Sunday, October 15, 2017

Typical Liberal Rant...

Janet Napolitano:  I Wrote DACA. Now I'm Suing to Ensure Trump Can't Destroy It.
Now the future of DACA is in jeopardy. The Trump administration’s plan to end the program is illegal, unconstitutional, and anathema to our national ethos. It also defies common sense. I believed in the importance of DACA five years ago, and I will fight for it now.
So Janet Napolitano suggests that Donald Trump's actions are "illegal and unconstitutional".  Meanwhile Napolitano spends the three preceding paragraphs (prior to the quote) and then spends the next nine paragraphs explaining why she believes DACA is a good program. She even manages to provide us with specific examples of individuals who are part of the program, as if any of that is relative to the legality of the action.

She waits until the fourteen paragraph as an attempt to make any actual "legal" argument to back up her claim. She puts her best legal foot forward by arguing that just because a similar immigration program was deemed illegal by the courts, doesn't mean DACA would be. She offers that it must be legal, because the Loretta Lynch run Department of Justice offered such an opinion. Of course, even if you take all of that at face value, it still wouldn't make the elimination of the program "illegal". One executive action can undo a previous "legal" executive action without breaking any laws or running amok of the constitution.

Of course, she saves her best argument for last, by offering that such an executive action would "clearly" violate the "due process" rights of those covered by DACA because the executive action would be in violation of the Administration Procedural Act (which prohibits "capricious" actions). By those standards, every administrative procedure that grants any benefit to any people (Americans or not) would be untouchable, due to the outstanding legal argument that doing so would constitute capricious action that violates due process.

I am sure there is a judge in Hawaii or California just itching to agree. 


james said...

Congress could have negated what Obama did. So why didn't the Republican controlled Congress do exactly that, Ch. Simple question. Give us a simple answer. Thanking you in advance.

Loretta said...

Not smart enough to counter CH, so the perv deflects.

james said...

It is a very valid and appropriate question, LIAR-etta.

But Ch has not yet answered it, that simple question.


Obviously Trump did the exact same step as Obama did, using executive order.

Probably something even a really dumb "pastor" should be able to figure out. Then again he still hasn't figured out how to stop spamming threads with reams of political_lire shit yet.

What an asshole.

james said...

Foul mouthed J Fing Daddy thinks he is telling me something I didn't know.

But that is just the point. Obama's executive order could be either upheld or opposed by Congress. They did not oppose Obama's order for political reasons.

Now Trump has put them in the uncomfortable political position of either upholding or opposing Trump's order. They wish he had not done that.

As long as you are deporting people with a criminal record, that is one thing. To start importing thousands of young people who are developing into fine, upstanding, successful members of society-- that is something else.

james said...

8:36 Error. It should of course have read, "to start DEporting thousands of young people" etc.

james said...

Ch has no answer.

james said...

Ch ducks my question.


Hey asshole, I'm sure CHT has better things to do than respond to someone who is continuing to ignore posting protocol.

And calling him a coward like Obama is something I doubt he would consider a compliment..


james said...

Simple facts:
1) There is no spam on this thread and
2) I have cornered Ch and he knows it.
Unlike you he at least has sense enough to see that.

james said...

So again I ask:
Congress could have negated what Obama did. So why didn't the Republican controlled Congress do exactly that, Ch?

Simple question. Give us a simple answer.
Thanking you in advance.


You have nothing asshole. Cornered, stop it. Even you can't be so stupid.

Other than your trap stuck on your own neck, you haven't made a dent on any thread.



Little Jimmy must have idolized Elmer J. Fudd

Sure acts like him

Trapped again, right?


Loretta said...


Anonymous said...

Obamacare has ballooned to 1.45 trillion over ten years. Jv obama set in stone it would never cost more then 900 billion, nothing abut it is/was/or will affordable. Cbo

Commonsense said...

Congress could have negated what Obama did.

What Obama did was illegal to begin with. So if Congress actually did something Obama would ignore it.

Anonymous said...

The Erasing of the Lost Years continues.

In all the votes taken not one Democrat has broke ranks, ending the LIE that there are any "moderate" Democrats.

Anonymous said...

It is clear the in debt up to thier eye balls Cinton's are not going away.
They are out shaking down every liberal for ever dime they can get. She is the face of #resisttheVoters.

Anonymous said...

Kepperneck is suing the NFL.

This is great news, he has to publicly file his complaint for all to see.

His belief is If not for his support of Cop Killers, protest income injustice as he cashes $ million dollar checks and protesting our flag.

james said...

Ch still hasn't answered the question.
Nor have any of you.
When Obama made did his executive action regarding the Dreamers, he was challenging the GOP controlled Congress to overturn it. They didn't, because that would put them in a precarious political situation.

Now Trump is challenging Congress NOT to overturn his executive action regarding the Dreamers, putting the GOP in the same precarious political position.

And they hate him for it.

Simple logic. You guys can't refute it.

james said...

What Obama did was illegal to begin with. So if Congress actually did something Obama would ignore it.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

President Donald J Punt.

1: DACA Congress to act.
2: Health care reform. Congress to act.
3: Castrated his Secretary of State, but negotiations continue with the Rocket Man "until the first bomb drops"
4: Iran. Congress has to decide upon desertification and compliance with the agreement.
5: Tax Reform Congress to act. The President has not been able to be specific.
6: LBGT rights. The congress much act.

Our friends and allies are not exhibiting any kind of trust in the White House and the President. Harry Truman had the famous "The buck stops here" on his desk in the Oval Office. This President has passed the gavel to the congress in every single decision.

He ran on a platform of his business experience meant that he was able to negotiate a deal with any kind of issue. His list of successes is ..........................

james said...

Donald J. Punt, LOL

Loretta said...


Forrest! Unhinged and uninformed is no way to go through life cupcake

Anonymous said...

This President has passed the gavel to the congress in every single decision.

no he hasn't, drama queen. he's only deferred to congress on those issues that belong, constitutionally, to the congress.

i can see why you're confused, alky. we lived for 8 years under a president who ignored the constitution and with his 'pen & phone' did whatever the fuck he felt like doing whenever the fuck he felt like doing it.

trump has returned the presidency to its constitutional duties and confines. i can see why that would be refreshing for us and maddening for you.

james said...

You guys cannot simply accept the fact that
Obama has outplayed you at your game.
Anything that he did could have been
reversed by congress in the twinkling of an
eye, and they did not do that because he put
them over a barrel, politically. Trump has
now stupidly put them over the same barrel.

So go ahead and pass legislation that will
start deporting tens of thousands of
upstanding young Hispanics, many of whom are
pursuing academic carreers or making a name
for themselves in business. Go ahead. Go right ahead.

james said...

I'm a fucking loser.

No one reads my spam.

The real james said...

None of these "f'ing losers" can answer me.

james said...

And none of this is spam.
These are my own brilliant thoughts. :-)

C.H. Truth said...

Congress could have negated what Obama did. So why didn't the Republican controlled Congress do exactly that, Ch. Simple question.

Would you have us believe that there are not already immigration laws in place? Laws that already govern who is qualified for a green card, how you garner a green card, how you can apply for citizenship, etc, etc, etc...

The laws already exist, James The President believed he had a right to not follow them, and use his own executive actions to change the laws criteria?

So what? You expected Congress to write the same laws over again... as a matter of "emphasis"? You believe if they had done so, that Obama would have deemed his own executive actions as suddenly illegal because the laws he was not following were more recently passed?

C.H. Truth said...

Congress could have negated what Obama did.

I have a simple question for you James...

It would seem you believe that the President is constitutionally obligated to follow laws that are passed by Congress... or you wouldn't believe that Congress could "negate" what he did?

So A simple question... James..

Why then do you feel he had the right to ignore existing laws on immigration?

Anonymous said...

Jv obama real patriot discredited criminal bergdal will plead guilty to being a cowardly deserter.

Anonymous said...

What is your question "frustrated Jane"?

james said...

Ch, you well know that Congress could have
directly negated what Obama did and that is
what Trump is asking Congress to do now.

So why don't they? Why are Republicans so
upset at having to go directly against the
Dreamers? Simple question.

Loretta said...

Apparently the fraud isn't familiar with legislation...

C.H. Truth said...

Ch, you well know that Congress could have
directly negated what Obama did and that is
what Trump is asking Congress to do now.

James... for god's sake... our constitutional system of checks and balances is not a message board. Congress doesn't write specific laws to "repute" Presidents anymore than Presidents write executive orders to "repute" congress. They do not use the legislative and executive branches to play the "one up game".

How it works is that Congress writes laws, and the President executes them.

The laws covering whether or not the so called "dreamers" are eligible for green cards, eligible for citizenship, or eligible for deportation ALREADY EXIST!!!!

let me repeat this James:

The laws governing the children of illegals ALREADY EXIST!!!

President Obama's executive action was simply a matter to bypass existing laws and make up his own set of rules. President Trump reversed that EO and now those existing laws are back in place.

What Trump is suggesting to Democrats in Congress... is if they actually would like DACA to be an actual law, then they need to negotiate with the Republicans on a comprehensive immigration reform package that could include some form of legalization within the larger reform.

As it stands... BY LAW TODAY... starting in March, those DACA green cards will run out, and according to EXISTING LAW ALREADY IN PLACE they will be illegible to be deported.

So you see James... there is a simple answer to your question.

Congress didn't have to write any new laws to undo DACA because DACA was never the law.

Commonsense said...


Yes, it was and if there were the 2/3 in the Senate ready to convict they may have done it.

Commonsense said...

James is particularly obstinate and willfully ignorant today.

No visit from the boy's choir?

Commonsense said...

You knew it was only a matter of time before this was going to happen.

Someone is trying to Blow Up Civil War Reenactors

A story from outside Washington that deserves more national attention: a reenactment of the Battle of Cedar Creek of the Civil War was temporarily interrupted as law enforcement dealt with some sort of explosive device. Local and federal law enforcement officials declined Sunday to describe the “suspicious item” found at the battlefield here about 4 p.m. Saturday, which prompted law enforcement to evacuate the immediate area. Several re-enactors said they were told it looked like a pipe bomb.

Loretta said...

"No visit from the boy's choir?"

He's disgusting.

james said...

LOL We have no boys choir.

So let the deporting start, GOP.
(They won't.)

C.H. Truth said...

James - there are already 11 million illegals here. Nobody has ever suggested that you can deport them all, nor does anyone want to deport them all.

What this means is that the so called "dreamers" will not be eligible for green card status or any of the benefits that they have been receiving under DACA. I doubt that anyone one will attempt to deport them. But they will not have any legal status, so yes, they would certainly be "eligible" to be deported.

C.H. Truth said...

James -

I have answered your questions.

you never did answer "my" questions.

Do you feel that President's should follow the laws written by Congress even if they do not agree with them? Would you be okay if President Trump just used an E.O. to transfer funding from immigration assistance to building a wall?

Or should Presidents abide by the laws that are written, and only use funding for what Congress allocates it for?

tick tock...

C.H. Truth said...

tick tock... tick tock...

Anonymous said...

C.H. Truth said...
tick tock... tick tock...

the quickest way to dispense with the pederast and the alky is to ask them a question that can't be answered with a teegen goddard or queen andrew sullivan copy/paste.

Anonymous said...

Without a doubt.

C.H. Truth said...

When the only reasonable answer either of them could conceivably come up with is that what was good for Barack Obama isn't good for Donald Trump... you know that Hypocrisy is the bedrock of liberalism.

Anonymous said...

"DACA never was the LAW".


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I have a simple question.

Weinstein was removed from the Entertainment Group for repeated sexual assault.

Why aren't we removing another admitted sexual assaulter from the White House?

Anonymous said...

“The best way to get a bad law repealed is to enforce it strictly.”

- Abraham Lincoln


somehow i can see both roger and james disagreeing with lincoln. and at least in roger's case i can understand why he is completely melting down. i mean, to have to sit and watch president trump completely destroy the legacy of the man you worship, that's gotta be brutal.

C.H. Truth said...

Why aren't we removing another admitted sexual assaulter from the White House?

Because Bill Clinton isn't President anymore!

Anonymous said...

Why aren't we removing another admitted sexual assaulter from the White House?

well, we kind of did, alky. by preventing hillary from getting elected, we managed to keep her sexual predator "husband" from returning to the white house.

and as far as trump is concerned, can you link us up with his "admitted sexual assaults"?

and admitted by whom exactly? trump himself? an assaultee? larry flynt?

oh, and one other thing...

getting booted from the academy is probably not on the same level as removing a sitting potus. just sayin'.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Child care.

Sam Nunberg, who worked for Trump but was fired in 2015, said he always found him to be “reasonable,” but noted that delaying a decision often helped influence the outcome.

“If the president wanted to do something that I thought could be problematic for him, I would simply, respectfully, ask him if we could possibly wait on it and then reconsider,” Nunberg said. “And the majority of the time he would tell me, ‘Let’s wait and reconsider,’ and I would prepare the cons for him to consider — and he would do what he wanted to do. Sometimes he would still go with the decision I may have disagreed with, and other times he would change his mind.”

Of course, the president chafes at the impression that his aides coddle him or treat him like a wayward teenager. During the campaign, after reading a story in the New York Times that said Trump’s advisers went on television to talk directly to him, the candidate exploded at his then-campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, chastising his top aide for treating him like “a baby,” according to “Devil’s Bargain,” a book that chronicles Trump’s path to the presidency.

Some aides and advisers have found a way to manage Trump without seeming to condescend. Perhaps no Cabinet official has proven more adept at breaking ranks with Trump without drawing his ire than Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, who has disagreed with his boss on a range of issues, including the effectiveness of torture, the importance of NATO and the wisdom of withdrawing from the Iran nuclear deal.

The president appreciates how Mattis, a four-star Marine general, speaks to him candidly but respectfully and often plays down disagreements in public. A senior U.S. official said that Mattis’s focus has been on informing the president when they disagree — before the disagreements go public — and maintaining a quiet influence.

Unlike his fellow Cabinet secretaries, Mattis has also gone out of his way not to suck up to the president — a stance made easier perhaps by his four decades in uniform and his combat record.

At the laudatory Cabinet meeting this summer, he was the lone holdout who did not lavish praise on the president. Instead, Mattis said it was “an honor to represent the men and women of the Department of Defense.”

Mattis has also worked to get on Trump’s good side by criticizing the media for putting too much emphasis on his disagreements with Trump. “I do my best to call it like I see it,” he told reporters in late August. “But, right now, if I say six and the president says half a dozen, they are going to say I disagree with him. You know? So, let’s just get over that.”

When he has broken with the president, Mattis has done it in as low-key a way as possible. This month he said it was in America’s interest to stick with the Iran nuclear agreement — which Trump called “the worst deal ever” — but voiced the opinion only in answer to questions from the Senate Armed Services Committee.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Hypocrisy is alive and well here.

Anonymous said...

Bullseye from 400 yards on Lady Lynn

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
Hypocrisy is alive and well here.

how so, alky?

and forgive me for skipping that wa/po copy/paste. you read one you've read em all.

Anonymous said...

Hb, is it possible you can stop .

Anonymous said...

thought so...

guess where "trump is a sexual predator is trending?


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Your request is easy to get. In his own words.

The tape includes audio of Bush and Trump talking inside the bus, as well as audio and video once they emerge from it to begin shooting the segment.

In that audio, Trump discusses a failed attempt to seduce a woman, whose full name is not given in the video.

“I moved on her, and I failed. I’ll admit it,” Trump is heard saying. It was unclear when the events he was describing took place. The tape was recorded several months after he married his third wife, Melania.

“Whoa,” another voice said.

“I did try and f--- her. She was married,” Trump says.

Trump continues: “And I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping. She wanted to get some furniture. I said, ‘I’ll show you where they have some nice furniture.’”

“I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn’t get there. And she was married,” Trump says. “Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony tits and everything. She’s totally changed her look.”

At that point in the audio, Trump and Bush appear to notice Arianne Zucker, the actress who is waiting to escort them into the soap-opera set.

“Your girl’s hot as s---, in the purple,” says Bush, who’s now a co-host of NBC’s “Today” show.

“Whoa!” Trump says. “Whoa!”

“I’ve got to use some Tic Tacs, just in case I start kissing her,” Trump says. “You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait.”

“And when you’re a star, they let you do it,” Trump says. “You can do anything.”

“Whatever you want,” says another voice, apparently Bush’s.

“Grab them by the p---y,” Trump says. “You can do anything.”

[In wake of debate, multiple women accuse Trump of sexual advances]

A spokeswoman for NBC Universal, which produces and distributes “Access Hollywood,” declined to comment.

“This was locker-room banter, a private conversation that took place many years ago. Bill Clinton has said far worse to me on the golf course — not even close,” Trump said in a statement. “I apologize if anyone was offended.”

Billy Bush, in a statement released by NBC Universal, said: “Obviously I’m embarrassed and ashamed. It’s no excuse, but this happened eleven years ago — I was younger, less mature, and acted foolishly in playing along. I’m very sorry.”

Anonymous said...

Roger, it is not October 2016.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

When it happened is irrelevant.

He admitted sexual harassment and intimidation.

The hypocrisy is not going away here. Trump can do no wrong.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
Your request is easy to get. In his own words.

well rog, i would suggest that you get with some of your "occupy democrats!!!11!" compadres and copy and paste all of that into an official article of impeachment. i mean, you've obviously got him (by the balls, not the pussy) so quit fucking around and take him down.

rep. al green is rested and ready, so there's your lead petitioner. max-scene waters too.

i mean the cavalcade of liberal stars you have to take trump out is the stuff of legend.

oh, and one thing...

when you take trump out, you get mike pence as your president. not hillary.

you KNEW that, right?


Anonymous said...

Hb is getting g his ass kicked, punch drunk.

Loretta said...

Spam by the drunkard

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

When it happened is irrelevant.

He admitted sexual harassment and intimidation.

you sure?

i heard him bragging to billy bush the way i've heard countless other guys brag about conquests that probably never happened. it's high school shit, rog. you know, childish. like your behavior lately.

and wouldn't you say that if this rose to the level of impeachment we'd be there by now?

and even if he did admit it, you expect him to turn himself in to whom and for what?

ok, here's a thought experiment on YOUR hypocrisy roger...

you've admitted to us on this blog on more than one occasion that in the past you've operated a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol. so, using your new found trump sexual assault hypocrisy standard i fully expect you to march down to your local police station and admit to driving while intoxicated. let us know what their reaction is and how the case unfolds.

Anonymous said...

bowe bergdahl pleads guilty to desertion, with honor and distinction of course.

I was on the road but now I am happy to answer, James said...

C.H. Truth said...
James - there are already 11 million illegals here. Nobody has ever suggested that you can deport them all, nor does anyone want to deport them all.

What this means is that the so called "dreamers" will not be eligible for green card status or any of the benefits that they have been receiving under DACA. I doubt that anyone one will attempt to deport them. But they will not have any legal status, so yes, they would certainly be "eligible" to be deported.


C.H. Truth said...
James -

I have answered your questions.

you never did answer "my" questions.

Do you feel that Presidents should follow the laws written by Congress even if they do not agree with them? Would you be okay if President Trump just used an E.O. to transfer funding from immigration assistance to building a wall?



Or should Presidents abide by the laws that are written, and only use funding for what Congress allocates it for?


tick tock...

October 16, 2017 at 9:14 AM

C.H. Truth said...
tick tock... tick tock...
October 16, 2017 at 10:00 AM

rrb said...
C.H. Truth said...
tick tock... tick tock...

C.H. Truth said...
When the only reasonable answer either of them could conceivably come up with is that what was good for Barack Obama isn't good for Donald Trump... you know that Hypocrisy is the bedrock of liberalism.



Loretta said...

The pedophile STILL didn't answer the question.

Loretta said...

"i fully expect you to march down to your local police station and admit to driving while intoxicated. let us know what their reaction is and how the case unfolds."


C.H. Truth said...

The hypocrisy is not going away here.

So in your mind...

We should treat the allegations against Trump the same way we treated the allegations against Clinton?

Or should we treat the allegations against Trump differently than the way we treated the allegations against Clinton?

Anonymous said...

Trump was Right about jv obama's Hero Bergdahl.

The guilty Bergdahl made an ass of Jv Obama.

Amused, James said...

LOL Apples and oranges. Executive actions are one thing. Allegations are another.

Republicans went against Clinton full tilt and came to naught, even after Clinton admitted he had lied about Lewinsky. If certain subpoenas cause Trump to admit he lied, we shall see how that proceeds...

Anonymous said...

Madam Jane hasn't and will not answer CHT question.

It is typical of the leftist, all hat no cattle.

Anonymous said...

Tick tok

Anonymous said...

Unless you agree with little jimmy kimmel 100 %, he does not want you to watch , nor will he have a covers at ion with ypu.

See he is a perfect little closed minded liberal.

C.H. Truth said...

James said:

blah blah blah

And never answered my question.

A simple Yes or No will do here James.

1) do you believe that Presidents are supposed to execute the laws that are in place?

2) Should a President be allowed to use monies allocated for one purpose and use it for another? (eg: President Trump ordering that funds be used to build a wall, even if Congress has not authorized it).

Even more amused, james said...

The answer is in post 11:26 and Ch's following question was stupid, but answered.

Meanwhile, some very good SPAM:

Just days after House Democrat Al Green introduced articles of impeachment on the House floor against President Donald Trump, another Democratic lawmaker now claims a Republican is also looking into it.

Congressman Steve Cohen appeared on "MSNBC Live with Alex Witt" where he said at least one Republican is considering supporting articles of impeachment against President Trump.

"I have one Republican that has said he is looking at it, he’s considering it," Cohen said. "I have other Republicans, just like Sen. Bob Corker suggested, who have told me on a constant basis that they know this man is not balanced, he is not capable of continuing to lead us."

crack head said...

KD said...
Trump was Right about jv obama's Hero Bergdahl.

Asshole.....desertion is not an act of treason.....advocating him to be executed served a single rile idiots like you worked..small minds and simple proclamations is all you see....

Accomodating, James said...

1) do you believe that Presidents are supposed to execute the laws that are in place?


2) Should a President be allowed to use monies allocated for one purpose and use it for another? (eg: President Trump ordering that funds be used to build a wall, even if Congress has not authorized it).


You're welcome. :-)

Anonymous said...

"Cohen announced in August he would introduce articles of impeachment against Trump based on his comments following the deadly violence at a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Va."

oh, so cohen is not to be taken seriously.

thought so.

articles of impeachment based on...


Anonymous said...

CHT exposed madam Jane, low IQ again.

I enjoy watching it everytime.

Loretta said...

The pedophile STILL didn't answer the question.

No shock.

Anonymous said...

Gasoline prices have returned to pre hurricane levels. Big oil did a great job.

C.H. Truth said...

James said:

Blah blah blah

and once again refused to answer either question.

I will let it go, James... these questions are obviously too complicated for you, when you can't rely on someone else's opinion.

Apparently you are not even smart enough to understand what the term "answer a question" even means.

Anonymous said...

HELPING madam Jane.

Q#1 , Yes

Q#2 , No

See jane how easy it .

Not too bright James said...

I will take questions that confuse me for $100 Alex

Amused, James said...

Anyone who asks a questions and says You must answer only with a yes or a no, is being overly simplistic.

Loretta said...

"I will take questions that confuse me for $100 Alex"


Commonsense said...

It's a simple yes or no question. It's only complicated when you're trying to dodge it.

C.H. Truth said...

James -

Other than Obama funding the cost reduction subsidies without congressional allocation.... how many other instances of Presidents using an executive order (or otherwise) to spend money on something (that did not include military or police action) that Congress did not authorize... can you name for us?

Loretta said...

This should be good

wphamilton said...

Blogger KD said...
Kepperneck is suing the NFL.

Actually suing, or just making noise?

Unless he has real evidence of teams, or the NFL, agreeing to not hire him - which he doesn't - he has literally no case. So I doubt seriously that you're going to see this happen. In fact, he's got to go through arbitration first, and that would be even dumber than trying it in a civil court.

On the other hand he's got money, not a lot of smarts, and a very successful lawyer so his pouring money into a lot of preliminaries won't surprise me. His case will never make it to court though.

Commonsense said...

Technically it's a grievance placed before an arbiter.

And no, he does not have much of a case.

wphamilton said...

My first thought on that are the some 170 unfunded mandates since 1972

Anonymous said...

Gawd madam jane, I gave you the answers.

Anonymous said...

Gawd madam jane, I gave you the answers.

Anonymous said...

Any of those have a price tag of $7 Billion a year?

Anonymous said...

Ever time sir Hillary gets a hard but fair question we see her devil bitch side, shrill and blaming others.

Keep the stage spot light on her, pretty please.

Loretta said...

Unauthorized spending...

Anonymous said...

Did the animal Vet take this call. Hillary was drunk, fell down a set of stairs and broke her hoof. She , like during the election is having balance issues.

wphamilton said...

Every arbitration is a "grievance placed before an arbiter". I don't see what your technical point is.

Having been through an Arbitration, and then "tricking" the opposing counsel (according to them) back into State court, I can tell you without reservation that nothing about it is in favor of the individual relative to a civil court. Although sports arbitration historically has slightly better (more balanced) results, without a very compelling case he'll be throwing his money away.

Anonymous said...

He is a social warrior. That has to be worth something.

Commonsense said...

The point is that it's not an actual lawsuit file in a state or federal court as was implied in the previous post.

But arbitration through their CBA.

I'm agreeing with you. What's your problem?

wphamilton said...

It's worth a great deal to his lawyers.

wphamilton said...

No problem, just emphasizing that it's WAY worse than most people think.

There are ways around the arbitration agreement, but there are huge hurdles first. You are definitely right, it's not a federal case and won't be, until he first goes through the contractual arbitration. And when he loses that, and has no point in law (unfair and stacked against him doesn't count), he has even less chance in a Federal court than if he started there.

I'd have some sympathy for him except that he's already benefited from the CBA to the tune of $61 million - without actually providing that value - and pissed his career away over gratifying his ego.

Jonathan Chait said...

Republicans Have No Other Ideas

Jonathan Chait: “The last time Republicans had control of government, they explained that cutting taxes would not get in the way of fiscal responsibility. Not only would tax cuts produce faster growth, they argued, they would also force Congress to restrain spending. Their strategy utterly failed. Not only did the tax cuts fail to produce higher growth, they also failed to encourage spending restraint…

“And so there they are, back to the exact same policy they tried in 2001: Pass a huge tax cut and hope somehow it leads to cutting spending. That this policy is now being carried out by the same people who rose to power by denouncing the failure of the exact same policy last time tells you everything you need to know about the state of economic policy thought in the Republican Party now.”

Anonymous said...

He has the best lawyer money can buy, I hope he wins.

Anonymous said...

In your own life you file the 1040 ez, taking a minimum of deductions, right?

Then even though you don't owe you send a multi- thousand dollar check to the Fed, just so you stay true to your bedrock beliefs,right?

Anonymous said...

gosh mr chait,

you sound bitter. like someone who's going to be out of power for a while. and like somebody who was "with her" until "her" got her ass kicked and she donned a tapestry tablecloth and got lost in the woods. and then wrote a book blaming everything and everyone other than herself.

cheer up, mr. chait. don't despair. thanks to trump, your 401k is doing better than it has in a decade.

Anonymous said...

Bingo, every liberal Bitches about wealth and getting wealthy , that is until they succeed.

Commonsense said...

Sgt. (Soon Pvt.) Bowe Bergdahl pleaded guilty to the charges of desertion and misbehaving in the face of the enemy (One wrung short of treason).

Bergdahl was a rose garden hero of the Obama administration who the the national security advisor said "served with honor and distinction".

Not honored and not recognized by Obama were the six heroes who gave their lives trying to rescue this traitor.

Yes, Trump is making America great again.

commie said...

. Big oil did a great job.

Yeah, and ripped off the entire country for 50 cents a gallon for weeks.....crude ia now over 50 bucks a bbl, well above the pre hurricane price.....

Commonsense said...

At 50 bucks a bbl the Saudis just keeps the oil in the ground.

commie said...

Menstral lies again....

"e six heroes who gave their lives trying to rescue this traitor".

t a preliminary hearing, the Army’s chief investigator, Maj. Gen. Kenneth Dahl, testified that he had found no evidence that any soldiers had been killed while specifically searching for Sergeant Bergdahl. Neither was there evidence that the sergeant intended to desert and join the Taliban, he said.

Trump, driving down the road to perdition.....

crack head said...

The lies continue from trump like water over niagra falls...

Trump falsely says Obama did not call families of dead soldiers
Gabby Kaufman 42 minutes ago

Donald Trump
Donald Trump at a news conference at the White House, Oct. 16, 2017. (Photo: Yuri Gripas/Reuters)
In an attempt to defend his lack of public statements about four soldiers killed in Niger, President Trump falsely claimed that previous presidents did not call the families of dead soldiers — name-checking former President Barack Obama specifically as one of those who did not.

“I’ve written them personal letters,” Trump said at a press conference. “They’ve been sent or they’re going out tonight, but they were written during the weekend. I will at some point during the period of time call the parents and the families, ‘cause I have done that traditionally.”

“The traditional way, if you look at President Obama and other presidents, most of them didn’t make calls, a lot of them didn’t make calls,” he added.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Obama never contacted the veterans. Donald J. Punt.

Anonymous said...

Jv oboma was unavailable for comment, nor was broken hoof hillary or on my yacht john kerry.

commie said...

At 50 bucks a bbl the Saudis just keeps the oil in the ground.

No they don't..Your penchant for making shit up is boundless menstral...the production cost of saudi oil is a couple bucks a gallon...without oil income.....they got nothing.....At 50 bucks a gallon, US stripper wells close and drilling slows down...expect to see a surplus of crude shorty....

Anonymous said...

Trump is taking the Openers to Sokol as the US grabs fists full of market share. Coal exports rise helping lower the trade imbalance.


Commonsense said...

The 6 U.S. Soldiers Who Died Searching for Bowe Bergdahl

Staff Sergeant Clayton Bowen, 29, of San Antonio, Texas, and Private 1st Class Morris Walker, 23, of Chapel Hill, N.C., were killed by a roadside bomb in Paktika province on Aug. 18, 2009, while trying to find Bergdahl. Like Bergdahl, they were part of the 4th BCT from Fort Richardson, Alaska.

Staff Sergeant Kurt Curtiss, 27, of Murray, Utah, died Aug. 26 in Paktika Province, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered when he was shot while his unit was supporting Afghan security forces during an enemy attack. Like Bergdahl, Bowen and Walker, he was part of the 4th BCT.

2nd Lieutenant Darryn Andrews, 34, of Dallas, Texas, died Sept. 4 in Paktika Province when enemy forces attacked his vehicle with an improvised explosive device and a rocket-propelled grenade. Like Bergdahl, Bowen, Walker and Curtiss, Andrews was part of the 4th BCT.

Staff Sergeant Michael Murphrey, 25, of Snyder, Texas, died Sept. 6 in Paktika province after being wounded by an IED. Like Bergdahl, Bowen, Walker, Curtiss and Andrews, Murphrey was part of the 4th BCT.

On Sept. 4, 2009, Private 1st Class Matthew Martinek, 20, of DeKalb, Ill., was seriously wounded in Paktika province when Taliban forces attacked his vehicle with an improvided explosive device, a rocket-propelled grenade and small-arms fire.
The U.S. military rushed him to Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Landstuhl, Germany—the same medical facility where Bergdahl is now being treated.

Bergdahl is expected to fly home to the U.S. soon for additional care and counseling.
Martinek never got that chance. He died a week after the attack—on Sept. 11.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

He hasn't said anything about the four soldiers who died in Niger. CH, your judgement is not altered by others. His comments were not rational. And can you imagine what you would said that if President Hillary Rodham Clinton has made such an irrational comment?

Commonsense said...

.At 50 bucks a gallon, US stripper wells close and drilling slows down...expect to see a surplus of crude shorty....

It's not 50 buck a gallon. If 50 dollars a barrel. That's 42 gallons shit for brains.

You don't even know how oil is sold on the world market.

Quit while you're behind.

Anonymous said...

Trump falsely says Obama did not call families of dead soldiers

that's a lie. as anyone who actually listened to the presser would know.

Anonymous said...

And can you imagine what you would said that if President Hillary Rodham Clinton has made such an irrational comment?

you mean like her comments over the caskets of the benghazi fallen to the families of the dead

there's a reason why that evil bitch will never be commander in chief.

commie said...

If 50 dollars a barrel.

Correct menstral....hate auto spell.....And dip wad.....I'm very familiar with how its peddled....Unlike you who claim saudi won't sell at 50 a bbl.....Got link??? Prove me wrong......especially about the production cost of stipper wells....all you have is bluster and bullshit....LOLOLOL Wanna try again....idiot???

Anonymous said...

Saudi Energy Minister Khalid al-Falih has said the Kingdom would limit crude exports to 6.6 million barrels per day in August. That's almost 1 million barrels below year-ago levels.

cs - you're correct. for $50/bbl the saudi's will leave the oil in the ground.

Anonymous said...

A man accused of killing a South Carolina high school student had been protected from deportation under the DACA program, U.S. officials confirmed to Fox News Thursday evening.

Daniel De Jesus Rangel-Sherrer, 19, is accused of murder, kidnapping and possession of a weapon during a violent crime in connection with the death of 18-year-old Diana Martinez-Gonzalez.

Martinez-Gonzalez, a junior at Greenville High School, was found dead in a wooded area Oct. 4. Officials said she had been forced into the woods and shot multiple times in the head.

Anonymous said...

Lol, 50 USD a Gallon, that is our dopie.

Anonymous said...

Hey dopie, for the love of gawd stop.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

President Trump held a surprise press conference with Mitch McConnell today — and the pair were all unity and good cheer, despite Trump having bashed McConnell for months over failed bids to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act.

On his "friend" Mitch: "We're probably now, despite what you read, closer than ever before."

On his agenda: Trump said he wants tax reform "this year," backed a "short-term" health care fix, and said Democrats are bad politicians but good obstructionists.
On the Russia probe: Trump said he won't fire Bob Mueller, but insisted the American people were "sick" of the investigation.

Asked about his public silence on the deaths of four U.S. service members in Niger, Trump said he has made a point to call the families of troops that die on his watch, and claimed Barack Obama didn't do so. (Actually, Obama met the coffins of soldiers killed in Afghanistan and met with their families.)

commie said...

cs - you're correct. for $50/bbl the saudi's will leave the oil in the ground.

LOLOLOL Idiot....they shipped 45 buck oil for the entire month of august and september....don't you follow the market...they cut production to get the price to 50 which they finally have done thanx to hurricanes.... And suggest you read the article, they are trying to keep the price of oil capped at 50 which puts shale oil at losses.....Dayum no wonder why you flunked out of ag school, can't read.... wanna try again?????

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

One of many

Loretta said...

"Not honored and not recognized by Obama were the six heroes who gave their lives trying to rescue this traitor."

Obama spit on them.

"Yes, Trump is making America great again."


Anonymous said...

When you try so hard you lose, again.

Anonymous said...

Saudi made the hurricane, omg, funny.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

"that's a f---ing lie," Alyssa Mastromonaco, a former White House deputy chief of staff, tweeted.

"to say president obama (or past presidents) didn't call the family members of soldiers KIA [killed in action] - he's a deranged animal," she said.

His claim about Obama and other Presidents ignoring grieving Gold Star families stands no ground.

Obama made at least two high-profile visits to Dover Air Force Base in Delaware to see the transfers of slain soldiers. He saluted the return of 15 fallen troops in 2009 and returned two years later to spend more than an hour meeting with about 250 relatives of 30 soldiers who were killed in Afghanistan when their helicopter was shot.

Trump in August 2012 criticized Obama for sending form letters to the families of slain SEALs.

Anonymous said...

Reading HB is always a fact check required exercise.

Lady Lynn said " obama met the coffins of soldiers killed in Afghanistan"

Really, all 1,153 killed under jv obama's terms.

Anonymous said...

So Fdr and Truman and LBJ personally phoned and talked to the famlies, wow, who knew.

Alky, think monkey. Think.

Anonymous said...

Or just those that made for a good photo op.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Nuts are polluting our esteemed host blog k,putz, etc

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Working out again. Big guns

Loretta said...

Limp dick.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Hard as a rock and...👍👍👍👍👍🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄

Anonymous said...

Hb,funny I have never had CHT block me on face book or write a disclaimer to specificly address my opinion.

Man up lady lynn

Anonymous said...

So obama did not call or great every coffin and family just the ones that he photo opt.


Anonymous said...

He is doing "magic mushrooms"

Anonymous said...

Discredited asshole Jammie Comey is a perfect obama shill.

He lied more times then an ant hill has ants.

He said there was no record of the AG meeting with Bill the Rapist, there is.

Loretta said...

"He is doing "magic mushrooms""

He's deranged, and disgusting.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

BTW, I'm completely clean. I haven't used alcohol for over five years. Nor have I taken any non prescription drugs at all for, about eight years. The wife of a friend, liked marijuana,and I smoked a bit, nice little bus. I support the legislation of marijuana. But I would not be using it. I did my share, mostly in the seventies. I almost got caught and might have faced charges, but good luck got me through that. Nothing I'm on now, have

This is from a book written by mental health professionals.

President Donald Trump poses a significant threat of nuclear war and is increasingly dangerous, according to leading psychologists who are stepping forward to warn Americans of his escalatingly threatening behavior.

The Duty to Warn PAC, an organization of psychologists who believe Trump has a personality disorder called malignant narcissism, will host marches across the nation Saturday to warn people about a perceived increase in his volatility and unpredictability in his performance as president.

James Gillian, a licensed psychologist of 25 years, has spent his career working with mass murders, serial criminals and overseeing mental hospital programs for the most violent American criminals. He analyzed Trump's statements for indications of danger for a The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump, a book with 27 expert psychiatrists analyzing the president's behavior.

Keep Up With This Story And More By Subscribing Now

Licensed psychologists will gather at a "Duty to Warn" event Saturday to precaution Americans about the mental state of President Donald Trump.

Gillian has analyzed quotes from Trump—spanning campaign calls for Hillary Clinton to be imprisoned or assassinated to more recent threats of nuclear action against North Korea. He said psychologists are bound by a "duty to warn," people about specific threats to safety, which sparked his co-authoring of the book.

"I know more about the psychological side of violence than almost anyone in our society," Gillian told Newsweek. "When I say Trump is dangerous, the only question is, is that an understatement?"

John Gartner, a psychotherapist who taught psychiatric residents at Johns Hopkins University Medical School, founded the Duty to Warn PAC. The political organization plans to financially sponsor members of Congress who support legislation that invokes impeachment. Gartner said the PAC is not just focused on supporting Democrats. He told Newsweek, "If I can find a Republican doing it, I'll give them double."

Gartner said licensed psychologists have used "concrete, observable traits" to determine that Donald Trump has a "pervasive pattern" of exploiting and violating the rights of others. The evaluations are based on Trump's history, his statements and documented quotes of those close to him, Gartner said.

The boasting of sexual assault, allegedly not paying workers, the fraudulent Trump University case—Gartner said evidence points to malignant narcissism. The traits of malignant narcissism were coined by a German psychotherapist, Erich Fromm, who escaped Nazi Germany and developed the diagnosis to explain leaders who rose to power in World War II.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

It was his attempt to explain Hitler, to explain Stalin and sadistic megalomaniacal dictators like them," Gartner told Newsweek. "When malignant narcissists gain power they become flagrantly worse."

The key patterns of behavior in that diagnosis: bragging, paranoia, conspiracy theories, demonization of those who oppose him, lying, exploitation and bullying. Gartner rejects the theory that Trump presents a public persona or uses the tactics for calculated political strategy.

"I'm an expert on personality disorders," Gartner said. "I don't just know a media portrayal of Donald Trump. I have hundreds of hours of behavior that I have observed on video of his own words not mediated by anyone. I have more samples of behavior and speech from Donald Trump than most of my patients."

A long-held "Goldwater Rule" cast taboo on psychologists providing a diagnosis for public figures they never personally met. The principle emerged in the 1960s when psychiatrists were polled about whether politician Barry Goldwater was "unfit to be president." The results from psychologists were split, in reality, but a newspaper headline implied Goldwater was mentally unstable. Goldwater sued the newspaper and won.

Gillian believes that rule is misinterpreted.

"We're not telling the public anything that Donald Trump hasn't already told them," Gillian said. "We aren't making this up. We're listening to what he's saying, hearing it and reminding the public."

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

1/ Mitch McConnell and Trump met for lunch today after Steve Bannon called for a "season of war" against the Senate majority leader and the rest of the GOP establishment. Bannon compared McConnell to Julius Caesar and vowed to challenge any Senate Republican who doesn’t publicly condemn attacks on Trump. “Yeah, Mitch, the donors are not happy. They’ve all left you. We’ve cut your oxygen off,” Bannon said. (Politico / The Guardian / CNN)

2/ After his meeting with McConnell, Trump said they are "closer than ever before." Trump also said he would try to talk Bannon out of declaring war on "some" of his primary targets saying, "I'm going to see if we can talk him out of that, because I think they're great people." (Axios / CNN)

3/ Rex Tillerson refused to answer whether he called Trump a "moron," dismissing the question as the "petty stuff" of Washington. Meanwhile, Bob Corker charged that Trump's tweets that Tillerson "is wasting his time" trying to talk with North Korea had "publicly castrate[d]" Tillerson. "I checked," Tillerson said, "I’m fully intact." (Washington Post / NBC News)

The next CIA director could be Tom Cotton if Trump replaces Tillerson with current CIA Director Mike Pompeo. (Axios)
4/ Robert Mueller’s team interviewed Reince Priebus. The former chief of staff was present for many key moments, including Trump's efforts to limit questions about Russian meddling in the election and the discussions that led to James Comey’s firing. (Washington Post)

5/ Paul Manafort's financial ties to a Russian oligarch total around $60 million over the past decade. Previously unreported documents revealed a $26 million loan between a Manafort-linked company and Oleg Deripaska, a billionaire with close ties to the Kremlin. (NBC News)

6/ Trump said that Pence "wants to hang" all gay people. The comment, an apparent joke, came after a legal scholar told the two that if the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, many states would legalize abortion on their own. "You see? You've wasted all this time and energy on it, and it's not going to end abortion anyway," Trump said to Pence. The conversation then turned to gay rights and Trump motioned toward Pence and said, "Don’t ask that guy—he wants to hang them all!" (The New Yorker)

Jeff Sessions sent a federal hate crimes lawyer to help prosecute a man charged with murdering a transgender high school student. Sessions has spoken out against same-sex marriage, voted against expanding federal hate crimes laws to protect transgender people, directed the Justice Department to no longer protects gay or transgender people from workplace discrimination, and reversed a policy encouraging schools to let transgender students use bathrooms that fit their gender identities. (New York Times)
7/ Trump's top allies aren't sure if he realizes his feuds with Republicans and lack of legislative wins are putting his presidency at risk. Top White House aides, lawmakers, donors, and political consultants have privately wondered if Trump grasps that losing the House next year could bring on new subpoenas, an intense focus on the Russia investigation, and possible impeachment proceedings. (CNN)

8/ Eighteen states sued the Trump administration to stop him from scrapping subsidies to insurers that help millions of low-income people pay medical expenses. Trump said he would dismantle the Affordable Care Act "step by step," which prompted Adam Schiff to tweet that "Trump is the worst President in modern history," accusing him of "deliberately undermining people’s health care out of spite." The 18 states and District of Columbia are asking the court to force Trump to make the next payment, but legal experts say they face an uphill battle in court. (Reuters / The Hill)

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

A disproportionate review of the President in the process conference today, and followed by some reviews on the statements by the President, must make you very uncomfortable. Almost every single claim was incredibly insane. He later claimed that he never attached the family of a Gold Star family. We all know that he did.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Magic Mushrooms, probably forty years ago.

Loretta said...

Nothing but spam from the drunkard.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

That's all you have. And prove it every single day.

Loretta said...

Yeah, everyone cares what a dried up old drunk thinks.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Sure you are right. I get more attention than anyone else. Like you.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Roger admitting you did Majin mushrooms, along with smoking, boozing , no wonder your body parts have broken down.

Anonymous said...


Loretta said...

"I get more attention than anyone else. Like you."

I wouldn't know, I pay no attention to other men.

I'm very content with my husband of fifty years.

Anonymous said...

"We're not telling the public anything that Donald Trump hasn't already told them," Gillian said. "We aren't making this up. We're listening to what he's saying, hearing it and reminding the public."

but what you're failing to do is understand the difference between taking trump literally and taking trump seriously.

millions of trump supporters have managed to master that basic task, while you and your associated collection of ivory tower pearl clutchers have not.

here's a thought - take a sabbatical from the groupthink discussions of your little mutual admiration society and go out into the countryside and meet some trump supporters. speak less and listen more. dispense with your condescending pre-conceived notions and actually engage the folks. and while you're at it please try and hide your disdain. and don't act like you're a visitor to the fucking zoo.

armchair psychiatry for the sake of being quoted in newsweek is easy. doing the actual work that you claim to be so highly qualified to do is hard. but you should try it anyway. go out and actually earn the credibility you lay claim to.

Anonymous said...

Roger Amick said...
A disproportionate review of the President in the process conference today, and followed by some reviews on the statements by the President, must make you very uncomfortable.

not really, alky. understanding when to take trump literally and when to take him seriously is the key.

"He later claimed that he never attached the family of a Gold Star family. We all know that he did."

oh, are you talking about the khan artists? yeah, they sure tried to milk the death of their son into a fat paycheck, didn't they?


commie said...

I wouldn't know, I pay no attention to other men.

And other men pay no attention to you....the world is at equilibrium !!!!

Loretta said...

My bitch

crack head said...

when to take trump literally and when to take him seriously is the key.

Wondering when to take the POTUS seriously is a serious problem, especially for our allies....Idiot

Anonymous said...

Wondering when to take the POTUS seriously is a serious problem, especially for our allies.

then our allies need to assign their diplomatic personnel to the US with an IQ higher than yours.

CRACK HEAD said...

Blogger Loretta said...
Yeah, everyone cares what a dried up old drunk thinks.


commie said...

then our allies need to assign their diplomatic personnel to the US with an IQ higher than yours.

So posts our ag school failure who thought the saudi's keep 50 buck oil in the ground....too funny even for a dolt like you....

keep em guessing our potus mantra.....LOL

commie said...

Blogger KD said...
Hb,funny I have never had CHT block me on face book or write a disclaimer to specifically address my opinion.

Other than you and the haggish one gives a shit.....idiot

Anonymous said...

Bibi gets Trump.

Anonymous said...

Alky is the only so called man that actively flirts with women not his wife. Flirting and alcohol ca used his 2st wife to dump him.

Anonymous said...

At true word smith. This will require the liberal to go to a job site as that is where one finds a Trump supporter.

Anonymous said...

CHT cared enough to block HB.

Anonymous said...

US Economy keeps running circles around the failed record of the lost years.

commie said...

KD said...
CHT cared enough to block HB.

Your genius is always exceeded by your stupidity......idiot

crack head said...

stump broke kd again showed his ignorance by posting

KD said...
Lol, 50 USD a Gallon, that is our dopie.

Unlike you, I admitted to that typo, something you nevah do because you have a perfect asshole....LOL Cops never join unions....

Anonymous said...

CBS has a mitten thier earning are down because of the "Kepperneck/BLM Effect".

Liberals enjoy your Victory.

COMMIE said...

stumpy the potato hiller posted.....
because of the "Kepperneck/BLM Effect".

Call your wife....she may actually give a shit....LOL

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Kansas idiot holds a lot of incorrect K'putz comments as true. I'm not going to get into detail, because it would be lik talking to a child.

Yesterday was again, another example of how much danger that this President presents to our country. The list of flat out lies, would exceed the character limit in these response posts.

The most blatant lie was, of course, a lie about his predecessor in the White House. Obama didn't make his comments, letters to the families who lost a son, daughter, brother,etc public, because it would have been seen as cheap politics. Neither were his visits to the hospitals, a big time political event.

This was just another example of his impulsive behavior. Serious, and highly qualified mental health experts have written a book about his narcissistic personality disorder. He also made it clear that he knows little or nothing about any of the proposed legislature programs.

If the Republicans and his staff, will not act as a restraint on this man, Senator Corker's "a threat to start World War Three" may be one of the most important predictions in history.

commie said...

the liar in chief yesterday complained it was too hard to call the families of soldiers KIA....lthis man is a walking piece of shit who cares nothing about the country....complete asshole...and our asshole worries more about CBS than calling the liar out....idiot...

WASHINGTON — President Trump falsely asserted on Monday that his predecessor, Barack Obama, and other presidents did not contact the families of American troops killed in duty, drawing a swift, angry rebuke from several of Mr. Obama’s former aides.

Mr. Trump was responding to a question about why he had not spoken publicly about the killing of four Green Berets in an ambush in Niger two weeks ago when he made the assertion. Rather than answering the question, Mr. Trump said he had written personal letters to their families and planned to call them in the coming week. Then he pivoted to his predecessors.

“If you look at President Obama and other presidents, most of them didn’t make calls,” Mr. Trump said during a news conference in the Rose Garden with the Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell. “A lot of them didn’t make calls. I like to call when it’s appropriate.”

Mr. Trump’s assertion belied a long record of meetings Mr. Obama held with the families of killed service people, as well as calls and letters, dating to the earliest days of his presidency. Before he decided to deploy 30,000 troops to Afghanistan, Mr. Obama traveled to Dover Air Force Base in Delaware to greet the coffins of troops.

While Mr. Obama’s former staff members have grown used to Mr. Trump’s gibes about the “failure” of the Affordable Care Act or the “disastrous” Iran nuclear deal, they lashed out at his remarks on Monday with unusual bitterness.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

He is so stupid.

My first wife and I separated and divorced for one reason. A lot of people, men and women, come to a point where they have to decide whether or not they want to continue in the marriage until death do they part. It was my sober decision to make the change. My first wife was deeply hurt. But in the end, we are both happily married. We remain friends, not close but we have a daughter and now, two precious granddaughters. So in the end, it looks like it was the correct decision. BTW, I remain friends with the lovely woman who we almost got together. It was a good decision to go our separate ways.

I never lost a million dollars.

As to the use of "recreational drugs" ended almost 40 years ago. I never was a helpless street drunk. I got an opportunity to move into the management sector of the largest HMO in the country. I stayed there for 17.5 years. I was considered highly qualified and acted as a mentor to several other people, who all held college degrees. They are all successful to this day.

If you look around and see what a lot of baby boomers in my generation. A LOT of us got into the culture of the late sixties and seventies, probably a majority got into the get high and party on movement. LOL. But I have no lingering effects. And just one more time, my liver disease was an inherited condition. The cirrhosis was very minor, so those who cling to their opinions that are not based on facts, can go f*** themselves. Smile.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Spam by the drunk



Anonymous said...

Yesterday was again, another example of how much danger that this President presents to our country.

seen the news lately, gin blossom?

he poses more danger to ISIS than he does to us.

drama queen.

i gotta say though that i thought it was so cute yesterday when all of 0linsky's media sycophants rushed to his defense.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump is stoking a particularly destructive form of rage — and his followers don’t just allow themselves to be stoked, they attack Trump’s targets with glee. Contrary to the stereotype of journalists who live in the Beltway and spend their nights at those allegedly omnipresent “cocktail parties,” I live in rural Tennessee, deep in the heart of Trump country. My travels mainly take me to other parts of Trump country, where I engage with Trump voters all the time. If I live in a bubble, it’s the Trump bubble. I know it intimately.

And I have never in my adult life seen such anger. There is a near-universal hatred of the media. There is a near-universal hatred of the so-called “elite.” If a person finds out that I didn’t support Trump, I’ll often watch their face transform into a mask of rage. Partisans are so primed to fight — and they so clearly define whom they’re fighting against — that they often don’t care whom or what they’re fighting for….Don’t like the media? Shut it down. Don’t like kneeling football players? Make them stand. Tired of American weakness overseas? Cheer incoherent and reckless tweets as evidence of “strength.”

David French.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Five years, three months and twenty four days.

Kiss my ass.

David French, described you to perfection.

their face transform into a mask of rage. Partisans are so primed to fight — and they so clearly define whom they’re fighting against — that they often don’t care whom or what they’re fighting for….Don’t like the media? Shut it down. Don’t like kneeling football players? Make them stand. Tired of American weakness overseas? Cheer incoherent and reckless tweets as evidence of “strength.”

incoherent racist rodent bigot to perfection.

Anonymous said...

There is a near-universal hatred of the media. There is a near-universal hatred of the so-called “elite.”

and among trump supporters there is a near universal understanding that the media and the elite brought that hatred and anger on entirely themselves.

you lie and abuse and condescend to a large swath of the american people and then you're shocked, SHOCKED, when they finally rise up and say "fuck you, we've had enough"?

c'mon mr french. you're a smart guy and i've enjoyed reading you over the years. you may be one of the leading never trumpers, but you can't believably play dumb as to how he got elected.

Anonymous said...

7:27 AM we get one HB

But, by:
7:58 AM. We get the Other HB.

Neither is believable.

C.H. Truth said...

There is a near-universal hatred of the media. There is a near-universal hatred of the so-called “elite.”

I'd say the feeling is mutual...

The funny part about it all, is that the media, celebrity, elitists, and those who worship them all... somehow believe that only their hatred is justified. They have no clue why (or even that) many many people can't stand them.