Tuesday, October 3, 2017

The Obama Administration used "behavior scientists" to promote Obamacare...

According to Judicial Watch spent $5 million on letters put together by "behavior scientists" using psychological gimmicks to "pressure" Americans who claimed exemptions or otherwise chose not to purchase insurance.

Moreover, it would appears that the Centers for medicare and medicaid services coordinated with the IRS to use taxpayer information for their tickler file on whom to contact. Judicial watch has finally gotten documents showing the CMS and IRS attempting to devise a plan to get around those pesky laws that prohibit the IRS from providing taxpayer information to "anyone" (including other government agencies). 

Apparently, the idea is that if the CMS and IRS "agreed" to use our personal tax information for actions prohibited by law... that it really isn't "against" the law.

But that begs the question... what other situations does our justice system "allow" people whom the law says are supposed to protect us to agree not do so in order to allow another party to exploit us... just because those two parties agree it's in "their" best interests?  

Another example of reckless law breaking by the previous administration... that will not only go unpunished but likely pretty much unnoticed. 


Anonymous said...

boiled down to it's essence, the previous administration was really nothing more than one 8 year long ACORN rally in the courtyard of cabrini green.

commie said...

And the russians used behavior scientists to design ads for the weak minded social median news hunters....It worked see rathole as the prime target

wphamilton said...

I'd say that Clinton's private email server for White House business is exhibit number 1 in reckless law breaking.

But in that vein, we're hearing now that Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner used THREE private email accounts for White House business? Excuse that however you want, but when Daddy Trump is still agitating to "lock'er up" for that, the self-absorbed stupidity of it cannot be excused. Unbelievable.

wphamilton said...

CH a word to the wise: Presidential and Federal Records Act Amendments of 2014 plausibly speaks to the legalities and requirements of bypassing the government systems.

C.H. Truth said...

WP - a word right back...

As long as those correspondences are forwarded to your government address or otherwise retained for record keeping, it's not illegal. At this point, nobody is seriously accusing anyone of a "crime" here. Just hypocrisy and carelessness of the political optics of said actions.

It's not like the Kushners deleted 30K emails, claimed they were about yoga, and wiped the server.

Anonymous said...

Admitting that the Russians Stole the election, means only liberals and fence sitting independents were moved to vote Trump.

Anonymous said...

Wiped servers. " like with a cloth".

It was her unwarranted arrogance that angered enough woman to vote against her.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic spike in auto sales.. Wow!!!

Anonymous said...

Pocohontic Warren belives the CEO of Wells Fargo should be fired. That is so freaking funny.

wphamilton said...

" At this point, nobody is seriously accusing anyone of a "crime" here. Just hypocrisy and carelessness of the political optics of said actions. "

Well you read the same from me: the self-absorbed stupidity evidenced by these supposed Presidential advisers is concerning and it calls into question Trump's leadership.

Anonymous said...


The left broke it. Be proud!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Anonymous said...

Wp doing stand up?

Because that is funny shit, really.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

How goes the march to a National $15.00 wage, aka a livable wage?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Minnesota Twins are kicking the ass of the New York Yankees in the first inning.

It's probably illegal by the"logic" of the post.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The President has been cutting all the advertising that lets people to know what, when and where the ACA is available, are being intentionally left ignorant, so those who might not know how to sign up for it. This applies to large numbers of the elderly, who for various reasons, doesn't know it's available.

But "the hypocrisy and carelessness of the political optics of said actions." It isn't called into question here.

So the hypocrisy is clear. The actions, hypocrisy and undeniable lies of the President, are never, and I mean never called into question here.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

wp, your comment about "Presidential and Federal Records Act Amendments of 2014 plausibly speaks to the legalities and requirements of bypassing the government systems.", it appears that it may apply to the actions of the President, withholding information about the ACA when and where it's available.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Yankees have been coming back, 4-3 Yankees.

Loretta said...


What is wrong with your caked yellow disgusting teeth?

caliphate4vr said...

This applies to large numbers of the elderly, who for various reasons, doesn't know it's available.

I thought they got medicare not Bumblecare, idiot

Anonymous said...

HB, going full little girl her.
You just said the dumbest thing. "The elderly don't know about Medicare/caid" paraphrased

Anonymous said...

Wtf game are you watching.

End of inning ONE, tied 3-3.

No one is kicking anyyhing.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Donald Trump was throwing rolls of paper towels to Hurricane Maria victims like they're T-shirts at a basketball game. Then he said that the budget was a stressful situation.

He was disrespectful and they knew it. He left an hour early. This is the man who does not do anything wrong here.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what you read, but it sure the hell is not this the Adult side of this blog. RRB, BALLS, ETTE, CS AND myself have all found fault with things this President has done.

Attempt to learn twit.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

For you, I smoked for about 20 years. I haven't had them cleaned. But the point is that I'm not the fatty assed rrb. I've only been training for a month. Wait until next year.

Anonymous said...

How is it the elderly have lived to a ripe old age of 65 and do not know about Medicare/caid ?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Not one of you called out the lies. It starts with crowds and it's never stopped. You love him.

wphamilton said...

What, the one time CH and I are agreeing, you think it's stand-up?

What's wrong with you?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I know people who really don't know how to get into the ACA. With out the President letting the facts available, yes, they don't know how. K`putz for example. But his inherited money keeps him from forgetting, Someone else will keep him covered

Caliphate4vr said...

Roger, you again let your emotions and blind hatred of all things Trump cloud your head or it's the meds.

Trump can't deny the "elderly" medicare or Medicaid

caliphate4vr said...

I know people who really don't know how to get into the ACA.

Really, after the past 7 years? Then they are too mentally incapacitated to be in society.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

wp,I went back and read it again. I carelessly read that CH was defending the President. I admit I screwed up. Lol. But since I have never seen him say that. I assumed, not a good idea.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The laws he supported would have pushed millions off Medicaid.

caliphate4vr said...

Love the shifting sands, you said "elderly" never indigent

Nailed again and btw that sagging old lady tri look of yours.....shudder

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Granddaughter Kylie Simmons


Loretta said...

"Nailed again and btw that sagging old lady tri look of yours.....shudder"


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Lol you don't know why the triceps look like that, is because I had edema, the fluids have been successfully drained, the skin will gradually shrink more. It was worse before I have exercised.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You ignored my biceps 💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪

wphamilton said...

I should have been explicit that I was concerned about KD's mental health, not you Roger.

Regarding your post, I don't know that the Federal Records Act Amendments of 2014, or the Federal Records Act itself, would pertain to Trump's withholding information. I kind of doubt it. But it does mean that Kushner would have had to forward emails to government systems to remain in compliance, and possibly retain all of his private emails as well.

Even if he happens to have done everything right (doubt that also, given his difficulties getting ANY procedure right), it's a dumb move to use his private emails at all for any government business and a failure of judgment on Trump's part if he did.

caliphare4vr said...

You ignored my biceps ������������

I saw the vermachelli you claim are bi and your saggy old lady tris

Sleep maybe elusive

Loretta said...

The teeth....

Anonymous said...

What is wrong with your caked yellow disgusting teeth?

it would appear that captain underpants does not possess a grip on the basics of oral hygiene.

of course, this too could be some inherited condition out of his control and not self inflicted. the alky's a victim with a disease, you see.

Anonymous said...

Nailed again and btw that sagging old lady tri look of yours.....shudder

up here we call those triceps "bingo wings."

caliphate4vr said...

up here we call those triceps "bingo wings."


caliphate4vr said...

The teeth....

Were they using thalidomide in the 40's? If so, I guess, better your teeth than a flipper

Anonymous said...

" I know people" HB

Of course you do on every topic you are personally invested.

Since you know people that don't know of The UN-affordable care act, why are you not helping them?

WP, stop being a used douche, go shop for a sense of humor.

Yellow caked teeth from smoking for 20 plus years, an alky which lead to kidney and liver failures. Go figure.

Anonymous said...

Akly almost got something right, almost.
I will never be on the public teat like his family is.

Anonymous said...

Last nite alky said that the twins were whipping th NY Yankees ass.

Final score:

NY 8

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
I know people who really don't know how to get into the ACA.


so the social circles within which you travel contains a collection of idiots, imbeciles, fucktards and morons.


alky, the ACA has only been about the easiest thing a person can enroll in since about a year after it's inception when the bugs were worked out. in fact, you couldn't swing a dead cat up here in NY without hitting some dipshit whose job it was to espouse the glories of 0lisnky-care and to assist in getting a person enrolled. it's like we had armies of pajama boys canvassing the state to get as many parasites as possible to cling to the host.

and i suspect it was the same way in mexifornia where you probably have to press 1 for spanish and 2 for english.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

wp, thanks for the clarification. KD, has never been well. I saw yesterday, I will look into it later, is that the President himself has used private email extensively since he took office. If he used it for governmental affairs, "Lock Him Up".

Anonymous said...

I saw yesterday, I will look into it later, is that the President himself has used private email extensively since he took office.

good for you, alky. you "look into it."

let us know when you find an off-site private server chock full of classified/secret/top secret emails.

then you can "lock him up."

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Fyi, my dental health is fine. The coloration is an inherited condition. In order to be placed on the UNOS list, the patients must have good dental health.

The only reason to post that picture, was to expose the fact that the idiot rrb, is the fat ass on the beach. Not me.

His post is the main reason why the Legacy blog has been destroyed. No one else who would in passing, would take it seriously. I have been asked multiple times, as to why that ridiculous post is there. I replied with the truth, he's a pathological liar and is obsessed with my recovery. I suspect that somewhere, in his past, someone else has been an alcoholic.

Anonymous said...

Trump's Economy.

More Americans are feeling better about the US economy then eva'

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Obama recovery continues to improve. The new fiscal year, started on October first. Previously, President Barack Hussein Obama, is responsible for the ongoing recovery from the Bush Great Recession. We shall see what happens from here on out.

caliphate4vr said...

The only reason to post that picture, was to expose the fact that the idiot rrb, is the fat ass on the beach. Not me.

If you believe that made you look like Buff Biff, you sadly failed

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

President Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner and daughter Ivanka Trump re-routed their personal email accounts to computers run by the Trump Organization as public scrutiny intensified over their use of private emails to conduct White House business, internet registration records show.

The move, made just days after Kushner’s use of a personal email account first became public, came shortly after special counsel Robert Mueller asked the White House to turn over records related to his investigation of Russia's interference in the 2016 election and possible collusion with Trump associates. It also more closely intertwines President Trump’s administration with his constellation of private businesses.

The Trump Organization did not respond to questions Tuesday about whether anyone at the company had access to the messages.
Trump, who refused to fully divest from his businesses, resigned from his real estate and branding empire the day before he took office in January. He instead ceded control of the businesses to a revocable trust run for his benefit by two of his sons and a longtime Trump Organization employee. Ivanka Trump and Kushner also separated themselves from their own businesses before taking senior roles in the administration.
Kushner’s lawyer, Abbe Lowell, said in a statement last week that Kushner had taken steps to preserve work-related emails from his personal account by forwarding copies to his White House email account.

Well, so far, there is no doubt that Kushner could be facing serious criminal charges. As to the President himself, they deny to comment. We have to wait and see what might happen.

Anonymous said...

His post is the main reason why the Legacy blog has been destroyed.


need i remind you:

Editor's Note:

The views of Roger Amick are in no way endorsed or supported by me, and should not be considered representative of either the historical or current Coldheartedtruth blog.

C.H. Truth

so the reality says otherwise.

those with a functioning memory will recall that every single time CH put up a post, your rushed to step on it with some incoherent c&p nonsense from mommy jones, think progress or some other liberal mental institution.

my posts were humorous open mic's, virtually all of which were posted on a friday or over a weekend. and you felt compelled to step on those too. the one thing that i made sure i did not do was step on a CH post.

alky, the actual history of the legacy proves that you have no one but yourself to blame for its demise.

i get why you're into blame shifting on this issue. it's what liberals do. you never take responsibility for anything. which is probably why you flock to government jobs and require union protection.

in the real world personal decisions have consequences, and when you made the personal decision to act like a complete fucking asshole on the legacy blog, CH was compelled to create this one.

Anonymous said...

I have been asked multiple times, as to why that ridiculous post is there.

who's asking? the voices in your head?

caliphate4vr said...

Roger never forget Sean's shock and horror when he saw your work on the legacy blog

You and the pederast crashed that blog

Loretta said...


"His post is the main reason why the Legacy blog has been destroyed."

Not according to CH.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous caliphate4vr said...
Roger never forget Sean's shock and horror when he saw your work on the legacy blog

You and the pederast crashed that blog


running someone as respected as trende off the blog was really the height of asshole-ishness.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

CH has become intolerant of opposing opinions.

We used to get hundreds of hits and opinions expressed in the comments. But then he made it clear that anything contradictory to his beliefs are unacceptable. That happened at multiple levels. Now he's allowed the childish insults to remain as the headline, and it destroyed the credibility of the very blog he created.

It's not me, it's been very evident that he is intolerant.

It looks like the President, who lacks any empathy for the victims of hurricane Maria, in Puerto Rico yesterday. He tossed paper towels into the crowd of victims of the Hurricane. He minimized the almost total destruction of the island and again said that it was having an impact on the budget, and expressed zero sympathy to the citizens who are undergoing unbelievable harsh conditions.

Secretary of State, Tillerson was undercut by the President via Twitter. This 71 year old man, who has never been able to emphasize with anyone who is less fortunate than he has been. The four hours yesterday are prime evidence that he's not going to help them recover as necessary.

You may not like the comparison, but the evidence is quite strong.

Loretta said...

"It's not me, it's been very evident that he is intolerant."

Oh for chrissakes, will you quit bitching?

He allows you and James spamming privileges, what in the hell else do you want?

Don't like it here? Head on back to the trash blog, or start YOUR own ya sissy.

Anonymous said...

Note, one of the 100's given for the Sir Hillary loss was the lost years near death economicy.

Unlike your o'link that never took responsibility for the weak ass economy.

Keep lying to yourself on why he and you fail.

Anonymous said...

RRB, you own HB.

Your the reason the trash blog was started and failed. Too funny, Remember the trash blog was going to bury this the adult blog.

Anonymous said...

"CA Sissy"

Anonymous said...

Never happened under the obimbo, yet it is happening now, which President gets credit?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I have other things to do, but FYI one more time.

The loose skin on my arms, are caused by the reduction of the liqid edema reduction, not of lost fat. Like that on rrp's ass. My arms and legs are in increasingly strong and muscular. Adios amigos, Beaner hater.

CNN said...

Russian Facebook Ads Targeted Michigan and Wisconsin

“A number of Russian-linked Facebook ads specifically targeted Michigan and Wisconsin, two states crucial to Donald Trump’s victory last November,” CNN reports.

“Some of the Russian ads appeared highly sophisticated in their targeting of key demographic groups in areas of the states that turned out to be pivotal… The ads employed a series of divisive messages aimed at breaking through the clutter of campaign ads online, including promoting anti-Muslim messages.

“As part of their investigations, both special counsel Robert Mueller and congressional committees are seeking to determine whether the Russians received any help from Trump associates in where to target the ads.”

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Under Obama, the economy had the longest and still running, number of conseutive months with growth in the economy. It's a fact

caliphate4vr said...

Maybe one day you'll those old granny arms


Anonymous said...

You known nothing.

Loretta said...

"Maybe one day you'll those old granny arms"

Just wish he'd shut the hell up about it AND stop trying to impress you guys....

Anonymous said...

Trust me Ette of all the people ever to post on the yahoo Bush Soars and here Alky is by far and away the least impressive person.

His poor health caused by smoking for 20 years, his abnormal drinking and financial retardation puts him under the bottom of the barrel.

((( too freaking funny, RUSH played lynyrd Skynyrd gun songs, Saturday Night Special and Give Me Three Steps))).

Anonymous said...

IF, The Obamaized Democrat Party conducts a rule review and change away from the super delegates, Bernie Sanders wins the Nomination in 2020.

He is so left, no room for Mr. Lizbo Warren. She can take the back seat and tag along in the VP role.

wphamilton said...

Blogger KD said...WP, stop being a used douche, go shop for a sense of humor.

I realize that ragging on each other is normal banter and I appreciate you trying to include me in the culture of this small group, but it's not something that I like to do. Decades ago maybe, not any more.

wphamilton said...

Roger Amick said...
“As part of their investigations, both special counsel Robert Mueller and congressional committees are seeking to determine whether the Russians received any help from Trump associates in where to target the ads.”

It would not be trivial were it determined to be the case. It is factual that Trump was aided by the Russians, and by hackers who were possibly state agents. That doesn't indict Trump for anything. It is factual that Russian intelligence sought contacts in Trump's camp to influence policy. It is known that there had been such contacts, and some of them in secret or attempted to be kept hidden. This doesn't indict anyone either. We know that Trump publicly asked for illegal aid from Russian hackers. It is still possible for that to have been hyperbole, or spoken only for rhetorical effect. We know that Trump sought changes in policy that are more favorable for Russia. Known facts, for some time already.

However, all of this lowers the bar, to the point that cooperation in ad placement does point to collusion in these other elements. Collusion would mean being a willing participant in the deliberate subversion of the democratic election, and that's the bottom card in Trump's card castle.

Keep an eye on this, because like Clinton's email server this has political staying power.

Anonymous said...

When did the shooter get the gun he used to murder those police officers and others?

Pres. TRUMP thanked the police and other first responders.

Thank you Mr. Trump.

Anonymous said...

WP, I saw your post. Ok.

Your all in on the Russian changed votes, but only to Trump and only in state she lost.

wphamilton said...

I don't know that the Russians changed a single vote, but if Trump was involved an a conspiracy with them it's serious business for two reasons. One, the involvement in a criminal conspiracy. Two, the likelihood that Russian intelligence has leverage over someone who is compromised by that situation.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

wp, the Republican chairman of the Senate Intelligence committee said that the"the issue of coalition is still open". We are also seeing that Republicans are saying in public that the President may be mentally disturbed.

I saw Max Boot say that tonight. Some of them see the bizarre behavior of throwing rolls of paper towels into a crowd of Americans who's homes were destroyed, and his public attempt to embarrass the Mayor of San Pedro, because she had previously questioned his response to hurricane Maria. I have to wonder what people like General Kelly, Pence and Tillerson feel about working for Trump's increasingly bizarre behavior.

NBC NEWS said...

Trump ‘Furious’ at Tillerson Comments

President Trump was “furious” after hearing the report that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson called him a “moron” and fumed for two hours, NBC News reports.

Tillerson’s refusal to deny that he had called the president a “moron” in his statement to reporters further “stoked Trump’s anger and widened the rift between the two men.”

White House chief of staff John Kelly abandoned plans to travel with him to Las Vegas in order to “manage the fallout.” He summoned Tillerson, and their ally Defense Secretary James Mattis, to the White House, “where the three of them huddled to discuss a path forward.”


JAMES said...

Republicans Are Getting Worried

New York Times: “Republican leaders on Capitol Hill are making no attempt to mask their fear, predicting that failure to pass a tax overhaul in the coming months will lead to a wipeout in next year’s midterm elections. For the first time, some senators are contemplating whether their longstanding advantages could crumble amid a wave of primary challenges and other departures, putting their two-seat majority in jeopardy next year.

“Particularly in the Senate, Republicans are increasingly mystified by their own grass roots, an electorate they thought they knew, and distressed that a wave of turnover in their ranks could fundamentally change the character of Congress. They fear that the inchoate populism that Mr. Trump personifies, and which Mr. Bannon is attempting to weaponize against incumbents, is on the march.”


Russian Operatives Sent Town Into Fake News Tailspin

NBC Left Field: “A small town in southern Idaho that finds itself at the center of a fake news media storm. Earlier this month, it was revealed that an anti-refugee Facebook page — which organized an anti-refugee rally in Twin Falls — was operated not by locals, but by fake accounts based in Russia.”

James Boswell said...

No one reads my spam.

No one talks to me.

I'm such a loser.

JAMES said...

"Moron." LOL.
"Republicans getting worried." LOL
"fake accounts based in Russia" LOL