So a lie is a lie is a lie, right?
While the left get's their collective undies in a bunch over whether or not we are the highest corporate taxed nation (or the third), and whether or not past Presidents called or wrote the parents of fallen soldiers...
Sometimes there are lies we are told that actually have tangible consequences.
The guilty plea of Bowe Bergdahl has reminded us that he was a traitor and deserter. It reminded us that brave soldiers lost their life in a vain search for him, when he originally went missing.
Yet, we traded five Taliban members for Bergdahl, and our former President treated him and his family as if they were cherished patriots. In spite of our own military refusing to list Bergdahl as a POW and suggesting that he more likely deserted... our President and administration went out and publicly demanded that Bergdahl was captured in battle and was a Prisoner of war. He was a brave American hero according to them.
Moreover, the entire situation appeared to have more to do with moving people out of Guantanamo Bay, than anything else. Our former President was bound and determined to close that facility, even if it meant trading brutal killers for a deserter and traitor. Bergdahl was little more than a political pawn being used for a larger political goal.
Bottom line: President Obama stood up in front of the world, and demanded that this was representative of who we are as a country. Potentially putting killers back into the battlefield to kill some more, in exchange for a traitor and deserter... all so we could move closer to closing a military prison.
Yeah, exactly who we are as a Country.
Reality here folks. Some lies matter more than others.
Disrespectful lie’: Anger grows over Trump’s claims about past presidents and fallen troops
--Washington Post
'Scaramucci Post' Horrifies Twitter With Holocaust Poll
Another reason why neither the President nor his minions (or former minions) should be in government
But yet James...
He's the President. He gets to continue to "undo" everything Obama did... all while people like you sulk, cry, whine, bitch, moan, stomp your feet, and hold your breath till you turn blue!
No, "people like me" say Rots O' Ruck,
you despicably poor excuse for a President!
We'll see who and what eventually gets undone.
Trump Issues Warning to McCain
President Trump issued a warning shot after Sen. John McCain questioned (R-AZ) “half-baked, spurious nationalism” in America’s foreign policy, the AP reports.
Said Trump: “I’m being very, very nice but at some point I fight back and it won’t be pretty.”
McCain’s answer a short time later was simply: “I have faced tougher adversaries.”
“To fear the world we have organized and led for three-quarters of a century, to abandon the ideals we have advanced around the globe, to refuse the obligations of international leadership and our duty to remain ‘the last best hope of earth’ for the sake of some half-baked, spurious nationalism cooked up by people who would rather find scapegoats than solve problems is as unpatriotic as an attachment to any other tired dogma of the past that Americans consigned to the ash heap of history.”
— Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), in a speech at the 2017 Liberty Medal ceremony.
I'm a fucking loser
Rev James Boswell pedophile
Normal, Illinois
I really am about to compose an open letter
to the ACLU to appear here and be sent to them.
I hope you and Ch enjoy it.
Rev. James Boswell, Normal IL
I really am about to compose an open letter
Or so you have stated about 200 times now.
I guess what I can do James... if you are wanting to continue to complain, is simply just sort all my comments by the name "James" and delete them all. That way, there will be no more "offending" comments.
I think if I were you, I would consider deleting a post which libels and slanders a poster by name, career, and location (I am the only Rev. Jim Boswell living in Normal, IL and am listed there by address and number in the phone book). But maybe the ACLU will think it is okay for you to let that stand. We shall see.
you have brought all this upon yourself with the obnoxious way you act.
Fuck off james go away, no one reads your spam
As if the ACLU would actually care about an old white decrepited pastor with a self-admitted unnatural attraction to children.
He should go to Hollywood instead.
The ACLU doesn't care about you. you're the wrong color.
And seeing Rand Paul and McConnell both working with Trump is a good thing.
Sorry James -
I am not responsible for what is placed in the comment section of this blog.
There is no regular ongoing comment moderation of any sort for this blog. No ongoing monitoring is done by Blogger, the blog administrator, the ACLU, homeland security, KGB, Boy Scouts of America, mall security, or any other organization. Providing your own personal information online is your own damned stupidity and you (and you alone) are responsible for how others use it.
If you have an ongoing issue with the comment threads then feel free to go away. Commenting is an optional choice and done at your own peril. Otherwise send any complaints to the following Email Address:
"But maybe the ACLU will think it is okay for you to let that stand"
OK by us. We would suggest you not frequent this site on which you can't follow board etiquette, unmask yourself, and try to impose your will on.
We consider this matter closed.
No need to thank us for our quick response.
But what am I going to do when the "pastor" leaves ???
maybe a final......
Anonymous james said...
I really am about to compose an open letter
to the ACLU to appear here and be sent to them.
send a letter to NAMBLA instead and ask them to waive your membership fee.
After careful reconsideration , you're right CH.
Delete all of the comments made by James, Jay Boz, -), Rev James Boswell, etc.
We'll see who and what eventually gets undone.
well pederast, the list is long and getting longer. if trump keeps this up 0linsky won't need to build a library much larger than a port-o-john.
I'm kind of busy but I consider james to be like a brother.
He probably should go to counseling too and he also deserves a second or third chance. Or is it fourth, oh never mind.
He always said he liked to turn the other cheek,
On topic, jv obama failed.
well pederast, the list is long and getting longer. if trump keeps this up 0linsky won't need to build a library much larger than a port-o-john.
The only thing left from Bumble's terms are Comey clearing cankles months before she was interviewed, the tarmac meeting with Bubba and Susan Rice unmasking as many people as possible, Bergdahl was a traitor not a hero and we released 5 Gitmo prisoners for his worthless ass Fucking corrupt administration from the head down.
Good riddance
IF, YES BIG IF, the NFL has not turned you off maybe this will
The NFL to get the 70 % of negros to stand for the flag, the anthem and end the protesting of police officers and income inequality.
Lover sentencing of criminals.
Before the Obama administration approved a controversial deal in 2010 giving Moscow control of a large swath of American uranium, the FBI had gathered substantial evidence that Russian nuclear industry officials were engaged in bribery, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering designed to grow Vladimir Putin’s atomic energy business inside the United States, according to government documents and interviews.
Federal agents used a confidential U.S. witness working inside the Russian nuclear industry to gather extensive financial records, make secret recordings and intercept emails as early as 2009 that showed Moscow had compromised an American uranium trucking firm with bribes and kickbacks in violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, FBI and court documents show.
They also obtained an eyewitness account — backed by documents — indicating Russian nuclear officials had routed millions of dollars to the U.S. designed to benefit former President Bill Clinton’s charitable foundation during the time Secretary of State Hillary Clinton served on a government body that provided a favorable decision to Moscow, sources told The Hill.
"indicating Russian nuclear officials had routed millions of dollars to the U.S. designed to benefit former President Bill Clinton’s charitable foundation during the time Secretary of State Hillary Clinton"
Dirty rotten scoundrels.
Bergdahl was a traitor not a hero and we released 5 Gitmo prisoners for his worthless ass Fucking corrupt administration from the head down.
and don't forget bradley manning. that piece of shit deserved to face a firing squad.
"— Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), in a speech at the 2017 Liberty Medal ceremony."
and poor mcpappy went on a rant completely forgetting that everything he was whining about 0linsky had pissed away.
Dirty rotten scoundrels.
hey, multi-million $$$ hudson valley weddings don't come cheap ya know.
you know what it costs to shut down the entire town of rhinebeck and half of dutchess county?
The fuckers.
THE CORNER THE ONE AND ONLY. In Defense of ‘the Generals’ SHARE ARTICLE ON FACEBOOKSHARE TWEET ARTICLETWEET PLUS ONE ARTICLE ON GOOGLE PLUS+1 PRINT ARTICLE ADJUST FONT SIZEAA by VICTOR DAVIS HANSON October 17, 2017 2:05 PM @VDHANSON Recently there have been a number of quite different critiques from all political sides of Trump’s generals (Kelly/McMaster/Mattis), and also from a variety of angles (too narrow experience, an unhealthy overdose of military thinking, a “sellout” for working for the likes of Trump, etc.). While it is hard to know who exactly is to be praised or faulted for Trump’s foreign policy (e.g., Secretary of State Tillerson and, of course, Trump himself), the record is so far pretty clear — and pretty good. Prune away the rumors of cabinet shake-ups, “adult in the room” melodramas, tweets, fake-news accounts, and inter-cabinet spats, and we are left with a once-ascendant ISIS now shattered and in full retreat; a new honesty about NATO and its funding; an unsustainable Iran Deal now on hold and sent to the Senate where as a treaty it belonged; honesty in describing the threat of both radical Islamic terrorism and Iranian hegemony; greater security on the southern border; a restored relationship with Israel and the Gulf States, and an improving one with Jordan and Egypt as well; a workable and constitutional immigration scrutiny of would-be entrants from war-torn Middle East countries; a growing deterrent stance toward Russia and China rather than the rhetoric of “reset” and the “Asian pivot”; an active and growing allied response to the North Korean threat; the beginnings of an all-out effort on missile defense (rather than the prior open-mic presidential promises of a “flexible” post-reelection efforts to curb it in Eastern Europe); a determination to rebuild the military (slowly, given the still far too large annual deficits); some recent incremental progress in Afghanistan due to new rules of engagement; the real red line that Assad cannot use WMD against civilians; a far more adult stance toward U.N. hypocrisies; improved autonomy abroad through increasing energy independence and trading in natural gas; an out from a Paris climate accord whose goals the U.S. meets anyway through free-market solutions — and the emerging outlines of a comprehensive doctrine of “principled realism” that restores deterrence.
WASHINGTON — Two leading senators have reached a bipartisan deal to provide funding for critical subsidies to health insurers that President Trump said last week that he would cut off, Senator Lamar Alexander, Republican of Tennessee, said Tuesday.
The plan agreed to by Mr. Alexander and Senator Patty Murray of Washington, a Democrat, is intended to stabilize health insurance markets under the Affordable Care Act.
As one part of the deal, the subsidies would be funded for two years, a step that would provide at least short-term certainty to insurers. The subsidies, known as cost-sharing reductions, lower out-of-pocket costs for low-income consumers.
Mr. Alexander said that in addition to funding the payments to insurers, the deal would also give states “more flexibility in the variety of choices they can give to consumers,” which should appeal to Republican lawmakers eager to give states more say over health care.
“This takes care of the next two years,” Mr. Alexander said. “After that, we can have a full-fledged debate on where we go long-term on health care.”
The deal between Mr. Alexander, the chairman of the Senate health committee, and Ms. Murray, the panel’s top Democrat, is an important step for lawmakers hoping to shore up insurance markets after Republicans’ failed efforts to repeal the health law.
Mr. Alexander told reporters on Monday that Mr. Trump had encouraged him to reach a deal with Ms. Murray.
But it remains to be seen whether conservative-leaning Republicans will get on board with the agreement, and whether the House will entertain it. Some Republicans have said they do not wish to provide what they describe as a bailout to insurers.
Go apeshit
In what appeared to be a thinly veiled reference to politics in the Age of Trump, Sen. John McCain on Monday warned Americans against "half-baked, spurious nationalism," calling the abandonment of U.S. global leadership "unpatriotic."
Speaking in Philadelphia, where he was being honored with the Liberty Medal by the National Constitution Center, McCain did not mention the president by name, but his words appeared to be aimed at Trump and his administration.
"To abandon the ideals we have advanced around the globe, to refuse the obligations of international leadership for the sake of some half-baked, spurious nationalism cooked up by people who would rather find scapegoats than solve problems," he said, "is as unpatriotic as an attachment to any other tired dogma of the past that Americans consigned to the ash heap of history."
In an apparent reference to white supremacists who sparked violence in Charlottesville, Va., in August, McCain said: "We live in a land of ideals, not blood and soil."
The Nazi slogan "blood and soil" was shouted by tiki-torch-wielding white supremacists in Charlottesville.
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"We are the custodians of those ideals at home and their champion abroad," he said. "We have done great good in the world. That leadership has had its costs, but we have become incomparably powerful and wealthy as we did."
"We have a moral obligation to continue in our just cause, and we would bring more than shame on ourselves if we don't," McCain continued. "We will not thrive in a world where our leadership and ideals are absent. We wouldn't deserve to."
The chairman of the center's Board of Trustees, former Vice President Joe Biden, presented the medal to McCain.
Biden, the Delaware Democrat who once served alongside McCain in the Senate, said: "We often argued — sometimes passionately. But we believed in each other's patriotism and the sincerity of each other's convictions. We believed in the institution we were privileged to serve in."
Biden alluded to McCain's torture during more than five years spent as a prisoner of war after his U.S. Navy A-4 was shot down over North Vietnam in 1967.
"John, you have broken many times, physically and otherwise, and you have always grown stronger, but what you don't really understand in my humble opinion is how much courage you give the rest of us looking at you," Biden said.
The plan agreed to by Mr. Alexander and Senator Patty Murray of Washington, a Democrat, is intended to stabilize health insurance markets under the Affordable Care Act.
and patty murray? of all people, you have to cut a deal with that al quaeda loving piece of shit?
patty murray on osama bin laden:
“He’s been out in these countries for decades, building schools, building roads, building infrastructure, building day-care facilities, building health-care facilities, and the people are extremely grateful. He’s made their lives better.”
Roger Amick said...
we've read it already, alky.
why not copy/paste your latest 'drunks r us' keynote address?
The chairman of the center's Board of Trustees, former Vice President Joe Biden, presented the medal to McCain.
well, it looks like mcpappy has begun his "hurry up and give me a medal because i'm going to die" tour.
Alky sure is a piece human filth.
His point in the transfer of wealth from workers to BIG INS, is it will " trickle down" to those under earning to pay for it them selves AND "stable the market place".
Really HB, EVEN for you, this is stupid.
Spam by the drunkard
His point in the transfer of wealth from workers to BIG INS, is it will " trickle down" to those under earning to pay for it them selves AND "stable the market place".
not even. the alky wants us to keep funneling $$$ to insurance co's to pay for the poor because that's the price he's willing to pay and the manner in which he's willing to pay it in exchange for the poor voting democrat.
the alky, like all liberals, care not for the poor. he cares greatly for their "D" votes.
CHT,you scored a direct hit on the jv obamaized radical. They can't post on this topic.
Bergdahl dad speaking to jvbarrack in Farsi.
Lets look a little closer at which lies matter.
As our esteemed host pointed out:
"The Kaiser Family Foundation has information on how rate increases are generally proposed. In the states where the actual filings are public record, they claim that their reports are based specifically on those proposals.
Believe it or not, but the KFF analysis include things like how their previous predictions fared, what the expectations are for the composition of the risk pool, size of the risk pool. They also talk about whether or not there is adequate reinsurance available, and other risk assessments.
Perhaps you can dig a little deeper"
OK I did dig a little deeper, and CH didn't like what I found. Kaiser's non-partisan study revealed that policy uncertainty is a big factor in 2018 rate hikes after all, so apparently that source is rejected now. So let's dig from a different direction, what are the Kaiser people saying in public?
"In most of the country, the market would be stable if not for significant uncertainty about what the (President Donald) Trump administration will do," said Larry Levitt, senior vice president of the Kaiser Family Foundation."
He's pretty clear and definite about that isn't he? Indeed, he doubles down with specifics and claims that it's quantified:
"Virtually every insurer cites policy uncertainty as a factor in premium increases, and where insurers quantify the uncertainty it's often upwards of half the premium increase," he said.
Up to half of the increase, wow. Now, I'm seeing the claim crop up that this is just "political rhetoric" and no providers are citing anything about policy uncertainty. But is that just another lie that doesn't matter? Well the Executive Directors Report from Nevada sheds some light on that:
"The landscape for plan year 2018 on the Exchange continues to vacillate primarily as a result of the federal instability around the funding of Cost Sharing Reductions (CSRs) and enforcement of the individual mandate."
"In late July Anthem notified the DOI and the Exchange that they intend to leave the Exchange entirely which will impact approximately 24 percent of Nevada’s Exchange consumers. Anthem indicates that the federal instability and uncertainty have resulted in their exit. "
I guess Aetna is pretty definite about it as well.
Exactly, alky has never made a million dollars, but is with glee bilking the tax payers for 1.25 million when you add in his wife's ripoffs,
Oh fuck me, the insurance companies were leaving jv obama care, but now it is different, it is 45"s fault.
In a few days we will enjoy the one year anniversary of the bigly win of Trump over broken hoof hillary.
WP is now on a second thread... still arguing that the individual mandates and insurance company subsidies are not tangible measurable factors that insurance companies can account for...
but are mysterious, cryptic, unknowing factors, that are well beyond the mathematical grasp of any insurance actuaries... and can only be accounted for by claiming "uncertainty" and apparently raising costs by some form of picking random numbers, tossing darts at a numbered board, and possibly throwing an eight sided dice to come up with the "uncertain" cost...
There is always "uncertainty" in business, if we use "WP model of price point setting", we must all charge 40 % more for our goods and services.
I saw that on my last car repair bill.
$250 parts
$350 labor
$100 uncertainty
$700 total
It was also on my check today at grocery store
$1.99 bread
$1.49 eggs
$5.49 lb hamburger
$0.69 uncertainty
Blogger C.H. Truth said...
WP is now on a second thread... still arguing that the individual mandates and insurance company subsidies are not tangible measurable factors that insurance companies can account for...
i'm starting to come around to the concept that health insurance co execs are forced to strike a classic "deer in the headlights" pose until the cloud of uncertainty can be lifted from the ACA.
their budget meetings must be awkward when it comes to dealing with all that uncertainty. can you imagine if they're forced to cover their own employees for post traumatic uncertainty disorder?
oh the humanity, i mean uncertainty!!!11!!
That's always been the case. Famous line in this industry is, sales has their foot on the gas, underwriting have a foot on the brakes and the actuaries are turned around looking out the back window screaming directions
Rat - what's certain... is that congress didn't allocate money for subsidies.
What else is certain is that without the subsidies, insurance rates will go up considerably. According to Kaiser (who apparently are less "uncertain" than the insurance companies on how much it will cost) it will raise prices approximately 19% on average.
What's "nearly" certain is that the Health Care Exchanges will be out of business within the next few years if Congress doesn't come up with a deal to reinstate the subsidies.
What should be "certain" is that the House GOP will probably demand some fairly serious concessions from the Democrats to allocate the funding... even as the feckless Senate probably would settle for a free set of steak knives.
"give me uncertainty or give me death!!!"
- fred henry, patrick's little brother.
"was there uncertainty when the german's bombed pearl harbor?!?!?!"
What should be "certain" is that the House GOP will probably demand some fairly serious concessions from the Democrats to allocate the funding... even as the feckless Senate probably would settle for a free set of steak knives.
exactly. yesterday during the presser i kept hearing mitch crowing about his majority and his goal in 2018 to at least maintain it and hopefully expand it...
and i kept wondering - what the fuck for? you have a majority NOW and you can't get shit done! what, you need 100 seats in the senate and 435 in the fucking house? and you have a numbskull like alexander crossing the aisle to work a deal with the dumbest senator of the modern era.
bannon is right.
Funny shit.
Bannon is Right. Where are those moderate Dems willing to cross the Isle ?
None have showed up as of today.
Rat - what's certain... is that congress didn't allocate money for subsidies.
precisely. and i doubt there's a single insurance exec worth a shit managing his projections based upon a "what if" when it comes to the subsidies. you take the business as you know it to be for certain, and if uncle sugar decides to turn on the $$$ spigot, that's a bonus.
Hours before it was to take effect, a federal judge in Hawaii issued a nationwide order on Tuesday blocking, for now, President Trump’s third attempt at a travel ban. It would have indefinitely stopped almost all travel to the United States from seven countries, including most of the Muslim-majority nations included in his original travel ban.
Tuesday’s ruling was yet another legal setback for one of Mr. Trump’s earliest and most controversial efforts. The judge, Derrick K. Watson of Federal District Court in Honolulu, had previously blocked Mr. Trump’s second travel ban from taking effect in March. The White House’s first executive order sharply limiting travel from seven predominantly Muslim countries was blocked by a federal judge in Seattle.
Dispose out of control "uncertainty".
The investment brokerage companies are clocking very impressive profits.
Setback, nope, exposing the enemies within.
Hawaii, huh?
Go figure... so I guess we wait for the USSC to reinstate it, like they did the first time around?
Presiddnt Trump had a muffin for breakfast, Alky is outraged.
C.H. Truth said...
Hawaii, huh?
Problem??? Not a valid court? Or is it based on prejudice that the court is too liberal and not worthy of making a decision...LOL Just another example of an order written in haste and reviewed in leisure....Oh well, they will get it correct someday....but i won't hold my breath...
WP is now on a second thread... still arguing that the individual mandates and insurance company subsidies are not tangible measurable factors that insurance companies can account for.
Ha, I did no such thing! I observed that policy uncertainty is driving premium prices up, and CH went ballistic.
I have been nice to you, Ch, and given you a chance to take down a scurrilous piece of senseless libel and slander posited directly at me. The ACLU may or may not be interested. We shall see.
--Rev. James Boswell,
Normal, IL
Stupid is as stupid does...
It's the same Judge who had his ruling stayed previously by the USSC.
Which at the very least, should have made him reconsider whether or not to stay his own order during appeal... especially considering even the critics suggest that this new order is pretty legally airtight.
Ha, I did no such thing!
Are you certain (or uncertain) you did no such thing?
Unfortunately CH, the insurance companies themselves, the State exchanges, and analysts including your own recommended Kaiser Foundation all disagree with you that policy uncertainties
"are mysterious, cryptic, unknowing factors, that are well beyond the mathematical grasp of any insurance actuaries... and can only be accounted for by claiming "uncertainty" "
But keep flailing about with it.
You have continuously threatened me.
You have continuously not bothered to follow the etiquette while complaining about others.
You have been anything but nice.
Yes CH 100% certain. Be my guest if you wish to scour through it.
If you say so, WP...
Jeeze. James there IS NO civil cause of action, so please stop threatening. CH, why are you feeding it? Time-out in your corners.
Blogger C.H. Truth said...
If you say so, WP...
No don't take my word for it. By all means, expose whatever it is that you're thinking of. I'm curious now.
Perhaps James will take up his cause with a district Judge in Hawaii...
Lol, we Republicans/conservatives sure are having fun.
Nov 8th, 2017 Anniversary of the Single Bigly win in Political History.
Nov 9th the Anniversary of #resistwemuch and the hillary excuse tour.
James are you still suing me?
HB years ago said he was going to sue me, still nothin' from him.
All Hat No cattle.
Madam tinker bell Jane.
Daisy is crying out loud as she is waiting for KD to mount her and give her what she needs. Moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo
Daisy is crying out loud as she is waiting for KD to mount her and give her what she needs. Moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo
Daisy is crying out loud as she is waiting for KD to mount her and give her what she needs. Moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo
Okay I'm done for now LOL
C.H. Truth said...
Perhaps James will take up his cause with a district Judge in Hawaii...
Yet another travel ban injunction. It has turned out the way I suspected, until they get slapped down by a higher court they will continue to push, and Trump's team frittered away their opportunity to do it. If his legal team is even second-rate they'll find a way to fast-track this one.
What the hell triggered Half-boy latest hiss fit
He's nuts.
LOL I'm not nuts. But having fun.
6-1 Dodgers!!!!!
For the past seven years, Gen. John F. Kelly has gone out of his way to keep the death of his son free from politics.
He did not talk about him when — just four days after his death in southern Afghanistan — Kelly found himself commemorating two other Marines killed in combat, in a moving speech in St. Louis. In fact, according to a Washington Post report, he specifically asked the officer introducing him not to mention his boy, 1st Lt. Robert M. Kelly, who was killed instantly when he stepped on a land mine while on patrol in 2010.
Just last month, Kelly slipped away from the White House to attend a Marine Corps scholarship golf tournament in his son’s memory, with little fanfare or attention.
But on Tuesday, Kelly’s boss, President Trump, thrust his son into the public and political glare, invoking the younger Kelly as part of a continuing attack on former president Barack Obama.
In an interview with Fox News radio, Trump singled out Kelly, his chief of staff, as he attempted to bolster his false claim a day earlier that Obama never called families of fallen U.S. service members.
Heather Kelly is enveloped in a goodbye hug from her father-in-law, Lt. Gen. John F. Kelly, as she leaves after a visit to his home in 2011. (Nikki Kahn/The Washington Post)
“I think I’ve called every family of someone who’s died,” the president told the host, Brian Kilmeade. “As far as other representatives, I don’t know. You could ask General Kelly, did he get a call from Obama?”
The remark, which was almost immediately derided by Democrats and Obama allies as politicizing a tragedy, was unplanned, said two White House officials, who said they were caught off-guard by Trump’s comments. One said Kelly may have mentioned some details surrounding his son’s death to the president in private — and the president then repeated them in public, a relatively frequent occurrence with Trump.
The president’s casual assertion sent both sides scrambling to recount their own version of events — underscoring again that in Trump’s White House, almost nothing is off limits and just about anything can be used to score political points.
Leon Panetta, former defense secretary under Obama and former White House chief of staff under President Bill Clinton, said Trump’s comments were below the dignity of the office.
Trump's comments are beneath the prestige granted by the office of the United States Of America.
First Trump lied and said Obama didn't give his condolences to the families of soldiers killed in action.
Then he tried to double down by claiming that was true for his chief of staff, John Kelly (whose son was killed in Afghanistan,) but in fact the record shows that in May 2011 Kelly and his family attended in person a breakfast with President Obama with other gold star families (Kelly has prudently said nothing about Trump's claim that Obama ignored him.)
Finally, Trump did call the widow of a soldier who was killed in action this week-- and rubbed it in her face by telling her 'he knew what he signed up for.' Well, of course he did, but that's the LAST thing he should tell a grieving widow.
Maybe Trump should just shut up about this before he keeps digging the hole deeper and deeper and deeper...Elie Blake.
Trump is a disgrace to the office.
I am sure CHT created a side for you to post your rants.
You post them here hoping someone reads them. I know I don't read your cut n paste stuff Lady Lynn.
The Trump Economy, stronger then expected economic numbers , US Economic leading indicators.
Pay checks are the bedrock of reelection.
Trump is a disgrace to the office.
compared to 0lisnky's behavior towards both bergdahl and bradley manning?
geezus alky, the nonsense you've got your panties in a wad over is grade school bullshit compared to the shit stain your dear leader left upon the office of the presidency.
having said that, it is cute to watch all of skeets' sycophants in the media rush to his defense. they're SO loyal. and they take trump's jabs SO personally.
Jv obama. Failed to understand the threat ISIS was to the USA.
President Trump listened to his Military Leaders, took the safety off and have been winning ever since.
Stump broke KD said...
I am sure CHT created a side for you to post your rants.
Sure wish he set one up for your stupid one would care to see them let alone respond....Is stupidity a major part of your genome?????
US Consumers are out Home Buying again.
Racing up a full 2 %, yoy.
This is really great news, it roll positively thru so many sectors of The Trump Economy which began Nov 9th, 2016.
In July 2009, 23 members of Congress signed a letter demanding that Lt. Col. Ralph Peters apologize for stating on a Fox News segment that PFC Bowe Bergdahl “abandoned his buddies, abandoned his post, and just walked off” a U.S. Army base in Afghanistan prior to his capture by the Taliban. Peters’s comments “call into question, without any supporting evidence whatsoever,” the congressmen wrote, “PFC Bergdahl’s patriotism and commitment to his country.”
Yesterday, Bergdahl admitted to that abandonment, pleading guilty to desertion and misbehavior before the enemy in a military court.
Read more at:
many sectors of The Trump Economy which began Nov 9th, 2016.
BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! That the best you got???? Where were the accolades when obama oversaw the doubling of the dow after the busch disaster???? Or 80 months of job growth before the trump loss????? BTW....there was none.....idiot
Interesting seems even with the absence of el nino....2017 could be setting some new records.....
2017 looks as if it will be the second warmest year on record, at around +0.90C, compared to last year's El Nino boosted record of +1.00C.
The warmest year that wasn't influenced by El Nino is 2014, at +0.73C. This year is set to break that by a huge margin. It's getting 'interesting'.
The rise continues in spite of many wishing it to be a hoax.....
The rise continues in spite of many wishing it to be a hoax.....
oh, it's no hoax. it HAS been warmer this autumn than in years past.
and we like it. the two weeks of very warm weather we had a while back probably saved the NE corn crop.
so no, we don't call it a hoax, d0pie. we call it weather.
so no, we don't call it a hoax, d0pie. we call it weather.
The problem rat hole is you confuse the 2 terms in every post....Yep, it sure is nice to save on heat, but it also brought tropical weather to Ireland. Oh well, enjoy living in your coma, it is what you do best....LOL
Weather is warm, yep.
Warmer then the last few years , ok.
Yawn, so what.
Trump recovery continues, 52 % of Americans invest in stock, most are practicing white privilege. I know I am.
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