are amoral idiots....

commie said...

Stump broke asshole posted......

The .22 and .25 are very deadly

what about 5.56 mm or 6mm or .17 caliber????? Dayum you ask some stupid questions, typical for brain dead R's....LOLOLOL Sure shows me you have no idea WTF you are posting about....asshole,......all guns are deadly in spite of you thinking otherwise. I only mentioned assault rifles. The rest is you trying to reset your stupidity....

Commonsense said...

That pretty much means every semi-automatic rifle sold today.
No it does not, those are your words not mine .

Yes, it does.

Are the differences between assault weapons and sporting weapons merely cosmetic?

Yes. 100 percent true.

Here's a test. Tell me what the functional difference is between these two firearms:

Times up.

This is a test I use on anyone who says we need to ban "assault weapons" but hunting rifles are ok. The firearms above are the Remington 7400 (top) and the DSA SA-58 (bottom).

They have the following qualities:

They are semi-automatic in operation.
They fire the .308 Winchester cartridge.
They are fed from a detachable box magazine.
They are both "black" rifles.
Both have pistol grips.

In other words, they are functionally identical! Other than the SA-58, a semi-auto civilian version of the FN-FAL, looking "scarier" and military, they're technically equal firearms in terms of lethality and usage. Yet, the one above is fine with most people, and even more so when you get the wood stocked version, but the bottom one they want to ban even if it has a wood stock (and some versions do).

Somehow, the argument that getting shot by an "assault weapon" is worse than being shot by a hunting rifle. A curious position. Because either of these rifles are deadly to deer or human with a single shot. .308 Winchester is not a round you ignore when hurled in your general direction. I've never heard a person hit by .308, assuming they survive, say "I am sure glad I was shot with the Remington! I could've been killed by the evil FN-FAL!".

"Assault weapon" is a marketing term invented by Josh Sugarmann of the Violence Policy Center (Assault Weapons and Accessories in America). It was coined for the express purpose of public deception and misdirection on policy issues. And it worked because it resulted in a purely symbolic ban from 1994-2004 and the media STILL bleats on, like loyal sheep, about "assault weapons" anytime there is a mass shooting regardless of whether a scary-looking rifle was used or not.

Commonsense said...

Sheriff: Did Las Vegas Shooter Get Radicalized

Speaking to reporters Tuesday, Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo floated the possibility that Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock could have been “radicalized.”

“I want to understand the motivation that you described, okay, to prevent any future incidents, and, you know, did this person get radicalized unbeknownst to us? And we want to identify that source,” he told reporters during a press conference.

Still too early for any definitive conclusion but if he was radicalized, it's not too hard to see which way given his choice of victims.

commie said...

Sheriff: Did Las Vegas Shooter Get Radicalized

What a crock of horseshit reporting this morn showing mental instability, just like you and different than you discounting bump fire yesterday.....once again promoting fake news like your POTUS......

commie said...

Yes. 100 percent true.

LOLOLOLOLOL!!!!! Another BS source......

Both have pistol grips.

Sporting rifles do not have pistol grips since that they reduce accuracy....not good for hunting. Your lack of knowledge is astounding asshole I have a pistol grip shot gun.....terrible for hunting, put great for point and shoot for effect.....Idiot....keep trying, you may get something correct!!!

Commonsense said...

Really? Can you tell me what is untrue or inaccurate about the reporting?

Or is it that you just don't like the implications.

Commonsense said...

Sporting rifles do not have pistol grips since that they reduce accuracy..

The Model 7400 was introduced in 1981 and was basically the same as the Model Four. Major differences included an checkered pistol-grip and straight comb stock. Initially only offered with a 22 in (56 cm) barrel, in 1988 an 18 in (46 cm) version was introduced.[3]

Stupid is as stupid does.

commie said...

Stupid is as stupid does. Pistol grip stocks are not desirable as a hunting weapon.....I have a buddy who owns a remington semi auto 30-06 hunting rifle semi auto- has a 4 shot magazine which is more than sufficient for hunting.....If there is a high capacity magazine available, it is not for hunting or needed... My comment still stands in spite of you again trying to teach me about something you have no knowledge on......Don't need to ban the weapon...the high capacity mags should be against the law...BTW....saw him bump fire that long as your target is the sky, it was very accurate...... You don't own a gun do you numb nutz.......

commie said...

BTW asshole..

Most hunters do not use semi-auto for deer hunting...Bolt action rifles are significantly more reliable and accurate than a typical semi for the average user...Yes, the military uses semi-s for sniping, but those weapons are match grade including ammo, cost lots of money which make them out of reach for most civilian hunters......

Anonymous said...

The Model 7400 was introduced in 1981 and was basically the same as the Model Four. Major differences included an checkered pistol-grip and straight comb stock. Initially only offered with a 22 in (56 cm) barrel, in 1988 an 18 in (46 cm) version was introduced.[3]

i still deer hunt with its predecessor - the 742, chambered in .280. it too has a checkered pistol grip stock.

jimmy kimmel would consider that an assault rifle that should be banned from civilian use.

liberals and guns - i've never seen so many uninformed people rush so quickly to comment on something they know so little about.

commie said...

jimmy kimmel would consider that an assault rifle that should be banned from civilian use.

Nothing wrong with that weapon....Just the high capacity mags that hold more than 5 rounds or so should be banned....not that most people would spend a buck a shot for the helluva making a lot of noise....with a high capacity box mag....

Cliff Newman said...

Well, he did murder a number of people with those little bullets. Think how many more he might have killed by throwing two inch rocks? I faced gunmen & armed robbers while working the graveyard shift in 7-Eleven Stores every night for eleven thousand nights and yes, they did shot me three times over the years but the real damage was done by those who ran in and beat me with their fists, threw rocks or hit me with baseball bats.

Unknown said...

If I worked at a 7 Eleven and had to choose between being harmed by rocks, bats, knives, fists, or guns I would have no trouble choosing.