At least insurers can no longer claim uncertainty
This is not unexpected, since a federal judge had already ruled that such payments were not funded as a permanent part of the Obamacare law and that the executive branch was overstepping it's constitutional boundaries in allocating money to fund them. The long and short of it, was that the law "allows" for them, but never bothered to appropriate funding for them. Congress could appropriate funds for them separately on a year to year basis, but there is no "requirement" that congress do so. The Obama administration argued that the law was simply poorly drafted and it should be open to executive interpretation. But this (of course) is the sort of thing that happens when you have to "pass a law to find out what is in it".
Obviously it would be up to congress to "amend" the law to make those payments permanent, but that seems highly unlikely unless (once again) the Democrats would be willing to make concessions and agree to make more substantial changes.
That being said, there is already talk that some states are looking to go to court to "force" the administration to continue with the payments. Look for California and Hawaii to be one of the first to go to court and challenge the action. They certainly have the best shot at finding a judge to figure out a way to twist the constitutional law and grant them relief.
But such a suit would seem to be a significant uphill legal battle ultimately, considering the existing ruling on the subject. At best, the higher courts might ultimately rule that the administration should be "allowed" to continue the funding (in spite of the actual law not providing for it specifically). But we would be getting into the area of "constitutional crisis" if the judicial branch started ordering the executive branch to spend money that was not legally allocated from the legislative branch, or started ordering the legislative branch to allocate money... because a Judges believes it's a worthy cause.
But look for liberals and Democrats to focus on the optics. Telling us how damaging it will be for poor people, and trying to make this about anything but the actual fact of law. But at a certain point, the left must at least "acknowledge" that there is such a thing as a constitution, checks and balances, and a separation of powers, and that our Government has to actually follow these rules... not just do what liberals feel they should.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 355 of 355Blogger Roger Amick said...
The resident racist rodent bigot obviously is suffering from a hangover.
projecting again alky?
no, i didn't imbibe last night.
you see, us normal people, non-alky's to you, are able to control our impulses. not having a drink is no big deal. HAVING a drink is no big deal. either way it's not something that consumes us. we have willpower, self control, and most importantly the ability to not blame others for our personal failings.
i honestly cannot remember the last time i had a hangover. i don't even remember what it feels like. don't you wish you could say the same, alky?
i'll bet you do.
embrace the suck that is your bingo-winged existence, alky.
Andrew Sullivan. rrb butt buddy.
Trump is careening ever more manically into a force of irrational fury. I watched his infomercial with Hannity Wednesday night and see a sharp decline even from his previously unhinged and malevolent incoherence. He riffed for a while on how the rise in the stock market since he came to office somehow halves our national debt. He asserted, like an American Erdogan, that no citizen can disrespect our flag, anthem, or country … or else. He claimed that the economy — which a year ago was a “total disaster” — is now a staggering overnight success. He boasted of unemployment numbers he described as fraudulent only months ago. In his interview earlier this week with Forbes, he sounds like someone so stoned he can barely parse a sentence, let alone utter a coherent thought, and whose utter indifference to reality still staggers.
But it’s the impossible reactionary agenda that is the core problem. And the reason we have a president increasingly isolated, ever more deranged, legislatively impotent, diplomatically catastrophic, and constitutionally dangerous, is not just because he is a fucking moron requiring an adult day-care center to avoid catastrophe daily. It’s because he’s a reactionary fantasist, whose policies stir the emotions but are stalled in the headwinds of reality. He can’t abolish Obamacare because huge majorities prefer it to any Republican alternative, so he is sabotaging it. He hasn’t built a huge wall across the entire southern border because it’s a ludicrous project that cannot solve the problem it was designed for. Ditto ripping NAFTA to shreds, which would cause immense disruption to three countries’ economies and ricochet around the world. Or attempting to ally with Russia against the E.U., as if Merkel was worse a threat than Putin. Or removing NBC’s license, which it doesn’t actually have, for political reasons. Or deporting 11 million people. Or pretending that climate change is not happening. Or a massive tax cut on the wealthy, and arguing, as Trump did Wednesday night, that it would create surpluses as Reagan’s did, which, of course, Reagan’s didn’t.
These are not conservative reforms, thought-through, possible to implement, strategically planned. They are the unhinged fantasies of a 71-year-old Fox News viewer imagining he can reconstruct the late 1950s. They cannot actually be implemented, without huge damage. And so he resorts to executive sabotage — creating loopholes in the enforcement of Obamacare to undermine the entire system. Or he throws a temper tantrum because Obama’s Iran Deal is actually working as promised, and attempting to undermine that as well. At this point, the agenda is so deranged and destructive almost every sane senior member of his cabinet is trying to rein it in.
This means that you think that the uncertainty has no effect, and doesn't cause premium rate hikes? So when they point to the uncertainty ... they are lying to their customers, lying to their stakeholders, lying to the press? Is that your position CH?
Insurance companies point to lots of things for the price raises. 90% of them are tangible business decisions based entirely on measurable data. Almost all of those reasons were expected by ACA critics.
It's simply dishonestly which would make someone focus on "uncertainty" as if that is the main "driving force" behind high insurance.
Insurance companies did not receive subsidies from the government prior to ACA. They did quite well.
If the mandates and regulations of ACA are as helpful to everyone as ACA fans claim them to be (keeping in mind that the entire concept of health care reform was to lower cost - I would save $2000/year remember).
Then how is it that prices are "increasing" - even with the government providing subsidies to the insurance companies to try to "artificially" keep costs down?
Seems to me, that if the Government meddling in the health care industry is a good thing in general.... that we wouldn't need to subsidize people to purchase insurance AND subsidize people to sell it.
It's either working and saving money or it's not at this point in time. It's been up and running for how long?
So after this amount of time, it's simply intellectually vacant to try to blame Trump for the failures of Obamacare.
Spam by the drunkard
I forced myself to watch the interview.
He was almost incoherent. Comparing the DJIA to the national debt is insane.
Hannity just let him ramble on incoherently.
I don't remember my last hangover.
Nor do I care.
One day at a time.
But it’s the impossible reactionary agenda that is the core problem. And the reason we have a president increasingly isolated, ever more deranged, legislatively impotent, diplomatically catastrophic, and constitutionally dangerous, is not just because he is a fucking moron requiring an adult day-care center to avoid catastrophe daily. It’s because he’s a reactionary fantasist, whose policies stir the emotions but are stalled in the headwinds of reality.
ah, queen andrew in all his drama queen, pearl clutching, fainting couch glory.
alky, if you get a chance and if you're intellectually capable, i suggest you watch the latest munk debate. it was on 2 nights ago. queen andrew and liberal sidekick ej dionne took on newt gingrich and kim strassel. queenie and ej's arguments ran on almost pure emotion and virtually zero substance. as with all munk debates the audience is wildly liberal so no minds in attendance were changed, but they're always fun to watch the liberal debaters get pummeled with the logic cudgel.
Could be, but it is early.
Roger Amick said...
I forced myself to watch the interview.
forced yourself? really? what a brave warrior you are, alky.
i award you the purple shot glass for enduring those brief moments of "enemy fire."
45 is execution Jane's "law of the land" as it was written giving the Executive Branch broad powers. To bitch now that 45 is using the law as written seems wierd.
"Lower premiums $2,500 for a typical family" jv obama
Seems to me, that if the Government meddling in the health care industry is a good thing in general.... that we wouldn't need to subsidize people to purchase insurance AND subsidize people to sell it.
wp's reaction would be funny if it weren't so ridiculous to begin with.
liberals constantly demand government intervention in private business, but when the government DOES get involved, and ends up distorting the market through a host of unforeseen unintended consequences, liberals stand there with some variation of a: "how could this be happening?" reaction.
it's particularly ridiculous when it comes to the ACA since we had a legion of healthcare industry experts predict this outcome from the start. we were even lucky enough to have cali on this blog who nailed every one of his predictions as i recall.
so to blame trump and the GOP for creating "uncertainty leading to higher costs" is patently absurd, and should surprise exactly no one who has seen the government enter and then distort any particular component of the free market.
Oct. 12 (UPI) -- Police in Washington state are asking residents to refrain from calling 911 just to report problems accessing Facebook.
now is such a stupid time to be alive.
thanks liberals.
Jerry Moonbeam blames CA fires on Trump and his climate change agreement eraser.
This is why I left.
Insults and right wing buttery.
I wish that CH could attract intelligence conservative commenters, but we have a let the bodies rot, bigoted, angry at the changing world nut, and yes he's not as stupid right winger, but depends strictly upon right wing web sites, for his opinions
I've got a life and yes, a beautiful Panamanian Queen to help her out and spend more time with her. She stuck with me through very difficult times. She didn't have to. She's financially stable and well, I'm a very grateful man.
Blogger Roger Amick said...
This is why I left.
yet you never manage to stay gone.
and why is that? you hate this blog, you hate the host, you hate his opinions, you hate me, you hate my opinions, you hate our sources as factual as they may be...
for chrissakes alky, i'm not seeing a single reason for you to show up here anymore. all you do is complain. go to kos or mommy jones and kiss kevin drum's ass. or find the hottest 25th amendment loney left blog on the web and camp out there demanding trump's ouster because a broken down drunk like YOU says he's not qualified to be president.
stop acting like such a petulant child and have some respect for this blog and it's host.
I wish that CH could attract intelligence conservative commenters
oh, you mean like sean trende?
yeah, you and the pederast certainly fucked THAT right up.
She is smart enuff to not let you on the deed of the home she owns, keeping you from using it like your personal ATM.
RRB you 100 % correct about Lady Lynn.
He is as CHT said a perfect liberal. Bitches about everything, with no viable solution or taking a wiff of personal responsibility.
YEAH MARRIED MEN, have you ever said that "your wife is financially stable?"
When talking about finances my wife and I are set for life. We are a team. Not like HB's non-sense.
And with hb exit notice he took, jane and oDopie too
"Intellegent conversation"
Ok why is it that Obamacare never fulfilled the major promises?
Keep my plan
Keep my doctor
Save my family $2,500.
" in the past, [Trump's] threats and bullying is not going to work. In this, politically, he’s in much worse shape than we are. The American people, even a large number of Republicans, are on our side in terms of improving the system, not destroying it. And so I don’t think he has much leverage to threaten or bully."
He followed the law, that you wrote.
Trump Encourages Bannon to Go After Incumbents
Wall Street Journal: “The president also has urged voters to oust lawmakers who don’t support his tax overhaul plan this year; he phoned his former chief strategist, Steve Bannon, to offer encouragement after Mr. Bannon appeared on Fox News on Monday vowing to unseat sitting Republicans who don’t actively support the president’s agenda, said two people familiar with the call.”
“It’s what he does. We’ve kind of learned to live with it.”
— Speaker Paul Ryan, in an interview on MSNBC, on President Trump.
Insurance companies point to lots of things for the price raises. 90% of them are ... It's simply dishonestly which would make someone focus on "uncertainty" as if that is the main "driving force" behind high insurance.
Ah, so you do think that insurance companies are lying. Probably should notify the FTC, since they obviously don't have your level of insight on what's really going on in those companies. Being a federal crime and all.
Or it could be that they actually do know what the causes are, are telling the truth in stockholder reports so that they aren't committing federal crimes, and you're just grasping for reasons to match your ideology. Which should I think is more likely ....
So HB, said he was leaving and now we get a bunch oh HB spam under different monikers.
This sure has you twisted up.
2016 obumblecare unfunded cost $116 Billion dollars, 12 billion more then the never ever freaking wrong CBO said it would cost.
AP FACT CHECK: Trump's tax plan, health care distortions
CH, this should convince you that he's incoherent and mentally disturbed, bur of course you won't.
LOL. Can't send it to CH on messenger anymore, LMAO.
That's what you get for being so obnoxious.
About 50 alky. in this page alone.
But this is just a sample. I went away, to do things, I come back to expose you again and again as a racist idiot.
projecting again alky.?
no, i didn't imbibe last night.
you see, us normal people, non-alky.'s to you, are able to control our impulses. not having a drink is no big deal. HAVING a drink is no big deal. either way it's not something that consumes us. we have willpower, self control, and most importantly the ability to not blame others for our personal failings.
i honestly cannot remember the last time i had a hangover. i don't even remember what it feels like. don't you wish you could say the same,alky.?
i'll bet you do.
embrace the suck that is your bingo-winged existence, alky.
Obsession is a mental illness.
"I've known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy, He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life."
--Donald Trump in 2002
In 2010, Epstein pleaded the Fifth Amendment when asked by a lawyer representing one of Epstein's victims about his relationship with Donald Trump:
Q: Have you ever had a personal relationship with Donald Trump?
A. What do you mean by "personal relationship," sir?
Q. Have you socialized with him?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Yes?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Have you ever socialized with Donald Trump in the presence of females under the age of 18?
A: Though I'd like to answer that question, at least today I'm going to have to assert my Fifth, Sixth, and 14th Amendment rights, sir.
KD the holy asshole said...
2016 obumblecare unfunded cost $116 Billion dollars,
And 2 unfunded busch wars that you supported cost 1.5 trillion and still counting not to mention the thousands of civilians and US soldiers least obama care saved lives unlike what you propose.....idiot du jour, stumpy the liar......
ROFLMFAO, james finally uses his real moniker. I see he's continued to post lot's of political_lire spam, a poll on Obamacare from a healthcare benefiting company, a poll on news truthfulness made by a fake news organization, etc. YOU CAN'T MAKE THIS SHIT UP.
KEEP MAKING AN ASSHOLE of YOURSELF, the supposed james boswell, pastor for the devil.... And be bound by no rules or morals.
You are the ultimate asshole and prove it everyday.
Q. Have you ever socialized with Donald Trump in the presence of females under the age of 18?
A: Though I'd like to answer that question, at least today I'm going to have to assert my Fifth, Sixth, and 14th Amendment rights, sir.
LOL. But the time has passed since you could be charged with a crime. Statute of limitations. Look it up. And I'm not an alky, I am a recovering alcoholic and being honest about it causes a couple people to lose what is left of their minds, that have been destroyed by their ideology, that closed their minds to reality.
"Bill Clinton's relationship with Jeffrey Epstein, who served time in 2008 for his illegal sexual partners, included up multiple trips to the onetime billionaire's private island in the Caribbean where underage girls were allegedly kept as sex slaves."
but james worries that Trump saw him in a social setting....
Q. Have you ever socialized with Donald Trump in the presence of females under the age of 18?
If he socialized with him at his daughter's 13th birthday party the answer would have been yes.
Wasn't this epstein gut the subject of a whole lot of attacks on clinton by our righty friends here????? Seems donnie is as big a dirty leg as billy....something the right idiots ignore......and BTW.....all those allegations about trumps escapades that you all claimed had no evidence seem to be the same MO as harvey's deeds, except the harvey girls have some star power behind them while donnie just went after housewives without any power....
If he socialized with him at his daughter's 13th birthday party the answer would have been yes.
BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! yer an idiot......LOL Seems those facts are real pesky things for you menstral....
read the whole thing menstral.....they seem to have turned on donnie....
While it is possible that Epstein’s lawyers could have advised him take the Fifth Amendment for any questions involving underage girls, the wording of his answer does makes it look like Epstein was specifically avoiding having to answer the question about Trump. This plays into the likelihood that Trump and the Clintons both wish to avoid the issue of the sleaze factor in a general election campaign. For while there isn't stronger evidence against Clinton than there is against Trump, both men did seem to have more than a passing acquaintance with Epstein, plus there are Trump's own words that the girls around Epstein were "on the younger side."
Trump was subpoenaed in one of the civil cases and his staff claims that Epstein was banned from his club at Mar-A-Lago after the 2007 Florida conviction. Trump seems to now claim that Epstein was just another member of his club. But as with Bill Clinton, a lot of pesky news stories from before Epstein's criminal investigation state that Trump was socializing with Epstein in one of
Read more:
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"For those of you who haven’t heard much about the Jeffrey Epstein, he is a 62-year-old billionaire and major donor to the Democratic Party."
"Epstein, (inset left), and Clinton flew together at least 26 times on the disgraced financier's "Lolita Express." (John Coates,"
"MSNBC's Morning Joe panel had a lengthy discussion Monday about the “uncomfortable” facts of Bill Clinton's relationship with pedophile Jeffrey Epstein"
hmmm, must be another trap.
Wasn't this epstein gut the subject of a whole lot of attacks on clinton by our righty friends here?????
Yeah, because Clinton jumped on Epstein's private airplane to his private sex paradise in the Caribbean.
Something Trump never did.
In fact there is no evidence that Trump and Epstein were any closer than just running in the same social circle in New York.
Roger knows this and so do you.
He's just trying to slander by innuendo.
Since 2013
Those in obamacare have seen a 93 % increase in total costs.
Those with private non- gov policies have been blessed with 140 % increase.
"oh, you mean like sean trende?
yeah, you and the pederast certainly fucked THAT right up."
Lol, little chicken Wark Jane still has his self-set trap on his neck.
"Roger knows this and so do you.
He's just trying to slander by innuendo."
Deflection by the usual liberals.
It's their way of supporting sex predators like they do with the pastor.
While it is possible that Epstein’s lawyers could have advised him take the Fifth Amendment for any questions involving underage girls, the wording of his answer does makes it look like Epstein was specifically avoiding having to answer the question about Trump.
The question was so overly broad that if Epstein said no and it turned out he attended a bar-mitzvah with Trump then he would have been charged with perjury.
Not surprise he took the 5th given how much trouble he's in.
hmmm, must be another trap.
So cool, Kansas thunderstorms in October, I blame obama.
The question was so overly broad that if Epstein said no and it turned out he attended a bar-mitzvah with Trump then he would have been charged with perjury.
Sure GED garbage man....what ever you say to cover trumps fat white ass....the bottom line seems trump was a bud of epstein, just like clinton and maybe more so....Your interpretation is laughable and only proves your fellation of trump continues....LOL And remember, american stinker is a link that you fawn over.....idiot.
"I've known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy, He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life."
--Donald Trump
Sure wish I could have been with Jeff.
A man after my own heart.
Epstein was also a regular visitor to Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago, and the two were friends. According to the Daily Mail, Trump was a frequent dinner guest at Epstein’s home, which was often full of barely dressed models. In 2003, New York magazine reported that Trump also attended a dinner party at Epstein’s honoring Bill Clinton.
Too funny, even for idiots like menstral.....LOL
, Kansas thunderstorms in October, I blame obama.
That's it stumpy....nothing to do with the trump hoax of GW......
Another article you can ignore, menstral.....
Sure looks like the MSM missed this and other related pieces about donnie....very unfair....LOL
Epstein socialized with a lot of famous and not so famous people.
The Post story didn't say it was anything more than that.
As I said, it's slander by association nothing more.
From the same National Review article.
In other words, without any sort of supporting evidence, we should not put much stock in the sensational and belated claim of Trump himself participating in the rape of a young teenager.
Guess you miss that part.
11 months ago the world was healing, oceans we dropping... lol
Today the world is on fire.
Woman suing Trump over alleged teen rape drops suit, again
A woman who accused Donald Trump of raping her two decades ago when she was a 13-year-old aspiring teen model has again dropped a federal lawsuit over the alleged assaults.
The accuser, identified in the lawsuit by the pseudonym "Jane Doe," was expected to appear at a news conference in Los Angeles Wednesday, but that appearance was abruptly canceled.
The lawyer who organized the event, Lisa Bloom, said Trump's accuser had received threats and was too frightened to show up.
In the most recent suit, Trump's accuser asserted that while she was exploring a modeling career in 1994, she attended a series of parties at the Manhattan home of prominent investor Jeffrey Epstein. She alleges that during those parties the real estate mogul tied her to a bed and raped her. She also claimed Epstein raped her during that series of gatherings
The accuser's lead attorney, Thomas Meagher of New Jersey, did not immediately respond to requests for comment. He filed a one-page notice dismissing the case Friday evening in federal court in Manhattan. No explanation was given for the action.
Bloom did not immediately respond to requests for comment Friday.
Through his attorney, Trump had flatly denied the woman's allegations.
"It is categorically untrue. It is completely frivolous. It is baseless. It is irresponsible," Trump attorney Alan Garten told POLITICO in September. "I won’t even discuss the merits because it gives it credibility that it doesn’t deserve."
The only reason to drop the suit is if the accusation were untrue to begin with.
Every single leftist is in the pocket of government insurance and for a direct kick back to private insurance companies to the tune of 7 billion this year, more next, more the next year.
Guess you miss that part.
Really dumbass????....they say the same thing in the first paragraph idiot.....The point you missed again was how unfairly trump was treated by the msm by not covering the said it many times yourself.....yer still a fellating idiot....
The only reason to drop the suit is if the accusation were untrue to begin with.
And again, no MSM coverage.....LOL.... Seems the girl no showed....too scared....Something that flew over your pin head...again....
Phew! Barack Obama’s daughter, Malia Obama, may have interned for Harvey Weinstein’s company, but don’t worry — he didn’t do anything inappropriate with her, according to multiple sources.
Sure she didn't hear anything either, wonderful man.
SHOCKED, SHOCKED, so much so it took nearly a week for president Obama to comment about his close friend and major contributor...
Oh that's why this nearly 2 year old recanted story with no legs about Trump is being brought up again. And notice the LISA BLOOM lawyer in article, she is still defending Weinstein even up to this minute...
I want to thank president Trump for the warming, the last three summers have been wet, pasture and hay have been fantastic. Yet to feed hay yet this fall because the pastures are green and with today's " toad strangler" they will be greener longer and in the spring have the sub soil most ur to grow hard.
Super Feminist Jane Fonda admitted she knew a year ago about dearest Bill Whinstien, and did/said nothing , when asked why she pulled a line from another weak girl,former FBI director Comey "I was not strong enough".
And again, no MSM coverage.....LOL.... Seems the girl no showed....
Perhaps you should consider the reason the MSM was not covering it is that there's no story there.
It's certainly not because they like Trump.
A lawyer cannot commit perjury or suborn perjury those would be the only reasons to drop the lawsuit without explanation.
And not saying anything for public consumption afterword.
Just for fun. rrb is busy sucking the President's testicles.
Andrew Sullivan apparently wrote this. --------Trump is careening ever more manically into a force of irrational fury. I watched his infomercial with Hannity Wednesday night and see a sharp decline even from his previously unhinged and malevolent incoherence. He riffed for a while on how the rise in the stock market since he came to office somehow halves our national debt. He asserted, like an American Erdogan, that no citizen can disrespect our flag, anthem, or country … or else. He claimed that the economy — which a year ago was a “total disaster” — is now a staggering overnight success. He boasted of unemployment numbers he described as fraudulent only months ago. In his interview earlier this week with Forbes, he sounds like someone so stoned he can barely parse a sentence, let alone utter a coherent thought, and whose utter indifference to reality still staggers.
But it’s the impossible reactionary agenda that is the core problem. And the reason we have a president increasingly isolated, ever more deranged, legislatively impotent, diplomatically catastrophic, and constitutionally dangerous, is not just because he is a fucking moron requiring an adult day-care center to avoid catastrophe daily. It’s because he’s a reactionary fantasist, whose policies stir the emotions but are stalled in the headwinds of reality. He can’t abolish Obamacare because huge majorities prefer it to any Republican alternative, so he is sabotaging it. He hasn’t built a huge wall across the entire southern border because it’s a ludicrous project that cannot solve the problem it was designed for. Ditto ripping NAFTA to shreds, which would cause immense disruption to three countries’ economies and ricochet around the world. Or attempting to ally with Russia against the E.U., as if Merkel was worse a threat than Putin. Or removing NBC’s license, which it doesn’t actually have, for political reasons. Or deporting 11 million people. Or pretending that climate change is not happening. Or a massive tax cut on the wealthy, and arguing, as Trump did Wednesday night, that it would create surpluses as Reagan’s did, which, of course, Reagan’s didn’t.
These are not conservative reforms, thought-through, possible to implement, strategically planned. They are the unhinged fantasies of a 71-year-old Fox News viewer imagining he can reconstruct the late 1950s. They cannot actually be implemented, without huge damage. And so he resorts to executive sabotage — creating loopholes in the enforcement of Obamacare to undermine the entire system. Or he throws a temper tantrum because Obama’s Iran Deal is actually working as promised, and attempting to undermine that as well. At this point, the agenda is so deranged and destructive almost every sane senior member of his cabinet is trying to rein it in.
rrb is busy sucking the President's testicles
Andrew Sullivan apparently wrote this. Found it a Roger Amick page. --------Trump is careening ever more manically into a force of irrational fury. I watched his infomercial with Hannity Wednesday night and see a sharp decline even from his previously unhinged and malevolent incoherence. He riffed for a while on how the rise in the stock market since he came to office somehow halves our national debt. He asserted, like an American Erdogan, that no citizen can disrespect our flag, anthem, or country … or else. He claimed that the economy — which a year ago was a “total disaster” — is now a staggering overnight success. He boasted of unemployment numbers he described as fraudulent only months ago. In his interview earlier this week with Forbes, he sounds like someone so stoned he can barely parse a sentence, let alone utter a coherent thought, and whose utter indifference to reality still staggers.
But it’s the impossible reactionary agenda that is the core problem. And the reason we have a president increasingly isolated, ever more deranged, legislatively impotent, diplomatically catastrophic, and constitutionally dangerous, is not just because he is a fucking moron requiring an adult day-care center to avoid catastrophe daily. It’s because he’s a reactionary fantasist, whose policies stir the emotions but are stalled in the headwinds of reality. He can’t abolish Obamacare because huge majorities prefer it to any Republican alternative, so he is sabotaging it. He hasn’t built a huge wall across the entire southern border because it’s a ludicrous project that cannot solve the problem it was designed for. Ditto ripping NAFTA to shreds, which would cause immense disruption to three countries’ economies and ricochet around the world. Or attempting to ally with Russia against the E.U., as if Merkel was worse a threat than Putin. Or removing NBC’s license, which it doesn’t actually have, for political reasons. Or deporting 11 million people. Or pretending that climate change is not happening. Or a massive tax cut on the wealthy, and arguing, as Trump did Wednesday night, that it would create surpluses as Reagan’s did, which, of course, Reagan’s didn’t.
rrb is busy sucking the President's testicles
Andrew Sullivan apparently wrote this. Found it a Roger Amick page. --------Trump is careening ever more manically into a force of irrational fury. I watched his infomercial with Hannity Wednesday night and see a sharp decline even from his previously unhinged and malevolent incoherence. He riffed for a while on how the rise in the stock market since he came to office somehow halves our national debt. He asserted, like an American Erdogan, that no citizen can disrespect our flag, anthem, or country … or else. He claimed that the economy — which a year ago was a “total disaster” — is now a staggering overnight success. He boasted of unemployment numbers he described as fraudulent only months ago. In his interview earlier this week with Forbes, he sounds like someone so stoned he can barely parse a sentence, let alone utter a coherent thought, and whose utter indifference to reality still staggers.
But it’s the impossible reactionary agenda that is the core problem. And the reason we have a president increasingly isolated, ever more deranged, legislatively impotent, diplomatically catastrophic, and constitutionally dangerous, is not just because he is a fucking moron requiring an adult day-care center to avoid catastrophe daily. It’s because he’s a reactionary fantasist, whose policies stir the emotions but are stalled in the headwinds of reality. He can’t abolish Obamacare because huge majorities prefer it to any Republican alternative, so he is sabotaging it. He hasn’t built a huge wall across the entire southern border because it’s a ludicrous project that cannot solve the problem it was designed for. Ditto ripping NAFTA to shreds, which would cause immense disruption to three countries’ economies and ricochet around the world. Or attempting to ally with Russia against the E.U., as if Merkel was worse a threat than Putin. Or removing NBC’s license, which it doesn’t actually have, for political reasons. Or deporting 11 million people. Or pretending that climate change is not happening. Or a massive tax cut on the wealthy, and arguing, as Trump did Wednesday night, that it would create surpluses as Reagan’s did, which, of course, Reagan’s didn’t.
These are not conservative reforms, thought-through, possible to implement, strategically planned. They are the unhinged fantasies of a 71-year-old Fox News viewer imagining he can reconstruct the late 1950s. They cannot actually be implemented, without huge damage. And so he resorts to executive sabotage — creating loopholes in the enforcement of Obamacare to undermine the entire system. Or he throws a temper tantrum because Obama’s Iran Deal is actually working as promised, and attempting to undermine that as well. At this point, the agenda is so deranged and destructive almost every sane senior member of his cabinet is trying to rein it in.
Your attempt to insult RRB fell flat, so unoriginal, a sad rip off of RRB.
These are not conservative reforms, thought-through, possible to implement, strategically planned. They are the unhinged fantasies of a 71-year-old Fox News viewer imagining he can reconstruct the late 1950s. They cannot actually be implemented, without huge damage. And so he resorts to executive sabotage — creating loopholes in the enforcement of Obamacare to undermine the entire system. Or he throws a temper tantrum because Obama’s Iran Deal is actually working as promised, and attempting to undermine that as well. At this point, the agenda is so deranged and destructive almost every sane senior member of his cabinet is trying to rein it in.
I did those on my phone by accident. They dd not appear, and I figured that he just couldn't take being proven wrong again by the "alky"
Damn all technology alludes you. As for "proven wrong", only in your genius mind.
Why is it Obamacare never made good on the big promises.
Keep your policy
Premium reduced by $2,500
Keep your Doctor
Medical insurance stocks plummeted yesterday. His response was whacky.
Donald J. TrumpVerified account @realDonaldTrump
Health Insurance stocks, which have gone through the roof during the ObamaCare years, plunged yesterday after I ended their Dems windfall!
If the congress does not act, millions of Americans, will be left without health insurance. Ideology aside, even CH should feel for those who could 'hurry up and die" like rrb, etc.. but this just isn't right.
I kept my doctor and the costs were not affected.
Your life is a Disney Movie.
But once again, it's just not right. Whether or not ObamaCare was over sold, close to 20 million Americans got insurance that did not have it before. The truth is, that it could be fixed, and not via my preferred single payer system, but gees, this is so ugly.
Trump is aiming to draw Democrats eager to save Obamacare to the negotiating table. And that could happen. But healthcare providers and outside analysts warn that, in the meantime, his move likely would result in insurers pulling out of healthcare markets and leaving millions of Americans with no access to plans.
His incoherent obsession with reversing every single thing the "Kenyan" accomplished in his two terms. And he simply does not give a shit, nor do any of you folks, care for those who will die, as a result of his obsession. "Hurry Up and Die" will be his new hats if he isn't removed from office before 2020.
You have been on Medicare for a few years, your premium has gone up each year.
How is it you didn't know that.
FOUR spams saying the same damn thing.
Roger is deranged. Period.
No wonder CH blocked him.
He blamed his phone, being a liberal means never taking personal responsibility.
Jv obimbo should have passed laws.
Those are much harder to reverse, unlike " I have a pen"
45 " I have an eraser"
Ah, so you do think that insurance companies are lying.
Nope... because insurance companies have been telling us over the past few years why they are raising prices or can no longer offer insurance on the exchanges. They generally provide multiple reasons that universally include the fact that not enough young healthy people are signing up and that costs have exceeded expectations. I have yet to see an insurance company claim they left an exchange or raised prices "solely" or even "mainly" over "uncertainty" because of the Trump administration.
In their submissions to federal and state regulators, insurers cite several reasons for big rate increases. These include the needs of consumers, some of whom were previously uninsured; the high cost of specialty drugs; and a policy adopted by the Obama administration in late 2013 that allowed some people to keep insurance that did not meet new federal standards.
“Healthier people chose to keep their plans,” said Amy L. Bowen, a spokeswoman for the Geisinger Health Plan in Pennsylvania, and people buying insurance on the exchange were therefore sicker than expected. Geisinger, often praised as a national model of coordinated care, has requested an increase of 40 percent in rates for its health maintenance organization.
“Our enrollees generated 24 percent more claims than we thought they would when we set our 2014 rates,” said Nathan T. Johns, the chief financial officer of Arches Health Plan, which covers about one-fourth of the people who bought insurance through the federal exchange in Utah. As a result, the company said, it collected premiums of $39.7 million and had claims of $56.3 million in 2014. It has requested rate increases averaging 45 percent for 2016.
I mean... you do realize that they have to actually "request" permission (for all practical purposes) to raise their prices, and those prices have to be justified to both federal and state regulators...
Do you honestly believe that these regulators accept "uncertainty" as a credible reason to approve an insurance increase?
This is simple WP.
Insurance companies have been leaving the exchanges or raising prices long before Trump was even elected President. They have been citing the same general reasons since the beginning. While there has certainly been uncertainty over the subsidies (which has been an issue since the House sued the Obama administration and went to court back in 2015/2016).
The only people lying here, are the ones trying to twist this into something it isn't. It's not solely or even mainly about "uncertainty". Insurance companies are business people who have teams of people who make decisions about prices.
Either you are being "duped" by political rhetoric... or you are trying to dupe me.
Clinton: We made a person who committed sexual assault president
The Hill
Julia Manchester
1 hr ago
Former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton discussed the culture of sexual assault following a myriad of new sexual harassment and assault allegations against Hollywood film producer and longtime Democratic donor Harvey Weinstein.
In an interview with the U.K.'s Channel 4 News on Saturday, Clinton said:
"Look, we just elected someone who admitted sexual assault to the presidency. So there's a lot of other issues that are swirling around these kinds of behaviors that need to be addressed," Clinton said when asked if she had heard rumors of Weinstein's behavior before the bombshell reports.
"I think it's important that we stay focused, and shine a bright spotlight, and try to get people to understand how damaging this is," she continued.
"The women coming forward is the only way that that story will be told," she said.
Clinton's comments come as accusations against Weinstein going back decades continue to surface from major Hollywood actresses including Rose McGowan, Angelina Jolie and Kate Beckinsale.
Trump faced major backlash during the presidential campaign when he was heard bragging about groping and kissing women on a leaked "Access Hollywood" tape from 2005.
Numerous sexual assault allegations surfaced against Trump during the campaign.
Clinton, along with the Obamas, came under scrutiny after they issued statements condemning Weinstein's behavior five days after the scandal broke.
"The behavior described by women coming forward cannot be tolerated. Their courage and the support of others is critical in helping to stop this kind of behavior," Clinton said.
Clinton announced on Tuesday that she would be donating the money Weinstein contributed to her campaign.
Watching Harvey Weinstein Fall, Trump's Accusers Feel Frustrated
“When he won, I felt like I lost.”
Jessica Garrison
BuzzFeed News Reporter
Temple Taggart, one of the dozen women who went public with accusations against Donald Trump prior to the 2016 election.
For all the women who have cheered as accusations against the producer Harvey Weinstein force a public conversation about sexual misconduct, one small group of women has watched with frustration. They are some of the dozen women who publicly accused Donald Trump of groping or kissing them — accusations that Trump has denied.
In a sharp contrast to the women who accused Weinstein, Trump’s accusers did not see the public turn against him, the board of his company fire him, or the police launch an investigation. Instead, these women watched the man they say humiliated and abused them get elected president of the United States.
“When he won, I felt like I lost,” said Melinda McGillivray, a Palm Springs resident who came forward in October of last year to accuse Trump of groping her in 2003. She said she was assisting a photographer at a party at Mar-A-Lago when Trump came up and “grabbed my ass.” The photographer who was with her at the event, a Ray Charles concert, confirmed to the Palm Beach Post that she reported the alleged incident to him at the time.
The White House did not respond to a request for comment on this story. But last year, as women were continuing to come forward, Trump tweeted a blanket denial: “Nothing ever happened with any of these women. Totally made up nonsense to steal the election. Nobody has more respect for women than me!”
McGillivray, who said she had to go into hiding because she got death threats and angry phone calls, said she thinks people may have taken the allegations against Weinstein more seriously because famous people were among those accusing the mogul. “We have women coming out that are celebrities and of course it gets more traction. They have more credibility than I do.”
Temple Taggart, a former Miss Utah, was a 21-year-old pageant contestant when, she said, Trump repeatedly kissed her on the mouth without her permission. She was thrilled to see Weinstein fired, she said, but it reminded her of how “sad” she was that “they brushed it all under the rug” when it came to the accusations against Trump.
“That was so disappointing,” she said. After she spoke out, she said, she was pilloried on social media, with people accusing her of making up lies in order to swing the election. “It makes you realize why women don’t come forward,” she said.
Jessica Leeds, who is now 75, spoke out after watching Trump declare during the second presidential debate that he had never touched women sexually without their permission.
She said the president groped her in the early 1980s when she was seated next to him in the first class section of a flight. Trump denied the allegation.
A longtime New Yorker, she said that on the streets, she has been greeted with joy and thanks for speaking out. Women have come up to her on the subway and even in the shower at the gym to thank her and extol her bravery. Every woman who came up to her, she said, had their own story of being sexually harassed.
Still, she said, she did face months of angry and abusive phone calls after Fox News anchor Lou Dobbs tweeted a Trump supporter’s post that had her phone number and address.
Despite it all, she’s glad she told her story but “truly sorry it didn’t have more impact,” she said. “I hoped it did, but it didn’t.”
NOW "Nobody has more respect for women than me!”
THEN "I'm automatically attracted to beautiful [women]—I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything ... Grab them by the p***y. You can do anything."
I didn't just do locker talk, I actually grabbed women by the p*ssy and other than having to pay for their silence and deploying some muscle I got away with it. Wouldn't you do it too if you were married to Hillary?
TRUTH: Hillary Clinton admits Americans elected a president who committed sexual assault
Poor Bill
You can find a dozen liberals who would lie about anything..
Just look at the "pastor" james boswell
Just the thought of sleeping with Hillary is cruel and unusual punishment.
When's my net flight ???
"I didn't just do locker talk either. I actually did
what I said I did, and those damn women are saying I
did. But I uh... uh... nobody has more respect for
women that I do. Yeah. Yeah, that's it."
Congressional Democrats, convinced they have important leverage, promised to press for a bipartisan deal to restore the money by year's end. That drive could split the GOP. On one side: pragmatists seeking to avoid political damage from hurting consumers. On the other: conservatives demanding a major weakening of the Affordable Care Act as the price for returning the money.
"The American people will know exactly where to place the blame," declared Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), all but daring Trump to aggravate what could be a major issue in the 2018 congressional elections.
I guess I've gone and put the GOP's balls in the hands
of the Democrats. Oh well. I never did like that
party all that much anyway.
Claiming that a recent President will be seen in history, is a fool's errand. But some of you are quite foolish.
Let's Go Dodgers! Let's Go Dodgers! Let's Go Dodgers! Let's Go Dodgers! Let's Go Dodgers! Let's Go Dodgers! Let's Go Dodgers! Let's Go Dodgers! Let's Go Dodgers! Let's Go Dodgers! Let's Go Dodgers! Let's Go Dodgers! Let's Go Dodgers! Let's Go Dodgers! Let's Go Dodgers! Let's Go Dodgers! Let's Go Dodgers! Let's Go Dodgers! Let's Go Dodgers! Let's Go Dodgers! Let's Go Dodgers! Let's Go Dodgers! Let's Go Dodgers!
This is spot on.
Biden wrote:
“In Charlottesville, that long trail emerged once again into plain view not only for America, but for the whole world to see. The crazed, angry faces illuminated by torches. The chants echoing the same anti-Semitic bile heard across Europe in the 1930s. The neo-Nazis, Klansmen, and white supremacists emerging from dark rooms and remote fields and the anonymity of the web into the bright light of day on the streets of a historically significant American city.
If it wasn’t clear before, it’s clear now: We are living through a battle for the soul of this nation.”
“The giant forward steps we have taken in recent years on civil liberties and civil rights and human rights are being met by a ferocious pushback from the oldest and darkest forces in America. Are we really surprised they rose up? Are we really surprised they lashed back? Did we really think they would be extinguished with a whimper rather than a fight?”
And he lays into Trump:
“Today we have an American president who has publicly proclaimed a moral equivalency between neo-Nazis and Klansmen and those who would oppose their venom and hate.
We have an American president who has emboldened white supremacists with messages of comfort and support.
This is a moment for this nation to declare what the president can’t with any clarity, consistency, or conviction: There is no place for these hate groups in America. Hatred of blacks, Jews, immigrants—all who are seen as “the other”—won’t be accepted or tolerated or given safe harbor anywhere in this nation.”
And then offers how to fix it and bring us all together:
“You, me, and the citizens of this country carry a special burden in 2017. We have to do what our president has not. We have to uphold America’s values. We have to do what he will not. We have to defend our Constitution. We have to remember our kids are watching. We have to show the world America is still a beacon of light.
Joined together, we are more than 300 million strong. Joined together, we will win this battle for our soul. Because if there’s one thing I know about the American people, it’s this: When it has mattered most, they have never let this nation down.”
And that’s exactly what we must do. We the people must not allow an egomaniacal racist madman destroy everything that has made the United States as wonderful as it is. We are our government, we hold the power, we will overcome. Trump will not redefine us. This is a battle for our soul and we will prevail.
Right on, without a doubt. He's crazy and unfit to be President.
Trump will join the bottom one.
The Trump Win
Joe coward Biden, will not run, take on President Trump.
There is no place for these hate groups in America.
That's because all the room is taken up by groups who hate cops, hate gun owners, hate Christians, hate white people, hate conservatives, hate free speech, and ultimately hate America.
Your licking Trump's fat ass. He loves it.
I will bee working on my hard as a rock ass tomorrow morning. I should share, butt.. No LOLOL
hat's because all the room is taken up by groups who hate cops, hate gun owners, hate Christians, hate white people, hate conservatives, hate free speech, and ultimately hate America.
You have lost it. Seriously.. you have. The election of Trump has caused some kind or mental disease, and well, it's #sad
And yet, millions of democrats in MI, WI, OH and PA crossed over and voted for Trump, instead of supporting hillary. Biden insults his own supporters with his sour grapes rant.
hat's because all the room is taken up by groups who hate cops, hate gun owners, hate Christians, hate white people, hate conservatives, hate free speech, and ultimately hate America.
By the way, not one of them applies to me. Despite your lost ability as a dispassionate analyst, again, it does not apply to any liberal I know. Not one.
"There are good people on both sides" No More Jews No More Jews No More Jews No More Jews No More Jews No More Jews No More Jews No More Jews Murder by automobile of a peaceful protestor. Good people for sure.
Sure you are right.
The missiles were not made a part of the agreement. Dumbbell. His staff tries to contain him and they did. He said that they were going against "the spirit " of the agreement. He got lucky and yes he's right on that. But as far as the agreement to cease and desist the development of nuclear weapons, they have been complying with the agreement.
Sure you are right.
The missiles were not made a part of the agreement. Dumbbell. His staff tries to contain him and they did. He said that they were going against "the spirit " of the agreement. He got lucky and yes he's right on that. But as far as the agreement to cease and desist the development of nuclear weapons, they have been complying with the agreement.
It's no wonder CH blocked Roger.
Trump Faithfully Executes Obamacare; Media, Democrats Go Nuts
The media-Democrat narrative that President Trump is imperiously flouting the rule of law has it backwards. In cutting off the insurance-company subsidies, Trump is enforcing the ACA as written, consistent with his constitutional duty to execute the laws faithfully. It was President Obama who usurped Congress’s power of the purse by directing the payment of taxpayer funds that lawmakers had not appropriated.
Finally, the claim that Trump is “unraveling” the ACA would be laughable were it not so cynical. You can’t unravel something by honoring its terms. Obamacare is unraveling because it was designed to unravel. This is not a bug, it’s a feature.
Democrats want single-payer, socialized medicine, with all the central planning and rationing that implies. The public does not want that. Oh, it is fair enough to say the public doesn’t know what exactly it wants. It insists, for example, on mandatory coverage of pre-existing conditions (which is the opposite of insurance) but objects to a mandate (or other form of tax) needed to pay for it. Still, the public has a strong sense that it does not want government-run health care. The Democrats grasp this.
It's no wonder CH blocked Roger.
That's true. Roger amasses facts.
Stop pretending you're someone else drunkard.
The missiles were not made a part of the agreement.
Neither was designing and testing the warhead (bomb) itself.
The only thing in the agreement is uranium enrichment.
Spot on
Spot on
Roger stars in his own Disney Movie here daily.
Lead Role as Lady Lynn.
This Commander in Chief is taking the fight to jv obama's ISIS, America is winning.
And coal is as dead as your ass, stumpy...
Agency headquarters announcing the reversal of other measures designed to make life easier for the industry, the president said he was “putting an end to the war on coal.” Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke argued that the leasing program was critical to “energy security” and “job creation.” EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt followed that by moving this past week to repeal Obama’s Clean Power Plan, designed to limit carbon emissions.
But the moves to save this industry have actually exposed its weaknesses — and revealed a trend that coal companies and the Trump administration have not acknowledged publicly: The companies are scaling back, in some cases shedding workers and declining the opportunities the federal government now wants to give them. Despite Trump’s best efforts, the American coal industry remains on life support.
Outwardly, coal companies and their advocates have embraced Trump’s aggressive rollbacks as aids toward boosting production and creating jobs. These are central elements of Trump’s promise to “make America great again.” And the administration frequently boasts that coal is making a comeback: There has been a modest uptick in mining jobs in the Powder River Basin , which runs through Wyoming and Montana and is where the vast majority of federal coal is mined. But a recent White House talking point — that some 50,000 new coal-mining jobs had been created since the election — has been debunked. The figure is closer to 1,300. (Even coal executives who stipulated that regulatory rollback wouldn’t save many jobs have pushed the narrative that Trump’s policies will rescue the industry.)
the ACA would be laughable were it not so cynical.
And you could be taken seriously if you only had a brain.....national review opinion is as warped as you...,
Dip wad menstral posted another opinion....
Neither was designing and testing the warhead (bomb) itself.
How do you test a warhead without fissile material????
Simple the trigger mechanism is made up of conventional TNT explosives.
All you need to test for is a perfectly symmetrical conventional blast.
Back in 1945 there were hundreds of these tests before they married the trigger with the fissionable material.
You see Opie the reason I win all the time is that I can counter your argument without resorting to one insult of you.
You see Opie the reason I win all the time is that I can counter your argument without resorting to one insult of you
Yeah, you once again win the asshole of the year award since the only thing you know about physics is how to spell it......And without fissile do you know you got the timing correct and a bomb could work? Pray? dayum you are dumber than dirt.....All you do is make shit up, just like CH....
All you need to test for is a perfectly symmetrical conventional blast.
And fissile material......thanx for the chuckle...LOL
up of conventional TNT explosives.
Idiot....they do not use TNT.....again, making shit up.....LOLOLOL
You lose again. You never learn.
You lose again. You never learn.
You nevah win, jag off.....learning is something foreign to mentally disabled idiots......again, you want to revise your statement since you again are wrong???????
Don't look now.
But I just won again.
Commonsense said...
Don't look now.
But I just won again.
In your demented, naive, cultist mind....the real world calls you an inbred republicon.....LOL please menstral, keep thinking you are a winnah, it is what all losers do....LOL
And again.
Over and over.
We the people must not allow an egomaniacal racist madman destroy everything that has made the United States as wonderful as it is. We are our government, we hold the power, we will overcome. Trump will not redefine us. This is a battle for our soul and we will prevail.
Commonsense said...
And again.
And again you and the dirty injun can't find your own ass in the dark.....LOLOL Try again and tell me how they use conventional TNT explosives for a trigger..... as I again kick your scrawny white ass across the board....LOLOL
the "pastor" has sold out his soul long ago. His actions define him and they are despicable. Keep posting your shaded, incomplete, one-sided political_wire spam against common decency. You are enabling evil and trying to remove President Trump by any means.
A pastor for the devil.
Wanting his will to be done.
close to 20 million Americans got insurance that did not have it before.
a lie. a gigantic fucking lie. when your starting point is a lie in order to make your argument alky, the rest of when you have to say is simply not credible.
even the CBO is only 'assuming' a total enrollment of 15M in 2017.
why do you lie so much, alky?
We the people must not allow an egomaniacal racist madman destroy everything that has made the United States as wonderful as it is.
we sent 0linsky packing back in january.
“Today we have an American president who has publicly proclaimed a moral equivalency between neo-Nazis and Klansmen and those who would oppose their venom and hate.
that's because hate is hate, alky.
liberals do not get a pass on THEIR hatred of everything on their list (cops, guns, religion, white people, etc) just because they say so. your run of the mill antifa/bamn communist marxist is no better than the kkk. their hearts are not more pure, their hatred, motivations, and methods are just as disgusting.
the fact that you would give them a pass shows us just what a worthless piece of shit you are.
the "pastor" has sold out his soul long ago. His actions define him and they are despicable. Keep posting your shaded, incomplete, one-sided political_wire spam against common decency. You are enabling evil and trying to remove President Trump by any means.
A pastor for the devil.
Wanting his will to be done.
So all who want Trump gone, including Republicans, have despicably sold their souls and are enabling evil by serving the devil. Hear that, all you Republicans who are beginning to realize that Trumpitis may be the most virulent disease to harm the GOP in a long, long time and wish he would go away.
And by the way, is considered one of the best sources for news and opinion. Unlike so many right wing sites, frequently things appear at pol wire that I do not like because they do not support my left leaning preferences. In other words, they are far more objective than most right leaning sites.
Trump accuser subpoenas campaign for documents on other allegations
The Hill
Jacqueline Thomsen
3 hrs ago
A woman who has accused President Trump of groping her in 2007 is subpoenaing his campaign for any documents on "any woman alleging that Donald J. Trump touched her inappropriately," BuzzFeed News reported Sunday.
The woman, Summer Zervos, is a former contestant on Trump's reality show, "The Apprentice."
Her subpoena requests "all documents concerning any accusations that were made during Donald J. Trump's election campaign for president, that he subjected any woman to unwanted sexual touching and/or sexually inappropriate behavior."
Zervos went public with her claims last October, ahead of the presidential election. Trump denied the allegations.
Zervos filed a defamation lawsuit against Trump in January, just days before his inauguration.
"On Nov. 11, 2016, I called on Mr. Trump to retract his statements about me calling me a liar. I also called upon him to state that what I said about his behavior toward me was true," Zervos said at a press conference at the time.
"More than two months have gone by and he has not issued that retraction. I wanted to give Mr. Trump the opportunity to retract his false statements about me and the other women who came forward."
HOWZA! That last one was good.
It may not be going away...
Do you honestly believe that these regulators accept "uncertainty" as a credible reason to approve an insurance increase?
Yes, of course. Since you "cite" all of these official requests for price increases, and FTC filings, which you *claim* to include certain things and not other things, how about you find some on-line? Do you have ANY source -
other than quoting someone else who has no source - verifying anything that you wrote above?
WP -
The Kaiser Family Foundation has information on how rate increases are generally proposed. In the states where the actual filings are public record, they claim that their reports are based specifically on those proposals.
Believe it or not, but the KFF analysis include things like how their previous predictions fared, what the expectations are for the composition of the risk pool, size of the risk pool. They also talk about whether or not there is adequate reinsurance available, and other risk assessments.
Perhaps you can dig a little deeper and find that "Trump being President creates uncertainty" portion of these proposals... because I am not seeing anything of that sort included in the KFF explanations.
here's what I see from your Kaiser Family Foundation site:
"Insurers in this market face new uncertainty in the current political environment and in some cases have factored this into their premium increases for the coming year. Specifically, insurers have been unsure whether the individual mandate (which brings down premiums by compelling healthy people to buy coverage) will be repealed by Congress or to what degree it will be enforced by the Trump Administration. Additionally, insurers in this market do not know whether the Trump Administration will continue to make payments to compensate insurers for cost-sharing reductions (CSRs), which are the subject of a lawsuit, or whether Congress will appropriate these funds. "
Which is no different than what I've told you, and which you deny.
"The vast majority of insurers included in this analysis cite uncertainty surrounding the individual mandate and/or cost sharing subsidies as a factor in their 2018 rates filings"
So yes, even your own valued source proves that the uncertainty of Trump's policies are driving premium prices up.
Actually No, WP...
The rate proposals specifically include how much the rates would change if the individual mandates are not enforced (which the IRS has already stated that they were not going to be doing)... and the proposals specifically include how much the rates would change if the insurance subsidies are not paid (which the President now states are not going to be paid).
Those are two "tangible" pieces of information that is calculated in (just as everything else). In fact, the link you provide shows the actual rate increase proposals (as they pertain to the mandate and subsidies).
There is nothing in any of the charts that refers to an added charge simply for "uncertainty"....
Now if you want to argue that insurance will cost more if there are no individual mandates and more if the subsidies are no longer paid out. Then by all means, we can both have a...
Well duh!!!
moment. But, again, those are tangible measurable factors that are put into play. The regulators will expect to know what both factors would cost and why... I am quite sure you do get this, but are once again...
playing games of semantics to prove a point that doesn't exist.
No? It was a cut and paste directly from the Kaiser Family Foundation site.
You should write them and explain how they're getting the reasons all wrong. Right after you educate the FTC about all of their lies on the filings.
No? It was a cut and past
And how does that challenge the argument that the insurance companies are able to gauge the effects of a non-enforcement of the individual mandate and the loss of insurance subsidiess... just as they are able to gauge all of their other criteria?
I believe Kaiser even broke down specific percentages of the cost increase that these insurance companies actually chalked up to those two issues...
As a former math and statistics student, I have never seen a variable that is actually able to be calculated down to an exact percentage... and have that variable be simultaneously considered "uncertain".
Perhaps, with your math and statistics background... you can tell me what that sort of multi-dimensional variable is called? The well defined uncertainty variable?
Again, WP... nobody is stating that there wasn't "uncertainty" as to whether or not the subsidies would (or would not) be paid. But each insurance company certainly understands the impact (probably better than they can gauge other criteria). They were not "uncertain" about any of that... and their proposals either included that impact or it didn't.
Let me repeat this:
"The vast majority of insurers included in this analysis cite uncertainty surrounding the individual mandate and/or cost sharing subsidies as a factor in their 2018 rates filings"
What it means, CH, is that the premise that you've been pounding, over and over again, and with condescending language, is utterly wrong. Proven wrong by your own source.
Everything else you've written here is an attempt at deflection, and a embarrassing one at that. Just take it like a man and say, "Uh, I was wrong."
Let's back up here, WP...
You are the one that suggested that prices were rising because of "uncertainty"...
I made the argument that the proposed increases could be traced to tangible measurable factors.
The entire basis of your argument is the fact that certain tangible measurable factors (such as whether or not the individual mandate would be enforced or whether or not the subsidies would be paid) were "uncertain".
But the "uncertainty" in an of itself had no bearing on the proposed pricing. Some insurance companies priced it in, some priced it out, and some ignored it. But all of those proposals were based on TANGIBLE MEASURABLE FACTORS either including or not including those factprs.
There was not a insurance company out there that said... hey this is what our actuaries figure things are going to cost, we believe that the individual mandate will not be enforced, and we believe that the insurance subsidies will not be paid...
and we are also going to toss in another $100/month charge because of "uncertainty".
That argument is pure nonsense.
I couldn't give a rats ass what people write, or say, or what rhetoric politicians toss around... You might buy into it. But I am not fooled by it.
I read the tables, looked at the statistics, and made my own decision.
You read the narrative... and accepted the rhetoric without using your own logic. Congratulations. You have officially become James.
What, the analysis provided by the Kaiser Family Foundation is just "rhetoric", that I "buy into"?
Then why were you so adamant that I read it??? You linked to it, you bragged about it, you condescendingly suggested that I read it, and when I show you that YOUR SOURCE is in 100% agreement with me, now it's "rhetoric politicians toss around" that you "don't give a rat's ass about".
Surely CH, you don't honestly think that you're salvaging any credibility with that attack do you?
No, the fact is you had no clue that your Kaiser Family Foundation was saying the exact same thing that I told you, and you're trying to deflect from that blunder by name-calling. Good luck with that.
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