Democrats go nuts and threaten government shutdown!
Bottom Line: The Democrats want something for nothing because their base is screaming for "clean DACA legislation". Trump isn't going to give it to them. While I am sure he would settle for less than what he is asking for, the Democrats are going to have to play ball if they want to save the "dreamers".
In March, the work permits start to expire for those on the program... at which time, they officially become undocumented. That appears to be sort of the drop dead date on this one. Trump has drifted away from his "play nice" position on this one. So we are back to expecting the unexpected, which could include even the concept of some of these people risking deportation.
Of course, even with these deadlines and giant stakes... one can expect that pretty much nothing will get done...
This is the real post in regards to the current situation. But you instead, make another it's all the fault of the Democrats.
The chairman of the United States Senate committee on foreign relations, Senator John Corker has spoken out and said that the President "treats the Presidency like a reality show". And is so erratic that "he could put us on the path to World War Three".
The term that "silence speaks volumes", in response to the comments by Senator Corker. McConnell, Rubio, and any other Senators have not spoken out in defense of the President. They have said that he's an outstanding American and patriotic Americans, and chairman of the foreign relations committee. Not one has come out in defense of the President. Steve Bannon, who was fired demanded that Senator Corker to resign, but he's more focused on defeating every incumbent Senators, with the exception of Senator Ted Cruz.
Donald Trump is not qualified to be President, so what are we going to do about it? I see three options.
Vice-president Pence and the leadership of the United States congress have a meeting in the Oval Office and demand that he should resign.
The cabinet and the Vice-president, could implement the 25th Amendment to the Constitution. Vice-president Pence would be the acting President. If the House of Representatives concurred, Vice-president Pence would assume the office until the general election in 2020.
The House of Representatives could pass the impeachment trial and if he is convicted by the Senate, he would be the first Presidential removed by Impeachment.
The problem is that as of today, not one of those options are going to be implemented. So, what are we going to do?
We have only one viable option. It's containment. His chief of staff and the Secretary of State and Secretary of Defense, are going to assume the role of caretaker for this President. This isn't the best idea, but given the circumstances, it's the only viable option. It will give the United States as a nation in crisis, to our friends and enemies discomfort. But unfortunately, it's not going to change.
I wish we could find a way to deal with the President, and yes, remove him from office. But given the way our system is in partisanship right now, it's not going to get any better.
Of course the fat ass will remain on top.
The term "fucking moron" applies to that and imnsoho, here too.
That single event continues to fuck up up, that and "30 pills a day", that opium addiction is kicking your ass.
So, what are we going to do?
How about grow up and do what we have done since we became a Country... and let the person elected actually be President?
Senator John Corker
"Donald Trump is not qualified to be President, so what are we going to do about it? I see three options."
Yeah, we'll take advice from a whacked-out, wild-eyed lunatic who can't even convince friends and followers to interact on the trash blog.
Who is going nuts? This article is a real indication of what is happening with this nutcase President:
A 'Pressure Cooker': Trump's Frustration and Fury Rupture Alliances, Threaten Agenda
--The Washington Post
Some very frank talk.
*****Of course the fat ass will remain on top.*****
Grow up.
Rev James Boswell pedophile
Normal, Illinois
As Roger pointed out, and as the Wa Po article above indicates, there is very little defense of Trump in the face of Corker's virulent criticism.
No one reads my spam.
No one cares about me.
Rev James Boswell pedophile
Normal, Illinois
Testify my Bother
We have a method to remove the President if the voters made a mistake. Trump is a prime example of the United States Constitution's 25th amendment of when that applies. He's not qualified, it's that simple, CH.
On that kiddy intelligence blog, the crickets have left the building.
Really, your opium addiction has you stuck on the morning of Nov. 8th, 2016.
Let it go, you lost. Or is going to be like this for the next 7 years? I don't you live 7 years, going from tobacco adiction, to alcohol adiction, to prescribed drug addiction.
"We have a method to remove the President if the voters made a mistake."
Don't just sit and bitch about it, lead the movement.
Be sure to wear your little pink Pokemon hat....
My heart breaks for Sir Hillary Clinton, the men around her are all liberal cheating scum, Bill cheated on her, Weiner married to hillary's best gf is a pervert and cheater and now Henry Widnstien, like Bill is a Rapist.
58 Murdered in shooting in Las vegas, tragedy.
58 Murdered in Chicago every month, normal.
It's still a good deal for the Democrats but their TDS (and their base) will not allowed them to take it.
I think Trump knew that all along. Now he's can deport Dreamers and say it was the Democrats fault for not taking the deal.
He has put the red nose and big floppy shoes on those clowns again. Good.
Donald Trump is not qualified to be President, so what are we going to do about it? I see three options.
1. 65 million of you fellow Americans disagree with you.
2. Each option you proposed is a coup d'etat you will precipitate a violent confrontation with angry voters who were denied their choice for president.
Take a chill pill and like CH said, grow up.
And start working to defeat him for reelection in 2020. That is you only legitimate choice.
I hope one of 30 pills he takes would be a "chill pill"
He's crazy, radical, dumb, lost his marbles, unqualified, and will start WWIII.
Not Trump. This was all said about Reagan.
Anything else?
When someone criticizes a President devastatingly the way Corker did, there would normally be legions of defenders in the leadership of the President's party. Why so much silence among the GOP leadership? Because Trump is more and more being seen as the problem, not the solution.
Led Zeppelin "The song remains the same"
Roger -
Article 25 is regarding whether or not a President is considered "unable to discharge the powers and duties of the office". "Qualified" is not a word that is mentioned.
Whether someone is "qualified" for the office or not is a matter of voter preference. Many people didn't feel a former community organizer and one term Senator was not as qualified as the people he ran against. Some didn't think a Peanut Farmer or a Hollywood actor would make very good Presidents.
But for whether or not a President is effective or otherwise "good" at the job... is a matter for the voters. You'll get your chance in 2020.
If a president shows gross incompetence in office, and exhibits signs of mental instability, he/she may be removed from office as one "unable" to fulfill the demands of the office.
"pastor" james boswell continuing to abuse the comment etiquette.
HILLARY'S SILENCE IS DEAFENING: Hillary Clinton has remained silent about Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein, her friend and a wealthy campaign donor, days after he was accused of sexually harassing actresses and women who worked for him -- and the pressure is building on the former presidential candidate to speak up ... Weinstein contributed $46,350 to Clinton during her presidential candidacy, as well as to HILLPAC, a committee Clinton used to support other Democrats while she was a senator, according to The Associated Press. The embattled Hollywood producer also has made massive donations to the Clinton Foundation. The foundation says on its official website that Weinstein gave in the range of $100,001 to $250,000 through June 2017. Days after the accusations against Weinstein surfaced, Clinton's Twitter page has made no mention of the story -- but she did have time to plug her children's book and a talk at Stanford University.
Why does this matter? Given the accusations Bill Clinton has faced of being a womanizer and sexual predator over the years - and the fact that Hillary has stayed by his side - the former presidential candidate's credibility as a feminist is further damaged the longer she stays silent. Also, the silence of the liberal Hollywood elite over Weinstein, avoidance of the scandal, and the Democratic Party's attempts to distance itself scream hypocrisy. Weinstein and his family have given more than $1.4 million in political contributions since the 1992 election cycle, virtually all of it to Democratic lawmakers, candidates and their allies, according to the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics.
"I think one of the greatest terms I've come up with is "fake."
--Donald Trump
True. Fake President comes to mind.
12:26 Spam
FAKE "pastor" comes to mind
Goodell - "Everyone should stand for national anthem"
Thanks NFL
TAKING A STAND FOR TRUMP: "I just wanted to show them respect." – Las Vegas shooting victim Thomas Gunderson, whose hospital bed meeting with President Trump went viral after he stood for the commander-in-chief despite being shot in the leg.
If a president shows gross incompetence in office, and exhibits signs of mental instability, he/she may be removed from office as one "unable" to fulfill the demands of the office.
Give me an example of when this has happened.
Hundreds of Business Leaders Call On Trump to Stick With Nafta
That peyote is good stuff.
Hillary Clinton breaks silence on Harvey Weinstein: 'I was shocked and appalled'
And her husband didn't just talk about grabbing p*ssy, he actually did and actually paid some of his accusers to settle .... (that would be president Clinton)
The sooner she disappears the better
It came close to happening with A. Johnson, even though he was legally correct re the charge against him.
No one reads my spam.
Rev James Boswell pedophile
Normal, Illinois
Those comments were not made by Republicans. In this case the Republican Senator, who is the Chairman of the Senate intelligence committee and is well respected by every single Republican senators who commented. Every single one balls. Grow a pair instead of drinking Trump's bathwater.
Roger -
You are suggesting that the Chairman of the Senate Intelligence committee wants to Article 25 the President of the United States?
US economy becoming great again.
As you know CH, the senators can decide what is "unable to discharge the powers and duties of the office " means. High crimes and misdemeanors " didn't meet the standard for lying about a blow job.
And if you had actually read what I said, is the we will not see either #impeachment or #Article25 either.
Article 25 is regarding whether or not a President is considered "unable to discharge the powers and duties of the office". "Qualified" is not a word that is mentioned. That's up to the representatives.
25th ever been used to remove a President?
Kasich and Corner in 2020?
Let's see if opium foggy HB gives an Answer.
Vs squaw warren and free bernie
Damn that is funny.
Actually Roger...
Article 25 can be used to ban people named Roger from social media...
I believe that has happened historically as often as a President has been removed for not being considered "qualified".
President Trump will Honor all those US Troops that Lost thier lives in The Global War on Terrorism, with a DC Monument.
Winning Bigly!!!!!!!!!!!
As the first year of Donald Trump’s presidency has unfolded, we periodically hear from people within the White House who suggest conditions, behind the scenes, are worse than Americans probably realize. In April, one presidential adviser said his job was to “talk him out of doing crazy things.” In August, another added, “You have no idea how much crazy stuff we kill.”
Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) said this week, “I know for a fact that every single day at the White House, it’s a situation of trying to contain him.”
And while that’s obviously unsettling given that we’re talking about the most powerful office on the planet, there’s a question that’s always lurking in the background: how, exactly, does the White House “contain” a confused, amateur president who’s ill-suited for the job?
Six months ago, Politico reported that officials in the West Wing learned that Trump made better decisions when they narrowed his choices down to one. Today, Politico reports that the president can also be managed through a series of delays and distractions.
You cannot understand the use of the Constitution because you have closed your mind. I'm not imagining anything, the use of English language and how it works, baffled you.
I'm not on opiates putz
The Failing @nytimes set Liddle' Bob Corker up by recording his conversation. Was made to sound a fool, and that's what I am dealing with!
The President tweeting
He hasn't said anything about that. Neither have any Republicans.
After a few more weeks, I will have to post a picture of your favorite liberal democrat with the massive guns, just to push Mrs Alzheimer's disease over the edge. When the triceps are filled in with muscles, fill in the space caused by my edema, she will be devastated!😅😅😅😅😅
By the way newt Gingrich basically told the president to shut the fuck up on Twitter but you didn't notice that did you course not.
Former Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) on Tuesday said he doesn't think President Trump's feud with Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) is good for the country or for the GOP.
"I think they'd be a lot better off to get together for lunch and get over it," Gingrich said on "CBS This Morning."
Gingrich said Trump automatically hits back at anybody as an instinct.
They had lunch. I wish I could have been there to hear it.
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