Sunday, December 3, 2017

Clemson, Oklahoma, Georgia.... and?

So now we have the great debate? One loss non-conference champion Alabama, or two loss Big Ten champion Ohio State.

Here is the reality. Alabama didn't really beat anyone this year. They only played one team that will finish the season in the top ten, and they lost by nearly two touchdowns. That team (Auburn) got beat tonight by Georgia by three touchdowns.... effectively making Alabama the third best team in the SEC. The fact that they have held down the top ranking for much of the season, now appears to be quite the mystery.

Their signature wins will have come against number 17 LSU, and number 23 Mississippi State. Both were competitive games, not blow outs.  With Fresno State losing today, and likely dropping out of the rankings... Alabama will have beaten only two ranked teams, neither in the top 15.

Meanwhile, Ohio State will have beaten two teams that will likely remain in the top ten. They would have beaten both while those teams were ranked two (Penn State) and four (Wisconsin). They also have a 48-3 thrashing of a Michigan State team that is currently ranked higher than anyone that Alabama beat. Yeah, they had a bad loss against Iowa. But they won when it counted.

To recap... Ohio State will have three wins over teams that are all ranked higher than anyone Alabama beat.

But here is the real issue. Georgia is in (because they played their way into it) from the SEC. But if you choose to include the third best team from the SEC (because you can't pick Auburn with three losses) as well.... while leaving out both the Big Ten and Pac Ten conference champions, what does that give you?

Teams from Oklahoma, Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina? Sorry. I won't watch it.

Ultimately I can accept a situation where some fluke tie breaker leaves the best team in a conference out of the conference championship. I can accept that if it is an obvious situation, that judgement can allow you to replace the conference champion with the better team from that conference. I don't necessarily like it, but I accept it.

But you don't replace a conference champion with a team that got left out of the conference championship in another conference. It doesn't work that way in any playoff situation in any other sport anywhere else.  Why should it work that way in college football?


Commonsense said...

No, Ohio State deserves the 4th spot. Alabama didn't even make it to the conference championship game.

caliphate4vr said...

Give it to UCF, undefeated and won their conference or give it to Kiffen.

Piss Saban off

Commonsense said...

Not a power 5 conference and not enough wins over quality opponents.

Face it, unless they expand the field all of the playoff teams will come from the power 5 conferences.

Commonsense said...

Beside, giving the last slot to Urban Meyer will piss off Saban more.

caliphate4vr said...

Neither OSU nor Bama are deserving

Give it to UCF, undefeated and won their conference, give the non power 5 a reason to believe. It won't happen, but would be a great story

caliphate4vr said...

How do you give a team that gave up fiddy to Iowa at home or a team that didn't win their division nor conference the spot?

Give it to UCF, show winning your conference and going undefeated mean something.

Just like when Boise cracked the upper echelon a decade ago

Commonsense said...

When even their head coach dumps UCF for power-5 non-entity Nebraska, you know they're not going to get any respect from the committee.

caliphate4vr said...

How does Jimbo leave FSU, to go to A&M for $500k more?

God I love college football

C.H. Truth said...

Not that it matters that much, but the loss to Iowa was at Iowa.

Some of your ESPN college analysts are suggesting that because they simply "believe" that Alabama would beat Ohio State if they played, that they deserve the spot.

Of course, Ohio state was ranked 8th and was still favored (by several points) over Wisconsin, who was undefeated and ranked 4th.

And let's face the facts... does anyone "NOT" believe that Auburn would take it to Alabama tomorrow if they played again? Alabama is the SEC's third best team. So you are arguing to take the third best team from the SEC (in an arguably off year for the SEC) and leave out two power conference winners?

All because Alabama didn't play anyone and only had one loss.

Commonsense said...

ESPN thinks ALabama/Clemson will bigger ratings draw than Ohio State/Clemson.

That's why they as shilling for Alabama.

Commonsense said...


caliphate4vr said...

I'm not arguing for Bama to get in, I don't think they deserve it. EOS

And my bad the loss OSU took was at Iowa

I just think it'd be cool to let a non 5 in with UCF, almost like the Cinderella story that occurs in March every year

But I'm in, so let the chips fall


caliphate4vr said...

And bring some Boomer Sooner ass this way

C.H. Truth said...

There is little reason to believe that Ohio State faithful (along with the entire Big Ten audience that stretches from the Dakotas to Penn and Maryland) wouldn't boost ratings.

Would the ratings really be better if you had Oklahoma and three teams from the South? Just saying, if you live down south, there are teams to root for.

Indy Voter said...

In Alabama's defense, Florida State was ranked #4 when Alabama beat them. They went downhill after that, but they were a highly regarded team at the time.

I'd love to see undefeated UCF get the fourth slot. It won't happen, though.

C.H. Truth said...

Indy - downhill? I think FSU ended the season with five or six losses? Just because they were "highly regarded" preseason, doesn't mean they are a good team.

A win over an undefeated Penn State which was number two in week 9 means something. A win over number four Wisconsin in conference championship means something. Both Penn State and Wisconsin probably remain top 10.

Either we forget about playing the entire season, and just let the so called experts choose the top four teams or we allow the play throughout the season make the difference. This whole... "I feel like Alabama is the better team" is nonsense.

All that being said.... Can either Ohio State or Alabama actually beat Clemson? At least Ohio State has proven "capable" of doing so... even if they have been less consistent. Alabama has not proven that they can beat a top team.

caliphate4vr said...

All that being said.... Can either Ohio State or Alabama actually beat Clemson?


Give the 4 to UCF

Show going undefeated and winning your conference means something

Won't happen but it should and I'm the biggest SEC homer here. Neither Bama nor OSU deserve it.

caliphate4vr said...

It'll be DAWGS-'Clemzin' regardless

Give UCF their props

Commonsense said...

It's Alabama. The big mouse strikes again.

Anonymous said...

Notice Jane. oPie and HB. Don't talk sports. Nor did any of them show up on their Patriot thread a few weeks ago.

Go Dawgs

commie said...

KD said...
Notice Jane. oPie and HB. Don't talk sports

So fucking what!! And reading what you post on the subject basically shows you are a "me to" fan....All hat, nothing to say...LOL

Anonymous said...

Good afternoon oPie, how is your wife?

Why does this qustion so far beyond your ability to answer?

PNC said...

Whoever usually translates KD's posts from Russian for him must be hung over today.

caliphatevr said...



Anonymous said...

PNC still brain dead.

How is your hubby?

Anonymous said...

Ohio is in, but they are there weakest

commie said...

KD said...
Good afternoon oPie, how is your wife?

None of your fucking business jag off!!!! And has yours gotten out of the pigs sty??????

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

On the other side, the Vikings are looking fantastic.

Anonymous said...

oPie, too funny, how is your wife?

Room temp, 6 foot under?

commie said...

kd the idiot posted

Room temp, 6 foot under?

struck a nerve about your pig wife.....good must be some truth in what I said to get that reaction!!!! TOO FUNNY!!!!!!